# Author: Kevin See
# Purpose: Prep summer juvenile fish data
# Created: 5/14/2019
# Last Modified: 8/5/20
# Notes: need info for site name, fish crew, sample data, site length, watershed AND
# number marks, captures, recaptures OR
# 1st, 2nd, 3rd pass depletion OR
# snorkel counts / abundance estimate
# load needed libraries
# set data filepath
data_filepath = "data/raw/fish/summer/"
# #-------------------------
# # if using NAS set NAS prefix, depending on operating system
# #-------------------------
# if(.Platform$OS.type != 'unix') {
# nas_prefix = "S:"
# } else if(.Platform$OS.type == 'unix') {
# nas_prefix = "~/../../Volumes/ABS/"
# }
# data_filepath = paste(nas_prefix,
# "data/qrf/fish_data/summer/",
# sep = "/")
# Entiat
# all data from 2006-2016, compiled by Terraqua
ent = read_csv(paste0(data_filepath, 'EntiatFishData_2006-2016_20170329.csv')) %>%
rename(Watershed = Subbasin) %>%
select(Year, SiteName, Watershed, Lat = LAT_DD, Lon = LON_DD,
Season, SampleDate, FishCrew, Method, Species,
FishSiteLength = Site.Length.Fish,
FishWettedArea = Site.Wetted.Area,
N = N.hat,
SE = N.hat.SE,
Nmethod = N_method) %>%
list(as.integer)) %>%
mutate(Method = recode(Method,
'Combo' = 'CU Depletion')) %>%
# fix the year of the SampleDate for one entry
mutate(SampleDate = if_else(Year != year(SampleDate),
# (Year == 2016 & SiteName == 'ENT00001-2A1'),
as.POSIXct(ymd(paste(Year, month(SampleDate), day(SampleDate)))),
SampleDate)) %>%
# # fix one date, based on a different file
mutate(SampleDate = if_else(Year == 2012 & SiteName == 'CBW05583-489131' & Species == 'Steelhead',
SampleDate)) %>%
# add 2017 data
bind_rows(excel_sheets(paste0(data_filepath, 'Entiat2017_SummaryAbundance.xlsx')) %>%
as.list() %>%
map_df(.f = function(x) {
if(grepl('^Sheet', x[1])) return(NULL)
read_excel(paste0(data_filepath, 'Entiat2017_SummaryAbundance.xlsx'),
x[1]) %>%
rename(SiteName = Site.ID,
Watershed = Subbasin,
FishSiteLength = Site.Length.Fish) %>%
# select(one_of(names(.))) %>%
})) %>%
unit = 'days') %>%
mutate(FishCrew = recode(FishCrew,
'TerraQ' = 'Terraqua')) %>%
# Asotin
aso = read_excel(paste0(data_filepath, 'AsotinCHaMP_juvSteelheadMarkRecaps_2011-2018.xlsx')) %>%
rename(FishSiteName = SiteName,
SiteName = CHaMPSiteID,
Year = Yr,
Lat = SiteLatitudeDD,
Lon = SiteLongitudeDD,
Pass1.M = CountOfMarks,
Pass2.C = CountOfCapture,
Pass3.R = CountOfRecaptures) %>%
mutate(Method = 'Mark Recapture',
FishCrew = 'ELR',
Species = 'Steelhead',
FishWettedArea = FishSite_WettedWidth * FishSiteLength,
N = NA,
SE = NA,
Nmethod = NA) %>%
# assign a sample date
mutate(SampleDate = if_else(Season == 'Summer',
ymd(paste0(Year, '0715')),
if_else(Season == 'Fall',
ymd(paste0(Year, '1001')),
as.Date(NA)))) %>%
list(as.POSIXct)) %>%
select(FishSiteName, Stream = StreamName, one_of(names(ent)))
# data for each fish site is duplicated if multiple CHaMP sites within that fish site
aso %>%
select(-SiteName) %>%
distinct() %>%
aso_sites = aso %>%
select(Year, FishSiteName, SiteName) %>%
distinct %>%
arrange(FishSiteName, SiteName, Year)
# look at all CHaMP sites in Asotin, and match them with corresponding Stream / FishSiteName
champ_site_2011_17 %>%
# filter(grepl('ASW', SiteName)) %>%
filter(Watershed == 'Asotin') %>%
Year = VisitYear) %>%
distinct() %>%
mutate(FishSiteName = str_split(Site, ' ', simplify = T)[,1],
FishSiteName = str_remove(FishSiteName, 'ASW00001-')) %>%
mutate(champ = T) %>%
full_join(aso_sites %>%
rename(Site = SiteName) %>%
mutate(aso = T)) %>%
mutate_at(vars(champ, aso),
list(~ if_else(is.na(.), F, .))) %>%
# filter(Year < 2015) %>%
# filter(!champ)
xtabs(~ champ + aso, .)
