
# Author: Kevin See
# Purpose: Compile Chinook spawner recruit data for spawners / parr 
# Created: 10/17/2019
# Last Modified: 10/17/19
# Notes: 

# load needed libraries


# set NAS prefix, depending on operating system
if(.Platform$OS.type != 'unix') {
  nas_prefix = "S:"
} else if(.Platform$OS.type == 'unix') {
  nas_prefix = "~/../../Volumes/ABS/"

# pull in some spawner-recruit data from Morgan Bond that he compiled from a variety of agencies
# best guess for over-winter survival
overwinter_surv = 0.32
sr_data = read_csv(paste0(nas_prefix, 'data/qrf/spawn_rec/CRB_spawn_juv_kevin_all.csv')) %>%
  rename(Fry_spring = `Fry migrants (spring/summer)`,
         Parr_fall = `Fall Parr migrants (Fall)`,
         Smolt_spring = `Spring smolt migrants`,
         Trap_location = `Trap location`,
         lat = `Trap Location Latitude`,
         long = `Trap Location Longitude`,
         Total_migrant_abunance = `Total migrant abundance`,
         Brood_Year = `Brood Year`) %>%
  mutate(Total_migrants = if_else(!, 
         subbasin = recode(subbasin,
                           'Toucannon River' = 'Tucannon River'),
         Trap_location = recode(Trap_location,
                                'Toucannon River' = 'Tucannon River')) %>%
  # delete one point that seems crazy
  filter(!(Trap_location == 'Hood River' & Total_migrants > 35000)) %>%
  # delete one location that has questionable data
  filter(!grepl('Clackamas', Trap_location)) %>%
  # try to estimate total summer parr
  mutate(Parr = if_else(, 
                        Smolt_spring / overwinter_surv, 
                        Parr_fall + Smolt_spring / overwinter_surv),
         Spawners = redds,
         Spawner_type = 'redd counts')

# ODFW redd / parr data
odfw_data = read_excel(paste0(nas_prefix, 'data/qrf/spawn_rec/Snake_ChS_CATH_GRUM_wWeir_NOSAEJ_TSAEJ_SummerParr_forKevinSee_20141013.xlsx')) %>%
  rename(Tot_spawners = TSAEJ,
         Nat_spawners = NOSAEJ,
         Parr = LateSummerParr) %>%
  select(NMFS_Common_Name, BroodYear, OutmigrationYear, Nat_spawners:Parr) %>%
  bind_rows(read_excel(paste0(nas_prefix, 'data/qrf/spawn_rec/Snake_ChS_NOSAEJ_TSAEJ_fromReddEst_SummerParr_forKevinSee_20151013.xlsx')) %>%
              rename(Tot_spawners = TSAEJ,
                     Nat_spawners = NOSAEJ,
                     Parr = LateSummerParr) %>%
              select(NMFS_Common_Name, BroodYear, OutmigrationYear, Nat_spawners:Parr)) %>%
  arrange(NMFS_Common_Name, BroodYear) %>%
  mutate(Spawners = Tot_spawners,
         Spawner_type = 'total spawners')

# Data for the Chiwawa from Tracy Hilman
chiw_data = read_csv(paste0(nas_prefix, 'data/qrf/spawn_rec/ChiwawaData_TracyHillman.csv')) %>%
  rename(BroodYear = BY,
         Spawners = `Stock (Spawners)`,
         Eggs = `Total Eggs`,
         Smolts = `Number of Yearlings (Smolts)`) %>%
  # decide whether to use resident or total parr (includes migrants into the Chiwawa)
  mutate(#Parr = `Resident Parr``,
    Parr = `Total Parr`,
    Spawner_type = 'total spawners')

# data for Lemhi

# escapement estimates from DABOM
spp = 'Chinook'
lem_spwn = 2010:2018 %>%
  as.list() %>%
  rlang::set_names() %>%
  map_df(.id = 'BroodYear',
         .f = function(x) {
           yr = x[1]
           cat(paste('Compiling', spp, 'in', yr, '\n'))
           load(paste0('/Users/seek/Documents/GitProjects/MyProjects/SnakeBasinFishStatus/STADEM_results/LGR_STADEM_', spp, '_', yr,'.rda')) 
           load(paste0('/Users/seek/Documents/GitProjects/MyProjects/SnakeBasinFishStatus/DABOM_results/LGR_DABOM_', spp, '_', yr,'.rda'))
           lem_summ = calcTribEscape_LGD(dabom_mod,
                                         stadem_param_nm = '',
                                         bootstrap_samp = 2000,
                                         node_order = proc_list$NodeOrder,
                                         summ_results = T,
                                         pt_est_nm = 'mean',
                                         cred_int_prob = 0.95) %>%
             mutate(species = spp) %>%
             select(species, everything()) %>%
             filter(area %in% c('Lemhi', 'past_HYC', 'past_LRW'))
           rm(yr, dabom_list, dabom_mod, proc_list, stadem_list, stadem_mod)
         }) %>%

