
Defines functions is_true print.RAT get_RAT_options get_question_number tbl_default_RAT_layouts tbl_generate_RAT_choices tbl_arrange_RAT_questions tbl_create_RAT_from_data_frame tbl_create_RAT_from_excel tbl_setup_RAT_demo tbl_setup_RAT_template

Documented in tbl_arrange_RAT_questions tbl_create_RAT_from_data_frame tbl_create_RAT_from_excel tbl_default_RAT_layouts tbl_generate_RAT_choices tbl_setup_RAT_demo tbl_setup_RAT_template

# test setup =========

#' Setup a new RAT template
#' This function templates an RAT. All parameters are merely the defaults used for templating the new RAT and all can be modified as needed in the RAT excel spreadsheet and RMarkdown that this function creates.
#' @param module name of the module, this will be used as the default folder and file name for the RAT. Can be a folder path in which case only the sub-directory name will be used for file names.
#' @param n_questions number of questions to template the RAT with
#' @param n_options_per_q default number of options per question
#' @param overwrite whether to overwrite the folder if it already exists (default is not to overwrite anything)
#' @export
tbl_setup_RAT_template <- function(module = "module 1", n_questions = 10, n_options_per_q = 5, overwrite = FALSE) {

  # global vars
  question <- NULL
  if (n_options_per_q < 2)
    stop("there most be at least 2 options per question in the template", call. = FALSE)
  if (n_questions < 1)
    stop("there most be at least 1 question in the template", call. = FALSE)
  # check for folder
  if(!dir.exists(module)) {
    glue("Info: creating RAT directory '{module}' in working directory") %>% message()
    dir.create(module, recursive = TRUE)
  } else {
    glue("Info: RAT directory '{module}' already exists ",
         "{if(overwrite) 'but will be overwritten' else '(use \"overwrite = TRUE\" to overwrite)'}") %>% 
    if (!overwrite) return(invisible(NULL))
  # excel file
  excel_file <- file.path(module, str_c(basename(module), ".xlsx"))
  glue("Info: creating '{excel_file}' RAT questions template... ") %>% message(appendLF = FALSE)
  ## data
  questions <- 
      include = c("x", rep(NA, n_options_per_q - 1)),
      layout = NA_character_,
      question = c("Question ", rep(NA, n_options_per_q - 1)),
      answer = c("Incorrect Answer", "Correct Answer", rep("Incorrect Answer", n_options_per_q - 2)),
      correct = c(NA, "x", rep(NA, n_options_per_q - 2)),
      notes = NA_character_
    ) %>% 
    merge(tibble(q = 1:n_questions)) %>% tbl_df() %>% 
    mutate(question = ifelse(!is.na(question), str_c(question, q), NA)) %>% 
  answer_key <- 
      number = 1:n_questions,
      option = sample(LETTERS[1:n_options_per_q], n_questions, replace = TRUE)
  ## create work book
  style <- createStyle(valign = "top", wrapText = TRUE)
  header_style <- createStyle(textDecoration = "bold", border="bottom", borderColour = "#000000", borderStyle = "medium")
  wb <- createWorkbook()
  ws <- addWorksheet(wb, "questions")
  writeData(wb, ws, questions, headerStyle = header_style)
  freezePane(wb, ws, firstRow = TRUE)
  setColWidths(wb, ws, cols = 1:ncol(questions), widths = "auto")
  addStyle(wb, ws, style, rows = 1:(nrow(questions) + 1), cols = 1:ncol(questions), gridExpand = TRUE, stack = TRUE)
  ws <- addWorksheet(wb, "key")
  writeData(wb, ws, answer_key, headerStyle = header_style)
  freezePane(wb, ws, firstRow = TRUE)
  setColWidths(wb, ws, cols = 1:ncol(answer_key), widths = "auto")
  addStyle(wb, ws, style, rows = 1:(nrow(answer_key) + 1), cols = 1:ncol(answer_key), gridExpand = TRUE, stack = TRUE)
  saveWorkbook(wb, excel_file, overwrite = TRUE)
  # rmd file
  rmd_file <- file.path(module, str_c(basename(module), ".Rmd"))
  glue("Info: creating '{rmd_file}' RAT generation template... ") %>% message(appendLF = FALSE)
  system.file(package = "tbltools", "extdata", "RAT_template.Rmd") %>% 
    read_lines() %>% 
    glue::glue_collapse(sep = "\n") %>% 
      module = basename(module),
      excel_file = basename(excel_file))) %>% 
    cat(file = rmd_file)
  glue("Finished: ",
       "Please modify '{excel_file}' to write questions and answer options on the 'questions' tab, and fill in the correct IF-AT answer key on the 'key' tab. ",
       "Please knit '{rmd_file}' to HTML/PDF/Word to generate the RAT. Adjust function call parameters as needed.") %>% 

