# ------ 1. DARWIN CORE ARCHIVE CLASS ------
#' R6 DwC archive class
#' @description R6 class representing a complete data structure
#' for a Darwin Core archive
#' @details The \code{DwcArchive} class serves a base class to all Darwin Core
#' archive file types. This class supports all kinds of Darwin Core archive files
#' but may miss some of the specialised functionality of the more specialist
#' classes. See \url{https://dwc.tdwg.org/text/}{the Darwin core archive guide}
#' for more information on the structure of Darwin core archive files.
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
DwCArchive <- R6Class("DwCArchive",
# ====== 1.1. Define private members of the archive class ======
private = list(
# A DwCGeneric object (or a derived class) that contains the core object type (GBIF current supports)
coreObject = NULL,
# A list of DwCGeneric objects (or a derived class) that contains the extensions
extObjects = list(),
# A DwCMetadata object containing the metadata specification
metadata = NULL,
# ====== 1.2. Generate a metafile XML object ======
generateMetafileXML = function(sep = ",", eol = "\n", na = "NA", fileEncoding = "", emlLocation = "eml.xml") {
# ------ 1.2.1. Sanity test the inputs ------
# Helper function for sanity checking
charSanityCheck <- function(inVal, paramName, defaultValue) {
proVal <- tryCatch(as.character(inVal), error = function(err, paramName = paramName) {
stop("error encountered processing ", paramName, " parameter: ", err)
if(length(proVal) <= 0) {
proVal <- defaultValue
} else if(length(proVal) > 1) {
warning("parameter ", paramName, " has length greater than one: only the first element will be used")
proVal <- proVal[1]
if(is.na(proVal) || proVal == "") {
proVal <- defaultValue
# Helper function to handle special characters being provided as delimitation information
resolveSpecialChars <- function(inVal) {
gsub("\r", "\\r", gsub("\n", "\\n", gsub("\t", "\\t", inVal, fixed = TRUE), fixed = TRUE), fixed = TRUE)
inSep <- resolveSpecialChars(charSanityCheck(sep, "sep", ","))
inEol <- resolveSpecialChars(charSanityCheck(eol, "eol", "\n"))
inEncoding <- charSanityCheck(fileEncoding, "fileEncoding", localeToCharset(Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE")))
inEMLLocation <- charSanityCheck(emlLocation, "emlLocation", "eml.xml")
# ------ 1.2.2. Create a new XML document and root node ------
# Create a archive base node
xmlOutput <- xml2::xml_new_root(
.value = "archive",
xmlns = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/text/",
"xmlns:xsi" = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
"xmlns:xs" = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema",
"xsi:schemaLocation" = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/text/ http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/text/tdwg_dwc_text.xsd",
metadata = inEMLLocation,
.version = "1.0",
.encoding = "UTF-8"
# ------ 1.2.3. Populate child nodes ------
# Helper function to generate XML for child nodes
makeXMLNodes <- function(inObject, rootNode, obType, inSep, inEol, inEncoding) {
# Create the child node of the relevant type (core or extension)
childNode <- xml2::xml_add_child(rootNode, .value = obType,
rowType = inObject$getDwCTermInfo()$getTermIRI(),
fieldsTerminatedBy = inSep,
linesTerminatedBy = inEol,
fieldsEnclosedBy = "\"",
encoding = inEncoding,
ignoreHeaderLines = "1"
# Create the files elements of the child node
xml2::xml_add_child(xml2::xml_add_child(childNode, .value = "files"), .value = "location", paste(inObject$getTableName(), ".txt", sep = ""))
# Create the ID elements of the child node
xml2::xml_add_child(childNode, .value = ifelse(obType == "core", "id", "coreid"), index = as.character(inObject$getIDIndex() - 1))
# Create the field elements of the child node
outMapFrame <- inObject$getTermMapping()
outMapFrame <- outMapFrame[!is.na(outMapFrame$columnIndex), ]