# screw trap estimates by lifestage and population
lem_rst = excel_sheets(paste0(nas_prefix, 'data/qrf/spawn_rec/Lemhi RST Chinook Outmigration Status.xlsx')) %>%
  as.list() %>%
  rlang::set_names() %>%
  map_df(.id = 'Trap',
         .f = function(x) {
           col_range = if_else(x == 'L3AO',
           rst_est = read_excel(paste0(nas_prefix, 'data/qrf/spawn_rec/Lemhi RST Chinook Outmigration Status.xlsx'),
                      range = cell_cols(col_range))
           if(x == "L3AO") {
             rst_est %<>%
               rename(LB = `95% NL`,
                      UB = `95% NU`) %>%
               select(-C, -M, -R)  
           rst_est %>%
         }) %>%
  rename(BroodYear = `Brood Year`,
         lifestage = `Life Stage`,
         RST_est = Est) %>%
  mutate(Population = if_else(Trap == 'Hayden',
                              'Hayden Creek',
                              if_else(Trap == 'LRW',
                                      'Upper Lemhi',
                                      'Lemhi River'))) %>%
  select(Population, BroodYear, lifestage, RST_est:UB)

# survival estimates by lifestage and population (generated from TribPIT)
lem_surv = read_excel(paste0(nas_prefix, 'data/qrf/spawn_rec/Lemhi Chinook Survival 191015.xlsx'),
                          'Survival estimates',
                          range = 'A13:L21') %>%
  rename(lifestage = `Upper Lemhi sub-population`) %>%
  mutate(Population = 'Upper Lemhi') %>%
  gather(BroodYear, survival, -Population, -lifestage) %>%
  mutate(survival = str_split(survival, '\\(', simplify = T)[,1],
         survival = as.numeric(survival)) %>%
  bind_rows(read_excel(paste0(nas_prefix, 'data/qrf/spawn_rec/Lemhi Chinook Survival 191015.xlsx'),
                       'Survival estimates',
                       range = 'A3:L11') %>%
              rename(lifestage = `Hayden sub-population`) %>%
              mutate(Population = 'Hayden Creek') %>%
              gather(BroodYear, survival, -Population, -lifestage) %>%
              mutate(survival = str_split(survival, '\\(', simplify = T)[,1],
                     survival = as.numeric(survival))) %>%
  bind_rows(read_excel(paste0(nas_prefix, 'data/qrf/spawn_rec/Lemhi Chinook Survival 191015.xlsx'),
                       'Survival estimates',
                       range = 'A23:L29') %>%
              rename(lifestage = `Combined Lemhi subbasin`) %>%
              mutate(Population = 'Lemhi River') %>%
              gather(BroodYear, survival, -Population, -lifestage) %>%
              mutate(survival = str_split(survival, '\\(', simplify = T)[,1],
                     survival = as.numeric(survival))) %>%
  select(Population, BroodYear, lifestage, survival)

# back estimates of parr in each population by brood year
lem_parr = lem_rst %>%
  filter(lifestage != 'Fry') %>%
            list(~ if_else(, 0, .))) %>%
  select(Population:RST_est) %>%
  left_join(lem_surv %>%
                        list(as.numeric)) %>%
              mutate(lifestage = recode(lifestage,
                                        'Parr' = 'Presmolt',
                                        'Over - Winter Upper Lemhi' = 'Smolt',
                                        'Over - Winter Hayden Creek' = 'Smolt',
                                        'Over - Winter Lemhi subbasin' = 'Smolt')) %>%
              mutate(lifestage = if_else(lifestage == 'Parr/Presmolt to Mouth of Lemhi' &
                                           Population == 'Lemhi River',
                                         lifestage)) %>%
              filter(lifestage %in% c('Presmolt', 'Smolt'))) %>%
  left_join(lem_surv %>%
              mutate(lifestage = recode(lifestage,
                                        'Parr' = 'Presmolt',
                                        'Over - Winter Upper Lemhi' = 'Smolt',
                                        'Over - Winter Hayden Creek' = 'Smolt',
                                        'Over - Winter Lemhi subbasin' = 'Smolt')) %>%
              mutate(lifestage = if_else(lifestage == 'Parr/Presmolt to Mouth of Lemhi' &
                                           Population == 'Lemhi River',
                                         lifestage)) %>%
              filter(lifestage %in% c('Presmolt', 'Smolt'),
                     BroodYear == 'Average') %>%
              select(Population, lifestage, avg_survival = survival)) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(survival, avg_survival),
            list(~ if_else(lifestage == 'Parr',
                           .))) %>%
  mutate(total = RST_est / survival) %>%
  mutate(total = if_else(,
                         RST_est / avg_survival,
                         total)) %>%
  group_by(Population, BroodYear) %>%
  summarise(Parr = sum(total)) %>%

lem_parr %<>%
  filter(BroodYear < 2017)

