# map2stan 3.0
# redesign for more direct to Stan
# less reliance on GLM structure
# allow explicit declarations
# see tests in ulam-tests.R for examples
# file argument:
# if NULL ignore
# if string X,
# if file X.rds exists in working directory, load instead of fitting
# otherwise save result as X.rds to working directory
# May 2020:
# Added cmdstan argument to use cmdstanr interface when installed
# Added threads argument for reduce_sum conversion of model block
# threads > 1 only works with cmdstan=TRUE at moment
ulam_options <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
ulam_options$use_cmdstan <- FALSE
set_ulam_cmdstan <- function(x=TRUE) assign( "use_cmdstan" , x , env=ulam_options )
ulam <- function( flist , data , pars , pars_omit , start , chains=1 , cores=1 , iter=1000 , warmup , control=list(adapt_delta=0.95) , distribution_library=ulam_dists , macro_library=ulam_macros , custom , constraints , declare_all_data=TRUE , log_lik=FALSE , sample=TRUE , messages=TRUE , pre_scan_data=TRUE , coerce_int=TRUE , sample_prior=FALSE , file=NULL , cmdstan=ulam_options$use_cmdstan , threads=1 , grain=1 , ... ) {
if ( !is.null(file) ) {
rds_file_name <- concat( file , ".rds" )
if ( file.exists(rds_file_name) ) {
# load it
result <- readRDS( file=rds_file_name )
return(result) # exit
if ( !missing(data) )
data <- as.list(data)
if ( missing(warmup) ) warmup <- floor(iter/2)
# check for previous fit passed instead of formula
prev_stanfit <- FALSE
if ( class(flist)=="ulam" ) {
prev_stanfit <- TRUE
prev_stanfit_object <- flist@stanfit
if ( missing(data) ) data <- flist@data
flist <- flist@formula
# check for quap/map formula
if ( class(flist)=="map" ) {
if ( missing(data) ) data <- flist@data
flist <- flist@formula
if ( pre_scan_data==TRUE ) {
# pre-scan for character variables and remove
x_to_remove <- c()
for ( i in 1:length(data) ) {
if ( class(data[[i]])[1] =="character" ) {
x_to_remove <- c( x_to_remove , names(data)[i] )
if ( class(data[[i]])[1] =="factor" ) {
if ( coerce_int==FALSE )
x_to_remove <- c( x_to_remove , names(data)[i] )
else {
# coerce factor to index variable
data[[i]] <- as.integer( data[[i]] )
if ( length(x_to_remove)>0 ) {
if ( messages==TRUE ) {
message( "Removing one or more character or factor variables:" )
message( x_to_remove )
for ( i in 1:length(data) )
if ( names(data)[i] %in% x_to_remove ) data[[i]] <- NULL
# pre-scan for index variables (integer) that are numeric by accident
for ( i in 1:length(data) ) {
if ( class(data[[i]])[1]!="character" ) {
if ( all( as.integer(data[[i]])==data[[i]] , na.rm=TRUE ) ) {
#data[[i]] <- as.integer(data[[i]])
if ( class(data[[i]])[1]!="integer" & !inherits(data[[i]],"matrix") ) {
if ( coerce_int==TRUE ) {
data[[i]] <- as.integer(data[[i]])
if ( messages==TRUE & coerce_int==FALSE ) {
vn <- names(data)[i]
message( "Cautionary note:" )
message( concat( "Variable ", vn , " contains only integers but is not type 'integer'. If you intend it as an index variable, you should as.integer() it before passing to ulam." ) )
}# not matrix
}# all integer
}# not character
# pre-scan for any scale() processed variables that might need to be as.numeric()
for ( i in 1:length(data) ) {
if ( !is.null( attr(data[[i]],"scaled:center") ) ) {
# strip the scaling junk
data[[i]] <- as.numeric( data[[i]] )
# empty Stan code
m_funcs <- "" # functions
m_data <- "" # data
m_tdata1 <- ""
m_tdata2 <- ""
m_pars <- "" # parameters
m_tpars1 <- "" # transformed parameters, declarations
m_tpars2 <- "" # transformed parameters, transformation code
m_model_declare <- "" # local declarations for linear models
m_model_txt <- "" # general order-trusting code
m_gq1 <- "" # generated quantities, declarations
m_gq2 <- "" # gq body
m_f_reduce_declare <- "" # reduce_sum function
m_f_reduce <- ""
if ( threads > 1 & cmdstan==FALSE ) stop( "threads > 1 currently requires cmdstan=TRUE" )
if ( threads > 1 & log_lik==TRUE ) stop( "threads > 1 currently not compatible with log_lik=TRUE." )
# functions for manipulating code blocks
model_declare_append <- function( the_text ) {
if ( threads==1 ) {
newcode <- concat( m_model_declare , the_text )
assign( "m_model_declare" , newcode , inherits=TRUE )
} else {
# add instead to m_f_reduce, will go into functions
newcode <- concat( m_f_reduce_declare , the_text )
assign( "m_f_reduce_declare" , newcode , inherits=TRUE )
model_body_append <- function( the_text , override=FALSE ) {
if ( threads==1 | override==TRUE ) {
newcode <- concat( m_model_txt , the_text )
assign( "m_model_txt" , newcode , inherits=TRUE )
} else {
# add instead to m_f_reduce, will go into functions
newcode <- concat( m_f_reduce , the_text )
assign( "m_f_reduce" , newcode , inherits=TRUE )
indent <- " " # 4 spaces
inden <- function(x) paste( rep(indent,times=x) , collapse="" )
if ( missing(pars_omit) ) pars_omit <- c()
flist.orig <- flist
#flist <- flist_untag(flist) # converts <- to ~ and evals to formulas
if ( missing(start) ) start <- list()
# inverse link list
inverse_links <- list(
exp = 'log',
log = 'exp',
logit = 'inv_logit',
logodds = 'inv_logit',
cloglog = 'inv_cloglog'
# stan variable types and their dimensions
# these can be used in explicit type declarations preceding symbols, followed by :
# e.g. vector[10]:z
stan_types <- list(
real = 1,
vector = 1,
matrix = 2
declare_templates <- list(
real = list( patt="real<CONSTRAINT> NAME[DIM1]" , dims=1 ),
vector = list( patt="vector<CONSTRAINT>[DIM1] NAME[DIM2]" , dims=2 ),
row_vector = list( patt="row_vector<CONSTRAINT>[DIM1] NAME[DIM2]" , dims=2 ),
matrix = list( patt="matrix<CONSTRAINT>[DIM1,DIM2] NAME[DIM3]" , dims=3 ),
int = list( patt="int<CONSTRAINT> NAME[DIM1]" , dims=1 ),
int_array = list( patt="int<CONSTRAINT> NAME[DIM1,DIM2]" , dims=2 ),
corr_matrix = list( patt="corr_matrix<CONSTRAINT>[DIM1] NAME[DIM2]" , dims=2 ),
cholesky_factor_corr = list( patt="cholesky_factor_corr<CONSTRAINT>[DIM1] NAME[DIM2]" , dims=2 ),
ordered = list( patt="ordered<CONSTRAINT>[DIM1] NAME[DIM2]" , dims=2 ),
simplex = list( patt="simplex[DIM1] NAME[DIM2]" , dims=2 )
# binary operators that may appear in linear models
operations <- c( "~" , "+" , "-" , "*" , "/" , "^" , ":" , "|" , "<-" , "[" )
# build name lists for distributons, so we can exclude these as symbols later
dist_names_stan <- unique( sapply( 1:length(distribution_library) , function(L) distribution_library[[L]]$Stan_name ) )
dist_names_R <- unique( sapply( 1:length(distribution_library) , function(L) distribution_library[[L]]$R_name ) )
