
Defines functions export_results run_model gen_ensemble_member run_ensemble_bayes run_ensemble

Documented in export_results gen_ensemble_member run_ensemble run_ensemble_bayes run_model

# main.R

#' Run an ensemble of offline land models; by default, no analyis of
#' the runs is completed.
#' Parameter combinations are selected by generating a quasi-random
#' sequence and mapping it to a specified range for each parameter.
#' Then, each parameter set is run through the offline land model in
#' each of the Perfect, Adaptive, HybridPerfectAdaptive, HybridLinearAdaptive, and Linear variants.
#'  (I.e., if N parameter sets are selected, then 5N scenarios are run.)
#' This function is strictly for running the ensemble of models. Analysis
#' must be completed after the fact.
#' @section Output:
#' The model results are written to a series of files in the specified output
#' directory.
#' The
#' list of \code{ScenarioInfo} objects is written to a file called
#' \code{scenario-info.rds} in the output directory.  This file can be loaded
#' with a command such as \code{scenaro_list <-
#' readRDS('output/scenario-info.rds')}.  These objects contain links to the
#' model output files.
#' @param N Number of parameter sets to select
#' @param aOutputDir Output directory
#' @param skip Number of iterations to skip (i.e., if building on another run.)
#' @param aType Scenario type: either "Reference" or "Hindcast"
#' @param aIncludeSubsidies Boolean indicating subsidies should be added to profit
#' @param aDifferentiateParamByCrop Boolean indicating whether all crops should use the same expectation parameters
#' @param aSampleType String indicating what type of sampling, currently only "LatinHyperCube" and "Sobol" are supported
#' @param aTotalSamplesPlanned Number of samples planned. For Latin Hypercube, we need to know the total before we start.
#' @param logparallel Name of directory to use for parallel workers' log files.
#' If \code{NULL}, then don't write log files.
#' @return List of ScenarioInfo objects for the ensemble members
#' @import foreach doParallel
#' @author KVC November 2017
#' @importFrom utils capture.output sessionInfo
#' @export
run_ensemble  <- function(N = 500, aOutputDir = "./outputs", skip = 0,
                          aType = "Hindcast",
                          aIncludeSubsidies = FALSE,
                          aDifferentiateParamByCrop = FALSE,
                          aSampleType = "LatinHyperCube",
                          aTotalSamplesPlanned = 500,
                          logparallel=NULL) {

  # Silence package checks
  obj <- NULL

  # Print information on this ensemble
  message("*************ENSEMBLE CONFIGURATION*****************")
  message("Running ", N, " ensembles")
  message(aTotalSamplesPlanned, " ensembles planned")
  message("Subsidies included? ", aIncludeSubsidies)
  message("Parameters differentiated by crop? ", aDifferentiateParamByCrop)
  message("Sampling strategy is ", aSampleType)

  # Determine the number of parameters. If aDifferentiateParamByCrop = TRUE, then we have 3 parameters each for
  # lagged share and linear years. If FALSE, then only one parameter for each. In both cases, there are 3 logit exponents
  if( aDifferentiateParamByCrop ) {
    NPARAM <- 9
  } else {
    NPARAM <- 5

  ## Set options for ensembles
  ## min and max values for each parameter
  limits.AGROFOREST <- c(0.01, 3)
  limits.AGROFOREST_NONPASTURE <- c(0.01, 3)
  limits.CROPLAND <- c(0.01, 3)
  limits.LAGSHARE <- c(0.1, 0.99) # Note: these limits are used for all three crop-specific shares if aDifferentiateParamByCrop is TRUE
  limits.LINYEARS <- round(c(2, 25)) # Note: these limits are used for all three crop-specific years if aDifferentiateParamByCrop is TRUE

