#' @include joinLocEvent.R
#' @include joinAdditionalSpecies.R
#' @include joinCWDData.R
#' @include joinMicroSaplings.R
#' @include joinQuadSeedlings.R
#' @include joinMicroShrubData.R
#' @include joinQuadSpecies.R
#' @include joinTreeData.R
#' @include joinTreeVineSpecies.R
#' @include prepTaxa.R
#' @title exportNPSForVeg
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange filter first group_by last left_join mutate select summarize
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer pivot_wider
#' @description This function exports MIDN forest data that are formatted to match flat
#' files that can be imported into the NPSForVeg R package. Abandoned plots, QAQC visits,
#' partial visits (e.g., COLO-380-2018), and non-VS plots are not included in the export.
#' Note the every year after 2024, the cycles code will need to be updated.
#' @param keep Logical. If TRUE (default), assigns NPSForVeg objects to global environment.
#' If FALSE, does not return output, which is useful when export = T.
#' @param export Logical. If TRUE (default), saves formatted csvs to specified path.
#' @param path Quoted path to save files to. If not specified, will save to working directory.
#' @param zip Logical. If TRUE, exports zip file of csvs with timestamp of date generated.
#' If FALSE (default), exports individual csvs.
#' @return NPSForVeg flatfiles
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(forestMIDN)
#' importData()
#' filepath <- "C:/NETN/R_Dev/data/NPSForVeg/MIDN"
#' exportNPSForVeg(export = T, path = filepath, keep = T)
#' exportNPSForVeg(export = T, path = filepath, keep = F)
#' exportNPSForVeg(export = T, path = filepath, keep = F, zip = T)
#' }
#' @export
exportNPSForVeg <- function(export = T, path = NA, zip = F, keep = T){
#---- Error handling ----
stopifnot(class(export) %in% "logical")
stopifnot(class(zip) %in% "logical")
if(keep == FALSE & export == FALSE){stop("Must either specify keep = T or export = T for function to return anything.")}
# Check that suggested package required for this function are installed
if(!requireNamespace("zip", quietly = TRUE) & zip == TRUE){
stop("Package 'zip' needed to export to zip file. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)
env <- if(exists("VIEWS_MIDN_NCBN")){VIEWS_MIDN_NCBN} else {.GlobalEnv}
tryCatch(test <- get("Events_MIDN_NCBN", envir = env),
error = function(e){stop("MIDN Forest Views not found. Please import views first.")})
# Error handling for path
if(export == TRUE){
if(is.na(path)){path <- getwd()
print(paste0("No path specified. Output saved to working directory: ", getwd()), quote = FALSE)
} else if(!dir.exists(path)){
stop("Specified directory does not exist.")
} else{print(paste0("Output saving to ", path), quote = FALSE)}
if(!grepl("/$", path)){path <- paste0(path, "/")} # add / to end of filepath if doesn't exist
if(zip == TRUE){
# Normalize path for zip
pathn <- normalizePath(path)
if(!grepl("/$", pathn)){pathn <- paste0(pathn, "\\")}
if(export == FALSE){print("Compiling NPSForVeg data", quote = F)}
maxpb = ifelse(export == FALSE, 10, 20)
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = maxpb, style = 3)
x <- 1
setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)
#-- Compile CSVs for NPSForVeg --
plot_evs <- joinLocEvent(output = 'verbose', eventType = "complete", QAQC = F) |>
mutate(Unit_Group = ParkSubUnit)
#---- Plots ----
plot_count <- plot_evs |> group_by(Plot_Name) |>
