
Defines functions singleNCA_IQRnca getSlope_IQRnca LogAUC_IQRnca LinAUC_IQRnca Interpol_IQRnca IntAUC_IQRnca BestSlope_IQRnca AUC_IQRnca UT_IQRnca UnitUrine_IQRnca Unit_IQRnca

# Original Author: Kyun-Seop Bae k@acr.kr
# Adapted by: Henning Schmidt henning.schmidt@intiquan.com
# Based on NonCompart package on CRAN

########################################################################### ###
# singleNCA_IQRnca function
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singleNCA_IQRnca <- function(
  NCAinfo=0, # Dummy for licensing check
  slopePoints = NULL,
  TOL = 1e-4,
  FLAGsteadystate = FALSE,
  tau      = NULL,
  IQRversion = NULL,
  FLAGivSlopeCmax = FALSE) {
# Author: Kyun-Seop Bae k@acr.kr
# Last modification: 2017.8.14
# Called by: tblNCA
# Calls: BestSlope, IntAUC, Unit, UT
#   x: time or similar vector
#   y: concentration or similar vector
#   dose: dose, actually given dose, not per kg or per square meter dose!
#   adm: administration method, "Extravascular", "Bolus", or "Infusion"
#   dur: duration of infusion
#   doseUnit: dose unit (not per kg or per m2)
#   timeUnit: time unit
#   concUnit: concentration unit
#   iAUC: data frame for interval AUC. See the example for the detail
#   down: trapezoidal downward caculation. "Linear" or "Log"
#   MW: molecular weight
#   slopePoints: vector with indices of observations to use for slope calculation
#   NOSLOPE: logical vector TRUE=>do not consider point for bestslope, FALSE: do consider
#   IQRversion: version number for handling compatibility outside
#   FLAGivSlopeCmax: if set to TRUE then Cmax obs will be allowed to be considered
#     for bestslope calc. useful for 1 cpt dynamics and availability of very few points for NCA
#     cannot be implemented by default as then not matching with other examples with richer data and
#     comparison to WinNonLin
#   NCA result

  # For steady-state data: Require presence of pre-dose sample at time=0 if infusion or extravascular administration
  if (FLAGsteadystate) {
    if (x[1] != 0) {
      stop("Analysis of steady-state data requires availability of pre-dose sample\nin the data for infusion and extravascular administration")
    if (is.na(y[1])) {
      stop("Analysis of steady-state data requires availability of pre-dose sample (non-NA)\nin the data for infusion and extravascular administration")
    # Check if last observation time point larger or equal to tau - otherwise error
    if (tau > max(x)) {
      stop("For steady-state profile analysis the last sample time needs to be larger than tau")

  # Other checks
  if (!(is.numeric(x) & is.numeric(y) & is.numeric(dose) & is.numeric(dur) & is.character(adm) & is.character(down))) {
    stop("Check input types!")

  if (UT_IQRnca(adm) == "INFUSION" & !all(dur > 0)) stop("Infusion mode should have dur larger than 0!")

  ###################################### ###
  # Special Handling for slope calculation
  ###################################### ###
  # Save original x and y values for determination of the right slope points after
  # slope calculation (done via x1 to xorig__ matching). In addition xorig__ and yorig__
  # are also used when manually points are selected for slope calculation
  xorig__ <- x
  yorig__ <- y

  # Get xslope__, yslope__ to be used for bestslope algorithm
  xslope__ <- x[!NOSLOPE]  # Remove the points to be avoided in bestslope algorithm
  yslope__ <- y[!NOSLOPE]  # Remove the points to be avoided in bestslope algorithm
  xslope__ = xslope__[yslope__ != 0]       # Remove all points with zeros in y (including mid) for LAMZ
  yslope__ = yslope__[yslope__ != 0]       # Remove all points with zeros in y
  NApoints__ <- is.na(xslope__) | is.na(yslope__)
  xslope__ = xslope__[!NApoints__]             # remove NA points in x
  yslope__ = yslope__[!NApoints__]             # remove NA points in y

  ###################################### ###
  # Standard handling
  ###################################### ###

  # Remove NA points
  NApoints__ <- is.na(x) | is.na(y)
  x <- x[!NApoints__]             # remove NA points in x
  y <- y[!NApoints__]             # remove NA points in y
  n <- length(x)

  RetNames1__ = c("b0", "CMAX", "CMAXD", "TMAX", "TLAG", "CLST", "CLSTP", "TLST", "LAMZHL", "LAMZ",
             "LAMZLL", "LAMZUL", "LAMZNPT", "CORRXY", "R2", "R2ADJ", "AUCLST", "AUCALL",
  # If steady-state profile then add AUCTAU
  if (FLAGsteadystate) {
    RetNames1__ = c(RetNames1__, "AUCTAU","AUCTAUD","TAU")
  if (UT_IQRnca(adm) == "BOLUS") {
    RetNames1__ = union(RetNames1__, c("C0", "AUCPBEO", "AUCPBEP"))
  if (UT_IQRnca(adm) == "EXTRAVASCULAR") {
    # Some of them are dependent of SS and SD ... removed later what is not needed
    RetNames1__ = union(RetNames1__, c("VZFO", "VZFP", "CLFO", "CLFP", "CLFSS", "VZFSS", "MRTEVLST", "MRTEVIFO", "MRTEVIFP"))
  } else {
    # Some of them are dependent of SS and SD ... removed later what is not needed
    RetNames1__ = union(RetNames1__, c("VZO", "VZP", "CLO", "CLP", "CLSS", "VZSS", "MRTIVLST", "MRTIVIFO", "MRTIVIFP", "VSSO", "VSSP"))
  Res__ = rep(NA_real_, length(RetNames1__))
  names(Res__) = RetNames1__

