
## Functions that format the report output

#' Output function for CSV format
#' @param rslts Results tables from \code{\link{generate}}.  This must be either
#' a list of data frames or a list of lists of data frames.
#' @param dataformat Indicator of data format:  If 'tabs', write to separate files; if 'merged'
#' write merged results to a single file.
#' @param fileformat File format for the output:  'R', 'rgcam', 'CSV' or 'XLSX'
#' @param dirname Directory to write output file(s) into.
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @keywords internal
output <- function(rslts, dataformat, fileformat, dirname)
    ## results should be a list of data frames or a list of lists of data
    ## frames.
    assert_that(is.list(rslts), !is.data.frame(rslts))

    ## First flatten the list, if the scenarios haven't already been combined.
    isdf <- sapply(rslts, is.data.frame)
    if(any(isdf)) {
                    msg='output_csv:  Invalid results structure, unbalanced tree.')
        ## This list is ready to go in the next step
    else {
        ## Two-level tree, with scenarios at the top level
        rslts <- unlist(rslts, recursive=FALSE)
        isdf <- sapply(rslts, is.data.frame)
                    msg='output_csv: Invalid results structure, lists nested > 2 deep.')

    if(fileformat == 'R') {
    else if(fileformat == 'rgcam') {
        # Create project and add results to it
        projname <- alternate_filename(file.path(dirname, 'gcamrpt.dat'))
        p <- rgcam::loadProject(projname)
        for(name in names(rslts)) {
            p <- rgcam::addQueryTable(p, rslts[[name]], name)
        message('Writing file ', projname)
    else if(!fileformat %in% c('CSV', 'XLSX')) {
        warning('Unknown fileformat requested: ', fileformat, '.  Using CSV.')
        fileformat = 'CSV'

    ## Now we should have a list of data frames.  Output them to file(s) one
    ## by one.
    if(dataformat=='tabs') {
        ## One file or tab for each table
        if(fileformat == 'XLSX')
            wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()

        for(tblname in names(rslts)) {
            if(fileformat == 'CSV') {
                filename <-
                                                 paste0(tblname, '.csv')))
                message('Writing file ', filename)
                readr::write_csv(rslts[[tblname]], filename)
            else {
                openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, tblname)
                openxlsx::writeData(wb, tblname, rslts[[tblname]])

        if(fileformat == 'XLSX') {
            filename <- alternate_filename(file.path(dirname, 'gcamrpt.xlsx'))
            message('Writing file ', filename)
            openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, filename)
    else {
        ## Single file in PITA format.
        if(fileformat == 'CSV') {
            filename <- alternate_filename(file.path(dirname, 'gcamrpt.csv'))
            fcon <- file(filename, 'w')
        else {
            filename <- alternate_filename(file.path(dirname, 'gcamrpt.xlsx'))
            wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()
            openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, 'gcamrpt')
            row <- 1                    # current write row
        message('Writing file ', filename)
        line1 <- TRUE
        for(tblname in names(rslts)) {
            if(line1) {
                ## Don't write an extra newline at the start of the line
                line1 <- FALSE
            else {
                if(fileformat == 'CSV') {
                    cat('\n', file=fcon)
                else {
                    openxlsx::writeData(wb, 'gcamrpt' , '', startRow=row)
                    row <- row + 1

            if(!('Variable' %in% names(rslts[[tblname]]))) {
                if(fileformat == 'CSV') {
                    cat(tblname, '\n', file=fcon, sep='')
                else {
                    openxlsx::writeData(wb, 'gcamrpt', tblname, startRow=row)
                    row <- row + 1

            if(fileformat == 'CSV') {
                readr::write_csv(rslts[[tblname]], fcon)
            else {
                openxlsx::writeData(wb, 'gcamrpt', rslts[[tblname]],
                row <- row + nrow(rslts[[tblname]]) + 1
        if(fileformat == 'CSV') {
        else {
            openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, filename)

#' Generate an alternate file name, if input name is already in use.
#' Generate the alternate name by appending NNN to the base name, where NNN is
#' the smallest integer for which the resulting name isn't already in use.
#' @param name The intended file name.
#' @keywords internal
alternate_filename <- function(name)
    name <- name
    dir <- dirname(name)
    filename <- basename(name)
    np <- nameparse(filename)
    stem <- np[1]
    ext <- np[2]

    i <- 0
    while(file.exists(name)) {
        i <- i + 1
        if(is.na(ext)) {
            filename <- sprintf('%s%03d', stem, i)
        else {
            filename <- sprintf('%s%03d.%s', stem, i, ext)
        name <- file.path(dir, filename)

    normalizePath(name, mustWork=FALSE)

