
## This is a modified version of psoptuim function forom PSO package: it uses the objective function as if it is vectorized, without need for any apply(...,fn1,...) call.

psoptim <- function (par, fn, gr = NULL, ..., lower=-1, upper=1,
                     control = list()) {

  #apply.vectorized <<- TRUE

  fn1 <- function(par) fn(par, ...)/p.fnscale
  mrunif <- function(n,m,lower,upper) {
  norm <- function(x) sqrt(sum(x*x))
  rsphere.unif <- function(n,r) {
    temp <- runif(n)
  svect <- function(a,b,n,k) {
    temp <- rep(a,n)
    temp[k] <- b
  mrsphere.unif <- function(n,r) {
    m <- length(r)
    temp <- matrix(runif(n*m),n,m)
  npar <- length(par)
  lower <- as.double(rep(lower, ,npar))
  upper <- as.double(rep(upper, ,npar))
  con <- list(trace = 0, fnscale = 1, maxit = 1000L, maxf = Inf,
              abstol = -Inf, reltol = 0, REPORT = 10,
              s = NA, k = 3, p = NA, w = 1/(2*log(2)),
              c.p = .5+log(2), c.g = .5+log(2), d = NA,
              v.max = NA, rand.order = TRUE, max.restart=Inf,
              maxit.stagnate = Inf,
              vectorize=FALSE, hybrid = FALSE, hybrid.control = NULL,
              trace.stats = FALSE, type = "SPSO2007")
  nmsC <- names(con)
  con[(namc <- names(control))] <- control
  if (length(noNms <- namc[!namc %in% nmsC]))
    warning("unknown names in control: ", paste(noNms, collapse = ", "))
  ## Argument error checks
  if (any(upper==Inf | lower==-Inf))
    stop("fixed bounds must be provided")

  p.type <- pmatch(con[["type"]],c("SPSO2007","SPSO2011"))-1
  if (is.na(p.type)) stop("type should be one of \"SPSO2007\", \"SPSO2011\"")

  p.trace <- con[["trace"]]>0L # provide output on progress?
  p.fnscale <- con[["fnscale"]] # scale funcion by 1/fnscale
  p.maxit <- con[["maxit"]] # maximal number of iterations
  p.maxf <- con[["maxf"]] # maximal number of function evaluations
  p.abstol <- con[["abstol"]] # absolute tolerance for convergence
  p.reltol <- con[["reltol"]] # relative minimal tolerance for restarting
  p.report <- as.integer(con[["REPORT"]]) # output every REPORT iterations
  p.s <- ifelse(is.na(con[["s"]]),ifelse(p.type==0,floor(10+2*sqrt(npar)),40),
                con[["s"]]) # swarm size
  p.p <- ifelse(is.na(con[["p"]]),1-(1-1/p.s)^con[["k"]],con[["p"]]) # average % of informants
  p.w0 <- con[["w"]] # exploitation constant
  if (length(p.w0)>1) {
    p.w1 <- p.w0[2]
    p.w0 <- p.w0[1]
  } else {
    p.w1 <- p.w0
  p.c.p <- con[["c.p"]] # local exploration constant
  p.c.g <- con[["c.g"]] # global exploration constant
  p.d <- ifelse(is.na(con[["d"]]),norm(upper-lower),con[["d"]]) # domain diameter
  p.vmax <- con[["v.max"]]*p.d # maximal velocity
  p.randorder <- as.logical(con[["rand.order"]]) # process particles in random order?
  p.maxrestart <- con[["max.restart"]] # maximal number of restarts
  p.maxstagnate <- con[["maxit.stagnate"]] # maximal number of iterations without improvement
  p.vectorize <- as.logical(con[["vectorize"]]) # vectorize?
  if (is.character(con[["hybrid"]])) {
    p.hybrid <- pmatch(con[["hybrid"]],c("off","on","improved"))-1
    if (is.na(p.hybrid)) stop("hybrid should be one of \"off\", \"on\", \"improved\"")
  } else {
    p.hybrid <- as.integer(as.logical(con[["hybrid"]])) # use local BFGS search
  p.hcontrol <- con[["hybrid.control"]] # control parameters for hybrid optim
  if ("fnscale" %in% names(p.hcontrol))
    p.hcontrol["fnscale"] <- p.hcontrol["fnscale"]*p.fnscale
    p.hcontrol["fnscale"] <- p.fnscale
  p.trace.stats <- as.logical(con[["trace.stats"]]) # collect detailed stats?

