
# Test that chunk outputs match original data system


OLDNEW <- T # Run old-new tests?

if (OLDNEW){
  test_that("matches old data system output", {
    # If we are running the code coverage tests then let's skip this since
    # it will take a long to time run and the purpose of this test is to
    # make sure the chunk outputs match the old data system and not to test
    # the functionality of any chunks
    if(isTRUE(as.logical(Sys.getenv("gcamdata.is_coverage_test")))) {
      skip("Skip old new when only interested in code coverage")

    # If we're on GitHub Actions, need to run the driver to ensure chunk outputs saved
    # Don't do this locally, to speed things up

    # Look for output data in OUTPUTS_DIR under top level
    # (as this code will be run in tests/testthat)
    outputs_dir <- normalizePath(file.path("../..", OUTPUTS_DIR))
    xml_dir <- normalizePath(file.path("../..", XML_DIR))

    if(identical(Sys.getenv("GITHUB_ACTIONS"), "true")) {
      # Run the driver and save chunk outputs
      # Note we are not going to bother writing the XML since GitHub Actions will not have
      # any gcamdata.xml_cmpdir to do the OLD/NEW on the XML files anyways.
      gcam_data_map <- driver(write_outputs = TRUE, write_xml = FALSE, quiet = TRUE, outdir = outputs_dir, xmldir = xml_dir, return_data_map_only = TRUE)

      # The following two tests are only run on GitHub Actions because they will fail
      # during the R CMD CHECK process locally (as the R build process removes outputs/)
      expect_equivalent(file.access(outputs_dir, mode = 4), 0,  # outputs_dir exists and is readable
                        info = paste("Directory", outputs_dir, "unreadable or does not exist from", getwd()))

      # Now we compare the data map returned above with the pre-packaged version
      # They should match! See https://github.com/JGCRI/gcamdata/pull/751#issuecomment-331578990
      # First put what the driver returns and the internal GCAM_DATA_MAP into the same order (can vary if run on PIC for example)
      gcam_data_map <- arrange(gcam_data_map, name, output)
      gdm_internal <- arrange(GCAM_DATA_MAP, name, output)

      # The gcam_data_map that's generated on GitHub Actions won't have the proprietary IEA data, so its comments
      # and units may differ
      expect_identical(dim(gdm_internal), dim(gcam_data_map), info =
                         "GCAM_DATA_MAP dimensions don't match. Rerun generate_package_data to update.")
      expect_identical(gdm_internal$name, gcam_data_map$name, info =
                         "GCAM_DATA_MAP name doesn't match. Rerun generate_package_data to update.")
      expect_identical(gdm_internal$output, gcam_data_map$output, info = "GCAM_DATA_MAP output doesn't match")
      expect_identical(gdm_internal$precursors, gcam_data_map$precursors, info =
                         "GCAM_DATA_MAP precursors doesn't match. Rerun generate_package_data to update.")

    # Get a list of files in OUTPUTS_DIR for which we will make OLD/NEW comparisons
    new_files <- list.files(outputs_dir, full.names = TRUE)

    if(length(new_files) == 0) {
      # There was no "NEW" outputs in the OUTPUTS_DIR to make comparisons
      # so we will skip this test
      skip("no output data found for comparison")
    } else if(!require("gcamdata.compdata", quietly = TRUE)) {
      # We couldn't get the "OLD" outputs from the gcamdata.compdata repo
      # so we will skip this test
      skip("gcamdata.compdata package not available")
    } else {
      # Create a list of changed outputs
      changed_outputs <- c()
      # For each file in OUTPUTS_DIR, look for corresponding file in our
      # comparison data. Load them, reshape new data if necessary, compare.
      for(newf in list.files(outputs_dir, full.names = TRUE)) {
        # In this rewrite, we're not putting X's in front of years,
        # nor are we going to spend time unnecessarily reshaping datasets
        # (i.e. wide to long and back). But we still need to be able to
        # verify old versus new datasets! Chunks tag the data if it's
        # reshaped, and save_chunkdata puts flag(s) at top of the file.
        new_firstline <- readLines(newf, n = 1)