#' Separate a filename into a stem and extension.
#' The stem is everything up to the last '.'.  The extension is everything after
#' that.  If the filename has no '.'s in it, the stem is the whole name, and the
#' extension is NA.
#' @param name Name to parse
#' @keywords internal
nameparse <- function(name)
    splt <- unlist(stringr::str_split(name, stringr::coll('.')))
    len <- length(splt)
    if(len == 1) {             # no extension
        c(splt, NA)
    else {
        c(stringr::str_c(splt[1:(len-1)], collapse='.'), splt[len])

#' Convert a list of tables to a single table in IIASA format
#' The result of this transformation will be a single table with the following
#' columns:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{Model}
#'   \item{Scenario}
#'   \item{Region}
#'   \item{Variable (taken from the output name of the input)}
#'   \item{Unit}
#'   \item{NNNN - one for each year}
#' }
#' @param datalist List of data frames, one for each variable.
#' @keywords internal
iiasafy <- function(datalist)
    varlist <- lapply(datalist, proc_var_iiasa)

    varlist <- lapply(names(varlist),   # Add variable name (need access to names(varlist) for this.)
                      function(var) {
                          dplyr::mutate(varlist[[var]], Variable=var)
                      }) %>%
      dplyr::bind_rows()              # Combine into a single table

#' Select the columns needed for the IIASA format
#' Starting with data in long format, keep only the columns needed to form the
#' IIASA format, namely, scenario, region, year, value, and Units.  Then rename
#' variables according to the IIASA conventions, and spread to wide format.  We don't
#' add the model or variable names at this point, however.
#' @keywords internal
proc_var_iiasa <- function(df)
    scenario <- region <- year <- value <- Units <- NULL # silence
                                        # check notes
    df <- df %>%
        dplyr::select(scenario, region, year, value, Units) %>%
        dplyr::rename(Scenario=scenario, Region=region, Unit=Units) %>%
        tidyr::spread(year, value)

#' Put columns in canonical order for IIASA data format
#' @param df Data frame
#' @keywords internal
iiasa_sortcols <- function(df)
    cols <- unique(c('Model', 'Scenario', 'Region', 'Variable', 'Unit', names(df)))
    dplyr::select(df, dplyr::one_of(cols))

#' @describeIn complete_iiasa_template Read an IIASA template from a file
#' @param filename The name of the file containing the template
#' @keywords internal
read_iiasa_template <- function(filename)
    if(is.null(filename)) {
    else {
        ## Read the template and drop any columns that are empty.  These are
        ## columns that must be filled in from the data.  The remaining columns
        ## will be matched to the data to figure out what data goes where.
        td <- readr::read_csv(filename) %>%
          dplyr::select_if(function(c) {!all(is.na(c))})

#' Complete a table from an IIASA template
#' The IIASA template contains a series of rows that are meant to be filled in
#' with model data.  Occasionally there is a category that is not produced by
#' GCAM.  Because we are constructing the output from the data produced by GCAM,
#' such rows will be absent from the output.  This function will fill them in
#' with missing data.
#' The template supplied should have a series of columns giving the ID variables
#' for the column (i.e., the variables that describe what is supposed to go in
#' the row).  Empty columns will be removed from the template (likely to be
#' added back from the data).
#' For example, a template might have the following columns (columns marked with
#' a * are empty):
#' Model (*), Scenario (*), Region, Variable, Unit, 2005 (*), 2010 (*), ...
#' The Region, Variable, and Unit columns would be kept, ensuring that
#' \emph{something} will be filled in for each combination of those three
#' identifiers.  If there is a match for a combination of identifiers, it will
#' be filled in from the GCAM results.  Otherwise, it will be filled with NA.
#' Result rows that are not present in the template will be silently kept.
#' @param df A data frame that will become one page of the IIASA results
#' @param template An IIASA template, as described below.
#' @keywords internal
complete_iiasa_template <- function(df, template)
    if(is.null(template)) {
    else {
        template <- tidyr::crossing(template, Model=unique(df$Model), Scenario=unique(df$Scenario))
        dplyr::full_join(template, df, by=names(template))
JGCRI/gcamrpt documentation built on June 30, 2019, 8:41 a.m.