
Defines functions .set_Metadata_Magritek .set_Metadata_ext .set_Metadata_Jeol .set_Metadata_nmrML .set_Metadata_Varian .set_Metadata_RS2D .set_Metadata_Bruker set_Metadata generate_Metadata_Magritek generate_Metadata_RS2D_1r generate_Metadata_RS2D_fid generate_Metadata_Bruker_1r generate_Metadata_Bruker_fid generateMetadata

Documented in generateMetadata

# ID generateMetadata.R
# Copyright (C) 2017-2023 INRAE
# Authors: D. Jacob

#' generateMetadata
#' \code{generateMetadata} Generate the metadata from the list of raw spectra namely the samples, the experimental factors and the list of selected raw spectra. Depending on whether the sample matrix is supplied as input or not, 
#' @param RAWDIR  The full path of either the raw spectra directory on the disk
#' @param procParams the list of processing parameters. First initialize this list with the \code{Spec1r.Procpar.default} list, then modify parameters depending of your spectra set.
#' @param samples the samples matrix with the correspondence of the raw spectra
#' @return
#' \code{generateMetadata} returns a list containing the following components:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{samples} : the samples matrix with the correspondence of the raw spectra, as well as the levels of the experimental factors if specified in the input.
#'   \item \code{factors} : the factors matrix with the corresponding factor names. At minimum, the list contains the Samplecode label corresponding to the samples without their group level.
#'   \item \code{rawids} : list of the full directories of the raw spectra (i.e. where the FID files are accessible)
#' @examples
#' data_dir <- system.file("extra", package = "Rnmr1D")
#' samplefile <- file.path(data_dir, "Samples.txt")
#' samples <- read.table(samplefile, sep="\t", header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' metadata <- generateMetadata(data_dir, procParams=Spec1rProcpar, samples)
generateMetadata <- function(RAWDIR, procParams, samples=NULL)
   metadata <- list()
   repeat {
      # if a sample file is provided 
      if (! is.null(samples) ) {
          metadata <- set_Metadata(RAWDIR, procParams, samples )
      # if Bruker without sample file 
      if ( procParams$VENDOR=="bruker" ) {
          if ( procParams$INPUT_SIGNAL=="fid" ) {
              metadata <- generate_Metadata_Bruker_fid(RAWDIR, procParams )
          if ( procParams$INPUT_SIGNAL=="1r" )  {
              metadata <- generate_Metadata_Bruker_1r(RAWDIR, procParams )
      # if RS2D without sample file 
      if ( procParams$VENDOR=="rs2d" ) {
          if ( procParams$INPUT_SIGNAL=="fid" ) {
              metadata <- generate_Metadata_RS2D_fid(RAWDIR, procParams )
          if ( procParams$INPUT_SIGNAL=="1r" )  {
              metadata <- generate_Metadata_RS2D_1r(RAWDIR, procParams )
      # if Magritek without sample file 
      if ( procParams$VENDOR=="magritek" ) {
          metadata <- generate_Metadata_Magritek(RAWDIR, procParams )
      # else: Varian, Jeol or nmrML without sample file 
      metadata <- set_Metadata(RAWDIR, procParams, samples )

generate_Metadata_Bruker_fid <- function(RAWDIR, procParams)
   metadata <- list()
   ERRORLIST <- c()
   OKRAW <- 1
   lstfac <- matrix(c(1,"Samplecode"), nrow=1)
   RAWPATH <- gsub("//", "/", RAWDIR)
   LIST <- gsub("//", "/", list.files(path = RAWPATH, pattern = "fid$", all.files = FALSE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, ignore.case = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE))
   if ( "character" %in% class(LIST) && length(LIST)==0 ) return(NULL)
   L <- simplify2array(strsplit(LIST,'/'))
   if (! "matrix" %in% class(L)) {
      L <- simplify2array(lapply(L, length))
      LM <- round(mean(L),0)
      RMLIST <- c()
      if (sum(L<LM)>0) {
          ERRORLIST <- c( ERRORLIST, LIST[ which(L < LM) ] )
          RMLIST <- c( RMLIST, which(L < LM) )
      if (sum(L>LM)>0) {
          ERRORLIST <- c( ERRORLIST, LIST[ which(L > LM) ] )
          RMLIST <- c( RMLIST, which(L > LM) )
      if (length(RMLIST)>0) LIST <- LIST[ -RMLIST ]
   LIST <- as.data.frame(t(simplify2array(strsplit(LIST,'/'))))

   nDir <- dim(simplify2array(strsplit(RAWPATH,'/')))[1]
   LIST <- LIST[, c(-1:-nDir)]
   nc <- dim(LIST)[2]
   nr <- dim(LIST)[1]
   if (nc<3) {
      LIST <- cbind(LIST[,1],LIST)

