# Author: Kevin See
# Purpose: Estimate abundance of summer juvenile fish
# Created: 6/3/2019
# Last Modified: 9/19/19
# Notes:
# load needed libraries
# load fish data
fish_data = fish_sum_data
# 2 pass depletions
fish_data %>%
filter(Method == 'Depletion',
is.na(Pass3.R)) %>%
select(Year, FishSite, SampleDate, FishCrew, Species, Pass1.M, Pass2.C) %>%
group_by(Year, FishSite, SampleDate, FishCrew, Species) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(deplMod = map(data,
.f = function(x) {
# use 2 pass model from Seber
removal(catch = as_vector(x),
})) %>%
mutate(N = map_dbl(deplMod,
.f = function(x) {
SE = map_dbl(deplMod,
.f = function(x) x$est['No.se']),
p = map_dbl(deplMod,
.f = function(x) x$est['p']),
pSE = map_dbl(deplMod,
.f = function(x) x$est['p.se'])) %>%
select(-data, -deplMod) %>%
mutate(Nmethod = 'Seber') %>%
left_join(fish_data %>%
select(-(Nmethod:pSE))) %>%
by = c('Year', 'FishSite', 'SampleDate', 'Species', 'Method', 'FishCrew'))) %>%
select(one_of(names(fish_data))) -> fish_data
# 3 pass depletions
fish_data %>%
filter(Method == 'Depletion',
(is.na(Pass4) | Pass4 == 0),
is.na(N)) %>%
select(Year, FishSite, SampleDate, Species, Pass1.M, Pass2.C, Pass3.R) %>%
group_by(Year, FishSite, SampleDate, Species) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(deplMod = map(data,
.f = function(x) {
# Chose Carle-Strub method based on results from Hedger et al. (2013)
removal(catch = as_vector(x),
})) %>%
mutate(N = map_dbl(deplMod,
.f = function(x) x$est['No']),
SE = map_dbl(deplMod,
.f = function(x) x$est['No.se']),
p = map_dbl(deplMod,
.f = function(x) x$est['p']),
pSE = map_dbl(deplMod,
.f = function(x) x$est['p.se'])) %>%
select(-data, -deplMod) %>%
mutate(Nmethod = 'Carle Strub') %>%
left_join(fish_data %>%
select(-(Nmethod:pSE))) %>%
by = c('Year', 'FishSite', 'SampleDate', 'Species', 'Method', 'FishCrew'))) %>%
select(one_of(names(fish_data))) -> fish_data
# 4 pass depletions
fish_data %>%
filter(Method == 'Depletion',
Pass4 > 0,
is.na(N)) %>%
select(Year, FishSite, SampleDate, Species, Pass1.M, Pass2.C, Pass3.R, Pass4) %>%
group_by(Year, FishSite, SampleDate, Species) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(deplMod = map(data,
.f = function(x) {
# Chose Carle-Strub method based on results from Hedger et al. (2013)
removal(catch = as_vector(x),
})) %>%
mutate(N = map_dbl(deplMod,
.f = function(x) x$est['No']),
SE = map_dbl(deplMod,
.f = function(x) x$est['No.se']),
p = map_dbl(deplMod,
.f = function(x) x$est['p']),
pSE = map_dbl(deplMod,
.f = function(x) x$est['p.se'])) %>%
select(-data, -deplMod) %>%
mutate(Nmethod = 'Carle Strub') %>%
left_join(fish_data %>%
