cachedir <- rappdirs::user_cache_dir("cordis")
if (!dir.exists(cachedir)) dir.create(cachedir, recursive = TRUE)
dl <- function(url, destfile, ...)
curl::curl_download(url, destfile, quiet = FALSE)
# -------------
# cordisref-data
# retrieve dl data from RSS for cordis ref-data
# NB: these files have been removed from cordisref
# organizationActivityType
# sicCode
rss_ref <-
"" |>
GET() |> content(as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8") |>
strsplit(split = "\n") |> unlist() |> enframe(name = NULL, value = "rss") |>
filter(grepl("csv|txt|xls", rss)) |>
mutate(url = gsub(x = rss, ".*?(http.*?)\".*", "\\1")) |>
mutate(filename = gsub(x = rss, ".*?(cordisref-.*?\\..{3})[\"]*.*$", "\\1", perl = TRUE)) |>
mutate(is_xls = grepl("xls|xlsx", filename)) |>
mutate(is_csv = grepl("csv", filename)) |>
mutate(is_zip = grepl("zip", filename)) |>
mutate(is_txt = grepl("txt", filename)) |>
mutate(tbl = gsub(x = filename, "\\..{3}|-csv|-xlsx|cordisref-", "")) |>
select(tbl, starts_with("is"), filename, url) |>
mutate(destfile = file.path(cachedir, filename)) |>
arrange(desc(tbl)) |>
# rss_ref$tbl |> unique() |> paste(collapse = "\n") |> cat()
# download xlsx files (NB: xls is misleading)
files_xl <-
rss_ref |> filter(is_xls, tbl == "h2020topicKeywords") |>
distinct() |>
pmap(dl) |> unlist() |>
# download txt files
rss_ref |> filter(is_txt) |> pmap_chr(dl)
# read txt files
files_txt <-
rss_ref |> filter(grepl("txt", destfile)) |>
pmap(dl) |>
pmap(function(destfile, ...) read_lines(destfile)) |> unlist() |>
strsplit(split = ";") |> enframe(name = "id", value = "cat") |>
unnest_wider(cat, names_sep = "_")
# download CSV files
rss_ref |> filter(is_csv) |> pmap_chr(dl)
# NB: all zip files here contain only one CSV, no need to unpack these individually
# files_csvz <- rss_ref |> filter(is_zip, is_csv) |> pmap(lsz)
# read CSV files
files_csv <-
rss_ref |> filter(is_csv) |>
pmap(function(destfile, ...)
readr::read_csv2(destfile, guess_max = 5e4, show_col_types = F)
# collect all data (CSV, excel, txt)
tbls_csv <-
rss_ref |> filter(is_csv) |>
mutate(tbl = paste0("ref_", tbl)) |>
pull("tbl") |> tolower()
data_ref <- setNames(files_csv, tbls_csv)
data_ref$ref_h2020topicKeywords <- files_xl
data_ref$ref_fp7subprogrammes <- files_txt
predict_col_enc <- function(x, summarize = TRUE) {
guess <-
stringi::stri_enc_detect(x) |> map_dfr(function(y) y |>
filter(Confidence == max(Confidence)), .id = "id") |>
group_by(id) |> summarize(across(everything(), first)) |>
rename(enc = Encoding, lang = Language, score = Confidence)
col <- left_join(tibble(id = as.character(seq_along(x)), val = x), guess, by = "id")
if (!summarize) return (col)
col |>
group_by(enc) |>
n = n_distinct(val),
sample = paste0(collapse = " | ", head(na.omit(val), 3)),
lang = paste(collapse = " | ", head(unique(na.omit(lang)), 3)),
score = mean(score)
) |>
arrange(desc(n), desc(score)) |>
select(enc, n, score, lang, sample) |>
#names(data_ref) |> map(function(x) map(data_ref[[x]], predict_col_enc))
#predict_col_enc(data_ref$ref_fp7programmes$Title, summarize = T)
# CORDIS - EU research projects under HORIZON EUROPE (2021-2027)
# Some data is available, but not:
# - HORIZON project IPRs (Intellectual Property Rights) - NOT YET AVAILABLE
# - HORIZON project deliverables (meta-data and links to deliverables)
# - HORIZON project publications (meta-data and links to publications) - NOT YET AVAILABLE
# - HORIZON report summaries (periodic or final publishable summaries) - NOT YET AVAILABLE
# - Principal Investigators in Horizon Europe ERC projects - NOT YET AVAILABLE
# get paths to available datasets for Horizon Europe (he)
rss_he <-
) |> readLines() |>
grep(pattern = "csv\\.zip", value = TRUE) |>
stringr::str_match(pattern = "https://.*csv\\.zip") |>
as.character() |>
enframe(name = NULL, value = "url") |>
mutate(filename = gsub(x = url, ".*?(cordis-HORIZON.*?\\..{3}).*$", "\\1")) |>
mutate(tbl = gsub(x = filename, "\\..{3}|-csv|cordis-HORIZON", "")) |>
mutate(tbl = paste0("he_", tbl)) |>
select(tbl, filename, url) |>
mutate(destfile = file.path(cachedir, filename)) |>
# download these datasets locally and read the data
rss_he |> pmap_chr(dl)
read_zip <- function(destfile, target, ...) {
f <- unz(destfile, target)
readr::read_delim(file = f,
show_col_types = FALSE, guess_max = 2e4,
delim = ";",
locale = readr::locale(decimal_mark = ",")
# list all csv files inside zip-file
lsz <- function(destfile, ...)
