
Defines functions exploreACMT2

Documented in exploreACMT2

#' Explore Acoustic and Midwater Trawl Data
#' Explore acoustic and midwater trawl data.
#' @param maindir
#'   A character scalar giving the directory where output will be placed.
#'   Use forward slashes, e.g., "C:/temp/".
#' @param rdat
#'   A character scalar giving the name of the RData file in \code{maindir}
#'   with the acoustic and midwater trawl data, typically the output from
#'   \code{\link{readAll}}.
#' @param AC
#'   A logical scalar indicating if you want to explore the acoustic data,
#'   default TRUE.
#' @param MT
#'   A logical scalar indicating if you want to explore the midwater trawl
#'   data, default TRUE.
#' @param ageSp
#'   A numeric vector giving the species codes for species for which
#'   age-length keys should be used, default NULL.
#' @param short
#'   Logical scalar, indicating aspect of map area.  If TRUE, the default,
#'   the mapped area is assumed to be wider (longitudinally) than tall.
#'   Used to better arrange multiple maps on a single page.
#' @details
#'   A rich text file (rtf) with a *.doc file extension (so that it will be
#'   opened with Word by default) is saved to \code{maindir}.
#' @importFrom lubridate today
#' @import rtf grDevices graphics
#' @export
exploreACMT2 <- function(maindir, rdat="ACMT", AC=TRUE, MT=TRUE, ageSp=NULL,
  short=TRUE) {

  load(paste0(maindir, rdat, ".RData"), envir=environment())

  if(all(is.na(sv$Region_name))) {
    sv$Region_name <- 1
  if(all(is.na(ts$Region_name))) {
    ts$Region_name <- 1
  if(exists("optrop")) {
    if(all(is.na(optrop$Transect))) {
      optrop$Transect <- 1

  nk <- length(keyvals)
  nick <- rep("", nk)
  for(i in 1:nk) {
    assign(keyvars[i], keyvals[i])
    nick[i] <- paste0(substring(keyvars[i], 1, 1), keyvals[i])
  nick2 <- paste(nick, collapse="")

  # exploratory plots - save output to *.doc file ####

  docname <- paste0(nick2, " ACMT Explore ", lubridate::today(), ".doc")
  doc <<- startrtf(file=docname, dir=maindir)

  explore <- 10*AC + MT
  descr <- recode(explore, c(0, 1, 10, 11),
    c("No", "Trawl", "Acoustic", "Acoustic and Trawl"))
  heading(paste0(nick, " Exploration of ", descr, " Data   ", lubridate::today()))

  para("Created using the R package EchoNet2Fish (https://github.com/JVAdams/EchoNet2Fish), written by Jean V. Adams for Dave Warner.")
  para(paste0(docname, " = this document."))

  heading("INPUTS", 2)
  para(paste0("maindir = ", maindir, " = main input/output directory."))
  tab <- t(inputs)
  tab <- tab[!is.na(tab), 1, drop=FALSE]
  dimnames(tab)[[2]] <- NULL
  tabl("Input directories and files from reference file.", TAB=tab)

  if(AC) {# explore Sv and TS files

    ### Sv
    heading("SV FILES", 2)

    para(paste0("The Sv files have ", dim(sv)[1], " rows and ", dim(sv)[2],
      " columns."))

    tab <- dfSmry(sv)
    tabl("Quick summary table of variables in Sv files.", TAB=tab)

    para(paste0("The following figures are exploratory plots of the Sv data",
      " that can be examined to check for potential problems.",
    	"  Some figures are only printed if problems are detected,",
      " noted by the word PROBLEM in the figure caption."))

    count <- 1:dim(sv)[2]
    lcount <- split(count, ceiling(count/35))
    for(i in 1:length(lcount)) {
      fig <- function() {
      	par(mfrow=c(7, 5), mar=c(3, 3, 2, 1))
      	dfPlot(sv[, lcount[[i]], drop=FALSE])
      figu("Plot of variables ", paste(range(lcount[[i]]), collapse="-"),
        " in the Sv files.", newpage="port", FIG=fig)