select(-(Nmethod:pSE))) %>%
by = c('Year', 'FishSite', 'SampleDate', 'Species', 'Method', 'FishCrew'))) %>%
select(one_of(names(fish_data))) -> fish_data
# mark-recapture
fish_data %>%
filter(Method == 'Mark Recapture') %>%
select(Year, FishSite, SampleDate, Species, Pass1.M, Pass2.C, Pass3.R) %>%
group_by(Year, FishSite, SampleDate, Species) %>%
nest() %>%
mutate(mrMod = map(data,
.f = function(x) {
mrClosed(M = x$Pass1.M,
n = x$Pass2.C,
m = x$Pass3.R,
method = 'Chapman') %>%
summary(incl.SE = T)
})) %>%
mutate(N = map_dbl(mrMod,
.f = function(x) x[1,'N']),
SE = map_dbl(mrMod,
.f = function(x) x[1, 'SE'])) %>%
select(-data, -mrMod) %>%
mutate(Nmethod = 'Chapman') %>%
left_join(fish_data %>%
select(-(Nmethod:pSE))) %>%
mutate(p = Pass1.M / N,
pSE = Pass1.M * SE / N^2) %>%
by = c('Year', 'FishSite', 'SampleDate', 'Species', 'Method', 'FishCrew'))) %>%
select(one_of(names(fish_data))) -> fish_data
# continuous fish surveys (with estimates of capture probability)
fish_data %>%
filter(Method == 'Continuous') %>%
mutate(N = Pass1.M / p,
SE = Pass1.M * pSE / p^2,
Nmethod = 'Ratio Est.') %>%
mutate(N = if_else(is.na(p) & Pass1.M == 0,
N)) %>%
left_join(fish_data %>%
select(-(Nmethod:pSE))) %>%
by = c('Year', 'FishSite', 'SampleDate', 'Species', 'Method', 'FishCrew'))) %>%
select(one_of(names(fish_data))) -> fish_data
# any missing data from the continuous surveys?
fish_data %>%
filter(Method == 'Continuous',
is.na(N)) %>%
select(Year, Watershed, Stream, Site, Species, Pass1.M:pSE)
# drop one site in mainstem Lemhi. Can't use capture probability from steelhead in mainstem (due to size differences between species)
fish_data %>%
filter(Method == 'Continuous',
Species == 'Chinook',
Stream == 'Lemhi River') %>%
select(Year, Site, Pass1.M, p, pSE, N, SE) %>%
arrange(Site, Year) %>%
group_by(Site) %>%
summarise(nYrs = n_distinct(Year),
nNonNA = sum(!is.na(p)),
p_mean = mean(p, na.rm = T),
p_sd = sd(p, na.rm = T)) %>%
mutate(p_cv = p_sd / p_mean)
fish_data %>%
filter(!(Method == 'Continuous' & is.na(N))) -> fish_data
fish_data %>%
xtabs(~ Method + is.na(N), .) %>%
# which estimates are considered "valid"?
fish_data %>%
filter(N < 0 | N == Inf | N == -Inf) %>%
xtabs(~ Year + Method, ., drop.unused.levels = T)
# mark-recapture with no recaptures
fish_data %>%
filter(Method == 'Mark Recapture',
Pass1.M > 0,
Pass3.R == 0) %>%
# xtabs(~ Watershed + Species, ., drop.unused.levels = T)
select(Watershed, FishSite, FishCrew, Pass1.M:pSE)
# mark-recapture with no marks (if any captures on 2nd pass, N == Pass2.C, SE == 0)
fish_data %>%
filter(Method == 'Mark Recapture',
Pass1.M == 0) %>%
xtabs(~ (N > 0) + (Pass2.C == N), .)
