#' Augment Design
#' @description
#' Augments a design. The user gives an initial design for which he would like to add points
#' and specifies the weight of the new points. Then he is prompted to choose a
#' minimum efficiency. After that, the candidate points region is calculated
#' and the user can choose the points and weights to add.
#' @param criterion character variable with the chosen optimality criterion. Can be one of the following:
#' * 'D-Optimality'
#' * 'Ds-Optimality'
#' * 'A-Optimality'
#' * 'I-Optimality'
#' * 'L-Optimality'
#' @param init_design dataframe with "Point" and "Weight" columns that represents the initial design to augment
#' @param alpha combined weight of the new points
#' @param model formula that represents the model with x as the independent variable
#' @param parameters character vector with the unknown parameters of the model to estimate
#' @param par_values numeric vector with the initial values of the unknown parameters
#' @param design_space numeric vector with the limits of the space of the design
#' @param calc_optimal_design boolean parameter, if TRUE, the optimal design is calculated and efficiencies of the initial and augmented design are given
#' @param weight_fun optional one variable function that represents the square of the structure of variance, in case of heteroscedastic variance of the response
#' @param par_int optional numeric vector with the index of the \code{parameters} of interest for Ds-optimality.
#' @param matB optional matrix of dimensions k x k, for L-optimality.
#' @param distribution character specifying the probability distribution of the response. Can be one of the following:
#' * 'Homoscedasticity'
#' * 'Gamma', which can be used for exponential or normal heteroscedastic with constant relative error
#' * 'Poisson'
#' * 'Logistic'
#' * 'Log-Normal' (work in progress)
#' @return A dataframe that represents the D-augmented design
#' @export
#' @examples
#' init_des <- data.frame("Point" = c(30, 60, 90), "Weight" = c(1/3, 1/3, 1/3))
#' augment_design("D-Optimality", init_des, 0.25, y ~ 10^(a-b/(c+x)), c("a","b","c"),
#' c(8.07131, 1730.63, 233.426), c(1, 100), TRUE)
#' augment_design("D-Optimality", init_des, 0.25, y ~ 10^(a-b/(c+x)), c("a","b","c"),
#' c(8.07131, 1730.63, 233.426), c(1, 100), FALSE)
augment_design <- function(criterion, init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, par_int = NA, matB = NULL, distribution = NA, weight_fun = function(x) 1) {
# oldw <- getOption("warn")
# options(warn = -1)
weight_fun <- weight_function(model, parameters, par_values, distribution = distribution)
# dplyr::case_when(criterion == "D-Optimality" ~ daugment_design(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, weight_fun),
# criterion == "A-Optimality" ~ laugment_design(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, matB = diag(length(parameters)), weight_fun),
# criterion == "I-Optimality" ~ laugment_design(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, matB, weight_fun),
# criterion == "Ds-Optimality" ~ dsaugment_design(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, par_int, weight_fun),
# TRUE ~ NA)
# else {
# augmented_design <- dplyr::case_when(criterion == "D-Optimality" ~ daugment_design(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, weight_f),
# criterion == "A-Optimality" ~ laugment_design(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, matB = diag(length(parameters)), weight_f),
# criterion == "I-Optimality" ~ laugment_design(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, matB, weight_f),
# criterion == "Ds-Optimality" ~ dsaugment_design(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, par_int, weight_f),
# TRUE ~ NA)
# }
if(criterion == "D-Optimality"){
augmented_design <- daugment_design(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, weight_fun)
} else if(criterion == "A-Optimality"){
augmented_design <- laugment_design(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, matB = diag(length(parameters)), weight_fun)
} else if(criterion == "I-Optimality"){
grad <- gradient(model, parameters, par_values, weight_fun)
matB <- integrate_reg_int(grad, length(parameters), design_space)
augmented_design <- laugment_design(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, matB, weight_fun)
} else if(criterion == "L-Optimality"){
augmented_design <- laugment_design(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, matB, weight_fun)
} else if(criterion == "Ds-Optimality"){
augmented_design <- dsaugment_design(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, par_int, design_space, calc_optimal_design, weight_fun)
} else return(NA)
#' Get Augment Regions
#' @description
#' Given a model and criterion, calculates the candidate points region. The user gives an initial design for which
#' he would like to add points and specifies the weight of the new points. Then he is prompted
#' to choose a minimum efficiency. After that, the candidate points region is calculated.
#' @param criterion character with the chosen optimality criterion. Can be one of the following:
#' * 'D-Optimality'
#' * 'Ds-Optimality'
#' * 'A-Optimality'
#' * 'I-Optimality'
#' * 'L-Optimality'
#' @param init_design dataframe with "Point" and "Weight" columns that represents the initial design to augment
#' @param alpha combined weight of the new points
#' @param model formula that represent the model with x as the independent variable
#' @param parameters character vector with the unknown parameters of the model to estimate
#' @param par_values numeric vector with the initial values of the unknown parameters
#' @param design_space numeric vector with the limits of the space of the design
#' @param calc_optimal_design boolean parameter, if TRUE, the optimal design is calculated and efficiencies of the initial and augmented design are given
#' @param weight_fun optional one variable function that represents the square of the structure of variance, in case of heteroscedastic variance of the response
#' @param par_int optional numeric vector with the index of the \code{parameters} of interest for Ds-optimality.
#' @param matB optional matrix of dimensions k x k, for L-optimality.
