
Defines functions prune_cophylo get_PextinctionTime get_infectionFrequenciesSubtrees get_PHDistSubtreeCorrelation get_PHDistCorrelation get_GDist get_PEventsThroughTime get_branchNThroughTime get_infectionStatistics get_infectionFrequencies get_hostShifts

Documented in get_branchNThroughTime get_GDist get_hostShifts get_infectionFrequencies get_infectionFrequenciesSubtrees get_infectionStatistics get_PEventsThroughTime get_PextinctionTime get_PHDistCorrelation get_PHDistSubtreeCorrelation prune_cophylo

# stats.R

# This file contains functions to obtain various statistics describing cophylogenies.
# This file is part of the R-package 'cophy'.

#' Counting parasite host-jumps.
#' The following function counts the host-jumps of a host-parasite phylogeny
#' @param cophy a cophylogeny (object of class "cophylogeny") containing one host and one parasite tree.
#' @keywords cophylogeny, host-jumps
#' @keywords internal

get_hostShifts <- function(cophy) {
  Pphy  <- cophy[[2]]
  jumps <- c()

  PBranchLines           <- matrix(NA, ncol = 2, nrow = 2)
  colnames(PBranchLines) <- c("x1", "x2")
  PBranchLines[1, 1]     <- 0
  PBranchLines[1, 2]     <- Pphy$edge.length[1]

  PBranchLines[2, 1]     <- 0
  PBranchLines[2, 2]     <- Pphy$edge.length[2]

  noPNodes   <- length(Pphy$edge[, 1]) + 1          # total number of nodes in the parasite phylogeny
  firstPNode <- (length(Pphy$edge[, 1]) / 2) + 2    # the first internal node in the parasite phylogeny

  if(length(Pphy$edge[, 1]) > 2) {
    for(i in (firstPNode + 1):noPNodes) { # loop covering all internal nodes
      daughterBranches <- which(Pphy$edge[, 1] == i)   # indices of the two new branches to be added
      motherBranch     <- match(i, Pphy$edge[, 2])   # index of the mother branch
      tnew             <- PBranchLines[motherBranch, 2]    # time point when the new branches begin
      PBranchLines     <- rbind(PBranchLines, c(tnew, tnew + Pphy$edge.length[daughterBranches[1]]))
      PBranchLines     <- rbind(PBranchLines, c(tnew, tnew + Pphy$edge.length[daughterBranches[2]]))

  for(i in firstPNode:noPNodes) { # loop covering all internal nodes
    daughterBranches <- which(Pphy$edge[, 1] == i)   # indices of the two daughter branches extending from node

    tnew <- PBranchLines[daughterBranches[1], 1]   # time point of the node
    if (i == firstPNode) {
      hostJump <- FALSE
    if (i > firstPNode) {
      motherBranch <- match(i, Pphy$edge[, 2])   # index of the mother branch
      hostJump     <- Pphy$Hassoc[daughterBranches[1]] == Pphy$Hassoc[motherBranch] # whether or not the node corresponds to a host jump
    if (hostJump == TRUE) jumps <- c(jumps, tnew)

#' Distribution of parasite numbers on the tips of a cophylogeny.
#' This function returns the numbers of extant hosts infected with a particular
#' number of parasites (0, 1, 2, ...).
#' @param cophy a cophylogeny (object of class "cophylogeny") containing one host
#'   and one parasite tree.
#' @export

get_infectionFrequencies <- function(cophy) {
  if (cophy[[1]]$nAlive > 0) {
    InfectionLevels <- rep(NA, cophy[[1]]$nAlive)  # vector giving the number of parasites infecting each host
    HBranchesAlive  <- (1:length(cophy[[1]]$edge[, 1]))[(cophy[[1]]$edge[, 2] <= cophy[[1]]$nAlive)]
    PBranchesAlive  <- (1:length(cophy[[2]]$edge[, 1]))[(cophy[[2]]$edge[, 2] <= cophy[[2]]$nAlive)]
    for(k in 1:cophy[[1]]$nAlive) {

    maxInfectionLevel <- max(InfectionLevels, na.rm = TRUE)
    HistData          <- rep(NA, (maxInfectionLevel + 1))		# vector giving number of hosts infected by 0, 1, 2, ... parasites
    names(HistData)   <- 0:maxInfectionLevel
    for(i in 0:maxInfectionLevel) {
  else NA