  if (n == 0 | n != length(y) | length(y[y < 0]) > 0) {
    Res__["LAMZNPT"] = 0

  uY__ = unique(y)
  if (length(uY__) == 1) { # Case of all the same values
    Res__["CMAX"] = uY__
    if (dose > 0) Res__["CMAXD"] = uY__ / dose
    Res__["TMAX"] = x[y==uY__][1] # First Tmax
    if (which(y==uY__)[1] > 1) {
      Res__["TLAG"] = x[which(y==uY__) - 1]
    } else {
      Res__["TLAG"] = 0
    Res__["CLST"] = uY__
    Res__["TLST"] = x[y==uY__][1]
    Res__["LAMZNPT"] = 0
    Res__["b0"] = uY__

  iLastNonZero__ = max(which(y > 0)) # Index of last non-zero y
  x0 = x[1:iLastNonZero__] # Till Non-zero concentration. i.e. removing trailing zeros
  y0 = y[1:iLastNonZero__] # Till Non-zero concentration. i.e. removing trailing zeros

  if (UT_IQRnca(adm) == "BOLUS") {
    # Bolus - add an initial 0 at time 0 if not included in vector
    # Works for steady-state and single dose data
    if (is.na(x[x==0][1])) {
      # Determine concentration at time 0
      if (y[1] > y[2] & y[2] > 0) {
        # Use extrapolation
        C0 = exp(-x[1]*(log(y[2]) - log(y[1]))/(x[2] - x[1]) + log(y[1]))
      } else {
        # Use first non-zero value
        C0 = y[x==min(x[y > 0])]
      x2 = c(0, x)
      y2 = c(C0, y)
      x3 = c(0, x0)
      y3 = c(C0, y0)
    } else {
      # 0 in x as first element. Check that y[1] > 0 otherwise error
      if (y[1] <= 0) stop("For bolus administration the concentration at time 0 is not allowed to be 0")
      x2 = x
      y2 = y
      x3 = x0
      y3 = y0
      # Set initial concentration at time 0 to observed one
      C0 = y[1]
  } else {
    # Infusion & extravascular - add an initial 0 at time 0 if not included in vector
    # Works for steady-state and single dose data
    if (is.na(x[x==0][1])) {
      # This case cannot happen for steady-state data as the 0 time point is required to be present and
      # populated from the data.
      x2 = c(0, x)       # for AUCALL including trailing zero y values
      y2 = c(0, y)
      x3 = c(0, x0)      # for AUCLST without trailing zero y values
      y3 = c(0, y0)
    } else {
      # Time 0 included in x ... no need to add
      # Works for single dose and steady-state dose!
      x2 = x             # for AUCALL including trailing zero y values
      y2 = y
      x3 = x0            # for AUCLST without trailing zero y values
      y3 = y0

  if (is.null(slopePoints)) {
    tRes__ <- BestSlope_IQRnca(xslope__, yslope__, adm, TOL=TOL,FLAGivSlopeCmax)
    # Return indices of points used for slope calculation
    Indices_pointsSlope__ <- rev(seq(length(xslope__), by=-1, length.out = tRes__["LAMZNPT"]))
    IXpointsSlope__ <- (1:length(x))[xorig__ %in% xslope__][Indices_pointsSlope__]
  } else {
    # Call the getSlope_IQRnca function
    tRes__ <- getSlope_IQRnca(xorig__[slopePoints], log(yorig__[slopePoints]))
    # Return indices of points used for slope calculation
    IXpointsSlope__ <- slopePoints

  if (length(tRes__) != 9) tRes__ = c(NA, NA, 0, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)
  Res__[c("R2", "R2ADJ", "LAMZNPT", "LAMZ", "b0", "CORRXY", "LAMZLL", "LAMZUL", "CLSTP")] = tRes__
  tabAUC = AUC_IQRnca(x3, y3, down)
  Res__[c("AUCLST","AUMCLST")] = tabAUC[length(x3),]
  Res__["AUCALL"] = AUC_IQRnca(x2, y2, down)[length(x2),1]
  Res__["LAMZHL"] = log(2)/Res__["LAMZ"]
  Res__["TMAX"] = x[which.max(y)][1]
  Res__["CMAX"] = max(y)
  Res__["TLST"] = x[iLastNonZero__]
  Res__["CLST"] = y[iLastNonZero__]
  Res__["AUCIFO"] = Res__["AUCLST"] + Res__["CLST"]/Res__["LAMZ"]
  Res__["AUCIFP"] = Res__["AUCLST"] + Res__["CLSTP"]/Res__["LAMZ"]
  Res__["AUCPEO"] = (1 - Res__["AUCLST"]/Res__["AUCIFO"])*100
  Res__["AUCPEP"] = (1 - Res__["AUCLST"]/Res__["AUCIFP"])*100
  Res__["AUMCIFO"] = Res__["AUMCLST"] + Res__["CLST"]*Res__["TLST"]/Res__["LAMZ"] + Res__["CLST"]/Res__["LAMZ"]/Res__["LAMZ"]
  Res__["AUMCIFP"] = Res__["AUMCLST"] + Res__["CLSTP"]*Res__["TLST"]/Res__["LAMZ"] + Res__["CLSTP"]/Res__["LAMZ"]/Res__["LAMZ"]
  Res__["AUMCPEO"] = (1 - Res__["AUMCLST"]/Res__["AUMCIFO"])*100
  Res__["AUMCPEP"] = (1 - Res__["AUMCLST"]/Res__["AUMCIFP"])*100

