
Defines functions detect_anoms_sd splitFactorGenerator haloDetect clusterAssign peakDetect minDistToHigher localDensity estimateDc ClusterX

Documented in ClusterX

#' Fast clustering by automatic search and find of density peaks
#' This package implements the clustering algorithm described by Alex Rodriguez
#' and Alessandro Laio (2014) with improvements of automatic peak detection and
#' parallel implementation
#' ClusterX works on low dimensional data analysis (Dimensionality less than 5).
#' If input data is high dimensional, t-SNE is conducted to reduce the dimensionality.
#' @param data A data matrix for clustering.
#' @param dimReduction Dimenionality reduction method.
#' @param outDim Number of dimensions used for clustering.
#' @param dc Distance cutoff value.
#' @param gaussian If \code{TRUE}, apply gaussian to estimate the density.
#' @param alpha Significance level for peak detection.
#' @param detectHalos If \verb{TRUE}, detect the halos.
#' @param SVMhalos If \code{TRUE}, Run SVM on cores to assign halos.
#' @param parallel If \code{TRUE}, run the algorithm in parallel.
#' @param nCore Number of cores umployed for parallel compution.
#' @return A list
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @importFrom parallel makeCluster stopCluster detectCores
#' @importFrom pdist pdist
#' @importFrom plyr llply
#' @importFrom RANN nn2
#' @importFrom e1071 svm
#' @export
#' @author Chen Hao
#' @examples
#' iris_unique <- unique(iris) # Remove duplicates
#' data <- as.matrix(iris_unique[,1:4])
#' ClusterXRes <- ClusterX(data)
ClusterX <- function(data,
                     dimReduction = NULL,
                     alpha = 0.001,
                     detectHalos = FALSE,
                     SVMhalos = FALSE,
                     parallel = FALSE,
                     nCore = 4 ){
    odata <- data
        data <- cytof_dimReduction(data, method=dimReduction, out_dim = outDim)
        if(nCore > detectCores()) nCore <- detectCores()
        cat("    Register the parallel backend using", nCore, "cores...")
        cl <- makeCluster(nCore)
        cat('    Calculate cutoff distance...')
        dc <- estimateDc(data, sampleSize = 10000)
    cat( round(dc, 2), ' \n')
    cat('    Calculate local Density...')
    rho <- localDensity(data, dc, gaussian=gaussian, ifParallel = parallel)
    cat('    Detect nearest neighbour with higher density...')
    deltaWid <- minDistToHigher(data, rho, ifParallel = parallel)
    delta <- deltaWid[[1]]
    higherID <- deltaWid[[2]]
    cat("    Peak detection...")
    peakID <- peakDetect(rho, delta, alpha)
    cat("    Cluster assigning...")
    cluster <- clusterAssign(peakID, higherID, rho)
    clusTable <- as.vector(table(cluster))
    if(sum(clusTable < length(rho)*0.0005) > 0){
        cat("    Noise cluster removed\n")
        peakID <- peakID[clusTable >= length(rho)*alpha]
        cluster <- clusterAssign(peakID, higherID, rho)
        cat("    Differentiate halos from cores ...")
        halo <- haloDetect(data, rho, cluster, peakID, dc)
        if(SVMhalos & sum(halo) > 10 & !is.null(dimReduction)){
            cat("    Build SVM models for cores ...")
            train_data <- odata[!halo, ]
            train_class <- cluster[!halo]
            test_data <- odata[halo, ]
            svm.obj <- svm(train_data, train_class, type = "C-classification")
            cat("DONE!\n    Assign halos using trained SVM model ...")
            test_class <- predict(svm.obj, test_data)
            cluster[halo] <- test_class
        halo <- NULL
    if(ncol(data) < 3){
        plotData <- data
        plotData <- data[ ,c(1,2)]
    res <- list(cluster = cluster, dc = dc,
                rho = rho, delta = delta,
                peakID = peakID, higherID = higherID,
                halo = halo, plotData = plotData)