symbols <- list() # data/parameters/variables
indices <- list() # 'N' data variables to insert
link_funcs <- list() # link functions built from linear models
impute_bank <- list() # info for imputation of continuous missing values
marginalize_bank <- list() # info for marginalization of discrete missing values
macros_processed <- c()
# worker functions
get_all_symbols <- function( X , strip=TRUE ) {
# used to get vector of names of symbols in expression X
# typically used to parse linear models
# but can parse entire formula lines, stripping links, operators, type declarations
symbols <- c()
if ( class(X)=="name" ) {
# only a symbol here
X <- as.list(X)
for ( i in 1:length(X) ) {
if ( class( X[[i]] )=="call" || class( X[[i]] )=="(" ) {
# function call, so use recursion to parse it
nested_symbols <- get_all_symbols( X[[i]] , strip=strip )
symbols <- c( symbols , nested_symbols )
if ( class( X[[i]] )=="name" ) {
if ( strip==TRUE ) {
if ( !(as.character(X[[i]]) %in% c( operations , names(inverse_links) , names(stan_types) , dist_names_stan , dist_names_R , "c" ) ) ) {
# a symbol, not a binary operator
symbols <- c( symbols , as.character(X[[i]]) )
} else {
# no filtering, just strip out operations etc
if ( !(as.character(X[[i]]) %in% c( operations , names(stan_types) , "c" ) ) )
symbols <- c( symbols , as.character(X[[i]]) )
return( unique(symbols) )
detect_left_type <- function( s , ff ) {
if ( as.character( ff[[1]] ) %in% c('<-','<<-') ) {
# must be a local variable
return( "local" )
} else {
# now check left side
if ( any(s %in% names(data)) ) {
# observed variable
return( "data" )
} else {
return( "par" )
# if got this far, something wrong
return( "error" )
get_left_symbol <- function( f ) {
# extracts left symbol name, handling explicit dims with : and conditioning with | and indexing with []
symbol <- NULL
if ( class( f[[2]] ) == "call" ) {
# some function here instead of a raw name
symbol <- as.character( f[[2]] ) # default processing, works for link functions
# special processing follows
if ( as.character( f[[2]][[1]] )==':' ) {
symbol <- as.character( f[[2]][[3]] )
dims <- as.character(f[[2]][[2]] )
attr(symbol,"dims") <- as.list( dims[2:length(dims)] )
if ( symbol[1]=="[" ) {
# also has a grouping variable (in array position)
sa <- list( dims[2] , dims[3] , symbol[3] )
symbol <- symbol[-c(1,3)]
attr(symbol,"dims") <- sa
if ( symbol[1]=="[[" ) {
# index for specific assignment
# just need to prune the symbol name down
sa <- attr(symbol,"dims")
symbol <- symbol[-c(1,3)]
attr(symbol,"dims") <- sa
if ( as.character( f[[2]][[1]] )=='|' ) {
symbol <- as.character( f[[2]][[2]] )
attr(symbol,"iff") <- f[[2]][[3]]
if ( as.character( f[[2]][[1]] )=='[' ) {
# should be a length or symbol to figure length out
symbol <- as.character( f[[2]][[2]] )
attr(symbol,"dims") <- f[[2]][[3]]
if ( as.character( f[[2]][[1]] )=='[[' ) {
# a single element of a vector, used to assign different priors to each element
# can ignore the [[n]] until distribution is composed (in compose_distribution)
symbol <- as.character( f[[2]][[2]] )
if ( as.character( f[[2]][[1]] ) == 'c' ) {
# vector construction like c(a,b)
# should parse fine into list like "c" "a" "b"
# composition function later handles multiple implied declarations
symbol <- as.character( f[[2]] )
symbol[1] <- "VECTOR"
if ( as.character( f[[2]][[1]] ) == '>' ) {
# block tag
# 'save>' places local assignment in transformed parameters
# 'gq>' places in generated quantities
the_block <- deparse( f[[2]][[2]] )
# need to send it down recursively to process other features
ff <- f
ff[[2]] <- ff[[2]][[3]]
symbol <- get_left_symbol( ff )
attr(symbol,"block") <- the_block
} else {
# a raw name
symbol <- as.character( f[[2]] )
# check for link functions
if ( length(symbol) == 2 ) {
if ( symbol[1] %in% names(inverse_links) ) {
new_symbol <- symbol[2]
mostattributes(new_symbol) <- attributes(symbol)
attr(new_symbol,"link") <- symbol[1]
symbol <- new_symbol
if ( symbol[1] == 'c' && length(symbol)>1 ) {
# vector construction like c(a,b)
new_symbol <- symbol
new_symbol[1] <- "VECTOR"
mostattributes(new_symbol) <- attributes(symbol)
symbol <- new_symbol
# result
return( symbol )
get_dist_template <- function( the_dist ) {
found <- FALSE
for ( j in 1:length(distribution_library) ) {
if ( distribution_library[[j]]$Stan_name==the_dist || distribution_library[[j]]$R_name==the_dist || names(distribution_library)[j]==the_dist ) {
template <- distribution_library[[ j ]]
found <- TRUE
if ( found==FALSE ) stop( concat( "No template for distribution '",the_dist,"'" ) )
return( template )
# gsub( "NAME" , "par" , "int NAME" , fixed=TRUE )
compose_declaration <- function( symbol_name, symbol_list , reduce=NULL ) {
# the_dims should be a list like: [[1]] "vector" [[2]] 5
if ( class( symbol_list$dims ) == "character" )
# just a stan type, so assume scalar
symbol_list$dims <- list( symbol_list$dims , 1 )
if ( class( symbol_list$dims ) == "name" ) {
# has a grouping variable, so need to fetch its UNIQUE length
ul <- length( unique( data[[ as.character(symbol_list$dims) ]] ) )
symbol_list$dims <- list( "vector" , ul )
template <- declare_templates[[ symbol_list$dims[[1]] ]]
if ( is.null(template) ) stop( concat( "Declaration template not found: ", symbol_list$dims[[1]] ) )
n_dims <- template$dims
out <- template$patt
out <- gsub( "NAME" , symbol_name , out , fixed=TRUE )
constraint_txt <- ""
if ( !is.null(symbol_list$constraint) ) {
if ( !is.na(symbol_list$constraint) ) {
constraint_txt <- concat( "<" , symbol_list$constraint , ">" )
out <- gsub( "<CONSTRAINT>" , constraint_txt , out , fixed=TRUE )
for ( i in 1:n_dims ) {
Z <- concat( "DIM" , i )
if ( (i+1) <= length( symbol_list$dims ) ) {
d <- symbol_list$dims[[i+1]]
if ( !is.null( data[[ as.character(d) ]] ) ) {
# either a grouping variable OR an index length (scalar)
if ( length( data[[ as.character(d) ]] ) > 1 ) {
# a grouping variable, so count number of unique values
d <- length(unique( data[[ as.character(d) ]] ))
# if an index, don't need to do anything, converted to text later
dd <- as.character( d )
if ( !is.null(reduce) ) dd <- concat("size(",reduce,")")
# don't add dims if scalar and in array dim spot (at end)
if ( i==n_dims && d==1 ) {
dd <- ""
Z <- concat("[",Z,"]")
out <- gsub( Z , dd , out , fixed=TRUE )
} else {
# erase optional array dim
# could be either [DIM2] or [DIM1,DIM2]
out <- gsub( concat("[",Z,"]") , "" , out , fixed=TRUE )
out <- gsub( concat(",",Z,"]") , "]" , out , fixed=TRUE )
return( out )