#' @param distribution character specifying the probability distribution of the response. Can be one of the following:
#' * 'Homoscedasticity'
#' * 'Gamma', which can be used for exponential or normal heteroscedastic with constant relative error
#' * 'Poisson'
#' * 'Logistic'
#' * 'Log-Normal' (work in progress)
#' @return A vector of the points limiting the candidate points region
#' @export
#' @examples
#' init_des <- data.frame("Point" = c(30, 60, 90), "Weight" = c(1/3, 1/3, 1/3))
#' get_augment_region("D-Optimality", init_des, 0.25, y ~ 10^(a-b/(c+x)), c("a","b","c"),
#' c(8.07131, 1730.63, 233.426), c(1, 100), TRUE)
#' get_augment_region("D-Optimality", init_des, 0.25, y ~ 10^(a-b/(c+x)), c("a","b","c"),
#' c(8.07131, 1730.63, 233.426), c(1, 100), FALSE)
get_augment_region <- function(criterion, init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, par_int = NA, matB = NA, distribution = NA, weight_fun = function(x) 1) {
weight_fun <- weight_function(model, parameters, par_values, distribution = distribution)
# augment_region <- dplyr::case_when(criterion == "D-Optimality" ~ get_daugment_region(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, weight_fun),
# criterion == "A-Optimality" ~ get_laugment_region(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, matB = diag(length(parameters)), weight_fun),
# criterion == "I-Optimality" ~ get_laugment_region(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, matB, weight_fun),
# criterion == "Ds-Optimality" ~ get_dsaugment_region(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, par_int, weight_fun))
# else {
# weight_f <- weight_function(model, char_vars, values, distribution = distribution)
# augment_region <- dplyr::case_when(criterion == "D-Optimality" ~ get_daugment_region(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, weight_f),
# criterion == "A-Optimality" ~ get_laugment_region(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, matB = diag(length(parameters)), weight_f),
# criterion == "I-Optimality" ~ get_laugment_region(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, matB, weight_f),
# criterion == "Ds-Optimality" ~ get_dsaugment_region(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, par_int, weight_f))
# }
if(criterion == "D-Optimality"){
augment_region <- get_daugment_region(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, weight_fun)
} else if(criterion == "A-Optimality"){
augment_region <- get_laugment_region(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, matB = diag(length(parameters)), weight_fun)
} else if(criterion == "I-Optimality"){
grad <- gradient(model, parameters, par_values, weight_fun)
matB <- integrate_reg_int(grad, length(parameters), design_space)
augment_region <- get_laugment_region(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, matB, weight_fun)
} else if(criterion == "L-Optimality"){
augment_region <- get_laugment_region(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, matB, weight_fun)
} else if(criterion == "Ds-Optimality"){
augment_region <- get_dsaugment_region(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, par_int, design_space, calc_optimal_design, weight_fun)
} else return(NA)
#' D-Augment Design
#' @description
#' D-Augments a design. The user gives an initial design for which he would like to add points
#' and specifies the weight of the new points. Then he is prompted to choose a
#' minimum efficiency. After that, the candidate points region is calculated
#' and the user can choose the points and weights to add.
#' @inherit augment_design return params examples
#' @family augment designs
daugment_design <- function(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, weight_fun = function(x) 1) {
x_value <- NULL
grad <- gradient(model, parameters, par_values, weight_fun)
inf_mat_1 <- inf_mat(grad, init_design)
sens_1 <- dsens(grad, inf_mat_1)
min_sens <- findminval(sens_1, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], 10000)
max_sens <- findmaxval(sens_1, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], 10000)
min_eff <- -(-1 + alpha)*((-1 + alpha - min_sens*alpha)/(-1 + alpha))^(1/length(parameters))
max_eff <- -(-1 + alpha)*((-1 + alpha - max_sens*alpha)/(-1 + alpha))^(1/length(parameters))
optimal_design <- opt_des("D-Optimality", model, parameters, par_values, design_space, weight_fun = weight_fun)
inf_mat_opt <- inf_mat(grad, optimal_design$optdes)
eff_1 <- (det(inf_mat_1) / det(inf_mat_opt))^(1 / length(parameters))*100
message(crayon::blue(cli::symbol$info), " The efficiency of the initial design is ", round(eff_1, digits = 2), "%")
delta_range <- c(min_eff, max_eff)
