
Defines functions LG_explain_plot

Documented in LG_explain_plot

#' Explain the content of a plot
#' @description This function gives information about the content of
#'     the different plots created by this package.
#' @details This function is used as an internal function by
#'     \code{LG_shiny}, but it can also be used when a plot is to be
#'     included in an article/presentation.  In the latter case the
#'     plot must first be saved to an object, and that object can then
#'     be given to this function in the argument \code{.plot_details}.
#'     The returned text is based on the information stored in the
#'     attribute named \code{details}, and an advanced user can of
#'     course opt for a solution where the relevant information is
#'     extracted directly from \code{details} and presented according
#'     to his/hers own preferences,
#' @param .plot_details This can either be a saved plot created by
#'     this package, or it can be the details-list directly.  (The
#'     latter alternative is included to simplify the use of this
#'     function inside of \code{LG_shiny}.)
#' @param .mode Specify the mode that the result will be returned in.
#'     Two modes are supported, "markdown" and "latex".  The default
#'     value \code{NULL} will trigger the selection of "latex" if
#'     \code{.plot_details} is given as a saved \code{ggplot2}-object,
#'     whereas "markdown" will be selected when \code{.plot_details}
#'     is given as a list.
#' @param .digits_for_points An integer (default value \code{2}) that
#'     specifies the number of decimals to include when presenting the
#'     coordinates of the point corresponding to the percentiles of
#'     the coordinates.  Note: A plot contains information about the
#'     coordinates of the point under investigation, but those are
#'     presented as percentiles of the standard normal distribution,
#'     and it is thus of interest to also know the actual coordinates
#'     of the point.
#' @param .digits_for_percentiles An integer that specifies the number
#'     of decimals to include when presenting the percentiles (of the
#'     standard normal distribution) that corresponds to the point.
#'     The default value is \code{0}.
#' @return The returned result will be a description of the plot in
#'     \code{.plot_details}, in the mode specified by \code{.mode}.
#' @export

LG_explain_plot <- function(.plot_details,
                            .mode = NULL,
                            .digits_for_points = 2,
                            .digits_for_percentiles = 0) {
    ##  Check the properties of '.plot_details', and extract the
    ##  details-attribute if necessary.
    .plot_argument <- {"ggplot" %in% class(.plot_details)}
    if (.plot_argument) {
        details <- attributes(.plot_details)$details
    } else
        details <- .plot_details
    ##  Check if the mode must be updated (based on '.plot_details')
    ##  or if it is given check that it is a valid alternative.
    if (is.null(.mode)) {
        .mode <- if (.plot_argument) {
                 } else
    } else {
        ##  Check the validity of mode.
        if (! .mode %in% c("markdown", "latex"))
            error(.argument = ".mode",
                  "The mode must be one of: NULL, markdown, latex.")
    ##  Reminder of temporary solution for the case not implemented
    if (details$TCS_type == "T")
        return("Sorry: This has not been implemented yet")
    ##  Create helper functions to take care of the selected values.
    ##  These must be adjusted depending on the mode.
    if (.mode == "markdown") {
        ##  Helper functions for the markdown-syntax.
        .italics <- function(.text)
            paste("_", .text, "_", sep = "")
        .bold <- function(.text)
            paste("__", .text, "__", sep = "")
        .item <- function(.text, .head = NULL, n = 1) {
            if (is.null(.text))
            .indentation <- paste(
                paste(rep(x = " ", times = 4*(n-1)),
                      collapse = ""),
                ifelse(test = {n == 1},
                       yes  = "* ",
                       no   = "+ "),
                collapse = "")
                    if (! is.null(.head))
                          " "),
                  collapse = "")
        .header <- function(.text = "", n) 
                paste(rep("#", n), collapse = ""),
                " ",
                sep = "")
        .percent <- function(.text)
                  sep = "")
        .text_adjust <- function(.text) .text
    } else {
        ##  Helper functions for the latex-syntax.
        .italics <- function(.text)
                  sep = "")
        .bold <- function(.text)
                  sep = "")
        .item <- function(.text, .head = NULL, n=1) {
            if (is.null(.text))
            paste(c("\\item  ",
                    if (! is.null(.head))
                  collapse = " ")
