
Defines functions get_PCHES_results LandNode_addToNest LandAllocator_addToNest getNest printNest LandNode_getLandShares LandAllocator_getLandShares printLandShares LandLeaf_getOutputs LandNode_getOutputs LandAllocator_getOutputs printAllOutputs printPrices printDebug printOutput

Documented in getNest get_PCHES_results LandAllocator_addToNest LandAllocator_getLandShares LandAllocator_getOutputs LandLeaf_getOutputs LandNode_addToNest LandNode_getLandShares LandNode_getOutputs printAllOutputs printDebug printLandShares printNest printOutput printPrices

# reporting.R

# Note: this file serves the function of `xml_db_outputter` in GCAM4.3

#' printLandAllocation
#' @details Prints all outputs
#' @param aLandAllocator Land allocator
#' @param aScenarioInfo Scenario-related information, including names, logits, expectations
#' @param aFileOutput Flag indicating whether data should be written to file.
#' @return Table of all outputs
#' @author KVC October 2017
printOutput <- function(aLandAllocator, aScenarioInfo, aFileOutput=FALSE) {
  nest <- getNest(aLandAllocator)
  printAllOutputs(aLandAllocator, aScenarioInfo, nest, aFileOutput)

#' Write out additional information for debugging
#' Write the land shares and land nests to their respective output files.  This
#' information will be written out if the \code{aVerbose} argument to
#' \code{\link{run_model}} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param aLandAllocator Land allocator structure
#' @param aScenarioInfo Scenario parameter structure
printDebug <- function(aLandAllocator, aScenarioInfo)
    nest <- printNest(aLandAllocator, aScenarioInfo)
    printLandShares(aLandAllocator, aScenarioInfo, nest)

#' printPrices
#' @details Print prices
#' @param aScenarioInfo Scenario-related information, including names, logits, expectations
#' @author KVC November 2017
printPrices <- function(aScenarioInfo) {
    file <- file.path(aScenarioInfo$mOutputDir, "prices.csv")
    type <- aScenarioInfo$mScenarioType
    write_csv(PRICES[[type]], file)

#' printAllOutputs
#' @details Prints all outputs (land allocation, expected price, expected yield, yield) by land leaf
#' @param aLandAllocator Land allocator
#' @param aScenarioInfo Scenario-related information, including names, logits, expectations
#' @param aNest Nest to fill in
#' @param aFileOutput Flag indicating whether output should be written to a
#' file, in addition to being returned.
#' @return Table of all model outputs.
#' @importFrom readr write_csv read_csv
#' @author KVC May 2018
printAllOutputs <- function(aLandAllocator, aScenarioInfo, aNest, aFileOutput=FALSE) {
  # Silence package checks
  node <- parent <- uniqueJoinField <- NULL

  scenType <- aScenarioInfo$mScenarioType

  # Get a list of leafs
  nodes <- unique(aNest$parent)
  leafs <- subset(aNest, node %!in% nodes)

  # Some leafs have the same parent node name. We need to add those
  leafs <- rbind(subset(aNest, parent == node), leafs)

  # Get data into a data frame
  tibble::tibble(name = leafs$node,
                 land.allocation = rep(NA, length(leafs$node)),
                 harvested.land = rep(NA, length(leafs$node)),
                 yield = rep(NA, length(leafs$node)),
                 expectedYield = rep(NA, length(leafs$node)),
                 expectedPrice = rep(NA, length(leafs$node)),
                 cost = rep(NA, length(leafs$node)),
                 expectedProfit = rep(NA, length(leafs$node)),
                 shareWeight = rep(NA, length(leafs$node))) %>%
    mutate(uniqueJoinField = 1) %>%
    full_join(mutate(tibble(year = YEARS[[scenType]]), uniqueJoinField = 1),
              by = "uniqueJoinField") %>%
    select(-uniqueJoinField) ->

  allOutput <- LandAllocator_getOutputs(aLandAllocator, allOutput, scenType)