delta_val <- -Inf
eval <- 0
while(delta_val < delta_range[[1]] || delta_val > delta_range[[2]]){
# Incluir gráfico?
# try/catch, or check NA
delta_val <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(readline(prompt=paste("Choose a value for the minimum relative efficiency between", crayon::magenta(ceiling(delta_range[[1]]*100)/100), "and", crayon::magenta(floor(delta_range[[2]]*100)/100), ": \n"))))
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The efficiency must be a number")
delta_val <- -Inf
} else if(delta_val < delta_range[[1]] || delta_val > delta_range[[2]]){
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The efficiency must be in the given range")
eval <- eval + 1
if(eval > 1000){
# Puntos de corte y valor del corte
val_to_add <- ((1 - alpha)/alpha*((delta_val/(1 - alpha))^length(parameters) - 1))
cross <- sort(crosspoints(val_to_add, sens_1, 10000, 10^(-3), design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]]))
# # Obtener start y par para tener las regiones
start <- getStart(cross, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], val_to_add, sens_1)
par <- getPar(cross)
cand_points_reg <- getCross2(cross, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], start, par)
x_val <- seq(design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], length.out = 10000)
eff <- function(x){
return((1 - alpha) * (1 + alpha * sens_1(x)/(1 - alpha))^(1 / length(parameters)))
y_val <- purrr::map_dbl(x_val, eff)
p <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
ggplot2::geom_line(mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x_val, y = y_val), color = "steelblue3") +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = eff(cross[1]), color = "goldenrod3") +
ggplot2::xlim(design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]]) +
ggplot2::labs(x = "x", y = "Efficiency") +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(), panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(), axis.line = ggplot2::element_line(colour = "black"))
efficiency <- eff(cross[1])
for(i in 1:(length(cand_points_reg)/2)){
loop_input = paste("ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x=",cand_points_reg[2*i-1],",xend=",cand_points_reg[2*i],",y=efficiency,yend=efficiency), size = 1.5, color = 'green3')", sep="")
p <- p + eval(parse(text=loop_input))
values <- purrr::map_dbl(cross, eff)
cutoffpoints <- data.frame("x_value" = cross, "eff" = values)
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(data = cutoffpoints, ggplot2::aes(x = x_value, y = eff), shape = 16, size = 2, color = "firebrick3")
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = design_space[[1]], xend = design_space[[1]], y = delta_range[1], yend = delta_range[2]), col = "mediumpurple2", size = 1.5)
# Graph of region of candidates points
cutoff_text <- ""
for(i in 1:(length(cand_points_reg)/2)){
if(i != 1){
cutoff_text <- paste0(cutoff_text, ", [", ceiling(cand_points_reg[2*i-1]*100)/100, "-", floor(cand_points_reg[2*i]*100)/100, "]")
else {
cutoff_text <- paste0(cutoff_text, "[", ceiling(cand_points_reg[2*i-1]*100)/100, "-", floor(cand_points_reg[2*i]*100)/100, "]")
new_points <- data.frame(Point = double(), Weight = double())
point_to_add <- -1
cat("The region(s) are ", crayon::green(cutoff_text))
point_to_add <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(readline(prompt="Choose a point to add or enter another character to finish: \n")))
in_cand_reg <- F
for(i in 1:(length(cand_points_reg)/2)){
if(point_to_add >= cand_points_reg[2*i-1] & point_to_add <= cand_points_reg[2*i]){
in_cand_reg <- T
weight_ok <- 0
while(weight_ok == 0){
weight_to_add <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(readline(prompt = "Choose the weight of the point: \n")))
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The weight must be a positive number")
else if(weight_to_add <= 0){
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The weight must be positive")
else {
new_points[nrow(new_points) + 1,] = c(point_to_add, weight_to_add)
weight_ok <- 1
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The point is outside the candidate points region \n")
if(nrow(new_points > 0)){
aug_design <- add_design(init_design, new_points, alpha)
aug_design <- init_design
# options(warn = oldw)
inf_mat_aug <- inf_mat(grad, aug_design)
eff_2 <- (det(inf_mat_aug) / det(inf_mat_opt))^(1 / length(parameters))*100
message(crayon::blue(cli::symbol$info), " The efficiency of the augmented design is ", round(eff_2, digits = 2), "%")
#' L-Augment Design
#' @description
#' L-Augments a design. The user gives an initial design for which he would like to add points
#' and specifies the weight of the new points. Then he is prompted to choose a
#' minimum efficiency. After that, the candidate points region is calculated
#' and the user can choose the points and weights to add.
#' @inherit augment_design params
#' @return A dataframe that represents the L-augmented design
#' @examples
#' init_des <- data.frame("Point" = c(30, 60, 90), "Weight" = c(1/3, 1/3, 1/3))
#' augment_design("I-Optimality", init_des, 0.25, y ~ 10^(a-b/(c+x)), c("a","b","c"),
#' c(8.07131, 1730.63, 233.426), c(1, 100), TRUE)
#' augment_design("I-Optimality", init_des, 0.25, y ~ 10^(a-b/(c+x)), c("a","b","c"),
#' c(8.07131, 1730.63, 233.426), c(1, 100), FALSE)
#' @family augment designs
laugment_design <- function(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, matB, weight_fun = function(x) 1) {
x_value <- NULL
grad <- gradient(model, parameters, par_values, weight_fun)
inf_mat_1 <- inf_mat(grad, init_design)
dsens_1 <- dsens(grad, inf_mat_1)
isens_1 <- isens(grad, inf_mat_1, matB)
crit_1 <- icrit(inf_mat_1, matB)
eff_fun <- function(x) (1-alpha)*(crit_1/(crit_1 - alpha*isens_1(x)/ (1-alpha+alpha*dsens_1(x))))
min_eff <- findminval(eff_fun, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], 10000)
max_eff <- findmaxval(eff_fun, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], 10000)
optimal_design <- opt_des("L-Optimality", model, parameters, par_values, design_space, matB = matB, weight_fun = weight_fun)
inf_mat_opt <- inf_mat(grad, optimal_design$optdes)
eff_1 <- (tr(matB %*% solve(inf_mat_opt)) / tr(matB %*% solve(inf_mat_1))) * 100
message(crayon::blue(cli::symbol$info), " The efficiency of the initial design is ", round(eff_1, digits = 2), "%")
delta_range <- c(min_eff, max_eff)