apply(X = cbind(row.names(outMapFrame), as.matrix(outMapFrame)), FUN = function(curRow, childNode, associatedTerms) {
# Retrieve the current term
curTerm <- associatedTerms[[curRow[1]]]
if(length(curTerm$getVocabularyURI()) <= 0 || is.na(curTerm$getVocabularyURI()) || curTerm$getVocabularyURI() == "") {
xml2::xml_add_child(childNode, .value = "field", index = as.character(as.integer(curRow[2]) - 1), term = curTerm$getTermIRI())
} else {
xml2::xml_add_child(childNode, .value = "field", index = as.character(as.integer(curRow[2]) - 1), term = curTerm$getTermIRI(), vocabulary = curTerm$getVocabularyURI())
}, childNode = childNode, associatedTerms = inObject$getAssociatedTerms(), MARGIN = 1)
# Make the core node
makeXMLNodes(private$coreObject, xmlOutput, "core", inSep, inEol, inEncoding)
# Make the nodes for the extensions
if(length(private$extObjects) > 0) {
lapply(X = private$extObjects, FUN = makeXMLNodes, rootNode = xmlOutput, obType = "extension", inSep = inSep, inEol = inEol, inEncoding = inEncoding)
# ====== 1.3. Print table information ======
printTableInfo = function(tabToPrint) {
cat("Table name: ", tabToPrint$getTableName(), " | ID column: ", tabToPrint$getIDIndex(),
ifelse(is.na(tabToPrint$getIDName()), "", paste(" - \"", tabToPrint$getIDName(), "\"", sep = "")),
" | Table class: ", tabToPrint$getTableTermName(), "\n", sep = "")
tabTermMap <- tabToPrint$getTermMapping()
print(tabTermMap[!is.na(tabTermMap$columnIndex), ])
# ====== 1.4. Function to initiate the archive file from a Darwin core archive file ======
importFromDwCArchive = function(location, fileEncoding = "") {
inFileEncoding <- ""
if(!is.null(fileEncoding)) {
# Sanity check the file encoding parameter
inFileEncoding <- tryCatch(as.character(fileEncoding), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered during the processing of the file encoding parameter: ", err)
if(length(inFileEncoding) <= 0) {
inFileEncoding <- ""
} else if(length(inFileEncoding) > 1) {
warning("file encoding parameter has a length greater than one: only the first element will be used")
inFileEncoding <- inFileEncoding[1]
if(is.na(inFileEncoding)) {
inFileEncoding <- ""
if(inFileEncoding == "") {
inFileEncoding <- localeToCharset(Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE"))
# Sanity check the location parameter
inLocation <- tryCatch(as.character(location), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered during the processing of the Darwin core archive location: ", err)
if(length(inLocation) <= 0) {
stop("error encountered during the processing of the Darwin core archive location: vector has length zero")
} else if(length(inLocation) > 1) {
warning("Darwin core archive location parameter has a length greater than one: only the first element will be used")
inLocation <- inLocation[1]
if(is.na(inLocation)) {
stop("error encountered during the processing of the Darwin core archive location: parameter is NA")
# Create a temporary directory to store the contents of the unzipped file
tempLoc <- file.path(tempdir(), "LNimportDir")
if(dir.exists(tempLoc)) {
unlist(tempLoc, recursive = TRUE)
dir.create(tempLoc, recursive = TRUE)
# Unzip the contents of the Darwin core archive
zip::unzip(inLocation, NULL, exdir = tempLoc)
# Test to see whether the meta file exists
if(!file.exists(file.path(tempLoc, "meta.xml"))) {
stop("error encountered importing Darwin core archive: no meta file in archive")
metaFileContents <- xml2::read_xml(file.path(tempLoc, "meta.xml"), inFileEncoding)
# Retrieve the metafile attributes
metaFileAttributes <- xml2::xml_attrs(metaFileContents)
metadataLoc <- file.path(tempLoc, "eml.xml")
if(!is.null(names(metaFileAttributes)) && !("metadata" %in% names(metaFileAttributes))) {
warning("metadata EML file not specified in the meta.xml document: searching for an \'eml.xml\' file instead")
} else {
# Read the location of the metadata file from the meta.xml file
metadataLoc <- file.path(tempLoc, metaFileAttributes["metadata"])
