
#' Summarize Acoustic Survey Data
#' Summarize acoustic survey data by interval and layer.
#' @param AcTarg
#'   A data frame with information on fish detected in an acoustics survey,
#'   specifically the \code{Targets} data frame output from
#'   \code{\link{SampFish}}.  Each row represents a single target,
#'   columns describe the specific location of fish in the lake and
#'   their target strengths.
#' @param LakeInfo
#'   A list with the lake inputs supplied as arguments to \code{\link{SimFish}}
#'   as well as a few additional objects.
#' @param SurvParam
#'   A named vector with the survey inputs supplied as arguments to
#'   \code{\link{SampFish}}.
#' @return
#'   A list with 2 elements.
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \code{AcCell} a data frame with information on
#'       the acoustic survey summarized by acoustic interval and layer.
#'     \item \code{AcColumn} a data frame with information on
#'       the acoustic survey summarized by acoustic interval.
#'   }
#' @details
#'   Acoustic intervals are identified by the easting (in m) of their midpoint.
#'   Acoustic layers are identified by the water depth (in m) of their midpoint.
#'   A weighting variable, range weight (Yule 2000), is used to account for
#'   different volumes of water sampled in the acoustic survey as a function of
#'   the distance from the transducer (in m) and the transducer half angle
#'   (\code{AcAngle/2}).
#'   The sum of the range weights is reported as \code{sum.rw} in the
#'   \code{AcCell} and \code{AcColumn} data frames.
#' @export
#' @import
#'   MASS
#' @seealso
#'   \code{\link{SampFish}}
#' @references
#'   Yule, DL.  2000.
#'   Comparison of horizontal acoustic and purse-seine estimates of
#'   salmonid densities and sizes in eleven Wyoming waters.
#'   North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:759-775.
#'   \emph{http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1577/1548-8675(2000)020\%3C0759\%3ACOHAAP\%3E2.3.CO\%3B2}
#' @examples
#' # parameters for small (a) and large (A) alewife as input to the simulator
#' fishp <- data.frame(
#'   G = c("a", "A", "A"),
#'   Z = c(50, 140, 140), ZE = c(0.25, 0.2, 0.2),
#'   LWC1 = 0.000014, LWC2 = 2.8638, LWCE = 0.18,
#'   TSC1 = -64.2, TSC2 = 20.5, TSCE = c(0.02, 0.07, 0.07),
#'   PropN = c(0.55, 0.25, 0.20),
#'   E = c(NA, 900, 2800), EE = c(NA, 4.5, 0.3),
#'   N = NA, NE = NA,
#'   WD = c(5, 15, 15), WDE = c(0.5, 0.7, 0.7),
#'   D2B = NA, D2BE = NA
#' )
#' # simulate the fish population
#' res <- SimFish(LakeName="Clear Lake", LkWidth=3000, LkLength=2000,
#'  BotDepMin=20, BotDepMax=100, FishParam=fishp, TotNFish=50000, Seed=667)
#' # survey the population
#' surv <- SampFish(SimPop=res, NumEvents=2, AcNum=5, AcInterval=3000,
#'  AcLayer=10, AcAngle=7, MtNum=25, MtHt=10, MtWd=10, MtLen=200, Seed=545)
#' AcSmry(AcTarg=surv$Targets, LakeInfo=res$LakeInfo, SurvParam=surv$SurvParam)

AcSmry <- function(AcTarg, LakeInfo, SurvParam) {
  # add "range weight" to the AcTarg data (Yule 2000)
  # a weighting variable to account for different volumes sampled as a
  #   function of range (dist. from ducer in m) and ducer half angle
  angleRadians <- 2*pi*SurvParam["AcAngle"]/360
  AcTarg$rng.wt <- 1/(2*AcTarg$f.wdep*tan(angleRadians/2))

  # summarize acoustic data by interval and layer
  AC2 <- aggregate(AcTarg[, "rng.wt"],
    AcTarg[, c("Event", "ACid", "ACnorth", "interval", "layer")], sum)
  names(AC2)[names(AC2)=="x"] <- "sum.rw"
  AC2$nperha <- 10000 * AC2$sum.rw/SurvParam["AcInterval"]

