
#' Check if a package complies with the skeleton IQSS Best Practices for
#' Statistical Software Development
#' @param path character string of the package path.
#' @param save_results logical whether or not to save the results of the
#' check in the package directory in a YAML file called
#' `.iqss.bestpractices.yml`.
#' @param report_results logical whether or not to report the results to the
#' console.
#' @param list_results logical whether or not to return the results as a list.
#' @param check_urls logical whether or not to check that URLs point to sites
#' that exist.
#' @inheritParams clean_links
#' @param run_cran_check logical whether or not to run CRAN check.
#' @param calculate_coverage logical whether or not to calculate test coverage.
#' @details Checks whether an R package is compliant with the *minimal*
#' standards set out in the IQSS Best Practices for Software Development and
#' Sustainability.
#' @return By default the function retuns a summary of the best practices check
#' to the console and a YAML formatted file called `.iqss_reportcard.yml` to the
#' package directory.It also updates the `.Rbuildignore` file so that it will
#' not conflict with the package build.
#' A list can also be returned with `list_results = TRUE`.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' check_best_practices()
#' }
#' @seealso The IQSS Report Card Spec can be found at:
#' <https://github.com/IQSS/social_science_software_toolkit/blob/master/report_card/iqss_report_card_spec.md>
#' @importFrom covr package_coverage percent_coverage
#' @importFrom devtools as.package check use_build_ignore
#' @importFrom git2r commits repository
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @importFrom yaml as.yaml
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @export

check_best_practices <- function(path = ".",
                                 save_results = TRUE,
                                 report_results = TRUE,
                                 list_results = FALSE,
                                 check_urls = TRUE,
                                 run_cran_check = TRUE,
                                 calculate_coverage = TRUE)
    pkg <- as.package(path)

    message(sprintf('\nSurveying %s. . .\n', pkg$package))
    pkg_files <- list.files(pkg$path, all.files = TRUE)
    bp_list <- list()

    # Check --------------------------------------------------------------------

    message('* checking documentation . . .')
    bp_list$Documentation$readme <- 'README.Rmd' %in% pkg_files

    bp_list$Documentation$roxygen <- any(grepl('roxygen', names(pkg)))

    bp_list$Documentation$news <- 'NEWS.md' %in% pkg_files

    bp_list$Documentation$bugreports <- 'bugreports' %in% names(pkg)

    bp_list$Documentation$vignettes <- 'vignettes' %in% pkg_files

    if (check_urls)
        bp_list$Documentation$all_urls_working <- !is.data.frame(
                                                        path = path,
                                                        base_url = base_url))

    # openscholar
    if ('url' %in% names(pkg)) {
        URL <- pkg$url
        site <- GET(URL)
        if ('x-generator' %in% names(site$headers)) {
            generator <- site$headers$`x-generator`
            bp_list$Documentation$website$openscholar <- grepl('openscholar',
                                                generator, ignore.case = TRUE)
            bp_list$Documentation$website$openscholar <- FALSE
        bp_list$Documentation$website$openscholar <- FALSE
    if ('docs' %in% pkg_files) {
        doc_files <- list.files(sprintf('%s/docs', pkg$path))
        bp_list$Documentation$website$pkgdown_website <- 'index.html' %in%
        bp_list$Documentation$website$pkgdown_website <- FALSE

    message('* checking license . . .')
    if ('license' %in% names(pkg))
        bp_list$License$gpl3_license <- gsub(' ', '', pkg$license) %in%
                                        c('GPL-3', 'GPL-3+fileLICENSE',
        bp_list$License$gpl3_license <- FALSE

    message('* checking version control . . .')
    bp_list$Version_Control$git <- uses_git(pkg$path)
    bp_list$Version_Control$github <- uses_github(pkg$path)

    message('* checking tests . . .')
    bp_list$Testing$uses_testthat <- uses_testthat(pkg$path) &
                                                    'tests' %in% pkg_files

    bp_list$Testing$uses_travis <- '.travis.yml' %in% pkg_files
    bp_list$Testing$uses_appveyor <- 'appveyor.yml' %in% pkg_files

    if (run_cran_check) {
        message(' ---- running CRAN check ----')
        build_check_results <- try(suppressMessages(devtools::check(
                                                pkg$path, quiet = TRUE)),
                                  silent = TRUE)
        if ('try-error' %in% class(build_check_results)) {
            bp_list$Testing$build_check$completed <- FALSE
        else {
            bp_list$Testing$build_check$build_check_completed <- TRUE
            bp_list$Testing$build_check$no_check_warnings <- length(build_check_results$warnings) == 0
            bp_list$Testing$build_check$no_check_errors <- length(build_check_results$errors) == 0
            bp_list$Testing$build_check$no_check_notes <- length(build_check_results$notes) == 0
    else {
        bp_list$Testing$build_check$no_check_warnings <- NULL
        bp_list$Testing$build_check$no_check_errors <- NULL
        bp_list$Testing$build_check$no_check_notes <- NULL

    if (calculate_coverage) {
        message(' ---- calculating test coverage ----')
        coverage <- percent_coverage(package_coverage(pkg$path, type = 'all'))
        bp_list$Testing$test_coverage <- as.integer(coverage)
        bp_list$Testing$test_coverage <- NULL

    # Meta ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    bp_list$Background$package_name <- pkg$package
    bp_list$Background$package_version <- pkg$version
    bp_list$Background$package_language <- "R"
    if(bp_list$Version_Control$git) {
        most_recent_commit <- commits(repository(pkg$path))[[1]]
        bp_list$Background$package_commit_sha <- most_recent_commit@sha
        bp_list$Background$commit <- NULL
    iqssdevtools_version <- as.character(paste(packageVersion("IQSSdevtools")))
    bp_list$Background$iqss_bestpractices_version <- ""
    bp_list$Background$iqssdevtools_version <- iqssdevtools_version
    bp_list$Background$check_time <- as.character(Sys.time())

    # Results ------------------------------------------------------------------
    bp_yml <- as.yaml(bp_list)
    if(report_results) {
        cat(sprintf('\nSurvey results for %s:\n---------------------------------------\n',
    if (save_results) {
        yml_name <- '.iqss_reportcard.yml'
        yml_path <- sprintf('%s/%s', pkg$path, yml_name)
        message(sprintf('\nSaving results into %s', yml_name))

        if (yml_name %in% pkg_files) file.remove(yml_path)
        create_msg <- sprintf('# Created by IQSSdevtools (%s). Do not edit by hand.',

        cat(create_msg, '\n\n', bp_yml, file = yml_path)
        use_build_ignore(files = yml_name, pkg = pkg$path)
        message(sprintf('* Adding %s to .Rbuildignore\n', yml_name))
    if (list_results) return(bp_list)
IQSS/IQSSdevtools documentation built on May 8, 2019, 10:54 a.m.