  serialnumber <- skip + (1:N)
  if( aSampleType == "LatinHyperCube" ) {
    randomNumbers <- lhs::randomLHS(aTotalSamplesPlanned, NPARAM)
  } else if( aSampleType == "Sobol" ) {
    randomNumbers <- randtoolbox::sobol(N+skip, NPARAM)
  } else {
    stop("Unknown Sampling Type")
  randomNumbers <- randomNumbers[serialnumber,]

  scaleParam <- function(fac, limits) {limits[1] + fac*(limits[2]-limits[1])}
  levels.AGROFOREST <- scaleParam(randomNumbers[,1], limits.AGROFOREST)
  levels.AGROFOREST_NONPASTURE <- scaleParam(randomNumbers[,2], limits.AGROFOREST_NONPASTURE)
  levels.CROPLAND <- scaleParam(randomNumbers[,3], limits.CROPLAND)
  if( aDifferentiateParamByCrop ) {
    # Set expectation parameters equal for all three crop groups
    levels.LAGSHARE1 <- scaleParam(randomNumbers[,4], limits.LAGSHARE)
    levels.LAGSHARE2 <- scaleParam(randomNumbers[,5], limits.LAGSHARE)
    levels.LAGSHARE3 <- scaleParam(randomNumbers[,6], limits.LAGSHARE)
    levels.LINYEARS1 <- round(scaleParam(randomNumbers[,7], limits.LINYEARS))
    levels.LINYEARS2 <- round(scaleParam(randomNumbers[,8], limits.LINYEARS))
    levels.LINYEARS3 <- round(scaleParam(randomNumbers[,9], limits.LINYEARS))
  } else {
    # Set expectation parameters equal for all three crop groups
    levels.LAGSHARE1 <- scaleParam(randomNumbers[,4], limits.LAGSHARE)
    levels.LAGSHARE2 <- levels.LAGSHARE1
    levels.LAGSHARE3 <- levels.LAGSHARE1
    levels.LINYEARS1 <- round(scaleParam(randomNumbers[,5], limits.LINYEARS))
    levels.LINYEARS2 <- levels.LINYEARS1
    levels.LINYEARS3 <- levels.LINYEARS1

  ## Filename suffix.  This will be used to create unique filenames for the
  ## outputs across all worker processes, continuation runs, etc.
  suffix <- sprintf("-%06d",skip)

  # Set up a list to store scenario information objects
  scenObjects <- Map(gen_ensemble_member,
                     levels.AGROFOREST, levels.AGROFOREST_NONPASTURE, levels.CROPLAND,
                     levels.LAGSHARE1, levels.LAGSHARE2, levels.LAGSHARE3,
                     levels.LINYEARS1, levels.LINYEARS2, levels.LINYEARS3, serialnumber,
                     aType, aIncludeSubsidies, suffix, aOutputDir) %>%

  serialized_scenObjs <- lapply(scenObjects, as.list) # Convert to a list to survive serialization

  # Loop over all scenario configurations and run the model
  rslt <-
    foreach(obj = serialized_scenObjs, .combine=rbind) %dopar% {
      if(!is.null(logparallel)) {
        nn <- Sys.info()['nodename']
        sn <- obj$mScenarioName
        fn <- file.path(logparallel, paste0('info-', sn, '.txt'))
        logfil <- file(fn, 'w')
        if(!file.exists(fn)) {
          stop("Couldn't create logfile: ", fn)
        writeLines(c('nodename= ', nn), con=logfil)

      if(N <= 50)  {
        message("Starting simulation: ", obj$mScenarioName)

      si <- as.ScenarioInfo(obj)
      if(N > 50) {
        rslt <- suppressMessages(run_model(si))
      else {
        rslt <- run_model(si)

      message("Finished: ", obj$mSerialNumber)

      if(!is.null(logparallel)) {
        writeLines(capture.output(warnings()), con=logfil)

  message("Result is ", nrow(rslt), "rows, ", ncol(rslt), "columns, total size: ",
          format(utils::object.size(rslt), units="auto"))
  ## Save the full set of ensemble results
  filebase <- paste0("output_ensemble", suffix, ".rds")
  outfile <- file.path(aOutputDir, filebase)
  saveRDS(rslt, outfile)