        ##  A very primitve solution at the moment for this part.
        .header <- function(.text = "" ,n)
            paste("{\\Large ",
                  "} ",
                  sep = "")
        .percent <- function(.text)
                  sep = "")
        .text_adjust <- function(.text) {
            ##  Adjustment for '\'-character.
            .text <- gsub(pattern = "\\",
                          replacement = "\\\\",
                          x = .text,
                          fixed = TRUE)
            ##  Adjustment for special characters.
            .special_characters <- c("_", "^", "$", "{", "}", "%", "&", "#")
            for (.char in .special_characters)
                .text <- gsub(pattern = .char,
                              replacement = paste(
                                  sep = ""),
                              x = .text,
                              fixed = TRUE)
            ##  Adjustment for '~'-character.
            .text <- gsub(pattern = "~",
                          replacement = "\\~{}",
                          x = .text,
                          fixed = TRUE)
            ##  Return the revised text.
    ##  An additional helper function to take care of the itemising.
    .itemising <- function(...) {
        ##  Capture evaluated versions of the dotsMethod (anticipated
        ##  here to be be character-vectors inside of '.item').
        .the_dots <- lapply(X = pryr::dots(...),
                            FUN = eval,
                            envir = parent.frame())
        ##  Return a vector with the code of interest.
        c(if (.mode == "latex")
              "\\begin{itemize}  ",
          if (.mode == "latex")
              "\\end{itemize}  ")
    ##  Fix the details needed for the points and percentiles, with
    ##  the desired level of digits.
    .points <- list(
        coordinates = as.character(
            round(x = details$.point_coord,
                  digits = .digits_for_points)),
        percentiles = paste(
                x = pnorm(q = details$.point_coord) * 100,
                digits = .digits_for_percentiles)),
            sep = ""))
    kill(.digits_for_percentiles, .digits_for_points)
    ##  Some of the details have already been stored in a somewhat
    ##  crude form in 'details$text', but the present function will
    ##  nevertheless produce a full collection.  The idea is to
    ##  produce an output based on an itemised presentation, so the
    ##  pieces will be configured with that in mind.  Collect
    ##  information about source, content, computations, confidence
    ##  intervals and so on (depending on what has been selected.)
    plot_info <- list()
    plot_info$Source <- paste(
        ifelse(test = details$is_block,
               yes  = paste(details$nr_simulated_samples,
                            " independent ",
                            "-simulated samples",
                            sep = ""),
               no   = "Real data"),
        " of length ",
        ", ",
        ifelse(test = details$.nr_variables == 1,
               yes  = "univariate",
               no   = paste(
                   sep = "")),
        " observations ",
        if (details$.nr_variables == 1) {
        } else
                        collapse = ", "),
                  sep = ""),
        sep = "")
    ##  Information about the content, with details about variables
    ##  and the point, and a comment that states that only the
    ##  positive lags are needed.
    plot_info$Content <-  paste(
        c("A ",
          ifelse(test = all(details$TCS_type == "C",
                                details$is_bootstrap )),
                 yes  = "boxplot",
                 no   = "plot"),
          " of the ",
          if  (details$TCS_type == "S")
              c("lag ",
                " truncated (smoothed with the ",
                " lag-window kernel) "),
          if (details$is_local) {
              c(" at the point (",
                      collapse = ", "),
                "  The coefficients of this point corresponds respectively to the",
                " standard-normal percentiles ",
                      collapse = " and "),
          } else
          if (details$TCS_type == "C")
              c(if (! details$is_lag_zero_needed)
                    c("  Note that the lag zero component always is one",
                      " in this case, and it has thus been dropped from the plot."),
                if (! details$is_negative_lags_needed)
                    c("  The ",
                      if (details$is_local)
                          "local ",
                      "-correlations are even in the lag-argument",
                      if (details$is_local)
                          " (since the point lies on the diagonal),",
                      " so only positive lags are shown in the plot.")),
          if (details$TCS_type == "S")
              c("  Note that the spectrum is ",
                ifelse(test = details$is_even_spectrum,
                       yes  = "even",
                       no   = "odd"),
                " in the",
                " frequency-argument.")),
        collapse = "")