# filter(N > 0) %>%
# # filter(Pass2.C != N) %>%
# # xtabs(~ Watershed + Species, ., drop.unused.levels = T)
# select(Watershed, FishSite, FishCrew, Pass1.M:pSE)
# using criteria from Robson & Regier (1964)
fish_data %>%
filter(Method == 'Mark Recapture') %>%
mutate(Valid = if_else(((Pass1.M * Pass2.C) / 4 > N) | Pass3.R >= 7, T, F)) %>%
xtabs(~ Watershed + Valid + Species, ., drop.unused.levels = T) %>%
addmargins() %>%
prop.table(margin = 1) %>%
fish_data %<>%
mutate(Valid = if_else(Method == 'Mark Recapture',
if_else((((Pass1.M * Pass2.C) / 4 > N) | Pass3.R >= 7), T, F),
Valid = if_else(Method %in% c('Continuous', 'CU Depletion', 'Depletion', 'Snorkel'), T, Valid),
Valid = if_else(Method == 'Single Pass',
if_else(Nmethod == 'Prev. Calc.', T, F),
Valid = if_else(is.na(Valid), F, Valid))
# pull out valid estimates, save to use
fish_sum_est = fish_data %>%
mutate(fish_dens = N / FishSiteLength) %>%
# filter(Valid) %>%
mutate_at(vars(Species, Watershed, Season, FishCrew, Method),
fish_sum_est %>%
filter(is.na(FishSiteLength)) %>%
pull(Site) %>% unique() %>% sort()
fish_sum_est %>%
filter(!is.na(FishSiteLength)) %>%
group_by(Species, Valid) %>%
summarise(nSites = n_distinct(Site)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
spread(Valid, nSites)
version = 2,
overwrite = T)
# Modeling capture probability for the single pass surveys
# for most places, use valid mark-recapture data to estimate capture efficiency
# for single pass sites in the Lemhi, use depletion sites for ratio estimator model
# what can we use to predict capture probability?
sp_mod_df = fish_sum_est %>%
filter((Method == 'Mark Recapture' & Valid &
!(FishCrew == 'QCI' & Watershed == 'Lemhi')) |
(FishCrew == 'QCI' & Watershed == 'Lemhi' & Method == 'Depletion')) %>%
left_join(champ_site_2011_17 %>%
filter(VisitStatus == 'Released to Public',
VisitObjective == 'Primary Visit') %>%
select(Site, Watershed,
StreamName = Stream,
Year = VisitYear,
Channel_Type)) %>%
mutate(WetWidth = if_else(!is.na(FishWettedArea) & FishWettedArea > 0,
FishWettedArea / FishSiteLength,
WetWdth_Int)) %>%
mutate(Stream = if_else(is.na(Stream),
Stream)) %>%
select(Year, Site, Stream, Watershed, FishCrew, Channel_Type, FishSiteLength, WetWidth, Species, Pass1.M, N, SE, p, pSE) %>%
drop_na() %>%
mutate_at(vars(Pass1.M, N),
list(floor)) %>%
mutate(pass1_dens = Pass1.M / FishSiteLength) %>%
# combine crew and watershed into one covariate
mutate(CrwWtsd = paste(FishCrew, Watershed, sep = '_')) %>%
# center some variables
mutate(WetWidth_center = WetWidth - mean(WetWidth, na.rm = T),
pass1_dens_center = pass1_dens - mean(pass1_dens, na.rm = T))