zip::zip_list(destfile) |> getElement("filename")
csv_he <-
rss_he |>
pmap(lsz) |>
setNames(nm = rss_he$destfile) |>
stack() |> as_tibble() |>
rename(target = "values", destfile = "ind") |>
left_join(rss_he, by = "destfile") |>
mutate(tbl_z = paste0("he_", gsub("csv/|\\.csv", "", target)))
data_he <-
csv_he |> pmap(read_zip) |>
setNames(nm = csv_he$tbl_z)
# H2020 projects
rss_h2020 <-
"" |>
GET() |> content(as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8") |>
strsplit(split = "\n") |> unlist() |> enframe(name = NULL, value = "rss") |>
filter(grepl("csv|txt", rss)) |>
mutate(url = gsub(x = rss, ".*?(http.*?)\".*", "\\1")) |>
mutate(filename = gsub(x = url, ".*?([^/]*?\\..{3})$", "\\1", perl = TRUE)) |>
mutate(is_zip = grepl("\\.zip", filename)) |>
mutate(is_csv = grepl("\\.csv", filename)) |>
# mutate(filename = gsub(x = rss, ".*?(cordis-h2020.*?\\..{3}).*$", "\\1")) |>
# mutate(filename = gsub(x = filename, ".*?data/(.*?\\..{3}).*$", "\\1")) |>
mutate(tbl = paste0("h2020_", gsub(x = filename, "\\..{3}|-csv|cordis-|_*h2020", ""))) |>
select(tbl, starts_with("is"), filename, url) |>
mutate(destfile = file.path(cachedir, filename)) |>
# download these datasets locally and read the data
rss_h2020 |> pmap_chr(dl)
csvz_h2020 <-
rss_h2020 |>
filter(is_zip) |>
pmap(lsz) |>
setNames(nm = grep("\\.zip$", rss_h2020$destfile, value = TRUE)) |>
stack() |> as_tibble() |>
rename(target = "values", destfile = "ind") |>
left_join(rss_h2020 |> filter(grepl("\\.zip$", destfile)), by = "destfile") |>
mutate(tbl_z = paste0("h2020_", gsub("csv/|\\.csv", "", target)))
z_h2020 <-
csvz_h2020 |> pmap(read_zip) |>
setNames(nm = csvz_h2020$tbl_z)
#z_h2020 |> map(readr::problems)
iprs <-
rss_h2020 |> filter(!is_zip) |>
pmap(function(destfile, ...) read_csv(destfile, show_col_types = F)) |>
setNames(nm = rss_h2020 |> filter(!is_zip) |> getElement("tbl"))
# download some "extra" H2020 files
"" |>
download.file(destfile = file.path(cachedir, "pi.xlsx"))
pis <- file.path(cachedir, "pi.xlsx") |> readxl::read_excel()
fp_scoreboard <- file.path(cachedir, "")
"" |>
scoreboard <-
readr::read_csv(fp_scoreboard, col_types = "ccccccccc") |> as_tibble()
data_h2020 <- c(z_h2020, iprs, list(h2020_pi = pis), list(h2020_scoreboard = scoreboard))
# -------------
# CORDIS FP 7 projects data
rss_fp7 <-
"" |>
GET() |> content(as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8") |>
strsplit(split = "\n") |> unlist() |> enframe(name = NULL, value = "rss") |>
filter(grepl("csv|txt", rss)) |>
mutate(url = gsub(x = rss, ".*?(http.*?)\".*", "\\1")) |>
mutate(filename = gsub(x = url, ".*?([^/]*?\\..{3})$", "\\1", perl = TRUE)) |>
mutate(is_zip = grepl("zip", filename)) |>
mutate(is_csv = grepl("csv", filename)) |>
mutate(tbl = paste0("fp7_", tolower(gsub(x = filename, "\\..{3}|-csv|cordis-|FP7PC_|_fp7|fp7", "")))) |>
select(tbl, is_zip, is_csv, filename, url) |>
mutate(destfile = file.path(cachedir, filename)) |>
arrange(desc(tbl)) |>
# download the FP7 files
rss_fp7 |> pmap_chr(dl)
# unpack the zip files first
csvz_fp7 <-
rss_fp7 |> filter(is_zip) |> pmap(lsz) |>
setNames(nm = grep("\\.zip$", rss_fp7$destfile, value = TRUE)) |>
stack() |> as_tibble() |>
rename(target = "values", destfile = "ind") |>
left_join(rss_fp7 |> filter(grepl("\\.zip$", destfile)), by = "destfile") |>
mutate(tbl_z = paste0("fp7_", gsub("csv/|\\.csv", "", target))) |>
select(tbl_z, everything())
z_fp7 <-
csvz_fp7 |> pmap(read_zip) |>
setNames(nm = csvz_fp7$tbl_z)
#z_fp7 |> map(readr::problems)
# z_fp7$fp7_organization
# # A tibble: 2 × 5
# row col expected actual file
# <int> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr>
# 1 13598 18 a double xxxxxxx ""
# 2 13598 21 a number xxxxx ""
csv_fp7 <-