  if (!is.na(dose) & dose > 0) {
    Res__["CMAXD"] = Res__["CMAX"]/dose
    Res__["AUCIFOD"] = Res__["AUCIFO"]/dose
    Res__["AUCIFPD"] = Res__["AUCIFP"]/dose

  if (UT_IQRnca(adm) == "BOLUS") {
    Res__["C0"] = C0                      # Phoneix WinNonlin 6.4 User's Guide p27
    Res__["AUCPBEO"] = tabAUC[2,1]/Res__["AUCIFO"]*100
    Res__["AUCPBEP"] = tabAUC[2,1]/Res__["AUCIFP"]*100
  } else {
    if (sum(y0==0) > 0) Res__["TLAG"] = x0[max(which(y0==0))] # Trailing zero should not exist
    else Res__["TLAG"] = 0
    if (!is.na(x0[x0==0][1])) {
      if (y0[x0==0] > 0) Res__["TLAG"] = 0    # This is WinNonlin logic

  # Calculate AUCTAU using IntAUC_IQRnca for SS data
  if (FLAGsteadystate) {
    Res__["AUCTAU"] = IntAUC_IQRnca(x, y, 0, tau, Res__, down=down)
    Res__["AUCTAUD"] = Res__["AUCTAU"]/dose
    Res__["TAU"] = tau

  if (UT_IQRnca(adm) == "EXTRAVASCULAR") {
    if (!FLAGsteadystate) {
      # For single dose data:
      Res__["VZFO"] = dose/Res__["AUCIFO"]/Res__["LAMZ"]
      Res__["VZFP"] = dose/Res__["AUCIFP"]/Res__["LAMZ"]
      Res__["CLFO"] = dose/Res__["AUCIFO"]
      Res__["CLFP"] = dose/Res__["AUCIFP"]
    } else {
      # For steady-state data only SS values are determined
      Res__["CLFSS"] = dose/Res__["AUCTAU"]
      Res__["VZFSS"] = dose/Res__["AUCTAU"]/Res__["LAMZ"]
    Res__["MRTEVLST"] = Res__["AUMCLST"]/Res__["AUCLST"]
    Res__["MRTEVIFO"] = Res__["AUMCIFO"]/Res__["AUCIFO"]
    Res__["MRTEVIFP"] = Res__["AUMCIFP"]/Res__["AUCIFP"]
  } else {
    if (!FLAGsteadystate) {
      # For single dose data:
      Res__["VZO"] = dose/Res__["AUCIFO"]/Res__["LAMZ"]
      Res__["VZP"] = dose/Res__["AUCIFP"]/Res__["LAMZ"]
      Res__["CLO"] = dose/Res__["AUCIFO"]
      Res__["CLP"] = dose/Res__["AUCIFP"]
      Res__["VSSO"] = Res__["MRTIVIFO"]*Res__["CLO"]
      Res__["VSSP"] = Res__["MRTIVIFP"]*Res__["CLP"]
    } else {
      # For steady-state data only SS values are determined
      Res__["CLSS"] = dose/Res__["AUCTAU"]
      Res__["VZSS"] = dose/Res__["AUCTAU"]/Res__["LAMZ"]
    Res__["MRTIVLST"] = Res__["AUMCLST"]/Res__["AUCLST"] - dur/2
    Res__["MRTIVIFO"] = Res__["AUMCIFO"]/Res__["AUCIFO"] - dur/2
    Res__["MRTIVIFP"] = Res__["AUMCIFP"]/Res__["AUCIFP"] - dur/2

  # Remove NA elments in Res__
  Res__ <- Res__[!is.na(Res__)]

  # Get units and potential conversion factors
  Units = Unit_IQRnca(doseUnit=doseUnit, timeUnit=timeUnit, concUnit=concUnit, MW=MW)

