
Defines functions weighted_mean boot.pval boot.ci estinf

estinf <- function() {
  # restrict data types of variables
  allvar <- c(outcome, exposure, mediator, postc, basec)
  for (i in 1:length(allvar))
    if (!(is.numeric(data[, allvar[i]]) | is.factor(data[, allvar[i]]) |
          is.character(data[, allvar[i]]))) stop(paste0("The variable ", allvar[i], " should be numeric, factor or character"))
  # output list
  out <- list()
  # obtain calls, weights, classes, and families of regs
  for (reg_name in c("yreg", "ereg", "mreg", "wmnomreg", "wmdenomreg", "postcreg")) {
    reg <- get(reg_name)
    if (!is.null(reg)) {
      if (reg_name %in% c("yreg", "ereg")) {
        assign(paste0("call_", reg_name), getCall(reg))
        assign("reg_mid", switch((inherits(reg, "rcreg") | inherits(reg, "simexreg")) + 1, "1" = reg, "2" = reg$NAIVEreg))
        assign(paste0("is_lm_", reg_name), inherits(reg_mid, "lm"))
        assign(paste0("is_glm_", reg_name), inherits(reg_mid, "glm"))
        assign(paste0("is_svyglm_", reg_name), inherits(reg_mid, "svyglm"))
        assign(paste0("is_gam_", reg_name), inherits(reg_mid, "gam"))
        if (get(paste0("is_lm_", reg_name)) | get(paste0("is_glm_", reg_name))) assign(paste0("family_", reg_name), family(reg_mid))
        assign(paste0("is_multinom_", reg_name), inherits(reg_mid, "multinom"))
        assign(paste0("is_svymultinom_", reg_name), inherits(reg_mid, "svymultinom"))
        assign(paste0("is_polr_", reg_name), inherits(reg_mid, "polr"))
        if (reg_name == "yreg") {
          assign(paste0("is_survreg_", reg_name), inherits(reg_mid, "survreg"))
          assign(paste0("is_coxph_", reg_name), inherits(reg_mid, "coxph"))
        if (get(paste0("is_svyglm_", reg_name))) {assign(paste0("weights_", reg_name), get(reg_name)$data$.survey.prob.weights)
        } else assign(paste0("weights_", reg_name), model.frame(get(reg_name))$'(weights)')  
      } else {
        assign(paste0("call_", reg_name), lapply(1:length(reg), function(x) getCall(reg[[x]])))
        assign("reg_mid", lapply(1:length(reg), function(x)
          switch((inherits(reg[[x]], "rcreg") | inherits(reg[[x]], "simexreg")) + 1, "1" = reg[[x]], "2" = reg[[x]]$NAIVEreg)))
        assign(paste0("is_lm_", reg_name), sapply(1:length(reg_mid), function(x) inherits(reg_mid[[x]], "lm")))
        assign(paste0("is_glm_", reg_name), sapply(1:length(reg_mid), function(x) inherits(reg_mid[[x]], "glm")))
        assign(paste0("is_svyglm_", reg_name), sapply(1:length(reg_mid), function(x) inherits(reg_mid[[x]], "svyglm")))
        assign(paste0("is_gam_", reg_name), sapply(1:length(reg_mid), function(x) inherits(reg_mid[[x]], "gam")))
        assign(paste0("family_", reg_name), lapply(1:length(reg_mid), function(x)
          if (get(paste0("is_lm_", reg_name))[x] | get(paste0("is_glm_", reg_name))[x]) family(reg_mid[[x]])))
        assign(paste0("is_multinom_", reg_name), sapply(1:length(reg_mid), function(x) inherits(reg_mid[[x]], "multinom")))
        assign(paste0("is_svymultinom_", reg_name), sapply(1:length(reg_mid), function(x) inherits(reg_mid[[x]], "svymultinom")))
        assign(paste0("is_polr_", reg_name), sapply(1:length(reg_mid), function(x) inherits(reg_mid[[x]], "polr")))
        assign(paste0("weights_", reg_name), lapply(1:length(reg_mid), function(x) {
          if (get(paste0("is_svyglm_", reg_name))[x]) { get(reg_name)[[x]]$data$.survey.prob.weights
          } else model.frame(get(reg_name)[[x]])$'(weights)'
  # restrict formulas, classes and families of regression objects
  if (!(((is_lm_yreg | is_glm_yreg) && 
         (family_yreg$family %in% 
          c("gaussian", "inverse.gaussian", "quasi", "poisson", "quasipoisson", 
            "Gamma", "binomial", "quasibinomial", "multinom", "ziplss") |
          startsWith(family_yreg$family, "Negative Binomial") |
          startsWith(family_yreg$family, "Zero inflated Poisson") |
          startsWith(family_yreg$family, "Ordered Categorical"))) |
        is_multinom_yreg | is_polr_yreg | is_survreg_yreg | is_coxph_yreg |
        inference == "delta")) stop("Unsupported yreg")
  # yreg_formula <- formula(yreg)
  # d_var <- unique(all.vars(yreg_formula[[2]]))
  # ind_var <- unique(all.vars(yreg_formula[[3]]))
  # if (model %in% c("rb", "wb", "ne") && (!(outcome %in% d_var) | !all(ind_var %in% c(exposure, mediator, basec)))) stop(
  #   "For yreg, please regress outcome on variables in c(exposure, mediator, basec) when model is rb, wb or ne")
  # if (model == "iorw" && (!(outcome %in% d_var) | !all(ind_var %in% c(exposure, basec)))) stop(
  #   "For yreg, please regress outcome on variables in c(exposure, basec) when model is iorw")
  # if (model == "msm" && (!(outcome %in% d_var) | !all(ind_var %in% c(exposure, mediator)))) stop(
  #   "For yreg, please regress outcome on variables in c(exposure, mediator) when model is msm")
  # if (model == "gformula" && (!(outcome %in% d_var) | !all(ind_var %in% c(exposure, mediator, basec, postc)))) stop(
  #   "For yreg, please regress outcome on variables in c(exposure, mediator, basec, postc) when model is gformula")
  # rm(yreg_formula, d_var, ind_var)
  # if (!is.null(ereg)) {
  #   if (!(((is_lm_ereg | is_glm_ereg) && 
  #          (family_ereg$family %in% c("binomial", "quasibinomial", "multinom") |
  #           startsWith(family_ereg$family, "Ordered Categorical"))) |
  #         is_multinom_ereg | is_polr_ereg)) stop("Unsupported ereg")
  #   ereg_formula <- formula(ereg)
  #   d_var <- unique(all.vars(ereg_formula[[2]]))
  #   ind_var <- unique(all.vars(ereg_formula[[3]]))
  #   if (model != "iorw" && ((exposure != d_var) | !all(ind_var %in% basec))) stop("For ereg, please regress the exposure on variables in basec when model is wb or msm")
  #   if (model == "iorw" && ((exposure != d_var) | !all(mediator %in% ind_var) | 
  #                           !all(ind_var %in% c(mediator, basec)))) stop("For ereg, please regress the exposure on variables in basec and all mediators when model is iorw")
  #   rm(ereg_formula, d_var, ind_var)
  # }
  # if (!is.null(mreg) && inference == "bootstrap") {
  #   for (p in 1:length(mreg)) {
  #     if (!