  ## Save the scenario info from the scenarios that we ran
  filebase <- paste0("scenario-info", suffix, ".rds")
  scenfile <- file.path(aOutputDir, filebase)
  saveRDS(scenObjects, scenfile)

  message("Output directory is", aOutputDir)
  message("scenario file: ", scenfile)
  message("output file: ", outfile)



#' Run an ensemble of offline land models and complete Bayesian analysis
#' of hindcast runs.
#' Parameter combinations are selected by generating a quasi-random
#' sequence and mapping it to a specified range for each parameter.
#' Then, each parameter set is run through the offline land model in
#' each of the Perfect, Adaptive, HybridLinearAdaptive, HybridPerfectAdaptive, and Linear variants.
#' (I.e., if N parameter sets are selected, then 5N scenarios are run.)
#' If the scenario type is "Hindcast", then after each model has been run, the
#' Bayesian analysis will be run so that its results can be stored with the rest
#' of the ScenarioInfo structure.
#' @section Output:
#' The model results are written to a series of files in the specified output
#' directory.
#' The
#' list of \code{ScenarioInfo} objects is written to a file called
#' \code{bayes-scenario-info.rds} in the output directory.  This file can be loaded
#' with a command such as \code{scenaro_list <-
#' readRDS('output/bayes-scenario-info.rds')}.  These objects contain links to the
#' model output files, as well as the posterior probability density tables, if
#' the Bayesian analysis was run.
#' @param N Number of parameter sets to select
#' @param aOutputDir Output directory
#' @param skip Number of iterations to skip (i.e., if building on another run.)
#' @param lpdf Log-likelihood function.  Used only if Bayesian posteriors are
#' being run.
#' @param lprior Log-prior probability density function.  Used only if Bayesian
#' posteriors are being run.
#' @param aType Scenario type: either "Reference" or "Hindcast"
#' @param aIncludeSubsidies Boolean indicating subsidies should be added to profit
#' @param aDifferentiateParamByCrop Boolean indicating whether all crops should use the same expectation parameters
#' @param aSampleType String indicating what type of sampling, currently only "LatinHyperCube" and "Sobol" are supported
#' @param aTotalSamplesPlanned Number of samples planned. For Latin Hypercube, we need to know the total before we start.
#' @param logparallel Name of directory to use for parallel workers' log files.
#' If \code{NULL}, then don't write log files.
#' @return List of ScenarioInfo objects for the ensemble members
#' @import foreach doParallel
#' @author KVC November 2017
#' @importFrom utils capture.output sessionInfo
#' @export
run_ensemble_bayes  <- function(N = 500, aOutputDir = "./outputs", skip = 0,
                         lpdf=get_lpdf(1), lprior=uniform_prior, aType="Hindcast",
                         aIncludeSubsidies = FALSE, aDifferentiateParamByCrop = FALSE, aSampleType = "LatinHyperCube",
                         aTotalSamplesPlanned = 500, logparallel=NULL) {

  # Silence package checks
  obj <- NULL

  # Determine the number of parameters. If aDifferentiateParamByCrop = TRUE, then we have 3 parameters each for
  # lagged share and linear years. If FALSE, then only one paramter for each. In both cases, there are 3 logit exponents
  if( aDifferentiateParamByCrop ) {
    NPARAM <- 9
  } else {
    NPARAM <- 5