private$metadata <- initializeDwCMetadata(fileLocation = metadataLoc, fileEncoding = inFileEncoding, fileType = "eml")
# Make a list of augmented data tables
fileList <- lapply(X = xml2::xml_children(metaFileContents), FUN = function(curChild, tempLoc) {
# Function to return special characters
returnSpecialChars <- function(inChar) {
gsub("\\t", "\t", gsub("\\r", "\r", gsub("\\n", "\n", inChar, fixed = TRUE), fixed = TRUE), fixed = TRUE)
# Retrieve the relevant attributes from the metafile
qualName <- xml2::xml_attr(curChild, "rowType")
if(is.na(qualName)) {
stop("error encountered importing Darwin core archive: unspecified table type")
# Get environment associated with the type
classEnv <- GBIFClassLookup(qualName)[[1]]
if(is.null(classEnv)) {
stop("error encountered importing Darwin core archive: unknown class type specified in meta file")
# Retrieve the information relating to the formatting of the data files
fieldTerm <- xml2::xml_attr(curChild, "fieldsTerminatedBy")
if(is.na(fieldTerm)) {
fieldTerm <- ","
} else {
fieldTerm <- returnSpecialChars(fieldTerm)
lineTerm <- xml2::xml_attr(curChild, "linesTerminatedBy")
if(is.na(lineTerm)) {
lineTerm <- "\n"
} else {
lineTerm <- returnSpecialChars(lineTerm)
fieldEnc <- xml2::xml_attr(curChild, "fieldsEnclosedBy")
if(is.na(fieldEnc)) {
fieldEnc <- "\""
} else {
fieldEnc <- returnSpecialChars(fieldEnc)
fileEnc <- xml2::xml_attr(curChild, "encoding")
if(is.na(fileEnc)) {
fileEnc <- "UTF-8"
headIgnore <- xml2::xml_attr(curChild, "ignoreHeaderLines")
if(is.na(headIgnore)) {
headIgnore <- 0
} else {
headIgnore <- as.integer(headIgnore)
dateFormat <- xml2::xml_attr(curChild, "dateFormat")
if(is.na(dateFormat)) {
dateFormat <- "YYYY-MM-DD"
# Find the location of any file names in the current node
tableName <- unlist(lapply(X = xml2::xml_children(curChild), FUN = function(curNode) {
filePaths <- c()
if(xml2::xml_name(curNode) == "files") {
filePaths <- sapply(X = xml2::xml_children(curNode), FUN = function(fileNode) {
# Sanity check the file input
if(length(tableName) <= 0) {
stop("error encountered importing Darwin core archive: no file specified for core or extension table in meta XML specification")
} else if(length(tableName) > 1) {
stop("error encountered importing Darwin core archive: multiple files specified for core or extension table in meta XML specification")
fileName <- file.path(tempLoc, tableName)
if(!file.exists(fileName)) {
stop("error encountered importing Darwin core archive: specified file for core or extension table does not exist in the archive")
# Sanity check the node type
fileType <- xml2::xml_name(curChild)
if(!(fileType %in% c("core", "extension"))) {
stop("error encountered importing Darwin core archive: file type is not core or extension in meta XML specifiction")
# Retrieve the index of the id column (if it exists)
idIndex <- unlist(lapply(X = xml2::xml_children(curChild), FUN = function(curNode, idText) {
outIndex <- c()
if(xml2::xml_name(curNode) == idText) {
outIndex <- as.integer(xml2::xml_attr(curNode, "index")) + 1
}, idText = ifelse(fileType == "core", "id", "coreid")))
# Sanity check the ID index
if(length(idIndex) <= 0) {
idIndex <- NA
} else if(length(idIndex) > 1) {
stop("error encountered importing Darwin core archive: multiple ID column specifications in meta XML specification")
# Retrieve the set of Darwin core mapped terms
mappedTerms <- lapply(X = xml2::xml_children(curChild), FUN = function(curNode) {
outMap <- NULL
if(xml2::xml_name(curNode) == "field") {
# Retrieve the attributes associated with the current node
outMap <- list(
term = xml2::xml_attr(curNode, "term"),
default = xml2::xml_attr(curNode, "default"),
index = as.integer(xml2::xml_attr(curNode, "index")) + 1,
vocabulary = xml2::xml_attr(curNode, "vocabulary"),
shortName = NA
# Sanity check the term attribute
if(is.na(outMap$term)) {
stop("error encountered importing Darwin core archive: term attribute not set in a field tag")