# drop rows that have duplicated CHaMP site name, keep first CHaMP site
aso %<>%
group_by(FishSiteName, Year, Season) %>%
slice(1) %>%
distinct() %>%
# Upper Grande Ronde
ugr = read_excel(paste0(data_filepath, 'ODFW_Export_Output4Kevin.xlsx')) %>%
rename(Watershed = WatershedName,
FishSiteLength = SiteLength,
Lon = Long,
N = `Abundance (from calibration)`) %>%
mutate_at(vars(Year, starts_with('Pass')),
list(as.integer)) %>%
mutate(Nmethod = 'Prev. Calc.') %>%
# John Day
# use the fish database provided by Nick Weber for fish data from ELR
elr_conn = DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(),
paste0(data_filepath, 'JohnDayRovingFish_MASTER.db'))
dce = tbl(elr_conn,
'fld_DataCollectionEvent') %>%
mutate(FishWettedArea = SiteLength * WettedWidth) %>%
select(FishSiteName = SiteName,
Site = GRTSSiteID,
FishSiteLength = SiteLength,
Method = dceType,
anayMeth = ELRanalysisStatus,
SampleDate = SurveyDateTime,
Stream = StreamName,
SampledStatus, SurveyType,
dceName) %>%
filter(Method != 'Adult Trap') %>%
collect() %>%
list(~if_else(. == 'NA', as.character(NA), .))) %>%
list(ymd_hms)) %>%
list(str_to_title)) %>%
mutate(Stream = recode(Stream,
'East Fork Beach Creek' = 'East Fork Beech Creek',
'Brl' = 'Bridge Creek')) %>%
mutate(Season = str_remove(dceSubType, '^Late'),
Season = str_remove(Season, '^Mid'),
Season = str_split(Season, ' ', simplify = T)[,1],
Year = str_sub(dceSubType, -4),
Year = as.numeric(Year)) %>%
mutate(Year = if_else(is.na(Year),
Year)) %>%
# fix 2 dceGroups that are duplicates
mutate(dceGroup = if_else(dceID %in% c(2470, 2471),
as.integer(max(dceGroup, na.rm = T) + 1),
dceGroup = if_else(dceID %in% c(2478, 2479),
as.integer(max(dceGroup, na.rm = T) + 1),
dceGroup)) %>%
# fix two sample dates for one site that seem to be mixed up
mutate(SampleDate = if_else(dceID == 151,
ymd_hms('20111016 13:38:00'),
SampleDate = if_else(dceID == 161,
ymd_hms('20111017 13:19:00'),
SampleDate)) %>%
arrange(Year, FishSiteName, dceGroup, SampleDate)
fish_pass = tbl(elr_conn, 'fld_FishCapturePass') %>%
select(dceID, passKey, CaptureMethod) %>%
# correct one entry, to make 3 passes of a depletion have the same method
fish_pass %<>%
mutate(CaptureMethod = if_else(dceID == 1563,
'Electro Fishing',
fish_obs = tbl(elr_conn, 'fld_FishObservation') %>%
filter(Species %in% c('Steelhead', 'Chinook')) %>%
filter(FishLifeStage != 'Adult') %>%
# filter for certain size class
filter(FishForkLength >= 35,
FishLifeStage != 'Fry') %>%
filter(FishForkLength <= 250) %>%
# fix one fish count number
mutate(FishCount = if_else(dceID == 2266 & FishCount == 0,
1, FishCount)) %>%
# fix one PitTagCaptureType (appears to not be a recapture, but a mark)
mutate(PitTagCaptureType = if_else(dceID == 2340 & PitTagID == '3DD.0077597CA8',
'New Tag',
