
#' Check location of century footnote
#' @description The formatting of footnote text should be redefined when there are more than 99 footnotes in the document.
#' @param path Directory containing the \strong{aux} file. In particular, \code{pdflatex} must be run before running this function.
#' @param strict Stop if suspected of incorrect placement. Otherwise a note.
#' @return If CenturyFootnote correctly placed, \code{NULL} invisibly. Otherwise, an error.
#' @export

check_CenturyFootnote <- function(path = ".", strict = FALSE){
  # CRAN NOTE avoidance:
  page <- posx <- column <- NULL

  aux_file <- dir(path = path, pattern = "\\.aux$", full.names = TRUE)

  if (length(aux_file) == 0L){
    stop("There is no .aux file in 'path'.\npdflatex must be run before this check can complete.")

  if (length(aux_file) > 1L){
    stop("Multiple .aux files in 'path'.")

  # Issue https://github.com/HughParsonage/grattanReporter/issues/76:
  all_aux_files <-
    dir(path = path, pattern = "\\.aux$", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE) %>%
    normalizePath(winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)

  if (length(all_aux_files) > 1L) {
    aux_files_used <-
      # if inputs_of is NULL, aux file may be still be returned)
      c(sub("\\.aux$", "", aux_file),
        file.path(path, inputs_of(filename = dir(path = path, pattern = "\\.tex$", full.names = TRUE)[1],
                  append.tex = FALSE))) %>%
      normalizePath(winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE) %>%
      paste0(".aux") %>%
      .[. %in% all_aux_files]

    # Since inputs_of returns the inputs in the order they appear in the document,
    # this will too.
    aux_contents <- unlist(lapply(aux_files_used, read_lines), use.names = FALSE)
  } else {
    aux_contents <- readLines(aux_file)

  footnote_locations <-
    grep("zref@newlabel{footnote@@@", aux_contents, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE) %>%
        posx = gsub("^.*posx[{]([0-9]+)[}].*$", "\\1", x = ., perl = TRUE),
        fno. = gsub("^.zref@newlabel[{]footnote@@@([0-9]+)[}].*$", "\\1", x = ., perl = TRUE)
      ) %>%
        .[, lapply(.SD, as.integer), .SDcols = 1:2] %>%

  fno. <- NULL
  footnote_by_page <-
                # footnote number
                ".*$"), aux_contents, perl = TRUE, value = TRUE) %>%
                    page = gsub(paste0("^.*",
                                       # footnote number
                                perl = TRUE),

                    fno. = gsub(paste0("^.*",
                                       # footnote number
                                perl = TRUE)
                } %>%
    .[, lapply(.SD, as.integer), .SDcols = 1:2] %>%

  footnote_by_page_and_postion <-

  CenturyFootnote_suspect <- FALSE

  if (any(footnote_locations[["fno."]] >= 100) ||
      any(grepl("CenturyFootnote", aux_contents, fixed = TRUE))){

    if (!any(grepl("CenturyFootnote", aux_contents, fixed = TRUE))){
      stop("\\CenturyFootnote was not used, but the number of footnotes exceeds 99.")

    if (!any(footnote_locations[["fno."]] >= 100)){
      stop("\\CenturyFootnote was used but there are fewer than 100 footnotes.")

    fn_before_CenturyFootnote <-
                perl = TRUE,
                value = TRUE),
           perl = TRUE) %>%

    if (fn_before_CenturyFootnote >= 100){
      stop("CenturyFootnote occurs after the 100th footnote.")

    page_middle <-
      if (file.exists(file.path(path, "grattan.cls"))) {
        # scaled points * 29.7cm /2
      } else {
        page_middle <- footnote_locations[, mean(posx)]

    footnote_by_page_and_postion[, column := if_else(posx < page_middle, 1, 2)]

    last_footnote_before_page100 <-
      footnote_by_page_and_postion %>%
      .[fno. <= 100L] %>%
      unique(fromLast = TRUE, by = c("page", "posx")) %>%
      .[nrow(.) - 1L, .(page, column)]

    whereis_CenturyFootnote <-
      grep("newlabel{@CenturyFootnote", aux_contents, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE) %>%
          page = gsub("^.*@cref.*[^0-9]([0-9]+)[}][}]$",
                      grep("@cref", x = ., fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE),
                      perl = TRUE),
          posx = gsub("^.*posx[{]([0-9]+)[}].*$",
                      grep("zref@", x = ., fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE),
                      perl = TRUE)
        ) %>%
          .[, lapply(.SD, as.integer), .SDcols = 1:2] %>%
          .[, column := if_else(posx > page_middle, 2, 1)] %>%
          .[, .(page, column)]

    where_should_CenturyFootnote_go <-
      # Find footnote100's position and move to previous column
      # and before that column's footnote
      grep("newlabel{footnote@@@100", aux_contents, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE) %>%
          page = gsub("^.*@cref.*[^0-9]([0-9]+)[}][}]$",
                      grep("@cref", x = ., fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE),
                      perl = TRUE),
          posx = gsub("^.*posx[{]([0-9]+)[}].*$",
                      grep("zref@", x = ., fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE),
                      perl = TRUE)
      } %>%
      setDT %>%
      .[, lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = 1:2] %>%
      .[, column := if_else(posx > page_middle, 1, 2)] %>%
      .[, page := if_else(posx > page_middle, page, page - 1L)] %>%
      .[, .(page, column)]

    # list(x = whereis_fn100, page_middle = page_middle)
    if (!identical(where_should_CenturyFootnote_go,
                   whereis_CenturyFootnote) &&
                   whereis_CenturyFootnote)) {
      CenturyFootnote_suspect <- TRUE
      if (strict){
        stop("\\CenturyFootnote fell in p.",
             whereis_CenturyFootnote[["page"]], ", column ",
             whereis_CenturyFootnote[["column"]], ". ",
             "It should fall in p.",
             where_should_CenturyFootnote_go[["page"]], ", column ",
             where_should_CenturyFootnote_go[["column"]], ". ")
      } else {
        cat("NOTE: \\CenturyFootnote fell in p.",
            whereis_CenturyFootnote[["page"]], ", column ",
            whereis_CenturyFootnote[["column"]], ". ",
            "I suspect it should have fallen in p.",
            where_should_CenturyFootnote_go[["page"]], ", column ",
            where_should_CenturyFootnote_go[["column"]], ". ",
            "\nI may have been too pendantic, however. ",
            "So visually check the column with the 100th footnote, ",
            "and the column preceding it. If it looks good to you, ",
            "I was indeed too pedantic, and I apologize.\n", sep = "")
    } else {
      # does it occur after the last footnote in that column?
      prev_column_footnotes <-
        footnote_by_page_and_postion %>%
        .[and(page == whereis_CenturyFootnote[["page"]],
              column == whereis_CenturyFootnote[["column"]])]

      if (nrow(prev_column_footnotes) > 0){
        last_footnote_no <-
          prev_column_footnotes %>%
          last %>%

        CenturyFootnote_written_after <-
          dir(path = path, pattern = "\\.fn100$", full.names = TRUE)[[1]] %>%
          read_lines %>%
          last %>%

        CenturyFootnote_written_after <-
                   warning = function(e) {

        if (!is.na(CenturyFootnote_written_after) &&
            last_footnote_no != CenturyFootnote_written_after){
          stop("\\CenturyFootnote in correct column but needs to be placed after that column's last footnote: ",

  assign("CenturyFootnote_suspect", CenturyFootnote_suspect, pos = parent.frame())
HughParsonage/grattanReporter documentation built on May 7, 2019, 5:02 a.m.