#' Basic statistics describing a cophylogeny.
#' The following function calculates the basic statistics concerning a
#' particular simulation including: number of extant host species, number of
#' extant parasite species, percentage of host species that are infected by at
#' least one parasite, mean number of parasites per host
#' @param cophy a cophylogeny (object of class "cophylogeny") containing one host
#'   and one parasite tree.
#' @keywords cophylogeny, statistics
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cop<-rcophylo(tmax=5)
#' get_infectionStatistics(cophy=cop)

get_infectionStatistics <- function(cophy) {
  HistData <- get_infectionFrequencies(cophy)
  NoHspecies = cophy[[1]]$nAlive
  NoPspecies = cophy[[2]]$nAlive
  if (!is.na(HistData[1])) {
    fractionHinfected <- sum(HistData[-1] / NoHspecies)
    meanInfection     <- NoPspecies / NoHspecies
  } else {
    fractionHinfected <- NA
    meanInfection     <- NA
  stats <- c(NoHspecies, NoPspecies, fractionHinfected, meanInfection)
  names(stats) <- c("noHspecies", "noPspecies", "fractionInfected", "meanInfectionLevel")

#' Branch (species) numbers through time.
#' Calculates the number of living species at particular time intervals of a
#' simulation. Applicable for both host and parasite phylogenies.
#' @param phy a phylogeny (object of APE class "phylo").
#' @param tmax maximum time for which to simulate; may be greater than the actual tree length.
#' @param startT the timepoint at which the lineage began simulating.
#' @param dt step size for performing calculations.
#' @keywords internal

get_branchNThroughTime <- function(phy, tmax, startT=0, dt) {
  btt              <- rep(NA, length(seq(startT, tmax, by = dt)))
  timepoints       <- seq(startT, tmax, by = dt)
  names(btt)       <- timepoints
  branchtimes      <- matrix(NA, ncol = 2, nrow = length(phy$edge[, 1]) + 1)
  branchtimes[1, ] <- c(0, phy$root.edge)

  if (length(phy$edge[, 1]) > 0) {
    branchtimes[2, ] <- c(phy$root.edge, phy$root.edge + phy$edge.length[1])
    branchtimes[3, ] <- c(phy$root.edge, phy$root.edge + phy$edge.length[2])

  if (length(phy$edge[, 1]) > 2) {
    for (i in 3:length(phy$edge[, 1])) {
      motherbranch          <- which(phy$edge[, 2] == phy$edge[i, 1])
      branchtimes[i + 1, 1] <- branchtimes[motherbranch + 1, 2]
      branchtimes[i + 1, 2] <- branchtimes[i + 1, 1] + phy$edge.length[i]

  branchtimes <- branchtimes + startT

  for (i in 1:length(btt)) {
    btt[i] <- sum((timepoints[i] >= branchtimes[, 1]) & (timepoints[i] <= branchtimes[, 2]))