PitTagCaptureType)) %>%
collect() %>%
list(~if_else(. %in% c('', 'NA'), as.character(NA), .))) %>%
list(str_to_title)) %>%
mutate(PitTagCaptureType = recode(PitTagCaptureType,
'Efficiency Recapture' = 'Non-Efficiency Recapture'))
# disconnect
# depletion data
elr_depl = dce %>%
left_join(fish_pass) %>%
left_join(fish_obs %>%
group_by(Species, dceID, passKey) %>%
summarise(nFish = sum(FishCount))) %>%
filter(Method == 'Depletion') %>%
filter(DcePassNumber != -99 | is.na(DcePassNumber)) %>%
mutate(CaptureMethod = if_else(dceName %in% c('SFM-396146-20120624-1202',
'Electro Fishing',
CaptureMethod)) %>%
arrange(SampleDate, dceID, Species) %>%
spread(passKey, nFish,
fill = 0) %>%
# mutate(id = paste(dceName, Species, sep = '_')) %>%
# filter(id %in% id[duplicated(id)]) %>% as.data.frame()
select(-dceGroup, -DcePassNumber, -dceSubType, -SampledStatus, -SurveyType) %>%
rename(Pass1.M = `1`,
Pass2.C = `2`,
Pass3.R = `3`,
Pass4 = `4`,
SiteName = Site) %>%
# any 4th pass 0's become NAs (to be analyzed like 3-pass depletions). I don't trust those 0's on the 4th pass
list(~ if_else(. == 0, as.numeric(NA), .))) %>%
mutate(Year = year(SampleDate),
Watershed = 'John Day',
FishCrew = 'ELR') %>%
select(one_of(names(aso)), everything()) %>%
arrange(Year, FishSiteName, SampleDate)
# mark-recapture data
elr_mr = dce %>%
filter(Method %in% c('Mark', 'Recapture')) %>%
left_join(fish_obs %>%
group_by(Species, dceID, PitTagCaptureType) %>%
summarise(nFish = sum(FishCount))) %>%
filter(!is.na(dceGroup)) %>%
filter(!is.na(Species)) %>%
filter(DcePassNumber < 3) %>%
arrange(dceGroup, Species, Method) %>%
group_by(FishSiteName, dceGroup, Species) %>%
summarise(Pass1.M = sum(nFish[Method == 'Mark'], na.rm = T),
Pass2.C = sum(nFish[Method == 'Recapture'], na.rm = T),
Pass3.R = sum(nFish[Method == 'Recapture' & PitTagCaptureType == 'Non-Efficiency Recapture'], na.rm = T)) %>%
left_join(dce %>%
group_by(dceGroup) %>%
filter(SampleDate == min(SampleDate)) %>%
slice(1) %>%
ungroup()) %>%
mutate(Method = 'Mark Recapture',
Watershed = 'John Day',
FishCrew = 'ELR') %>%
rename(SiteName = Site) %>%
select(one_of(names(aso)), everything(),
-SampledStatus, -SurveyType) %>%
arrange(Year, FishSiteName, SampleDate)
# count data (including Method == 'Mark' with no dceGroup -> no recapture pass)
elr_count = dce %>%
filter(Method %in% c('Count') | (Method == 'Mark' & is.na(dceGroup))) %>%
left_join(fish_obs %>%
group_by(Species, dceID) %>%
summarise(nFish = sum(FishCount))) %>%
filter(!is.na(Species)) %>%
mutate(Watershed = 'John Day',
FishCrew = 'ELR',
Method = 'Single Pass',
Pass2.C = as.numeric(NA),
Pass3.R = as.numeric(NA)) %>%
rename(SiteName = Site,
Pass1.M = nFish) %>%
select(one_of(names(aso)), everything()) %>%
arrange(Year, FishSiteName, SampleDate)
