# new link function
link_ulam <- function( fit , data , post , flatten=TRUE , symbols , ... ) {
nest_commas <- function( f , symbols ) {
if ( class( f )=="call" || class( f )=="(" ) {
if ( as.character( f[[1]] )=="[" ) {
# bracket call, so maybe insert comma (TRUE)
if ( as.character( f[[2]] ) %in% symbols ) {
the_call <- as.list( f )
f <- as.call( unlist( list( the_call[1:2] , quote(TRUE) , the_call[3:length(the_call)] ) , recursive=FALSE ) )
} else {
# need to drill down
for ( i in 1:length(f) )
f[[i]] <- nest_commas( f[[i]] , symbols )
return( f )
use_orig_data <- FALSE
if ( missing(data) ) {
data <- fit@data
use_orig_data <- TRUE
if ( missing(post) ) post <- extract.samples(fit@stanfit)
# how many link functions?
if ( !is.null(fit@formula_parsed$link_funcs) ) {
n_links <- length( fit@formula_parsed$link_funcs )
} else {
stop( "No link functions found. Maybe there were no linear models in the formula list?" )
out <- list()
if ( missing(symbols) ) {
# use them all
symbols <- names( fit@formula_parsed$link_funcs )
# go backwards, so links further down in formula can be insterted above
for ( j in n_links:1 ) {
if ( !(names( fit@formula_parsed$link_funcs )[j] %in% symbols) ) next
# get number of cases for this symbol
if ( use_orig_data==TRUE )
n_cases <- fit@formula_parsed$link_funcs[[ j ]]$N
# guess from length of data
n_cases <- length(data[[1]])
# check whether this function contains symbols that need some dimensions added for samples
symbols_so_far <- names(out)
f <- fit@formula_parsed$link_funcs[[ j ]]$func
for ( jj in symbols_so_far ) {
# more than one dim? if so, then may need extra dim when referenced
if ( length(dim( out[[jj]] ))>1 ) {
f <- nest_commas( f , jj )
l <- sapply( 1:n_cases , function(i) {
the_env <- post
#the_env <- unlist( list( the_env , data[i,,drop=FALSE] ) , recursive=FALSE )
the_env <- unlist( list( the_env , data , i=i ) , recursive=FALSE )
if ( j < n_links ) {
# insert previous linear model results, in case used in later ones
if ( length(out)>0 )
for ( k in 1:length(out) ) {
lv_name <- names(out)[k]
#the_env[[ lv_name ]] <- out[[k]][ , i ] # all samples, i-th case
the_env[[ lv_name ]] <- out[[k]]
eval( f , envir=the_env )
# an inverse link to apply?
if ( !is.null( fit@formula_parsed$link_funcs[[ j ]]$inv_link ) ) {
l <- do.call( fit@formula_parsed$link_funcs[[ j ]]$inv_link , list(l) )
out[[ names( fit@formula_parsed$link_funcs )[j] ]] <- l
# reverse order of elements in out
outn <- list()
for ( j in length(out):1 ) outn[[ names(out)[j] ]] <- out[[ j ]]
out <- outn
n_links <- length(symbols)
if ( flatten==TRUE && n_links==1 ) out <- out[[1]]
setMethod( "link" , "ulam" , function(fit ,data ,...) link_ulam(fit,data,...) )
# sim method assumes outcome var is first var on left in formula line 1
# can use variable argument to specify any other variable
sim_ulam <- function( fit , data , post , vars , variable , n=1000 , replace=list() , ... ) {
# check arguments
if ( missing(data) ) {
data <- fit@data
if ( n==0 ) {
n <- stan_total_samples(fit@stanfit)
} else {
tot_samples <- stan_total_samples(fit@stanfit)
n <- min(n,tot_samples)
if ( missing(post) )
post <- extract.samples(fit,n=n)
# get linear model values from link
# use our posterior samples, so later parameters have right correlation structure with link values
# don't flatten result, so we end up with a named list, even if only one element
pred <- link_ulam( fit , data=data , post=post , simplify=FALSE , ... )
# extract likelihood, assuming it is first element of formula
if ( missing(variable) ) {
lik <- fit@formula[[1]]