#' Setup a demo RAT
#' @inheritParams tbl_setup_RAT_template
#' @export
tbl_setup_RAT_demo <- function(overwrite = FALSE) {
  # check for folder
  folder <- "demo"
  if(!dir.exists(folder)) {
    glue("Info: creating '{folder}' directory") %>% message()
    dir.create(folder, recursive = TRUE)
  } else {
    glue("Info: '{folder}' directory already exists ",
         "{if(overwrite) 'but will be overwritten' else '(use \"overwrite = TRUE\" to overwrite)'}") %>% 
    if (!overwrite) return(invisible(NULL))
  # files
  glue("Info: copying demo RAT files... ") %>% message(appendLF = FALSE)
  system.file(package = "tbltools", "extdata", "demo_RAT") %>% 
    list.files(full.names = TRUE, include.dirs = FALSE, recursive = FALSE) %>% 
    file.copy(to = folder, overwrite = TRUE)
  glue("finished. Please knit 'demo.Rmd' to HTML/PDF/Word.") %>% message()

# test generation ==========

#' Create RAT from Excel
#' Load RAT questions and answer key from Excel. Note that logical columns ('correct' and 'include') are evaluated to TRUE if they are =1, =TRUE, ='TRUE', ='yes' or ='x', everything else is FALSE. Uses \link{tbl_create_RAT_from_data_frame} internally. 
#' @param filepath the path to the excel file
#' @param questions_tab the name of the questions tab (requires at minimum columns 'question', 'answer', and logical TRUE/FALSE 'correct', plus logical 'include' if \code{filter_include=TRUE})
#' @param key_tab the name of th keys tab (requires at mimimum columns 'number', 'option')
#' @param filter_include if set, only keeps questions that have the 'include' column set
#' @param fill_down_questions whether to fill down the questions column (i.e. if question an their parameters are only written in first row)
#' @export
tbl_create_RAT_from_excel <- function(filepath, questions_tab = "questions", key_tab = "key", filter_include = TRUE, fill_down_questions = TRUE) {
  # global vars
  .group <- include <- keep <- question <- answer <- option <- NULL
  if (!file.exists(filepath))
    glue("file '{filepath}' does not exist in working directory '{getwd()}'") %>% stop(call. = FALSE)
  questions <- read_excel(filepath, sheet = questions_tab) 
  answer_key <- read_excel(filepath, sheet = key_tab)
  # check for required columns
  if (length(missing <- setdiff(c("question", "answer", "correct", if(filter_include) "include"), names(questions))) > 0) {
    sprintf("Missing required column(s) on %s tab: %s", questions_tab, str_c(missing, collapse = ", ")) %>% 
      stop(call. = FALSE)
  if (length(missing <- setdiff(c("number", "option"), names(answer_key))) > 0) {
    sprintf("Missing required column(s) on %s tab: %s", key_tab, str_c(missing, collapse = ", ")) %>% 
      stop(call. = FALSE)
  # fill down questions
  if (fill_down_questions) {
    questions <- 
      mutate(questions, .group = cumsum(!is.na(question))) %>% 
      group_by(.group) %>% 
      mutate(question = question[1]) %>% 
      ungroup() %>% 
  # filter include
  if (filter_include) {
    questions <- 
      group_by(questions, question) %>% 
      mutate(keep = is_true(include[1])) %>% 
      ungroup() %>% 
      filter(keep) %>% 
  # return
  questions <- filter(questions, !is.na(question), !is.na(answer))
  answer_key <- filter(answer_key, !is.na(option))
  tbl_create_RAT_from_data_frame(questions, answer_key)