rss_fp7 |>
filter(!is_zip) |>
mutate(sep = ifelse(tbl == "fp7_projectirps", ",", ";")) |>
pmap(function(srcfile, sep, ...) {
res <- readr::read_delim(srcfile, delim = sep, guess_max = 5e4, show_col_types = F, )
}) |>
setNames(nm = rss_fp7 |> filter(!is_zip) |> getElement("tbl"))
# data_fp7 |> map(readr::problems)
data_fp7 <- c(csv_fp7, z_fp7)
# Write to database
# combine previous batches of data
d <- c(data_ref, data_he, data_h2020, data_fp7)
# merge partioned tables
e <- d
#d <- e
tibble(tbl = names(d), is_split = grepl("_\\d+$", names(d))) |>
mutate(seq = strsplit(names(d), "_") |> sapply(\(x) x[3])) |>
filter(grepl("\\d+", seq)) |>
mutate(parent = pmap(list(seq, tbl), \(x, y) gsub(paste0("_", x), "", y)) |> unlist()) |>
group_by(parent) |>
summarize(tbls = paste0(collapse = ", ", tbl)) |>
group_by(parent) |>
summarize(union = paste0(collapse = ", ", c(parent, tbls))) |>
pull(union) |>
sprintf(fmt = "with(d, bind_rows(%s))\n") |> cat()
d$h2020_projectDeliverables <- with(d, bind_rows(h2020_projectDeliverables, h2020_projectDeliverables_2, h2020_projectDeliverables_3, h2020_projectDeliverables_4))
d$h2020_projectPublications <- with(d, bind_rows(h2020_projectPublications, h2020_projectPublications_2, h2020_projectPublications_3, h2020_projectPublications_4, h2020_projectPublications_5, h2020_projectPublications_6, h2020_projectPublications_7))
d$h2020_webLink <- with(d, bind_rows(h2020_webLink, h2020_webLink_2, h2020_webLink_3))
d <- d[!grepl("_\\d+$", names(d))]
d <- purrr::compact(d)
# reencode all strings for "invalid bytecode sequences"
res <-
d |>
map(function(x) x |> mutate(across(
function(x) stringi::stri_encode(x, to = "UTF-8")
# write tables to duckdb
write_duckdb <- function(data) {
dbpath <- normalizePath(file.path(cachedir, "cordisdb"))
if (!dir.exists(basename(dbpath)))
dir.create(basename(dbpath), recursive = TRUE)
if (file.exists(dbpath))
unlink(dbpath, recursive = TRUE)
con <- dbConnect(duckdb(dbdir = dbpath))
on.exit(dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = TRUE))
res <- map2(names(data), data, function(x, y) dbWriteTable(con, x, y))
res |> write_duckdb()
dump_parquet <- function(dir = "temp") {
dbpath <- normalizePath(file.path(cachedir, "cordisdb"))
con <- dbConnect(duckdb(dbdir = dbpath))
on.exit(dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = TRUE))
if (!dir.exists(file.path(cachedir, dir)))
dir.create(file.path(cachedir, dir), recursive = TRUE)
tbls <- con |> dbListTables()
sql <- sprintf("copy %s to '%s.parquet';", tbls, file.path(cachedir, dir, tbls))
message("Starting export of parquet files to ", file.path(cachedir, dir))
parquets <- sql |> map(function(x) con |> dbExecute(x)) |> setNames(nm = tbls)
parquets |>
enframe(name = "table", value = "rows") |>
unnest(rows) |>
arrange(desc(rows)) |>
print(n = 50)
# dump all the data into .parquet files
# Upload data to cordis-data repo using "piggyback"
# add GITHUB_TOKEN, first create one at GitHub with repo permissions
dumpdir <- file.path(cachedir, "temp")
uploadz <- dir(dumpdir, pattern = ".parquet")
# list released datasets
"KTH-Library/cordis-data" |> pb_releases()
# NB: ONLY IF NEEDED, create new tag for new data
"KTH-Library/cordis-data" |> pb_new_release(tag = "v0.2.1")
# TODO: fix this, see , do it manually for now...
#piggyback::pb_new_release(repo = "KTH-Library/cordis-data", tag = "v0.1.1")
# upload to github releases
pb_upload(uploadz, tag = "v0.2.1", repo = "KTH-Library/cordis-data", dir = dumpdir)
pb_list(repo = "KTH-Library/cordis-data", tag = "v0.2.1")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.