  # Apply unit conversion factors
  for (i in 1:length(Res__)) Res__[i] = Res__[i] * Units[names(Res__[i]),2]

  # Determine interval AUC
  if (is.data.frame(iAUC)) { # eg iAUC = data.frame(Name=c("AUC[0-12h]","AUC[0-24h]"), Start=c(0,0), End=c(12,24))
    niAUC__ = nrow(iAUC)
    if (niAUC__ > 0) {
       RetNames = union(RetNames1__, as.character(iAUC[,"Name"]))
       for (i in 1:niAUC__) {
        if (adm == "BOLUS") Res__[as.character(iAUC[i,"Name"])] = IntAUC_IQRnca(x2, y2, iAUC[i,"Start"], iAUC[i,"End"], Res__, down=down)
        else                Res__[as.character(iAUC[i,"Name"])] = IntAUC_IQRnca(x, y, iAUC[i,"Start"], iAUC[i,"End"], Res__, down=down)
        Units <- rbind(Units, structure(Units[rownames(Units) == "AUCLST", ], row.names = as.character(iAUC[i,"Name"])))
  } else {
    niAUC__ = 0

  if (is.null(IQRversion)) {
    # To ensure compatibility with IQR Tools versions until 1.0.8
    units__ <- sapply(names(Res__), function (n) Units[n,1])
  } else {
    # From IQR 1.0.9 its different
    # Return units as named vector - contains all ... matching later
    units__ <- Units$Unit
    names(units__) <- rownames(Units)

  attr(Res__, "units") <- units__
  attr(Res__, "slopePoints") <- IXpointsSlope__

########################################################################### ###
# getSlope_IQRnca function
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getSlope_IQRnca <- function(x, y)
# Author: Kyun-Seop Bae k@acr.kr
# Last modification: 2017.7.20
# Called by: BestSlope
# Calls: none except base
#    x: time
#    y: natural log of concentration
  Result__ = c(R2 = NA_real_,     # R square
             R2ADJ = NA_real_,  # R square adjusted
             LAMZNPT = 0,       # Number of points for Lambda z
             LAMZ = NA_real_,   # Lambda z, terminal slope as a positive number
             b0 = NA_real_,     # intercept from OLS, i.e. simple linear regression
             CORRXY = NA_real_, # Correlation of x, y
             LAMZLL = NA_real_, # Lower time for lambda z
             LAMZUL = NA_real_, # Upper time for lambda z
             CLSTP = NA_real_)  # Concentration last predicted in original scale
# Input Check
  n = length(x)
  if (n == 1 | n != length(y) | !is.numeric(x) | !is.numeric(y)) {
    return(Result__)  # return default
  mx  = mean(x)
  my  = mean(y)
  Sxx = sum((x - mx)*(x - mx))
  Sxy = sum((x - mx)*(y - my))
  Syy = sum((y - my)*(y - my))
  b1  = Sxy/Sxx

  if (is.nan(b1) | b1 >= 0) {
    return(Result__)   # return default

# Expectedly
  Result__["LAMZNPT"] = n
  Result__["LAMZ"]    = -b1
  Result__["b0"]      = my - b1*mx
  Result__["R2"]      = b1 * Sxy/Syy
  Result__["R2ADJ"]   = 1 - (1 - Result__["R2"])*(n - 1)/(n - 2)
  Result__["CORRXY"]  = sign(b1)*sqrt(Result__["R2"])
  Result__["LAMZLL"]  = x[1]
  Result__["LAMZUL"]  = x[n]
  Result__["CLSTP"]   = exp(Result__["b0"] + b1 * x[n])

########################################################################### ###
# LogAUC_IQRnca function
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LogAUC_IQRnca <- function(x, y) # down="Log" means Linear-Up Log-Down
# Author: Kyun-Seop Bae k@acr.kr
# Last modification: 2017.7.24
# Called by: IntAUC
# Calls: none except base
#    x: time or similar vector
#    y: concentration or similar vector
  Result__ = c(AUC = NA_real_,  # AUC by log down method
             AUMC = NA_real_) # AUMC by log down method
# Input check
  n = length(x)
  if (n != length(y) | !is.numeric(x) | !is.numeric(y)) return(Result__)

  auc = 0
  aumc = 0
  for (i in 2:n) {
    if (y[i] < y[i-1] & y[i] > 0) {
      k = (log(y[i-1]) - log(y[i]))/(x[i] - x[i-1]) # -k slope in y-log scale
      auc = auc + (y[i-1] - y[i])/k
      aumc = aumc + (x[i-1]*y[i-1] - x[i]*y[i])/k + (y[i-1] - y[i])/k/k
    } else {
      auc = auc + (x[i] - x[i-1])*(y[i] + y[i-1])/2
      aumc = aumc + (x[i] - x[i-1])*(y[i]*x[i] + y[i-1]*x[i-1])/2
  Result__["AUC"]  = auc
  Result__["AUMC"] = aumc

########################################################################### ###
# LinAUC_IQRnca function
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LinAUC_IQRnca <- function(x, y) # down="Linear"
# Author: Kyun-Seop Bae k@acr.kr
# Last modification: 2017.7.24
# Called by: IntAUC
# Calls: none except base
#    x: time or similar vector
#    y: concentration or similar vector
  Result__ = c(AUC = NA_real_,  # AUC by linear down method
             AUMC = NA_real_) # AUMC by linear down method
# Input check
  n = length(x)
  if (n != length(y) | !is.numeric(x) | !is.numeric(y)) return(Result__)

  Result__["AUC"]  = sum((x[-1] - x[-n])*(y[-1] + y[-n]))/2
  Result__["AUMC"] = sum((x[-1] - x[-n])*(x[-1]*y[-1] + x[-n]*y[-n]))/2