# put spawners and parr together
lem_data = lem_parr %>%
  full_join(lem_spwn %>%
              mutate(Population = if_else(area == 'past_HYC',
                                          'Hayden Creek',
                                          if_else(area == 'past_LRW',
                                                  'Upper Lemhi',
                                                  'Lemhi River'))) %>%
              select(Population, BroodYear, Spawners = estimate)) %>%
  mutate(Spawner_type = 'total spawners') %>%

# get locations for RST within Lemhi subbasin
mmr_meta = queryMRRMeta()
lemhi_locs = mmr_meta %>%
  filter(siteCode %in% c('HYDTRP', 
                         'LEMTRP')) %>%
  mutate(Population = if_else(siteCode == 'HYDTRP',
                              'Hayden Creek',
                              if_else(siteCode == 'LEMTRP',
                                      'Upper Lemhi',
                                      'Lemhi River'))) %>%
  select(Site = siteCode,
         lat = latitude,
         long = longitude)

# put it all together
spawn_recr_data = odfw_data %>%
  select(Population = NMFS_Common_Name,
         BroodYear, Spawners, Spawner_type, Parr) %>%
  mutate(Population = recode(Population,
                             'Grande Ronde River Upper Mainstem' = 'Upper Grande Ronde River')) %>%
  bind_rows(chiw_data %>%
              select(BroodYear, Spawners, Spawner_type, Parr) %>%
              mutate(Population = 'Chiwawa R.')) %>%
  bind_rows(lem_data %>%
              filter(Population != 'Lemhi River')) %>%
  mutate(ParrEst = T) %>%
  bind_rows(anti_join(sr_data %>%
                        mutate(ParrEst = F) %>%
                        select(Population = Trap_location,
                               BroodYear = Brood_Year,
                               Spawners, Spawner_type, Parr, ParrEst),
                      by = c('Population', 'BroodYear'))) %>%
         Parr > 0) %>%
  left_join(sr_data %>%
              select(Population = Trap_location,
                     BroodYear = Brood_Year,
                     trap_lat = lat,
                     trap_long = long) %>%
              distinct()) %>%
  mutate(trap_lat = ifelse(Population == 'Lemhi River', unique(sr_data$lat[sr_data$Trap_location == 'Lemhi River']), trap_lat),
         trap_long = ifelse(Population == 'Lemhi River', unique(sr_data$long[sr_data$Trap_location == 'Lemhi River']), trap_long)) %>%
  left_join(lemhi_locs) %>%
  mutate(trap_lat = if_else(, lat, trap_lat),
         trap_long = if_else(, long, trap_long)) %>%
  select(-Site, -lat, -long) %>%
  select(Population, BroodYear, trap_lat, trap_long, everything()) %>%
  arrange(Population, BroodYear)

filter(spawn_recr_data, | %>%
  xtabs(~ Population + BroodYear, .)

spawn_recr_data %>%
         ! %>%
  group_by(Population) %>%
  summarise(n_yrs = n_distinct(BroodYear),
            n_methods = n_distinct(Spawner_type)) %>%