   SL <- NULL
   if (nc>3) { SL <- LIST[, c(1:(nc-3)) ]; LIST <- LIST[ , c((nc-2):nc) ]; }

   if (length(levels(LIST[,1]))<nr && length(levels(LIST[,1]))>1 &&
       length(levels(LIST[,2]))<nr && length(levels(LIST[,2]))>1) {
      L <- levels(LIST[,1])
      LIST2 <- NULL
      for (i in 1:length(L)) {
         L2 <- LIST[ LIST[,1]==L[i], ]
         LIST2 <- rbind( LIST2, L2[ L2[,2]==levels(L2[,2])[1], ] )
      LIST <- LIST2
   nr <- dim(LIST)[1]
   MS <- as.matrix(LIST)

   if( !is.null(SL)) { LIST2 <- cbind(SL[c(1: dim(LIST)[1])], LIST); } else { LIST2 <- LIST; }
   nc <- dim(LIST2)[2]
   rawdir <- cbind( sapply(1:nr, function(x){ do.call( paste, c( RAWPATH, as.list(LIST2[x,c(1:(nc-1))]), sep="/")) }), MS[, 2], rep(0,nr) )

   if (length(levels(LIST[,1]))==nr) {
      M <-  MS[, c(1,1) ]
   } else {
      M <-  MS[, c(1,2) ]
   if (nr==1 && "character" %in% class(M)) M <- as.matrix(t(M))
   if (nr>1 && length(unique(sort(M[,2])))==1) M[,2] <- M[,1]

   if (OKRAW==1) {
      metadata$samples <- M
      metadata$rawids <- gsub("//", "/", rawdir)
      metadata$factors <- lstfac

generate_Metadata_Bruker_1r <- function(RAWDIR, procParams)
   metadata <- list()
   ERRORLIST <- c()
   OKRAW <- 1
   lstfac <- matrix(c(1,"Samplecode"), nrow=1)
   RAWPATH <- gsub("//", "/", RAWDIR)

   LIST <- gsub("//", "/", list.files(path = RAWPATH, pattern = "1r$", all.files = FALSE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, ignore.case = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE))
   if ( "character" %in% class(LIST) && length(LIST)==0 ) return(NULL)
   L <- simplify2array(strsplit(LIST,'/'))
   if (! "matrix" %in% class(L)) {
      L <- simplify2array(lapply(L, length))
      LM <- round(mean(L),0)
      RMLIST <- c()
      if (sum(L<LM)>0) {
          ERRORLIST <- c( ERRORLIST, LIST[ which(L < LM) ] )
          RMLIST <- c( RMLIST, which(L < LM) )
      if (sum(L>LM)>0) {
          ERRORLIST <- c( ERRORLIST, LIST[ which(L > LM) ] )
          RMLIST <- c( RMLIST, which(L > LM) )
      if (length(RMLIST)>0) LIST <- LIST[ -RMLIST ]
   LIST <- as.data.frame(t(simplify2array(strsplit(LIST,'/'))))

   # Check if we have a Bruker directory structure
   nDir <- dim(simplify2array(strsplit(RAWPATH,'/')))[1]
   LIST <- LIST[, c(-1:-nDir)]
   nc <- dim(LIST)[2]
   nr <- dim(LIST)[1]
   if (nc<5) {
      LIST <- cbind(LIST[,1],LIST)

   SL <- NULL
   if (nc>5) { SL <- LIST[, c(1:(nc-5)) ]; LIST <- LIST[ , c((nc-4):nc) ]; }