summarize(Event_Earliest = format(as.Date(first(SampleDate), format = "%Y-%m-%d"), "%Y%m%d"),
Event_Latest = format(as.Date(last(SampleDate), format = "%Y-%m-%d"), "%Y%m%d"),
Event_Count = sum(!is.na(SampleYear)))
plots <- left_join(plot_count, plot_evs, by = "Plot_Name") |>
mutate(Frame = ParkUnit,
Location_Status = ifelse(IsAbandoned == FALSE, "Active", "Inactive")) |>
select(Plot_Name, Unit_Code = ParkUnit, Unit_Group,
Subunit_Code = ParkSubUnit, Panel = PanelCode, Frame,
GRTS_Order = GRTS, Location_Status, Location_Notes = PlotNotes,
Event_Count, Event_Earliest, Event_Latest,
UTM_ZONE_NAD83_X = xCoordinate, UTM_ZONE_NAD83_Y = yCoordinate,
Latitude = Lat, Longitude = Long, UTM_Zone = ZoneCode,
Aspect = Aspect, Physiographic_Class = PhysiographySummary) |> unique()
x <- x + 1
setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)
#---- Events ----
events1 <- plot_evs |>
mutate(Event_Date = format(as.Date(SampleDate, format = "%Y-%m-%d"), "%m/%d/%Y"),
Event_Date_Txt = format(as.Date(SampleDate, format = "%Y-%m-%d"), "%Y%m%d"),
Frame = ParkUnit,
excludeEvent = 0) |> # ACAD-029-2010 already removed, so all = 0
select(Event_ID = EventID, Plot_Name, Event_Date, Event_Date_Txt, Unit_Code = ParkUnit,
Unit_Group, SubUnitCode = ParkSubUnit, ProtocolName = ProtocolPublishYear,
Panel = PanelCode, Frame, Cycle = cycle, excludeEvent, SampleYear, IsQAQC, EventNotes)
numquads <- joinQuadSpecies() |> select(Plot_Name, SampleYear, IsQAQC, num_quads) |> unique()
nummicros <- joinMicroSaplings() |> filter(!SQSaplingCode %in% "NS") |>
select(Plot_Name, SampleYear, IsQAQC, MicroplotCode, SQSaplingCode) |> unique() |>
group_by(Plot_Name, SampleYear, IsQAQC) |>
summarize(num_micros = sum(!is.na(MicroplotCode)), .groups = 'drop')
stand <- joinStandData() |>
select(Plot_Name, Stand_Structure_ID = Stand_Structure_Code,
Crown_Closure_ID = CrownClosureCode,
Plot_Slope_Degree = PlotSlope,
SampleYear, IsQAQC)
# Need cover codes instead of text/midpoints
stand_und <- VIEWS_MIDN_NCBN$StandPlantCoverStrata_MIDN_NCBN |>
mutate(Strata1 = gsub("-understory", "", StrataLabel),
Strata = gsub("Ground", "Low", Strata1)) |>
select(Plot_Name, SampleYear, IsQAQC, Strata, CoverClassCode) |>
pivot_wider(names_from = "Strata", values_from = "CoverClassCode",
names_prefix = "Groundstory_Cover_Class_") |> unique()
stand_ff <- VIEWS_MIDN_NCBN$StandForestFloor_MIDN_NCBN |>
mutate(label = gsub(" ", "_", ForestFloorLabel)) |>
select(Plot_Name, SampleYear, IsQAQC, label, CoverClassCode) |>
pivot_wider(names_from = label, values_from = CoverClassCode) |>
select(Plot_Name, SampleYear, IsQAQC,
Forest_Floor_Bare_Soil_Cover_Class_ID = Bare_Soil,
Forest_Floor_Rock_Cover_Class_ID = Rock,
Forest_Floor_Trampled_Cover_Class_ID = Trampled) |> unique()
stand_dbi <- VIEWS_MIDN_NCBN$StandInfoPhotos_MIDN_NCBN |>
select(Plot_Name, SampleYear, IsQAQC, Deer_Browse_Line_ID = DeerBrowseCode)
ev_comb1 <- left_join(events1, numquads, by = c("Plot_Name", "SampleYear", "IsQAQC"))
ev_comb2 <- left_join(ev_comb1, nummicros, by = c("Plot_Name", "SampleYear", "IsQAQC"))
ev_comb3 <- left_join(ev_comb2, stand_und, by = c("Plot_Name", "SampleYear", "IsQAQC"))
ev_comb4 <- left_join(ev_comb3, stand_ff, by = c("Plot_Name", "SampleYear", "IsQAQC"))
ev_comb5 <- left_join(ev_comb4, stand, by = c("Plot_Name", "SampleYear", "IsQAQC"))
ev_comb6 <- left_join(ev_comb5, stand_dbi, by = c("Plot_Name", "SampleYear", "IsQAQC"))