  ## Set options for ensembles
  ## min and max values for each parameter
  limits.AGROFOREST <- c(0.01, 3)
  limits.AGROFOREST_NONPASTURE <- c(0.01, 3)
  limits.CROPLAND <- c(0.01, 3)
  limits.LAGSHARE <- c(0.5, 0.99) # Note: these limits are used for all three crop-specific shares if aDifferentiateParamByCrop is TRUE
  limits.LINYEARS <- round(c(2, 25)) # Note: these limits are used for all three crop-specific years if aDifferentiateParamByCrop is TRUE

  serialnumber <- skip + (1:N)
  if( aSampleType == "LatinHyperCube" ) {
    randomNumbers <- lhs::randomLHS(aTotalSamplesPlanned, NPARAM)
  } else if( aSampleType == "Sobol" ) {
    randomNumbers <- randtoolbox::sobol(N+skip, NPARAM)
  } else {
    stop("Unknown Sampling Type")
  randomNumbers <- randomNumbers[serialnumber,]

  scaleParam <- function(fac, limits) {limits[1] + fac*(limits[2]-limits[1])}
  levels.AGROFOREST <- scaleParam(randomNumbers[,1], limits.AGROFOREST)
  levels.AGROFOREST_NONPASTURE <- scaleParam(randomNumbers[,2], limits.AGROFOREST_NONPASTURE)
  levels.CROPLAND <- scaleParam(randomNumbers[,3], limits.CROPLAND)
  if( aDifferentiateParamByCrop ) {
    # Set expectation parameters equal for all three crop groups
    levels.LAGSHARE1 <- scaleParam(randomNumbers[,4], limits.LAGSHARE)
    levels.LAGSHARE2 <- scaleParam(randomNumbers[,5], limits.LAGSHARE)
    levels.LAGSHARE3 <- scaleParam(randomNumbers[,6], limits.LAGSHARE)
    levels.LINYEARS1 <- round(scaleParam(randomNumbers[,7], limits.LINYEARS))
    levels.LINYEARS2 <- round(scaleParam(randomNumbers[,8], limits.LINYEARS))
    levels.LINYEARS3 <- round(scaleParam(randomNumbers[,9], limits.LINYEARS))
  } else {
    # Set expectation parameters equal for all three crop groups
    levels.LAGSHARE1 <- scaleParam(randomNumbers[,4], limits.LAGSHARE)
    levels.LAGSHARE2 <- levels.LAGSHARE1
    levels.LAGSHARE3 <- levels.LAGSHARE1
    levels.LINYEARS1 <- round(scaleParam(randomNumbers[,5], limits.LINYEARS))
    levels.LINYEARS2 <- levels.LINYEARS1
    levels.LINYEARS3 <- levels.LINYEARS1

  ## Filename suffix.  This will be used to create unique filenames for the
  ## outputs across all worker processes, continuation runs, etc.
  suffix <- sprintf("-%06d",skip)

  # Set up a list to store scenario information objects
  scenObjects <- Map(gen_ensemble_member,
                     levels.AGROFOREST, levels.AGROFOREST_NONPASTURE, levels.CROPLAND,
                     levels.LAGSHARE1, levels.LAGSHARE2, levels.LAGSHARE3,
                     levels.LINYEARS1, levels.LINYEARS2, levels.LINYEARS3, serialnumber,
                     aType, aIncludeSubsidies, suffix, aOutputDir) %>%

  serialized_scenObjs <- lapply(scenObjects, as.list) # Convert to a list to survive serialization

  # Loop over all scenario configurations and run the model
  rslt <-
      foreach(obj = serialized_scenObjs, .combine=rbind) %dopar% {
          if(!is.null(logparallel)) {
              nn <- Sys.info()['nodename']
              sn <- obj$mScenarioName
              fn <- file.path(logparallel, paste0('info-', sn, '.txt'))
              logfil <- file(fn, 'w')
              if(!file.exists(fn)) {
                  stop("Couldn't create logfile: ", fn)
              writeLines(c('nodename= ', nn), con=logfil)

          if(N <= 50)  {
              message("Starting simulation: ", obj$mScenarioName)

          si <- as.ScenarioInfo(obj)
          if(N > 50) {
              rslt <- suppressMessages(run_model(si))
          else {
              rslt <- run_model(si)

          message("Finished: ", obj$mSerialNumber)

          if(!is.null(logparallel)) {
              writeLines(capture.output(warnings()), con=logfil)

  message("Result is ", nrow(rslt), "rows, ", ncol(rslt), "columns, total size: ",
          format(utils::object.size(rslt), units="auto"))

