# land_node.R
#' LandNode
#' @details Initialize an Class called LandNode
#' @param aName Node name
#' @param aChoiceFunction Choice function (logit type and exponent from node above)
#' @param aLandAllocation Land allocation for this node (reserved for future
#' use)
#' @param aFinalCalPeriod Final calibration period
#' @field mName Node name
#' @field mChoiceFunction Choice function (logit type and exponent) for this node
#' @field mLandAllocation Land allocation for this node
#' @field mFinalCalPeriod Final calibration period
#' @field mUnmanagedLandValue Unmanaged land value in this node
#' @field mShare Share of land allocated to this node
#' @field mShareWeight Share weight of this node
#' @field mGhostUnnormalizedShare Ghost share for new children in this node
#' @field mProfitRate Profit rate of this node
#' @field mChildren list of LandLeaf children
#' @return New, initialized LandNode
#' @author KVC September 2017
LandNode <- function(aName, aChoiceFunction, aLandAllocation, aFinalCalPeriod) {
self <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
self$mName <- aName
self$mChoiceFunction <- aChoiceFunction
self$mFinalCalPeriod <- aFinalCalPeriod
self$mLandAllocation = list()
self$mUnmanagedLandValue = 0.0
self$mShare = list()
self$mShareWeight = list()
self$mGhostUnnormalizedShare = list()
self$mProfitRate = list()
self$mChildren = list()
class(self) <- c("LandNode", class(self))
#' LandNode_initCalc
#' @param aLandNode Land node.
#' @param aPeriod Model time period.
#' @details Initial calculations for the land node.
#' Currently, this calls initCalc on children.
#' @author KVC September 2017
LandNode_initCalc <- function(aLandNode, aPeriod) {
# TODO: all kinds of things including error checking
if (aPeriod > 1) {
# Copy share weights forward
if (length(aLandNode$mShareWeight) < aPeriod) {
aLandNode$mShareWeight[aPeriod] <- aLandNode$mShareWeight[[aPeriod - 1]];
# Call initCalc on any children
for (child in aLandNode$mChildren) {
if(inherits(child, "LandNode")) {
LandNode_initCalc(child, aPeriod)
} else if (inherits(child, "LandLeaf")) {
LandLeaf_initCalc(child, aPeriod)
} else {
UnmanagedLandLeaf_initCalc(child, aPeriod)
#' LandNode_setInitShares
#' @details Calculates the initial share of land allocated to a node and calls
#' a similar method for the node's children. This method is
#' called during the calibration process so the shares
#' set are prior to any calculations of share weights.
#' @param aLandNode Land node to perform calculations on
#' @param aLandAllocationAbove Land allocation of the parent node
#' @param aPeriod Model period
#' @author KVC September 2017
LandNode_setInitShares <- function(aLandNode, aLandAllocationAbove, aPeriod) {
# Calculate the total land within this node.
nodeLandAllocation <- LandNode_getCalLandAllocation(aLandNode, aPeriod)
# If there is no land allocation for the parent land type, set the share to 0.
# Otherwise, set the share of this node.
if(aLandAllocationAbove > 0) {
aLandNode$mShare[aPeriod] <- nodeLandAllocation / aLandAllocationAbove
} else{
aLandNode$mShare[aPeriod] <- 0.0
# Call setInitShares on all children
for( child in aLandNode$mChildren ) {
if(inherits(child, "LandNode")) {
LandNode_setInitShares(child, nodeLandAllocation, aPeriod)
} else {
LandLeaf_setInitShares(child, nodeLandAllocation, aPeriod)
#' LandNode_getCalLandAllocation
#' @details Calculates and returns total land allocation of a given type.
#' @param aLandNode LandNode
#' @param aPeriod Model period
#' @return Calibrated land allocation for this node
#' @author KVC October 2017
LandNode_getCalLandAllocation <- function(aLandNode, aPeriod) {
sum <- 0.0
for(child in aLandNode$mChildren) {
if(inherits(child, "LandNode")) {
sum <- sum + LandNode_getCalLandAllocation(child, aPeriod)
} else {
sum <- sum + LandLeaf_getCalLandAllocation(child, aPeriod)
#' LandNode_calcLandShares
#' @details Uses the logit formulation to calculate the share
#' of land allocated to a particular land type. A node's share
#' is based on its profit rate and distribution parameter.
#' A node's profit rate is NOT the weighted average of its
#' childrens' profit rates but is based on the J. Clarke and Edmonds
#' Logit paper and uses the scaled profits of the child nodes and leafs.
#' @param aLandNode Land node to perform calculations on
#' @param aChoiceFnAbove The discrete choice function from the level above.