  # Add information on scenario and expectation type
  allOutput$scenario <- aScenarioInfo$mScenarioName

  if(aFileOutput) {
      file <- paste0(aScenarioInfo$mOutputDir, "/output_", aScenarioInfo$mFileName, ".rds")
      saveRDS(allOutput, file)


#' LandAllocator_getOutputs
#' @details Calculates and returns all outputs for the land allocator
#' @param aLandAllocator LandAllocator
#' @param aAllOutputs Data frame to fill in outputs
#' @param aScenType Scenario type: either "Reference" or "Hindcast"
#' @return Output table
#' @author KVC May 2018
LandAllocator_getOutputs <- function(aLandAllocator, aAllOutputs, aScenType) {
  for(child in aLandAllocator$mChildren) {
    if(inherits(child, "LandNode")) {
      aAllOutputs <- LandNode_getOutputs(child, aAllOutputs, aScenType)
    } else {
      aAllOutputs <- LandLeaf_getOutputs(child, aAllOutputs, aScenType)


#' LandNode_getOutputs
#' @details Calculates and returns all outputs for this node
#' @param aLandNode LandNode
#' @param aAllOutputs Data frame to fill in outputs
#' @param aScenType Scenario type: either "Reference" or "Hindcast"
#' @return Output table
#' @author KVC May 2018
LandNode_getOutputs <- function(aLandNode, aAllOutputs, aScenType) {

  for(child in aLandNode$mChildren) {
    if(inherits(child, "LandNode")) {
      aAllOutputs <- LandNode_getOutputs(child, aAllOutputs, aScenType)
    } else {
      aAllOutputs <- LandLeaf_getOutputs(child, aAllOutputs, aScenType)


#' LandLeaf_getOutputs
#' @details Calculates and returns outputs for this leaf in all periods
#' @param aLandLeaf LandLeaf
#' @param aAllOutputs Data frame to fill in outputs
#' @param aScenType Scenario type: either "Reference" or "Hindcast"
#' @return Output table
#' @author KVC May 2018
LandLeaf_getOutputs <- function(aLandLeaf, aAllOutputs, aScenType) {
  for(per in seq_along(aLandLeaf$mLandAllocation)) {
    currName <- aLandLeaf$mName[1]
    currYear <- get_per_to_yr(per, aScenType)
    aAllOutputs$land.allocation[aAllOutputs$year == currYear &
                                  aAllOutputs$name == currName] <- aLandLeaf$mLandAllocation[[per]]
    aAllOutputs$shareWeight[aAllOutputs$name == currName &
                              aAllOutputs$year == currYear] <- aLandLeaf$mShareWeight[[per]]
    aAllOutputs$expectedProfit[aAllOutputs$name == currName &
                              aAllOutputs$year == currYear] <- aLandLeaf$mProfitRate[[per]]

    # Only get yield and price information for LandLeafs
    if(inherits(aLandLeaf, "LandLeaf")) {
      aAllOutputs$harvested.land[aAllOutputs$year == currYear &
                                   aAllOutputs$name == currName] <- aLandLeaf$mHarvestedLand[[per]]
      aAllOutputs$yield[aAllOutputs$name == currName &
                          aAllOutputs$year == currYear] <- aLandLeaf$mYield[[per]]
      aAllOutputs$expectedYield[aAllOutputs$name == currName &
                                  aAllOutputs$year == currYear] <- aLandLeaf$mExpectedYield[[per]]
      aAllOutputs$expectedPrice[aAllOutputs$name == currName &
                                  aAllOutputs$year == currYear] <- aLandLeaf$mExpectedPrice[[per]]
      aAllOutputs$cost[aAllOutputs$name == currName &
                                  aAllOutputs$year == currYear] <- aLandLeaf$mCost[[per]]