# Interpol_IQRnca function

Interpol_IQRnca <- function(x, y, xnew__, Slope=0, b0=0, down="Linear")
# Author: Kyun-Seop Bae k@acr.kr
# Last modification: 2017.7.24
# Called by: IntAUC
# Calls: UT
#   x: time or similar vector
#   y: concentration or similear vector
#   xnew__: new x point to be interpolated
#   Slope: terminal slope of log(y) ~ x
#   b0: intercept of log(y) ~ x
#   down: "Linear" or "Log"
  Result__ = list(x, y) # Default return value

# Input check
  n = length(x)
  if (n != length(y)) {
    warning("Interpol: Length of x and y are different!")
    newN = min(n, length(y))
    x = x[1:newN]
    y = y[1:newN]

  if (!is.numeric(x) | !is.numeric(y) | !is.character(down)) {

  if (xnew__ %in% x) return(Result__)

  if (sum(x < xnew__) > 0) {
    LEFT__ = TRUE
    x1 = x[max(which(x < xnew__))]
    y1 = y[max(which(x < xnew__))]
  } else LEFT__ = FALSE

  if (sum(x > xnew__) > 0) {
    RIGHT__ = TRUE
    x2 = x[min(which(x > xnew__))]
    y2 = y[min(which(x > xnew__))]
  } else RIGHT__ = FALSE

  if (LEFT__==TRUE & RIGHT__==TRUE) {
    if (UT_IQRnca(down)=="LOG" & y2 < y1 & y2 > 0) {
      ynew = exp(log(y1) + (log(y2) - log(y1))/(x2 - x1)*(xnew__ - x1))
    } else {
      ynew = y1 + (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1)*(xnew__ - x1)

  if (LEFT__==TRUE & RIGHT__==FALSE) ynew = exp(b0 - Slope*xnew__)  # NOT ynew = exp(log(y1) - Slope*(xnew__ - x1))
  if (LEFT__==FALSE & RIGHT__==TRUE) ynew = y2/x2 * xnew__
  if (LEFT__==FALSE & RIGHT__==FALSE) return(Result__)

  Result__ = list(sort(c(x, xnew__)), c(y, ynew)[order(c(x, xnew__))])

# IntAUC_IQRnca function

IntAUC_IQRnca <- function(x, y, t1, t2, Res__, down="Linear")
# Author: Kyun-Seop Bae k@acr.kr
# Last modification: 2017.7.24
# Called by: singleNCA_IQRnca
# Calls: Interpol, LinAUC, LogAUC, UT
#    x: time
#    y: natural log of concentration
#   t1: time of start. This could be interpolated, if this is not included in x.
#   t2: time of end. This could be interpolated, if this is not included in x.
#  Res__: result of singleNCA_IQRnca
#  down: "Linear" or "Log"
  Result__ = NA_real_ # Interval AUC

# Input check
  n = length(x)
  if (n != length(y) | !is.numeric(x) | !is.numeric(y)) return(Result__)
  if (t1 > Res__["TLST"]) return(Result__)

  tL__ = Res__["TLST"]
  if (t2 > tL__ & is.na(Res__["LAMZ"])) return(Result__)

  newSeries__ = Interpol_IQRnca(x, y, t1, Res__["LAMZ"], Res__["b0"], down=down)
  newSeries__ = Interpol_IQRnca(newSeries__[[1]], newSeries__[[2]], t2, Res__["LAMZ"], Res__["b0"], down=down)
  x = newSeries__[[1]]
  y = newSeries__[[2]]

  if (UT_IQRnca(down)=="LINEAR") {
    if (t2 <= tL__) {
      Result__ = LinAUC_IQRnca(x[x>=t1 & x<=t2], y[x>=t1 & x<=t2])[[1]]
    } else {
      Result__ = LinAUC_IQRnca(x[x>=t1 & x<=tL__], y[x>=t1 & x<=tL__])[[1]] + LogAUC_IQRnca(x[x>=tL__ & x<=t2], y[x>=tL__ & x<=t2])[[1]]
  } else if (UT_IQRnca(down)=="LOG") {
    Result__ = LogAUC_IQRnca(x[x>=t1 & x<=t2], y[x>=t1 & x<=t2])[[1]]
  } else {
    Result__ = NA_real_


# BestSlope_IQRnca function

BestSlope_IQRnca <- function(x, y, adm="Extravascular", TOL=1e-4,FLAGivSlopeCmax=FALSE)
# Author: Kyun-Seop Bae k@acr.kr
# Last modification: 2017.7.19
# Called by : singleNCA_IQRnca
# Calls : Slope, UT
#    x: time or similar vector
#    y: concentration or similar vector
#    adm: method of drug administration "Bolus", "Infusion", or "Extravascular"
#    TOL: Tolerance, see Phoneix WinNonlin 6.4 User's Guide p33
  Result__ = c(R2 = NA,     # R square
             R2ADJ = NA,  # R square adjusted
             LAMZNPT = 0, # Number of points for Lambda z
             LAMZ = NA,   # Lambda z, terminal slope as a positive number
             b0 = NA,     # intercept from OLS, i.e. simple linear regression
             CORRXY = NA, # Correlation of x, y
             LAMZLL = NA, # Lower time for lambda z
             LAMZUL = NA, # Upper time for lambda z
             CLSTP = NA)  # Concentration last predicted in original scale
# Input Check
  n = length(x)
  if (n != length(y) | !is.numeric(x) | !is.numeric(y) | length(y[y < 0]) > 0) {
    Result__["LAMZNPT"] = 0

