
#' Simulate alpha and beta
#' Simulate quick and simple itembanks.
#' @param model Model for which the item bank should be simulated. One of \code{"3PLM"}, \code{"GPCM"}, \code{"SM"} or \code{"GRM"}, 
#' for the three-parameter logistic, generalized partial credit, sequential or graded response model respectively. 
#' If model is 3PLM, number of item steps is forced to 1. 
#' @param number_items Number of items.
#' @param number_dimensions Number of dimensions of theta.
#' @param number_itemsteps Number of item steps (number of categories minus 1); forced to 1 if model is 3PLM.
#' @param items_load_one_dimension If \code{TRUE}, force items to load on one dimension each.
#' @param varying_number_item_steps If \code{TRUE}, some item steps are set to \code{NA}; in this case \code{number_itemsteps}
#' is the maximum number of itemsteps.
#' @param alpha_bounds Vector containing lower and upper bound, respectively, of the uniform distribution from which the alpha values are drawn.
#' @return Named list containing simulated alpha and beta matrix.
#' @examples 
#' simulate_testbank(model = "GPCM", number_items = 50, number_dimensions = 2, number_itemsteps = 3)
#' simulate_testbank(model = "GPCM", number_items = 50, number_dimensions = 3, number_itemsteps = 4, 
#'                   items_load_one_dimension = TRUE, varying_number_item_steps = TRUE)
#' @importFrom stringr str_c
#' @importFrom stats runif rnorm
#' @export
simulate_testbank <- function(model, number_items = 50, number_dimensions = 1, number_itemsteps = 4, items_load_one_dimension = FALSE, varying_number_item_steps = FALSE, alpha_bounds = c(.3, 1.5)) {
  result <- function() {
    number_itemsteps <- get_number_itemsteps()
    alpha <- get_alpha(number_itemsteps)
    rownames(alpha) <- str_c("item", 1:number_items)
    beta <- get_beta(number_itemsteps)
    rownames(beta) <- str_c("item", 1:number_items)
    list(alpha = alpha, beta = beta)
  get_number_itemsteps <- function() {
    if (model == "3PLM") 
  get_alpha <- function(number_itemsteps) {
    alpha <- matrix(runif(number_items * number_dimensions, alpha_bounds[1], alpha_bounds[2]), nrow = number_items, ncol = number_dimensions)
    if (number_dimensions > 1 && items_load_one_dimension)
      make_alpha_load_one_dimension(alpha = alpha)
  get_beta <- function(number_itemsteps) {
    beta_one_itemstep <- matrix(rnorm(number_items), nrow = number_items, ncol = 1)
    if (number_itemsteps == 1) {
    else {
      # spread polytomous items cats -2 to +2.
      spread <- seq(-2, 2, length.out = number_itemsteps)
      beta_multiple_itemsteps <- if (model == "GPCM") 
                                   row_cumsum(t(apply(beta_one_itemstep, 1, function(x) x + spread))) 
                                    beta_multiple_itemsteps <- t(apply(beta_one_itemstep, 1, function(x) x + spread)) 
      if (varying_number_item_steps)
        induce_varying_number_item_steps(beta_multiple_itemsteps = beta_multiple_itemsteps, number_itemsteps = number_itemsteps)
  make_alpha_load_one_dimension <- function(alpha) {
    set_size <- ceiling(number_items / number_dimensions)
    last_set_size <- number_items - (number_dimensions - 1) * set_size
    for (dimension in 1:(number_dimensions - 1))
      alpha[((dimension - 1) * set_size + 1):(dimension * set_size), (1:number_dimensions)[-dimension]] <- 0
    alpha[((number_dimensions - 1) * set_size + 1):nrow(alpha), (1:number_dimensions)[-number_dimensions]] <- 0
  induce_varying_number_item_steps <- function(beta_multiple_itemsteps, number_itemsteps) {
    beta_multiple_itemsteps[sample(1:number_items, size = ceiling(number_items / 10)), number_itemsteps] <- NA
    if (number_itemsteps > 2)
      beta_multiple_itemsteps[sample(1:number_items, size = ceiling(number_items / 10)), (number_itemsteps - 1):number_itemsteps] <- NA

#' Simulate answer
#' Simulate answer on specified items, given true theta.