(((is_lm_mreg[[p]] | is_glm_mreg[[p]]) && 
  #            (family_mreg[[p]]$family %in% 
  #             c("gaussian", "inverse.gaussian", "poisson", "quasipoisson", 
  #               "Gamma", "binomial", "multinom") |
  #             startsWith(family_mreg[[p]]$family, "Negative Binomial") |
  #             startsWith(family_mreg[[p]]$family, "Ordered Categorical"))) |
  #           is_multinom_mreg[[p]] | is_polr_mreg[[p]])) stop(paste0("Unsupported mreg[[", p, "]]"))
  #     mreg_formula <- formula(mreg[[p]])
  #     d_var <- unique(all.vars(mreg_formula[[2]]))
  #     ind_var <- unique(all.vars(mreg_formula[[3]]))
  #     if (model == "rb" && ((mediator[p] != d_var) | !all(ind_var %in% c(exposure, basec)))) stop(
  #       paste0("For mreg[[", p, "]], please regress mediator[", p, "] on variables in c(exposure, basec) when model is rb"))
  #     if (model == "msm" && ((mediator[p] != d_var) | !all(ind_var %in% c(exposure)))) stop(
  #       paste0("For mreg[[", p, "]], please regress mediator[", p, "] on exposure when model is msm"))
  #     if (model == "gformula" && ((mediator[p] != d_var) | !all(ind_var %in% c(exposure, basec, postc)))) stop(
  #       paste0("For mreg[[", p, "]], please regress mediator[", p, "] on variables in c(exposure, basec, postc) when model is gformula"))
  #     rm(mreg_formula, d_var, ind_var)
  #   }
  # }
  # if (!is.null(wmnomreg)) {
  #   for (p in 1:length(wmnomreg)) {
  #     if (!((((is_lm_wmnomreg[[p]] | is_glm_wmnomreg[[p]]) && 
  #             (family_wmnomreg[[p]]$family %in% 
  #              c("binomial", "quasibinomial", "multinom") |
  #              startsWith(family_wmnomreg[[p]]$family, "Ordered Categorical"))) |
  #            is_multinom_wmnomreg[[p]] | is_polr_wmnomreg[[p]]))) stop(paste0("Unsupported wmnomreg[[", p, "]]"))
  #     wmnomreg_formula <- formula(wmnomreg[[p]])
  #     d_var <- unique(all.vars(wmnomreg_formula[[2]]))
  #     ind_var <- unique(all.vars(wmnomreg_formula[[3]]))
  #     if ((mediator[p] != d_var) | !all(ind_var %in% c(exposure, mediator[0:(p-1)]))) stop(
  #       paste0("For wmnomreg[[", p, "]], please regress mediator[", p, "] on variables in c(exposure, mediator[0:", p-1, "])"))
  #     rm(wmnomreg_formula, d_var, ind_var)
  #   }
  # }
  # if (!is.null(wmdenomreg)) {
  #   for (p in 1:length(wmdenomreg)) {
  #     if (!((((is_lm_wmdenomreg[[p]] | is_glm_wmdenomreg[[p]]) && 
  #             (family_wmdenomreg[[p]]$family %in% 
  #              c("binomial", "quasibinomial", "multinom") |
  #              startsWith(family_wmdenomreg[[p]]$family, "Ordered Categorical"))) |
  #            is_multinom_wmdenomreg[[p]] | is_polr_wmdenomreg[[p]]))) stop(paste0("Unsupported wmdenomreg[[", p, "]]"))
  #     wmdenomreg_formula <- formula(wmdenomreg[[p]])
  #     d_var <- unique(all.vars(wmdenomreg_formula[[2]]))
  #     ind_var <- unique(all.vars(wmdenomreg_formula[[3]]))
  #     if ((mediator[p] != d_var) | !all(ind_var %in% c(exposure, mediator[0:(p-1)], basec, postc))) stop(
  #       paste0("For wmdenomreg[[", p, "]], please regress mediator[", p, "] on variables in c(exposure, mediator[0:", p-1, "], basec, postc)"))
  #     rm(wmdenomreg_formula, d_var, ind_var)
  #   }
  # }
  # if (!is.null(postcreg)) {
  #   for (p in 1:length(postcreg)) {
  #     if (!(((is_lm_postcreg[[p]] | is_glm_postcreg[[p]]) && 
  #            (family_postcreg[[p]]$family %in% 
  #             c("gaussian", "inverse.gaussian", "poisson", "quasipoisson", 
  #               "Gamma", "binomial", "multinom") |
  #             startsWith(family_postcreg[[p]]$family, "Negative Binomial") |
  #             startsWith(family_postcreg[[p]]$family, "Ordered Categorical"))) |
  #           is_multinom_postcreg[[p]] | is_polr_postcreg[[p]])) stop(paste0("Unsupported postcreg[[", p, "]]"))
  #     postcreg_formula <- formula(postcreg[[p]])
  #     d_var <- unique(all.vars(postcreg_formula[[2]]))
  #     ind_var <- unique(all.vars(postcreg_formula[[3]]))
  #     if ((postc[p] != d_var) | !all(ind_var %in% c(exposure, basec))) stop(
  #       paste0("For postcreg[[", p, "]], please regress postc[", p, "] on variables in c(exposure, basec)"))
  #     rm(postcreg_formula, d_var, ind_var)
  #   }
  # }
  # reference values for the exposure
  if (is.factor(data[, exposure]) | is.character(data[, exposure])) {
    a_lev <- levels(droplevels(as.factor(data[, exposure])))
    if (!a %in% a_lev) {
      a <- a_lev[length(a_lev)]
      warning(paste0("a is not a value of the exposure; ", a, " is used"))
    if (!astar %in% a_lev) {
      astar <- a_lev[1]
      warning(paste0("astar is not a value of the exposure; ", astar, " is used"))
  out$ref$a <- a
  out$ref$astar <- astar
  # yval: the reference level for a categorical outcome
  if ((is_glm_yreg && (family_yreg$family %in% c("binomial", "quasibinomial", "multinom") |
                       startsWith(family_yreg$family, "Ordered Categorical"))) |
      is_multinom_yreg | is_polr_yreg) {
    y_lev <- levels(droplevels(as.factor(data[, outcome])))
    # if yval is not provided or yval provided is not a value of the outcome, use the last level of the outcome
    if (is.null(yval)) {
      yval <- y_lev[length(y_lev)]
      warning(paste0("yval is not specified; ", yval, " is used"))
    if (!yval %in% y_lev) {
      yval <- y_lev[length(y_lev)]
      warning(paste0("yval is not a value of the outcome; ", yval, " is used"))
    out$ref$yval <- yval
  # reference values for the mediators
  if (model != "iorw") {
    if (model %in% c("wb", "ne")) {
      for (i in 1:length(mediator)) {
        if (is.factor(data[, mediator[i]]) | is.character(data[, mediator[i]])) {
          m_lev <- levels(droplevels(as.factor(data[, mediator[i]])))
          if (!mval[[i]] %in% m_lev) {
            mval[[i]] <- m_lev[length(m_lev)]