#' Create RAT from data frame
#' Note that the logical column 'correct' is evaluated to TRUE if values are =1, =TRUE, ='TRUE', ='yes' or ='x', everything else is FALSE.
#' @param questions data frame with questions (requires at minimum columns 'question', 'answer', and logical TRUE/FALSE 'correct')
#' @param answer_key data frame with answer key (requires at mimimum columns 'number', 'option')
#' @export
tbl_create_RAT_from_data_frame <- function(questions, answer_key) {
  # global vars
  correct <- number <- question <- tRAT_n <- NULL
  # check for required columns
  if (length(missing <- setdiff(c("question", "answer", "correct"), names(questions))) > 0) {
    glue("Missing required column(s): {glue::glue_collapse(missing, sep = ', ')}") %>% 
      stop(call. = FALSE)
  if (length(missing <- setdiff(c("number", "option"), names(answer_key))) > 0) {
    glue("Missing required column(s): {glue::glue_collapse(missing, sep = ', ')}") %>% 
      stop(call. = FALSE)
  # check for reserved columns
  if (length(reserved <- intersect(c("iRAT_n", "tRAT_n"), names(questions)))) {
    glue("Encountered reserved column(s), please don't use these names: {glue::glue_collapse(reserved, sep = ', ')}") %>% 
      stop(call. = FALSE)
  # ensure proper data types
  questions <- questions %>% 
    mutate(correct = is_true(correct))
  answer_key <- answer_key %>% 
    mutate(number = suppressWarnings(as.integer(number)))
  # make sure there is exactly one correct answer per question
  find_trouble <- questions %>% group_by(question) %>% summarize(n_correct = sum(correct))
  if (any(trouble <- find_trouble$n_correct != 1)) {
    stop("The following questions have multiple or no answer:\n  - ", str_c(find_trouble$question[trouble], collapse = "\n  - "), call. = FALSE)
  # make sure answer key is all valid numbers
  if (any(is.na(answer_key$number))) {
    stop("answer key has invalid number(s) in number column.", call. = FALSE)
  # make sure answer key is all upercase letters
  if (any(trouble <- !answer_key$option %in% LETTERS)) {
    stop("The following answer key options are invalid uppercase letters: ", str_c(answer_key$option[trouble], collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
  # numbering (in order encountered)
  questions <- questions %>% nest(data = c(-question)) %>% mutate(tRAT_n = dplyr::row_number(), iRAT_n = tRAT_n) %>% unnest(data)
  # return
      questions = questions,
      answer_key = answer_key
    class = "RAT")