compose_distibution <- function( left_symbol , fline , as_log_lik=FALSE ) {
# this function builds text line to insert into model block
# form: symbol ~ distibution( par1 , par2 , ... )
# typically needs to no modification
# any modification done by template, allowing some crazy macro stuff
# is there a [[n]] on the left side?
if ( class( fline[[2]] )=="call" ) {
if ( as.character( fline[[2]][[1]] )=="[[" ) {
# augment left symbol
the_index <- as.character( fline[[2]][[3]] )
left_symbol <- concat( left_symbol , "[" , the_index , "]" )
# check also after an explicit dim ':'
if ( as.character( fline[[2]][[1]] )==":" ) {
if ( class( fline[[2]][[3]] )=="call" ) {
if ( as.character( fline[[2]][[3]][[1]] )=="[[" ) {
# augment left symbol
the_index <- as.character( fline[[2]][[3]][[3]] )
left_symbol <- concat( left_symbol , "[" , the_index , "]" )
right <- as.character( fline[[3]] ) # will be a character vector including pars
left <- left_symbol # any bracket should have been stripped away already
template <- get_dist_template( right[1] )
if ( is.null( template$build ) )
build_func <- distribution_library[['DEFAULT']]$build
build_func <- template$build
environment( build_func ) <- parent.env(environment())
if ( is.null( template$build ) )
out <- do.call( build_func , list( left , fline[[3]] , template$Stan_name , template$Stan_suffix , as_log_lik=as_log_lik , vectorized=template$vectorized ) , quote=TRUE )
out <- do.call( build_func , list( left , fline[[3]] , as_log_lik=as_log_lik ) , quote=TRUE )
# done
return( out )
# insert [i] on each data symbol
# this is a recursive function, drilling down in expression tree
# need to be careful not to double-up indexes like theta[i][group[i]]
nest_indexes <- function( f , data_symbols ) {
for ( i in 1:length(f) ) {
if ( class( f[[i]] )=="name" ) {
# could be a data (or local) var
if ( as.character(f[[i]]) %in% data_symbols ) {
# check if this already has a `[` next to it
if ( i==2 )
if ( as.character(f[[1]])=="[" )
next # move on to next symbol, bc this already has [ after it
# check if length 1, so a constant that doesn't need [i]
if ( length( data[[ as.character(f[[i]]) ]] )==1 ) next
# convert to a nested call
f[[i]] <- call( "[" , f[[i]] , quote(i) )
} else {
if ( class( f[[i]] )=="call" || class( f[[i]] )=="(" ) {
# nested structure
# need to drill down
f[[i]] <- nest_indexes( f[[i]] , data_symbols )
return( f )
# recursively search formula for '!Y' and replace with new symbol
# used by custom template
hunt_bangY <- function( f , r ) {
if ( class( f )=="call" || class( f )=="(" ) {
if ( as.character( f[[1]] )=="!" ) {
# bang found - now check argument
arg <- deparse(f[[2]])
if ( arg=="Y" ) {
# got it - now replace entire f (replace ! too)
f <- as.name( r )
} else {
# need to drill down
for ( i in 1:length(f) ) f[[i]] <- hunt_bangY( f[[i]] , r )
return( f )
compose_assignment <- function( symbol , fline , reduce=NULL ) {
# compose local assignment (usually a linear model) for model block
# need to observe need for loop over assignment and insert [i] after the data symbols on right-hand side
# when assignment is <<- instead then no loop (vectorized assignment)
# need to check also for some operator conversions R -> Stan:
# %*% -> *
# can do this in text as last step? not elegant.
the_dims <- symbols[[symbol]]$dims
N <- NA
if ( class(the_dims)=="character" ) {
# just a type label
N <- 1
} else {
# should be a list
N <- the_dims[[2]]
if ( the_dims[[1]]=="matrix" ) {
# matrix local, so no loop? have to guess intent is matrix multiplication on right
N <- NA
# build loop text, if any
loop_txt <- ""
local_indent <- indent
symbol_txt <- symbol
rline <- fline[[3]]
rline_link <- rline
assignment_symbol <- as.character( fline[[1]] )
if ( assignment_symbol == "<<-" ) N <- NA # mark to vectorize
# link version needs [TRUE,] nesting done before [i], otherwise end up with [TRUE,i] on data variables
rline_link <- nest_commas( rline_link )
if ( !is.na(N) ) {
if ( N > 1 ) {
# if in reduce context, need size(outcome) as length
# not likely to know name of outcome var at this point, so insert XREDUCEOUTX placeholder - will replace later with known outcome
N_insert <- N
if ( reduce==TRUE ) N_insert <- concat("size(XREDUCEOUTX)")
loop_txt <- concat( indent , "for ( i in 1:" , N_insert , " ) {\n" )
local_indent <- inden(2)
# insert [i] to each data variable on right-hand side
# do this by nesting call in expression tree, then can use deparse to convert all to text
right_symbols <- get_all_symbols( rline )
data_symbols <- right_symbols[ which( right_symbols %in% names(data) ) ]
for ( k in 1:length(symbols) ) {
# also add any locals that are lower in formula list
# but if local is matrix type, then DO NOT add [i], so leave out of this list
if ( symbols[[k]]$type=="local" ) {
if ( symbols[[k]]$dims[[1]] != "matrix" )
data_symbols <- c( data_symbols , names(symbols)[k] )
rline <- nest_indexes( rline , data_symbols )
rline_link <- nest_indexes( rline_link , data_symbols )
# add [i] to left symbol
symbol_txt <- concat( symbol_txt , "[i]" )
# save parsed version to build link function later
# symbols[[symbol]]$right_parsed <- rline
new_symbols <- symbols
new_symbols[[symbol]]$right_iparsed <- rline_link
new_symbols[[symbol]]$link_N <- ifelse( is.na(N) , 1 , N )
assign( "symbols" , new_symbols , inherits=TRUE )
# compose text - should have [i] in it already
# check for transpose t() function and convert to Stan's trailing '
transpose_flag <- FALSE
if ( class(rline)=="call" ) {
if ( as.character( rline[[1]] )=="t" ) {
# transpose found
transpose_flag <- TRUE
# cut it off and add it on end after deparse
rline[[1]] <- as.name("(") # replace function name
right_txt <- deparse( rline , width.cutoff = 500L )
if ( length(right_txt)>1 ) {
# lines got broken! so concatenate with line breaks
right_text <- paste( right_txt , collapse="\n" )
# if reduce context, need [start+i-1] in place of [i]
if ( reduce==TRUE )
right_txt <- gsub( "[i]" , "[start+i-1]" , right_txt , fixed=TRUE )
if ( transpose_flag==TRUE ) {
right_txt <- concat( right_txt , "'" )
out <- concat( local_indent , symbol_txt , " = " , right_txt , ";\n" )
if ( !is.na( symbols[[symbol]]$link ) ) {
inv_link <- inverse_links[[ symbols[[symbol]]$link ]]
if ( is.null( inv_link ) ) stop( concat( "No inverse link found for link '" , symbols[[symbol]]$link , "'" ) )
out <- concat( out , local_indent , symbol_txt , " = " , inv_link , "(" , symbol_txt , ");\n" )
if ( !is.na(N) )
if ( N > 1 ) {
# prepend and close loop
out <- concat( loop_txt , out , indent , "}\n" )
# finally check for any function conversions R -> Stan
R_to_Stan_f <- list(
" %*% " = " * " ,
" as.vector(" = " to_vector("
for ( j in 1:length(R_to_Stan_f) )
out <- gsub( names(R_to_Stan_f)[j] , R_to_Stan_f[[j]] , out , fixed=TRUE )
# all done
return( out )
register_data_var <- function( var_name ) {
# get dims from data list
the_dims <- dim( data[[var_name]] )
if ( is.null(the_dims) ) the_dims <- length( data[[var_name]] )
# try to determine Stan type from class
stan_type <- "real"
if ( class( data[[var_name]] )[1]=="integer" ) stan_type <- "int"
if ( inherits( data[[var_name]] , "matrix" ) ) {
stan_type <- "matrix"
the_dims <- list( stan_type , the_dims[1] , the_dims[2] )
} else {