# which surveys do we need to make predictions for?
pred_df = fish_sum_est %>%
filter(!Valid) %>%
# filter((Method == 'Single Pass' & is.na(N)) |
# (Method == 'Mark Recapture' & !Valid)) %>%
mutate(N = NA,
SE = NA,
p = NA,
pSE = NA) %>%
# add some information from CHaMP
left_join(champ_site_2011_17 %>%
filter(VisitStatus == 'Released to Public',
VisitObjective == 'Primary Visit') %>%
select(Site, Watershed,
StreamName = Stream,
Year = VisitYear,
Channel_Type) %>%
distinct()) %>%
mutate(WetWidth = if_else(!is.na(FishWettedArea) & FishWettedArea > 0,
FishWettedArea / FishSiteLength,
WetWdth_Int)) %>%
mutate(Stream = if_else(is.na(Stream),
Stream)) %>%
mutate(pass1_dens = Pass1.M / FishSiteLength) %>%
# combine crew and watershed into one covariate
mutate(CrwWtsd = paste(FishCrew, Watershed, sep = '_')) %>%
# center some variables to match sp_mod_df
mutate(WetWidth_center = WetWidth - mean(sp_mod_df$WetWidth, na.rm = T),
pass1_dens_center = pass1_dens - mean(sp_mod_df$pass1_dens, na.rm = T))
pred_df %>%
group_by(Watershed, FishCrew, Species) %>%
summarise(nPred = n()) %>%
full_join(sp_mod_df %>%
group_by(Watershed, FishCrew, Species) %>%
summarise(nMod = n()))
sp_mod_df %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Channel_Type,
y = p,
fill = CrwWtsd)) +
geom_boxplot() +
theme(legend.position = 'bottom') +
scale_fill_brewer(palette = 'Set1') +
facet_wrap(~ Species)
sp_mod_df %>%
ggplot(aes(x = WetWidth,
y = p)) +
geom_point(aes(color = Species)) +
geom_smooth(method = lm) +
facet_wrap(~ FishCrew)
lm(p ~ Channel_Type,
data = sp_mod_df) %>%
# anova()
xtabs(~ Channel_Type + Species,
xtabs(~ Watershed + FishCrew + Species,
drop.unused.levels = T) %>%
addmargins(margin = c(1,2))
# use random effect for Crew/Watershed
mod_re = glmer(cbind(Pass1.M, (N - Pass1.M)) ~ -1 + (Species + WetWidth_center + pass1_dens)^2 + (1 | CrwWtsd),
data = sp_mod_df,
family = 'binomial',
na.action = 'na.fail')
# use fixed effect for Crew/Watershed
mod_fix = glm(cbind(Pass1.M, (N - Pass1.M)) ~ -1 + (Species + WetWidth_center + pass1_dens)^2 + CrwWtsd,
data = sp_mod_df,
family = 'binomial',
na.action = 'na.fail')
which = 1:6,
ncol = 3)
# it appears that row 303 in sp_mod_df is a bit of an outlier
sp_mod_df %>%
slice(303) %>%
left_join(fish_sum_data) %>%
# biggest estimate of abundance and pass1 density
sp_mod_df %>% arrange(desc(N))
which(sp_mod_df$pass1_dens > 2)
# Drop row 303 as outlier from model data set
sp_mod_df2 = sp_mod_df %>%
# use random effect for Crew/Watershed
mod_re = glmer(cbind(Pass1.M, (N - Pass1.M)) ~ -1 + (Species + WetWidth_center + pass1_dens_center)^2 + (1 | CrwWtsd),
data = sp_mod_df2,
family = 'binomial',
na.action = 'na.fail')
# use fixed effect for Crew/Watershed
mod_fix = glm(cbind(Pass1.M, (N - Pass1.M)) ~ -1 + (Species + WetWidth_center + pass1_dens_center)^2 + CrwWtsd,
data = sp_mod_df2,
family = 'binomial',
na.action = 'na.fail')
which = 1:6,
ncol = 3)
full_mod = mod_re
# full_mod = mod_fix
anova(full_mod, test = 'Chisq')
exp(coef(full_mod)) %>%
as_tibble(rownames = 'Parameter') %>%
rename(odds_ratio = value)
dd = dredge(full_mod)
importance(dd) %>%
enframe(name = 'var',
value = 'relImp') %>%
mutate(var = fct_reorder(var, relImp)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = var, y = relImp)) +
geom_col() +
coord_flip() +
labs(y = 'Relative Importance') +
best_mod = get.models(dd, subset = delta == 0)[[1]]