#' Numbers of different events in parasite evolution.
#' This function records parasites events through time including: Start of time
#' interval, End of time interval, Number of living branches (at the end of time
#' interval), cospeciation events, host shifts, extinction (with hosts
#' surviving), co-extinction (extinction caused by host extinction), speciation
#' events for lineages with surviving descendents
#' @param cophy a cophylogeny (object of class "cophylogeny") containing one host and
#'   one parasite tree.
#' @param tmin the timepoint in the simulation from which parasite events should
#'   be recorded, default = 0 (start point for the cophylogeny)
#' @param tmax the timepoint in the simulation until which parasite events
#'   should be recorded, default = 'max' (end point for the cophylogeny)
#' @param dt step size for the time points at which calculations are made
#' @keywords internal

get_PEventsThroughTime<-function(cophy,tmin=0,tmax="max",dt=1) {
  Branches  <- convert_HPCophyloToBranches(cophy)
  HBranches <- Branches[[1]]
  PBranches <- add_branchSurvival(Branches[[2]])
  if (tmax == "max") {
    tmax <- max(HBranches$tDeath)
  events <- matrix(0, nrow = floor((tmax - tmin) / dt), ncol = 8,
                   dimnames = list(1:((tmax - tmin) / dt), c("From", "To", "LiveBranches",
                              "Cospec", "HostShift", "Coextinct", "Extinct", "SpecExtant")))
  events[, "From"] <- seq(tmin, tmax - dt, by = dt)
  events[, "To"]   <- seq(tmin + dt, tmax, by = dt)
  for(i in 1:nrow(events)) {
    events[i, "LiveBranches"] <- nrow(PBranches[PBranches$tBirth < events[i, "To"] & PBranches$tDeath>=events[i, "To"] ,])
    if (is.null(events[i, "LiveBranches"])) events[i, "LiveBranches"] <- 0

    dbranches <- PBranches$branchNo[PBranches$tDeath >= events[i, "From"] & PBranches$tDeath < events[i, "To"]] # indices of branches that die off during time interval
    if (!is.null(dbranches)) {
      for (j in dbranches) {
        if (PBranches$nodeDeath[j]%in%PBranches$nodeBirth) { # speciation!
          if (PBranches$Hassoc[j] %in% PBranches$Hassoc[PBranches$nodeBirth == PBranches$nodeDeath[j]]) {
            events[i, "HostShift"] <- events[i, "HostShift"] + 1
          } else {
          if (PBranches$surviving[j]) {
            desc <- PBranches$branchNo[PBranches$nodeBirth == PBranches$nodeDeath[j]]
            if (PBranches$surviving[desc[1]] & PBranches$surviving[desc[2]]) {
              events[i, "SpecExtant"] <- events[i, "SpecExtant"] + 1
        else {# extinction!
          if (PBranches$tDeath[j]==HBranches$tDeath[PBranches$Hassoc[j]]) {
          } else {

#' Calculating the distance matrix between host branches alive at a particular timepoint
#' The following function returns a matrix of genetic distances between all species present at a given time.
#' If time t is not specified, the end point of the tree is used.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param branches raw branches matrix of a host tree
#' @param t timepoint in simulation at which you want distance information

get_GDist <- function(branches, t=NA) {
  if (is.na(t)) t <- max(branches$tDeath)
  if (t == 0) { # initialise the Gdist matrix in the case that there is no invasion
    Gdist	<- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
  liveBranches <- branches[is_alive(branches$tBirth, branches$tDeath, t), ]
  n <- nrow(liveBranches)

  if (n == 0) return(NA)
  if (n == 1) return(matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = 1))

  NodeTimes <- branches[, 5][order(branches[, 4])] # vector of times for each node in the tree

  # create list of ancestor nodes for each living branch
  ancNodes <- vector("list", n)

  for(i in 1:n) {
    nodeB         <- liveBranches[, 2][i]
    ancNodes[[i]] <- nodeB
    while(nodeB > 1) { # do until you hit the root node
      j             <- match(nodeB, branches[, 4])
      nodeB         <- branches[, 2][j]
      ancNodes[[i]] <- c(ancNodes[[i]], nodeB)
    ancNodes[[i]] <- rev(ancNodes[[i]])  # revert the order of nodes