    # lon/lat plots
    fig <- function() {
    	with(sv, mapByGroup(bygroup=Region_name, lon=Lon_M, lat=Lat_M))
    figu("Location of transects in Sv files.  Colors indicate Region.",
      newpage="port", FIG=fig)

    # close up look at each transect - lon/lat
    fig <- function() {
      with(sv, mapMulti(Region_name, short=short, lon=Lon_M, lat=Lat_M,
        samescale=FALSE, IDcol=as.numeric(as.factor(Region_name))))
    figu("Close up look at each transect location in Sv files.", newpage="port",

    # interval by layer plots
    laymid <- with(sv, -(Layer_depth_min + Layer_depth_max)/2)
    lat.r <- with(sv, tapply(Lat_M, Region_name, mean, na.rm=TRUE))
    Region_ord <- names(lat.r)[order(lat.r, decreasing=T)]
    fig <- function(x, xname) {
      with(sv, plotIntLay(Interval, laymid, Region_name, Region_ord,
        colorVal(x), paste0("Colors indicate ", xname)))
    prefix <- "Interval by layer plots for Sv files.  Colors indicate "
    figu(prefix, "Depth_mean", FIG=function() fig(-sv$Depth_mean, "Depth_mean"),
    figu(prefix, "Sv_mean", FIG=function() fig(sv$Sv_mean, "Sv_mean"),
    figu(prefix, "PRC_ABC", FIG=function() fig(sv$PRC_ABC^0.2, "PRC_ABC"),
    if(!is.null(sv$PRC_NASC)) {
      figu(prefix, "PRC_NASC", FIG=function() fig(sv$PRC_NASC^0.2, "PRC_NASC"),
    if(!is.null(sv$Samples)) {
      figu(prefix, "Samples", FIG=function() fig(sv$Samples, "Samples"),

    # plots comparing extremes with middle values
    fig <- function(x, lhk=TRUE, tt=FALSE) {
      varnames <- paste(x, c("S", "E", "M"), sep="_")
      caption <<- paste0("PROBLEM:  Comparing ", paste(varnames, collapse=", "),
        " for Sv files.")
      varnames <- intersect(names(sv), paste("Ping", c("S", "E", "M"), sep="_"))
      if(length(varnames) > 0) {
        vars <- with(sv, sapply(varnames, function(y) eval(parse(text=y))))
        plotValues(vars[, 1], vars[, min(2, length(varnames))],
          vars[, length(varnames)], lowhighKnown=lhk, varname=x, test=tt)
    np <- fig("Ping", tt=TRUE)
  	if(np) figu(caption, FIG=function() fig("Ping", lhk=TRUE), newpage="port")
    np <- fig("Dist", lhk=FALSE, tt=TRUE)
  	if(np) figu(caption, FIG=function() fig("Dist"), newpage="port")
    np <- fig("Lat", lhk=FALSE, tt=TRUE)
  	if(np) figu(caption, FIG=function() fig("Lat"), newpage="port")
    np <- fig("Lon", lhk=FALSE, tt=TRUE)
  	if(np) figu(caption, FIG=function() fig("Lon"), newpage="port")
    if(!is.null(sv$Date_S) & !is.null(sv$Date_E)) {
      fig <- function(...) {
        with(sv, plotValues(decimal_date(Date_S), decimal_date(Date_E),
          decimal_date(Date_M), varname="Date", lhk=TRUE, ...))
      np <- fig(test=TRUE)
      if(np) figu("PROBLEM:  Comparing Date_S, Date_E, and Date_M for Sv files.",
        newpage="port", FIG=fig)

    ### TS

    heading("TS FILES", 2)
    para(paste0("The TS files have ", dim(ts)[1], " rows and ", dim(ts)[2],
      " columns."))