#' @param aPeriod Period.
#' @author KVC September 2017
LandNode_calcLandShares <- function(aLandNode, aChoiceFnAbove, aPeriod) {
# Step 1. Calculate the unnormalized shares.
# These calls need to be made to initiate recursion into lower nests even
# if the current node will have fixed shares.
# Note: these are the log( unnormalized shares )
i <- 1
unNormalizedShares <- data.frame(unnormalized.share = rep(NA, length(aLandNode$mChildren)))
for(child in aLandNode$mChildren) {
if(inherits(child, "LandNode")) {
unNormalizedShares$unnormalized.share[i] <- LandNode_calcLandShares(child, aLandNode$mChoiceFunction, aPeriod)
} else {
unNormalizedShares$unnormalized.share[i] <- LandLeaf_calcLandShares(child, aLandNode$mChoiceFunction, aPeriod)
i <- i + 1
# Step 2. Normalize and set the share of each child. Also calculate info for node profit
# The unnormalized shares will be normalizd after this call. Note: we
# are using the normalization method in GCAM4.3
normalizationInfo <- SectorUtils_normalizeShares(unNormalizedShares)
i <- 1
for ( child in aLandNode$mChildren ) {
child$mShare[aPeriod] <- normalizationInfo$normalizedShares$share[i]
i <- i + 1
# Step 3 Compute node profit based on unnormalized sum
if(aLandNode$mChoiceFunction$mLogitExponent > 0.0) {
aLandNode$mProfitRate[aPeriod] <- normalizationInfo$unnormalizedSum^(1.0 / aLandNode$mChoiceFunction$mLogitExponent)
} else{
aLandNode$mProfitRate[aPeriod] <- aLandNode$mUnmanagedLandValue
# Step 4. Calculate the unnormalized share for this node, but here using the discrete choice of the
# containing or parant node. This will be used to determine this nodes share within its
# parent node.
# TODO: Implement AbsoluteCostLogit
if( aChoiceFnAbove$mType == "relative-cost") {
if(aLandNode$mShareWeight[[aPeriod]] > 0) {
unNormalizedShare <- (aLandNode$mShareWeight[[aPeriod]] * aLandNode$mProfitRate[[aPeriod]])^aChoiceFnAbove$mLogitExponent
} else {
unNormalizedShare <- 0
} else {
print( "ERROR: Invalid choice function in LandNode_calcLandShares" )
#' LandNode_calculateShareWeights
#' @details Calculates share weights at the node level and calls
#' the share weight calculation for the node's children.
#' Note: this now blends the calculateCalibrationProfitRate and
#' calculateProfitScaler code in GCAM4.3. It will be helpful when
#' implementing an absolute cost logit.
#' @param aLandNode Land node to perform calculations on
#' @param aChoiceFnAbove The discrete choice function from the level above.
#' @param aPeriod Period.
#' @param aScenarioInfo Scenario info object
#' @author KVC September 2017
LandNode_calculateShareWeights <- function(aLandNode, aChoiceFnAbove, aPeriod, aScenarioInfo) {
# TODO: Figure out if this is needed and why.
if(aChoiceFnAbove$mLogitExponent == 0) {
aLandNode$mShareWeight[aPeriod] <- aLandNode$mShare[[aPeriod]]
} else {
aLandNode$mShareWeight[aPeriod] <- 1
# Set node calibration profit as the output cost in the choice function
if(aChoiceFnAbove$mLogitExponent == 0.0) {
avgProfit <- aLandNode$mUnmanagedLandValue
} else {
avgProfit <- aLandNode$mShare[[aPeriod]]^(1.0 / aChoiceFnAbove$mLogitExponent)
# Set the output cost for this node as its average profit rate
aLandNode$mChoiceFunction$mOuputCost <- avgProfit
for(child in aLandNode$mChildren) {
if(inherits(child, "LandNode")) {
LandNode_calculateShareWeights(child, aLandNode$mChoiceFunction, aPeriod, aScenarioInfo)
} else {
LandLeaf_calculateShareWeights(child, aLandNode$mChoiceFunction, aPeriod, aLandNode, aScenarioInfo)
#' LandNode_setUnmanagedLandProfitRate
#' @details Unmanaged land leafs have a base profit rate that
#' is equal to the average profit rate of that region
#' or subregion. Loop through all children and set this.
#' @param aLandNode Land node.
#' @param aAverageProfitRate Average profit rate of region or subregion.
#' @param aPeriod model period.
