
Defines functions postcheck

Documented in postcheck

# graphical posterior validation checks for quap and map2stan

postcheck <- function( fit , x , prob=0.89 , window=20 , n=1000 , col=rangi2 , ... ) {
    undot <- function( astring ) {
        astring <- gsub( "." , "_" , astring , fixed=TRUE )
    pred <- link(fit,n=n)
    sims <- sim(fit,n=n)
    if ( class(pred)[1]=="list" )
        if ( length(pred)>1 ) pred <- pred[[1]]
    # get outcome variable
    lik <- (fit@formula)[[1]]
    dname <- as.character(lik[[3]][[1]])
    outcome <- as.character(lik[[2]])
    if ( class(fit)=="map2stan" ) outcome <- undot(outcome)
    y <- fit@data[[ outcome ]]
    # check for x-axis variable definition
    if ( !missing(x) ) {
        if ( x %in% names(fit@data) ) {
            x_var <- fit@data[[x]]
            r <- range(x_var)*c(0.9,1.1)
            x_seq <- seq(from=r[1],to=r[2],length.out=30)
    # compute posterior predictions for each case
    mu <- apply( pred , 2 , mean )
    mu.PI <- apply( pred , 2 , PI , prob=prob )
    y.PI <- apply( sims , 2 , PI , prob=prob )
    # figure out paging
    if ( length(window)==1 ) {
        window <- min(window,length(mu))
        num_pages <- ceiling( length(mu)/window )
        cases_per_page <- window
    # display
    ny <- length(fit@data[[ outcome ]])
    ymin <- min(c(as.numeric(y.PI),mu,y))
    ymax <- max(c(as.numeric(y.PI),mu,y))
    # check for aggregated binomial context
    mumax <- max(c(as.numeric(mu.PI)))
    if ( ymax > 1 & mumax <= 1 & dname %in% c("dbinom","dbetabinom","binomial") ) {
        # probably aggregated binomial
        size_var <- as.character(lik[[3]][[2]])
        if ( !is.null( fit@data[[ size_var ]] ) ) {
            size_var <- fit@data[[ size_var ]]
            for ( i in 1:ny ) {
                y.PI[,i] <- y.PI[,i]/size_var[i]
                y[i] <- y[i]/size_var[i]
        } else {
            for ( i in 1:ny ) {
                y.PI[,i] <- y.PI[,i]/as.numeric(size_var)
                y[i] <- y[i]/as.numeric(size_var)
        ymin <- 0
        ymax <- 1
    if ( dname=="dordlogit" ) {
        # put mu and mu.PI on outcome scale
        ymin <- 1
        nlevels <- dim(pred)[3]
        mu <- sapply( 1:dim(pred)[2] , 
            function(i) { 
                temp <- t(pred[,i,])*1:7
            } )
        mu.PI <- sapply( 1:dim(pred)[2] , 
            function(i) { 
                temp <- t(pred[,i,])*1:7
            } )
    start <- 1
    end <- cases_per_page
    for ( i in 1:num_pages ) {
        end <- min( ny , end )
        window <- start:end
        plot( y[window] , xlab="case" , ylab=outcome , col=col , pch=16 , ylim=c( ymin , ymax ) , xaxt="n" , ... )
        axis( 1 , at=1:length(window) , labels=window )
        points( 1:length(window) , mu[window] )
        for ( x in 1:length(window) ) {
            lines( c(x,x) , mu.PI[,window[x]] )
            points( c(x,x) , y.PI[,window[x]] , cex=0.7 , pch=3 )
        mtext( paste("Posterior validation check") )
        if ( num_pages > 1 ) {
            ask_old <- devAskNewPage(ask = TRUE)
            on.exit(devAskNewPage(ask = ask_old), add = TRUE)
        start <- end + 1
        end <- end + cases_per_page
    # invisible result
    result <- list(
    invisible( result )
JimmyClowes/rethinking documentation built on Dec. 18, 2021, 1:36 a.m.