
Defines functions print.hyp sim_reg_data create_matrices

#Project: Informed hypotheses for regression
#Script purpose: Print method and helper functions for troubleshooting
#Code: Anton Ohlsson Collentine

#Print method----

#'@method print hyp
print.hyp <- function(x, ...){ #print method. Has to include the x and ...
    for(h in seq_along(x$hypotheses)){
      cat(paste0("  H", h, ":   ", '"', x$hypotheses[h], '"'))
    if(!(length(x$hypotheses) == length(x$post_prob))){ #If not exhaustive
      if(length(x$hypotheses) == 1){cat('  Hc:   "Not H1"') #if only one hypotheses
      } else{cat(paste0('  Hc:   "Not H1-H', length(x$hypotheses), '"'))
    cat(paste0("Posterior probability of each hypothesis (rounded):"))
    for(h in seq_along(x$hypotheses)){
      cat(paste0("  H", h, ":   ", format(round(x$post_prob[h], digits = 3), nsmall = 3, scientific = FALSE)))
    if(!(length(x$hypotheses) == length(x$post_prob))){
      cat(paste0("  Hc:   ", format(round(x$post_prob[length(x$post_prob)], digits = 3), nsmall = 3,  scientific = FALSE)))
  } else{
    for(h in seq_along(x$hypotheses)){
      cat(paste0("  H", h, ":   ", '"', x$hypotheses[h], '"'))
    cat("Posterior probabilities for each variable (rounded), ")
    cat("assuming equal prior probabilities:")
    mat_out <- as.data.frame(format(round(x$post_prob, digits = 3), scientific = FALSE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    mat_out <- rbind(c("X < 0", "X = 0", "X > 0"), mat_out) 
    rownames(mat_out) <- c("", rownames(x$post_prob)) 
#Function to simulate regression data----
sim_reg_data <- function(betas, intercept = 0,  sigma2 = 1, n = 100){
  beta <- c(intercept, betas)
  Xmat <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = length(beta)) #prepare the data matrix for predictors
  Xmat[,1] <- 1 #intercept

  #generate predictor data
  Xmat[,-1] <- rnorm((length(beta)-1)*n)

  #Generate error
  error <- rnorm(n,sd=sqrt(sigma2))

  #generate outcome variables as a linear function
  #of the predictors
  y <-  Xmat %*% beta + error #matrix multiplicaton

  dat <- data.frame(Xmat, y) #Put into dataframe because lm function requires dataframe format
  names(dat)[1:length(beta)] <- paste0("X", 0:(length(beta)-1)) #for clarity change names so that intercept is "X0"

create_matrices <- function(object, hyp){

  varnames <- variable.names(object) #provides the variable names of the linear model object, including intercept
  if(is.null(varnames)) stop("Please input proper linear model object")
  varnames <- gsub("(\\(Intercept\\))", "Intercept", varnames) #remove parentheses around intercept so these don't conflict later

  hyp2 <- gsub("[ \n]", "", hyp) #removes all whitespace
  hyp2 <- gsub("(\\(Intercept\\))", "Intercept", hyp2) #If hyp re. intercept input with surrounding parentheses, remove
  if(!grepl("^[0-9a-zA-Z><=,().-]+$", hyp2)) stop("Impermissable characters in hypotheses") #Self-explanatory. NEW parentehese
  if(grepl("[><=]{2,}", hyp2)) stop("Do not use combined comparison signs e.g., '>=' or '=='")

  step1 <- unlist(strsplit(hyp2, split = "[<>=,()]")) #split by special characters and unlist
  input_vars <- step1[grep("[a-zA-Z]+", step1)] #extract subunits that contain at least one letter
  if(!all(input_vars %in% varnames)) stop("Hypothesis variable(s) not in object, check spelling") #Checks if input variables exist in lm-object

  framer <- function(x){ #As function because same code used once more later
    pos_comparisons <- unlist(gregexpr("[<>=]", x)) #Gives the positions of all comparison signs
    leftside <- rep(NA, length(pos_comparisons) + 1) #empty vector for loop below
    rightside <- rep(NA, length(pos_comparisons) + 1) #empty vector for loop below
    pos1 <- c(-1, pos_comparisons) #positions to extract data to the leftside of comparisons
    pos2 <- c(pos_comparisons, nchar(x) + 1) #positions to extract data to the rightside of comparisons
    for(i in seq_along(pos1)){
      leftside[i] <- substring(x, pos1[i] + 1, pos1[i+1] - 1) #Extract all variables or outcomes to the leftside of a comparison sign
      rightside[i] <- substring(x, pos2[i] + 1, pos2[i+1] - 1) #Extract all variables or outcomes to the rightside of a comparison sign
    leftside <- leftside[-length(leftside)] #remove last element which is a NA due to loop formatting
    rightside <- rightside[-length(rightside)] #remove last element which is a NA due to loop formatting
    comparisons <- substring(x, pos_comparisons, pos_comparisons) #Extract comparison signs
    data.frame(left = leftside, comp = comparisons, right = rightside, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) #hypotheses as a dataframe

