
Defines functions DEqual

Documented in DEqual

#' Differential expression quality (DEqual) plot
#' A DEqual plot compares the effect of RNA degradation from an independent
#' degradation experiment on the y axis to the effect of the outcome of
#' interest. They were orignally described by Jaffe et al, PNAS, 2017
#' <https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1617384114>. Other DEqual versions are
#' included in Collado-Torres et al, Neuron, 2019
#' <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2019.05.013>. This function compares your
#' t-statistics of interest computed on transcripts against the
#' t-statistics from degradation time adjusting for the six brain regions from
#' degradation experiment data used for determining `covComb_tx_deg`.
#' @param DE a `data.frame()` with one column containing the t-statistics from
#' Differential Expression, typically generated with `limma::topTable()`.
#' The `rownames(DE)` should be transcript GENCODE IDs.
#' @return a `ggplot` object of the DE t-statistic vs
#' the DE statistic from degradation
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import tidyverse
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Random differential expression t-statistics for the same transcripts
#' ## we have degradation t-statistics for in `degradation_tstats`.
#' set.seed(101)
#' random_de <- data.frame(
#'     t = rt(nrow(degradation_tstats), 5),
#'     row.names = sample(
#'         rownames(degradation_tstats),
#'         nrow(degradation_tstats)
#'     )
#' )
#' ## Create the DEqual plot
#' DEqual(random_de)
DEqual <- function(DE) {
    ## For R CMD check
    DE_t <- degradation_t <- NULL

    ## Check input
    # stopifnot("t" %in% colnames(DE))
    # stopifnot(!is.null(rownames(DE)))
    # Check if input is a dataframe
    if (!is.data.frame(DE)) { 
      stop("The input to DEqual is not a dataframe.", call. = FALSE) 

    # Check if 't' is in the column names of DE
    if (!("t" %in% colnames(DE))) {
        stop("'t' is not a column in 'DE'.", call. = FALSE)
    # Check if DE has non-null row names
    if (is.null(rownames(DE))) {
        stop("Row names of 'DE' are NULL.", call. = FALSE)
    ## Locate common transcripts
    deg_tstats = qsvaR::degradation_tstats
    rownames(deg_tstats) = check_tx_names(rownames(DE),rownames(qsvaR::degradation_tstats),'rownames(DE)','qsvaR::degradation_tstats')
    common = intersect(rownames(deg_tstats), rownames(DE))
    stopifnot(length(common) > 0)
    ## Create dataframe with common transcripts
    common_data <- data.frame(
        degradation_t = deg_tstats$t[match(common, rownames(deg_tstats))],
        DE_t = DE$t[match(common, rownames(DE))]
    p <- ggplot(common_data, aes(x = DE_t, y = degradation_t)) +
        xlab("DE t-statistic") +
        ylab("Degradation t-statistic") +
        geom_bin2d(bins = 70) +
        scale_fill_continuous(type = "viridis") +
        theme_bw() +
        labs(caption = paste0("correlation: ", signif(cor(common_data[, 1], common_data[, 2]), 2)))
LieberInstitute/qsvaR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 8:03 a.m.