#' printLandShares
#' @details Prints land share for all nodes and leafs
#' @param aLandAllocator Land allocator
#' @param aScenarioInfo Scenario-related information, including names, logits, expectations
#' @param aNest Current land nest
#' @importFrom readr write_csv read_csv
#' @author KVC November 2017
printLandShares <- function(aLandAllocator, aScenarioInfo, aNest) {
  # Silence package checks
  node <- parent <- uniqueJoinField <- year <-share <- NULL

  scentype <- aScenarioInfo$mScenarioType

  # Get a list of leafs
  nodes <- unique(aNest$parent)
  aNest %>%
    filter(node %!in% nodes) ->

  # Some leafs have the same parent node name. We need to add those
  aNest %>%
    filter(parent == node) %>%
    bind_rows(leafs) ->

  # Get data into a data frame
  tibble::tibble(parent = leafs$parent,
                 name = leafs$node,
                 share = rep(NA, length(leafs$node))) %>%
    mutate(uniqueJoinField = 1) %>%
    full_join(mutate(tibble(year = YEARS[[scentype]]), uniqueJoinField = 1),
              by = "uniqueJoinField") %>%
    select(-uniqueJoinField) ->

  # Loop over all periods and get shares
  allLandShares <- LandAllocator_getLandShares(aLandAllocator, allLandShares,

  # Convert year to integer
  allLandShares %>%
    mutate(year = as.integer(year),
           share = as.numeric(share)) ->

  # Write data to a file
  path <- normalizePath(aScenarioInfo$mOutputDir)
  file <- paste0(path,"/landShares.csv")
  write_csv(allLandShares, file)

#' LandAllocator_getLandShares
#' @details Calculates and returns land allocation for a particular leaf
#' @param aLandAllocator LandAllocator
#' @param aShares Table of shares to append information to
#' @param scentype Scenario type: either "Reference" or "Hindcast"
#' @return Table of land shares
#' @author KVC November 2017
LandAllocator_getLandShares <- function(aLandAllocator, aShares, scentype) {

  for(child in aLandAllocator$mChildren) {
    if(inherits(child, "LandNode")) {
      aShares <- LandNode_getLandShares(child, aShares, scentype)
    } else {
      for(per in seq_along(child$mShare)) {
        currParent <- "root"
        currName <- child$mName[1]
        currYear <- get_per_to_yr(per, scentype)
        aShares$share[aShares$year == currYear &
                        aShares$name == currName &
                        aShares$parent == currParent] <- child$mShare[[per]]


#' LandNode_getLandShares
#' @details Calculates and returns land share for all children.
#' @param aLandNode LandNode
#' @param aShares Table of shares to add to
#' @param scentype Scenario type: either "Reference" or "Hindcast"
#' @return Table of land shares
#' @author KVC November 2017
LandNode_getLandShares <- function(aLandNode, aShares, scentype) {
  for(child in aLandNode$mChildren) {
    if(inherits(child, "LandNode")) {
      aShares <- LandNode_getLandShares(child, aShares, scentype)
    } else {
      for(per in seq_along(child$mShare)) {
        currParent <- aLandNode$mName[1]
        currName <- child$mName[1]
        currYear <- get_per_to_yr(per, scentype)
        aShares$share[aShares$year == currYear &
                        aShares$name == currName &
                        aShares$parent == currParent] <- child$mShare[[per]]


#' printNest
#' @details Prints the land allocator nest, which can
#'          be used to plot tree structure or to query
#'          leaf data
#' @param aLandAllocator Land allocator
#' @param aScenarioInfo Scenario-related information, including names, logits, expectations
#' @param aFilter Regular expression to filter out of graph output (the return
#'          value contains the full table, regardless of filters)
#' @return Table of land node nestings, constructed by \code{\link{getNest}}.
#' @importFrom readr write_csv
#' @author KVC October 2017
printNest <- function(aLandAllocator, aScenarioInfo, aFilter='Urban|Rock|Tundra') {
  nest <- getNest(aLandAllocator)

  # Write to file
  path <- normalizePath(aScenarioInfo$mOutputDir)
  file <- paste0(path, "/landNest.dot")

  if(is.null(aFilter)) {
      indices <- 1:nrow(nest)
  else {
      ## drop from the graph output any nodes matching the filter
      indices <- grep(aFilter, nest$node, invert=TRUE)