# discover outcome
outcome <- as.character(lik[[2]])
# discover likelihood function
flik <- as.character(lik[[3]][[1]])
} else {
# named outcome, so find it
for ( i in 1:length(fit@formula) ) {
outcome <- as.character( fit@formula[[i]][[2]] )
if ( outcome==variable ) {
lik <- fit@formula[[i]]
flik <- as.character( lik[[3]][[1]] )
# check whether we must convert from Stan-name distribution to R-name distribution
first_char <- substr( flik , 1 , 1 )
if ( first_char != "d" ) {
# loop over templates and get matching dfoo name
for ( ii in 1:length( ulam_dists ) ) {
aStanName <- ulam_dists[[ii]]$Stan_name
if ( aStanName==flik ) {
flik <- ulam_dists[[ii]]$R_name
# get simulation partner function
rlik <- flik
substr( rlik , 1 , 1 ) <- "r"
# pull out parameters in likelihood
pars <- vector(mode="list",length=length(lik[[3]])-1)
for ( i in 1:length(pars) ) {
pars[[i]] <- lik[[3]][[i+1]]
pars <- paste( pars , collapse=" , " )
# build expression to evaluate
n_cases <- length(data[[1]])
xeval <- paste( rlik , "(" , n_cases , "," , pars , ")" , collapse="" )
# simulate outcomes
sim_out <- matrix( NA , nrow=n , ncol=n_cases )
# need to select out s-th sample for each parameter in post
# only need top-level parameters, so can coerce to data.frame?
post2 <- as.data.frame(post)
cuts_name <- "cutpoints"
for ( s in 1:n ) {
# handle ordered logit as special case
# it is very fragile
if ( flik=="dordlogit" ) {
n_outcome_vals <- dim( post[[ cuts_name ]] )[2] + 1
phi <- pred[[1]][s,]
#probs <- pordlogit( 1:n_outcome_vals , phi , post[[ cuts_name ]][s,] )
#sim_out[s,] <- sapply(
# 1:n_cases ,
# function(i)
# sample( 1:n_outcome_vals , size=1 , replace=TRUE , prob=probs[i,] )
sim_out[s,] <- rordlogit( length(phi) , phi , post[[ cuts_name ]][s,] )
} else {
# build environment
elm <- list()
for ( j in 1:length(pred) ) {
ndims <- length(dim(pred[[j]]))
if ( ndims==2 )
elm[[j]] <- pred[[j]][s,]
if ( ndims==3 )
elm[[j]] <- pred[[j]][s,,]
names(elm) <- names(pred)
# evaluate
e <- list( as.list(data) , as.list(post2[s,]) , as.list(elm) )
e <- unlist( e , recursive=FALSE )
sim_out[s,] <- eval(parse(text=xeval),envir=e)
sim_ulam_new <- function( fit , data , post , vars , variable , n=1000 , replace=list() , debug=FALSE , ll=FALSE , refresh=0 , ... ) {
# check arguments
if ( missing(data) ) {
data <- fit@data
} else {
# make sure it's a list, otherwise can't hold sample matrices from sims
data <- as.list(data)
# check for vars to sim that are not in data list
if ( !missing(vars) ) {
for ( i in 1:length(vars) ) {
if ( !(vars[i] %in% names(data)) ) {
# insert dummy for var - will get simulated over later
data[[ vars[i] ]] <- rep( 0 , length(data[[1]]) )
if ( n==0 ) {
n <- stan_total_samples(fit@stanfit)
} else {
tot_samples <- stan_total_samples(fit@stanfit)
n <- min(n,tot_samples)
if ( missing(post) ) {
post <- extract.samples(fit,n=n)
} else {
n <- dim(post[[1]])[1]
if ( is.null(n) ) n <- length(post[[1]])
# variables to sim
if ( missing(vars) ) {
# extract likelihood, assuming it is first element of formula
#lik <- flist_untag(fit@formula)[[1]]
lik <- fit@formula[[1]]
# discover outcome
vars <- as.character(lik[[2]])
} else {
# vars listed
if ( debug==TRUE ) print(vars)
# loop over vars
sim_vars <- sim_core( fit=fit , data=data , post=post , vars=vars , n=n , refresh=refresh , replace=replace , debug=debug , ll=ll , ... )
# result
if ( length(sim_vars)==1 ) sim_vars <- sim_vars[[1]]
return( sim_vars )
setMethod( "sim" , "ulam" , function(fit,data,...) sim_ulam_new(fit,data,...) )
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