# save data
# save as csv file

# save to use as data
         version = 2,
         overwrite = T)

# estimate capacities

sr_p = spawn_recr_data %>%
  filter(!, ! %>%
  # filter(grepl('Chiwawa', Population)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Spawners,
             y = Parr,
             shape = Spawner_type)) +
  facet_wrap(~ Population,
             scales = 'free') +
  stat_smooth(method = 'nls',
              se = F,
              formula = y ~ x / (a + b * x),
              method.args = list(start = list(a = 2e-3, b = 4e-5),
                                 lower = c(0, 0),
                                 algorithm = 'port'),
              fullrange = T,
              lwd = 1.5,
              aes(color = 'Beverton Holt')) +
  stat_smooth(method = 'nls',
              se = F,
              formula = y ~ (a*x) * exp(-b * x),
              method.args = list(start = list(a = 200, b = 1/2e5),
                                 lower = c(0, 0),
                                 algorithm = 'port'),
              fullrange = T,
              lwd = 1.5,
              aes(color = 'Ricker')) +
  stat_smooth(method = 'nls',
              se = F,
              formula = y ~ (a*x) / (1 + (x/b)^c),
              method.args = list(start = list(a = 600, b = 200, c = 1.5),
                                 lower = c(0, 0, 0),
                                 control = list(maxiter = 100, tol = 2e-05),
                                 algorithm = 'port'),
              fullrange = T,
              lwd = 1.5,
              aes(color = 'Shepard')) +
  stat_smooth(method = 'nls',
              se = F,
              formula = y ~ b * (1 - exp(-a / b * x)),
              method.args = list(start = list(a = 1.5e3, b = 1e5),
                                 lower = c(0, 0),
                                 algorithm = 'port'),
              fullrange = T,
              lwd = 1.5,
              aes(color = 'Hockey Stick')) +
  stat_smooth(method = lm,
              formula = y ~ -1 + x,
              fullrange = T,
              lty = 2,
              se = F,
              aes(color = 'Linear')) +
  geom_point(size = 3) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = 'Set1',
                     breaks = c('Beverton Holt',
                                'Hockey Stick',
                     name = 'Model') +
  labs(shape = 'Spawner\nType')


# fit various spawner recruit curves
# fit Beverton Holt for all populations
bh1 <- srFuns('BevertonHolt',
              param = 3)
bevHolt_params = spawn_recr_data %>%
  group_by(Population) %>%
  nest() %>%
  mutate(form = 'BevertonHolt',
         inits = map(data,
                     .f = function(x) {
                       inits = srStarts(Parr ~ Spawners,
                                        data = x,
                                        type = 'BevertonHolt',
                                        param = 3)

                       inits$a = if_else(inits$a < 0, 
                       inits$b = if_else(inits$b < 0, 
                                         1 / max(x$Parr), 
         mod_fit = map2(.x = data,
                        .y = inits,
                        .f = function(x, y) {
                          fit = try(nls(log(Parr) ~ log(bh1(Spawners, a, b)),
                                        data = x,
                                        start = y,
                                        algorithm = 'port',
                                        lower = c(0, 0)))
         coefs = map(mod_fit,
                     .f = function(x) {
                       if(class(x) == 'try-error') {
                       } else coef(x)
         est = map_dbl(coefs,
                       .f = function(x) {
                         1 / (x)['b']
         se = map_dbl(mod_fit,
                             .f = function(x) {
                               if(class(x) == 'try-error') {
                               } else deltamethod(~ 1 / x1,
         preds = map2(.x = data,
                      .y = mod_fit,
                      .f = function(x, y) {
                        if(class(y) != 'try-error') {
                          tibble(Spawners = 1:max(x$Spawners)) %>%
                            mutate(Parr = predict(y,
                                                  newdata = .),
                                   Parr = exp(Parr))
                        } else return(tibble(Spawners = NA,
                                             Parr = NA))
                      })) %>%
  mutate(cv = se / est)

# fit Ricker for all populations
ric1 = srFuns('Ricker', param = 1)
ricker_params = spawn_recr_data %>%
  group_by(Population) %>%
  nest() %>%
  mutate(form = 'Ricker',
         inits = map(data,
                     .f = function(x) {
                       inits = srStarts(Parr ~ Spawners,
                                        data = x,
                                        type = 'Ricker',
                                        param = 1)
                       inits$b = if_else(inits$b < 0, 
                                         1 / max(x$Parr), 
         mod_fit = map2(.x = data,
                        .y = inits,
                        .f = function(x, y) {
                          fit = try(nls(log(Parr) ~ log(ric1(Spawners, a, b)),
                                        data = x,
                                        start = y,
                                        algorithm = 'port',
                                        lower = c(0, 0)))
         coefs = map(mod_fit,
                     .f = function(x) {
                       if(class(x) == 'try-error') {
                       } else coef(x)
         est = map_dbl(coefs,
                       .f = function(x) {
                         x[1] / x[2] * exp(-1)
         se = map_dbl(mod_fit,
                      .f = function(x) {
                        if(class(x) == 'try-error') {
                        } else deltamethod(~ x1 / x2 * exp(-1),
         preds = map2(.x = data,
                      .y = mod_fit,
                      .f = function(x, y) {
                        if(class(y) != 'try-error') {
                          tibble(Spawners = 1:max(x$Spawners)) %>%
                            mutate(Parr = predict(y,
                                                  newdata = .),
                                   Parr = exp(Parr))
                        } else return(tibble(Spawners = NA,
                                             Parr = NA))
                      })) %>%
  mutate(cv = se / est)