            warning(paste0("mval[[", i, "]] is not a value of mediator[", i, "]; ", mval[[i]], " is used"))
    } else {
      for (i in 1:length(mediator)) {
        if ((is_glm_mreg[i] && ((family_mreg[[i]]$family %in% c("binomial", "multinom")) |
                                startsWith(family_mreg[[i]]$family, "Ordered Categorical")))|
            is_multinom_mreg[i] | is_polr_mreg[i]) {
          m_lev <- levels(droplevels(as.factor(data[, mediator[i]])))
          if (is.numeric(data[, mediator[i]])) m_lev <- as.numeric(m_lev)
          if (!mval[[i]] %in% m_lev) {
            mval[[i]] <- m_lev[length(m_lev)]
            warning(paste0("mval[[", i, "]] is not a value of mediator[", i, "]; ", mval[[i]], " is used"))
    out$ref$mval <- mval
  # get the level of the case and the level of the control
  if (casecontrol) {
    y_lev <- levels(droplevels(as.factor(data[, outcome])))
    if (length(y_lev) != 2) stop("outcome with more than 2 levels")
    y_control <- y_lev[1]
    y_case <- y_lev[2]
  if (model == "rb") {
    ############################################Regression-based Approach##############################
    # closed-form parameter function estimation
    if (estimation == "paramfunc") {
      # create a list of covariate values to calculate conditional causal effects
      if (length(basec) != 0) {
        if (!is.null(basecval)) {
          if (!is.list(basecval)) stop("basecval should be a list")
          if (length(basecval) != length(basec)) stop("length(basecval) != length(basec)")
        if (is.null(basecval)) basecval <- rep(list(NULL), length(basec))
        # if NULL, set basecval[[i]] to be the mean value of basec[i]
        for (i in 1:length(basec)) {
          if (is.factor(data[, basec[i]]) | is.character(data[, basec[i]])) {
            c_lev <- levels(droplevels(as.factor(data[, basec[i]])))
            if (is.null(basecval[[i]])) {
              c_data <- data[, basec[i], drop = FALSE]
              c_data[, basec[i]] <- factor(c_data[, basec[i]], levels = c_lev)
              # set basecval[[i]] to be the mean values of dummy variables
              basecval[[i]] <- unname(colMeans(as.matrix(model.matrix(as.formula(paste0("~", basec[i])),
                                                                      data = model.frame(~., data = c_data, 
                                                                                         na.action = na.pass))[, -1]), 
                                               na.rm = TRUE))
              # dummy values of basecval[[i]]
            } else basecval[[i]] <- as.numeric(c_lev == basecval[[i]])[-1]
          } else if (is.numeric(data[, basec[i]])) {
            if (is.null(basecval[[i]])) {
              # set basecval[[i]] to be the mean value of basec[i]
              basecval[[i]] <- mean(data[, basec[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
            } else basecval[[i]] <- basecval[[i]]
        out$ref$basecval <- basecval
    # estimation and inference
    environment(est.rb) <- environment()
    if (!multimp) {
      # point estimates of causal effects
      est <- est.rb(data = data, indices = NULL, outReg = TRUE, full = full)
      effect.pe <- est$est
      n_effect <- length(effect.pe)
      out$reg.output <- est$reg.output
      if (inference == "bootstrap") {
        # bootstrap results
        boots <- boot(data = data, statistic = est.rb, R = nboot, outReg = FALSE, full = full)
        # bootstrap CIs
        environment(boot.ci) <- environment()
        effect.ci <- boot.ci(boots = boots)
        effect.ci.low <- effect.ci[, 1]
        effect.ci.high <- effect.ci[, 2]
        # bootstrap p-values
        effect.pval <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) boot.pval(boots = boots$t[, x], pe = effect.pe[x]))
      } else if (inference == "delta") {
        yreg <- est$reg.output$yreg
        mreg <- est$reg.output$mreg[[1]]
        # standard errors by the delta method
        environment(inf.delta) <- environment()
        effect.se <- inf.delta(data = data, yreg = yreg, mreg = mreg)
        # critical value
        z0 <- qnorm(0.975)
        z <- effect.pe/effect.se
        # delta method CIs
        effect.ci.low <- effect.pe - z0 * effect.se
        effect.ci.high <- effect.pe + z0 * effect.se
        # delta method p-values
        effect.pval <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(z)))
    } else {
      # imputed data sets
      data_imp <- complete(do.call(mice, args_mice), action = "all")
      m <- length(data_imp)
      # estimate causal effects for each imputed data set
      est_imp <- lapply(1:m, function(x)
        est.rb(data = data_imp[[x]], indices = NULL, outReg = TRUE, full = full))
      est_imp_df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:m, function(x) est_imp[[x]]$est))
      effect.pe <- colMeans(est_imp_df)
      n_effect <- length(effect.pe)
      out$reg.output <- lapply(1:m, function(x) est_imp[[x]]$reg.output)
      if (inference == "bootstrap") {
        boot.step <- function(data = NULL, indices = NULL) {
          data_boot <- data[indices, ]
          args_mice$data <- data_boot
          data_imp <- complete(do.call(mice, args_mice), action = "all")
          curVal <- get("counter", envir = env)
          assign("counter", curVal + 1, envir = env)
          setTxtProgressBar(get("progbar", envir = env), curVal + 1)
          return(colMeans(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:m, function(x)
            est.rb(data = data_imp[[x]], outReg = FALSE, full = full)))))
        environment(boot.step) <- environment()
        # bootstrap results
        boots <- boot(data = data, statistic = boot.step, R = nboot)
        # bootstrap CIs
        environment(boot.ci) <- environment()
        effect.ci <- boot.ci(boots = boots)
        effect.ci.low <- effect.ci[, 1]
        effect.ci.high <- effect.ci[, 2]
        # bootstrap p-values
        effect.pval <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) boot.pval(boots = boots$t[, x], pe = effect.pe[x]))