#' @author KVC September 2017
LandNode_setUnmanagedLandProfitRate <- function(aLandNode, aAverageProfitRate, aPeriod) {
# If node is the root of a fixed land area nest ( typically a subregion )
# or the root of the entire land allocatory, then set the average profit
# to the unmanaged land value
if(aLandNode$mUnmanagedLandValue > 0.0) {
avgProfitRate <- aLandNode$mUnmanagedLandValue
} else {
aLandNode$mUnmanagedLandValue <- aAverageProfitRate
avgProfitRate <- aAverageProfitRate
# Loop through all children and call setUnmanagedLandProfitRate
for(child in aLandNode$mChildren) {
if (inherits(child, "UnmanagedLandLeaf")) {
UnmanagedLandLeaf_setUnmanagedLandProfitRate(child, avgProfitRate, aPeriod)
} else if (inherits(child, "LandNode")) {
LandNode_setUnmanagedLandProfitRate(child, avgProfitRate, aPeriod)
#' LandNode_calculateNodeProfitRates
#' @details Calculates profit rates at the node level using the
#' logit function calculations.
#' @param aLandNode Current land node
#' @param aAverageProfitRateAbove Average profit rate of the parent node.
#' @param aChoiceFnAbove The discrete choice function from the level above.
#' @param aPeriod Period.
#' @author KVC September 2017
LandNode_calculateNodeProfitRates <- function(aLandNode, aAverageProfitRateAbove, aChoiceFnAbove, aPeriod) {
# First, set average profit rate equal to unmanaged land value. This may be overwritten later.
avgProfitRate <- aLandNode$mUnmanagedLandValue
# If we have a valid profit rate above then we can calculate the implied profit rate this node
# would have to recieve the share it did. If not (such as at the root) we just use the
# unmanaged land value.
if(aAverageProfitRateAbove > 0.0) {
share <- aLandNode$mShare[[aPeriod]]
if(share > 0.0) {
if( aChoiceFnAbove$mType == "relative-cost") {
avgProfitRate = RelativeCostLogit_calcImpliedCost(aChoiceFnAbove, share,
aAverageProfitRateAbove, aPeriod)
} else{
print("ERROR: Invalid choice function in LandNode_calculateNodeProfitRates")
} else if(aPeriod == aLandNode$mFinalCalPeriod) {
# TODO: Implement future technologies
# It may be the case that this node contains only "future" crop/technologies. In this case
# we use the ghost share in it's first available year to calculate the implied profit rate.
# for( int futurePer = aPeriod + 1; futurePer < modeltime->getmaxper() && avgProfitRate < 0.0; ++futurePer ) {
# if( mGhostUnormalizedShare[ futurePer ].isInited() ) {
# avgProfitRate = aChoiceFnAbove->calcImpliedCost( mGhostUnormalizedShare[ futurePer ],
# aAverageProfitRateAbove,
# aPeriod );
# }
# }
# }
# Set profit rate and output cost in choice function
aLandNode$mProfitRate[aPeriod] <- avgProfitRate
aLandNode$mChoiceFunction$mOutputCost <- avgProfitRate
# Pass the node profit rate down to children and trigger their calculation
# and pass down the logit exponent of this node
for(child in aLandNode$mChildren) {
if(inherits(child, "LandNode")) {
LandNode_calculateNodeProfitRates(child, avgProfitRate, aLandNode$mChoiceFunction, aPeriod)
# TODO: implement a absolute cost logit option
# Calculate a reasonable "base" profit rate to use set the scale for when
# changes in absolute profit rates would be made relative. We do this by
# taking the higest profit rate from any of the direct child items.
# double maxChildProfitRate = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
# for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < mChildren.size(); i++ ) {
# maxChildProfitRate = std::max( maxChildProfitRate,
# mChildren[i]->getProfitRate( aPeriod ) );
# }
# mChoiceFn->setBaseCost( maxChildProfitRate, mName );
#' LandNode_calcLandAllocation
#' @details Uses the land share and the allocation of land to
#' the parent node to calculate the allocation of this
#' node. CalculateLandShares must be called first.
#' @param aLandNode Land node
#' @param aLandAllocationAbove Land allocation of parent.
#' @param aPeriod model period.
#' @author KVC September 2017
LandNode_calcLandAllocation <- function(aLandNode, aLandAllocationAbove, aPeriod) {
# TODO: asserts?
# assert( mShare[ aPeriod ] >= 0.0 && mShare[ aPeriod ] <= 1.0 );
# Calculate node land allocation
nodeLandAllocation <- 0.0
if(aLandAllocationAbove > 0.0 && aLandNode$mShare[[aPeriod]] > 0.0) {
nodeLandAllocation <- aLandAllocationAbove * aLandNode$mShare[[aPeriod]]
# Set land allocation for the node
aLandNode$mLandAllocation[aPeriod] <- nodeLandAllocation
# Call calcLandAllocation for each child
for(child in aLandNode$mChildren) {
if(inherits(child, "LandNode")){
LandNode_calcLandAllocation(child, nodeLandAllocation, aPeriod)
} else {
LandLeaf_calcLandAllocation(child, nodeLandAllocation, aPeriod)
#' LandNode_getObservedAverageProfitRate
#' @details Get observed average profit rate.