#' Estimate the distance cutoff (density neighbourhood) from down-sampled data
#' This function estimates a distance cutoff value from the down-sampled data,
#' which meet the criteria that the average neighbor rate (number of points
#' within the distance cutoff value) fall between the provided range.
#' @param data Numeric matrix of data or data frame.
#' @param sampleSize The size of the down-sampled data.
#' @param neighborRateLow The lower bound of the neighbor rate (default 0.01).
#' @param neighborRateHigh The upper bound of the neighbor rate (default 0.15).
#' @noRd
#' @return A numeric value giving the estimated distance cutoff value.
estimateDc <- function(data, sampleSize = 5000, neighborRateLow=0.01, neighborRateHigh=0.02) {
    data <- as.matrix(data)
    dataLens <- nrow(data)
    if(dataLens > sampleSize){
        sample <- data[sample(1:dataLens, sampleSize, replace = FALSE), ]
    }else{ sample <- data }
    comb <- as.matrix(dist(sample, method = "euclidean"))
    size <- nrow(comb)
    dcMod <- median(comb)*0.05
    dc <- dcMod
    dcL <- min(comb)               ## record last dc
    while(TRUE) {
        neighborRate <- mean((rowSums(comb < dc)-1)/size)  ## much faster then apply
        if(neighborRate > neighborRateLow && neighborRate < neighborRateHigh) break
        if(neighborRate >= neighborRateHigh) {
            dcN <- (dc + dcL)/2    ## binary search
            dcL <- dc
            dc <- dcN
            dcMod <- dcMod/2
            dcL <- dc
            dc <- dc + dcMod

#' Computes the local density of points in a data matrix
#' This function calculates the local density for each point in the matrix.
#' With a rowise implementation of the pairwise distance calculation, makes
#' the local density estimation faster and memory efficient. A big benefit
#' is the availability for big data. Parallel computing is supported for
#' fast calculation. Computation can either be done using a simple summation
#' of the points with the distance cutoff for each observation, or by applying
#' a gaussian kernel scaled by the distance cutoff (more robust for low-density data)
#' @param data Numeric matrix of data or data frame.
#' @param dc A numeric value specifying the distance cutoff.
#' @param gaussian Logical value decide if a gaussian kernel be used to estimate the density (defaults to \code{TRUE}).
#' @param ifParallel If \code{TRUE}, parallel computing is done.
#' @noRd
#' @return A vector of local density values with index matching the row names of data.
localDensity <- function(data, dc, gaussian=FALSE, ifParallel = FALSE) {
    splitFactor <- splitFactorGenerator(nrow(data))
    dataFolds <- split.data.frame(data, splitFactor)
    rholist <- llply(dataFolds, function(datai, data, dc, gaussian) {
        suppressWarnings(idist <- as.matrix(pdist::pdist(datai, data)))
            rowSums(exp(-(idist/dc)^2)) - 1
            rowSums(idist < dc) - 1 }
    }, data = data, dc = dc, gaussian = gaussian, .parallel = ifParallel)
    rho <- do.call(base::c, rholist)
    if(is.null(row.names(data))) {
        names(rho) <- NULL
    } else {
        names(rho) <- row.names(data)

#' Calculate distance to nearest observation of higher density
#' This function finds, for each observation, the minimum distance to an
#' observation of higher local density. With a rowise implementation of
#' the pairwise distance calculation, making the local density estimation
#' fast and memory efficient. A big benefit is the availability for big
#' data. Parallel computing is supported for fast calculation.
#' @param data Numeric matrix of data or data frame.
#' @param rho A vector of local density values as outputted by \code{localDensity}.
#' @param ifParallel A boolean to decide if parallel computing is done.
#' @noRd
#' @return A list of distances to closest observation of higher density and the ID
minDistToHigher <- function(data, rho, ifParallel = FALSE) {
    splitFactor <- splitFactorGenerator(nrow(data))
    dataFolds <- split.data.frame(data, splitFactor)
    rhoFolds <- split(rho, splitFactor)
    dataRhoList <- mapply(function(datai, rhoi) {
        list(datai, rhoi)}, dataFolds, rhoFolds, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    deltaWidList <- llply(dataRhoList, function(x, data, rho){
        datai <- x[[1]]
        rhoi <- x[[2]]
        suppressWarnings(datai2dataDist <- as.matrix(pdist::pdist(datai, data)))
        rhoi2rhoComp <- outer(rhoi, rho, "<")
        drMix <- datai2dataDist * rhoi2rhoComp  # T=1; F=0
        drMix[drMix==0] <- max(datai2dataDist)
        ## assign maximal distance to the one has highest rho
        ## the nearest neighbor ID for the one has highest rho doesn't matter,
        ## because it will be assigned as the first peak
        apply(drMix, 1, function(x){c(min(x), which.min(x))})
    }, data = data, rho = rho, .parallel = ifParallel)
    deltaWid <- do.call(cbind, deltaWidList)
    delta <- deltaWid[1, ]
    names(delta) <- names(rho)
    id <- deltaWid[2, ]
    names(id) <- names(rho)
    return(list(delta = delta, higherID = id))