#' @param theta Vector with true theta.
#' @param item_keys Character vector of item keys for which answers should be simulated.
#' @inheritParams shadowcat
#' @return Vector with responses.
#' @examples 
#' alpha_beta <- simulate_testbank(model = "3PLM", number_items = 50, 
#'                                 number_dimensions = 1, number_itemsteps = 1)
#' guessing <- matrix(rep(.5, 50), dimnames = list(rownames(alpha_beta$alpha), NULL))
#' # Without guessing parameter
#' simulate_answer(theta = .3, model = "3PLM", alpha = alpha_beta$alpha, 
#'                 beta = alpha_beta$beta, guessing = NULL, item_keys = "item3")
#' # With guessing parameter
#' simulate_answer(theta = .3, model = "3PLM", alpha = alpha_beta$alpha,
#'                 beta = alpha_beta$beta, guessing = guessing, item_keys = "item3")
#' # Simulate answers for more than one item
#' simulate_answer(theta = .3, model = "3PLM", alpha = alpha_beta$alpha, 
#'                 beta = alpha_beta$beta, guessing = NULL, 
#'                 item_keys = c("item5", "item2", "item8", "item1", "item18"))
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @export
simulate_answer <- function(theta, model, alpha, beta, guessing, item_keys) {
  indices <- match(item_keys, rownames(alpha))
  result <- function() {
    guessing <- get_guessing()
    # probabilities, generated with true theta.
    probabilities <- get_probs_and_likelihoods_per_item(theta = theta, model = model, alpha = get_subset(alpha, indices), beta = get_subset(beta, indices), guessing = get_subset(guessing, indices), with_likelihoods = FALSE)
    cumulative_probabilities <- row_cumsum(probabilities) 
    random_numbers <- runif(length(indices))
    # answer is the number of categories that have a cumulative probability smaller than random_numbers
    apply(random_numbers > cumulative_probabilities, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
  get_guessing <- function() {
    if (is.null(guessing))
      matrix(0, nrow = nrow(as.matrix(alpha)), ncol = 1, dimnames = list(rownames(alpha), NULL))
  validate <- function() {
    if (!is.matrix(alpha) || is.null(rownames(alpha)))
      return(add_error("alpha", "should be a matrix with item keys as row names"))
    if (!is.matrix(beta) || is.null(rownames(beta)))
      return(add_error("beta", "should be a matrix with item keys as row names"))
    if (length(theta) != ncol(alpha))
      add_error("theta", "should have length equal to the number of columns of alpha")
    if (model %not_in% c("3PLM", "GPCM", "SM", "GRM"))
      add_error("model", "of unknown type")
    if (!na_only_end_rows(beta))
      add_error("beta", "can only contain NA at the end of rows, no values allowed after an NA in a row")
    if (!is.null(guessing) && (!is.matrix(guessing) || ncol(guessing) != 1 || is.null(rownames(guessing))))
      add_error("guessing", "should be a single column matrix with item keys as row names")
    if (!row_names_are_equal(rownames(alpha), list(alpha, beta, guessing)))
      add_error("alpha_beta_eta_guessing", "should have equal row names, in same order")
    if (any(item_keys %not_in% rownames(alpha)))
      add_error("item_keys", "unknown")
  invalid_result <- function() {
    list(errors = errors())

#' Simulate a testing routine with shadowcat
#' Simulate several iterations of getting the key of the new item to administer and the updated theta estimate, and getting an answer to the new item.
#' @param true_theta True theta value or vector.
#' @param initital_estimate Vector containing the initial theta estimate, before any items have been administered.
#' @param initial_variance Matrix containing the initial covariance matrix, before any items have been administered.