  # create genetic distance matrix by finding last common ancestors:
  Gdist <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
  for(i in 1:(n - 1)) {
    for(j in (i + 1):n) {
      # get last common ancestor node:
      k <- 1
      while((min(length(ancNodes[[i]]), length(ancNodes[[j]])) > k) &&
            (ancNodes[[i]][k + 1] == ancNodes[[j]][k + 1])) {
      lca         <- ancNodes[[i]][k]
      Gdist[i, j] <- 2 *(t - NodeTimes[lca])
      Gdist[j, i] <- Gdist[i, j]

#' Correlation between pairwise distances of associated hosts and parasites.
#' Calculating the correlation between the distance matrixes of parasites and
#' their associated hosts
#' @param cophy a cophylogeny (object of class "cophylogeny") containing one
#'   host and one parasite tree.
#' @param minSurvivors the minimum number of surviving parasites needed for
#'   the correlation to be calculated. The default is set to 5.
#' @keywords genetic distance, correlation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cop<-rcophylo(tmax=5)
#' get_PHDistCorrelation(cophy=cop)

get_PHDistCorrelation <- function(cophy, minSurvivors = 5) {
  if (length(cophy[[2]]$tip.label) == 1) {
  cophy <- convert_HPCophyloToBranches(cophy)
  if (sum(cophy[[2]]$alive) >= minSurvivors) { # check if there is the minimum needed surviving parasites
    Hdist    <- get_GDist(cophy[[1]]) # collect the Gdist matrix for the hosts
    Pdist    <- get_GDist(cophy[[2]]) # collect the Gdist matrix for the parasites
    Halive   <- which(cophy[[1]]$alive) # which hosts are alive?
    Palive   <- which(cophy[[2]]$alive) # which parasites are alive?
    Pcarrier <- cophy[[2]]$Hassoc[Palive] # Host branch carrying an extant parasite
    Hdist    <- Hdist[Halive %in% Pcarrier, Halive %in% Pcarrier] # reducing the host Gdist matrix to extant host species

    Porder   <- match(Pcarrier, Halive[Halive %in% Pcarrier])		# Order on which Hassoc branches appear in the parasite 																	tree
    return(stats::cor(x = Hdist[Porder, Porder][upper.tri(Hdist[Porder, Porder])], y = Pdist[upper.tri(Pdist)]))

#' Correlation between pairwise distances of associated hosts and parasites by
#' host subtree.
#' Calculating the correlation between the distance matrixes of parasites and
#' their associated hosts within subtrees specified by particular height.
#' Requires at least three living parasites.
#' @param cophy a cophylogeny (object of class "cophylogeny") containing one
#'   host and one parasite tree.
#' @param h numeric scalar or vector with heights where the tree should be cut.
#' @param k an integer scalar or vector with the desired number of groups
#' @keywords internal

get_PHDistSubtreeCorrelation <- function(cophy, h = NULL, k = NULL) {
  #subtreeclustering<-cutree(hclust(as.dist(Hdist)),h=h, k=k)
  if (length(cophy[[2]]$tip.label) == 1) {
    stop("Not enough parasites alive to perform correlation")
  cophy <- convert_HPCophyloToBranches(cophy)
  if (sum(cophy[[2]][, 1] == TRUE) > 2) { # need to be at least three surviving parasites
    Hdist             <- get_GDist(cophy[[1]]) # collect the Gdist matrix for the hosts
    Pdist             <- get_GDist(cophy[[2]]) # collect the Gdist matrix for the parasites
    subtreeclustering <- stats::cutree(stats::hclust(stats::as.dist(Hdist)), h = h, k = k)
    nsubtrees         <- max(subtreeclustering)
    Halive            <- which(cophy[[1]]$alive) # which hosts are alive?
    Palive            <- which(cophy[[2]]$alive) # which parasites are alive?
    Pcarrier          <- cophy[[2]]$Hassoc[Palive] # Host branch carrying an extant parasite
    Hdist             <- Hdist[Halive %in% Pcarrier, Halive %in% Pcarrier] # reducing the host Gdist matrix to extant host species

    subtreeclustering <- subtreeclustering[Halive %in% Pcarrier]