delta_val <- -Inf
eval <- 0
while(delta_val < min_eff || delta_val > max_eff){
# Incluir gráfico?
# try/catch, or check NA
delta_val <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(readline(prompt=paste("Choose a value for the minimum relative efficiency between", crayon::magenta(ceiling(delta_range[[1]]*100)/100), "and", crayon::magenta(floor(delta_range[[2]]*100)/100), ": \n"))))
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The efficiency must be a number")
delta_val <- -Inf
} else if(delta_val < delta_range[[1]] || delta_val > delta_range[[2]]){
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The efficiency must be in the given range")
eval <- eval + 1
if(eval > 1000){
# Puntos de corte y valor del corte
cross <- sort(crosspoints(delta_val, eff_fun, 10000, 10^(-3), design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]]))
# # Obtener start y par para tener las regiones
start <- getStart(cross, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], delta_val, eff_fun)
par <- getPar(cross)
cand_points_reg <- getCross2(cross, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], start, par)
x_val <- seq(design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], length.out = 10000)
y_val <- purrr::map_dbl(x_val, eff_fun)
p <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
ggplot2::geom_line(mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x_val, y = y_val), color = "steelblue3") +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = eff_fun(cross[1]), color = "goldenrod3") +
ggplot2::xlim(design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]]) +
ggplot2::labs(x = "x", y = "Efficiency") +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(), panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(), axis.line = ggplot2::element_line(colour = "black"))
efficiency <- eff_fun(cross[1])
for(i in 1:(length(cand_points_reg)/2)){
loop_input = paste("ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x=",cand_points_reg[2*i-1],",xend=",cand_points_reg[2*i],",y=efficiency,yend=efficiency), size = 1.5, color = 'green3')", sep="")
p <- p + eval(parse(text=loop_input))
values <- purrr::map_dbl(cross, eff_fun)
cutoffpoints <- data.frame("x_value" = cross, "eff" = values)
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(data = cutoffpoints, ggplot2::aes(x = x_value, y = eff), shape = 16, size = 2, color = "firebrick3")
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = design_space[[1]], xend = design_space[[1]], y = delta_range[1], yend = delta_range[2]), col = "mediumpurple2", size = 1.5)
# Graph of region of candidates points
cutoff_text <- ""
for(i in 1:(length(cand_points_reg)/2)){
if(i != 1){
cutoff_text <- paste0(cutoff_text, ", [", ceiling(cand_points_reg[2*i-1]*100)/100, "-", floor(cand_points_reg[2*i]*100)/100, "]")
else {
cutoff_text <- paste0(cutoff_text, "[", ceiling(cand_points_reg[2*i-1]*100)/100, "-", floor(cand_points_reg[2*i]*100)/100, "]")
new_points <- data.frame(Point = double(), Weight = double())
point_to_add <- -1
cat("The region(s) are ", crayon::green(cutoff_text))
point_to_add <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(readline(prompt="Choose a point to add or enter another character to finish: \n")))
in_cand_reg <- F
for(i in 1:(length(cand_points_reg)/2)){
if(point_to_add >= cand_points_reg[2*i-1] & point_to_add <= cand_points_reg[2*i]){
in_cand_reg <- T
weight_ok <- 0
while(weight_ok == 0){
weight_to_add <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(readline(prompt = "Choose the weight of the point: \n")))
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The weight must be a positive number")
else if(weight_to_add <= 0){
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The weight must be positive")
else {
new_points[nrow(new_points) + 1,] = c(point_to_add, weight_to_add)
weight_ok <- 1
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The point is outside the candidate points region \n")
if(nrow(new_points > 0)){
aug_design <- add_design(init_design, new_points, alpha)
aug_design <- init_design
# options(warn = oldw)
inf_mat_aug <- inf_mat(grad, aug_design)
eff_2 <- (tr(matB %*% solve(inf_mat_opt)) / tr(matB %*% solve(inf_mat_aug))) * 100
message(crayon::blue(cli::symbol$info), " The efficiency of the augmented design is ", round(eff_2, digits = 2), "%")
#' Ds-Augment Design
#' @description
#' Ds-Augments a design. The user gives an initial design for which he would like to add points
#' and specifies the weight of the new points. Then he is prompted to choose a
#' minimum efficiency. After that, the candidate points region is calculated
#' and the user can choose the points and weights to add.
#' @inherit augment_design params
#' @return A dataframe that represents the Ds-augmented design
#' @examples
#' init_des <- data.frame("Point" = c(30, 60, 90), "Weight" = c(1/3, 1/3, 1/3))
#' augment_design("Ds-Optimality", init_des, 0.25, y ~ 10^(a-b/(c+x)), c("a","b","c"),
#' c(8.07131, 1730.63, 233.426), c(1, 100), par_int = c(1), TRUE)
#' augment_design("Ds-Optimality", init_des, 0.25, y ~ 10^(a-b/(c+x)), c("a","b","c"),
#' c(8.07131, 1730.63, 233.426), c(1, 100), par_int = c(1), FALSE)
#' @family augment designs
dsaugment_design <- function(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, par_int, design_space, calc_optimal_design, weight_fun = function(x) 1) {
x_value <- NULL
grad <- gradient(model, parameters, par_values, weight_fun)
grad22 <- gradient22(model, parameters, par_values, par_int, weight_fun)
inf_mat_1 <- inf_mat(grad, init_design)
inf_mat_22 <- inf_mat(grad22, init_design)
sens_1 <- dsens(grad, inf_mat_1)
sens_22 <- dsens(grad22, inf_mat_22)
# dssens_1 <- dssens(grad, inf_mat_1, par_int)
dseff <- function(x) (1 - alpha) * ((1 + alpha * sens_1(x) / (1 - alpha)) / (1 + alpha * sens_22(x) / (1 - alpha)))^(1/length(par_int))
min_sens <- findminval(dseff, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], 10000)
max_sens <- findmaxval(dseff, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], 10000)
optimal_design <- opt_des("Ds-Optimality", model, parameters, par_values, design_space, par_int = par_int, weight_fun = weight_fun)
inf_mat_opt <- inf_mat(grad, optimal_design$optdes)
if (length(inf_mat_1[-par_int, -par_int]) == 1) {
eff_1 <- (inf_mat_opt[-par_int, -par_int] / det(inf_mat_opt) / (inf_mat_1[-par_int, -par_int] / det(inf_mat_1)))^(1 / length(par_int))*100
} else {
eff_1 <- (det(inf_mat_opt[-par_int, -par_int]) / det(inf_mat_opt) / (det(inf_mat_1[-par_int, -par_int]) / det(inf_mat_1)))^(1 / length(par_int))*100
message(crayon::blue(cli::symbol$info), " The efficiency of the initial design is ", round(eff_1, digits = 2), "%")
delta_range <- c(min_sens, max_sens)