#' @param aProfitRate Profit rate.
#' @param aShare Share.
#' @param aPeriod Model time period.
#' @author KVC September 2017
LandNode_getObservedAverageProfitRate <- function(aProfitRate, aShare, aPeriod) {
# aProfitRate = 0.0;
# for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < mChildren.size(); i++ ) {
# double currProfitRate;
# double currShare;
# mChildren[ i ]->getObservedAverageProfitRate( currProfitRate, currShare, aPeriod );
# aProfitRate += currShare * currProfitRate;
# }
# // If this leaf has a calibration share return that and if not try for a ghost
# // share.
# if( mShare[ aPeriod ] > 0 ) {
# aShare = mShare[ aPeriod ];
# }
# else {
# const Modeltime* modeltime = scenario->getModeltime();
# for( int futurePer = aPeriod + 1; futurePer < modeltime->getmaxper(); ++futurePer ) {
# if( mGhostUnormalizedShare[ futurePer ].isInited() ) {
# aShare = mGhostUnormalizedShare[ futurePer ];
# return;
# }
# }
# // If we get here then there was no ghost share either so just set a share
# // of zero.
# aShare = 0.0;
# }
# }
#' LandNode_getChildWithHighestShare
#' @details Finds the child with the highest share (used for bioenergy calibration)
#' @param aLandNode current land node
#' @param aPeriod Model time period.
#' @author KVC May 2018
LandNode_getChildWithHighestShare <- function(aLandNode, aPeriod) {
maxShare <- 0.0
for(child in aLandNode$mChildren) {
if(inherits(child, "LandLeaf") & child$mShare[[aPeriod]] > maxShare) {
maxShare <- child$mShare[[aPeriod]]
maxChild <- child
return (maxChild)
#' LandNode_calculateShareWeight
#' @details Calculates share weights for land nodes
#' @param aLandNode Land node
#' @param aChoiceFnAbove Type of logit
#' @param aPeriod Model time period
#' @author KVC September 2017
LandNode_calculateShareWeight <- function(aLandNode, aChoiceFnAbove, aPeriod) {
# Calculate the share weight for the node
# TODO: implement absolute cost logit too
if(aChoiceFnAbove$mType == "relative-cost") {
aLandNode$mShareWeight[aPeriod] <- RelativeCostLogit_calcShareWeight(aChoiceFnAbove,
} else{
print("ERROR: Invalid choice function in LandNode_calculateShareWeight")
# TODO: Implement code below, which is needed if we are creating a brand new node.
# If we are in the final calibration year and we have "ghost" share-weights to calculate,
# we do that now with the current profit rate in the final calibration period.
if(aPeriod == aLandNode$mFinalCalPeriod) {
# double shareAdj = 1.0;
# double profitRateForCal = mProfitRate[ aPeriod ];
# if( mIsGhostShareRelativeToDominantCrop ) {
# double newCropAvgProfitRate;
# getObservedAverageProfitRate( newCropAvgProfitRate, shareAdj, aPeriod );
# double dominantCropAvgProfitRate;
# const ALandAllocatorItem* maxChild = getParent()->getChildWithHighestShare( aPeriod );
# if( maxChild ) {
# maxChild->getObservedAverageProfitRate( dominantCropAvgProfitRate, shareAdj, aPeriod );
# profitRateForCal *= dominantCropAvgProfitRate / newCropAvgProfitRate;
# }
# else {
# // there are no valid crops in this nest and we were instructed to make the ghost share
# // profit rate relative to them so we will zero out this land item.
# for( int futurePer = aPeriod + 1; futurePer < modeltime->getmaxper(); ++futurePer ) {
# mShareWeight[ futurePer ] = 0.0;
# }
# return;
# }
# }
# for( int futurePer = aPeriod + 1; futurePer < modeltime->getmaxper(); ++futurePer ) {
# if( mGhostUnormalizedShare[ futurePer ].isInited() ) {
# mShareWeight[ futurePer ] = aChoiceFnAbove->calcShareWeight( mGhostUnormalizedShare[ futurePer ] /* * shareAdj */,
# profitRateForCal,
# futurePer );
# }
# }
# Note: Node share weights should always be 1
# TODO: Write an assert to check this
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