avg_mod = model.avg(dd,
# subset = delta <= 2,
fit = T)
exp(coef(avg_mod, full = T)[-1])
fixef(full_mod) %>%
enframe(name = 'param',
value = 'full') %>%
left_join(fixef(best_mod) %>%
enframe(name = 'param',
value = 'best') %>%
mutate(param = recode(param,
'pass1_dens_center:SpeciesSteelhead' = 'SpeciesSteelhead:pass1_dens_center',
'pass1_dens_center:WetWidth_center' = 'WetWidth_center:pass1_dens_center'))) %>%
left_join(coef(avg_mod, full = T) %>%
enframe(name = 'param',
value = 'avg') %>%
mutate(param = recode(param,
'pass1_dens_center:SpeciesSteelhead' = 'SpeciesSteelhead:pass1_dens_center',
'pass1_dens_center:WetWidth_center' = 'WetWidth_center:pass1_dens_center')))
pred_int = predictInterval(update(mod_re, . ~ . + 1),
newdata = sp_mod_df2 %>%
level = 0.95,
n.sims = 100,
stat = 'median',
type = 'probability',
seed = 3) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(se = (upr - lwr) / (qnorm(0.975) - qnorm(0.025)),
lwCI = fit + qnorm(0.025) * se,
upCI = fit + qnorm(0.975) * se)
plot_df = sp_mod_df2 %>%
select(Year, Watershed, FishCrew, CrwWtsd, Species) %>%
bind_cols(tibble(obs = sp_mod_df2$p,
obs_se = sp_mod_df2$pSE,
pred = predict(full_mod,
type = 'response'),
# pred_se = predict(full_mod,
# type = 'response',
# se.fit = T)$se.fit,
pred_lwCI = pred_int$lwr,
pred_upCI = pred_int$upr,
resid = residuals(full_mod,
type = 'response')))
plot_df %>%
ggplot(aes(x = pred,
y = resid)) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0,
color = 'red',
linetype = 2) +
geom_point() +
plot_df %>%
ggplot(aes(x = obs,
y = pred,
color = Species)) +
geom_abline(color = 'darkgray',
linetype = 2) +
geom_errorbarh(aes(xmin = obs + qnorm(0.025) * obs_se,
xmax = obs + qnorm(0.975) * obs_se)) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = pred_lwCI,
ymax = pred_upCI),
width = 0) +
geom_point() +
scale_color_brewer(palette = 'Set1') +
facet_wrap(~ FishCrew + Watershed,
scales = 'free') +
geom_smooth(method = lm) +
labs(title = 'Capture Probability',
x = 'Observed',
y = 'Predicted')
plot_df %>%
mutate(obs_lwCI = obs + qnorm(0.025) * obs_se,
obs_upCI = obs + qnorm(0.975) * obs_se) %>%
mutate(overlapCI = if_else(obs_lwCI < pred_upCI &
obs_upCI > pred_lwCI,
T, F)) %>%
group_by(CrwWtsd, Species) %>%
summarise(nPred = n(),
nOverLap = sum(overlapCI),
perOverLap = nOverLap / nPred)
plot_df %>%
group_by(CrwWtsd, Species) %>%
summarise(nObs = n(),
bias_mean = mean(resid),
bias_median = median(resid),
RMSE = sqrt(mean(resid^2))) %>%
# arrange(desc(RMSE))
col = 'blue')
# predict capture probability
pred_int = predictInterval(update(mod_re, . ~ . + 1),
newdata = pred_df %>%
level = 0.95,
n.sims = 1000,
stat = 'mean',
type = 'probability',
seed = 3) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(pred = predict(mod_re,
newdata = pred_df,
type = 'response'),
se = (upr - lwr) / (qnorm(0.975) - qnorm(0.025)))
# pred_int = predict(mod_fix,
# newdata = pred_df,
# type = 'response',
# se.fit = T)[1:2] %>%
# map_df(.f = identity) %>%
# rename(pred = fit,
# se = se.fit)
pred_est = pred_df %>%
select(-(N:pSE)) %>%
bind_cols(pred_int %>%
select(p = pred,
pSE = se)) %>%
mutate(N = Pass1.M / p,
SE = Pass1.M * pSE / (p^2),
Nmethod = 'Cap. Prob. Model',
Valid = TRUE) %>%
fish_sum_est = fish_sum_est %>%
filter(Valid) %>%
bind_rows(pred_est %>%
version = 2,
overwrite = T)
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