   L <- levels(LIST[,4])
   if (length(L)>1) {
      LIST <- LIST[ LIST[,4]==L[1], ]
   nr <- dim(LIST)[1]

   if (length(levels(LIST[,1]))<nr && length(levels(LIST[,1]))>1 &&
       length(levels(LIST[,2]))<nr && length(levels(LIST[,2]))>1) {
      L <- levels(LIST[,1])
      LIST2 <- NULL
      for (i in 1:length(L)) {
         L2 <- LIST[ LIST[,1]==L[i], ]
         LIST2 <- rbind( LIST2, L2[ L2[,2]==levels(L2[,2])[1], ] )
      LIST <- LIST2
   nr <- dim(LIST)[1]
   MS <- as.matrix(LIST)

   if( !is.null(SL)) { LIST2 <- cbind(SL[c(1: dim(LIST)[1])], LIST); } else { LIST2 <- LIST; }
   nc <- dim(LIST2)[2]
   rawdir <- cbind( sapply(1:nr, function(x){ do.call( paste, c( RAWPATH, as.list(LIST2[x,c(1:(nc-3))]), sep="/")) }), MS[, 2], MS[, 4] )

   if (length(levels(LIST[,1]))==nr) {
      M <-  MS[, c(1,1) ]
   } else {
      M <-  MS[, c(1,2) ]
   if (nr==1 && "character" %in% class(M)) M <- as.matrix(t(M))

   if (OKRAW==1) {
      metadata$samples <- M
      metadata$rawids <- gsub("//", "/", rawdir)
      metadata$factors <- lstfac

generate_Metadata_RS2D_fid <- function(RAWDIR, procParams)
   metadata <- list()
   ERRORLIST <- c()
   OKRAW <- 1
   lstfac <- matrix(c(1,"Samplecode"), nrow=1)
   RAWPATH <- gsub("//", "/", RAWDIR)
   LIST <- gsub("//", "/", list.files(path = RAWPATH, pattern = "data.dat$", all.files = FALSE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, ignore.case = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE))
   LIST <- grep(pattern = "/Proc/", LIST, value = TRUE, invert=TRUE)

   rawdir <- cbind( dirname(LIST), rep(0, length(LIST)), rep(0, length(LIST)) )
   M <- cbind( basename(dirname(LIST)), basename(dirname(LIST)) )

   if (OKRAW==1) {
      metadata$samples <- M
      metadata$rawids <- gsub("//", "/", rawdir)
      metadata$factors <- lstfac

generate_Metadata_RS2D_1r <- function(RAWDIR, procParams)
   metadata <- list()
   ERRORLIST <- c()
   OKRAW <- 1
   lstfac <- matrix(c(1,"Samplecode"), nrow=1)
   RAWPATH <- gsub("//", "/", RAWDIR)
   LIST <- gsub("//", "/", list.files(path = RAWPATH, pattern = "data.dat$", all.files = FALSE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, ignore.case = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE))
   LIST <- dirname(grep(pattern = "/Proc/", LIST, value = TRUE, invert=FALSE))

   L <- simplify2array(strsplit(LIST,'/'))
   LIST <- as.data.frame(t(simplify2array(strsplit(LIST,'/'))))

   nDir <- dim(simplify2array(strsplit(RAWPATH,'/')))[1]
   LIST <- LIST[, c(-1:-nDir)]

   nr <- dim(LIST)[1]
   nc <- dim(LIST)[2]
   if (length(levels(LIST[,nc-2]))<nr && length(levels(LIST[,nc-2]))>1) {
      L <- levels(LIST[,nc-2])
      LIST2 <- NULL
      for (i in 1:length(L)) LIST2 <- rbind(LIST2, LIST[ LIST[,nc-2]==L[i], ][1,])
      LIST <- LIST2

   nr <- dim(LIST)[1]
   nc <- dim(LIST)[2]
   MS <- as.matrix(LIST)
   M <- cbind( MS[,nc-2], MS[,nc-2] )
   rawdir <- cbind( sapply(1:nr, function(x){ do.call( paste, c( RAWPATH, as.list(MS[x,1:(nc-2)]), sep="/")) }), MS[,nc], MS[,nc] )