  if (length(unique(y)) == 1) { # Case of all the same values
    Result__["LAMZNPT"] = 0
    Result__["b0"] = unique(y)

  if (UT_IQRnca(adm) == "BOLUS" | (FLAGivSlopeCmax & UT_IQRnca(adm) == "INFUSION")) {
    locStart__ = which.max(y)      # From Tmax (for Bolus and (Infusion if FLAGivSlopeCmax=TRUE))
  } else {
    locStart__ = which.max(y) + 1  # From next after Tmax (for the others)
  locLast__ = max(which(y > 0))    # Till non-zero concentration

  if (locLast__ - locStart__ < 2) {  # Too few to fit, if this is 2, R2ADJ becomes NaN.
    Result__["LAMZNPT"] = 0

  tmpMat__ = matrix(nrow=(locLast__ - locStart__ - 1), ncol=length(Result__))
  colnames(tmpMat__) = names(Result__)
  for (i in locStart__:(locLast__ - 2)) {
    tmpMat__[i - locStart__ + 1,] = getSlope_IQRnca(x[i:locLast__], log(y[i:locLast__]))
  # Keep only slopes for which more than 2 points were used
  tmpMat__ = tmpMat__[tmpMat__[,"LAMZNPT"] > 2,,drop=FALSE]
  # Exclusion of slopes for which R2ADJ could not be determined
  if (any(is.na(tmpMat__[,"R2ADJ"]))) {
    warning("Adjusted Rsquared could not be determined for at least one of possible set of slope points. These sets cannot be considered.")
    tmpMat__ <- tmpMat__[,!is.na(tmpMat__[,"R2ADJ"])]
  if (nrow(tmpMat__) > 0) {
    maxAdjRsq = max(tmpMat__[,"R2ADJ"])
    OKs__ = ifelse(abs(maxAdjRsq - tmpMat__[,"R2ADJ"]) < TOL, TRUE, FALSE)
    nMax__ = max(tmpMat__[OKs__,"LAMZNPT"])
    Result__ = tmpMat__[OKs__ & tmpMat__[,"LAMZNPT"]==nMax__,]
  } else {
    Result__["LAMZNPT"] = 0


# AUC_IQRnca function

AUC_IQRnca <- function(x, y, down)
# Author: Kyun-Seop Bae k@acr.kr
# Last modification; 2017-07-24
# Called by: singleNCA_IQRnca
# Calls: UT
#    x: time or similar vector
#    y: concentration or similar vector
#    down: LINEAR or LOG
#    The switching from linear to log in case of down="LOG"
#    will not be done on an individual sample pair basis but based on
#    pre Tmax and post Tmax samples - as this is how WinNonlin is doing it.

  n = length(x)
  Result__ = c(AUC = rep(NA_real_, n),   # vector of cumulative AUC
               AUMC = rep(NA_real_, n))  # vector of cumulative AUMC
# Input check
  if (n != length(y) | !is.numeric(x) | !is.numeric(y)) return(Result__)

  Res__ = matrix(nrow=n, ncol=2) # temporary result
  Res__[1,] = c(0, 0)
  for (i in 2:n) {
    if (x[i-1] < min(x[which(y==max(y))])) { # New approach ... based on Tmax
      Res__[i,1] = (x[i] - x[i-1])*(y[i] + y[i-1])/2
      Res__[i,2] = (x[i] - x[i-1])*(x[i]*y[i] + x[i-1]*y[i-1])/2
    } else if (UT_IQRnca(down) == "LINEAR") { # downward & linear
      Res__[i,1] = (x[i] - x[i-1])*(y[i] + y[i-1])/2
      Res__[i,2] = (x[i] - x[i-1])*(x[i]*y[i] + x[i-1]*y[i-1])/2
    } else if (UT_IQRnca(down) == "LOG") { # downward & log
      k = (log(y[i - 1]) - log(y[i]))/(x[i] - x[i-1]) # -k slope in y-log scale
      if (k==0) {
        # Special case of using linear as same value
        Res__[i,1] = (x[i] - x[i-1])*(y[i] + y[i-1])/2
        Res__[i,2] = (x[i] - x[i-1])*(x[i]*y[i] + x[i-1]*y[i-1])/2
      } else {
        # Use log
        Res__[i,1] = (y[i-1] - y[i])/k
        Res__[i,2] = (x[i-1]*y[i-1] - x[i]*y[i])/k + (y[i-1] - y[i])/k/k
    } else {
      Res__[i,1] = NA_real_
      Res__[i,2] = NA_real_
  Result__ = cbind(AUC=cumsum(Res__[,1]), AUMC=cumsum(Res__[,2]))

# UT_IQRnca function

# Author: Kyun-Seop Bae k@acr.kr
# Last modification; 2017-07-24

UT_IQRnca  <- function(x) toupper(gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x))