delta_val <- -Inf
eval <- 0
while(delta_val < delta_range[[1]] || delta_val > delta_range[[2]]){
# Incluir gráfico?
# try/catch, or check NA
delta_val <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(readline(prompt=paste("Choose a value for the minimum relative efficiency between", crayon::magenta(ceiling(delta_range[[1]]*100)/100), "and", crayon::magenta(floor(delta_range[[2]]*100)/100), ": \n"))))
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The efficiency must be a number")
delta_val <- -Inf
} else if(delta_val < delta_range[[1]] || delta_val > delta_range[[2]]){
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The efficiency must be in the given range")
eval <- eval + 1
if(eval > 1000){
# Puntos de corte y valor del corte
cross <- sort(crosspoints(delta_val, dseff, 10000, 10^(-3), design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]]))
# val_to_add <- sens_val_to_add(delta_val, alpha, length(parameters))
# # Obtener start y par para tener las regiones
start <- getStart(cross, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], delta_val, dseff)
par <- getPar(cross)
cand_points_reg <- getCross2(cross, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], start, par)
x_val <- seq(design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], length.out = 10000)
# eff <- function(x){
# return((1 - alpha) * (1 + alpha * sens_1(x)/(1 - alpha))^(1 / length(parameters)))
# }
y_val <- purrr::map_dbl(x_val, dseff)
p <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
ggplot2::geom_line(mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x_val, y = y_val), color = "steelblue3") +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = dseff(cross[1]), color = "goldenrod3") +
ggplot2::xlim(design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]]) +
ggplot2::labs(x = "x", y = "Efficiency") +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(), panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(), axis.line = ggplot2::element_line(colour = "black"))
efficiency <- dseff(cross[1])
for(i in 1:(length(cand_points_reg)/2)){
loop_input = paste("ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x=",cand_points_reg[2*i-1],",xend=",cand_points_reg[2*i],",y=efficiency,yend=efficiency), size = 1.5, color = 'green3')", sep="")
p <- p + eval(parse(text=loop_input))
values <- purrr::map_dbl(cross, dseff)
cutoffpoints <- data.frame("x_value" = cross, "eff" = values)
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(data = cutoffpoints, ggplot2::aes(x = x_value, y = eff), shape = 16, size = 2, color = "firebrick3")
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = design_space[[1]], xend = design_space[[1]], y = delta_range[1], yend = delta_range[2]), col = "mediumpurple2", size = 1.5)
# Graph of region of candidates points
cutoff_text <- ""
for(i in 1:(length(cand_points_reg)/2)){
if(i != 1){
cutoff_text <- paste0(cutoff_text, ", [", ceiling(cand_points_reg[2*i-1]*100)/100, "-", floor(cand_points_reg[2*i]*100)/100, "]")
else {
cutoff_text <- paste0(cutoff_text, "[", ceiling(cand_points_reg[2*i-1]*100)/100, "-", floor(cand_points_reg[2*i]*100)/100, "]")
new_points <- data.frame(Point = double(), Weight = double())
point_to_add <- -1
cat("The region(s) are ", crayon::green(cutoff_text))
point_to_add <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(readline(prompt="Choose a point to add or enter another character to finish: \n")))
in_cand_reg <- F
for(i in 1:(length(cand_points_reg)/2)){
if(point_to_add >= cand_points_reg[2*i-1] & point_to_add <= cand_points_reg[2*i]){
in_cand_reg <- T
weight_ok <- 0
while(weight_ok == 0){
weight_to_add <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(readline(prompt = "Choose the weight of the point: \n")))
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The weight must be a positive number")
else if(weight_to_add <= 0){
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The weight must be positive")
else {
new_points[nrow(new_points) + 1,] = c(point_to_add, weight_to_add)
weight_ok <- 1
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The point is outside the candidate points region \n")
if(nrow(new_points > 0)){
aug_design <- add_design(init_design, new_points, alpha)
aug_design <- init_design
# options(warn = oldw)
inf_mat_aug <- inf_mat(grad, aug_design)
if (length(inf_mat_aug[-par_int, -par_int]) == 1) {
eff_2 <- (inf_mat_opt[-par_int, -par_int] / det(inf_mat_opt) / (inf_mat_aug[-par_int, -par_int] / det(inf_mat_aug)))^(1 / length(par_int))*100
} else {
eff_2 <- (det(inf_mat_opt[-par_int, -par_int]) / det(inf_mat_opt) / (det(inf_mat_aug[-par_int, -par_int]) / det(inf_mat_aug)))^(1 / length(par_int))*100
message(crayon::blue(cli::symbol$info), " The efficiency of the augmented design is ", round(eff_2, digits = 2), "%")
#' Get D-augment region
#' @description
#' Given a model, calculates the candidate points region for D-Optimality. The user gives an initial
#' design for which he would like to add points and specifies the weight of the new points. Then he
#' is prompted to choose a minimum efficiency. After that, the candidate points region is calculated.