# numeric or integer
the_dims <- list( stan_type , the_dims )
# check for vector and call it a vector
if ( stan_type=="real" ) {
if ( the_dims[[2]] > 1 ) the_dims[[1]] <- "vector"
# check for integer array
if ( class( data[[var_name]] )[1]=="array" ) {
if ( class( data[[var_name]][1] )[1]=="integer" ) {
the_dims <- list( "int_array" , dim( data[[var_name]] ) )
} else {
the_dims <- list( "real" , dim( data[[var_name]] ) )
# return list suitable to insert in symbols list
return( list( name=var_name , type="data" , dims=the_dims , constraint=NA ) )
# adds those [TRUE,i] things in link functions
nest_commas <- function( f ) {
if ( class( f )=="call" || class( f )=="(" ) {
if ( as.character( f[[1]] )=="[" ) {
# bracket call, so insert comma (TRUE)
the_call <- as.list( f )
f <- as.call( unlist( list( the_call[1:2] , quote(TRUE) , the_call[3:length(the_call)] ) , recursive=FALSE ) )
} else {
# need to drill down
for ( i in 1:length(f) )
f[[i]] <- nest_commas( f[[i]] )
return( f )
# search expression tree recursively and replace pattern with x
symbol_gsub <- function( f , pattern , x ) {
for ( i in 1:length(f) ) {
if ( class( f[[i]] )=="name" ) {
# could be pattern
if ( as.character(f[[i]]) == pattern ) {
f[[i]] <- as.name( x )
} else {
if ( class( f[[i]] )=="call" || class( f[[i]] )=="(" ) {
# nested structure - need to drill down
f[[i]] <- symbol_gsub( f[[i]] , pattern , x )
return( f )
compose_link_func <- function( right , the_link , N ) {
# need to insert leading commas in bracket expressions like [group] -> [TRUE,group]
# this allows link function to process over all samples (samples in first index position)
# special problem: some local variables are functions of parameters, and so must be treated like parameters when embedded in other local variables
# will try to solve that inside link() at run time
#right_prime <- nest_commas( right )
right_prime <- right
the_inv_link <- inverse_links[[ the_link ]]
out <- list( func=right_prime , link=the_link , inv_link=the_inv_link , N=N )
process_macro <- function( the_macro , flist , n ) {
# call build function
build_func <- macro_library[[ the_macro ]]$build
if ( !is.null( build_func ) ) {
environment( build_func ) <- parent.env(environment())
flist <- do.call( build_func , list( flist , n ) , quote=TRUE )
return( flist )
# pre-parse scan for NA values and process proper substitutions or errors
lf <- length(flist)
for ( i in lf:1 ) {
all_symbols <- get_all_symbols( flist[[i]] )
idx <- which( all_symbols %in% names(data) )
if ( length(idx)>0 ) {
# found some data symbols
# check for NA values
for ( j in idx ) {
if ( any( is.na( data[[ all_symbols[j] ]] ) ) ) {
var <- all_symbols[j]
n_miss <- sum( is.na( data[[ var ]] ) )
# check whether already in impute bank
if ( is.null( impute_bank[[ var ]] ) ) {
# on left side? if so, then check the type and set up imputation
the_left <- get_left_symbol( flist[[i]] )
if ( the_left[1]==var ) {
the_type <- class( data[[ var ]] )
if ( the_type=="numeric" ) {
# continuous --- set up merge variable
var_merge <- concat( var , "_merge" ) # for linear models
var_impute <- concat( var , "_impute" ) # pars for missing values
# replace left side with var_merge symbol
flist[[i]][[2]] <- parse( text=var_merge )[[1]]
# insert merge_missing macro below this line in the formula list
merge_line <- concat( var_merge , " <- merge_missing( " , var , " , " , var_impute , " )" )
merge_line <- parse( text=merge_line )[[1]]
flist <- append( flist , merge_line , i )
# add impute_bank entry
impute_bank[[ var ]] <- list( type="real" , n=n_miss , merge=var_merge )
# message
if ( messages==TRUE )
message( concat( "Found " , n_miss , " NA values in " , var , " and attempting imputation." ) )
if ( the_type=="integer" ) {
# discrete --- set up marginalization mixture
}# on left
else {
# on right - but not already in impute bank
# could be a merge_missing call, so check
right_token <- as.character( flist[[i]][[3]] )[1]
if ( right_token != "merge_missing" )
if ( messages==TRUE )
message( concat( "Found " , n_miss , " NA values in " , var , ". Not sure what to do with these, and they might precent the model from running." ) )
} else {
# already in impute_bank
# check if we are on right-hand side and need to replace with merge symbol
right_symbols <- get_all_symbols( flist[[i]][[3]] )
if ( var %in% right_symbols ) {
# replace with merge symbol
var_merge <- impute_bank[[ var ]]$merge
flist[[i]][[3]] <- symbol_gsub( flist[[i]][[3]] , var , var_merge )
}# on right
# check for any macros
# macros are symbols in the macro_library argument (by default ulam_macros from rethinking namespace)
# once a symbol is recognized, its build() function is called, passing calling environment
# any code in 'functions' slot is added to Stan functions block
# as a result, one way to add custom distributions is to declare them in both the macros and distributions libraries
# macro can add the Stan function
# distribution template handles the arguments and constraints
# formula list processed from bottom to top
# macros can add arbitrary Stan code to any block
# macros can *add* extra formula lines *after* own line without messing things up
# macros can modify *any* formula line
lf <- length(flist)
flist.new <- flist
for ( i in lf:1 ) {
all_symbols <- get_all_symbols( flist.new[[i]] , strip=FALSE )
if ( any( all_symbols %in% names(macro_library) ) ) {
# hit
idx <- which( all_symbols %in% names(macro_library) )
# for each hit, process the macro
for ( k in 1:length(idx) ) {
the_macro <- all_symbols[ idx[k] ]
if ( !(the_macro %in% macros_processed) ) {
# check for code to insert in Stan code
if ( !is.null( macro_library[[ the_macro ]]$functions ) ) {
m_funcs <- concat( m_funcs , "\n" , macro_library[[ the_macro ]]$functions , "\n" )
if ( !is.null( macro_library[[ the_macro ]]$transformed_data_declare ) ) {
m_tdata1 <- concat( m_tdata1 , "\n" , macro_library[[ the_macro ]]$transformed_data_declare , "\n" )
if ( !is.null( macro_library[[ the_macro ]]$transformed_data_body ) ) {
m_tdata2 <- concat( m_tdata2 , "\n" , macro_library[[ the_macro ]]$transformed_data_body , "\n" )
# do the build function, if it exists
flist.new <- process_macro( the_macro , flist.new , i )
# add the_macro to macros_processed list so we don't add any code blocks again
macros_processed <- unique( c( macros_processed , the_macro ) )
flist <- flist.new
# the action loop
# for each line in formula list, parse symbols and build corresponding code lines
# some parsing is pending later lines, due to ambiguities
# goal is to focus on left-hand symbols, as each should have definition line (prior or likelihood or assignment)
# but some data variables will only appear on right-hand side of distributions/equations, so have to scan right-hand sides for data variables to declare
# first pass just to ID left-hand symbols and build a graph of connections
# this will let us decide some things on second pass (which actively parses)
symbol_graph <- NULL
symbol_lines <- NULL
nobs_save <- 0
# how to read the symbol graph:
# rows contain the columns
# columns are contained in the rows
# find the nodes
for ( i in 1:length(flist) ) {
left_symbol <- get_left_symbol( flist[[i]] )
left_type <- detect_left_type( left_symbol , flist[[i]] )