# UnitUrine_IQRnca function

UnitUrine_IQRnca <- function(conU="ng/mL", volU="mL", amtU__="mg", MW=0)
# Author: Kyun-Seop Bae k@acr.kr
# Last modification; 2017-07-24
# Called by:
# Calls:
#    conU: concentration unit
#    volU: volume unit
#    amtU__: amount unit, upper and lower case should match
#    durU: duration unit, "h" fixed
#    rateU: rate unit, amtU__/durU
#    MW: molecular weight
# RETURNS conversion factor for the mulplication: conc * vol * factor = amount in the given unit
  Result__ = 0  # default value to return
# Input check
  if (!is.numeric(MW)) return (Result__)
  if (MW < 0) return (Result__)
  rGram__ = c(1, 1e3, 1e6, 1e9, 1e12)
  names(rGram__) = c("g", "mg", "ug", "ng", "pg")

  rVol__ = c(1, 1e1, 1e3, 1e6)
  names(rVol__) = c("L", "dL", "mL", "uL")

  rMol__ = c(1, 1e3, 1e6, 1e9, 1e12)
  names(rMol__) = c("mol", "mmol", "umol", "nmol", "pmol")

  amtU__ = tolower(amtU__)

  if (toupper(conU) == toupper("mg/mL")) conU = "g/L"
  if (toupper(conU) == toupper("ug/mL")) conU = "mg/L"
  if (toupper(conU) == toupper("ng/mL")) conU = "ug/L"
  if (toupper(conU) == toupper("pg/mL")) conU = "ng/L"

  if (toupper(conU) == toupper("mmol/mL")) conU = "mol/L"
  if (toupper(conU) == toupper("umul/mL")) conU = "mmol/L"
  if (toupper(conU) == toupper("nmol/mL")) conU = "umol/L"
  if (toupper(conU) == toupper("pmol/mL")) conU = "nmol/L"

  amtU1__ = strsplit(conU, "/")[[1]][1]

  if ((amtU1__ %in% names(rMol__) & amtU__ %in% names(rGram__)) | (amtU1__ %in% names(rGram__) & amtU__ %in% names(rMol__))) {
    if (MW <= 0) {
      warning("Molecular weight should be given!")
      return (Result__)

  if (amtU__ %in% names(rMol__) & amtU1__ %in% names(rGram__)) Result__ = rMol__[amtU__]/rGram__[amtU1__] / rVol__[volU] / MW
  else if (amtU__ %in% names(rGram__) & amtU1__ %in% names(rMol__)) Result__ = rGram__[amtU__]/rMol__[amtU1__] / rVol__[volU] * MW
  else if (amtU__ %in% names(rGram__) & amtU1__ %in% names(rGram__)) Result__ = rGram__[amtU__]/rGram__[amtU1__] / rVol__[volU]
  else if (amtU__ %in% names(rMol__) & amtU1__ %in% names(rMol__)) Result__ = rMol__[amtU__]/rMol__[amtU1__] / rVol__[volU]
  else {Result__ = 0}

  return (Result__)

# RCAMLST (recovery amount last)
# RCPCLST (recovery percent last) FracExcr Fraction excreted unchanged
# ERINT (excretion rate interval)
# LSTURINE: Last urine collection time from PCENDTC
# RENALCL (renal clearance) = RCAMLST/AUC[0-LSTURINE]

# Unit_IQRnca function

Unit_IQRnca <- function(code__="", timeUnit="h", concUnit="ng/mL", doseUnit="mg", MW=0)
# Author: Kyun-Seop Bae k@acr.kr
# Last modification; 2017-07-24
# Called by:
# Calls:
#    code__: SDTM PPTESTCD
#    timeUnit: time unit
#    concUnit: concentration unit
#    doseUnit: dose unit, this should not be amount per kg (BWT) or per m2 (BSA)
#    MW: molecular weight
  Result__ = c(Unit = NA_character_, # unit of SDTM PPTESTCD like AUCLST, CMAX, CMAXD, ...
             Factor = NA_real_) # conversion factor used internally
# Input check
  if (length(strsplit(doseUnit, "/")[[1]]) != 1) return(Result__)
  if (!is.numeric(MW)) return(Result__)
  if (MW < 0) return(Result__)
  rGram__ = c(1, 1e3, 1e6, 1e9, 1e12)
  names(rGram__) = c("g", "mg", "ug", "ng", "pg")

  rMol__ = c(1, 1e3, 1e6, 1e9, 1e12)
  names(rMol__) = c("mol", "mmol", "umol", "nmol", "pmol")

  doseUnit = tolower(doseUnit)
  timeUnit = tolower(timeUnit)

  if (toupper(concUnit) == toupper("mg/mL")) concUnit = "g/L"
  if (toupper(concUnit) == toupper("ug/mL")) concUnit = "mg/L"
  if (toupper(concUnit) == toupper("ng/mL")) concUnit = "ug/L"
  if (toupper(concUnit) == toupper("pg/mL")) concUnit = "ng/L"

  if (toupper(concUnit) == toupper("mmol/mL")) concUnit = "mol/L"
  if (toupper(concUnit) == toupper("umol/mL")) concUnit = "mmol/L"
  if (toupper(concUnit) == toupper("nmol/mL")) concUnit = "umol/L"
  if (toupper(concUnit) == toupper("pmol/mL")) concUnit = "nmol/L"

  tConc__ = strsplit(concUnit, "/")[[1]]
  uAmt__ = tConc__[1]
  uVol__ = tConc__[2]

  if ((uAmt__ %in% names(rMol__) & doseUnit %in% names(rGram__)) | (uAmt__ %in% names(rGram__) & doseUnit %in% names(rMol__))) {
    if (is.na(MW)) warning("Molecular weight should be given for more informative results!")
    if (MW <= 0) warning("Molecular weight should be given for more informative results!")

