
Defines functions summary.ae print.ae ae

Documented in ae print.ae summary.ae

#' Age Estimate
#' \code{ae} estimates the developmental age of input samples based on 
#' correlation with the given reference data. 
#' Confidence intervals for each estimate are computed from bootstrapping on genes and computing 
#' the Median Absolute Deviation of the bootstrap age estimates to the global estimate. 
#' A prior can be given to help with the estimate, in which case the peaks 
#' of the correlation profiles will be scored according to a gaussian
#' of the specified parameters.
#' @param samp sample matrix, genes as rows, individuals as columns
#' @param refdata a reference object, as returned by \code{\link{make_ref}}, or a reference time series matrix in same format as \code{samp}
#' @param ref.time_series ignored if a \code{ref} object is given to \code{refdata}, else the time values of the reference data specified)
#' @param nb.cores number of cores for parallelism, defaults to 2.
#' @param cor.method correlation method, one of "spearman" (default) or "pearson".
#' @param bootstrap.n number of bootstraps. Defaults to 30, should be >5.
#' @param bootstrap.set_size random gene set size for the bootstrap, defaults to n/3 (with n, the size of the sample-reference gene set \emph{overlap}).
#' @param prior Approximate time values for each sample, in the time unit of the given reference. Values are recycled if less than the number of samples
#' @param prior.params Standard deviation of the prior scoring distribution. \emph{Setting this value too low can cause a significant bias in the age estimation.}
#' @param verbose if TRUE (default), displays progression messages.
#' @return an `ae` object, with the age estimates, the correlation matrix between sample and reference, 
#' the reference time series, and the bootstrap age estimates and correlation matrices.
#' There are `plot`, `print` and `summary` methods for this object.
#' @export
#' @eval ae_example()
#' @importFrom parallel parApply parSapply parLapply stopCluster makeForkCluster
#' @importFrom stats quantile dnorm
#' @importFrom data.table frank
#' @importFrom pryr standardise_call
ae <- function(samp, refdata, ref.time_series = NULL,
               cor.method = "spearman", nb.cores = 2,
               bootstrap.n = 30, bootstrap.set_size = NULL,
               prior = NULL, prior.params = NULL,
               verbose = T)
  refinput <- ("ref" == class(refdata))[1] # input is a 'ref' object
    ref <- refdata
    refdata <- ref$interpGE
    ref.time_series <- ref$time
  } else {
      stop("If refdata is not a ref object, ref.time_series must be specified.")
      stop("Reference data and time series don't match")
    ref.time_series <- as.numeric(ref.time_series)
  ncs <- ncol(samp)
  dup <- FALSE
    # if there is only one sample, double it to avoid 
    # dimension drop problems with R
    samp <- cbind(samp,dup=samp)
    ncs <- 2
    dup <- TRUE
    warning("bootstrap.n should ideally be > 5")
  # get matching geneset
    overlap <- format_to_ref(samp, refdata, verbose = verbose)
    samp <- overlap$samp
    refdata <- overlap$refdata
    rm(overlap); gc(verbose = F)
    # default set size
    bootstrap.set_size <- round(nrow(samp)/3)
      message(paste("Bootstrap set size is", bootstrap.set_size))
    stop("bootstrap.set_size must be smaller than the overlapping geneset between sample and reference")
      stop("prior.params value must be specified if prior is defined")
      prior <- rep(prior, ncs)
    prior.params <- rep(prior.params, ncs)
      stop("Some priors are outside reference time series' range")
    # build prior densities (normed)
    range01 <- function(x){(x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x))}
    priors <- lapply(1:ncs, function(i){
      range01(stats::dnorm(ref.time_series, mean = prior[i], sd = prior.params[i]))
    # function to get the cor peak with prior
    get.cor_peak.prior <- function(cor.s, i){
      cor.maxs.i <- unique(c(which(diff(sign(diff(cor.s))) == -2) + 1, which.max(cor.s)))
      cor.maxs <- cor.s[cor.maxs.i]
      cor.max <- max(cor.maxs)
      cor.min <- min(cor.s)
      cor.maxs.times <- ref.time_series[cor.maxs.i]
