#' Make mesh for distances among points
#' \code{make_mesh} builds a tagged list representing distances for isotropic or geometric anisotropic triangulated mesh
#' @param loc_x location (eastings and northings in kilometers, UTM) for each sample or knot
#' @param Method spatial method determines ("Mesh" and "Grid" give
#' @param anisotropic_mesh OPTIONAL, anisotropic mesh (if missing, its recalculated from loc_x)
#' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{INLA::inla.mesh.create}
#' @return Tagged list containing distance metrics
#' @export
make_mesh <-
function( loc_x,
anisotropic_mesh = NULL,
fine_scale = FALSE,
mesh_package = c("INLA","fmesher"),
# Create the anisotropic SPDE mesh using 2D coordinates
mesh_package = match.arg( mesh_package )
# 2D coordinates SPDE
if( is.null(anisotropic_mesh)){
if( fine_scale==FALSE ){
if( mesh_package=="INLA" ){
if(!require(INLA)) stop("Please install INLA or switch to `settings$mesh_package=`fmesher`")
anisotropic_mesh = INLA::inla.mesh.create( loc_x, plot.delay=NULL, ...)
anisotropic_mesh = fm_mesh_2d( loc_x, ... )
if( mesh_package=="INLA" ){
loc_z = rbind( loc_x, loc_g, loc_i )
if(!require(INLA)) stop("Please install INLA or switch to `settings$mesh_package=`fmesher`")
outer_hull = INLA::inla.nonconvex.hull( as.matrix(loc_z), convex = -0.05, concave = -0.05)
anisotropic_mesh = INLA::inla.mesh.create( loc_x, plot.delay=NULL, boundary=outer_hull, ...)
#outer_hull = fm_nonconvex_hull( as.matrix(loc_z), convex = -0.05, concave = -0.05 )
anisotropic_mesh = fm_mesh_2d( loc_x, ... ) # , boundary=outer_hull, ... )
#anisotropic_spde = INLA::inla.spde2.matern(anisotropic_mesh, alpha=2)
anisotropic_spde = fm_fem( anisotropic_mesh, order=2 )
anisotropic_spde$param.inla = list( "M0" = anisotropic_spde$c0,
"M1" = anisotropic_spde$g1,
"M2" = anisotropic_spde$g2)
anisotropic_spde$mesh = anisotropic_mesh
anisotropic_spde$n.spde = anisotropic_mesh$n
# Pre-processing in R for anisotropy
Dset = 1:2
# Triangle info
TV = anisotropic_mesh$graph$tv # Triangle to vertex indexing
V0 = anisotropic_mesh$loc[TV[,1],Dset] # V = vertices for each triangle
V1 = anisotropic_mesh$loc[TV[,2],Dset]
V2 = anisotropic_mesh$loc[TV[,3],Dset]
E0 = V2 - V1 # E = edge for each triangle
E1 = V0 - V2
E2 = V1 - V0
# Pre-processing for barriers
# Barriers don't affect projection matrix A
# Obtain polygon for water
if( missing(map_data) ){
map_data = rnaturalearth::ne_countries( scale=50, returnclass="sf" )
#map_data = sf::as_Spatial( map_data )
#attr(map_data,"proj4string") = sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
#proj4string(map_data) = sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
# Calculate centroid of each triangle in mesh and convert to SpatialPoints
n_triangles = length(anisotropic_mesh$graph$tv[,1])
posTri = matrix(NA, nrow=n_triangles, ncol=2)
for(tri_index in 1:n_triangles){
temp = anisotropic_mesh$loc[ anisotropic_mesh$graph$tv[tri_index,], ]
posTri[tri_index,] = colMeans(temp)[c(1,2)]
#posTri = sp::SpatialPoints(posTri, proj4string=sp::CRS(Extrapolation_List$projargs) )
#posTri = sp::spTransform(posTri, CRSobj=sp::CRS(map_data) )
posTri = sf::st_sfc( sf::st_multipoint(posTri), crs=sf::st_crs(Extrapolation_List$projargs) )
posTri = sf::st_transform( posTri, crs=sf::st_crs(map_data) )
# Calculate set of triangles barrier.triangles with centroid over land
if( Method == "Barrier" ){
#anisotropic_mesh_triangles_over_land = unlist(sp::over(map_data, posTri, returnList=TRUE))
anisotropic_mesh_triangles_over_land = unlist(sf::st_intersects(map_data, posTri))
anisotropic_mesh_triangles_over_land = vector()
#plot( x=posTri@coords[,1], y=posTri@coords[,2], col=ifelse(1:n_triangles%in%triangles_over_land,"black","red") )
# Create Barrier object if requested
# Don't do this unless necessary, because it sometimes throws an error
#Diagnose issues: assign("anisotropic_mesh", anisotropic_mesh, envir = .GlobalEnv)
barrier_finite_elements = inla.barrier.fem.copy(mesh=anisotropic_mesh,
barrier_list = list(C0 = barrier_finite_elements$C[[1]],
C1 = barrier_finite_elements$C[[2]],
D0 = barrier_finite_elements$D[[1]],
D1 = barrier_finite_elements$D[[2]],
I = barrier_finite_elements$I )
# sp::plot( INLA::inla.barrier.polygon(anisotropic_mesh, triangles_over_land) )
# Calculate Areas
crossprod_fn = function(Vec1,Vec2) abs(det( rbind(Vec1,Vec2) ))
Tri_Area = rep(NA, nrow(E0))
for(i in 1:length(Tri_Area)) Tri_Area[i] = crossprod_fn( E0[i,],E1[i,] )/2 # T = area of each triangle
# Add the isotropic SPDE mesh for spherical or 2D projection, depending upon `Method` input
# Mesh and SPDE for different inputs
if(Method %in% c("Mesh","Grid","Stream_network","Barrier")){
loc_isotropic_mesh = loc_x
isotropic_mesh = anisotropic_mesh
if(Method %in% c("Spherical_mesh")){
#loc_isotropic_mesh = INLA::inla.mesh.map(loc_x, projection="longlat", inverse=TRUE) # Project from lat/long to mesh coordinates
#isotropic_mesh = INLA::inla.mesh.create( loc_isotropic_mesh, plot.delay=NULL, ...)
stop("Method `Spherical_mesh` no longer supported")
#isotropic_spde = INLA::inla.spde2.matern(isotropic_mesh, alpha=2)
isotropic_spde = fm_fem(isotropic_mesh, order=2)
isotropic_spde$param.inla = list( "M0" = isotropic_spde$c0,
"M1" = isotropic_spde$g1,
"M2" = isotropic_spde$g2)
isotropic_spde$mesh = isotropic_mesh
isotropic_spde$n.spde = isotropic_mesh$n
# Return stuff
#if( isotropic_mesh$n != anisotropic_mesh$n ) stop("Check `Calc_Anisotropic_Mesh` for problem")
Return = list( "loc_x"=loc_x,
"TV"=TV, "E0"=E0, "E1"=E1, "E2"=E2,
"barrier_list"=barrier_list )
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