# which DCE's are still missing?
dce %>%
select(FishSiteName, Year, Season, Method, anayMeth, SampledStatus) %>%
distinct() %>%
anti_join(elr_depl %>%
bind_rows(elr_mr) %>%
bind_rows(elr_count) %>%
select(FishSiteName, Year, Season, dceID) %>%
distinct()) %>%
# xtabs(~ Method + is.na(SampledStatus), .) %>%
xtabs(~ Method + SampledStatus, .) %>%
# all the missing depletions were not sampled
# these dce show up as sampled, but no fish associated with them. Unclear if there were 0 fish caught, of what species?
dce %>%
select(FishSiteName, Year, Season, Method, anayMeth, SampledStatus) %>%
distinct() %>%
anti_join(elr_depl %>%
bind_rows(elr_mr) %>%
bind_rows(elr_count) %>%
select(FishSiteName, Year, Season, dceID) %>%
distinct()) %>%
filter(SampledStatus == 'Sampled')
jd_ELR = elr_depl %>%
bind_rows(elr_mr) %>%
bind_rows(elr_count) %>%
arrange(Year, FishSiteName, SampleDate, Species)
# xtabs(~ Season + Year + Species, jd_ELR)
# add some GRTS sites to rows with missing values, based on other years where that fish site has a GRTS site associated with it
jd_ELR %<>%
left_join(jd_ELR %>%
filter(!is.na(SiteName)) %>%
select(FishSiteName, Site = SiteName, Stream) %>%
distinct()) %>%
mutate(SiteName = if_else(is.na(SiteName),
SiteName)) %>%
select(-Site) %>%
select(one_of(names(aso)), starts_with('Pass'))
# # which fish sites never have a GRTS site associated with them?
# xtabs(~ is.na(SiteName) + Year, jd_ELR)
# jd_ELR %>%
# filter(is.na(SiteName)) %>%
# select(FishSiteName, Stream) %>%
# distinct() %>%
# xtabs(~ Stream, .) %>%
# sort(decreasing = T) %>% addmargins()
# n_distinct(jd_ELR$FishSiteName)
# uses all fish at least 35mm in length
jd_ODFW = read_csv(paste0(data_filepath, 'ODFW_JohnDay_SiteSummary_35mmandUp.csv')) %>%
rename(Lat = US.LatDD, Lon = US.LongDD,
SampleDate = Date,
Species = SpeciesSampled,
FishSiteLength = ReachLength,
Stream = StreamName,
Pass1.M = Pass1Cap,
Pass2.C = Pass2Cap,
Pass3.R = Recap) %>%
mutate(SiteName = str_split(DataCollectionEvent, ' ', simplify = T)[,1],
Year = year(SampleDate),
Method = if_else(NumPass == 1,
'Single Pass',
'Mark Recapture')) %>%
mutate(Watershed = 'John Day',
FishCrew = 'ODFW') %>%
mutate(Species = recode(Species,
`O'mykiss` = 'Steelhead')) %>%
mutate_at(vars(Year, starts_with('Pass')),
list(as.integer)) %>%
list(as.POSIXct)) %>%
select(DataCollectionEvent, one_of(names(aso)))
# # this re-creates the summary table, based on the raw fish data, but without some details like sampling data and method.