if ( length(left_symbol) > 1 ) {
# a vector of parameters?
if ( left_symbol[1] == "VECTOR" ) {
new_left_symbol <- left_symbol
new_left_symbol <- new_left_symbol[-1]
mostattributes(new_left_symbol) <- attributes(left_symbol)
left_symbol <- new_left_symbol
old_dim <- nrow(symbol_graph)
if ( i==1 ) old_dim <- 0
new_dim <- old_dim + length(left_symbol)
new_graph <- matrix( 0 , nrow=new_dim , ncol=new_dim )
# manage margin names
if ( i > 1 ) {
new_graph[ 1:old_dim , 1:old_dim ] <- symbol_graph
colnames(new_graph) <- c( colnames(symbol_graph) , rep(NA,length(left_symbol)) )
rownames(new_graph) <- colnames(new_graph)
} else {
# init names
rownames( new_graph ) <- rep("XX",new_dim)
colnames( new_graph ) <- rep("XX",new_dim)
for ( j in 1:length(left_symbol) ) {
rownames( new_graph )[old_dim+j] <- left_symbol[j]
colnames( new_graph )[old_dim+j] <- left_symbol[j]
symbol_graph <- new_graph
# store formula line number --- different than graph margin index when more than one left symbol on a line
for ( j in 1:length(left_symbol) ) {
symbol_lines[[ left_symbol[j] ]] <- i
# scan for connections now
for ( i in 1:nrow(symbol_graph) ) {
left_symbol <- rownames(symbol_graph)[i]
# scan symbols on right-hand side
right_symbols <- NULL
if ( i <= length(symbol_lines) )
right_symbols <- get_all_symbols( flist[[ symbol_lines[[i]] ]][[3]] )
if ( length(right_symbols)>0 ) {
for ( j in 1:length(right_symbols) ) {
if ( right_symbols[j] %in% colnames(new_graph) ) {
# flag all left symbols
idx_left <- which( colnames(new_graph) %in% left_symbol )
idx_right <- which( colnames(new_graph)==right_symbols[j] )
symbol_graph[ idx_left , idx_right ] <- 1
thflag <- FALSE
reduce_outcome <- NULL
# second pass - build code
# this pass goes backwards
for ( i in length(flist):1 ) {
left_symbol <- get_left_symbol( flist[[i]] )
left_type <- detect_left_type( left_symbol , flist[[i]] )
if ( length(left_symbol) > 1 ) {
# a vector of parameters?
if ( left_symbol[1] == "VECTOR" ) {
new_left_symbol <- left_symbol
new_left_symbol <- new_left_symbol[-1]
mostattributes(new_left_symbol) <- attributes(left_symbol)
left_symbol <- new_left_symbol
if ( left_type=="par" ) {
# need to find dims
the_dims <- NA
constraint <- NA
the_dist <- as.character( flist[[i]][[3]] ) # will be a character vector including pars
template <- get_dist_template( the_dist[1] )
constraint <- template$constraints[1] # implied constraint
# check for custom contraint
if ( !missing(constraints) ) {
for ( kk in 1:length(constraints) ) {
if ( names(constraints)[kk]==left_symbol[1] ) {
constraint <- constraints[[kk]] # should be text
if ( !is.null( attr(left_symbol,"dims") ) )
# dims must have been explicit and already parsed by get_left_symbol
# also check for any implied constraints
the_dims <- attr(left_symbol,"dims")
else {
# try getting implied dims from right side distribution
# get default dim of outcome to start
the_dims <- template$dims[1]
# check for data vars on right side and check types as well
# these are registered further down, but set type now when have template info
right <- the_dist[-1]
for ( k in 1:length(right) ) {
if ( right[k] %in% names(data) ) {
# data so check type
need_type <- template$dims[k+1]
if ( need_type %in% c("real","vector") ) {
if ( class(data[[ right[k] ]])[1] != "numeric" )
data[[ right[k] ]] <- as.numeric(data[[ right[k] ]])
# store info
# might be multiple parameters in a vector
for ( j in 1:length(left_symbol) ) {
# check whether this symbol already declared as local in previous line
# if so, don't mess up its type and dims here!
do_add <- TRUE
if ( ( left_symbol[j] %in% names(symbols) ) ) {
# check if type=='local' or previous dimming was explicit (: operator)
if ( symbols[[ left_symbol[j] ]]$type=="local" ) do_add <- FALSE
if ( do_add==TRUE )
symbols[[ left_symbol[j] ]] <- list( type=left_type , dims=the_dims , constraint=constraint )
# build text for model block
built <- compose_distibution( left_symbol , flist[[i]] )
#m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , built )
model_body_append( built , TRUE )
# apply constraints on any parameters on right-hand side
# would be better to do this inside compose function, but outside avoids scope issues
# also a good time to check/update dims on these variables
the_dist <- as.character( flist[[i]][[3]] )
template <- get_dist_template( the_dist[1] )
for ( j in 2:length(flist[[i]][[3]]) ) {
# 1st index should just be distribution name
# following positions are parameters, possibly complex expressions
# when find a symbol, check if it is already in symbol list
# if in list, then apply implied constraint from distribution template
if ( class( flist[[i]][[3]][[j]] )=="name" ) {
par_name <- as.character( flist[[i]][[3]][[j]] )
# only overwrite constraints if no meaningful constraints there already
if ( par_name %in% names(symbols) ) {
# constraint?
if ( is.null(symbols[[par_name]]$constraint) )
symbols[[par_name]]$constraint <- template$constraints[j]
if ( is.na(symbols[[par_name]]$constraint) )
symbols[[par_name]]$constraint <- template$constraints[j]
# dimensions?
if ( left_type=="data" & sample_prior==FALSE ) {
# first check for implied Stan type for left var
the_dist <- as.character( flist[[i]][[3]] ) # will be a character vector including pars
template <- get_dist_template( the_dist[1] )
out_type <- template$dims[1] # Stan type
# now process each var on left side
for ( j in 1:length(left_symbol) ) {
if ( !is.na(out_type) ) {
if ( out_type=="real" )
data[[ left_symbol[j] ]] <- as.numeric(data[[ left_symbol[j] ]])
if ( out_type=="int" )
data[[ left_symbol[j] ]] <- as.integer(data[[ left_symbol[j] ]])
symbols[[ left_symbol[j] ]] <- register_data_var( left_symbol[j] )
# check for data vars on right side and check types as well
# these are registered further down, but set type now when have template info
right <- the_dist[-1]
for ( k in 1:length(right) ) {
if ( right[k] %in% names(data) ) {
# data so check type
need_type <- template$dims[k+1]
if ( need_type %in% c("real","vector") ) {
if ( class(data[[ right[k] ]]) != "numeric" )
data[[ right[k] ]] <- as.numeric(data[[ right[k] ]])
# build text for model block
# destined for reduce_sum? if so format right
if ( threads > 1 ) {
thflag <- "reduce"
reduce_outcome <- left_symbol
built <- compose_distibution( left_symbol , flist[[i]] , as_log_lik=thflag )
#m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , built )
model_body_append( built )
# add log_lik to generated quantities?
# currently just uses first outcome --- for multiple outcome models, will need new code
if ( i==1 && log_lik==TRUE ) {
# add by default
built <- compose_distibution( left_symbol , flist[[i]] , as_log_lik=TRUE )
m_gq2 <- concat( m_gq2 , built )
N <- symbols[[left_symbol]]$dims[[2]]
m_gq1 <- concat( m_gq1 , indent , "vector[" , N , "] log_lik;\n" )
# save N to attr so nobs/compare can get it later
nobs_save <- N
if ( left_type=="local" ) {
# local model block variable
# dims come from data symbol length on right side or from later distribution that uses this local
the_dims <- NA
if ( !is.null( attr(left_symbol,"dims") ) )
the_dims <- attr(left_symbol,"dims")
else {
# search right side, find length of a data variable
right_symbols <- get_all_symbols( flist[[i]][[3]] )
if ( length(right_symbols)==0 ) stop( concat( "Tried to parse a linear model with ZERO symbols:", deparse(flist[[i]]) ) )
hits <- which( right_symbols %in% names( data ) )
if ( length(hits) > 0 ) {
first_hit <- right_symbols[ hits[1] ]
the_dims <- list( "vector" , length( data[[ first_hit ]] ) )
} else {
# no data var hits
# so try to get length from parameters
for ( ii in 1:length(right_symbols) ) {
if ( right_symbols[ii] %in% names(symbols) ) {
if ( symbols[[ii]]$type=="par" ) {
# check its dims
j <- which( names(symbols)==right_symbols[ii] )
if ( any(!is.na( symbols[[j]]$dims )) ) {
zzdims <- 0
if ( length(symbols[[j]]$dims)==1 ) zzdims <- 1
else zzdims <- symbols[[j]]$dims[[2]]
the_dims <- max( the_dims , zzdims , na.rm=TRUE )
# if still NA at this point, then maybe no prior for symbol
if ( is.na(the_dims) ) stop(concat("Unable to determine type and dimensions for ",left_symbol[1])," - Do all parameters have priors?")