    Porder            <- match(Pcarrier,Halive[Halive %in% Pcarrier])             # Order on which Hassoc branches appear in the parasite tree

    subtreeclustering <- subtreeclustering[Porder]

    SubtreeCorrelations <- list()

    for (i in 1: nsubtrees) {
      SubtreeCorrelations[[i]] <- stats::cor(x = Hdist[Porder, Porder][which(subtreeclustering == i),
                                                which(subtreeclustering == i)][upper.tri(Hdist[Porder, Porder]
                                                [which(subtreeclustering == i), which(subtreeclustering == i)])],
                                             y = Pdist[which(subtreeclustering == i), which(subtreeclustering == i)]
                                                [upper.tri(Pdist[which(subtreeclustering == i), which(subtreeclustering == i)])])
    stop("Not enough parasites alive to perform correlation")

#' Parasite infection frequency per host subtree.
#' The following function returns the fraction of infected host species within a
#' subclade of a host tree that is specified by tips, a vector of tip labels.
#' @param cophy a cophylogeny (object of class "cophylogeny") containing one host
#'   and one parasite tree.
#' @param tips a vector of tip labels
#' @keywords internal

get_infectionFrequenciesSubtrees <- function(cophy, tips) {
  HnodeNumbers         <- which(cophy[[1]]$tip.label %in% tips)
  HbranchNumbers       <- which(cophy[[1]]$edge[, 2] %in% HnodeNumbers)
  PExtantBranchNumbers <- which(cophy[[2]]$edge[, 2] <= cophy[[2]]$nAlive)
  HbranchesInfected    <- HbranchNumbers %in% cophy[[2]]$Hassoc[PExtantBranchNumbers]
  return(sum(HbranchesInfected) / length(HbranchNumbers))

#' Parasite lineage extinction time
#' Function to calculate the time of the last surviving parasite species
#' @param x either a cophylogeny (object of class "cophylogeny") containing one host
#'   and one parasite tree, or just a parasite tree (of class "phylo")
#' @export
#' @examples
#' coph <- rcophylo(tmax=5)
#' get_PextinctionTime(coph)

get_PextinctionTime <- function(x) {
  if (class(x) == 'cophylogeny') phy <- x[[2]]
  else if (class(x) == 'phylo') phy <- x
	if (is.null(phy)) return(NA)
	if ((!is.null(phy$edge)) && (nrow(phy$edge) >= 2)) { # proper tree?
		return(max(ape::node.depth.edgelength(phy)) + phy$root.edge+phy$root.time)
	} else { # root edge only
		return(phy$root.edge + phy$root.time)

#' Pruning a cophylogeny
#' This function prunes a cophylogeny object to include only extant species.
#' The function returns the two trees and the associations of the tips of the parasite tree with the host tree.
#' This can then be used to plot a tanglegram, as shown in the example.
#' @param cophy an object of class cophylogeny that contains a host tree with one
#'   associated parasite tree.
#' @importFrom phytools getExtinct
#' @importFrom ape drop.tip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' coph <- rcophylo(tmax=5)
#' cophPruned <- prune_cophylo(coph)
#' plot(phytools::cophylo(cophPruned$prunedHtree, cophPruned$prunedPtree, cophPruned$tipAssociations))

prune_cophylo <- function(cophy) {
  prunedHtree <- prune_hostTree(Htree = cophy[[1]])
  prunedPtree <- prune_parasiteTree(Htree = cophy[[1]], Ptree = cophy[[2]])

  return(list(prunedHtree = prunedHtree, prunedPtree = prunedPtree$Ptree, tipAssociations = prunedPtree$tipAssociations))
JanEngelstaedter/cophy documentation built on Nov. 7, 2023, 9:37 a.m.