
Defines functions run.rpca

Documented in run.rpca

#' run rpca
#' @export

run.rpca <- function(dat,
                     #type, # data.table from the 'data' slot -- 'asinh'
                     batch.col # Column from the 'meta' table -- Batch
  ### Setup
  ### Demo data
  # use.cols <- cluster.cols
  # #type <- 'asinh'
  # batch.col <- 'Batch'
  # dat <- cell.dat
  # dat <- create.spectre(cell.dat, meta.cols = c('Sample', 'Group', 'Batch'))
  # as.matrix(names(dat@data$raw))
  # dat@data$asinh <- dat@data$raw[,names(dat@data$raw)[c(11:18)], with = FALSE] 
  # dat@data$raw <- dat@data$raw[,names(dat@data$raw)[c(1:8)], with = FALSE]
  # names(dat@data$asinh) <- gsub('_asinh', '', names(dat@data$asinh))
  # dat
  ### Checks
  # if(class(dat) != 'spectre'){
  #   stop("'dat' must be a 'spectre' object")
  # }
  ### Split data by batch/dataset and create Seurat objects
  message('Running rPCA')
  message(' -- setting up data')
  dat$CELLBARCODE <- c(1:nrow(dat))
  batches <- unique(dat[[batch.col]])
  org.list <- list()
  res.list <- list()
  for(i in batches){
    # i <- batches[[1]]
    rw.org <- dat[dat[[batch.col]] == i, 'CELLBARCODE', with = FALSE]
    org.list[[i]] <- rw.org
    rws <- dat[[batch.col]] == i
    dat.batch <- dat[dat[[batch.col]] == i,..use.cols]
    counts <- as.matrix(dat.batch)
    counts <- Matrix::Matrix(counts, sparse = TRUE)
    rownames(counts) <- paste0('Cell-', i, '-', c(1:nrow(counts)))
    counts <- t(counts)
    srt <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = counts, assay = 'cyto')
    srt <- FindVariableFeatures(srt, selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = length(use.cols))
    res.list[[i]] <- srt
  ### Select integration features, scale data, and run PCA
  message(' -- performing scaling and PCA')
  features <- SelectIntegrationFeatures(object.list = res.list)
  for(i in batches){
    res.list[[i]] <- ScaleData(res.list[[i]], features = features, verbose = FALSE, assay = 'cyto')
    res.list[[i]] <- RunPCA(res.list[[i]], features = features, verbose = FALSE, assay = 'cyto')
  ### Find integration anchors across datasets
  message(' -- finding integration anchors')
  immune.anchors <- FindIntegrationAnchors(object.list = res.list, 
                                           anchor.features = features, 
                                           dims = 1:(length(use.cols)-1), 
                                           reduction = 'rpca')
  ### Integrate the data
  message(' -- integrating data')
  immune.combined <- IntegrateData(anchorset = immune.anchors, dims = 1:(length(use.cols)-1))
  DefaultAssay(immune.combined) <- "integrated"
  ### Re-construct Spectre object
  message(' -- constructing final data')
  ordr <- rbindlist(org.list)
  final <- as.data.table(t(immune.combined@assays$integrated@data))
  final$CELLBARCODE <- ordr
  setorderv(final, 'CELLBARCODE')
  final[['CELLBARCODE']] <- NULL
  names(final) <- paste0(names(final), '_rPCA_aligned')
  dat <- cbind(dat, final)
  ### Return
ImmuneDynamics/Spectre documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 8:12 a.m.