   if (OKRAW==1) {
      metadata$samples <- M
      metadata$rawids <- gsub("//", "/", rawdir)
      metadata$factors <- lstfac

generate_Metadata_Magritek <- function(RAWDIR, procParams)
   metadata <- list()
   ERRORLIST <- c()
   OKRAW <- 1
   lstfac <- matrix(c(1,"Samplecode"), nrow=1)
   RAWPATH <- gsub("//", "/", RAWDIR)
   if (procParams$INPUT_SIGNAL == "fid") {
       LIST <- gsub("//", "/", list.files(path = RAWPATH, pattern = "data.1d$", 
                     all.files = FALSE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, ignore.case = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE))
   } else {
       LIST <- gsub("//", "/", list.files(path = RAWPATH, pattern = "spectrum.1d$", 
                     all.files = FALSE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, ignore.case = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE))
   L <- simplify2array(strsplit(LIST,'/'))
   LIST <- as.data.frame(t(simplify2array(strsplit(LIST,'/'))))
   nDir <- dim(simplify2array(strsplit(RAWPATH,'/')))[1]
   LIST <- LIST[, c(-1:-nDir)]

   nr <- dim(LIST)[1]
   nc <- dim(LIST)[2]
   MS <- as.matrix(LIST)
   rawdir <- cbind( sapply(1:nr, function(x){ do.call( paste, c( RAWPATH, as.list(MS[x,1:(nc-2)]), sep="/")) }), basename(MS[,1]), '0' )
   M <- cbind(LIST[,1],LIST[,1])
   if (OKRAW==1) {
      metadata$samples <- M
      metadata$rawids <- gsub("//", "/", rawdir)
      metadata$factors <- lstfac

set_Metadata <- function(RAWDIR, procParams, samples)
   if (procParams$VENDOR == "bruker") return (.set_Metadata_Bruker(RAWDIR, procParams, samples))
   if (procParams$VENDOR == "varian") return (.set_Metadata_Varian(RAWDIR, procParams, samples))
   if (procParams$VENDOR == "nmrml")  return (.set_Metadata_nmrML(RAWDIR, procParams, samples))
   if (procParams$VENDOR == "jeol")   return (.set_Metadata_Jeol(RAWDIR, procParams, samples))
   if (procParams$VENDOR == "rs2d")   return (.set_Metadata_RS2D(RAWDIR, procParams, samples))
   if (procParams$VENDOR == "magritek")   return (.set_Metadata_Magritek(RAWDIR, procParams, samples))

.set_Metadata_Bruker <- function(RAWDIR, procParams, samples)
   metadata <- list()
   if (!is.null(samples)) {
      samplesize <- dim(samples)
      nraw <- samplesize[1]
      nbcol <- samplesize[2]
      lstfac <- matrix(c(1,"Samplecode"), nrow=1)
      rawdir <- NULL
      ERRORLIST <- c()
      OKRAW <- 1

      for (i in 1:nraw) {
          FileSpectrum <- paste(samples[i,1],samples[i,3], sep="/")
          if (procParams$INPUT_SIGNAL == "fid") {
              LIST <-  gsub("//", "/", list.files(path = RAWDIR, pattern = "fid$", all.files = FALSE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, ignore.case = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE))
              FileSpectrum <- paste(FileSpectrum, "fid", sep="/")
          } else {
              LIST <-  gsub("//", "/", list.files(path = RAWDIR, pattern = "1r$", all.files = FALSE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, ignore.case = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE))
              FileSpectrum <- paste(FileSpectrum, "pdata",samples[i,4], "1r", sep="/")
          L <- grep(pattern=FileSpectrum, LIST, value=TRUE)
          if (length(L)>0) {
              specdir <- dirname(L[1])
              if (procParams$INPUT_SIGNAL == "1r") specdir <- dirname(dirname(specdir))
              rawdir <- rbind( rawdir, c( specdir, samples[i,3], samples[i,4] ) )
          } else {
              ERRORLIST <- c( ERRORLIST, paste0("Line ",i,": ",FileSpectrum ) )
              OKRAW <- 0
      if (nbcol>4) {
          M <- samples[,c(-3:-4)]
          lstfac <- rbind( lstfac, cbind( c(2:(nbcol-3)), colnames(samples)[c(-1:-4)] ) )
      } else {
          M <- cbind(samples[,1], samples[,2])
      metadata$ERRORLIST <- ERRORLIST
      if (OKRAW==1) {
         metadata$samples <- M
         metadata$rawids <- gsub("//", "/", rawdir)
         metadata$factors <- lstfac