  if (p.trace) {
    message("S=",p.s,", K=",con[["k"]],", p=",signif(p.p,4),", w0=",
            signif(p.w0,4),", w1=",
            signif(p.w1,4),", c.p=",signif(p.c.p,4),
            ", c.g=",signif(p.c.g,4))
            ", d=",signif(p.d,4),", vectorize=",p.vectorize,
            ", hybrid=",c("off","on","improved")[p.hybrid+1])
    if (p.trace.stats) {
      stats.trace.it <- c()
      stats.trace.error <- c()
      stats.trace.f <- NULL
      stats.trace.x <- NULL
  ## Initialization
  if (p.reltol!=0) p.reltol <- p.reltol*p.d
  if (p.vectorize) {
    lowerM <- matrix(lower,nrow=npar,ncol=p.s)
    upperM <- matrix(upper,nrow=npar,ncol=p.s)
  X <- mrunif(npar,p.s,lower,upper)
  if (!any(is.na(par)) && all(par>=lower) && all(par<=upper)) X[,1] <- par
  if (p.type==0) {
    V <- (mrunif(npar,p.s,lower,upper)-X)/2
  } else { ## p.type==1
    V <- matrix(runif(npar*p.s,min=as.vector(lower-X),max=as.vector(upper-X)),npar,p.s)
    p.c.p2 <- p.c.p/2 # precompute constants
    p.c.p3 <- p.c.p/3
    p.c.g3 <- p.c.g/3
    p.c.pg3 <- p.c.p3+p.c.g3
  if (!is.na(p.vmax)) { # scale to maximal velocity
    temp <- apply(V,2,norm)
    temp <- pmin.int(temp,p.vmax)/temp
    V <- V%*%diag(temp)
  #f.x <- apply(X,2,fn1,mode="vectorized") # first evaluations
  f.x <- fn1(t(X))
  stats.feval <- p.s
  P <- X
  f.p <- f.x
  P.improved <- rep(FALSE,p.s)
  i.best <- which.min(f.p)
  error <- f.p[i.best]
  init.links <- TRUE
  if (p.trace && p.report==1) {
    message("It 1: fitness=",signif(error,4))
    if (p.trace.stats) {
      stats.trace.it <- c(stats.trace.it,1)
      stats.trace.error <- c(stats.trace.error,error)
      stats.trace.f <- c(stats.trace.f,list(f.x))
      stats.trace.x <- c(stats.trace.x,list(X))
  ## Iterations
  stats.iter <- 1
  stats.restart <- 0
  stats.stagnate <- 0
  while (stats.iter<p.maxit && stats.feval<p.maxf && error>p.abstol &&
         stats.restart<p.maxrestart && stats.stagnate<p.maxstagnate) {
    stats.iter <- stats.iter+1
    if (p.p!=1 && init.links) {
      links <- matrix(runif(p.s*p.s,0,1)<=p.p,p.s,p.s)
      diag(links) <- TRUE
    ## The swarm moves
    if (!p.vectorize) {
      if (p.randorder) {
        index <- sample(p.s)
      } else {
        index <- 1:p.s
      for (i in index) {
        if (p.p==1)
          j <- i.best
          j <- which(links[,i])[which.min(f.p[links[,i]])] # best informant
        temp <- (p.w0+(p.w1-p.w0)*max(stats.iter/p.maxit,stats.feval/p.maxf))
        V[,i] <- temp*V[,i] # exploration tendency
        if (p.type==0) {
          V[,i] <- V[,i]+runif(npar,0,p.c.p)*(P[,i]-X[,i]) # exploitation
          if (i!=j) V[,i] <- V[,i]+runif(npar,0,p.c.g)*(P[,j]-X[,i])
        } else { # SPSO 2011
          if (i!=j)
            temp <- p.c.p3*P[,i]+p.c.g3*P[,j]-p.c.pg3*X[,i] # Gi-Xi
            temp <- p.c.p2*P[,i]-p.c.p2*X[,i] # Gi-Xi for local=best
          V[,i] <- V[,i]+temp+rsphere.unif(npar,norm(temp))
        if (!is.na(p.vmax)) {
          temp <- norm(V[,i])
          if (temp>p.vmax) V[,i] <- (p.vmax/temp)*V[,i]
        X[,i] <- X[,i]+V[,i]
        ## Check bounds
        temp <- X[,i]<lower
        if (any(temp)) {
          X[temp,i] <- lower[temp]
          V[temp,i] <- 0
        temp <- X[,i]>upper
        if (any(temp)) {
          X[temp,i] <- upper[temp]
          V[temp,i] <- 0
        ## Evaluate function
        if (p.hybrid==1) {
          temp <- optim(X[,i],fn,gr,...,method="L-BFGS-B",lower=lower,
          V[,i] <- V[,i]+temp$par-X[,i] # disregards any v.max imposed
          X[,i] <- temp$par
          f.x[i] <- temp$value
          stats.feval <- stats.feval+as.integer(temp$counts[1])
        } else {
          f.x[i] <- fn1(X[,i])
          stats.feval <- stats.feval+1
        if (f.x[i]<f.p[i]) { # improvement
          P[,i] <- X[,i]
          f.p[i] <- f.x[i]
          if (f.p[i]<f.p[i.best]) {
            i.best <- i
            if (p.hybrid==2) {
              temp <- optim(X[,i],fn,gr,...,method="L-BFGS-B",lower=lower,
              V[,i] <- V[,i]+temp$par-X[,i] # disregards any v.max imposed
              X[,i] <- temp$par
              P[,i] <- temp$par
              f.x[i] <- temp$value