} else {
# Retrieve the short name of the term
outMap$shortName <- gsub("^.*[\\/\\:]", "", outMap$term, perl = TRUE)
mappedTerms <- mappedTerms[!sapply(X = mappedTerms, FUN = is.null)]
# Ensure that the proper line delimiter is used
allText <- gsub(lineTerm, "\n", paste(readLines(fileName, encoding = fileEnc), collapse = "\n"), fixed = TRUE)
# Import the data from the file location
inTableData <- read.table(text = allText, header = FALSE, skip = as.integer(headIgnore), sep = fieldTerm, quote = fieldEnc, na.strings = "", fileEncoding = fileEnc, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if(as.integer(headIgnore) == 1) {
# If only one line has been ignored at the start of the file then check to see whether those entries can be coerced into column names
possCols <- read.table(text = allText, header = FALSE, skip = 0, nrows = 1, sep = fieldTerm, quote = fieldEnc, na.strings = "", fileEncoding = fileEnc, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
possCols <- as.character(as.matrix(possCols)[1, ])
if(length(possCols) == ncol(inTableData) && !any(duplicated(possCols))) {
colnames(inTableData) <- possCols
for(curIndex in 1:length(mappedTerms)) {
if(is.na(mappedTerms[[curIndex]]$index)) {
# An index attribute is not set so check to see if there is a default set
if(is.na(mappedTerms[[curIndex]]$default)) {
stop("error encountered importing Darwin core archive: index attribute is missing in a field tag with no default value")
} else {
# If a default has been set then pad the input data accordingly so that the extra information can be imported
# whilst maintaining R's data frame structure
tempFrame <- data.frame(inCol = rep(mappedTerms[[curIndex]]$default, nrow(inTableData)))
colnames(tempFrame) <- mappedTerms[[curIndex]]$shortName
inTableData <- cbind(inTableData, tempFrame)
mappedTerms[[curIndex]]$index <- ncol(inTableData)
# Make a list of mapped parameters
mappedParams <- as.list(setNames(
sapply(X = mappedTerms, FUN = function(curTerm) { curTerm$index }),
sapply(X = mappedTerms, FUN = function(curTerm) { curTerm$shortName })))
if(is.na(idIndex)) {
# No ID index given so use the defaults to determine the ID column
if(fileType == "extension") {
stop("error encountered importing Darwin core archive: id and coreid attributes must be set when extensions are used")
} else {
# Otherwise add the ID column to the list of mapped parameters
mappedParams <- append(list(idColumnInfo = idIndex), mappedParams)
# Create the GBIF object
GBIFTableOb <- do.call(classEnv$new, append(list(
objectData = inTableData,
nameAutoMap = FALSE,
defDateFormat = dateFormat
), mappedParams))
# Set the attributes of the table (extension or core)
attr(GBIFTableOb, "fileType") <- fileType
# Remove any file suffixes for the table name
tableName <- gsub("\\..*$", "", tableName, perl = TRUE)
}, tempLoc = tempLoc)
# Retrieve information about which augmented tables are core tables and which are extensions
outTypes <- sapply(X = fileList, FUN = function(curFile) { attr(curFile, "fileType") })
# Find the index of the core table
coreIndex <- which(outTypes == "core")
if(length(coreIndex) <= 0 || length(coreIndex) > 1) {
stop("error encountered importing Darwin core archive: there must be exactly one core element in the archive file")
# Initialise the archive using the imported tables
self$initialize(fileList[[coreIndex]], fileList[-coreIndex], private$metadata)
# Remove the temporary directory
unlist(tempLoc, recursive = TRUE)
public = list(
# ====== 1.4. Define an initialization function for the Darwin core archive ======
#' @description
#' Create a new \code{DwCAchive} object
#' @param coreDwC A \code{DwCGeneric} (or derived class) object that represents the
#' table that corresponds to the 'core' table. Alternatively, this parameter can be
#' \code{character} scalar giving the location of the Darwin core archive file to
#' initialize the object from