#' Automatic peak detection
#' Automatic detect peaks by searching high density point with anomalous large distance to
#' higher density peaks. rho and delta are transformed to one index, and the anomalous peaks
#' are detected using generalized ESD method.
#' @param rho A vector of the local density, outout of \code{localDensity}
#' @param delta A vector of distance to closest observation of higher density
#' @param alpha The level of statistical significance for peak detection.
#' @noRd
#' @return a vector containing the indexes of peaks
peakDetect <- function(rho, delta, alpha = 0.001){
    delta[is.infinite(delta)] <- max(delta[!(is.infinite(delta))])^2
    scale01 <- function(x){(x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x))}
    rdIndex <- scale01(rho) * delta   ## transform delta, important for big data
    #rdIndex <- log(rho + 1) * delta
    peakID1 <- detect_anoms_sd(rdIndex, direction = "pos", alpha = alpha)
    peakID2 <- detect_anoms_sd(delta, direction = "pos", alpha = alpha)
    peakID <- intersect(peakID1, peakID2)

#' assign clusters to non-peak points
#' @param peakID A vector of the peak ID.
#' @param higherID A vector of IDs of the nearest neighbor with higer density.
#' @param rho A vector of the density values.
#' @noRd
#' @return the cluster ID
clusterAssign <- function(peakID, higherID, rho){
    runOrder <- order(rho, decreasing = TRUE)
    clusterLabel <- rep(NA, length(rho))
    for(i in runOrder) {
        if(i %in% peakID){
            clusterLabel[i] <- match(i, peakID)
            clusterLabel[i] <- clusterLabel[higherID[i]]

#' differentiate halo from cores
#' @param data Input data.
#' @param rho Density values.
#' @param cluster The assigned cluster labels.
#' @param peakID The peak IDs.
#' @param dc The distance cutoff value.
#' @noRd
#' @return the boolean value indicating if the point belongs to halo
haloDetect <- function(data, rho, cluster, peakID, dc){
    clusterID <- sort(unique(cluster), decreasing = FALSE)
    clusterRhoThres <- sapply(clusterID, function(clusteri){
        dataOfClusteri <- data[cluster == clusteri, ]
        otherData <- data[cluster != clusteri, ]
        rhoOfClusteri <- rho[cluster == clusteri]
        ioNeighbour <- RANN::nn2(otherData, dataOfClusteri, k=1,
                                 searchtype = "radius", radius = dc/2)
        checkRes <- ioNeighbour$nn.idx[,1] != 0
        rhoThres <- ifelse(any(checkRes), max(rhoOfClusteri[checkRes]), min(rhoOfClusteri))
    halo <- rho < clusterRhoThres[cluster]

## generate split factors to split rowNum into folds, each of size around foldSize
## for parallel computing usage
splitFactorGenerator <- function(rowNum, colNum){
        colNum <- rowNum                    ## square matrix
    foldSize <- round(65545326 / colNum)    ## chunk maxi 500Mb, 8kb per num
    foldNum <- ceiling(rowNum / foldSize)
    sampleID <- sample(1:foldNum, rowNum, replace = TRUE)
    splitFactor <- sort(sampleID, decreasing = FALSE)

#' Outlier detection
#' Using generialized ESD to detect outliers, iterate and remove point with ares higher than lamda
#' in a univariate data set assumed to come from a normally distributed population.
#' @param data A vectors of observations.
#' @param max_anoms Maximal percentile of anomalies.
#' @param alpha The level of statistical significance with which to accept or reject anomalies.
#' @param direction Directionality of the anomalies to be detected. Options are: 'pos' | 'neg' | 'both'.
#' @noRd
#' @return A vector containing indexes of the anomalies (outliers).
detect_anoms_sd <- function(data, max_anoms=0.1, alpha = 0.01, direction='pos') {
    num_obs <- length(data)
    names(data) <- 1:num_obs
    data <- na.omit(data)
    max_outliers <- trunc(num_obs*max_anoms)
    anoms <- NULL
    for (i in 1L:max_outliers){
        ares <- switch(direction,
                       pos = data - mean(data),
                       neg = mean(data) - data,
                       both = abs(data - mean(data)) )
        p <- switch(direction,
                    pos = 1 - alpha/(num_obs-i+1),
                    neg = 1 - alpha/(num_obs-i+1),
                    both = 1 - alpha/(2*(num_obs-i+1)) )
        data_sigma <- sd(data)
        if(data_sigma == 0) break
        ares <- ares/data_sigma
        maxAres <- max(ares)
        t <- qt(p, (num_obs-i-1))
        lam <- t*(num_obs-i) / sqrt((num_obs-i-1+t**2)*(num_obs-i+1))
        if(maxAres > lam){
            maxAres_id <- which(ares == maxAres)
            anoms <- c(anoms, names(maxAres_id))
            data <- data[-maxAres_id ]
JinmiaoChenLab/cytofkit documentation built on Dec. 20, 2020, 8:52 p.m.