events <- ev_comb6 |> select(Event_ID, Plot_Name, Event_Date, Event_Date_Txt,
Event_Year = SampleYear, Unit_Code, Unit_Group, Subunit_Code = SubUnitCode,
ProtocolName, Panel, Frame, Cycle, numHerbPlots = num_quads,
numSapPlots = num_micros, numSeedPlots = num_quads,
excludeEvent, Stand_Structure_ID, Crown_Closure_ID,
Deer_Browse_Line_ID, Groundstory_Cover_Class_Low, Groundstory_Cover_Class_Mid,
Groundstory_Cover_Class_High, Forest_Floor_Bare_Soil_Cover_Class_ID,
Forest_Floor_Rock_Cover_Class_ID, Forest_Floor_Trampled_Cover_Class_ID,
Plot_Slope_Degree) |>
arrange(Plot_Name, Event_Year)
x <- x + 1
setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)
#---- MetaData ----
meta <- data.frame(ParkCode = c("APCO", "ASIS", "BOWA", "COLO", "FRSP", "GETT", "GEWA",
"HOFU", "PETE", "RICH", "SAHI", "THST", "VAFO"),
ShortName = c("Appomattox Court House",
"Assateague Island",
"Booker T Washington",
"Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania",
"George Washington Birthplace",
"Hopewell Furnace",
"Sagamore Hill",
"Thomas Stone",
"Valley Forge"),
LongName = c("Appomattox Court House National Historical Park",
"Assateague Island National Seashore",
"Booker T Washington National Monument",
"Colonial National Historical Park",
"Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park",
"Gettysburg National Military Park",
"George Washington Birthplace National Monument",
"Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site",
"Petersburg National Battlefield",
"Richmond National Battlefield Park",
"Sagamore Hill National Historic Site",
"Thomas Stone National Historic Site",
"Valley Forge National Historical Park"),
Network = c("MIDN", "NCBN", "MIDN", "NCBN", "MIDN", "MIDN", "NCBN",
"MIDN", "MIDN", "MIDN", "NCBN", "NCBN", "MIDN"),
TPlotNum = rep(1, 13),
TPlotSize = rep(400, 13),
SapPlotNum = rep(3, 13),
SapPlotSize = rep(28.27, 13),
SeedPlotNum = rep(12, 13),
SeedPlotSize = rep(1, 13),
ShrubPlotNum = rep(3, 13),
ShrubPlotSize = rep(12.57, 13),
ShSeedPlotNum = NA_real_,
ShSeedPlotSize = NA_real_,
VPlotNum = rep(400, 13),
VPlotSize = rep(1, 13),
HPlotNum = rep(12, 13),
HPlotSize = rep(1, 13))
x <- x + 1
setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)
#---- Cycles ----
# Cycles by park grouping
MIDN1 <- data.frame(
Cycle = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
Name = c("Cycle 1", "Cycle 2", "Cycle 3", "Cycle 4", "Latest Data"),
YearStart = c(2007, 2011, 2015, 2019, 2021),
YearEnd = c(2010, 2014, 2018, 2022, 2024),
PanelStart = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 4)
MIDN2 <- data.frame(
Cycle = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
Name = c("Cycle 1", "Cycle 2", "Cycle 3", "Cycle 4", "Latest Data"),
YearStart = c(2007, 2011, 2015, 2019, 2022),
YearEnd = c(2010, 2014, 2018, 2023, 2024),
PanelStart = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2)
NCBN <- data.frame(
Cycle = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
Name = c("Cycle 1", "Cycle 2", "Cycle 3", "Cycle 4", "Latest Data"),
YearStart = c(2008, 2012, 2016, 2022, 2022),
YearEnd = c(2011, 2015, 2019, 2024, 2024),
PanelStart = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
COLO <- data.frame(
Cycle = c(1, 2, 3, 4),
Name = c("Cycle 1", "Cycle 2", "Cycle 3", "Latest Data"),
YearStart = c(2011, 2015, 2019, 2022),
YearEnd = c(2014, 2018, 2023, 2024),
PanelStart = c(1, 1, 1, 2)
SAHI <- data.frame(
Cycle = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