#' Arrange RAT questions
#' Function to make it easy to arrange an RAT either by fixed numbers (\code{fixed_number_column}) or semi-randomly or completely randomly. Can also arrange questions within specific groups using the \code{group_by_column}, and can use specific starting numbers for iRAT and tRAT numbering (which need not be the same in case tRATs need to match a specific IF-AT number sequence and iRATs should match a scantron). In case iRAT numbers are different from tRAT numbers, the tRAT numbering is the one matched to the answer key since this needs to match the IF-AT scratch-off.
#' @param rat Readiness Assessment Test object
#' @param by what to arrange by, options: \code{by="original"} leaves the original order as encountered, \code{by="random"} generates a random order, \code{by="semi-random"} generates a random order except for questions that have the \code{fixed_number_column} set, and \code{by="fixed"} uses the \code{fixed_number_column} (which has to be set for all questions in the latter case!). 
#' @param tRAT_n_start the start number for the tRAT question numbering (if the rRAT should fit a different part of an IF-AT), only matters if \code{by} is NOT \code{"fixed"}. Default is 1.
#' @param iRAT_n_start the start number for the iRAT question numbering. By default the same as \code{tRAT_n_start}. Specify a different value from \code{tRAT_n_start} e.g. if tRAT starts at a higher IF-AT number but iRAT numbers should start at 1. 
#' @param iRAT_sel_per_q number of selections per question for the iRAT portion of this test, e.g. when using scantrons and giving the students the option to hedge their bets on the iRAT portion of the test. 
#' @param fixed_number_column name of a column in the RAT questions data frame that indicates the fixed question number. Only relevant if \code{by="semi-random"} or \code{by="fixed"}
#' @param group_by_column name of a column in the RAT questions data frame that indicates which questions to group together (groups will be arranged alphabetically, those with undefined group come last). Only relevant if \code{by="random"} or \code{by="semi-random"}. Throws an error if grouping and any fixed number questions are incompatible (e.g. a question has fixed number 5 but is part of the first group of only 3 questions).
#' @param random_seed can overwrite with a fixed value (e.g. \code{random_seed=42}) to get a reproducible "random" order in \code{by="random"} or \code{by="semi-random"} mode.
#' @return returns the RAT object with the location in the test specified
#' @export
tbl_arrange_RAT_questions <- function(rat, by = "original", 
                                      tRAT_n_start = 1, iRAT_n_start = tRAT_n_start, iRAT_sel_per_q = 1, 
                                      fixed_number_column = NULL, group_by_column = NULL, random_seed = random()) {
  # global vars
  tRAT_n <- iRAT_n <- question <- .fixed_number <- .init_n <- .group_n_min <- .group_n_max <- .group <- NULL
  if (!is(rat, "RAT")) 
    stop("can only arrange Readiness Assessment Test objects, found: ", class(rat)[1], call. = FALSE)
  # iRAT n_start
  iRAT_n_start_quo <- enquo(iRAT_n_start)
  iRAT_eq_tRAT_start <- quo_text(iRAT_n_start_quo) == "tRAT_n_start"
  iRAT_n_start <- eval_tidy(iRAT_n_start_quo)
  # random seed
  random <- function() {
    rn <- sample(.Random.seed, 1)
    if (by %in% c("random", "semi-random"))
      glue("Info: generating RAT arrangement with 'random_seed = {rn}' ", 
           "(include this in the function call to generate the exact same arrangement again).") %>%
  # always check if provided, even if not always relevant (by="original")
  if (by %in% c("semi-random", "fixed") && is.null(fixed_number_column) )
    stop("no 'fixed_number_column' provided for arrangement mode '", by, "'", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(fixed_number_column) && !fixed_number_column %in% names(rat$questions))
    stop("the provided 'fixed_number_column' ", fixed_number_column, " does not exist for these RAT questions", call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(group_by_column) && !group_by_column %in% names(rat$questions)) 
    stop("the provided 'group_by_column' ", group_by_column, " does not exist for these RAT questions", call. = FALSE)
  # warnings for meaningless specifications
  if (!is.null(fixed_number_column) && !by %in% c("semi-random", "fixed"))