        if(grepl(FLAG_NO_TEST, new_firstline)) {

        newdata <- read_csv(newf, comment = COMMENT_CHAR)
        oldf <- sub('.csv$', '', basename(newf))
        # get the comparison data which is coming from the gcamdata.compdata package
        olddata <- get_comparison_data(oldf)
        expect_is(olddata, "data.frame", info = paste("No comparison data found for", oldf))

        if(is.null(olddata)) {
          # will have already failed the above test but we need to protect
          # from crashing in the calculations below

        if (grepl("L131.in_EJ_R_Senduse_F_Yh.csv", newf)){
          olddata <- olddata %>%
            mutate(value = if_else(is.nan(value), as.double(NA), value))

        # Finally, test (NB rounding numeric columns to a sensible number of
        # digits; otherwise spurious mismatches occur)
        # Also first converts integer columns to numeric (otherwise test will
        # fail when comparing <int> and <dbl> columns)
        DIGITS <- 3
        round_df <- function(x, digits = DIGITS) {
          integer_columns <- sapply(x, class) == "integer"
          x[integer_columns] <- lapply(x[integer_columns], as.numeric)

          numeric_columns <- sapply(x, class) == "numeric"

          x[numeric_columns] <- round(x[numeric_columns], digits)


        expect_identical(dim(olddata), dim(newdata), info = paste("Dimensions are not the same for", basename(newf)))

        if(isTRUE(all.equal(olddata, newdata, tolerance = 0.02))){
        else if(isTRUE(all.equal(data.table(distinct(olddata)), data.table(distinct(newdata)), ignore.row.order = TRUE, ignore.col.order = TRUE, tolerance = 0.02))){
        else if(isTRUE(dplyr::all_equal(round_df(olddata), round_df(newdata)))){
        } else {
          changed_outputs <- c(changed_outputs, oldf)

      if (length(changed_outputs > 0)){
        print("The following outputs have changed:")

  test_that('New XML outputs match old XML outputs', {
    ## The XML comparison data is huge, so we don't want to try to include it in
    ## the package.  Instead, we look for an option that indicates where the data
    ## can be found.  If the option isn't set, then we skip this test.
    xml_cmp_dir <- getOption('gcamdata.xml_cmpdir')
    if(is.null(xml_cmp_dir)) {
      skip("XML comparison data not provided. Set option 'gcamdata.xml_cmpdir' to run this test.")
    else {
      xml_cmp_dir <- normalizePath(xml_cmp_dir)

    xml_dir <- normalizePath(file.path("../..", XML_DIR))

    for(newxml in list.files(xml_dir, full.names = TRUE)) {
      oldxml <- list.files(xml_cmp_dir, pattern = paste0('^',basename(newxml),'$'), recursive = TRUE,
                           full.names = TRUE)
      if(length(oldxml) > 0) {
        expect_equal(length(oldxml), 1,
                     info = paste('Testing file', newxml, ': Found', length(oldxml),
                                  'comparison files.  There can be only one.'))
        ## If we come back with multiple matching files, we'll try to run the test anyhow, selecting
        ## the first one as the true comparison.
        expect_true(cmp_xml_files(oldxml[1], newxml),
                    info = paste('Sorry to be the one to tell you, but new XML file',
                                 newxml, "is not equivalent to its old version."))
      else {
        ## If no comparison file found, issue a message, but don't fail the test.
        message('No comparison file found for ', newxml, '. Skipping.')
} else {
  # If we're not running oldnew tests, then we should test that driver can run without any errors
  # no need to save outputs
  test_that("driver runs", {
    expect_error(driver(write_outputs = FALSE, write_xml = FALSE), NA)

JGCRI/gcamdata documentation built on March 21, 2023, 2:19 a.m.