
Defines functions TS_boot_sample

Documented in TS_boot_sample

#' Create bootstrap-replicates of a time series.
#' @description This internal function will, based on the specified
#'     bootstrapping-algorithm and the given time series, create and
#'     save a matrix of bootstrapped time series.
#' @param TS The original time series that we want to create
#'     bootstrap-replicates of.
#' @template main_dir_arg
#' @template save_dir_arg
#' @template nb_boot
#' @template boot_type_boot
#' @template block_length_boot
#' @template boot_seed_boot
#' @details The bootstrapped replicates are stored in a matrix with
#'     \code{nb} rows and \code{length(TS)} columns, i.e.  each row is
#'     a bootstrapped replicate of \code{TS}.
#' @return A list with the following three components is returned to
#'     the internal workflow.
#' \describe{
#' \item{main_dir}{The path (to the hierarchy) given by the
#'     \code{main_dir}-argument.}
#' \item{TS}{The internal (in-hierarchy) path to the saved data.}
#' \item{save_dir}{The (in-hierarchy) name of the directory that the
#'     files are saved into.}
#' }
#' @keywords internal

TS_boot_sample <- function(
    nb = 5,
    boot_type = c("cibbb_tuples", "block"),
    block_length = 20,
    boot_seed = NULL) {
    ##  Restrict 'boot_type' to its first argument if it is longer
    ##  than one.
    if (length(boot_type) > 1) 
        boot_type <- boot_type[1]
    ##  Update 'TS' with the object from file
    load(file = paste(c(main_dir, TS),
                      collapse = .Platform$file.sep))
    ##  If 'TS' originates from 'TS_LG_object', it should have an
    ##  attribute 'TS_for_analysis' that should be used instead of TS.
    if (! identical(x = attributes(TS)$TS_for_analysis,
                    y = NULL))
        TS <- attributes(TS)$TS_for_analysis
    ##  Check that 'TS' has the correct properties.
    .OK_TS <- nested_if(
        if_list = list(
            length(dim(TS)) == 3,
            all(names(dimnames(TS)) %in% c("observations", "variables", "content")),
            length(dimnames(TS)$content) == 1),
        expr_not_all_TRUE = FALSE)
    if (! .OK_TS)
        error(.argument = "TS",
              c("The argument",
                "must be an array of dimension three,",
                "having the dimension names",
                "(in any order).",
                "Moreover, the length of the",
                "dimension must be one."))
    ##  Set the seed, if it is given
    if (! is.null(boot_seed))
        set.seed(seed = boot_seed)
    ##  Extract the attributes to be reinserted later on.
    TS_attributes_to_keep <-
        attributes(TS)[!names(attributes(TS))%in%c("dim", "dimnames")]
    ##  Compute the bootstrap replicates, including an update of the
    ##  dimension-names and attributes to tell other parts of the code
    ##  what to do when this object is encountered.  First: Drop the
    ##  content dimension
    TS <- adrop(x = TS, drop = which(names(dimnames(TS))=="content"))
    ##  Adjust the array so the observations are at the second
    ##  dimension.  (The subsetting used in the construction will due
    ##  to this be contiguous blocks, which might improve the speed.)
    TS <- restrict_array(
        .arr = TS,
        .restrict = dimnames(TS)[c("variables", "observations")],
        .permute = TRUE)
    ##  Create the collection of indices, i.e. a vector that enables
    ##  subsetting of vectors to be used in the construction of the
    ##  bootstrapped sample.
    .boot_indices <- local({
        ##  Identify the properties of the sample.
        .d <- length(dimnames(TS)$variables)
        .n <- length(dimnames(TS)$observations)
        ##  Creat a help function to be used when selecting the
        ##  indices needed for the subsetting of TS (when taking into
        ##  account the way that the elements of the array 'TS' are
        ##  indexed as a vector).  Note: Only the second alternative
        ##  will be used due to the formating of 'TS' made above, but
        ##  the code is left here as a reminder.
        .help_fun <- if (names(dimnames(TS))[1] == "observations") {
                if (.d == 1) {
                } else
                        X = 0:(.d-1),
                        FUN = function(..d)
                            x + ..d * .n,
                        FUN.VALUE = numeric(.n)))
        } else {
            function(x) {
                if (any(.d == 1, boot_type == "cibbb_tuples")) {
                } else
                        X = x,
                        FUN = function(.x)
                        (.x-1) * .d + 1:.d,
                        FUN.VALUE = numeric(.d)))
        ##  Create the indices to be used for the subsetting.
            x = seq(dimnames(TS)$observations),
            nb = nb,
            statistic = .help_fun,
            b = block_length,
            type = "block")$statistic))
    ##  Create the desired 'TS_boot', by exploiting the format that
    ##  'TS' has been converted to.  There are (for the time being)
    ##  two options here, one based on the block-bootstrap, and one
    ##  based on the circular index-based block bootstrap for tuples.
    ##  Reminder: In the latter case it is the "starting-indices" that
    ##  are stored, and the extraction is taken care of in other
    ##  functions later on.
    TS_boot <- if (boot_type == "cibbb_tuples") {
                       .Data = .boot_indices,
                       .Dim = c(1, dim(TS)[2], nb),
                       .Dimnames = c(
                           list(variables = "cibbb_tuples"),
                           list(content = paste(LG_default$boot.prefix, 1:nb, sep = ""))))
               } else {
                       .Data = TS[.boot_indices],
                       .Dim = c(dim(TS), nb),
                       .Dimnames = c(
                           list(content = paste(LG_default$boot.prefix, 1:nb, sep = ""))))
    attributes(TS_boot) <- c(
        list(bootstrap = TRUE,
             orig_TS = TS,
             boot_type = boot_type),
    kill(TS, nb, block_length, TS_attributes_to_keep, .boot_indices)
    ##  Save the result to file.
    save_file.Rda <- LG_default$global["TS_boot"]
    LG_save(data = TS_boot,
            save_file.Rda = save_file.Rda,
            save_dir = save_dir)
    ##  Adjust save_dir to enable portability.
    save_dir <- strsplit(
        x = gsub(
            pattern = paste(main_dir,
                            sep = ""),
            replacement = "",
            x = save_dir),
        split = .Platform$file.sep)[[1]]
    ##  Return data needed for the next function in line, and for the
    ##  update of the 'info'-object in the calling function.
    list(main_dir = main_dir,
         TS = c(save_dir, save_file.Rda),
         save_dir = save_dir)
LAJordanger/localgaussSpec documentation built on May 6, 2023, 4:31 a.m.