Name = c("Cycle 1", "Cycle 2", "Cycle 3", "Cycle 4", "Latest Data"),
YearStart = c(2009, 2013, 2017, 2023, 2023),
YearEnd = c(2009, 2013, 2017, 2023, 2023),
PanelStart = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
ASIS <- data.frame(
Cycle = c(1, 2),
Name = c("Cycle 1", "Latest Data"),
YearStart = c(2019, 2019),
YearEnd = c(2024, 2024),
PanelStart = c(1, 1)
cycles <- rbind(
data.frame(Unit_Code = rep("APCO", 5), MIDN2),
data.frame(Unit_Code = rep("ASIS", 2), ASIS),
data.frame(Unit_Code = rep("BOWA", 5), MIDN2),
data.frame(Unit_Code = rep("COLO", 4), COLO),
data.frame(Unit_Code = rep("FRSP", 5), MIDN1),
data.frame(Unit_Code = rep("GETT", 5), MIDN2),
data.frame(Unit_Code = rep("GEWA", 5), NCBN),
data.frame(Unit_Code = rep("HOFU", 5), MIDN2),
data.frame(Unit_Code = rep("PETE", 5), MIDN1),
data.frame(Unit_Code = rep("RICH", 5), MIDN1),
data.frame(Unit_Code = rep("SAHI", 5), SAHI),
data.frame(Unit_Code = rep("THST", 5), NCBN),
data.frame(Unit_Code = rep("VAFO", 5), MIDN2)
#---- CommonNames ----
plants1 <- prepTaxa() |>
mutate(Woody = ifelse(Tree + TreeShrub + Shrub + Vine > 0, TRUE, FALSE),
Targeted_Herb = FilterMIDN,
Tree = ifelse(Tree + TreeShrub > 0, TRUE, FALSE), # inclusive for shrubs >10cm dbh
Shrub = ifelse(Shrub + TreeShrub > 0, TRUE, FALSE)) |> # inclusive for shrubs >10cm dbh
select(Latin_Name = ScientificName, NCRN_Common = CommonName, Common = CommonName,
Family, Genus, Species, TSN, Woody, Herbaceous, Targeted_Herb, Tree, Shrub,
Vine, Exotic, Graminoid, Fern_Ally = FernAlly) |>
plants_code <- VIEWS_MIDN_NCBN$Taxa_MIDN_NCBN |> select(TSN, TaxonCode)
plants <- left_join(plants1, plants_code, by = "TSN")
x <- x + 1
setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)
#---- Trees ----
live <- c("AB", "AF", "AL", "AM", "AS", "RB", "RF", "RL", "RS")
dead <- c("DB", "DC", "DF", "DL", "DM", "DS")
trees1 <- joinTreeData(status = 'active', output = 'verbose') |>
mutate(Date = format(as.Date(SampleDate, format = "%Y-%m-%d"), "%Y%m%d"),
TaxonCode = NA_real_,
SumLiveBasalArea_cm2 = ifelse(TreeStatusCode %in% live, BA_cm2, 0),
Equiv_Live_DBH_cm = ifelse(TreeStatusCode %in% live, DBHcm, 0),
SumDeadBasalArea_cm2 = ifelse(TreeStatusCode %in% dead, BA_cm2, 0),
Equiv_Dead_DBH_cm = ifelse(TreeStatusCode %in% dead, DBHcm, 0))
tree_stat <- data.frame(stat = c("1", "AB", "AF", "AL", "AM", "AS",
"2", "DB", "DC", "DF", "DL", "DM", "DS",
"RB", "RF", "RL", "RS"),
label = c("Alive", "Alive Broken", "Alive Fallen",
"Alive Leaning", "Alive Missed", "Alive Standing",
"Dead", "Dead Broken", "Dead Cut", "Dead Fallen",
"Dead Leaning", "Dead Missed", "Dead Standing",
"Recruit Broken", "Recruit Fallen", "Recruit Leaning",
"Recruit Standing"))
trcond <- joinTreeConditions(status = 'active') |>
mutate(CondAD = ifelse(AD == 1, paste0("Advanced Decay"), NA_character_),
CondDBT = ifelse(DBT == 1, paste0("Large Dead Branches"), NA_character_),
Condition1 = paste(CondAD, CondDBT, sep = ", "),
Condition = gsub("NA,| NA|, NA", "", Condition1)) |>
select(Plot_Name, SampleYear, IsQAQC, TagCode, Condition)
tree_comb <- left_join(trees1, tree_stat, by = c("TreeStatusCode" = "stat"))
tree_comb2 <- left_join(tree_comb, trcond, by = c("Plot_Name", "SampleYear", "IsQAQC", "TagCode"))
tree_comb3 <- left_join(tree_comb2, plots |> select(Plot_Name, Unit_Group), by = "Plot_Name")
trees <- tree_comb3 |>
select(Plot_Name, Unit_Code = ParkUnit, Unit_Group, Subunit_Code = ParkSubUnit,
Cycle = cycle, Panel = PanelCode, Sample_Year = SampleYear, Date,