  framed <- framer(hyp2) #hypotheses as a dataframe

  if(any(grepl(",", framed$left)) || any(grepl(",", framed$right))){ #Larger loop that deals with commas if the specified hypothesis contains any
    if(nrow(framed) > 1){
      for(r in 1:(nrow(framed)-1)){ #If a hypothesis has been specified with commas e.g., "X1 > 0, X2 > 0" or "(X1, X2) > X3"
        if(all.equal(framed$right[r], framed$left[r+1])){ #The right hand side of the hypothesis df will be equal to the next row left side
          if(substring(framed$right[r], 1, 1) == "(") { #If the first row begins with a ( as when "X1 > (X2, X3)" and opposed to "(X2, X3) > X1"
            framed$right[r] <- sub("),.+", ")", framed$right[r])#If so, remove everything to the right of the parenthesis on the right hand side
            framed$left[r+1] <- sub(".+),", "", framed$left[r +1])#and everything to the left of the parenthesis on the left hand side to correct the df
          } else{
            framed$right[r] <- sub(",.+", "", framed$right[r]) #else, remove everything to the right of the comma on the right hand side
            framed$left[r+1] <- sub("[^,]+,", "", framed$left[r+1]) #and everything to the left of the comma on the left hand side to correct the df

    commas_left <- framed$left[grep(",", framed$left)] #At this point all remaining elements that contain commas should also have parentheses, check this
    commas_right <- framed$right[grep(",", framed$right)] #Necessary to use is isTRUE below in case one of these contains no commas, and 'any' for several rows
    if(isTRUE(any(!grepl("\\(.+)", commas_left))) || isTRUE(any(!grepl("\\(.+)", commas_right))) || #Check so rows contain parenthesis
       isTRUE(any(grepl(").+", commas_left))) || isTRUE(any(grepl(").+", commas_right))) || #Check so parentheses are not followed by anything
       isTRUE(any(grepl(".+\\(", commas_left))) || isTRUE(any(grepl(".+\\(", commas_right)))) { #chekc so parentheses are not preceded by anything
      stop("Incorrect hypothesis syntax or extra character, check specification")

    framed$left <- gsub("[()]", "", framed$left) #drop remaining parentheses
    framed$right <- gsub("[()]", "", framed$right)
    commas <- unique(c(grep(",", framed$left), grep(",", framed$right))) #Gives us the unique rows that still contain commas (multiple comparisons) from left or right columns

    if(length(commas) > 0){ #If there are any multiple comparisons e.g., (X1, X2) below loop separates these in
      multiples <- vector("list", length = length(commas)) #Empty vector to store results for each row in loop below

      for(r in seq_along(commas)){ #for each row containing commas
        several <- framed[commas,][r, ] #select row r

        if(several$comp == "="){ #If e.g., (X1, X2) = X3, convert to X1 = X2 = X3

          several <- c(several$left, several$right)
          separate <- unlist(strsplit(several, split = ",")) #split by special characters and unlist
          if(any(grepl("^$", several))) stop("Misplaced comma in hypothesis") #if empty element
          converted_equality <- paste(separate, collapse = "=") #convert to X1 = X2 = X3 shape
          multiples[[r]] <- framer(converted_equality) #hypotheses as a dataframe

        } else{ #If inequality comparison
          leftvars <- unlist(strsplit(several$left, split = ",")) #separate left hand var
          rightvars <- unlist(strsplit(several$right, split = ",")) #separate right hand vars
          if(any(grepl("^$", leftvars)) || any(grepl("^$", rightvars))) stop("Misplaced comma in hypothesis") #if empty element

          left <- rep(leftvars, length.out = length(rightvars)*length(leftvars)) #repeat each leftvars the number of rightvars
          right <- rep(rightvars, each = length(leftvars)) #complement for rightvars
          comp <- rep(several$comp, length(left)) #repeat the comparison a corresponding number of times

          multiples[[r]] <- data.frame(left = left, comp = comp, right = right, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) #save as df to be able to combine with 'framed'

      framed <- framed[-commas,] #remove old unfixed rows with commas
      multiples <- do.call(rbind, multiples) #make list into dataframe
      framed <- rbind(multiples, framed) #recombine into one dataframe
  } #end comma loop

  equality <- framed[framed$comp == "=",]
  inequality <- framed[!framed$comp == "=",]