.set_Metadata_RS2D <- function(RAWDIR, procParams, samples)
   metadata <- list()
   if (!is.null(samples)) {
      samplesize <- dim(samples)
      nraw <- samplesize[1]
      nbcol <- samplesize[2]
      lstfac <- matrix(c(1,"Samplecode"), nrow=1)
      rawdir <- NULL
      ERRORLIST <- c()
      OKRAW <- 1

      for (i in 1:nraw) {
          if (procParams$INPUT_SIGNAL == "fid") {
              FileSpectrum  <- paste(samples[i,1], "data.dat", sep="/")
          } else {
              FileSpectrum  <- paste(samples[i,1],"Proc",samples[i,3], "data.dat", sep="/")
          LIST <-  gsub("//", "/", list.files(path = RAWDIR, pattern = "data.dat$",
                        all.files = FALSE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, ignore.case = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE))
          L <- grep(pattern=FileSpectrum, LIST, value=TRUE)
          if (length(L)>0) {
              specdir <- dirname(L[1])
              if (procParams$INPUT_SIGNAL == "1r") specdir <- dirname(dirname(specdir))
              rawdir <- rbind( rawdir, c( specdir, samples[i,3], samples[1,3] ) )
          } else {
              ERRORLIST <- c( ERRORLIST, FileSpectrum )
              OKRAW <- 0
      if (nbcol>3) {
          M <- samples[,-3]
          lstfac <- rbind( lstfac, cbind( c(2:(nbcol-2)), colnames(samples)[c(-1:-3)] ) )
      } else {
          M <- cbind(samples[,1], samples[,2])
      metadata$ERRORLIST <- ERRORLIST
      if (OKRAW==1) {
         metadata$samples <- M
         metadata$rawids <- gsub("//", "/", rawdir)
         metadata$factors <- lstfac

.set_Metadata_Varian <- function(RAWDIR, procParams, samples)
   lstfac <- matrix(c(1,"Samplecode"), nrow=1)
   rawdir <- NULL
   metadata <- list()
   ERRORLIST <- c()
   OKRAW <- 1

   LIST <- gsub('//', '/', list.files(path = RAWDIR, pattern = "fid$", all.files = FALSE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, ignore.case = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE))
   if ( "character" %in% class(LIST) && length(LIST)==0 ) return(0)

   if (!is.null(samples)) {
       samplesize <- dim(samples)
       nraw <- samplesize[1]
       nbcol <- samplesize[2]

       LIST <- as.data.frame(t(simplify2array(strsplit(LIST,'/'))))
       # Check directory structure
       nDir <- dim(simplify2array(strsplit(RAWDIR,'/')))[1]
       nc <- dim(LIST)[2]
       if ((nc-nDir)>2) {
           RAWDIR <- do.call( paste, c( RAWDIR, as.list(LIST[1,c((nDir+1):(nc-2))]), sep="/"))
      for (i in 1:nraw) {
          if ( file.exists( paste(RAWDIR, samples[i,1],"fid", sep="/")) ) {
              rawdir <- rbind( rawdir, c( paste(RAWDIR, samples[i,1], sep="/"), 0, 0 ) )
          } else {
              ERRORLIST <- c( ERRORLIST, paste(samples[i,1],"fid", sep="/") )
              OKRAW <- 0
      if (nbcol==2) {
          M <- cbind(samples[,1], samples[,2])
      if (nbcol>2) {
         M <- samples
         lstfac <- rbind( lstfac, cbind( c(2:(nbcol-1)), colnames(samples)[c(-1:-2)] ) )
   } else {
      rawdir <- cbind( dirname(LIST), rep(0, length(LIST)), rep(0, length(LIST)) )
      M <- cbind( basename(dirname(LIST)), basename(dirname(LIST)) )

   if (OKRAW==1) {
      metadata$samples <- M
      metadata$rawids <- gsub("//", "/", rawdir)
      metadata$factors <- lstfac