      } else if (inference == "delta") {
        environment(inf.delta) <- environment()
        # standard errors by the delta method
        se_imp <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:m, function(x)
          inf.delta(data = data_imp[[x]], yreg = est_imp[[x]]$reg.output$yreg, mreg = est_imp[[x]]$reg.output$mreg[[1]])))
        # pool the results by Rubin's rule
        var_within <- colMeans(se_imp ^ 2)
        var_between <- colSums((est_imp_df - t(replicate(m, effect.pe)))^2)/(m - 1)
        effect.se <- sqrt(var_within + var_between * (m + 1) / m)
        z0 <- qnorm(0.975)
        z <- effect.pe/effect.se
        effect.ci.low <- effect.pe - z0 * effect.se
        effect.ci.high <- effect.pe + z0 * effect.se
        effect.pval <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(z)))
    if ((is_lm_yreg | is_glm_yreg) &&
        (family_yreg$family %in% c("gaussian", "inverse.gaussian", "Gamma", "quasi"))) {
      # standard errors by bootstrapping
      if (inference == "bootstrap") effect.se <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) sd(boots$t[, x], na.rm = TRUE))
      # effect names
      if (full) {
        if (EMint) effect_name <- c("cde", "pnde", "tnde", "pnie", "tnie", "te", 
                                    "intref", "intmed", "cde(prop)", "intref(prop)", "intmed(prop)", "pnie(prop)",
                                    "pm", "int", "pe")
        if (!EMint) effect_name <- c("cde", "pnde", "tnde", "pnie", "tnie", "te", "pm")
      if (!full) effect_name <- c("cde", "pnde", "tnde", "pnie", "tnie", "te")
    } else {
      # transform standard errors of effects in log scale
      if (inference == "bootstrap") effect.se <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x)
        ifelse(x <= 6, sd(exp(boots$t[, x])), sd(boots$t[, x]))) #
      if (inference == "delta") effect.se[1:6] <- sapply(1:6, function(x)
        deltamethod(as.formula("~exp(x1)"), effect.pe[x], effect.se[x]^2))
      # transform effects in log ratio scale into effects in ratio scale
      effect.pe[1:6] <- exp(effect.pe[1:6])
      effect.ci.low[1:6] <- exp(effect.ci.low[1:6])
      effect.ci.high[1:6] <- exp(effect.ci.high[1:6])
      # effect names
      if (full) {
        if (EMint) effect_name <- c("Rcde", "Rpnde", "Rtnde", "Rpnie", "Rtnie", "Rte", 
                                    "ERcde", "ERintref", "ERintmed", "ERpnie",
                                    "ERcde(prop)", "ERintref(prop)", "ERintmed(prop)", "ERpnie(prop)",
                                    "pm", "int", "pe")
        if (!EMint) effect_name <- c("Rcde", "Rpnde", "Rtnde", "Rpnie", "Rtnie", "Rte", "pm")
      if (!full) effect_name <- c("Rcde", "Rpnde", "Rtnde", "Rpnie", "Rtnie", "Rte")
    names(effect.pe) <- names(effect.se) <- names(effect.ci.low) <- names(effect.ci.high) <-
      names(effect.pval) <- effect_name
    out$effect.pe <- effect.pe
    out$effect.se <- effect.se
    out$effect.ci.low <- effect.ci.low
    out$effect.ci.high <- effect.ci.high
    out$effect.pval <- effect.pval
  } else if (model == "gformula") {
    #############################################G-formula Approach####################################
    environment(est.gformula) <- environment()
    if (!multimp) {
      # point estimates of causal effects
      est <- est.gformula(data = data, indices = NULL, outReg = TRUE, full = full)
      effect.pe <- est$est
      n_effect <- length(effect.pe)
      out$reg.output <- est$reg.output
      # bootstrap results
      boots <- boot(data = data, statistic = est.gformula, R = nboot, outReg = FALSE, full = full)
      # bootstrap CIs
      environment(boot.ci) <- environment()
      effect.ci <- boot.ci(boots = boots)
      effect.ci.low <- effect.ci[, 1]
      effect.ci.high <- effect.ci[, 2]
      # bootstrap p-values
      effect.pval <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) boot.pval(boots = boots$t[, x], pe = effect.pe[x]))
    } else {
      # imputed data sets
      data_imp <- complete(do.call(mice, args_mice), action = "all")
      m <- length(data_imp)
      # estimate causal effects for each imputed data set
      est_imp <- lapply(1:m, function(x)
        est.gformula(data = data_imp[[x]], indices = NULL, outReg = TRUE, full = full))
      est_imp_df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:m, function(x) est_imp[[x]]$est))
      effect.pe <- colMeans(est_imp_df)
      n_effect <- length(effect.pe)
      out$reg.output <- lapply(1:m, function(x) est_imp[[x]]$reg.output)
      boot.step <- function(data = NULL, indices = NULL) {
        data_boot <- data[indices, ]
        args_mice$data <- data_boot
        data_imp <- complete(do.call(mice, args_mice), action = "all")
        curVal <- get("counter", envir = env)
        assign("counter", curVal + 1, envir = env)
        setTxtProgressBar(get("progbar", envir = env), curVal + 1)
        return(colMeans(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:m, function(x)
          est.gformula(data = data_imp[[x]], outReg = FALSE, full = full)))))
      environment(boot.step) <- environment()
      # bootstrap results
      boots <- boot(data = data, statistic = boot.step, R = nboot)
      # bootstrap CIs
      environment(boot.ci) <- environment()
      effect.ci <- boot.ci(boots = boots)
      effect.ci.low <- effect.ci[, 1]
      effect.ci.high <- effect.ci[, 2]
      # bootstrap p-values
      effect.pval <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) boot.pval(boots = boots$t[, x], pe = effect.pe[x]))
    if ((is_lm_yreg | is_glm_yreg) &&
        (family_yreg$family %in% c("gaussian", "inverse.gaussian", "Gamma", "quasi"))) {
      # standard errors by bootstrapping
      effect.se <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) sd(boots$t[, x]))
      # effect names
      if (length(postc) == 0) {
        if (full) {
          if (EMint) effect_name <-
              c("cde", "pnde", "tnde", "pnie", "tnie", "te", "intref", "intmed", "cde(prop)", 