if ( the_dims==1 )
the_dims <- "real"
the_dims <- list( "vector" , the_dims )
# register symbol
the_link <- NA
if ( !is.null( attr(left_symbol,"link") ) ) the_link <- attr(left_symbol,"link")
the_block <- "model"
if ( !is.null( attr(left_symbol,"block") ) ) the_block <- attr(left_symbol,"block")
symbols[[ left_symbol ]] <- list( type=left_type , dims=the_dims , link=the_link , block=the_block )
# build the link function that can be called after sampling
#link_funcs[[ left_symbol ]] <- compose_link_func( flist[[i]][[3]] , the_link )
# now scan right side for data variables, in case they don't have own likelihoods later
right_symbols <- get_all_symbols( flist[[i]][[3]] )
if ( any( right_symbols %in% names(data) ) ) {
# at least one data variable
idx <- which( right_symbols %in% names(data) )
for ( j in idx ) {
# register each, as long as it hasn't already been registered
var <- right_symbols[j]
if ( !( var %in% names(symbols) ) )
symbols[[var]] <- register_data_var( var )
if ( left_type=="local" ) {
# add assignment to model block
# do this at end here, because we parsed right-hand side data vars just above
local_built <- compose_assignment( left_symbol , flist[[i]] , reduce=(threads>1) )
# check for explicit block tag
the_block <- "model"
if ( !is.null( attr(left_symbol,"block") ) ) {
the_block <- attr(left_symbol,"block")
if ( the_block=="transpars" ) {
# transformed parameters
m_tpars2 <- concat( m_tpars2 , local_built )
if ( the_block=="transdata" ) {
# transformed data
m_tdata2 <- concat( m_tdata2 , local_built )
if ( the_block=="save" ) {
# generated quantities AND model block
m_gq2 <- concat( m_gq2 , local_built )
#m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , local_built )
model_body_append( local_built )
if ( the_block=="gq" ) {
# generated quantities ONLY
m_gq2 <- concat( m_gq2 , local_built )
} else {
#m_model_txt <- concat( m_model_txt , local_built )
model_body_append( local_built )
# add to gq for log_lik, but only when not in transformed pars
if ( log_lik==TRUE & the_block=="model" ) {
# also add to generated quantities, so we can compute log_lik, assuming likelihood might contain this local symbol
m_gq2 <- concat( m_gq2 , local_built )
# build index variables from scanning symbols
# add any remaining data variables named in data list
# index variables that only appear as left-side indexes e.g.
if ( declare_all_data==TRUE ) {
for ( i in names(data) ) {
if ( !( i %in% names(symbols) ) ) {
symbols[[ i ]] <- register_data_var( i )
# add parameter declarations to parameter block
# add local var declarations to model block
# add data declarations to data block
use_pars <- c()
for ( i in length(symbols):1 ) {
left_symbol <- names(symbols)[i]
if ( symbols[[i]]$type=="data" ) {
Z <- compose_declaration( names(symbols)[i] , symbols[[i]] )
m_data <- concat( m_data , indent , Z , ";\n" )
# check for type compatibility on R and Stan sides
stan_type <- symbols[[i]]$dims
if ( stan_type[[1]]=="int" )
data[[ names(symbols)[i] ]] <- as.integer( data[[ names(symbols)[i] ]] )
if ( symbols[[i]]$type=="par" ) {
Z <- compose_declaration( names(symbols)[i] , symbols[[i]] )
m_pars <- concat( m_pars , indent , Z , ";\n" )
if ( symbols[[i]]$type=="local" ) {
do_reduce <- NULL
# use reduce outcome symbol for size when a local declaration in model block - this gives correct size(symbol) in reducer function
# other blocks need ordinary size declaration
if ( symbols[[i]]$block=="model" ) do_reduce <- reduce_outcome
Z <- compose_declaration( names(symbols)[i] , symbols[[i]] , reduce=do_reduce )
# check for explicit block tag
the_block <- symbols[[i]]$block
if ( the_block=="transpars" ) {
# transformed parameters
m_tpars1 <- concat( m_tpars1 , indent , Z , ";\n" )
use_pars <- c( use_pars , left_symbol )
if ( the_block=="transdata" ) {
# transformed data
m_tdata1 <- concat( m_tdata1 , indent , Z , ";\n" )
if ( the_block=="gq" ) {
# generated quantities ONLY
m_gq1 <- concat( m_gq1 , indent , Z , ";\n" )
use_pars <- c( use_pars , left_symbol )
if ( the_block=="save" ) {
# generated quantities AND model block
m_gq1 <- concat( m_gq1 , indent , Z , ";\n" )
#m_model_declare <- concat( m_model_declare , indent , Z , ";\n" )
model_declare_append( concat( indent , Z , ";\n" ) )
use_pars <- c( use_pars , left_symbol )
if ( the_block=="model" ) {
# model block (default)
#m_model_declare <- concat( m_model_declare , indent , Z , ";\n" )
model_declare_append( concat( indent , Z , ";\n" ) )
if ( log_lik==TRUE & the_block %in% c("model","save") ) {
# also add to generated quantities
m_gq1 <- concat( m_gq1 , indent , Z , ";\n" )
pars_omit <- c( pars_omit , left_symbol ) # mark to omit from returned samples
# compose link function
if ( the_block=="model" )
link_funcs[[ left_symbol ]] <- compose_link_func( symbols[[left_symbol]]$right_iparsed , symbols[[left_symbol]]$link , N=symbols[[left_symbol]]$link_N )
# build Stan code
blockify <- function(x,header,footer) {
if ( x != "" ) x <- concat( header , x , footer )
prepend_indent <- function( x , n=1 ) {
# adds n indents to start of each line after first
return( gsub("\n",concat("\n",inden(n)),x,fixed=TRUE) )
get_symbol_dims <- function( symbol_name ) {
return( symbols[[ symbol_name ]]$dims )
# reduce_sum hook BEGIN
if ( threads > 1 ) {
# first build list of data and parameters to pass to reduce_sum
argument_names <- c()
argument_types <- c()
for ( i in length(symbols):1 ) {