#' @inherit get_augment_region return params examples
#' @family augment regions
get_daugment_region <- function(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, weight_fun = function(x) 1) {
x_value <- NULL
grad <- gradient(model, parameters, par_values, weight_fun)
inf_mat_1 <- inf_mat(grad, init_design)
sens_1 <- dsens(grad, inf_mat_1)
min_sens <- findminval(sens_1, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], 10000)
max_sens <- findmaxval(sens_1, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], 10000)
min_eff <- -(-1 + alpha)*((-1 + alpha - min_sens*alpha)/(-1 + alpha))^(1/length(parameters))
max_eff <- -(-1 + alpha)*((-1 + alpha - max_sens*alpha)/(-1 + alpha))^(1/length(parameters))
optimal_design <- opt_des("D-Optimality", model, parameters, par_values, design_space, weight_fun = weight_fun)
inf_mat_opt <- inf_mat(grad, optimal_design$optdes)
eff_1 <- (det(inf_mat_1) / det(inf_mat_opt))^(1 / length(parameters))*100
message(crayon::blue(cli::symbol$info), " The efficiency of the initial design is ", round(eff_1, digits = 2), "%")
delta_range <- c(min_eff, max_eff)
delta_val <- -Inf
eval <- 0
while(delta_val < delta_range[[1]] || delta_val > delta_range[[2]]){
# Incluir gráfico?
# try/catch, or check NA
delta_val <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(readline(prompt=paste("Choose a value for the minimum relative efficiency between", crayon::magenta(ceiling(delta_range[[1]]*100)/100), "and", crayon::magenta(floor(delta_range[[2]]*100)/100), ": \n"))))
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The efficiency must be a number")
delta_val <- -Inf
} else if(delta_val < delta_range[[1]] || delta_val > delta_range[[2]]){
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The efficiency must be in the given range")
eval <- eval + 1
if(eval > 1000){
# Puntos de corte y valor del corte
val_to_add <- ((1 - alpha)/alpha*((delta_val/(1 - alpha))^length(parameters) - 1))
cross <- sort(crosspoints(val_to_add, sens_1, 10000, 10^(-3), design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]]))
# # Obtener start y par para tener las regiones
start <- getStart(cross, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], val_to_add, sens_1)
par <- getPar(cross)
cand_points_reg <- getCross2(cross, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], start, par)
x_val <- seq(design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], length.out = 10000)
eff <- function(x){
return((1 - alpha) * (1 + alpha * sens_1(x)/(1 - alpha))^(1 / length(parameters)))
y_val <- purrr::map_dbl(x_val, eff)
p <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
ggplot2::geom_line(mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x_val, y = y_val), color = "steelblue3") +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = eff(cross[1]), color = "goldenrod3") +
ggplot2::xlim(design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]]) +
ggplot2::labs(x = "x", y = "Efficiency") +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(), panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(), axis.line = ggplot2::element_line(colour = "black"))
efficiency <- eff(cross[1])
for(i in 1:(length(cand_points_reg)/2)){
loop_input = paste("ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x=",cand_points_reg[2*i-1],",xend=",cand_points_reg[2*i],",y=efficiency,yend=efficiency), size = 1.5, color = 'green3')", sep="")
p <- p + eval(parse(text=loop_input))
values <- purrr::map_dbl(cross, eff)
cutoffpoints <- data.frame("x_value" = cross, "eff" = values)
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(data = cutoffpoints, ggplot2::aes(x = x_value, y = eff), shape = 16, size = 2, color = "firebrick3")
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = design_space[[1]], xend = design_space[[1]], y = delta_range[1], yend = delta_range[2]), col = "mediumpurple2", size = 1.5)
# Graph of region of candidates points
#' Get L-augment region
#' @description
#' Given a model, calculates the candidate points region for L-Optimality. The user gives an initial
#' design for which he would like to add points and specifies the weight of the new points. Then he
#' is prompted to choose a minimum efficiency. After that, the candidate points region is calculated.
#' @inherit get_augment_region return params examples
#' @family augment region
get_laugment_region <- function(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, design_space, calc_optimal_design, matB, weight_fun = function(x) 1) {
x_value <- NULL
grad <- gradient(model, parameters, par_values, weight_fun)
inf_mat_1 <- inf_mat(grad, init_design)
dsens_1 <- dsens(grad, inf_mat_1)
isens_1 <- isens(grad, inf_mat_1, matB)
crit_1 <- icrit(inf_mat_1, matB)
eff_fun <- function(x) (1-alpha)*(crit_1/(crit_1 - alpha*isens_1(x)/ (1-alpha+alpha*dsens_1(x))))
min_eff <- findminval(eff_fun, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], 10000)
max_eff <- findmaxval(eff_fun, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], 10000)
optimal_design <- opt_des("I-Optimality", model, parameters, par_values, design_space, matB = matB, weight_fun = weight_fun)
inf_mat_opt <- inf_mat(grad, optimal_design$optdes)
eff_1 <- (tr(matB %*% solve(inf_mat_opt)) / tr(matB %*% solve(inf_mat_1))) * 100
message(crayon::blue(cli::symbol$info), " The efficiency of the initial design is ", round(eff_1, digits = 2), "%")
delta_range <- c(min_eff, max_eff)