              f.p[i] <- temp$value
              stats.feval <- stats.feval+as.integer(temp$counts[1])
        if (stats.feval>=p.maxf) break
    } else {
      if (p.p==1)
        j <- rep(i.best,p.s)
      else # best informant
        j <- sapply(1:p.s,function(i)
      temp <- (p.w0+(p.w1-p.w0)*max(stats.iter/p.maxit,stats.feval/p.maxf))
      V <- temp*V # exploration tendency
      if (p.type==0) {
        V <- V+mrunif(npar,p.s,0,p.c.p)*(P-X) # exploitation
        temp <- j!=(1:p.s)
        V[,temp] <- V[,temp]+mrunif(npar,sum(temp),0,p.c.p)*(P[,j[temp]]-X[,temp])
      } else { # SPSO 2011
        temp <- j==(1:p.s)
        temp <- P%*%diag(svect(p.c.p3,p.c.p2,p.s,temp))+
          X%*%diag(svect(p.c.pg3,p.c.p2,p.s,temp)) # G-X
        V <- V+temp+mrsphere.unif(npar,apply(temp,2,norm))
      if (!is.na(p.vmax)) {
        temp <- apply(V,2,norm)
        temp <- pmin.int(temp,p.vmax)/temp
        V <- V%*%diag(temp)
      X <- X+V
      ## Check bounds
      temp <- X<lowerM
      if (any(temp)) {
        X[temp] <- lowerM[temp]
        V[temp] <- 0
      temp <- X>upperM
      if (any(temp)) {
        X[temp] <- upperM[temp]
        V[temp] <- 0
      ## Evaluate function
      if (p.hybrid==1) { # not really vectorizing
        for (i in 1:p.s) {
          temp <- optim(X[,i],fn,gr,...,method="L-BFGS-B",lower=lower,
          V[,i] <- V[,i]+temp$par-X[,i] # disregards any v.max imposed
          X[,i] <- temp$par
          f.x[i] <- temp$value
          stats.feval <- stats.feval+as.integer(temp$counts[1])
      } else {
        #f.x <- apply(X,2,fn1,mode="vectorized")
          f.x <- fn1(t(X))
          stats.feval <- stats.feval+p.s
      temp <- sapply(isTRUE,X=as.numeric(f.x)<f.p)
      if (any(temp)) { # improvement
        P[,temp] <- X[,temp]
        f.p[temp] <- f.x[temp]
        i.best <- which.min(f.p)
        if (temp[i.best] && p.hybrid==2) { # overall improvement
          temp <- optim(X[,i.best],fn,gr,...,method="L-BFGS-B",lower=lower,
          V[,i.best] <- V[,i.best]+temp$par-X[,i.best] # disregards any v.max imposed
          X[,i.best] <- temp$par
          P[,i.best] <- temp$par
          f.x[i.best] <- temp$value
          f.p[i.best] <- temp$value
          stats.feval <- stats.feval+as.integer(temp$counts[1])
      if (stats.feval>=p.maxf) break
    if (p.reltol!=0) {
      d <- X-P[,i.best]
      d <- sqrt(max(colSums(d*d)))
      if (d<p.reltol) {
        X <- mrunif(npar,p.s,lower,upper)
        V <- (mrunif(npar,p.s,lower,upper)-X)/2
        if (!is.na(p.vmax)) {
          temp <- apply(V,2,norm)
          temp <- pmin.int(temp,p.vmax)/temp
          V <- V%*%diag(temp)
        stats.restart <- stats.restart+1
        if (p.trace) message("It ",stats.iter,": restarting")
    init.links <- f.p[i.best]==error # if no overall improvement
    stats.stagnate <- ifelse(init.links,stats.stagnate+1,0)
    error <- f.p[i.best]
    if (p.trace && stats.iter%%p.report==0) {
      if (p.reltol!=0)
        message("It ",stats.iter,": fitness=",signif(error,4),
                ", swarm diam.=",signif(d,4))
        message("It ",stats.iter,": fitness=",signif(error,4))
      if (p.trace.stats) {
        stats.trace.it <- c(stats.trace.it,stats.iter)
        stats.trace.error <- c(stats.trace.error,error)
        stats.trace.f <- c(stats.trace.f,list(f.x))
        stats.trace.x <- c(stats.trace.x,list(X))
  if (error<=p.abstol) {
    msg <- "Converged"
    msgcode <- 0
  } else if (stats.feval>=p.maxf) {
    msg <- "Maximal number of function evaluations reached"
    msgcode <- 1
  } else if (stats.iter>=p.maxit) {
    msg <- "Maximal number of iterations reached"
    msgcode <- 2
  } else if (stats.restart>=p.maxrestart) {
    msg <- "Maximal number of restarts reached"
    msgcode <- 3
  } else {
    msg <- "Maximal number of iterations without improvement reached"
    msgcode <- 4
  if (p.trace) message(msg)
  o <- list(par=P[,i.best],value=f.p[i.best],
  if (p.trace && p.trace.stats) o <- c(o,list(stats=list(it=stats.trace.it,
  #apply.vectorized <<- FALSE

IRSN/RobustInv documentation built on Nov. 20, 2019, 10:46 p.m.