# fit hockey stick for all populations
hoc1 = function(S, a, b) {
  b * (1 - exp(-a / b * S))
hockey_params = spawn_recr_data %>%
  group_by(Population) %>%
  nest() %>%
  mutate(form = 'Hockey',
         inits = map(data,
                     .f = function(x) {
                       inits = list(a = coef(lm(Parr ~ -1 + Spawners, x)),
                                    b = max(x$Parr, na.rm = T))
         mod_fit = map2(.x = data,
                        .y = inits,
                        .f = function(x, y) {
                          fit = try(nls(log(Parr) ~ log(hoc1(Spawners, a, b)),
                                        data = x,
                                        start = y,
                                        algorithm = 'port'))
         coefs = map(mod_fit,
                     .f = function(x) {
                       if(class(x) == 'try-error') {
                       } else coef(x)
         est = map_dbl(coefs,
                       .f = function(x) {
                         if([1])) {
                           } else x[2]
         se = map_dbl(mod_fit,
                      .f = function(x) {
                        if(class(x) == 'try-error') {
                        } else summary(x)$coefficients['b', 'Std. Error']
         preds = map2(.x = data,
                      .y = mod_fit,
                      .f = function(x, y) {
                        if(class(y) != 'try-error') {
                          tibble(Spawners = 1:max(x$Spawners)) %>%
                            mutate(Parr = predict(y,
                                                  newdata = .),
                                   Parr = exp(Parr))
                        } else return(tibble(Spawners = NA,
                                             Parr = NA))
                      })) %>%
  mutate(cv = se / est)

# compile all fitted parameters
spawn_rec_params = bevHolt_params %>%
  bind_rows(ricker_params) %>%
  bind_rows(hockey_params) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  # drop this because it's causing problems with package build

# save to be used later
         version = 2,
         overwrite = T)

# try making a plot
# pull out estimates of capacity
cap_tbl = spawn_rec_params %>%
  select(Population, form, est, se, cv) %>%
  arrange(Population, form)

# pull out fitted spawner recruit curves
curve_fits = spawn_rec_params %>%
  select(Population, form, preds) %>%
  unnest() %>%
  arrange(Population, form)

# define polygons for uncertainty shading
plot_max = Inf
plot_max = 5e5
cap_poly = cap_tbl %>%
  mutate(lwrCI = est + se * qnorm(0.025),
         uprCI = est + se * qnorm(0.975)) %>%
  mutate(lwrCI = if_else(lwrCI < 0, 0, lwrCI),
         uprCI = if_else(uprCI > plot_max, plot_max, uprCI)) %>%
  left_join(spawn_rec_params %>%
              select(Population, data) %>%
              unnest() %>%
              group_by(Population) %>%
              summarise_at(vars(Spawners, Parr),
                           list(min = min,
                                max = max),
                           na.rm = T)) %>%
  # select(Population, form, ends_with('min'), ends_with('max'), ends_with('CI'))
  group_by(Population, form) %>%
  summarise(coords = list(tibble(x = c(0, 0, Spawners_max, Spawners_max),
                                 y = c(lwrCI, uprCI, uprCI, lwrCI)))) %>%
  ungroup() %>%

spawn_rec_params %>%
  # filter out a couple populations with super poor fits
  filter(!Population %in% c('Methow R.', 'Tucannon River')) %>%
  select(Population, data) %>%
  unnest() %>%
  distinct() %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Spawners,
             y = Parr)) +
  geom_polygon(data = cap_poly %>%
                 # filter out a couple populations with super poor fits
                 filter(!Population %in% c('Methow R.', 'Tucannon River')),
              aes(x = x,
                  y = y,
                  fill = form),
              alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_line(data = curve_fits %>%
              # filter out a couple populations with super poor fits
              filter(!Population %in% c('Methow R.', 'Tucannon River')),
            aes(color = form),
            lwd = 1.5) +
  geom_hline(data = cap_tbl %>%
               # filter out a couple populations with super poor fits
               filter(!Population %in% c('Methow R.', 'Tucannon River')),
             aes(yintercept = est,
                 color = form),
             linetype = 2) +
  geom_point(aes(shape = Spawner_type),
             size = 3) +
  facet_wrap(~ Population,
             scales = 'free') +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = 'Set1',
                     breaks = c('BevertonHolt',
                     labels = c('Beverton Holt',
                                'Hockey Stick'),
                     name = 'Model') +
  labs(shape = 'Spawner\nType')
KevinSee/QRFcapacity documentation built on Feb. 27, 2023, 3:57 p.m.