.set_Metadata_nmrML <- function(RAWDIR, procParams, samples)
   return(.set_Metadata_ext(RAWDIR, procParams, samples, ext="nmrML"))

.set_Metadata_Jeol <- function(RAWDIR, procParams, samples)
   return(.set_Metadata_ext(RAWDIR, procParams, samples, ext="jdf"))

.set_Metadata_ext <- function(RAWDIR, procParams, samples, ext="nmrML")
   lstfac <- matrix(c(1,"Samplecode"), nrow=1)
   rawdir <- NULL
   metadata <- list()
   ERRORLIST <- c()
   OKRAW <- 1
   pattern <- paste0('.',ext,'$')
   LIST <- gsub('//', '/', list.files(path = RAWDIR, pattern = pattern, all.files = FALSE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, ignore.case = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE))
   if ( "character" %in% class(LIST) && length(LIST)==0 ) return(0)

   if (!is.null(samples)) {
      samplesize <- dim(samples)
      nraw <- samplesize[1]
      nbcol <- samplesize[2]

      LIST2 <- as.data.frame(t(simplify2array(strsplit(LIST,'/'))))
      nc <- dim(LIST2)[2]
      for (i in 1:nraw) {
          if (sum( samples[i,1] == LIST2[,nc]) == 1) {
              rawdir <- rbind( rawdir,  c( LIST[ which(samples[i,1] == LIST2[,nc]) ], 0, 0)  )
          } else {
              ERRORLIST <- c( ERRORLIST, samples[i,1] )
              OKRAW <- 0
      if (nbcol==2) {
          M <- cbind(samples[,1], samples[,2])
      if (nbcol>2) {
         M <- samples
         lstfac <- rbind( lstfac, cbind( c(2:(nbcol-1)), colnames(samples)[c(-1:-2)] ) )
   } else {
      rawdir <- cbind( LIST, rep(0, length(LIST)), rep(0, length(LIST)) )
      M <- cbind( basename(LIST), gsub(pattern, "", basename(LIST)) )

   if (OKRAW==1) {
      metadata$samples <- M
      metadata$rawids <- gsub("//", "/", rawdir)
      metadata$factors <- lstfac

.set_Metadata_Magritek <- function(RAWDIR, procParams, samples)
   metadata <- list()
   if (!is.null(samples)) {
      samplesize <- dim(samples)
      nraw <- samplesize[1]
      nbcol <- samplesize[2]
      lstfac <- matrix(c(1,"Samplecode"), nrow=1)
      rawdir <- NULL
      ERRORLIST <- c()
      OKRAW <- 1

      RAWPATH <- gsub("//", "/", RAWDIR)
      LIST <- gsub("//", "/", list.files(path = RAWPATH, pattern = "spectrum.1d$", 
                   all.files = FALSE, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, ignore.case = FALSE, include.dirs = FALSE))
      for (i in 1:nraw) {
          if (procParams$INPUT_SIGNAL == "fid") {
              FileSpectrum  <- paste(samples[i,1], "data.1d", sep="/")
          } else {
              FileSpectrum  <- paste(samples[i,1], "spectrum.1d", sep="/")
          L <- grep(pattern=FileSpectrum, LIST, value=TRUE)
          if (length(L)>0) {
              specdir <- dirname(L[1])
              rawdir <- rbind( rawdir, c( specdir, dirname(FileSpectrum), dirname(FileSpectrum) ) )
          } else {
              ERRORLIST <- c( ERRORLIST, FileSpectrum )
              OKRAW <- 0
      if (nbcol>2) {
          M <- samples
          lstfac <- rbind( lstfac, cbind( c(2:(nbcol-1)), colnames(samples)[c(-1:-2)] ) )
      } else {
          M <- cbind(samples[,1], samples[,2])
      metadata$ERRORLIST <- ERRORLIST
      if (OKRAW==1) {
         metadata$samples <- M
         metadata$rawids <- gsub("//", "/", rawdir)
         metadata$factors <- lstfac
INRA/Rnmr1D documentation built on April 11, 2024, 1:29 a.m.