                "intref(prop)", "intmed(prop)", "pnie(prop)", "pm", "int", "pe")
          if (!EMint) effect_name <- c("cde", "pnde", "tnde", "pnie", "tnie", "te", "pm")
        } else effect_name <- c("cde", "pnde", "tnde", "pnie", "tnie", "te")
      } else {
        if (full) {
          if (EMint) effect_name <-
              c("cde", "rpnde", "rtnde", "rpnie", "rtnie", "te", "rintref", "rintmed", "cde(prop)", 
                "rintref(prop)", "rintmed(prop)", "rpnie(prop)", "rpm", "rint", "rpe")
          if (!EMint) effect_name <- c("cde", "rpnde", "rtnde", "rpnie", "rtnie", "te", "pm")
        } else effect_name <- c("cde", "rpnde", "rtnde", "rpnie", "rtnie", "te")
    } else {
      # transform standard errors of effects on the log scale
      effect.se <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) ifelse(x <= 6, sd(exp(boots$t[, x])), sd(boots$t[, x])))
      # transform effects on the log ratio scale into effects on the ratio scale
      effect.pe[1:6] <- exp(effect.pe[1:6])
      effect.ci.low[1:6] <- exp(effect.ci.low[1:6])
      effect.ci.high[1:6] <- exp(effect.ci.high[1:6])
      # effect names
      if (length(postc) == 0) {
        if (full) {
          if (EMint) effect_name <-
              c("Rcde", "Rpnde", "Rtnde", "Rpnie", "Rtnie", "Rte", "ERcde", "ERintref", "ERintmed", "ERpnie",
                "ERcde(prop)", "ERintref(prop)", "ERintmed(prop)", "ERpnie(prop)", "pm", "int", "pe")
          if (!EMint) effect_name <- c("Rcde", "Rpnde", "Rtnde", "Rpnie", "Rtnie", "Rte", "pm")
        } else effect_name <- c("Rcde", "Rpnde", "Rtnde", "Rpnie", "Rtnie", "Rte")
      } else {
        if (full) {
          if (EMint) effect_name <-
              c("Rcde", "rRpnde", "rRtnde", "rRpnie", "rRtnie", "Rte", "ERcde", "rERintref", "rERintmed", 
                "rERpnie", "ERcde(prop)", "rERintref(prop)", "rERintmed(prop)", "rERpnie(prop)", "rpm", "rint", "rpe")
          if (!EMint) effect_name <- c("Rcde", "rRpnde", "rRtnde", "rRpnie", "rRtnie", "Rte", "pm")
        } else effect_name <- c("Rcde", "rRpnde", "rRtnde", "rRpnie", "rRtnie", "Rte")
    names(effect.pe) <- names(effect.se) <- names(effect.ci.low) <- names(effect.ci.high) <-
      names(effect.pval) <- effect_name
    out$effect.pe <- effect.pe
    out$effect.se <- effect.se
    out$effect.ci.low <- effect.ci.low
    out$effect.ci.high <- effect.ci.high
    out$effect.pval <- effect.pval
  } else if (model == "wb") {
    ############################################Weighting-based Approach##############################
    if (length(basec) != 0 && (!((is_glm_ereg && (family_ereg$family %in% c("binomial", "quasibinomial", "multinom") |
                                                  startsWith(family_ereg$family, "Ordered Categorical"))) |
                                 is_multinom_ereg | is_polr_ereg))) stop(
                                   "model = 'wb' only supports categorical exposure when length(basec) != 0")
    if (is_survreg_yreg | is_coxph_yreg) stop("model = 'wb' doesn't support survival outcomes")
    environment(est.wb) <- environment()
    if (!multimp) {
      # point estimates of causal effects
      est <- est.wb(data = data, indices = NULL, outReg = TRUE, full = full)
      effect.pe <- est$est
      n_effect <- length(effect.pe)
      out$reg.output <- est$reg.output
      # bootstrap results
      boots <- boot(data = data, statistic = est.wb, R = nboot, outReg = FALSE, full = full)
      # bootstrap CIs
      environment(boot.ci) <- environment()
      effect.ci <- boot.ci(boots = boots)
      effect.ci.low <- effect.ci[, 1]
      effect.ci.high <- effect.ci[, 2]
      # bootstrap p-values
      effect.pval <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) boot.pval(boots = boots$t[, x], pe = effect.pe[x]))
    } else {
      # imputed data sets
      data_imp <- complete(do.call(mice, args_mice), action = "all")
      m <- length(data_imp)
      # estimate causal effects for each imputed data set
      est_imp <- lapply(1:m, function(x)
        est.wb(data = data_imp[[x]], indices = NULL, outReg = TRUE, full = full))
      est_imp_df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:m, function(x) est_imp[[x]]$est))
      effect.pe <- colMeans(est_imp_df)
      n_effect <- length(effect.pe)
      out$reg.output <- lapply(1:m, function(x) est_imp[[x]]$reg.output)
      boot.step <- function(data = NULL, indices = NULL) {
        data_boot <- data[indices, ]
        args_mice$data <- data_boot
        data_imp <- complete(do.call(mice, args_mice), action = "all")
        curVal <- get("counter", envir = env)
        assign("counter", curVal + 1, envir = env)
        setTxtProgressBar(get("progbar", envir = env), curVal + 1)
        return(colMeans(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:m, function(x)
          est.wb(data = data_imp[[x]], outReg = FALSE, full = full)))))
      environment(boot.step) <- environment()
      # bootstrap results
      boots <- boot(data = data, statistic = boot.step, R = nboot)
      # bootstrap CIs
      environment(boot.ci) <- environment()
      effect.ci <- boot.ci(boots = boots)
      effect.ci.low <- effect.ci[, 1]
      effect.ci.high <- effect.ci[, 2]
      # bootstrap p-values
      effect.pval <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) boot.pval(boots = boots$t[, x], pe = effect.pe[x]))
    if ((is_lm_yreg | is_glm_yreg) &&
        (family_yreg$family %in% c("gaussian", "inverse.gaussian", "Gamma", "quasi"))) {
      # standard errors by bootstrapping
      effect.se <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) sd(boots$t[, x]))
      # effect names
      if (full) {
        if (EMint) effect_name <- c("cde", "pnde", "tnde", "pnie", "tnie", "te", 
                                    "intref", "intmed", "cde(prop)", "intref(prop)", "intmed(prop)", "pnie(prop)",
                                    "pm", "int", "pe")
        if (!EMint) effect_name <- c("cde", "pnde", "tnde", "pnie", "tnie", "te", "pm")