# lngthCutOff = 35
# jd_ODFW = read_csv(paste0(data_filepath, 'ODFW_JohnDay_FishSummary.csv')) %>%
# filter(!is.na(DataCollectionEvent)) %>%
# filter(Length < 0 | Length >= lngthCutOff) %>%
# filter(!(Length > 200 & SpeciesCode == '11W')) %>%
# select(-1) %>%
# mutate(SiteName = str_split(DataCollectionEvent, ' ', simplify = T)[,1],
# Year = str_split(DataCollectionEvent, ' ', simplify = T)[,2]) %>%
# group_by(DataCollectionEvent, SiteName, Year, SpeciesCode, `Pass Number`) %>%
# summarise_at(vars(Mark, Recap),
# list(sum),
# na.rm = T) %>%
# gather(pass, nFish, Mark, Recap) %>%
# filter((`Pass Number` == 1 & pass == 'Mark') |
# (`Pass Number` == 2 & pass == 'Recap')) %>%
# select(-`Pass Number`) %>%
# spread(pass, nFish) %>%
# full_join(read_csv(paste0(data_filepath, 'ODFW_JohnDay_FishSummary.csv')) %>%
# filter(!is.na(DataCollectionEvent)) %>%
# filter(Length < 0 | Length >= lngthCutOff) %>%
# filter(!(Length > 200 & SpeciesCode == '11W')) %>%
# select(-1) %>%
# mutate(SiteName = str_split(DataCollectionEvent, ' ', simplify = T)[,1],
# Year = str_split(DataCollectionEvent, ' ', simplify = T)[,2]) %>%
# group_by(DataCollectionEvent, SiteName, Year, SpeciesCode, `Pass Number`) %>%
# summarise(nFish = n()) %>%
# mutate(`Pass Number` = recode(`Pass Number`,
# '1' = 'Pass1.M',
# '2' = 'Pass2.C',
# '0' = 'Unknown')) %>%
# spread(`Pass Number`, nFish) %>%
# filter(is.na(Unknown)) %>%
# select(-Unknown)) %>%
# ungroup() %>%
# mutate(Species = if_else(grepl('^32', SpeciesCode),
# 'Steelhead',
# if_else(grepl('^1', SpeciesCode),
# 'Chinook',
# as.character(NA)))) %>%
# mutate_at(vars(Year, starts_with('Pass')),
# list(as.integer)) %>%
# select(DataCollectionEvent:SpeciesCode, Species, everything())
# uses all fish at least 35mm in length
jd_ODFW = read_csv(paste0(data_filepath, 'ODFW_JohnDay_SiteSummary_35mmandUp.csv')) %>%
rename(Lat = US.LatDD, Lon = US.LongDD,
SampleDate = Date,
Species = SpeciesSampled,
FishSiteLength = ReachLength,
Stream = StreamName,
Pass1.M = Pass1Cap,
Pass2.C = Pass2Cap,
Pass3.R = Recap) %>%
mutate(SiteName = str_split(DataCollectionEvent, ' ', simplify = T)[,1],
Year = year(SampleDate),
Method = if_else(NumPass == 1,
'Single Pass',
'Mark Recapture')) %>%
mutate(Watershed = 'John Day',
FishCrew = 'ODFW') %>%
mutate(Species = recode(Species,
`O'mykiss` = 'Steelhead')) %>%
mutate_at(vars(Year, starts_with('Pass')),
list(as.integer)) %>%
list(as.POSIXct)) %>%
select(DataCollectionEvent, one_of(names(aso)))
