
Defines functions train.knn.classifier

Documented in train.knn.classifier

#' train.knn.classifier - Train KNN classifier
#' @usage train.knn.classifier(dat, use.cols, label.col,min.num.neighbours, max.num.neighbours, evaluation.metric, num.folds, num.repeats)
#' @param dat NO DEFAULT. data.frame. A dataframe containing cells (rows) vs features/markers (columns) to be used to train k-nearest neighbour (KNN) classifier 
#' @param use.cols NO DEFAULT. Vector of column names to use for training k-nearest neighbour (KNN) classifier.
#' @param label.col NO DEFAULT. Character. Name of the column representing the population name of the cells in dat.
#' @param min.num.neighbours DEFAULTS to 1. Numeric. When using a k-nearest neighbour (KNN) classifier, this parameter specifies the minimum number of nearest neighbours used to train the KNN classifier.
#' @param max.num.neighbours DEFAULTS to 1. Numeric. When using a k-nearest neighbour (KNN) classifier, this parameter specifies the maximum number of nearest neighbours used to train the KNN classifier.
#' @param method DEFAULTS to random. Can either be random which randomly shuffle data and split them into 2 halves,
#'   one for training, the other for testing. Or CV (cross validation) where data is split into num.folds complementary 
#'   portions, and num.folds-1 portions used for training and the remaining for testing.
#' @param num.folds DEFAULTS to 10. Numeric. Number of chunks the training data is to be split into. The classifier will then take 1 chunk for testing the classifier (after it's trained), and use the remaining chunk to train the classifier.
#' @param num.repeats DEFAULTS to 1. Numeric. Number of time the training data will be split into num.folds chunks. 
#'   If you set this to 3 and num.folds to 10, the classifier will split data into 10 chunks, train classifier on those chunks 10 times,
#'   and repeat the entire procedure 3 times (each time differet data will be in each chunk).
#' @param seed DEFAULTS to 42. Seed used when splitting data into training and testing set.
#' Train a k-nearest neighbour (KNN) classifier.
#' The classifier will be trained on a number of neighbours, starting from min.num.neighbours, and increased gradually by 1 until max.num.neighbours is reached.
#' For each number of neighbour, the accuracy (or other evaluation metric as specified in evaluation.metric) of the classifier will be computed.
#' Data will be normalised to range between 0 and 1 before used in training the classifier.
#' The normalisation method used is MinMaxScaling method.
#' NOTE: the larger the training data, the longer it takes to train the classifier. Hence please be mindful of the training data size.
#' @return The performance of the classifier on different number of neighbours as well as some description on how the training was performed
#' i.e. what sampling process is used (how the data is split for training and testing),
#' the sample sizes (number of data points used for training/testing).
#' Included as well is the recommended number of neighbours for the data and the reasoning behind why that number of neighbours is the best.
#' @author Givanna Putri, \email{ghar1821@@uni.sydney.edu.au}
#' @references \url{https://sydneycytometry.org.au/spectre}.
#' @export

train.knn.classifier <- function(dat, 
                                 min.num.neighbours = 1,
                                 max.num.neighbours = 10,
                                 method = c('random', 'CV'),
                                 num.folds = 10,
                                 num.repeats = 1,
                                 seed = 42){
  if(!is.element('caret', installed.packages()[,1])) stop('caret is required but not installed')
  if(!is.element('data.table', installed.packages()[,1])) stop('data.table is required but not installed')
  dat.features <- dat[, ..use.cols]
  dat.labels <- as.character(dat[[label.col]])
  # normalised the training data so each column is in range 0 to 1
  preprocess.model <- caret::preProcess(dat.features, method = "range")
  normalised.data <- as.data.table(predict(preprocess.model, dat.features))
  # add the label as a column in normalised data
  normalised.data[, ('population') := dat.labels]
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if (method == 'random') {
    num_row <- nrow(normalised.data)
    normalised.data <- normalised.data[sample(num_row), ]
    split <- round(num_row/ 2)
    train.dat <- normalised.data[c(1:split),]
    valid.dat <- normalised.data[c( (split+1) : num_row),]
    knn.res <- list()
    num_neighbours <- c(min.num.neighbours:max.num.neighbours)
    for (n in num_neighbours) {
      message(paste("Evaluating", n))
      res.knn <- Spectre::run.knn.classifier(train.dat = train.dat,
                                             unlabelled.dat = valid.dat,
                                             use.cols = use.cols,
                                             label.col = 'population',
                                             num.neighbours = n)
      knn.res[[n]] <- res.knn
    accuracies <- sapply(knn.res, function(res) {
      cm = as.matrix(table(Actual = res$population, 
                           Predicted = res$Prediction))
      corr.pred = sum(diag(cm))/length(res$Prediction)
    acc.dat = data.table(k=num_neighbours,
  } else if (method == 'CV') {
    # split data into 10 folds and repeat training and testing 10 times
    # each iteration will train and test on different fold.
    trControl <- caret::trainControl(
      method = 'repeatedcv',
      number = num.folds,
      repeats = num.repeats
    # train the classifier
    knn.fit <- caret::train(population ~ .,
                            method     = "knn",
                            tuneGrid   = expand.grid(k = min.num.neighbours:max.num.neighbours),
                            trControl  = trControl,
                            metric     = 'Accuracy',
                            data       = normalised.data)
    acc.dat <- data.table(k=knn.fit$results$k, 
ImmuneDynamics/Spectre documentation built on Nov. 12, 2023, 8:12 a.m.