#' @title
#' Plot shifts in range edges
#' @description
#' \code{plot_range_edge} plots range edges
#' @inheritParams plot_biomass_index
#' @inheritParams sample_variable
#' @param working_dir Directory for plots
#' @param quantiles vector specifying quantiles to use for calculating range edges
#' @param calculate_relative_to_average Boolean, whether to calculate edge in UTM coordinates (default),
#' or instead calculate relative to median across all years. The latter reduces standard errors,
#' and is appropriate when checking significance for comparison across years for a single species.
#' The former (default) is appropriate for checking significance for comparison across species.
#' @references For details regarding multivariate index standardization and expansion see \url{https://doi.org/10.22541/au.160331933.33155622/v1}
#' @export
plot_range_edge <-
function( Sdreport,
year_labels = NULL,
years_to_plot = NULL,
strata_names = NULL,
category_names = NULL,
working_dir = getwd(),
quantiles = c(0.05,0.95),
n_samples = 100,
interval_width = 1,
width = NULL,
height = NULL,
calculate_relative_to_average = FALSE,
seed = 123456,
# Unpack
Report = Obj$report()
TmbData = Obj$env$data
# Informative errors
if(is.null(Sdreport)) stop("Sdreport is NULL; please provide Sdreport")
if( any(quantiles<0) | any(quantiles>1) ) stop("Please provide `quantiles` between zero and one")
if( all(TmbData$Z_gm==0) ) stop("Please re-run with 'Options['Calculate_Range']=TRUE' to calculate range edges")
if( n_samples<10 ) stop("`n_samples` must be at least 10 for any chance of meaningful results for `plot_range_edge`")
if( n_samples<100 ) warning("Package author recommends `n_samples`>=100 for `plot_range_edge`")
# Which parameters
if( "ln_Index_tl" %in% rownames(TMB::summary.sdreport(Sdreport)) ){
# SpatialDeltaGLMM
stop("Not implemente")
if( "ln_Index_ctl" %in% rownames(TMB::summary.sdreport(Sdreport)) ){
# VAST Version < 2.0.0 or >= 3.6.0
D_name = "D_gct"
if( "ln_Index_cyl" %in% rownames(TMB::summary.sdreport(Sdreport)) ){
# VAST Version >= 2.0.0 and < 3.6.0
TmbData[["n_t"]] = nrow(TmbData[["t_yz"]])
D_name = "D_gcy"
# Default inputs
if( is.null(year_labels)) year_labels = 1:TmbData$n_t
if( is.null(years_to_plot) ) years_to_plot = 1:TmbData$n_t
if( is.null(strata_names) ) strata_names = 1:TmbData$n_l
if( is.null(category_names) ) category_names = 1:TmbData$n_c
if( is.null(colnames(TmbData$Z_gm)) ){
m_labels = paste0("axis",1:ncol(TmbData$Z_gm))
m_labels = colnames(TmbData$Z_gm)
##### Local function
D_gctr = sample_variable( Sdreport=Sdreport, Obj=Obj, variable_name=D_name, n_samples=n_samples, seed=seed )
if(any(D_gctr==Inf)) stop("`sample_variable` in `plot_range_edge` is producing D=Inf; please use `n_samples=0` to avoid error")
# If some are NA, check to see what variable is going haywire
if( FALSE ){
D_gctr = sample_variable( Sdreport=Sdreport, Obj=Obj, variable_name="L_epsilon2_cf", n_samples=n_samples, seed=seed )
# Calculate quantiles from observed and sampled densities D_gcy
E_zctm = array(NA, dim=c(length(quantiles),dim(Report[[D_name]])[2:3],ncol(TmbData$Z_gm)) )
E_zctmr = array(NA, dim=c(length(quantiles),dim(Report[[D_name]])[2:3],ncol(TmbData$Z_gm),n_samples) )
Mean_cmr = array(NA, dim=c(dim(Report[[D_name]])[2],ncol(TmbData$Z_gm),n_samples) )
prop_zctm = array(NA, dim=c(dim(Report[[D_name]])[1:3],ncol(TmbData$Z_gm)) )
prop_zctmr = array(NA, dim=c(dim(Report[[D_name]])[1:3],ncol(TmbData$Z_gm),n_samples) )
for( rI in 0:n_samples ){
for( mI in 1:ncol(TmbData$Z_gm) ){
order_g = order(TmbData$Z_gm[,mI], decreasing=FALSE)
if(rI==0) prop_zctm[,,,mI] = apply( Report[[D_name]], MARGIN=2:3, FUN=function(vec){cumsum(vec[order_g])/sum(vec)} )
if(rI>=0) prop_zctmr[,,,mI,rI] = apply( D_gctr[,,,rI,drop=FALSE], MARGIN=2:3, FUN=function(vec){cumsum(vec[order_g])/sum(vec)} )
# Calculate edge
for( cI in 1:dim(E_zctm)[2] ){
if( calculate_relative_to_average==TRUE ){
Mean_cmr[cI,mI,rI] = weighted.mean( as.vector(TmbData$Z_gm[,mI]%o%rep(1,dim(Report[[D_name]])[3])), w=as.vector(D_gctr[,cI,,rI]) )
Mean_cmr[cI,mI,rI] = 0
for( zI in 1:dim(E_zctm)[1] ){
for( tI in 1:dim(E_zctm)[3] ){
index_tmp = which.min( (prop_zctm[,cI,tI,mI]-quantiles[zI])^2 )
E_zctm[zI,cI,tI,mI] = TmbData$Z_gm[order_g[index_tmp],mI]
index_tmp = which.min( (prop_zctmr[,cI,tI,mI,rI]-quantiles[zI])^2 )
E_zctmr[zI,cI,tI,mI,rI] = TmbData$Z_gm[order_g[index_tmp],mI] - Mean_cmr[cI,mI,rI]
SE_zctm = apply( E_zctmr, MARGIN=1:4, FUN=sd )
Edge_zctm = abind::abind( "Estimate"=E_zctm, "Std. Error"=SE_zctm, along=5 )
dimnames(Edge_zctm)[[1]] = paste0("quantile_",quantiles)
# Plot cumulative distribution
# matplot( x=Z_zm[,mI], y=prop_zcym[,1,,mI], type="l" )
# Plot edges
for( mI in 1:dim(Edge_zctm)[4] ){
Index_zct = array(Edge_zctm[,,,mI,'Estimate'],dim(Edge_zctm)[1:3])
sd_Index_zct = array(Edge_zctm[,,,mI,'Std. Error'],dim(Edge_zctm)[1:3])
plot_index( Index_ctl = aperm(Index_zct,c(2,3,1)),
sd_Index_ctl = aperm(sd_Index_zct,c(2,3,1)),
year_labels = year_labels,
years_to_plot = years_to_plot,
strata_names = quantiles,
category_names = category_names,
DirName = working_dir,
PlotName = paste0("RangeEdge_",m_labels[mI],".png"),
Yrange = c(NA,NA),
interval_width = interval_width,
width = width,
height = height,
xlab = "Year",
ylab = paste0("Quantiles (",m_labels[mI],")") )
# Return list of stuff
Return = list( "year_labels"=year_labels, "Edge_zctm"=Edge_zctm )
return( invisible(Return) )
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