left_symbol <- names(symbols)[i]
if ( symbols[[i]]$type %in% c("data","par","local") ) {
if ( names(symbols)[i] != reduce_outcome ) {
# check for transpar
if ( symbols[[i]]$type=="local" ) {
if ( symbols[[i]]$block!="transpars" )
argument_names <- c( argument_names , names(symbols)[i] )
stan_type <- symbols[[i]]$dims
if ( class(stan_type)[1]=="character" )
stan_type <- list( stan_type , 1 )
if ( class(stan_type)[1]=="name" )
# symbol as dim, so likely a vector of varying effects
stan_type <- list( "vector" , 1 )
if ( stan_type[[1]]=="ordered" )
# ordered vector - pass to reduce_sum as vector
stan_type <- list( "vector" , 1 )
if ( stan_type[[1]]=="simplex" )
# simplex - pass to reduce_sum as vector
stan_type <- list( "vector" , 1 )
if ( stan_type[[1]]=="matrix" )
# matrix does not get [] on end
stan_type <- list( "matrix" , 1 )
if ( stan_type[[1]]=="cholesky_factor_corr" )
# simplex - pass to reduce_sum as vector
stan_type <- list( "matrix" , 1 )
if ( stan_type[[1]]!="vector" & stan_type[[2]] > 1 )
stan_type <- concat( stan_type[[1]] , "[]" )
stan_type <- stan_type[[1]]
argument_types <- c( argument_types , stan_type )
# now build code
rsc <- concat( indent , "real reducer( \n" )
reduce_outcome_type <- get_symbol_dims( reduce_outcome )[[1]]
nn <- get_symbol_dims( reduce_outcome )[[2]]
if ( nn > 1 & reduce_outcome_type != "vector" )
reduce_outcome_type <- concat( reduce_outcome_type , "[]" )
rsc <- concat( rsc , inden(3) , reduce_outcome_type , " " , reduce_outcome , ",\n" )
rsc <- concat( rsc , inden(3) , "int start , int end , \n" )
for ( i in 1:length(argument_names) ) {
rsc <- concat( rsc , inden(3) , argument_types[i] , " " , argument_names[i] )
if ( i < length(argument_names) ) rsc <- concat( rsc , ",\n" )
rsc <- concat( rsc , " ) { \n" )
rsc <- concat( rsc , inden(1) , prepend_indent(m_f_reduce_declare,1) )
# replace any XREDUCEOUTX replaceholder with outcome variable
m_f_reduce <- gsub( "XREDUCEOUTX" , reduce_outcome , m_f_reduce , fixed=TRUE )
rsc <- concat( rsc , prepend_indent(m_f_reduce,1) )
rsc <- concat( rsc , "} \n" )
m_funcs <- concat( m_funcs , rsc )
# now add call in model block
rsmc <- concat( inden(1) , "target += reduce_sum( reducer , " , reduce_outcome , " , " , floor(grain) , " , \n" )
for ( i in 1:length(argument_names) ) {
rsmc <- concat( rsmc , inden(3) , argument_names[i] )
if ( i < length(argument_names) ) rsmc <- concat( rsmc , ",\n" )
rsmc <- concat( rsmc , " );\n" )
model_body_append( rsmc , TRUE )
# reduce_sum hook END
# compose it all
m_funcs <- blockify( m_funcs , "functions{\n" , "}\n" )
m_data <- blockify( m_data , "data{\n" , "}\n" )
m_tdata1 <- blockify( m_tdata1 , "transformed data{\n" , "" )
m_tdata2 <- blockify( m_tdata2 , "" , "}\n" )
m_pars <- blockify( m_pars , "parameters{\n" , "}\n" )
m_tpars1 <- blockify( m_tpars1 , "transformed parameters{\n" , "" )
m_tpars2 <- blockify( m_tpars2 , "" , "}\n" )
m_gq1 <- blockify( m_gq1 , "generated quantities{\n" , "" )
m_gq2 <- blockify( m_gq2 , "" , "}\n" )
model_code <- concat(
m_funcs ,
m_data ,
m_tdata1 ,
m_tdata2 ,
m_pars ,
m_tpars1 ,
m_tpars2 ,
"model{\n" ,
m_model_declare ,
m_model_txt ,
"}\n" ,
m_gq1 ,
m_gq2 ,
"\n" )
stanfit <- NULL
# use_pars <- c() --- declared earlier
if ( missing(pars) ) {
# return by default all pars, but no locals that might be in gen quants
for ( i in 1:length(symbols) ) {
if ( symbols[[i]]$type=="par" ) use_pars <- c( use_pars , names(symbols)[i] )
} else {
use_pars <- pars
if ( log_lik==TRUE ) use_pars <- c( use_pars , "log_lik" )
if ( length(pars_omit)>0 ) {
# remove these names from use_pars
idx <- which( pars_omit %in% use_pars )
if ( length(idx)>0 ) use_pars <- use_pars[ -idx ]
# reverse order of use_pars, so names in formula order
use_pars <- use_pars[ length(use_pars):1 ]
cmdstanr_model_write <- function( the_model ) {
# make temp name from model code md5 hash
require( digest , quietly=TRUE )
file_patt <- file.path( tempdir() , concat("ulam_cmdstanr_",digest(the_model,"md5")) )
#file <- tempfile("ulam_cmdstanr",fileext=".stan")
file_stan <- concat( file_patt , ".stan" )
fileConn <- file( file_stan )
writeLines( the_model , fileConn )
file_exe <- character()
do_compile <- TRUE
if ( file.exists(file_patt) ) {
file_exe <- file_patt
do_compile <- FALSE
# fire lasers pew pew
if ( sample==TRUE ) {
if ( length(start)==0 ) {
# without explicit start list
if ( prev_stanfit==FALSE ) {
if ( cmdstan==FALSE )
# rstan interface
stanfit <- stan( model_code = model_code , data = data , pars=use_pars , chains=chains , cores=cores , iter=iter , control=control , warmup=warmup , ... )
else {
# use cmdstanr interface
require( cmdstanr , quietly=TRUE )
filex <- cmdstanr_model_write( model_code )
mod <- cmdstan_model(
# exe_file=filex[[2]],
cpp_options=list(stan_threads=TRUE) )
# set_num_threads( threads )
# iter means only post-warmup samples for cmdstanr
# so need to compute iter explicitly
cmdstanfit <- mod$sample(
data=data ,
chains=chains , parallel_chains=cores ,
iter_warmup=warmup, iter_sampling=floor(iter-warmup) ,
save_warmup=TRUE ,
adapt_delta=as.numeric(control[['adapt_delta']]) ,
threads_per_chain=threads , ... )
stanfit <- rstan::read_stan_csv(cmdstanfit$output_files())
} else {
if ( cmdstan==FALSE ) {
# rstan interface, previous stanfit object
stanfit <- stan( fit = prev_stanfit_object , data = data , pars=use_pars ,
chains=chains , cores=cores , iter=iter , control=control , warmup=warmup , ... )