Tag = TagCode, TSN, TaxonCode, Latin_Name = ScientificName, Stems = num_stems,
SumLiveBasalArea_cm2, Equiv_Live_DBH_cm,
SumDeadBasalArea_cm2, Equiv_Dead_DBH_cm,
Status = label,
Crown_Class = CrownClassCode,
Crown_Description = CrownClassLabel,
DBH_Status = IsDBHUnusual,
DecayClass = DecayClassCode) |>
arrange(Plot_Name, Sample_Year, Tag)
x <- x + 1
setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)
#---- Saplings ----
saps1 <- joinMicroSaplings() |>
mutate(#BA_cm2 = round(pi*((DBHcm/2)^2),4),
Status = "Alive",
Habit = "Tree",
Browsed = NA_character_,
Browsable = NA_character_,
Date = format(as.Date(SampleDate, "%Y-%m-%d"), "%Y%m%d"),
Tag = TagCode,
TaxonCode = NA,
Microplot_Number = ifelse(MicroplotCode == "UR", 45, ifelse(MicroplotCode == "B", 180, 315))) |>
filter(!SQSaplingCode %in% c("NS", "NP"))
saplings <- saps1 |>
mutate(Unit_Group = ParkSubUnit,
StemsDead = 0,
SumLiveBasalArea_cm2 = round(pi*((DBHcm/2)^2),4),
SumDeadBasalArea_cm2 = 0,
Equiv_Dead_DBH_cm = 0,
Browsed = NA_character_,
Browsable = NA_character_) |>
select(Plot_Name, Unit_Code = ParkUnit, Unit_Group, Subunit_Code = ParkSubUnit,
Cycle = cycle, Panel = PanelCode, Frame = ParkUnit, Sample_Year = SampleYear,
Date, Tag, Microplot_Number, TSN, TaxonCode, Latin_Name = ScientificName, StemsLive = Count,
StemsDead, SumLiveBasalArea_cm2, SumDeadBasalArea_cm2,
Equiv_Live_DBH_cm = DBHcm, Equiv_Dead_DBH_cm, Status, Habit, Browsed, Browsable) |>
arrange(Plot_Name, Sample_Year, Microplot_Number)
x <- x + 1
setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)
#---- Seedlings ----
seeds1 <- joinQuadSeedlings() |>
filter(!ScientificName %in% c("None present", "Not Sampled")) |> #NPSForVeg doesn't take 0s
mutate(Date = format(as.Date(SampleDate, "%Y-%m-%d"), "%Y%m%d"),
Quadrat_Number = QuadratCode) |>
pivot_longer(cols = c(Seedlings_15_30cm, Seedlings_30_100cm, Seedlings_100_150cm, Seedlings_Above_150cm),
names_to = "Class", values_to = "Count") |>
select(Plot_Name, Unit_Code = ParkUnit, Subunit_Code = ParkSubUnit, Cycle = cycle,
Panel = PanelCode, Frame = ParkUnit, Sample_Year = SampleYear, Date, Quadrat_Number,
Latin_Name = ScientificName, TSN, Class, Count)
seeds1$Height <- NA_real_
seeds1$Height[seeds1$Class == "Seedlings_15_30cm"] <- 22.5
seeds1$Height[seeds1$Class == "Seedlings_30_100cm"] <- 65.0
seeds1$Height[seeds1$Class == "Seedlings_100_150cm"] <- 125.0
seeds1$Height[seeds1$Class == "Seedlings_Above_150cm"] <- 200.0
seeds_long <- seeds1[rep(1:nrow(seeds1), seeds1$Count),]
seeds <- left_join(seeds_long, plots |> select(Plot_Name, Unit_Group), by = "Plot_Name") |>
mutate(Browsable = NA_character_, # Browse in NCRN is at indiv. seed, which isn't compatible with MIDN browse count
Browsed = NA_character_) |>
select(Plot_Name, Unit_Code, Unit_Group, Subunit_Code, Cycle, Panel, Frame, Sample_Year, Date,
Quadrat_Number, Latin_Name, TSN, Height, Browsable, Browsed) |>
arrange(Plot_Name, Sample_Year, Quadrat_Number)
x <- x + 1
setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)
#---- Herbs ----
herbs1 <- joinQuadSpecies() |>
mutate(Date = format(as.Date(SampleDate, "%Y-%m-%d"), "%Y%m%d"))
herbs2 <- left_join(herbs1, plots |> select(Plot_Name, Unit_Group), by = "Plot_Name") |>
select(Plot_Name, Unit_Code = ParkUnit, Unit_Group, Subunit_Code = ParkSubUnit,
Cycle = cycle, Panel = PanelCode, Frame = ParkUnit, Sample_Year = SampleYear, Date,
TSN, Latin_Name = ScientificName,