# Wenatchee
# start with 2011 data
tq = read_excel(paste0(data_filepath, 'Wenatchee/Wen-Ent 2011 S-T channel units zero fish (120312).xlsx'),
'Site Scale Abundances') %>%
bind_rows(read_excel(paste0(data_filepath, 'Wenatchee/Wen-Ent 2011 S-T channel units zero fish (120312).xlsx'),
'Site Scale Zero Fish')) %>%
rename(SiteName = GRTSSiteID,
Stream = StreamName,
Species = SpeciesName,
SampleDate = SurveyDateTime) %>%
group_by(SiteName, Watershed, Species, SampleDate) %>%
summarise_at(vars(N = Abundance),
list(sum)) %>%
mutate(FishCrew = 'Terraqua',
Year = 2011,
Method = 'CU Depletion',
Season = 'Summer',
SE = NA,
Nmethod = 'Prev. Calc.') %>%
select(one_of(names(aso))) %>%
# add 2012 data
bind_rows(read_csv(paste0(data_filepath, 'Wenatchee/2012_MarkRecap.csv')) %>%
Watershed = SubBasin,
Stream = StreamName,
Lat, Lon = Long,
SampleDate = SurveyDateTime,
`Sthd M`:`Chin R`,
-`Sthd N`, -`Chin N`) %>%
mutate(SiteName = recode(SiteName,
'2A8' = 'ENT00001-2A8')) %>%
list(mdy)) %>%
gather(Species, fish, `Sthd M`:`Chin R`) %>%
mutate(pass = if_else(grepl('M$', Species), 'Pass1.M',
if_else(grepl('C$', Species), 'Pass2.C',
if_else(grepl('R$', Species), 'Pass3.R', as.character(NA)))),
Species = str_sub(Species, 1, 4),
Species = recode(Species,
'Sthd' = 'Steelhead',
'Chin' = 'Chinook')) %>%
spread(pass, fish) %>%
mutate(Method = 'Mark Recapture') %>%
bind_rows(read_csv(paste0(data_filepath, 'Wenatchee/2012_SinglePass.csv')) %>%
Watershed = SubBasin,
Stream = StreamName,
Lat, Lon = Long,
SampleDate = SurveyDateTime,
Chinook = `Chin Total`,
Steelhead = `Sthd Total`) %>%
gather(Species, Pass1.M, Chinook, Steelhead) %>%
mutate(Method = 'Single Pass') %>%
list(mdy))) %>%
mutate(Year = 2012,
Season = 'Summer',
FishCrew = 'Terraqua') %>%
list(as.POSIXct))) %>%
select(one_of(names(ent))) %>%
# add 2013 data
bind_rows(read_excel(paste0(data_filepath, 'Wenatchee/2013 STM Summary Data 20131002.xlsx'),
'Mark Recap Counts') %>%
select(SiteName = `Site ID`,
Watershed = Subbasin,
SampleDate = `Sample Date`,
`Sthd M`:`Sthd R`,
`Ch M`:`Ch R`) %>%
gather(Species, fish, `Sthd M`:`Ch R`) %>%
mutate(pass = if_else(grepl('M$', Species), 'Pass1.M',
if_else(grepl('C$', Species), 'Pass2.C',
if_else(grepl('R$', Species), 'Pass3.R', as.character(NA)))),
Species = str_split(Species, '\\ ', simplify = T)[,1],
Species = recode(Species,
'Sthd' = 'Steelhead',
'Ch' = 'Chinook')) %>%
spread(pass, fish) %>%
mutate(Method = 'Mark Recapture') %>%
select(one_of(names(aso))) %>%
bind_rows(read_excel(paste0(data_filepath, 'Wenatchee/2013 STM Summary Data 20131002.xlsx'),