} else {
# SAME AS ABOVE FOR NOW - how to referece exe?
# use cmdstanr interface
require( cmdstanr , quietly=TRUE )
filex <- cmdstanr_model_write( model_code )
mod <- cmdstan_model(
# exe_file=filex[[2]],
cpp_options=list(stan_threads=TRUE) )
# set_num_threads( threads )
# iter means only post-warmup samples for cmdstanr
# so need to compute iter explicitly
cmdstanfit <- mod$sample(
data=data ,
chains=chains , parallel_chains=cores ,
iter_warmup=warmup, iter_sampling=floor(iter-warmup) ,
save_warmup=TRUE ,
adapt_delta=as.numeric(control[['adapt_delta']]) ,
threads_per_chain=threads , ... )
stanfit <- rstan::read_stan_csv(cmdstanfit$output_files())
} else {
# WITH explicit start list
# Still needs cmdstanr interface
f_init <- "random"
if ( class(start)=="list" ) f_init <- function() return(start)
if ( class(start)=="function" ) f_init <- start
if ( prev_stanfit==FALSE )
stanfit <- stan( model_code = model_code , data = data , pars=use_pars ,
chains=chains , cores=cores , iter=iter , control=control , init=f_init , warmup=warmup , ... )
stanfit <- stan( fit = prev_stanfit_object , data = data , pars=use_pars ,
chains=chains , cores=cores , iter=iter , control=control , init=f_init , warmup=warmup , ... )
formula_parsed <- list(
formula = flist,
symbols = symbols,
indices = indices,
link_funcs = link_funcs,
symbol_graph = symbol_graph,
impute_bank = impute_bank,
marginalize_bank = marginalize_bank
if ( sample==FALSE ) {
result <- list(
#stanfit = stanfit,
formula = flist.orig,
model = model_code,
data = data,
formula_parsed = formula_parsed
} else {
# compute expected values of parameters
s <- summary(stanfit)$summary
s <- s[ -which( rownames(s)=="lp__" ) , ] # clean out lp__
if ( log_lik==TRUE ) {
# clean out the log_lik entries - possibly very many
idx <- grep( "log_lik[" , rownames(s) , fixed=TRUE )
s <- s[ -idx , ]
if ( !is.null(dim(s)) ) {
coef <- s[,1]
varcov <- matrix( s[,3]^2 , ncol=1 )
rownames(varcov) <- rownames(s)
} else {
coef <- s[1]
varcov <- matrix( s[3]^2 , ncol=1 )
#names(coef) <- names(start[[1]])
result <- new( "ulam" ,
call = match.call(),
model = model_code,
stanfit = stanfit,
coef = coef,
vcov = varcov,
data = data,
start = list( start ),
pars = use_pars,
formula = flist.orig,
formula_parsed = formula_parsed
attr(result,"generation") <- "ulam2018"
if ( nobs_save > 0 ) attr(result,"nobs") <- nobs_save
# check for file argument
if ( !is.null(file) ) {
rds_file_name <- concat( file , ".rds" )
if ( !file.exists(rds_file_name) ) {
# save it
if ( messages==TRUE ) message(concat("Saving result as ",rds_file_name))
saveRDS( result , file=rds_file_name )
return( result )
# new link function
setMethod( "link" , "ulam" , function(fit,...) link_ulam(fit,...) )
link_ulam <- function( fit , data , post , simplify=TRUE , symbols , ... ) {
nest_commas <- function( f , symbols ) {
if ( class( f )=="call" || class( f )=="(" ) {
if ( as.character( f[[1]] )=="[" ) {
# bracket call, so maybe insert comma (TRUE)
if ( as.character( f[[2]] ) %in% symbols ) {
the_call <- as.list( f )
f <- as.call( unlist( list( the_call[1:2] , quote(TRUE) , the_call[3:length(the_call)] ) , recursive=FALSE ) )
} else {
# need to drill down
for ( i in 1:length(f) )
f[[i]] <- nest_commas( f[[i]] , symbols )
return( f )
use_orig_data <- FALSE
if ( missing(data) ) {
data <- fit@data
use_orig_data <- TRUE
if ( missing(post) ) post <- extract.samples(fit@stanfit)
# how many link functions?
if ( !is.null(fit@formula_parsed$link_funcs) ) {
n_links <- length( fit@formula_parsed$link_funcs )
} else {
stop( "No link functions found. Maybe there were no linear models in the formula list?" )
out <- list()
if ( missing(symbols) ) {
# use them all
symbols <- names( fit@formula_parsed$link_funcs )
for ( j in 1:n_links ) {
if ( !(names( fit@formula_parsed$link_funcs )[j] %in% symbols) ) next
# get number of cases for this symbol
if ( use_orig_data==TRUE )
n_cases <- fit@formula_parsed$link_funcs[[ j ]]$N
# guess from length of data
n_cases <- length(data[[1]])
# check whether this function contains symbols that need some dimensions added for samples
symbols_so_far <- names(out)
f <- fit@formula_parsed$link_funcs[[ j ]]$func
for ( jj in symbols_so_far ) {
# more than one dim? if so, then may need extra dim when referenced
if ( length(dim( out[[jj]] ))>1 ) {
f <- nest_commas( f , jj )
l <- sapply( 1:n_cases , function(i) {
the_env <- post
#the_env <- unlist( list( the_env , data[i,,drop=FALSE] ) , recursive=FALSE )
the_env <- unlist( list( the_env , data , i=i ) , recursive=FALSE )
if ( j > 1 ) {
# insert previous linear model results, in case used in later ones
for ( k in 1:length(out) ) {
lv_name <- names(out)[k]
#the_env[[ lv_name ]] <- out[[k]][ , i ] # all samples, i-th case
the_env[[ lv_name ]] <- out[[k]]
eval( f , envir=the_env )
# an inverse link to apply?
if ( !is.null( fit@formula_parsed$link_funcs[[ j ]]$inv_link ) ) {
l <- do.call( fit@formula_parsed$link_funcs[[ j ]]$inv_link , list(l) )
out[[ names( fit@formula_parsed$link_funcs )[j] ]] <- l
n_links <- length(symbols)
if ( simplify==TRUE && n_links==1 ) out <- out[[1]]
# sim method assumes outcome var is first var on left in formula line 1
# can use variable argument to specify any other variable
setMethod( "sim" , "ulam" , function(fit,...) sim_ulam(fit,...) )
sim_ulam <- function( fit , data , post , variable , n=1000 , replace=list() , ... ) {
# check arguments
if ( missing(data) ) {
data <- fit@data
if ( n==0 ) {
n <- stan_total_samples(fit@stanfit)
} else {
tot_samples <- stan_total_samples(fit@stanfit)
n <- min(n,tot_samples)
if ( missing(post) )
post <- extract.samples(fit,n=n)
# get linear model values from link
# use our posterior samples, so later parameters have right correlation structure with link values
# don't flatten result, so we end up with a named list, even if only one element
pred <- link_ulam( fit , data=data , post=post , simplify=FALSE , ... )
# extract likelihood, assuming it is first element of formula
if ( missing(variable) ) {
lik <- fit@formula[[1]]
# discover outcome
outcome <- as.character(lik[[2]])
# discover likelihood function
flik <- as.character(lik[[3]][[1]])
} else {
# named outcome, so find it
for ( i in 1:length(fit@formula) ) {
outcome <- as.character( fit@formula[[i]][[2]] )
if ( outcome==variable ) {
lik <- fit@formula[[i]]
flik <- as.character( lik[[3]][[1]] )
# check whether we must convert from Stan-name distribution to R-name distribution
first_char <- substr( flik , 1 , 1 )
if ( first_char != "d" ) {
# loop over templates and get matching dfoo name
for ( ii in 1:length( ulam_dists ) ) {
aStanName <- ulam_dists[[ii]]$Stan_name
if ( aStanName==flik ) {
flik <- ulam_dists[[ii]]$R_name
# get simulation partner function
rlik <- flik
substr( rlik , 1 , 1 ) <- "r"
# pull out parameters in likelihood
pars <- vector(mode="list",length=length(lik[[3]])-1)
for ( i in 1:length(pars) ) {
pars[[i]] <- lik[[3]][[i+1]]
pars <- paste( pars , collapse=" , " )
# build expression to evaluate
n_cases <- length(data[[1]])
xeval <- paste( rlik , "(" , n_cases , "," , pars , ")" , collapse="" )
# simulate outcomes
sim_out <- matrix( NA , nrow=n , ncol=n_cases )
# need to select out s-th sample for each parameter in post
# only need top-level parameters, so can coerce to data.frame?
post2 <- as.data.frame(post)
for ( s in 1:n ) {
# build environment
#ndims <- length(dim(pred[[1]]))
#if ( ndims==2 )
# elm <- pred[[1]][s,] # extract s-th sample case calculations
#if ( ndims==3 )
# elm <- pred[[1]][s,,]
#elm <- list(elm)
#names(elm)[1] <- names(pred)[1]
elm <- list()
for ( j in 1:length(pred) ) {
ndims <- length(dim(pred[[j]]))
if ( ndims==2 )
elm[[j]] <- pred[[j]][s,]
if ( ndims==3 )
elm[[j]] <- pred[[j]][s,,]
names(elm) <- names(pred)
e <- list( as.list(data) , as.list(post2[s,]) , as.list(elm) )
e <- unlist( e , recursive=FALSE )
# evaluate
if ( flik=="dordlogit" ) {
n_outcome_vals <- dim( pred[[1]] )[3]
probs <- pred[[1]][s,,]
sim_out[s,] <- sapply(
1:n_cases ,
sample( 1:n_outcome_vals , size=1 , replace=TRUE , prob=probs[i,] )
} else {
sim_out[s,] <- eval(parse(text=xeval),envir=e)
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