    glue("specifying fixed_number_column='{fixed_number_column}' has no effect in arrangement mode '{by}'") %>% 
    warning(immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(group_by_column) && !by %in% c("semi-random", "random"))
    glue("specifying group_by_column='{group_by_column}' has no effect in arrangement mode '{by}'") %>% 
    warning(immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
  if (tRAT_n_start != 1 && by == "fixed")
    glue("specifying tRAT_n_start={tRAT_n_start} has no effect in arrangement mode 'fixed'") %>% 
    warning(immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
  # reset questions iRAT/tRAT
  rat$questions <- rat$questions %>% 
    select(-tRAT_n, -iRAT_n)
  if (by == "original") {
    # us original order (i.e. as encountered) ====
    rat$questions <- rat$questions %>% 
      nest(data = c(-question)) %>% 
      mutate(tRAT_n = dplyr::row_number() + tRAT_n_start - 1L, 
             iRAT_n = iRAT_sel_per_q * (dplyr::row_number() - 1L) + iRAT_n_start) %>% 
  } else if (by == "fixed") {
    # use fixed order =====
    rat$questions <- rat$questions %>% 
      group_by(question) %>% 
      mutate(tRAT_n = as.integer((!!sym(fixed_number_column))[1])) %>% 
    if (nrow(missing <- filter(rat$questions, is.na(tRAT_n))) > 0) {
      stop("The following questions do not have a fixed number:\n  - ", str_c(unique(missing$question), collapse = "\n  - "), call. = FALSE)
    # adjust iRAT numbering too
    if (iRAT_eq_tRAT_start) iRAT_n_start <- min(rat$questions$tRAT_n)
    rat$questions <- rat$questions %>% 
      mutate(iRAT_n = iRAT_sel_per_q * (tRAT_n - min(tRAT_n)) + iRAT_n_start)
  } else if (by %in% c("random", "semi-random")) {
    # random and semi-random =====
    numbers <- rat$questions %>% 
      # set fixed numbers and group column and get values from first entry for the question
      { .$.fixed_number <- if(by == "semi-random") .[[fixed_number_column]] else NA_integer_; . } %>% 
      { .$.group <- if (!is.null(group_by_column)) .[[group_by_column]] else "one group"; . } %>% 
      group_by(question) %>% 
      summarize(.fixed_number = as.integer(.fixed_number[1]), .group = .group[1]) %>% 
      # initial numbering (in groups)
      ungroup() %>% 
      arrange(.group) %>% 
      mutate(.init_n = dplyr::row_number() + tRAT_n_start - 1L) %>% 
      # get group ranges
      group_by(.group) %>% 
      mutate(.group_n_min = min(.init_n), .group_n_max = max(.init_n))
    # safety check about semi-random numbers in fixed position
    if (nrow(trouble <- filter(numbers, !is.na(.fixed_number), .fixed_number < .group_n_min | .fixed_number > .group_n_max)) > 0) {
      stop("The following question(s) have a fixed number that is impossible with the provided group arrangements:\n  - ", 
           str_c(with(trouble, sprintf("#%.0f (group range #%.0f-#%.0f): %s", .fixed_number, .group_n_min, .group_n_max, question)), collapse = "\n  - "), call. = FALSE)
    if (nrow(trouble <- filter(numbers, !is.na(.fixed_number), duplicated(.fixed_number) | duplicated(.fixed_number, fromLast = TRUE))) > 0) {
      stop("The following question(s) have duplicate fixed numbers:\n  - ", 
           str_c(with(trouble, sprintf("#%.0f (group range #%.0f-#%.0f): %s", .fixed_number, .group_n_min, .group_n_max, question)), collapse = "\n  - "), call. = FALSE)
    # generate random numbers within group (or semi-random if any fixed numbers are set)
    generate_random_group_numbers <- function(fixed_number, group_n_min, group_n_max) {
      fixed_idx <- !is.na(fixed_number)
      number <- rep(NA, length(fixed_number))
      # find choices
      choices <- (group_n_min[1]:group_n_max[1])
      if (sum(fixed_idx) > 0)
        choices <- choices[!choices %in% fixed_number[fixed_idx]]
      # assigning numbers
      if (sum(fixed_idx) > 0) number[fixed_idx] <- fixed_number[fixed_idx]
      if (sum(!fixed_idx) > 0) number[!fixed_idx] <- sample(choices, size = sum(!fixed_idx))
    # generate tRAT and iRAT numbers
    numbers <- numbers %>% 
      group_by(.group) %>% 
      mutate(tRAT_n = generate_random_group_numbers(.fixed_number, .group_n_min, .group_n_max)) %>% 
    if (iRAT_eq_tRAT_start) iRAT_n_start <- min(numbers$tRAT_n)
    numbers <- numbers %>% 
      mutate(iRAT_n = iRAT_sel_per_q * (tRAT_n - min(tRAT_n)) + iRAT_n_start) %>% 
      select(question, tRAT_n, iRAT_n)