      if (!full) effect_name <- c("cde", "pnde", "tnde", "pnie", "tnie", "te")
    } else {
      # transform standard errors of effects on the log scale
      effect.se <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) ifelse(x <= 6, sd(exp(boots$t[, x])), sd(boots$t[, x])))
      # transform effects on the log ratio scale into effects on the ratio scale
      effect.pe[1:6] <- exp(effect.pe[1:6])
      effect.ci.low[1:6] <- exp(effect.ci.low[1:6])
      effect.ci.high[1:6] <- exp(effect.ci.high[1:6])
      # effect names
      if (full) {
        if (EMint) effect_name <- c("Rcde", "Rpnde", "Rtnde", "Rpnie", "Rtnie", "Rte", 
                                    "ERcde", "ERintref", "ERintmed", "ERpnie",
                                    "ERcde(prop)", "ERintref(prop)", "ERintmed(prop)", "ERpnie(prop)",
                                    "pm", "int", "pe")
        if (!EMint) effect_name <- c("Rcde", "Rpnde", "Rtnde", "Rpnie", "Rtnie", "Rte", "pm")
      if (!full) effect_name <- c("Rcde", "Rpnde", "Rtnde", "Rpnie", "Rtnie", "Rte")
    names(effect.pe) <- names(effect.se) <- names(effect.ci.low) <- names(effect.ci.high) <-
      names(effect.pval) <- effect_name
    out$effect.pe <- effect.pe
    out$effect.se <- effect.se
    out$effect.ci.low <- effect.ci.low
    out$effect.ci.high <- effect.ci.high
    out$effect.pval <- effect.pval
  } else if (model == "iorw") {
    ###################################Inverse Odds Ratio Weighting Approach###########################
    if (!((is_glm_ereg && (family_ereg$family %in% c("binomial", "quasibinomial", "multinom") |
                           startsWith(family_ereg$family, "Ordered Categorical"))) |
          is_multinom_ereg | is_polr_ereg)) stop("model = 'iorw' only supports categorical exposure")
    environment(est.iorw) <- environment()
    if (!multimp) {
      # point estimates of causal effects
      est <- est.iorw(data = data, indices = NULL, outReg = TRUE, full = full)
      effect.pe <- est$est
      n_effect <- length(effect.pe)
      out$reg.output <- est$reg.output
      # bootstrap results
      boots <- boot(data = data, statistic = est.iorw, R = nboot, outReg = FALSE, full = full)
      # bootstrap CIs
      environment(boot.ci) <- environment()
      effect.ci <- boot.ci(boots = boots)
      effect.ci.low <- effect.ci[, 1]
      effect.ci.high <- effect.ci[, 2]
      # bootstrap p-values
      effect.pval <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) boot.pval(boots = boots$t[, x], pe = effect.pe[x]))
    } else {
      # imputed data sets
      data_imp <- complete(do.call(mice, args_mice), action = "all")
      m <- length(data_imp)
      # estimate causal effects for each imputed data set
      est_imp <- lapply(1:m, function(x)
        est.iorw(data = data_imp[[x]], indices = NULL, outReg = TRUE, full = full))
      est_imp_df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:m, function(x) est_imp[[x]]$est))
      effect.pe <- colMeans(est_imp_df)
      n_effect <- length(effect.pe)
      out$reg.output <- lapply(1:m, function(x) est_imp[[x]]$reg.output)
      boot.step <- function(data = NULL, indices = NULL) {
        data_boot <- data[indices, ]
        args_mice$data <- data_boot
        data_imp <- complete(do.call(mice, args_mice), action = "all")
        curVal <- get("counter", envir = env)
        assign("counter", curVal + 1, envir = env)
        setTxtProgressBar(get("progbar", envir = env), curVal + 1)
        return(colMeans(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:m, function(x)
          est.iorw(data = data_imp[[x]], outReg = FALSE, full = full)))))
      environment(boot.step) <- environment()
      # bootstrap results
      boots <- boot(data = data, statistic = boot.step, R = nboot)
      # bootstrap CIs
      environment(boot.ci) <- environment()
      effect.ci <- boot.ci(boots = boots)
      effect.ci.low <- effect.ci[, 1]
      effect.ci.high <- effect.ci[, 2]
      # bootstrap p-values
      effect.pval <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) boot.pval(boots = boots$t[, x], pe = effect.pe[x]))
    if ((is_lm_yreg | is_glm_yreg) &&
        (family_yreg$family %in% c("gaussian", "inverse.gaussian", "Gamma", "quasi"))) {
      # standard errors by bootstrapping
      effect.se <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) sd(boots$t[, x]))
      # effect names
      if (full) effect_name <- c("te", "pnde", "tnie", "pm")
      if (!full) effect_name <- c("te", "pnde", "tnie")
    } else {
      # transform standard errors of effects on the log scale
      effect.se <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) ifelse(x <= 3, sd(exp(boots$t[, x])), sd(boots$t[, x])))
      # transform effects on thelog ratio scale into effects on the ratio scale
      effect.pe[1:3] <- exp(effect.pe[1:3])
      effect.ci.low[1:3] <- exp(effect.ci.low[1:3])
      effect.ci.high[1:3] <- exp(effect.ci.high[1:3])
      # effect names
      if (full) effect_name <- c("Rte", "Rpnde", "Rtnie", "pm")
      if (!full) effect_name <- c("Rte", "Rpnde", "Rtnie")
    names(effect.pe) <- names(effect.se) <- names(effect.ci.low) <- names(effect.ci.high) <-
      names(effect.pval) <- effect_name
    out$effect.pe <- effect.pe
    out$effect.se <- effect.se
    out$effect.ci.low <- effect.ci.low
    out$effect.ci.high <- effect.ci.high
    out$effect.pval <- effect.pval
  } else if (model == "msm") {
    #########################################Marginal Structural Model#################################
    if (length(basec) != 0 && (!((is_glm_ereg && (family_ereg$family %in% c("binomial", "quasibinomial", "multinom") |
                                                  startsWith(family_ereg$family, "Ordered Categorical"))) |
                                 is_multinom_ereg | is_polr_ereg))) stop(
                                   "model = 'msm' only supports categorical exposure when length(basec) != 0")
    for (p in 1:length(mediator)) {