  ## Save the full set of ensemble results
  filebase <- paste0("bayes-output_ensemble", suffix, ".rds")
  outfile <- file.path(aOutputDir, filebase)
  saveRDS(rslt, outfile)

  if(aType == "Hindcast") {
      ## For hindcast runs, calculate the Bayesian posteriors
      scenObjects <- run_bayes(scenObjects, lpdf=lpdf, lprior=lprior)
      print('bayes ran')

  ## Save the scenario info from the scenarios that we ran
  filebase <- paste0("bayes-scenario-info", suffix, ".rds")
  scenfile <- file.path(aOutputDir, filebase)
  saveRDS(scenObjects, scenfile)

  message("Output directory is", aOutputDir)
  message("scenario file: ", scenfile)
  message("output file: ", outfile)



#' Generate the ensemble members for a single set of parameters
#' This generates one each of the Perfect, Adaptive, HybridLinearAdaptive, HybridPerfectAdaptive, and Linear scenario types
#' using the input parameters.  The return value is a list of the three
#' \code{ScenarioInfo} objects for the scenarios generated.
#' @param agFor The logit exponent the ag/forest nest, which controls
#' competition between pasture and all other arable land.
#' @param agForNonPast The logit exponent for the non-pasture nest, which
#' controls competition between crops, grass/shrub, and forest.
#' @param crop The logit exponent for the crop nest
#' @param share1 The share parameter for the lagged model for crop group 1 (see constants.R)
#' @param share2 The share parameter for the lagged model for crop group 2 (see constants.R)
#' @param share3 The share parameter for the lagged model for crop group 3 (see constants.R)
#' @param linyears1 The number of years parameter for the linear model for crop group 1 (see constants.R)
#' @param linyears2 The number of years parameter for the linear model for crop group 2 (see constants.R)
#' @param linyears3 The number of years parameter for the linear model for crop group 3 (see constants.R)
#' @param serialnum Serial number for the run
#' @param aScenType Scenario type, either "Hindcast" or "Reference"
#' @param aIncludeSubsidies Boolean flag indicating whether subsidies should be included in profit
#' @param suffix Suffix for output filenames.
#' @param aOutputDir Name of the output directory.
#' @return List of three ScenarioInfo objects
#' @keywords internal
gen_ensemble_member <- function(agFor, agForNonPast, crop, share1, share2, share3, linyears1, linyears2, linyears3,
                                serialnum, aScenType, aIncludeSubsidies, suffix, aOutputDir)
  ## Perfect expectations scenario
  scenName <- getScenName(aScenType, "Perfect", NULL, agFor, agForNonPast, crop)

  perfscen <- ScenarioInfo(aScenarioType = aScenType,
                           aExpectationType = "Perfect",
                           aLinearYears1 = NA,
                           aLinearYears2 = NA,
                           aLinearYears3 = NA,
                           aLaggedShareOld1 = NA,
                           aLaggedShareOld2 = NA,
                           aLaggedShareOld3 = NA,
                           aLogitUseDefault = FALSE,
                           aLogitAgroForest = agFor,
                           aLogitAgroForest_NonPasture = agForNonPast,
                           aLogitCropland = crop,
                           aIncludeSubsidies = aIncludeSubsidies,
                           aScenarioName = scenName,
                           aFileName = paste0("ensemble", suffix),
                           aSerialNum = serialnum+0.1,
                           aOutputDir = aOutputDir)