delta_val <- -Inf
eval <- 0
while(delta_val < min_eff || delta_val > max_eff){
# Incluir gráfico?
# try/catch, or check NA
delta_val <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(readline(prompt=paste("Choose a value for the minimum relative efficiency between", crayon::magenta(ceiling(delta_range[[1]]*100)/100), "and", crayon::magenta(floor(delta_range[[2]]*100)/100), ": \n"))))
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The efficiency must be a number")
delta_val <- -Inf
} else if(delta_val < delta_range[[1]] || delta_val > delta_range[[2]]){
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The efficiency must be in the given range")
eval <- eval + 1
if(eval > 1000){
# Puntos de corte y valor del corte
cross <- sort(crosspoints(delta_val, eff_fun, 10000, 10^(-3), design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]]))
# # Obtener start y par para tener las regiones
start <- getStart(cross, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], delta_val, eff_fun)
par <- getPar(cross)
cand_points_reg <- getCross2(cross, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], start, par)
x_val <- seq(design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], length.out = 10000)
y_val <- purrr::map_dbl(x_val, eff_fun)
p <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
ggplot2::geom_line(mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x_val, y = y_val), color = "steelblue3") +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = eff_fun(cross[1]), color = "goldenrod3") +
ggplot2::xlim(design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]]) +
ggplot2::labs(x = "x", y = "Efficiency") +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(), panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(), axis.line = ggplot2::element_line(colour = "black"))
efficiency <- eff_fun(cross[1])
for(i in 1:(length(cand_points_reg)/2)){
loop_input = paste("ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x=",cand_points_reg[2*i-1],",xend=",cand_points_reg[2*i],",y=efficiency,yend=efficiency), size = 1.5, color = 'green3')", sep="")
p <- p + eval(parse(text=loop_input))
values <- purrr::map_dbl(cross, eff_fun)
cutoffpoints <- data.frame("x_value" = cross, "eff" = values)
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(data = cutoffpoints, ggplot2::aes(x = x_value, y = eff), shape = 16, size = 2, color = "firebrick3")
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = design_space[[1]], xend = design_space[[1]], y = delta_range[1], yend = delta_range[2]), col = "mediumpurple2", size = 1.5)
# Graph of region of candidates points
#' Get Ds-augment region
#' @description
#' Given a model, calculates the candidate points region for Ds-Optimality. The user gives an initial
#' design for which he would like to add points and specifies the weight of the new points. Then he
#' is prompted to choose a minimum efficiency. After that, the candidate points region is calculated.
#' @inherit get_augment_region return params examples
#' @family augment region
get_dsaugment_region <- function(init_design, alpha, model, parameters, par_values, par_int, design_space, calc_optimal_design, weight_fun = function(x) 1) {
x_value <- NULL
grad <- gradient(model, parameters, par_values, weight_fun)
grad22 <- gradient22(model, parameters, par_values, par_int, weight_fun)
inf_mat_1 <- inf_mat(grad, init_design)
inf_mat_22 <- inf_mat(grad22, init_design)
sens_1 <- dsens(grad, inf_mat_1)
sens_22 <- dsens(grad22, inf_mat_22)
# dssens_1 <- dssens(grad, inf_mat_1, par_int)
dseff <- function(x) (1 - alpha) * ((1 + alpha * sens_1(x) / (1 - alpha)) / (1 + alpha * sens_22(x) / (1 - alpha)))^(1/length(par_int))
min_sens <- findminval(dseff, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], 10000)
max_sens <- findmaxval(dseff, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], 10000)
optimal_design <- opt_des("Ds-Optimality", model, parameters, par_values, design_space, par_int = par_int, weight_fun = weight_fun)
inf_mat_opt <- inf_mat(grad, optimal_design$optdes)
if (length(inf_mat_1[-par_int, -par_int]) == 1) {
eff_1 <- (inf_mat_opt[-par_int, -par_int] / det(inf_mat_opt) / (inf_mat_1[-par_int, -par_int] / det(inf_mat_1)))^(1 / length(par_int))*100
} else {
eff_1 <- (det(inf_mat_opt[-par_int, -par_int]) / det(inf_mat_opt) / (det(inf_mat_1[-par_int, -par_int]) / det(inf_mat_1)))^(1 / length(par_int))*100
message(crayon::blue(cli::symbol$info), " The efficiency of the initial design is ", round(eff_1, digits = 2), "%")
delta_range <- c(min_sens, max_sens)