      if (!((is_glm_mreg[p] && (family_mreg[[p]]$family %in% c("binomial", "multinom") |
                                startsWith(family_mreg[[p]]$family, "Ordered Categorical"))) |
            is_multinom_mreg[p] | is_polr_mreg[p])) stop(
              "model = 'msm' only supports categorical mediators")
      if (!((is_glm_wmnomreg[p] && (family_wmnomreg[[p]]$family %in% c("binomial", "quasibinomial", "multinom") |
                                    startsWith(family_wmnomreg[[p]]$family, "Ordered Categorical"))) |
            is_multinom_wmnomreg[p] | is_polr_wmnomreg[p])) stop(
              "model = 'msm' only supports categorical mediators")
      if (!((is_glm_wmdenomreg[p] && (family_wmdenomreg[[p]]$family %in% c("binomial", "quasibinomial", "multinom") |
                                      startsWith(family_wmdenomreg[[p]]$family, "Ordered Categorical"))) |
            is_multinom_wmdenomreg[p] | is_polr_wmdenomreg[p])) stop(
              "model = 'msm' only supports categorical mediators")
    environment(est.msm) <- environment()
    if (!multimp) {
      # point estimates of causal effects
      est <- est.msm(data = data, indices = NULL, outReg = TRUE, full = full)
      effect.pe <- est$est
      n_effect <- length(effect.pe)
      out$reg.output <- est$reg.output
      # bootstrap results
      boots <- boot(data = data, statistic = est.msm, R = nboot, outReg = FALSE, full = full)
      # bootstrap CIs
      environment(boot.ci) <- environment()
      effect.ci <- boot.ci(boots = boots)
      effect.ci.low <- effect.ci[, 1]
      effect.ci.high <- effect.ci[, 2]
      # bootstrap p-values
      effect.pval <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) boot.pval(boots = boots$t[, x], pe = effect.pe[x]))
    } else {
      # imputed data sets
      data_imp <- complete(do.call(mice, args_mice), action = "all")
      m <- length(data_imp)
      # estimate causal effects for each imputed data set
      est_imp <- lapply(1:m, function(x)
        est.msm(data = data_imp[[x]], indices = NULL, outReg = TRUE, full = full))
      est_imp_df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:m, function(x) est_imp[[x]]$est))
      effect.pe <- colMeans(est_imp_df)
      n_effect <- length(effect.pe)
      out$reg.output <- lapply(1:m, function(x) est_imp[[x]]$reg.output)
      boot.step <- function(data = NULL, indices = NULL) {
        data_boot <- data[indices, ]
        args_mice$data <- data_boot
        data_imp <- complete(do.call(mice, args_mice), action = "all")
        curVal <- get("counter", envir = env)
        assign("counter", curVal + 1, envir = env)
        setTxtProgressBar(get("progbar", envir = env), curVal + 1)
        return(colMeans(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:m, function(x)
          est.msm(data = data_imp[[x]], outReg = FALSE, full = full)))))
      environment(boot.step) <- environment()
      # bootstrap results
      boots <- boot(data = data, statistic = boot.step, R = nboot)
      # bootstrap CIs
      environment(boot.ci) <- environment()
      effect.ci <- boot.ci(boots = boots)
      effect.ci.low <- effect.ci[, 1]
      effect.ci.high <- effect.ci[, 2]
      # bootstrap p-values
      effect.pval <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) boot.pval(boots = boots$t[, x], pe = effect.pe[x]))
    if ((is_lm_yreg | is_glm_yreg) &&
        (family_yreg$family %in% c("gaussian", "inverse.gaussian", "Gamma", "quasi"))) {
      # standard errors by bootstrapping
      effect.se <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) sd(boots$t[, x]))
      # effect names
      if (length(postc) == 0) {
        if (full) {
          if (EMint) effect_name <-
              c("cde", "pnde", "tnde", "pnie", "tnie", "te", "intref", "intmed", "cde(prop)", 
                "intref(prop)", "intmed(prop)", "pnie(prop)", "pm", "int", "pe")
          if (!EMint) effect_name <- c("cde", "pnde", "tnde", "pnie", "tnie", "te", "pm")
        } else effect_name <- c("cde", "pnde", "tnde", "pnie", "tnie", "te")
      } else {
        if (full) {
          if (EMint) effect_name <-
              c("cde", "rpnde", "rtnde", "rpnie", "rtnie", "te", "rintref", "rintmed", "cde(prop)", 
                "rintref(prop)", "rintmed(prop)", "rpnie(prop)", "rpm", "rint", "rpe")
          if (!EMint) effect_name <- c("cde", "rpnde", "rtnde", "rpnie", "rtnie", "te", "pm")
        } else effect_name <- c("cde", "rpnde", "rtnde", "rpnie", "rtnie", "te")
    } else {
      # transform standard errors of effects on the log scale
      effect.se <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) ifelse(x <= 6, sd(exp(boots$t[, x])), sd(boots$t[, x])))
      # transform effects on the log ratio scale into effects on the ratio scale
      effect.pe[1:6] <- exp(effect.pe[1:6])
      effect.ci.low[1:6] <- exp(effect.ci.low[1:6])
      effect.ci.high[1:6] <- exp(effect.ci.high[1:6])
      # effect names
      if (length(postc) == 0) {
        if (full) {
          if (EMint) effect_name <-
              c("Rcde", "Rpnde", "Rtnde", "Rpnie", "Rtnie", "Rte", "ERcde", "ERintref", "ERintmed", "ERpnie",
                "ERcde(prop)", "ERintref(prop)", "ERintmed(prop)", "ERpnie(prop)", "pm", "int", "pe")
          if (!EMint) effect_name <- c("Rcde", "Rpnde", "Rtnde", "Rpnie", "Rtnie", "Rte", "pm")
        } else effect_name <- c("Rcde", "Rpnde", "Rtnde", "Rpnie", "Rtnie", "Rte")
      } else {
        if (full) {
          if (EMint) effect_name <-
              c("Rcde", "rRpnde", "rRtnde", "rRpnie", "rRtnie", "Rte", "ERcde", "rERintref", "rERintmed", 
                "rERpnie", "ERcde(prop)", "rERintref(prop)", "rERintmed(prop)", "rERpnie(prop)", "rpm", "rint", "rpe")
          if (!EMint) effect_name <- c("Rcde", "rRpnde", "rRtnde", "rRpnie", "rRtnie", "Rte", "pm")
        } else effect_name <- c("Rcde", "rRpnde", "rRtnde", "rRpnie", "rRtnie", "Rte")
    names(effect.pe) <- names(effect.se) <- names(effect.ci.low) <- names(effect.ci.high) <-
      names(effect.pval) <- effect_name