    ##  Add description for the spectra (becomes 'NULL' when not
    ##  relevant.)
    plot_info$Explain_spectra <- details$spectrum_variant_cross_details
    ##  A description of the computations, i.e. bandwidth and type of
    ##  local Gaussian approximation.
    plot_info$Computations <-
        if (details$is_local)
                c("The computations are based on the estimated correlations from",
                  " a local fitting, at the point (",
                        collapse = ", "),
                  "), of a ",
                  "-parameter Gaussian approximation to the probability",
                  " density functions of the lagged pairs",
                  " (of pseudo-normalised observations).",
                  "  The product-normal kernel was used in the",
                  " estimation algorithm, with the bandwidth ",
                  " (for all the lags)."),
                collapse = "")
    ##  Add warning if the one-parameter local Gaussian approximation
    ##  has been used (this will be 'NULL' when not relevant).
    if (all(details$type == "one",
        plot_info$Warning_one_parameter <- paste(
            "The one-parameter local Gaussian approximation will",
            " in general fail to capture the local properties",
            " of interest.  Use the five-parameter approach instead!",
            sep = "")
    ##  Add CI-text (when relevant, will be 'NULL' when not present).
    if (all(details$is_CI_needed,
            details$TCS_type == "S")) {
        plot_info$CI <- paste(
            if (details$CI_percentage == "min_max") {
                "Pointwise max and min values based on "
            } else
                      " pointwise confidence interval based on ",
                      sep = ""),
            if (details$is_block) {
                      " independent samples.",
                      sep = "")
            } else
                      " ",
                      "-bootstrap replicates, having block length ",
                      sep = ""),
            sep = "")
    ##  Add information about 'trustworthiness', i.e. if numerical
    ##  convergence for the five parameter local Gaussian approach was
    ##  obtained.
    plot_info$Numerical_convergence <- details$text$trust_the_result
    ##  A description of the colours/graphical cues.
    if (details$TCS_type == "S") {
        ##  Information about colours
        plot_info$Colours <- paste(
            c("The ",
            " part is the estimate of the ordinary global ",
            if (details$is_local) {
                c(" (included for comparison)",
                  " whereas the ",
                  " part shows the estimate of the spectra computed from the local Gaussian ",
            } else
            collapse  = "")
        ##  Information about lines
        plot_info$Lines <- paste(
            c("The ",
              if (details$is_local)
              " ",
              if (details$is_block) {
                    ifelse(test = details$is_local,
                           yes  = "s are ",
                           no   = " is "),
                    "the pointwise estimates of the lag ",
                    ifelse(test = details$is_local,
                           yes  = " truncated local/global spectra,",
                           no   = " truncated global spectrum,"),
                    " based on the mean of the individual ",
                    ifelse(test = details$is_local,
                           yes  = "local/",
                           no   = ""),
                    "global spectra for each of the ",
                    " independent samples (all of length ",
              } else
                    ifelse(test = details$is_local,
                           yes  = "s are ",
                           no   = " is "),
                    "the lag ",
                    " truncated ",
                    ifelse(test = details$is_local,
                           yes  = "local/global spectra",
                           no   = "global spectrum"),
                    ", based on the available data (of length ",
            collapse  = "")
    ##  Add information when 'details$details' (from the inital
    ##  setup) is considered.
    if (! is.null(details$details))
        plot_info$Details <- "TEXT TO BE ADDED HERE!"
    ##  Create a vector with the desired result.
    .result <- c(.header("Explanation of plot"),
          .item(plot_info$Source, .head = "Source:"),
          .item(plot_info$Computations, .head = "Computations:"),
          .item(plot_info$Warning_one_parameter, .head = "WARNING:"),
          .item(plot_info$Content, .head = "Content:"),
          .item(plot_info$Explain_spectra, .head = "Spectrum:"),
          .item(plot_info$CI, .head = "Confidence interval:"),
          .item(plot_info$Colours, .head = "Colours:"),
          .item(plot_info$Lines, .head = "Lines:"),
          .item(plot_info$Details, .head = "Details:"),
          .item(plot_info$Numerical_convergence, .head = "Trustworthiness:")))
    ##  Collapse to a single character string if it is to be used in a
    ##  Rnw-document (in order to get it included using '\Sexpr{}').
    if (.mode == "latex")
        .result <- paste(.result, collapse = " ")
    ##  Return the result to the workflow.
LAJordanger/localgaussSpec documentation built on May 6, 2023, 4:31 a.m.