delta_val <- -Inf
eval <- 0
while(delta_val < delta_range[[1]] || delta_val > delta_range[[2]]){
# Incluir gráfico?
# try/catch, or check NA
delta_val <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(readline(prompt=paste("Choose a value for the minimum relative efficiency between", crayon::magenta(ceiling(delta_range[[1]]*100)/100), "and", crayon::magenta(floor(delta_range[[2]]*100)/100), ": \n"))))
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The efficiency must be a number")
delta_val <- -Inf
} else if(delta_val < delta_range[[1]] || delta_val > delta_range[[2]]){
cat(crayon::red(cli::symbol$cross), "The efficiency must be in the given range")
eval <- eval + 1
if(eval > 1000){
# Puntos de corte y valor del corte
cross <- sort(crosspoints(delta_val, dseff, 10000, 10^(-3), design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]]))
# val_to_add <- sens_val_to_add(delta_val, alpha, length(parameters))
# # Obtener start y par para tener las regiones
start <- getStart(cross, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], delta_val, dseff)
par <- getPar(cross)
cand_points_reg <- getCross2(cross, design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], start, par)
x_val <- seq(design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]], length.out = 10000)
# eff <- function(x){
# return((1 - alpha) * (1 + alpha * sens_1(x)/(1 - alpha))^(1 / length(parameters)))
# }
y_val <- purrr::map_dbl(x_val, dseff)
p <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
ggplot2::geom_line(mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x_val, y = y_val), color = "steelblue3") +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = dseff(cross[1]), color = "goldenrod3") +
ggplot2::xlim(design_space[[1]], design_space[[2]]) +
ggplot2::labs(x = "x", y = "Efficiency") +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(), panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank(), axis.line = ggplot2::element_line(colour = "black"))
efficiency <- dseff(cross[1])
for(i in 1:(length(cand_points_reg)/2)){
loop_input = paste("ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x=",cand_points_reg[2*i-1],",xend=",cand_points_reg[2*i],",y=efficiency,yend=efficiency), size = 1.5, color = 'green3')", sep="")
p <- p + eval(parse(text=loop_input))
values <- purrr::map_dbl(cross, dseff)
cutoffpoints <- data.frame("x_value" = cross, "eff" = values)
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(data = cutoffpoints, ggplot2::aes(x = x_value, y = eff), shape = 16, size = 2, color = "firebrick3")
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = design_space[[1]], xend = design_space[[1]], y = delta_range[1], yend = delta_range[2]), col = "mediumpurple2", size = 1.5)
# Graph of region of candidates points
#' Gradient function for a subset of variables
#' @description
#' Calculates the gradient function of a \code{model} with respect to a subset of the parameters given in
#' \code{par_int}, \code{char_vars}, evaluates it at the provided \code{values} and returns the result as
#' a function of the variable \code{x}.
#' @param model formula describing the model, which must contain only \code{x}, the parameters defined in
#' \code{char_vars} and the numerical operators.
#' @param char_vars character vector of the parameters of the model.
#' @param values numeric vector with the nominal values of the parameters in \code{char_vars}.
#' @param par_int vector of indexes indicating the subset of variables to omit in the calculation of the gradient.
#' @param weight_fun optional one variable function that represents the square of the structure of variance, in case of heteroscedastic variance of the response
#' @return A function depending on \code{x} that's the gradient of the \code{model} with respect to \code{char_vars}
gradient22 <- function(model, char_vars, values, par_int, weight_fun = function(x) 1) {
# vars <- as.list(match.call())[-(1:2)]
# char_vars <- sapply(vars, as.character)
ext_char_vars <- c(char_vars, "x")
arglist <- lapply(ext_char_vars, function(x) NULL)
f <- as.function(append(stats::setNames(arglist, ext_char_vars), quote({})))
f1 <- stats::deriv(model, char_vars[-par_int], f)
f2 <- function(x_val) {
attr(do.call(f1, as.list(c(values, x_val))), "gradient")
f3 <- function(x){
#' Calculate crosspoints
#' @description
#' Given the parameters for augmenting a design, this function calculates the
#' crosspoints in the efficiency function that delimit the candidate points
#' region
#' @param val Efficiency value to solve in the curve relationing the space of the design and efficiency of new design
#' @param sens Sensitivity function of the design for the model
#' @param gridlength Number of points in the grid to find the crosspoints
#' @param tol Tolerance that establishes how close two points close to one another are considered the same
#' @param xmin Minimum of the space of the design
#' @param xmax Maximum of the space of the design
#' @return A numeric vector of crosspoints that define the candidate points region
crosspoints <- function(val, sens, gridlength, tol, xmin, xmax){
sensfix <- function(x){
return(sens(x) - val)
sols <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = gridlength)
cli::cli_progress_bar("Calculating regions", total = gridlength)
startsx <- seq(xmin, xmax, length.out = gridlength)
for(i in 1:gridlength){
sols[i] <- nleqslv::nleqslv(startsx[i], fn = sensfix)$x
# sols <- unlist(purrr::map(purrr::map(cli::cli_progress_along(seq(xmin, xmax, length.out = gridlength), name = "Calculating regions"), nleqslv::nleqslv, fn = sensfix), function(x) x$x))
# Eliminar duplicados
sols_upd <- update_sequence(sols, tol)
# Quedarnos con puntos dentro del espacio de diseño
sols_upd <- sols_upd[sols_upd >= xmin & sols_upd <= xmax]
# Eliminar los que no son soluciones
sols_upd <- sols_upd[abs(purrr::map_dbl(sols_upd, sens) - val) < tol]
#' Update design given crosspoints and alpha
#' @description
#' Given a set of points, a weight and the design, the function adds these points
#' to the new design with uniform weight, and combined weight alpha
#' @param points Points to be added to the design
#' @param alpha Combined weight of the new points to be added to the design
#' @param design A design as a dataframe with "Point" and "Weight" columns
#' @return A design as a dataframe with "Point" and "Weight" columns that is the
#' addition of the design and the new points
add_points <- function(points, alpha, design){
new_points <- data.frame("Point" = points, "Weight" = rep(alpha/length(points), times = length(points)))
design["Weight"] <- design["Weight"]*(1-alpha)
return(rbind(design, new_points))
#' Add two designs
#' @param design_1 A dataframe with 'Point' and 'Weight' as columns that represent the first design to add
#' @param design_2 A dataframe with 'Point' and 'Weight' as columns that represent the second design to add
#' @param alpha Weight of the first design
#' @return A design as a dataframe with the weighted addition of the two designs
add_design <- function(design_1, design_2, alpha){
design_2[, c("Weight")] <- design_2[, c("Weight")] / sum(design_2[, c("Weight")]) * alpha
design_1[, c("Weight")] <- design_1[, c("Weight")] * (1 - alpha)
return(rbind(design_1, design_2))
Add the following code to your website.
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