  if(nrow(equality) == 0) { #If there are no '=' comparisons set to NULL
    list_equality <- NULL
  } else{
    outcomes <- suppressWarnings(apply(equality[, -2], 2, as.numeric)) #Convert left/right to numeric, non-numeric values (variables) coerced to NA
    outcomes <- matrix(outcomes, ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE) #Conversion to matrix in case there was only one row in outcomes
    if(any(rowSums(is.na(outcomes)) == 0)) stop("Value compared with value rather than variable, e.g., '2 = 2', check hypotheses")
    rows <- which(rowSums(is.na(outcomes)) < 2) #which rows contain a numeric value (comparing variable to value), that is not two NA-values
    specified <- t(outcomes[rows,]) #transpose so that specified comparison values are extracted in correct order below, e.g, in case when "X1 = 0, 2 = X2"
    specified <- specified[!is.na(specified)] #extract specified comparison values
    r_e <- ifelse(rowSums(is.na(outcomes)) == 2, 0, specified) #If variable = variable -> 0, if variable = value -> value
    r_e <- matrix(r_e) #convert to matrix

    var_locations <- apply(equality[, -2], 2, function(x) ifelse(x %in% varnames, match(x, varnames), 0)) #convert non-variables to 0 and others are given their locations in varnames
    var_locations <- matrix(var_locations, ncol = 2) #Necessary if only one comparison row

    R_e <- matrix(rep(0, nrow(equality)*length(varnames)), ncol = length(varnames)) #Create empty variable matrix

    for(i in seq_along(r_e)){ # for each row i in R_e, replace the columns specified in var_locations row i
      if(!all(var_locations[i, ] > 0)){ #If only one variable is specified (i.e., other one is set to zero)
        R_e[i, var_locations[i,]] <- 1 #Set this variable to 1 in R_e row i
      } else{ #If two variables specified
        R_e[i, var_locations[i,]] <- c(1, -1) #Set one column to 1 and the other to -1 in R_e row i
    list_equality <- list(R_e = R_e, r_e = r_e) #Note column 1 in R_e is for intercept

  if(nrow(inequality) == 0) { #If there are no '>' or '<' comparisons set to NULL
    list_inequality <- NULL
  } else{
    outcomes <- suppressWarnings(apply(inequality[, -2], 2, as.numeric)) #Convert left/right to numeric, non-numeric values (variables) coerced to NA
    outcomes <- matrix(outcomes, ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE) #Conversion to matrix in case there was only one row in outcomes
    if(any(rowSums(is.na(outcomes)) == 0)) stop("Value compared with value rather than variable, e.g., '2 > 2', check hypotheses")
    cols <- which(rowSums(is.na(outcomes)) < 2) #which columns contain a numeric value (comparing variable to value), that is not two NA-values
    specified <- t(outcomes[cols,]) #transpose so that specified comparison values are extracted in correct order below
    specified <- specified[!is.na(specified)] #extract specified comparison values
    r_i <- ifelse(rowSums(is.na(outcomes)) == 2, 0, specified) #If variable = variable -> 0, if variable = value -> value
    r_i <- matrix(r_i) #convert to matrix

    leq <- which(inequality$comp == "<") #gives the rows that contain '<' (lesser or equal) comparisons
    var_locations <- apply(inequality[, -2], 2, function(x) ifelse(x %in% varnames, match(x, varnames), 0)) #convert non-variables to 0 and others are given their locations
    var_locations <- matrix(var_locations, ncol = 2) #Necessary if only one comparison row

    R_i <- matrix(rep(0, nrow(inequality)*length(varnames)), ncol = length(varnames)) #Create empty variable matrix

    for(i in seq_along(r_i)){ # for each row i in R_i, replace the columns specified in var_locations row i
      if(!all(var_locations[i, ] > 0)){ #If only one variable is specified (i.e., other one is set to zero)

        if(var_locations[i, 1] == 0){ #If first value is not the variable (i.e, a comparison value)
          if(i %in% leq){#Then if comparison is 'lesser or equal' 
            value <-  1  #set variable value to 1
          } else{ #else if comparison 'larger or equal'
            r_i[i] <- r_i[i]*-1 #invert comparison value
            value <- -1 # set variable value to -1
        } else{ #If first value is the variable (i.e., the second is a comparison value)
          if(i %in% leq){ #then if comparison is 'lesser or equal'
            r_i[i] <- r_i[i]*-1 #invert comparison value
            value <-  -1  #set variable value to -1
          } else{
            value <- 1 #else if comparison 'larger or equal' set to 1
        R_i[i, var_locations[i,]] <- value #Set this variable to 1/-1 in R_i row i
      } else{ #If two variables specified
        value <- if(i %in% leq) c(-1, 1) else c(1, -1) #If comparison is 'leq' take var2 - var1, if 'larger or equal' take var1 - var2
        R_i[i, var_locations[i,]] <- value #Set one column to 1 and the other to -1 in R_i row i

    list_inequality<- list(R_i = R_i, r_i = r_i) #Note column 1 in R_i is for intercept

  matrices <- list(equality = list_equality, inequality = list_inequality); matrices #final output

Jaeoc/lmhyp documentation built on April 3, 2020, 11:50 a.m.