Man pages for Japrin/sscClust
simpler single cell RNAseq data clustering

binarizeExpbinarize the expression value using the distribution cells using pre-trained model cells using signature genes
classify.outlieroutlier detection using extremevalues
comb.pvaluecombine p values
expressedFractionFor each gene, calculate the frequency of cells in each...
expressedFraction.HiExpressorMeanFor each gene, calculate the average expression of the...
fftRtsneWraper for running FIt-SNE. Code from KlugerLab...
findDEGenesByAOVdifferential expression analysis
findKneePointFind the knee point of the scree plot
getAUCcalculate the AUC of one gene, using it as a classifier. code... dataset by calculating the average expression and...
mcrfWraper for running random forest classifier (multiple core...
plotPairsCorplot genes expression in pairs of clusters to examine the...
plotSigGeneplot signature genes gene ranking table from obj
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
run.DE.matrixrun DE given an expression matrix
run.KNNWraper for running random forest classifier
run.limma.matrixrun limma, given an expression matrix
run.RFWraper for running random forest classifier
run.SC3Wraper for running SC3
run.SVMWraper for running svm
run.tSNEWraper for running Rtsne
sce.PollenSingle cell RNA-Seq data extracted from a publication by...
ssc.clustPerform clustering using reduced data
ssc.clusterMarkerGeneidentify marker genes of each cluster
ssc.clustSubsamplingClassificationClustering with subsampling and classification
ssc.DEGene.limmaidentify differential genes of each cluster (comparing the...
ssc.reduceDimReduce dimension by various methods
ssc.runWrapper for running all the pipeline
ssc.variableGeneIdentify variable genes
Japrin/sscClust documentation built on May 23, 2024, 7:12 a.m.