  TestCD__ = c("b0", "CMAX", "CMAXD", "TMAX", "TLAG", "CLST", "CLSTP", "TLST", "LAMZHL", "LAMZ",
             "LAMZLL", "LAMZUL", "LAMZNPT", "CORRXY", "R2", "R2ADJ", "C0", "AUCLST", "AUCALL",
             "VZO", "VZP", "VZFO", "VZFP", "CLO", "CLP", "CLFO", "CLFP", "VSSO", "VSSP","VZFSS","VZSS","CLFSS","CLSS","AUCTAU","AUCTAUD","TAU")
  nTestCD = length(TestCD__)
  Res__ = data.frame(Unit=rep("",nTestCD), Factor=rep(1,nTestCD), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  rownames(Res__) = TestCD__

  for (i in 1:nTestCD) {
    Code__ = TestCD__[i]

    if (Code__ %in% c("CMAX", "CLST", "CLSTP", "C0")) Res__[i, 1] = concUnit
    if (Code__ == "CMAXD") Res__[i, 1] = paste0(concUnit,"/",doseUnit)

    if (Code__ %in% c("TMAX", "TLAG", "TLST", "LAMZHL", "LAMZLL", "LAMZUL", "MRTIVLST",
                    "MRTIVIFO", "MRTIVIFP", "MRTEVLST", "MRTEVIFO", "MRTEVIFP","TAU")) Res__[i, 1] = timeUnit

    if (Code__ == "LAMZ") Res__[i, 1] = paste0("1/",timeUnit)
    if (Code__ %in% c("b0", "LAMZNPT", "CORRXY", "R2", "R2ADJ")) Res__[i, 1] = ""
    if (Code__ %in% c("AUCLST", "AUCALL", "AUCIFO", "AUCIFP","AUCTAU")) Res__[i, 1] = paste0(timeUnit," * ",concUnit)
    if (Code__ %in% c("AUCIFOD", "AUCIFPD","AUCTAUD")) Res__[i, 1] = paste0(timeUnit," * ",concUnit,"/",doseUnit)
    if (Code__ %in% c("AUCPEO", "AUCPEP", "AUCPBEO", "AUCPBEP", "AUMCPEO", "AUMCPEP")) Res__[i, 1] = "%"
    if (Code__ %in% c("AUMCLST", "AUMCIFO", "AUMCIFP")) Res__[i, 1] = paste0(timeUnit,"2 * ",concUnit)

    if (Code__ %in% c("VZO", "VZP", "VZFO", "VZFP", "VSSO", "VSSP","VZFSS","VZSS")) {
      if (uAmt__ %in% names(rMol__) & doseUnit %in% names(rGram__)) Res__[i, ] = c(uVol__, rMol__[uAmt__]/rGram__[doseUnit] / MW)
      else if (uAmt__ %in% names(rGram__) & doseUnit %in% names(rMol__)) Res__[i, ] = c(uVol__, rGram__[uAmt__]/rMol__[doseUnit] * MW)
      else if (uAmt__ %in% names(rGram__) & doseUnit %in% names(rGram__)) Res__[i, ] = Res__[i, ] = c(uVol__, rGram__[uAmt__]/rGram__[doseUnit])
      else Res__[i, ] = c(uVol__, rMol__[uAmt__]/rMol__[doseUnit])
    if (Code__ %in% c("CLO", "CLP", "CLFO", "CLFP","CLFSS","CLSS")) {
      if (uAmt__ %in% names(rMol__) & doseUnit %in% names(rGram__)) Res__[i, ] = c(paste0(uVol__,"/",timeUnit), rMol__[uAmt__]/rGram__[doseUnit] / MW)
      else if (uAmt__ %in% names(rGram__) & doseUnit %in% names(rMol__)) Res__[i, ] = c(paste0(uVol__,"/",timeUnit), rGram__[uAmt__]/rMol__[doseUnit] * MW)
      else if (uAmt__ %in% names(rGram__) & doseUnit %in% names(rGram__)) Res__[i, ] = Res__[i, ] = c(paste0(uVol__,"/",timeUnit), rGram__[uAmt__]/rGram__[doseUnit])
      else Res__[i, ] = c(paste0(uVol__,"/",timeUnit), rMol__[uAmt__]/rMol__[doseUnit])

  Res__[,2] = as.numeric(Res__[,2])
  Res__[Res__[,2] == 0 | Res__[,2] == Inf, 2] = NA

  if (code__ == "") Result__ = Res__ # return all codes
  else return(Result__ = Res__[code__,]) # return only specific codes

IntiQuan/NonCompartIQR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2019, 2:29 a.m.