'Depletion Counts') %>%
select(SiteName = `Site ID`,
Watershed = Subbasin,
SampleDate = `Sample Date`,
`Sthd 1P`:`Sthd 3P`,
`Ch 1P`:`Ch 3P`) %>%
gather(Species, fish, `Sthd 1P`:`Ch 3P`) %>%
mutate(pass = if_else(grepl('1P$', Species), 'Pass1.M',
if_else(grepl('2P$', Species), 'Pass2.C',
if_else(grepl('3P$', Species), 'Pass3.R', as.character(NA)))),
Species = str_split(Species, '\\ ', simplify = T)[,1],
Species = recode(Species,
'Sthd' = 'Steelhead',
'Ch' = 'Chinook')) %>%
spread(pass, fish) %>%
list(as.integer)) %>%
mutate(Method = if_else(is.na(Pass2.C),
'Single Pass',
'Depletion'))) %>%
mutate(Year = 2013,
Season = 'Summer',
FishCrew = 'Terraqua') %>%
select(one_of(names(aso)))) %>%
# do data from the Entiat match in tq and ent data.frames?
ent %>%
filter(Year %in% unique(tq$Year),
FishCrew == 'Terraqua') %>%
select(Year, SiteName, Method, Species, SampleDate, starts_with('Pass')) %>%
mutate(source = 'ent') %>%
gather(pass, fish, starts_with('Pass')) %>%
bind_rows(tq %>%
filter(Watershed == 'Entiat') %>%
select(Year, SiteName, Method, Species, SampleDate, starts_with('Pass')) %>%
mutate(source = 'tq') %>%
gather(pass, fish, starts_with('Pass'))) %>%
spread(source, fish) %>%
filter(ent != tq |
(is.na(ent) & !is.na(tq)) |
(is.na(tq) & !is.na(ent)) )
# tq seems to have slightly higher numbers on a few single pass surveys, so we'll use tq as default
# Lemhi
qci = read_csv(paste0(data_filepath, 'QCI_GRTS_2009-2018.csv'),
col_types = paste0(paste(rep('?', 14), collapse = ''), 'd', 'd')) %>%
rename(Watershed = WatershedName,
FishSiteLength = SiteLength,
Lon = Long,
p = P_Capture,
pSE = SE_P_Capture) %>%
list(str_to_title)) %>%
list(as.integer)) %>%
list(mdy)) %>%
list(as.POSIXct)) %>%
mutate(Method = recode(Method,
'Count' = 'Single Pass')) %>%
select(one_of(names(aso)), starts_with('p'))
# add row for each species when species says "Zero Targets"
qci %>%
filter(Species != 'Zero Targets') %>%
bind_rows(qci %>%
filter(Species == 'Zero Targets') %>%
select(-Species) %>%
crossing(Species = c('Chinook', 'Steelhead')) %>%
mutate(Pass1.M = 0)) %>%
mutate_at(vars(Species, Method),
list(fct_drop)) -> qci
# Put it all together
fish_sum_data = aso %>%
bind_rows(ent %>%
anti_join(tq %>%
select(SiteName, Year, Species, FishCrew, SampleDate))) %>%
bind_rows(tq) %>%
bind_rows(ugr) %>%
bind_rows(jd_ELR %>%
filter(!is.na(SiteName))) %>%
bind_rows(jd_ODFW %>%
select(-DataCollectionEvent)) %>%
bind_rows(qci) %>%
filter(Year >= 2011) %>%
filter(Season != 'Winter' | is.na(Season)) %>%
mutate_at(vars(Watershed, Season, FishCrew, Method, Species),
list(fct_drop)) %>%
select(Year, Site = SiteName, FishSite = FishSiteName, everything()) %>%
mutate_at(vars(N, SE),
list(~ if_else(Method %in% c('Depletion', 'Mark Recapture', 'Single Pass') & !is.na(Pass1.M),
.))) %>%
list(~ if_else(is.na(.),
.))) %>%
# filter out one survey where the number of recaptures was greater than the number of marks
filter(!(Method == 'Mark Recapture' & Pass3.R > Pass1.M)) %>%
select(Year:FishWettedArea, Pass1.M, Pass2.C, Pass3.R, Pass4, Nmethod, everything())
# make sure some fish site names match the habitat site names
fish_sum_data %<>%
mutate(Site = recode(Site,
'Big0Springs_4' = 'LEM00001-Big0Springs-4',
'Big0Springs-4' = 'LEM00001-Big0Springs-4',
'Big0Springs-5' = 'LEM00001-Big0Springs-5',
'Little0Springs-6' = 'LEM00001-Little0Springs-6',