#' @inheritParams shadowcat
#' @return List as returned by \code{\link{shadowcat}} after test is terminated, with \code{variance} element turned into matrix.
#' @examples 
#' # One dimension
#' alpha_beta_one_dim <- simulate_testbank(model = "GPCM", number_items = 50, 
#'                                         number_dimensions = 1, number_itemsteps = 3)
#' test_shadowcat(true_theta = 2, prior_form = "normal", 
#'                prior_parameters = list(mu = 0, Sigma = diag(1)), model = "SM", 
#'                alpha = alpha_beta_one_dim$alpha, beta = alpha_beta_one_dim$beta, 
#'                start_items = list(type = 'random', n = 3), 
#'                stop_test = list(max_n = 20, target = 0.1), estimator = "maximum_aposteriori", 
#'                information_summary = "posterior_determinant")
#' # Three dimensions
#' alpha_beta_three_dim <- simulate_testbank(model = "GPCM", number_items = 100, 
#'                                           number_dimensions = 3, number_itemsteps = 3)
#' test_shadowcat(true_theta = c(0, 1, -.5), prior_form = "normal", 
#'                prior_parameters = list(mu = c(0, 0, 0), Sigma = diag(3)), 
#'                model = "SM", alpha = alpha_beta_three_dim$alpha, 
#'                beta = alpha_beta_three_dim$beta, start_items = list(type = 'random', n = 3), 
#'                stop_test = list(max_n = 60, target = c(.1, .1, .1)), 
#'                estimator = "maximum_aposteriori", information_summary = "posterior_determinant")
#' @export
test_shadowcat <- function(true_theta, prior_form, prior_parameters, model, alpha, beta, start_items, stop_test, estimator, information_summary, guessing = NULL, eta = NULL, constraints_and_characts = NULL, lower_bound = NULL, upper_bound = NULL, safe_eap = FALSE, initital_estimate = rep(0, ncol(alpha)), initial_variance = diag(ncol(alpha)) * 25, eap_estimation_procedure = "riemannsum") {
  answers <- NULL
  next_item_and_theta_estimate <- shadowcat(answers = answers, estimate = initital_estimate, variance = as.vector(initial_variance), model = model, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, start_items = start_items, stop_test = stop_test, estimator = estimator, information_summary = information_summary, prior_form = prior_form, prior_parameters = prior_parameters, guessing = guessing, eta = eta, constraints_and_characts = constraints_and_characts, lower_bound = lower_bound, upper_bound = upper_bound, safe_eap = safe_eap, eap_estimation_procedure = eap_estimation_procedure)
  if (!is.null(next_item_and_theta_estimate$errors))
  result <- function() {
    while (next_item_and_theta_estimate$continue_test) {
      new_answer <- simulate_answer(theta = true_theta, model = model, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, guessing = guessing, item_keys = next_item_and_theta_estimate$key_new_item)
      next_item_and_theta_estimate$answers[[next_item_and_theta_estimate$key_new_item]] <- new_answer
      next_item_and_theta_estimate <- shadowcat(answers = as.list(next_item_and_theta_estimate$answers), estimate = next_item_and_theta_estimate$estimate, variance = next_item_and_theta_estimate$variance, model = model, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, start_items = start_items, stop_test = stop_test, estimator = estimator, information_summary = information_summary, prior_form = prior_form, prior_parameters = prior_parameters, guessing = guessing, eta = eta, constraints_and_characts = constraints_and_characts, lower_bound = lower_bound, upper_bound = upper_bound, safe_eap = safe_eap, eap_estimation_procedure = eap_estimation_procedure)  
    next_item_and_theta_estimate$variance <- matrix(next_item_and_theta_estimate$variance, ncol = ncol(alpha))
  validate <- function() {
    if (length(true_theta) != ncol(alpha))
      add_error("theta", "should have length equal to the number of columns of alpha")
  invalid_result <- function() {
    list(errors = errors())
Karel-Kroeze/ShadowCAT documentation built on May 7, 2019, 12:28 p.m.