    out$effect.pe <- effect.pe
    out$effect.se <- effect.se
    out$effect.ci.low <- effect.ci.low
    out$effect.ci.high <- effect.ci.high
    out$effect.pval <- effect.pval
  } else if (model == "ne") {
    #########################################Natural Effect Model######################################
    if (!identical(class(yreg), c("glm", "lm"))) stop("model = 'ne' only supports yreg fitted via glm()")
    if (is.character(data[, exposure])) data[, exposure] <- as.factor(data[, exposure])
    environment(est.ne) <- environment()
    if (!multimp) {
      # point estimates of causal effects
      est <- est.ne(data = data, indices = NULL, outReg = TRUE, full = full)
      effect.pe <- est$est
      n_effect <- length(effect.pe)
      out$reg.output <- est$reg.output
      # bootstrap results
      boots <- boot(data = data, statistic = est.ne, R = nboot, outReg = FALSE, full = full)
      # bootstrap CIs
      environment(boot.ci) <- environment()
      effect.ci <- boot.ci(boots = boots)
      effect.ci.low <- effect.ci[, 1]
      effect.ci.high <- effect.ci[, 2]
      # bootstrap p-values
      effect.pval <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) boot.pval(boots = boots$t[, x], pe = effect.pe[x]))
    } else {
      # imputed data sets
      data_imp <- complete(do.call(mice, args_mice), action = "all")
      m <- length(data_imp)
      # estimate causal effects for each imputed data set
      est_imp <- lapply(1:m, function(x) est.ne(data = data_imp[[x]], indices = NULL, outReg = TRUE, full = full))
      est_imp_df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:m, function(x) est_imp[[x]]$est))
      effect.pe <- colMeans(est_imp_df)
      n_effect <- length(effect.pe)
      out$reg.output <- lapply(1:m, function(x) est_imp[[x]]$reg.output)
      boot.step <- function(data = NULL, indices = NULL) {
        data_boot <- data[indices, ]
        args_mice$data <- data_boot
        data_imp <- complete(do.call(mice, args_mice), action = "all")
        curVal <- get("counter", envir = env)
        assign("counter", curVal + 1, envir = env)
        setTxtProgressBar(get("progbar", envir = env), curVal + 1)
        return(colMeans(do.call(rbind, lapply(1:m, function(x)
          est.ne(data = data_imp[[x]], outReg = FALSE, full = full)))))
      environment(boot.step) <- environment()
      # bootstrap results
      boots <- boot(data = data, statistic = boot.step, R = nboot)
      # bootstrap CIs
      environment(boot.ci) <- environment()
      effect.ci <- boot.ci(boots = boots)
      effect.ci.low <- effect.ci[, 1]
      effect.ci.high <- effect.ci[, 2]
      # bootstrap p-values
      effect.pval <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) boot.pval(boots = boots$t[, x], pe = effect.pe[x]))
    if (family_yreg$family %in% c("gaussian", "inverse.gaussian", "Gamma", "quasi")) {
      # standard errors by bootstrapping
      effect.se <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) sd(boots$t[, x]))
      # effect names
      if (full) {
        if (EMint) effect_name <- c("cde", "pnde", "tnde", "pnie", "tnie", "te", 
                                    "intref", "intmed", "cde(prop)", "intref(prop)", "intmed(prop)", "pnie(prop)",
                                    "pm", "int", "pe")
        if (!EMint) effect_name <- c("cde", "pnde", "tnde", "pnie", "tnie", "te", "pm")
      if (!full) effect_name <- c("cde", "pnde", "tnde", "pnie", "tnie", "te")
    } else {
      # transform standard errors of effects in log scale
      effect.se <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) ifelse(x <= 6, sd(exp(boots$t[, x])), sd(boots$t[, x])))
      # transform effects in log ratio scale into effects in ratio scale
      effect.pe[1:6] <- exp(effect.pe[1:6])
      effect.ci.low[1:6] <- exp(effect.ci.low[1:6])
      effect.ci.high[1:6] <- exp(effect.ci.high[1:6])
      # effect names
      if (full) {
        if (EMint) effect_name <- c("Rcde", "Rpnde", "Rtnde", "Rpnie", "Rtnie", "Rte", 
                                    "ERcde", "ERintref", "ERintmed", "ERpnie",
                                    "ERcde(prop)", "ERintref(prop)", "ERintmed(prop)", "ERpnie(prop)",
                                    "pm", "int", "pe")
        if (!EMint) effect_name <- c("Rcde", "Rpnde", "Rtnde", "Rpnie", "Rtnie", "Rte", "pm")
      if (!full) effect_name <- c("Rcde", "Rpnde", "Rtnde", "Rpnie", "Rtnie", "Rte")
    names(effect.pe) <- names(effect.se) <- names(effect.ci.low) <- names(effect.ci.high) <-
      names(effect.pval) <- effect_name
    out$effect.pe <- effect.pe
    out$effect.se <- effect.se
    out$effect.ci.low <- effect.ci.low
    out$effect.ci.high <- effect.ci.high
    out$effect.pval <- effect.pval

boot.ci <- function(boots) {
  if (boot.ci.type == "per") {
    effect.ci.low <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) quantile(x = boots$t[, x], probs = 0.025, na.rm = TRUE))
    effect.ci.high <- sapply(1:n_effect, function(x) quantile(x = boots$t[, x], probs = 0.975, na.rm = TRUE))
    out <- cbind(effect.ci.low, effect.ci.high)
  } else if (boot.ci.type == "bca") {
    boot.ci.bca <- function(x) {
      xbar <- mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
      z0 <- qnorm(length(which(x < xbar))/nboot)
      U <- x - xbar
      a <- sum(U^3, na.rm = TRUE)/(6*(sum(U^2, na.rm = TRUE))^(3/2))
      alpha1 <- pnorm(z0 + (z0 + qnorm(0.025))/(1 - a*(z0 + qnorm(0.025))))
      alpha2 <- pnorm(z0 + (z0 + qnorm(0.975))/(1 - a*(z0 + qnorm(0.975))))
      quantile(x, c(alpha1, alpha2)) 
    out <- do.call(rbind, lapply(1:n_effect, function(x) boot.ci.bca(x = boots$t[, x])))

boot.pval <- function(boots, pe){
  boots_noNA <- boots[which(!is.na(boots))]
  if (pe == 0) out <- 1
  if (pe != 0) out <- 2 * min(sum(boots_noNA > 0), sum(boots_noNA < 0)) / length(boots_noNA)

weighted_mean <- function(x, w){
  df_omit <- na.omit(data.frame(x, w))
  return(weighted.mean(df_omit$x, df_omit$w))
LindaValeri/CMAverse documentation built on July 16, 2024, 11:58 p.m.