    tab <- dfSmry(ts)
    tabl("Quick summary table of variables in TS files.", TAB=tab)

    sur <- sort(unique(ts$Region_name))
    lon.r <- with(ts, tapply(Lon_M, Region_name, mean, na.rm=TRUE))
    lat.r <- with(ts, tapply(Lat_M, Region_name, mean, na.rm=TRUE))

    count <- 1:dim(ts)[2]
    lcount <- split(count, ceiling(count/28))
    for(i in 1:length(lcount)) {
      fig <- function() {
      	par(mfrow=c(7, 4), mar=c(3, 3, 2, 1))
      	dfPlot(ts[, lcount[[i]], drop=FALSE])
      figu("Plot of variables ", paste(range(lcount[[i]]), collapse="-"),
        " in the TS files.", newpage="port", FIG=fig)

    # interval by layer plots
    dbs <- as.numeric(substring(
      names(ts)[grep("x.", casefold(names(ts)), fixed=TRUE)], 3, 8))
    start <- seq(min(dbs), max(dbs), 10)
    laymid <- with(ts, -(Layer_depth_min + Layer_depth_max)/2)
    Region_ord <- names(lat.r)[order(lat.r, decreasing=T)]

    for(i in seq(along=start)) {
      end <- min(start[i]+9, max(dbs))
    	colz <- paste0("X.", start[i]:end)
    	sumtargs <- apply(ts[, colz], 1, sum)
    	title. <- paste("Colors indicate binned targets from, -", end, " to -",
    	  start[i], " dB", sep="")
    	fig <- function() {
  	    with(ts, plotIntLay(Interval, laymid, Region_name, Region_ord,
          colorVal(sqrt(sumtargs)), title.))
  		figu(paste("Interval by layer plots for TS files. ", title.),
  		  newpage="port", FIG=fig)

    # compare interval gaps in Sv and TS files
    heading("SV and TS FILES COMPARISON", 2)

    t1 <- table(sv$Interval, sv$Region_name)
    t2 <- table(ts$Interval, ts$Region_name)
    # create matrices with all the intervals and all the regions
    iu <- union(rownames(t1), rownames(t2))
    iu <- iu[order(as.numeric(iu))]
    ju <- union(colnames(t1), colnames(t2))
    bigt1 <- matrix(0, nrow=length(iu), ncol=length(ju), dimnames=list(iu, ju))
    bigt2 <- bigt1
    bigt1[rownames(t1), colnames(t1)] <- t1
    bigt2[rownames(t2), colnames(t2)] <- t2
    results <- matrix("", nrow=length(iu), ncol=length(ju), dimnames=list(iu, ju))

    # assign values when rows/columns don't match
    results[bigt1 < 0.5 & bigt2 > 0.5] <- "Gap in Sv"
    results[bigt1 > 0.5 & bigt2 < 0.5] <- "Gap in TS"
    res <- results[apply(results!="", 1, sum) > 0, apply(results!="", 2, sum) > 0]

    if(sum(dim(res)) > 0) {
    	tab <- res
    	tabl("Interval gaps in Sv and TS files don't match up.", TAB=tab)
    } else {
    	para("Interval gaps in Sv and TS files match up.")

  if(MT) {# explore trawl files

    ### OPTROP
    heading("OP and TROP FILES", 2)

    optrop <- dfTidy(optrop)
    para(paste0("The OP/TROP files have ", dim(optrop)[1], " rows and ",
      dim(optrop)[2], " columns."))

    tab <- dfSmry(optrop)
    tabl("Quick summary table of variables in OP/TROP files.", TAB=tab)

    allcols <- names(optrop)
    pcols <- allcols[allcols %in% c("Op.Id", "Vessel", "Cruise", "Serial",
      "Lake", "Port", "Beg.Depth", "End.Depth", "Fishing_Depth", "Transect")]

    tab <- with(optrop, optrop[is.na(Beg.Depth) | is.na(End.Depth), pcols])
    if(dim(tab)[1] > 0) {
    	tabl("OP/TROP records with missing depth.",
    	  newpage="land", TAB=tab)
    } else {
    	para("All OP/TROP records have depth entered.")