  ## Adaptive scenario - without including current prices (i.e., y[i] = a*y[i-1] + (1-a)*x[i-1])
  share <- paste(share1, share2, share3, sep="-")
  scenName <- getScenName(aScenType, "Adaptive", share, agFor, agForNonPast, crop)

  lagscen <- ScenarioInfo(aScenarioType = aScenType,
                          aExpectationType = "Adaptive",
                          aLinearYears1 = NA,
                          aLinearYears2 = NA,
                          aLinearYears3 = NA,
                          aLaggedShareOld1 = share1,
                          aLaggedShareOld2 = share2,
                          aLaggedShareOld3 = share3,
                          aLogitUseDefault = FALSE,
                          aLogitAgroForest = agFor,
                          aLogitAgroForest_NonPasture = agForNonPast,
                          aLogitCropland = crop,
                          aIncludeSubsidies = aIncludeSubsidies,
                          aScenarioName = scenName,
                          aFileName = paste0("ensemble", suffix),
                          aSerialNum = serialnum+0.2,
                          aOutputDir = aOutputDir)

  ## HybridPerfectAdaptive scenario - with including current prices (i.e., y[i] = a*y[i-1] + (1-a)*x[i])
  share <- paste(share1, share2, share3, sep="-")
  scenName <- getScenName(aScenType, "HybridPerfectAdaptive", share, agFor, agForNonPast, crop)

  lagcurrscen <- ScenarioInfo(aScenarioType = aScenType,
                          aExpectationType = "HybridPerfectAdaptive",
                          aLinearYears1 = NA,
                          aLinearYears2 = NA,
                          aLinearYears3 = NA,
                          aLaggedShareOld1 = share1,
                          aLaggedShareOld2 = share2,
                          aLaggedShareOld3 = share3,
                          aLogitUseDefault = FALSE,
                          aLogitAgroForest = agFor,
                          aLogitAgroForest_NonPasture = agForNonPast,
                          aLogitCropland = crop,
                          aIncludeSubsidies = aIncludeSubsidies,
                          aScenarioName = scenName,
                          aFileName = paste0("ensemble", suffix),
                          aSerialNum = serialnum+0.3,
                          aOutputDir = aOutputDir)

  ## Linear scenario
  linyears <- paste(linyears1, linyears2, linyears3, sep="-")
  scenName <- getScenName(aScenType, "Linear", linyears, agFor, agForNonPast, crop)
  linscen <- ScenarioInfo(aScenarioType = aScenType,
                          aExpectationType = "Linear",
                          aLinearYears1 = linyears1,
                          aLinearYears2 = linyears2,
                          aLinearYears3 = linyears3,
                          aLaggedShareOld1 = NA,
                          aLaggedShareOld2 = NA,
                          aLaggedShareOld3 = NA,
                          aLogitUseDefault = FALSE,
                          aLogitAgroForest = agFor,
                          aLogitAgroForest_NonPasture = agForNonPast,
                          aLogitCropland = crop,
                          aIncludeSubsidies = aIncludeSubsidies,
                          aScenarioName = scenName,
                          aFileName = paste0("ensemble", suffix),
                          aSerialNum = serialnum+0.4,
                          aOutputDir = aOutputDir)

  ## mixed scenario, using linear for yield and adaptive for prices
  linyears <- paste(linyears1, linyears2, linyears3, sep="-")
  share <- paste(share1, share2, share3, sep="-")
  scenName <- getScenName(aScenType, "HybridLinearAdaptive", paste(linyears, share, sep="_"), agFor, agForNonPast, crop)
  mixedscen <- ScenarioInfo(aScenarioType = aScenType,
                          aExpectationType = "HybridLinearAdaptive",
                          aLinearYears1 = linyears1,
                          aLinearYears2 = linyears2,
                          aLinearYears3 = linyears3,
                          aLaggedShareOld1 = share1,
                          aLaggedShareOld2 = share2,
                          aLaggedShareOld3 = share3,
                          aLogitUseDefault = FALSE,
                          aLogitAgroForest = agFor,
                          aLogitAgroForest_NonPasture = agForNonPast,
                          aLogitCropland = crop,
                          aIncludeSubsidies = aIncludeSubsidies,
                          aScenarioName = scenName,
                          aFileName = paste0("ensemble", suffix),
                          aSerialNum = serialnum+0.5,
                          aOutputDir = aOutputDir)

  list(perfscen, lagscen, lagcurrscen, linscen, mixedscen)