'cbw05583-504634' = 'CBW05583-504634',
'WENMASTER 000298' = 'WENMASTER-000298',
'stky-P5-Ex1' = 'Stky-P5-Ex1',
'Stky-P5-EX3' = 'Stky-P5-Ex3',
'JDW00001-Meyers Canyon 2' = 'JDW00001-Meyers Camp 2',
'CBW05583-00001B' = 'LEM00002-00001B',
'CBW05583-00001D' = 'LEM00002-00001D',
'LEM00001-00001A' = 'LEM00002-00001A',
'LEM00001-00001B' = 'LEM00002-00001B',
'LEM00001-00001C' = 'LEM00002-00001C',
'LEM00001-00001D' = 'LEM00002-00001D'))
# add some missing lat/long from the CHaMP data, or the GAA data
# get lat/long from GAA, but only use sites that have some kind of strata attached to them
gaa_locs = gaa %>%
LON_DD = Lon,
LAT_DD = Lat,
matches('Strat')) %>%
gather(strata, value, -(Site:LAT_DD)) %>%
filter(!is.na(value)) %>%
select(-strata, -value) %>%
fish_sum_data %<>%
left_join(champ_site_2011_17 %>%
select(Site, Year = VisitYear,
distinct() %>%
filter(!is.na(LON_DD))) %>%
mutate(Lat = if_else(is.na(Lat),
Lon = if_else(is.na(Lon),
Lon)) %>%
select(-LON_DD, -LAT_DD) %>%
left_join(champ_site_2011_17_avg %>%
select(Site, Watershed, LAT_DD, LON_DD)) %>%
mutate(Lat = if_else(is.na(Lat),
Lon = if_else(is.na(Lon),
Lon)) %>%
select(-LON_DD, -LAT_DD) %>%
left_join(gaa_locs) %>%
mutate(Lat = if_else(is.na(Lat),
Lon = if_else(is.na(Lon),
Lon)) %>%
select(-LON_DD, -LAT_DD) %>%
# drop sites with no lat/long (should only be a few sites)
# add site length and area where missing
# primary estimates of site length, width and area
yrHab = champ_site_2011_17 %>%
filter(VisitObjective == 'Primary Visit',
VisitStatus == 'Released to Public') %>%
select(Site, Watershed, Year = VisitYear, Lgth_WetChnl, WetWdth_Int, Area_Wet) %>%
distinct() %>%
group_by(Site, Watershed, Year) %>%
filter(Lgth_WetChnl == max(Lgth_WetChnl, na.rm = T)) %>%
fish_sum_data %<>%
left_join(yrHab) %>%
mutate(FishSiteLength = if_else(is.na(FishSiteLength) | FishSiteLength == 0,
FishWettedArea = if_else(is.na(FishWettedArea) & abs(FishSiteLength - Lgth_WetChnl) > 100,
WetWdth_Int * FishSiteLength,
FishWettedArea))) %>%
select(-(Lgth_WetChnl:Area_Wet)) %>%
left_join(champ_site_2011_17_avg %>%
select(Site, Watershed, Lgth_WetChnl, WetWdth_Int, Area_Wet)) %>%
mutate(FishSiteLength = if_else(is.na(FishSiteLength),
FishWettedArea = if_else(is.na(FishWettedArea) & abs(FishSiteLength - Lgth_WetChnl) > 100,
WetWdth_Int * FishSiteLength,
FishWettedArea))) %>%
fish_sum_data %>%
filter(is.na(FishWettedArea) | is.na(FishSiteLength)) %>%
select(Watershed, Site, FishSiteLength, FishWettedArea) %>%
arrange(Watershed, Site) %>%
distinct() %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
left_join(champ_site_2011_17 %>%
select(Watershed, Site, VisitYear, VisitObjective, VisitPhase, VisitStatus, Lgth_WetChnl, WetWdth_Int, Area_Wet))
# save as csv file
# save to use like in a package
version = 2,
overwrite = T)
fish_sum_data %>%
group_by(Watershed) %>%
summarise(nLgth = sum(is.na(FishSiteLength)),
nArea = sum(is.na(FishWettedArea)))
# Issues
# surveys with more recaptures than marks
fish_sum_data %>%
filter(Method == 'Mark Recapture',
Pass3.R > Pass1.M) %>%
select(Watershed, FishSite, Year, SampleDate, FishCrew, Species, Pass1.M:pSE)
# drop the ODFW data point - raw data doesn't make sense
fish_sum_data %>%
filter(Method == 'Continuous',
is.na(p)) %>%
# filter(Pass1.M > 0) %>%
# as.data.frame()
xtabs(~ Pass1.M == 0, .)
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