    if(!is.null(optrop$Set_Time)) {
      set.time <- with(optrop,
        floor(Set_Time/100) + (Set_Time - 100*floor(Set_Time/100))/60)
      tod <- rep("night", length(set.time))
      tod[set.time > 7 & set.time < 19] <- "day"
      tt <- table(tod)
      mostall <- names(which.max(table(tod)))

      if(length(tt) < 1.5) {
        if(mostall=="night") {
          para("All OP/TROP records were taken at night.")
        } else {
          para("All OP/TROP records were taken during the day.")
      } else {
        if(mostall=="night") {
          tab <- optrop[tod=="day", c(pcols, "Set_Time")]
          tabl("Most OP/TROP records were taken at night,",
            " but some were taken during the day.", TAB=tab)
        } else {
          tab <- optrop[tod=="night", c(pcols, "Set_Time")]
          tabl("Most OP/TROP records were taken during the day,",
            " but some were taken at night.", TAB=tab)

    tab <- with(optrop, optrop[!is.na(Beg.Depth) & !is.na(End.Depth) &
        abs(Beg.Depth - End.Depth) > 20, pcols])
    if(dim(tab)[1] > 0) {
    	tabl("OP/TROP records with > 20 m difference between",
        " beginning and ending bottom depth.", TAB=tab)
    } else {
    	para("All OP/TROP records have < 20 m difference between",
        " beginning and ending bottom depth.")

    mind <- with(optrop, pmin(Beg.Depth, End.Depth, na.rm=T))
    tab <- with(optrop, optrop[!is.na(mind) & !is.na(Fishing_Depth) &
        Fishing_Depth > mind, pcols])
    if(dim(tab)[1] > 0) {
    	tabl("OP/TROP records with fishing depth > beginning or",
        " ending bottom depth.", TAB=tab)
    } else {
    	para("All OP/TROP records have fishing depths < beginning and",
        " ending bottom depths.")

    fig <- function() {
      just <- sapply(optrop, function(x) {
        !(all(is.na(x)) | all(x=="NA"))
    	par(mfrow=n2mfrow(dim(optrop[, just])[2]), mar=c(3, 3, 2, 1))
    	dfPlot(optrop[, just])
    figu("Plot of variables in the OP/TROP files.", newpage="port", FIG=fig)

    # lon/lat plots
    fig <- function(x) {
      var <- with(optrop, eval(parse(text=x)))
    	with(optrop, mapByGroup(bygroup=var, lon=Longitude, lat=Latitude,
        colorz=colorVal(as.numeric(as.factor(var))), pch=16, cushion=0.15))
    cap <- function(x) {
    	paste("Identification of", x, "in OP/TROP files.")
    if(!is.null(optrop$Port)) {
      figu(cap("Port"), FIG=function() fig("Port"), newpage="port")
    if(!is.null(optrop$Cruise)) {
      figu(cap("Cruise"), FIG=function() fig("Cruise"), newpage="port")
    if(length(unique(optrop$Transect))>1) {
      figu(cap("Transect"), FIG=function() fig("Transect"), newpage="port")

    # maxd <- with(optrop, -pmax(Beg.Depth, End.Depth, na.rm=T))
    # figu(cap("maxd"), FIG=function() fig("maxd"), newpage="port")

    if(!is.null(optrop$Tow_Time)) {
      figu(cap("Tow_Time"), FIG=function() fig("Tow_Time"), newpage="port")
    if("Tr_Design" %in% names(optrop)) {
      figu(cap("Tr_Design"), FIG=function() fig("Tr_Design"), newpage="port")

    ### trcatch
    addPageBreak(doc, width=11, height=8.5)
    heading("TRCATCH FILE", 2)

    trcatch <- dfTidy(trcatch)
    para(paste0("The TRCATCH file has ", dim(trcatch)[1], " rows and ",
      dim(trcatch)[2], " columns."))

    tab <- dfSmry(trcatch)
    tabl("Quick summary table of variables in TRCATCH file.", TAB=tab)

    sus <- sort(unique(trcatch$Species))
    if("Beg.Depth" %in% names(trcatch)) {
    	tab <- with(trcatch, trcatch[is.na(Beg.Depth) | is.na(End.Depth),
    		c("Op.Id", "Year", "Vessel", "Serial", "Lake", "Species", "Port_Name",
    		  "Beg.Depth", "End.Depth", "N")])
    	if(dim(tab)[1] > 0) {
    		tabl("TRCATCH records with missing beginning or ending depth.", TAB=tab)

    missop <- setdiff(trcatch$Op.Id, optrop$Op.Id)
    if(length(missop)>0) {
    	tab <- trcatch[trcatch$Op.Id %in% missop, ]
    	tabl("TRCATCH records Op.Ids not in OPTROP.", TAB=tab)
    } else {
    		para("All TRCATCH Op.Ids are in OPTROP.")