Pct_Cov_A2, Pct_Cov_A5, Pct_Cov_A8, Pct_Cov_AA,
Pct_Cov_B2, Pct_Cov_B5, Pct_Cov_B8, Pct_Cov_BB,
Pct_Cov_C2, Pct_Cov_C5, Pct_Cov_C8, Pct_Cov_CC,
herbs <- herbs2 |> pivot_longer(cols = Pct_Cov_A2:Pct_Cov_CC,
names_to = "Quadrat_Number", values_to = "Percent_Cover") |>
mutate(TaxonCode = NA_real_) |> filter(!is.na(Percent_Cover)) |> filter(Percent_Cover > 0) |>
arrange(Plot_Name, Sample_Year, Latin_Name)
herbs$Quadrat_Number <- substr(herbs$Quadrat_Number, 9, 10)
x <- x + 1
setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)
#---- Vines ----
vines1 <- joinTreeVineSpecies() |>
mutate(Date = format(as.Date(SampleDate, "%Y-%m-%d"), "%Y%m%d"))
vines1$Condition <- NA_character_
vines1$Condition[vines1$VinePositionCode == "C"] <- "Vines in the crown"
vines1$Condition[vines1$VinePositionCode == "B"] <- "Vines on the bole"
vines1$Tag_Status = "Tree"
vines2 <- left_join(vines1, events1 |> select(Plot_Name, SampleYear, IsQAQC, Unit_Group, Cycle),
by = c("Plot_Name", "SampleYear", "IsQAQC"))
vines3 <- left_join(vines2, trees |> select(Plot_Name, Sample_Year, Tag, Status),
by = c("Plot_Name", "SampleYear" = "Sample_Year",
"TagCode" = "Tag"))
vines <- vines3 |>
select(Plot_Name, Unit_Code = ParkUnit,
Unit_Group, Subunit_Code = ParkSubUnit,
Cycle, Panel = PanelCode, Frame = ParkUnit, Sample_Year = SampleYear, Date, TSN, Latin_Name = ScientificName,
Tag_Status, Host_Tag = TagCode, Host_Latin_Name = TreeScientificName, Host_Status = Status,
Condition, Exotic) |>
arrange(Plot_Name, Sample_Year, Host_Tag)
x <- x + 1
setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)
#---- CWD ----
cwd1 <- joinCWDData()
cwd <- left_join(cwd1, plots |> select(Plot_Name, Unit_Group, Subunit_Code, Panel), by = "Plot_Name") |>
mutate(Date = format(as.Date(SampleDate, "%Y-%m-%d"), "%Y%m%d")) |>
select(Plot_Name, Unit_Code = ParkUnit, Unit_Group, Subunit_Code, Cycle = cycle,
Panel, Frame = ParkUnit, Sample_Year = SampleYear, Date, TSN, Latin_Name = ScientificName,
CWD_Vol, DecayClass = DecayClassCode)
x <- x + 1
setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)
#---- Export Process -----
csv_list <- list(plots, events, meta, cycles, plants, trees, saplings, seeds, vines, herbs, cwd)
csv_names <- c("Plots", "Events", "MetaData", "Cycles", "CommonNames",
"Trees", "Saplings", "Seedlings", "Vines", "Herbs", "CWD")
csv_list <- setNames(csv_list, csv_names)
# # Create Metadata for files
# defs <- lapply(seq_along(csv_list), function(x){
# col_names <- names(csv_list[[csv_names[[x]]]])
# rbind(data.frame(
# flatfile = names(csv_list[x]),
# columns = col_names))
# })
# defs2 <- do.call(rbind, defs)
# length(unique(defs2$columns))
# write.csv(defs2, paste0(path, "NPSForVeg_Defs.csv"), row.names = F)
if(keep == TRUE){list2env(csv_list, envir = .GlobalEnv)}
if(export == TRUE){
if(zip == FALSE){
invisible(lapply(seq_along(csv_names), function(x){
setTxtProgressBar(pb, x + 10)
csv_name <- csv_names[[x]]
write.csv(csv_list[[x]], paste0(path, csv_name, ".csv"), row.names = F)
} else if(zip == TRUE){
dir.create(tmp <- tempfile())
invisible(lapply(seq_along(csv_names), function(x){
setTxtProgressBar(pb, x + 10)
csv_name <- csv_names[[x]]
write.csv(csv_list[[x]], paste0(tmp, "\\", csv_name, ".csv"),
row.names = FALSE)}))
file_list <- list.files(tmp)
zip::zipr(zipfile = paste0(pathn, "NPSForVeg_MIDN_NCBN_", format(Sys.Date(), "%Y%m%d"), ".zip"),
root = tmp,
files = file_list)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.