    # join in numbers
    rat$questions <- rat$questions %>% 
      left_join(numbers, by = "question") 
  } else {
    stop("unrecognized 'by' parameter: ", by, call. = FALSE)
  # make sure numbering is integers
  rat$questions <- rat$questions %>% 
    mutate(tRAT_n = as.integer(tRAT_n), iRAT_n = as.integer(iRAT_n)) 
  # check that answer key is consistents

#' Generate RAT choices
#' Generates the actual multiple choice questions in an RAT
#' @inheritParams tbl_arrange_RAT_questions
#' @param answer_layout how to arrange the answers, layouts supported by default are \code{"vertical"} and \code{"horizontal"} (recommended for image answers). The layout can be overwritten for individual questions by setting the \code{answer_layout_column} parameter. Custom answer layouts can be provided using the \code{answer_layout_funcs} parameter. 
#' @param answer_layout_column set this parameter to a column name in the questions data frame that has a different layout name for questions that are indended to deviate from the default layout (\code{answer_layout}). All layouts must be defined in the \code{answer_layout_funs} (\code{"vertical"} and \code{"horizontal"} by default).
#' @param answer_layout_funs Specify custom answer layouts by providing layout functions that differ from the default. See \code{tbl_default_RAT_layouts} for details on how these work.
#' @param random_seed can overwrite with a fixed value (e.g. \code{random_seed=42}) to get a reproducible "random" order of the answer options
#' @export
tbl_generate_RAT_choices <- function(rat, answer_layout = "vertical", 
                                     answer_layout_column = NULL, answer_layout_funs = tbl_default_RAT_layouts(), 
                                     random_seed = random()) {
  if (!is(rat, "RAT")) 
    stop("can only use Readiness Assessment Test objects, found: ", class(rat)[1], call. = FALSE)
  # global vars
  question <- .layout <- iRAT_n <- tRAT_n <- correct <- option <- n_options <- NULL
  answer_option <- .answers <- question_number <- answer <- question_text <- NULL
  # safety checks
  layout_options <- names(answer_layout_funs)
  if (!answer_layout %in% layout_options)
    stop("Unsupported answer layout: ", answer_layout, ". Only know: ", str_c(layout_options, collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(answer_layout_column) && !answer_layout_column %in% names(rat$questions)) 
    stop("the provided 'answer_layout_column' ", answer_layout_column, " does not exist for these RAT questions", call. = FALSE)
  # random seed
  random <- function() {
    rn <- sample(.Random.seed, 1)
    glue("Info: generating order of answer choices with 'random_seed = {rn}' ",
         "(include this in the function call to generate the exact same order again).") %>% 
  # get RAT options
  rat_options <- get_RAT_options(rat)
  # layout
  if (!is.null(answer_layout_column)) {
    rat_options <- rat_options %>% 
      { .$.layout <- .[[answer_layout_column]]; . } %>% 
      group_by(question) %>% 
      mutate(.layout = ifelse(!is.na(.layout[1]), .layout[1], answer_layout)) %>% 
  } else {
    rat_options$.layout <- answer_layout
  # check for incorrect layout information
  trouble <- filter(rat_options, !.layout %in% layout_options) %>% select(tRAT_n, .layout, question) %>% unique()
  if (nrow(trouble) > 0) {
    stop("The following question(s) have unrecognized layout settings:\n  - ", 
         str_c(with(trouble, sprintf("#%.0f (unknown layout '%s'): %s", 
                                     tRAT_n, .layout, question)), collapse = "\n  - "), call. = FALSE)
  # assign options
  assign_options <- function(correct, option, n_options) {
    answers <- sample(LETTERS[1:n_options[1]])
    correct_idx <- which(correct)
    random_correct_idx <- which(answers == option[1])
    answers[random_correct_idx] <- answers[correct_idx]
    answers[correct_idx] <- option[1]
  rat_options <- rat_options %>% 
    group_by(question) %>% 
    mutate(answer_option = assign_options(correct, option, n_options)) %>%
    # sort by question # and options (A-X)
    arrange(tRAT_n, answer_option) 

  # assemble question into markdown
  rat_options %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
    nest(.answers = c(-question, -tRAT_n, -iRAT_n, -.layout)) %>% 
      answer = purrr::map2_chr(.layout, .answers, ~tbl_default_RAT_layouts()[[.x]](.y$answer_option, .y$answer)),
      question_number = get_question_number(iRAT_n, tRAT_n),
      question_text = sprintf("### %s: %s\n%s", question_number, question, answer)
    ) %>% 
    dplyr::pull(question_text) %>% 
    paste(collapse = "\n\n") %>% 
  # return RAT invisibly