      cor.maxs.scores <- (priors[[i]][cor.maxs.i] + ((cor.maxs-cor.min)/(cor.max-cor.min)))/2
      chosen <- which.max(cor.maxs.scores)
      return(cbind(time = cor.maxs.times[chosen], cor.score = cor.maxs[chosen]))
  else {
    # function to get the cor peak
    get.cor_peak <- function(cor.s){
      cor.max.i <- which.max(cor.s)
      cor.max <- cor.s[cor.max.i]
      cor.max.time <- ref.time_series[cor.max.i]
      return(cbind(time = cor.max.time, cor.score = cor.max))
    # compute ranks now, and use pearson
    samp <- apply(samp, 2, data.table::frank)
    rownames(samp) <- rownames(refdata)
    refdata <- apply(refdata, 2, data.table::frank)
    rownames(refdata) <- rownames(samp)
    cor.method <- "pearson"
  # build clusters for parallel comp. (detecting OS for cluster type)
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nb.cores, 
                              type = ifelse(.Platform$OS.type=="windows", 
                                            "PSOCK", "FORK"))
  samp.seq <- 1:ncol(samp)
  boot.seq <- 1:bootstrap.n
    message("Performing age estimation...")
  # do age estimation on whole dataset
  cors <- cor.gene_expr(samp, refdata, cor.method = cor.method)
    #no prior
    age.estimates <- parallel::parApply(cl, cors, 2, get.cor_peak)
  } else {
    #with prior
    age.estimates <- parallel::parSapply(cl, samp.seq, function(i){
      get.cor_peak.prior(cors[,i], i)
  ### Bootstrap
  # generate gene subsets
    message("\tBuilding gene subsets...")
  totalset <- nrow(samp)
  gene_subsets <- lapply(boot.seq, function(i){
    sample(totalset, size = bootstrap.set_size, replace = F)
  # get bootstrap correlations 
    message("\tComputing correlations...")
  boot.cors <- simplify2array(parallel::parLapply(cl, boot.seq, function(j){
    cor.gene_expr(samp[gene_subsets[[j]], ,drop=F], refdata[gene_subsets[[j]], ,drop=F],
  # get bootstrap age estimates
    message("\tPerforming age estimation...")
    #no prior
    boots <- simplify2array(parallel::parLapply(cl, boot.seq,function(j){
      bcors <- boot.cors[,,j]
      age.estimate <- apply(bcors, 2, get.cor_peak)
  } else {
    #with prior
    boots <- simplify2array(parallel::parLapply(cl, boot.seq,function(j){
      bcors <- boot.cors[,,j]
      age.estimate <- sapply(samp.seq, function(i){
        get.cor_peak.prior(bcors[,i], i)
    message("Computing summary statistics...")
  # compute MAD Confidence Interval from boostrap
  resolution <- mean(diff(ref.time_series))/2
  conf.inter <- t(parallel::parSapply(cl, 1:dim(boots)[2], function(i) {
    m <- stats::mad(boots[1, i, ], center=age.estimates[1, i], na.rm = T) + resolution
    return(age.estimates[1, i]+c(-m, m))
  # get IC95 and median on the bootstrap correlation curves
  bc95 <- parallel::parApply(cl, boot.cors, c(1,2), quantile, probs=c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), na.rm = T)
  # check for edge-of-reference estimates
  qref <- stats::quantile(ref.time_series, probs=c(.05,.95))
  if(any(  (age.estimates[1,]<qref[1])|(age.estimates[1,]>qref[2])  ))
    warning("Some estimates come near the edges of the reference.\nIf possible, stage those on a different reference for confirmation.")
  # data formatting
  colnames(conf.inter) <- c('lb', 'ub')
  age.estimates <- cbind(age.estimate=age.estimates[1,], conf.inter,
  rownames(age.estimates) <- colnames(samp)
  # stop cluster and free space
  rm(boot.cors, samp, refdata)
  gc(verbose = F)
  res <- list(age.estimates = age.estimates, 
              ref.time_series = ref.time_series, 
              cors = cors,  cors.95 = bc95,
              boots = boots,
              prior = prior)
    # if single sample was doubled, get only one result
    res <- list(age.estimates = age.estimates[1,,drop=F], 
                ref.time_series = ref.time_series, 
                cors = cors[,1,drop=F],  cors.95 = bc95[,,1,drop=F],
                boots = boots[,1,,drop=F],
                prior = prior[1])
  res$call <- deparse(pryr::standardise_call(sys.call()))
  class(res) <- "ae"
    attr(res, "t.unit") <- attr(ref, "t.unit")
    attr(res, "refdat") <- list(metadata = attr(ref, "metadata"),
                               geim.params = attr(ref, "geim.params"))
  } else {
    attr(res, "t.unit") <- ""
    attr(res, "refdat") <- NA