  # create a matrix of all possible interval-by-layer combinations for each ACid
  # this will be used to ensure that interval-by-layers with no fish are
  #   included in the summaries

  eastr <- c(0, LakeInfo$LkWidth)
  intbrks <- seq(eastr[1], eastr[2] + SurvParam["AcInterval"] - 1,
  intmids <- intbrks[-1] - SurvParam["AcInterval"]/2

  laybrks <- seq(0, LakeInfo$BotDepMax + SurvParam["AcLayer"] - 1,
  laymids <- laybrks[-1] - SurvParam["AcLayer"]/2

  # each AC transect goes over the same depth profile,
  #   so we can determine the max depth for each interval
  #   then see whether the max layer included

  easts <- seq(eastr[1], eastr[2], length=1000)
  depth.contour <- zfromx(x=easts, maxz=LakeInfo$BotDepMax, eastr=eastr,
    ints=LakeInfo$ints, slopes=LakeInfo$slopes)
  depth.cont.int <- intmids[cut(easts, include.lowest=TRUE, breaks=intbrks,
  all.maxes <- tapply(depth.contour, depth.cont.int, max)
  max.lays <- laymids[cut(all.maxes, include.lowest=TRUE, breaks=laybrks,

  # full matrix of all ACids, all intervals, and all layers
  sua <- sort(unique(AcTarg$ACid))
  full.mat <- expand.grid(layer=seq(laymids[1], max(max.lays),
    SurvParam["AcLayer"]), interval=intmids,
  full.mat$Event <- recode(full.mat$ACid, sua,
    AcTarg$Event[match(sua, AcTarg$ACid)], must.match=TRUE)

  sub.mat <- merge(data.frame(interval=intmids, max.layer=max.lays), full.mat,
  sub.mat <- sub.mat[sub.mat$layer <= (sub.mat$max.layer + 0.001),
    c("Event", "ACid", "interval", "layer")]

  ACsmryIL <- merge(AC2, sub.mat, all=TRUE)
  ACsmryIL$nperha[is.na(ACsmryIL$nperha)] <- 0
  ACsmryIL$sum.rw[is.na(ACsmryIL$sum.rw)] <- 0
  ACsmryIL$ACnorth <- recode(ACsmryIL$ACid, sua,
    AcTarg$ACnorth[match(sua, AcTarg$ACid)], must.match=TRUE)

  rm(easts, depth.contour, depth.cont.int, all.maxes, max.lays, full.mat)

  d2shr.we <- c(0 + LakeInfo$ints[1]/LakeInfo$slopes[1],
    -LakeInfo$ints[2]/LakeInfo$slopes[2] - eastr[2])

  ACsmryIL$botdep <- zfromx(x=ACsmryIL$interval, maxz=LakeInfo$BotDepMax,
    eastr=eastr, ints=LakeInfo$ints, slopes=LakeInfo$slopes)
  ACsmryIL$d2bot <- ACsmryIL$botdep - ACsmryIL$layer
  ACsmryIL$d2sh <- dfromx(x=ACsmryIL$interval, d2shr.we=d2shr.we, eastr=eastr)

  # ACsmryIL <- merge(ACsmryIL, sub.mat, all=TRUE)
  # ACsmryIL$nperha[is.na(ACsmryIL$nperha)] <- 0

  # summarize acoustic data by interval only
  ACsmryI <- aggregate(ACsmryIL[, c("sum.rw", "nperha")],
    ACsmryIL[, c("Event", "ACid", "ACnorth", "interval", "botdep", "d2sh")],
  ACsmryI <- ACsmryI[order(ACsmryI$Event, ACsmryI$ACid, ACsmryI$interval), ]

  acsumil.out.vars <- c("Event", "ACid", "ACnorth", "interval", "layer", "d2sh",
    "botdep", "d2bot", "sum.rw", "nperha")

  acsumi.out.vars <-  c("Event", "ACid", "ACnorth", "interval",          "d2sh",
    "botdep",          "sum.rw", "nperha")

  list(AcCell=ACsmryIL[, acsumil.out.vars], AcColumn=ACsmryI[, acsumi.out.vars])

JVAdams/artiFISHal documentation built on May 7, 2019, 10:14 a.m.