# utilities functions -----

#' Retrieve default RAT layouts
#' This function provides the default layout options for TBL questions (horizontal and vertical arrangement) but can easily be expanded with custom layouts. To introduce additional/alternative question layouts, simply overwrite the \code{answer_layout_funs} parameter in \link{tbl_generate_RAT_choices} with a list of functions that have the layout names as keys and functions that take two parameters (a vector of \code{answer_option} letters A, B, C, D, etc. and an \code{answer} vector of the same length with the actual answers) as values. The functions must return valid markdown. 
#' @export
tbl_default_RAT_layouts <- function() {
    horizontal = function(answer_option, answer) { 
      str_c(str_c(answer_option, ": ", answer), collapse = ", ")
    vertical = function(answer_option, answer) { 
      str_c(" - ", str_c(str_c(answer_option, ": ", answer), collapse = "\n - ")) 

# get iRAT / tRAT number
get_question_number <- function(iRAT_n, tRAT_n) {
  iRAT_sel_n <- iRAT_n %>% sort() %>% diff()
  if (is_empty(iRAT_sel_n)) iRAT_sel_n <- 1
  if (!all(iRAT_sel_n == iRAT_sel_n[1])) {
    glue("inconsistent number of selection options for iRAT questions: {glue::glue_collapse(iRAT_sel_n, sep = ', ')}") %>% 
      stop(call. = FALSE)
  iRAT_sel_n <- iRAT_sel_n[1]
  iRAT_n_text <- 
    if (iRAT_sel_n > 1) sprintf("%.0f-%.0f", iRAT_n, iRAT_n + iRAT_sel_n - 1)
    else sprintf("%.0f", iRAT_n)
  tRAT_n_text <- sprintf("%.0f", tRAT_n)
  ifelse(iRAT_n_text != tRAT_n_text, sprintf("iRAT %s / tRAT %s", iRAT_n_text, tRAT_n_text), iRAT_n_text)

# get RAT options and check answer key consistency
# helper function to check that each question has a sufficient number of answer options for the designated answer key
# returns RAT options
get_RAT_options <- function(rat) {

  # global vars:
  option <- question <- n_correct <- n_options <- tRAT_n <- NULL 
  # join in answer key
  rat_options <- left_join(rat$questions, rat$answer_key, by = c("tRAT_n" = "number")) 
  if (nrow(missing <- filter(rat_options, is.na(option))) > 0) {
    stop("Missing answer key for question numbers\n ", str_c(missing$tRAT_n %>% unique(), collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
  # check for troubles where not as many answers as options
  rat_options <- rat_options %>% 
    group_by(question) %>%
      n_options = dplyr::n(),
      n_correct = which(LETTERS == option[1])
    ) %>% 
  trouble <- filter(rat_options, n_correct > n_options) %>% select(tRAT_n, question, n_options, option) %>% unique()
  if(nrow(trouble) > 0) {
    trouble <- trouble %>% 
      mutate(label = as.character(glue("#{tRAT_n} (only {n_options} answers but '{option}' correct): {question}")))
    glue("The following question(s) do NOT have enough possible answers to fit the correct option, ",
         "consider using by='fixed' or by='semi-random' question arrangement ",
         "to make sure these are located at an appropriate position in the answer key:\n",
         "  - {glue::glue_collapse(trouble$label, sep = '\n  - ')}") %>% 
      stop(call. = FALSE)

#' @export
print.RAT <- function(x, ...) {
  # global vars
  question <- iRAT_n <- tRAT_n <- answers <- NULL
  # get number in there
  x_sum <- x$questions %>% 
    group_by(question, iRAT_n, tRAT_n) %>% 
    summarize(answers = dplyr::n()) %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
    mutate(label = str_c("#", get_question_number(iRAT_n, tRAT_n), ": ", question, " (", answers, " answers)")) %>% 
  cat("Readiness Assessment Test (RAT) with", nrow(x_sum), "questions:\n  -",
      str_c(x_sum$label, collapse = "\n  - "))
  cat("\nAnswer Key:",
      str_c(with(x$answer_key, str_c(number, option)), collapse = ", "))

# check for values that all count as true
is_true <- function(x) {
  ifelse(is.na(x), FALSE, ifelse(x == TRUE | x == "TRUE" | x == "true" | x == "True" | x == "yes" | x == "x", TRUE, FALSE))
KopfLab/tbltools documentation built on July 30, 2023, 11:16 p.m.