#' Print an ae object
#' Prints the \code{age.estimates} dataframe of an \code{ae} object
#' @param x an \code{ae} object, as returned by \code{\link{ae}}.
#' @param digits the number of digits passed on to \code{\link{round}}
#' @param ... arguments passed on to \code{\link{print}}
#' @export
#' @eval ae_example()
print.ae <- function(x, digits=3, ...){
  cat("RAPToR ae object\n---\n")
  cat("Call:  ")
  sapply(x$call, function(s){cat(paste0('\t',s,'\n'))})
  # time unit & reference metadata
  md <- attr(x, 'refdat')$metadata
  if(!is.na(md[1]) & !(1 == length(md) & md[[1]]=="")){
    cat("Reference metadata:\n\t")
    cat(paste(sapply(seq_along(md), function(i) paste0(names(md)[i], ": ", md[[i]])),
                    collapse = "\n\t"),
        sep = "")

  t.unit <- attr(x, 't.unit')
  if("" != t.unit){
    cat("\n\nTime unit:", t.unit, "\n")
  # print sample table
  print(round(x$age.estimates, digits = digits), ...)

#' Print an ae object summary
#' Prints a summary of the \code{age.estimates} dataframe of an \code{ae} object
#' @param object an \code{ae} object, as returned by \code{\link{ae}}.
#' @param digits the number of digits passed on to \code{\link{round}}
#' @param ... ignored (needed to match the S3 standard)
#' @return a list with: a dataframe of ordered age estimates and confidence intervals, the span of age estimates estimates and the range.
#' @export
#' @eval ae_example()
summary.ae <- function(object, digits=3, ...){
  # rank the samples by age
  ord <- order(object$age.estimates[,1]) 
  ae_tab <-  cbind(round(object$age.estimates[ord,1:3], digits = digits))
  bar <- "---" #paste0(rep('-', 50+digits*3), collapse = '')
  # Display time span of samples
  mn <- as.numeric(min(object$age.estimates[,1], na.rm = T))
  mx <- as.numeric(max(object$age.estimates[,1], na.rm = T))
  t.unit <- attr(object, 't.unit')
  if("" == t.unit){
    t.unit <- "none specified"
  cat(paste0("\nAge estimate\n  Time unit:\t", t.unit,
             '\n  Span:  \t', round(mx-mn, digits = digits),
             '\n  Range:\t[ ', round(mn, digits = digits),' , ',
             round(mx, digits = digits),
             ' ]',
             '\n', bar, '\n'))
  # Print the sample table
  print(ae_tab, quote = F, right = T)
  invisible(list(age.estimates=object$age.estimates[ord,1:3], span=c(mn,mx), range=mx-mn))
LBMC/wormAge documentation built on April 6, 2023, 3:52 a.m.