    fig <- function() {
    	par(mfrow=n2mfrow(dim(trcatch)[2]+3), mar=c(3, 3, 2, 1))
    	with(trcatch, {
      	plotSpecies(N, "N", x=Species)
      	plotSpecies(Weight, "Weight", x=Species)
      	plotSpecies(Weight/N, "Weight/N", x=Species)
    figu("Plot of variables in the TRCATCH file.", newpage="port", FIG=fig)

    ### trlf
    heading("TRLF FILE", 2)

    trlf <- dfTidy(trlf)
    para(paste0("The TRLF file has ", dim(trlf)[1], " rows and ",
      dim(trlf)[2], " columns."))

    tab <- dfSmry(trlf)
    tabl("Quick summary table of variables in TRLF file.", TAB=tab)

    missop <- setdiff(trlf$Op.Id, optrop$Op.Id)
    showcols <- min(10, dim(trlf)[[2]])
    if(length(missop)>0) {
    	tab <- trlf[trlf$Op.Id %in% missop, 1:showcols]
    	tabl("TRLF records Op.Ids not in OPTROP.", TAB=tab)
    } else {
    		para("All TRLF Op.Ids are in OPTROP.")

  	trlfmiss <- with(trlf,
  	  is.na(Op.Id) | is.na(Species) | is.na(Length) | is.na(N))
  	if(sum(trlfmiss) > 0) {
  	  warning("TRLF is missing some data.  See output report for details.",
  		tabl("TRLF records with missing data.",
        "  These records are excluded from the following plots and tables.",
  		  TAB=trlf[trlfmiss, ])
  	  trlf <- trlf[!trlfmiss, ]

    fig <- function() {
    	par(mfrow=n2mfrow(dim(trlf)[2]), mar=c(3, 3, 2, 1))
    figu("Plot of variables in the TRLF file.", newpage="port", FIG=fig)

    fig <- function() {
      with(trlf, histMulti(x=Length, freq=N, bygroup=Species,
        xlab="Length  (mm)", samescale=FALSE))
    figu("Length frequency histograms of species in the TRLF file.",
      "  Vertical red lines indicate the minimum and maximum lengths recorded.",
    	newpage="port", FIG=fig)

    if(!is.null(ageSp)) {

      for(i in seq_along(ageSp)) {
        sp <- ageSp[i]
        heading(paste("Age-Length Key for Species", sp), 2)

        key <- eval(parse(text=paste0("key", i)))
        m <- key[, grep("age", names(key), ignore.case=TRUE)]
        dimnames(m)[[1]] <- key[, grep("mm", names(key), ignore.case=TRUE)]
        dimnames(m)[[2]] <- gsub("age", "", dimnames(m)[[2]], ignore.case=TRUE)
        m <- as.matrix(m)
        m2 <- m[apply(m, 1, sum) > 0, apply(m, 2, sum) > 0]
        para(paste0("The age-length key for species ", sp, " has ", dim(m2)[1],
          " length categories and ", dim(m2)[2], " age categories."))
        tab <- m2
        tabl(paste0("Age-length key for species ", sp, "."), TAB=tab)

        fig <- function() {
        	par(mar=c(4, 4, 2, 1), cex=1.5)
        	plotAgeLen(m2, inc=0.2, xlab="Length  (mm)", ylab="Age",
        	  main=paste("Age-length key for species", sp))
        figu("Age-length key for species ", sp,
          ".  Circle size is proportional to",
          " probability of age, given length.",
        	"  Probabilities for all ages of a given length sum to one.",
          newpage="port", FIG=fig)



JVAdams/EchoNet2Fish documentation built on Feb. 15, 2021, 4:27 a.m.