  ## Create the data in dot format.
  cat('digraph land_nesting {\nrankdir=LR;\n', file=file)
  edges <-
             function(row) {
                 paste0('\t"', nest[row, 1], '" -> "', nest[row,2], '";')
  cat(edges, file=file, append=TRUE, sep='\n')
  cat('}\n', file=file, append=TRUE)

  # Return the current nest

#' Construct a table of land node nestings
#' The table describes the graph of node relationships.  There is one row for
#' each edge in the graph.  The columns are "parent" and "node", and they
#' name the parent and child in the edge.
#' @param aLandAllocator Land allocator structure
getNest <- function(aLandAllocator)
    tibble::tibble(parent = "TEMP",
                   node = "TEMP") -> nest

    # Map out nest
    nest <- LandAllocator_addToNest(aLandAllocator, nest)

    # Remove temporary link
    nest[nest$parent != "TEMP",]

#' LandAllocator_addToNest
#' @param aLandAllocator Land allocator
#' @param aNest Current nest
#' @details Determine all of the parent/child relationships
#'          in the land allocator.
#' @return Updated nest
#' @author KVC October 2017
LandAllocator_addToNest <- function(aLandAllocator, aNest) {
  nest <- aNest

  # Loop over all of the children, adding the link and calling the child's LandNode_addToNest
  for(child in aLandAllocator$mChildren) {
    tibble::tibble(parent = "root",
                   node = child$mName) %>%
      bind_rows(nest) ->

    # Now, call addToNest on each of the child nodes
    # Note: we don't need to call this on children that are leafs
    if (inherits(child, "LandNode")) {
      nest <- LandNode_addToNest(child, nest)


#' LandNode_addToNest
#' @param aLandNode Land node
#' @param aNest Current nest
#' @details Determine all of the parent/child relationships
#'          for this particular node.
#' @return Updated nest
#' @author KVC October 2017
LandNode_addToNest <- function(aLandNode, aNest) {

  nest <- aNest

  for (child in aLandNode$mChildren) {
    tibble::tibble(parent = aLandNode$mName[[1]],
                   node = child$mName[[1]]) %>%
      bind_rows(nest) ->

    # Now, call addToNest on each of the child nodes
    # Note: we don't need to call this on children that are leafs
    if (inherits(child, "LandNode")) {
      nest <- LandNode_addToNest(child, nest)


#' get_PCHES_results
#' Process results for PCHES coupling. Specifically, report the fractional change in land
#' from 2010 by crop and region
#' @param aScenarioInfo Scenario-related information, including names, logits, expectations.
#' @param aYear Year to get results
#' @return Table of model results.
#' @importFrom readr write_csv
#' @author KVC
#' @export
get_PCHES_results <- function(aScenarioInfo, aYear) {
  # Silence package check
  scenario <- year <- name <- land.allocation <- start <- delta.land <- end <- NULL

  # Get file name where results are curently stored
  inFile <- paste0(aScenarioInfo$mOutputDir, "/output_", aScenarioInfo$mFileName, ".rds")

  # Read land allocation
  allLand <- suppressMessages(readRDS(normalizePath(inFile)))

  # Filter for requested scenario
  allLand %>%
    dplyr::filter(scenario == aScenarioInfo$mScenarioName) ->

  # Filter for the right years, calculate fractional change, print results
  finalHistYear <- max( TIME.PARAMS[[aScenarioInfo$mScenarioType]]$HISTORY.YEARS)
  scenResults %>%
    dplyr::filter(year %in% c(finalHistYear, aYear),
                  (grepl("IRR", name) | grepl("RFD", name))) %>%
    select(name, land.allocation, year) %>%
    spread(year, land.allocation) %>%
    mutate(start = !!(as.name(finalHistYear)),
           end = !!(as.name(aYear)),
           delta.land = end / start) %>%
    select(name, delta.land) ->

  # Get file name to store outputs
  file <- paste0(aScenarioInfo$mOutputDir, "/PCHES_output.csv")
  write_csv(results, file)

JGCRI/gcamland documentation built on Oct. 6, 2020, 5:30 p.m.