#' Run the GCAM land model
#' Loop through all years and run the land model.
#' @param aScenarioInfo A structure containing scenario-related information,
#' created by \code{\link{ScenarioInfo}}.  There is a pre-built structure for the
#' default scenario called \code{\link{SCENARIO.INFO}}.
#' @param aPeriods Integer vector of periods to run.  Default is all periods
#' defined for the scenario type.
#' @param aVerbose If \code{TRUE}, output additional debugging information.
#' @param agData Ag data read by \code{\link{ReadData_AgProd}}.  The data must
#' be for the same region and scenario type as the \code{aScenarioInfo} object.
#' @return Table of model results.
#' @author KVC
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that has_attr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' run_model(SCENARIO.INFO, aVerbose=TRUE)
#' run_model(SCENARIO.INFO, aPeriods = 1:5)
#' }
run_model <- function(aScenarioInfo, aPeriods=NULL, aVerbose=FALSE, agData=NULL) {

  #### Step 1: Setup
  # Ensure that output directories exist
  odnorm <- outdir_setup(aScenarioInfo$mOutputDir)

      aPeriods <- PERIODS[[aScenarioInfo$mScenarioType]]

  if(length(aPeriods) < 1) {
      ## This is mostly here to facilitate testing.

  # Initialize LandAllocator and read in calibration data
  mLandAllocator <-
      LandAllocator(aScenarioInfo$mRegion, aScenarioInfo$mSubRegion,
  LandAllocator_setup(mLandAllocator, aScenarioInfo, agData)

  # Loop through each period and run the model
  # TODO: put model running in a function, add loop on regions
  for(per in aPeriods){
    message("Starting period: ", per, " (", get_per_to_yr(per, aScenarioInfo$mScenarioType), ")")

    #### Step 2: Initial calculation
    # First, call initCalc for AgProductionTechnology (via Sector) and LandAllocator
    # Note: AgProductionTechnology must be called first so profits
    #       can be set before LandAllocator can be calibrated
    Sector_initCalc(mLandAllocator, per, aScenarioInfo)
    LandAllocator_initCalc(mLandAllocator, per, aScenarioInfo)

    #### Step 3: Final calculation
    # Next, call calcFinalLandAllocation for LandAllocator
    LandAllocator_calcFinalLandAllocation(mLandAllocator, per, aScenarioInfo)

  #### Step 4: Reporting
  # Print Outputs
  message("All model periods complete. Starting output.")
  ## Write the output to a file only if verbose mode is set
  rslt <- printOutput(mLandAllocator, aScenarioInfo, aFileOutput=aVerbose)
  if(aVerbose) {
    message("Printing diagnostic information.")
    printDebug(mLandAllocator, aScenarioInfo)
    plotNest(mLandAllocator, aScenarioInfo)


#' Export scenario results as a csv file
#' Filter the scenario information object for a particular scenario and export its results
#' @param aScenarioInfo Scenario-related information, including names, logits, expectations.
#' @return Table of model results.
#' @importFrom readr write_csv
#' @author KVC
#' @export
export_results <- function(aScenarioInfo) {
  scenario <- NULL             # silence package checker.

  # Get file name where results are curently stored
  inFile <- paste0(aScenarioInfo$mOutputDir, "/output_", aScenarioInfo$mFileName, ".rds")

  # Read land allocation
  allLand <- suppressMessages(readRDS(normalizePath(inFile)))

  # Filter for requested scenario
  allLand %>%
    dplyr::filter(scenario == aScenarioInfo$mScenarioName) ->

  # Get file name to store outputs
  file <- paste0(aScenarioInfo$mOutputDir, "/output_", aScenarioInfo$mScenarioName, ".csv")
  write_csv(scenResults, file)

JGCRI/gcamland documentation built on Oct. 6, 2020, 5:30 p.m.