#' @param extDwC A \code{list} of \code{DwCGeneric} (or derived class) objects that represent
#' the tables used as extension objects in the Darwin Core archive. If \code{coreDwC}
#' is a character scalar then \code{extDwC} can also be a character scalar that contains the
#' default file encodings for the files in the Darwin core archive
#' @param metadata A \code{DwCMetadata} object that contains the metadata for the archive
initialize = function(coreDwC, extDwC = NULL, metadata = NULL) {
if(is.character(coreDwC) || is.factor(coreDwC)) {
# If the core object is a character vector then treat it like a file and import the data from it
private$importFromDwCArchive(coreDwC, extDwC)
} else {
# Sanity test the core DwC object
if(isDwCGeneric(coreDwC)) {
private$coreObject <- coreDwC
} else {
stop("error encountered during archive object creation: core class is not a valid object")
# Sanity test the extension input
inExtDwC <- NULL
if(!is.null(extDwC)) {
inExtDwC <- extDwC
if(isDwCGeneric(inExtDwC)) {
inExtDwC <- vector(mode = "list", length = 1)
inExtDwC[[1]] <- extDwC
inExtDwC <- tryCatch(as.list(inExtDwC), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered during processing of Darwin core archive extension elements: ", err)
private$extObjects <- list()
if(!is.null(inExtDwC) && length(inExtDwC) > 0) {
if(all(sapply(X = inExtDwC, FUN = isDwCGeneric))) {
private$extObjects <- inExtDwC
} else {
stop("error encountered during processing of Darwin core archive extension elements: some list memebers are not valid objects")
# Sanity test the metadata
if(is.null(metadata)) {
stop("metadata must be supplied if data table parameterisation of the archive is required")
} else if(!any(class(metadata) == "DwCMetadata")) {
stop("metadata is not a DwCMetadata object")
private$metadata <- metadata
# ====== 1.5. Export the archive as a Darwin core archive file ======
#' @description
#' Export the archive as a Darwin core archive file
#' @param fileName A \code{character} string containing the file location of the output Darwin Core Archive.
#' @param quote A \code{logical} scalar or a \code{numeric} vector. If \code{TRUE}, any character or factor
#' columns will be surrounded by double quotes. If a \code{numeric} vector, its elements are taken as the
#' indeces of columns to quote. In both cases, row and column names are quoted if they are written. If \code{FALSE},
#' nothing is quoted.
#' @param sep The field seperator stirng. Values within each row are separated by this string.
#' @param eol The character(s) to print at the end of each line (row).
#' @param na The string to use for missing values in the data.
#' @param dec The string to use for decimal points in numeric or complex columns: must be a single character
#' @param qmethod A character string specifying how to deal with embedded double quote characters when
#' quoting strings. Must be one of \code{"escape"}, in which case the quote character is escaped in C style by a
#' backslash, or \code{"double"}, in which case it is doubled
#' @param fileEncoding A character string. If non-empty, declares the encoding to be used on a file so the
#' character data can be re-encoded as they are written
#' @param emlLocation The location to store the EML metadata in the Darwin Core archive
exportAsDwCArchive = function(fileName, quote = TRUE, sep = "\t", eol = "\n", na = "", dec = ".", qmethod = "escape", fileEncoding = "", emlLocation = "eml.xml") {
# Find the temporary location to place the files temporarily (before compressing them)
tempLoc <- file.path(tempdir(), "LNexportDir")
if(dir.exists(tempLoc)) {
unlink(tempLoc, recursive = TRUE)
dir.create(tempLoc, recursive = TRUE)
# Locations of the table files
coreLoc <- file.path(tempLoc, paste(private$coreObject$getTableName(), "txt", sep = "."))
extLocs <- c()
metafileLoc <- file.path(tempLoc, "meta.xml")
# Write the core table
private$coreObject$exportTable(coreLoc, FALSE, quote, sep, eol, na, dec, qmethod, fileEncoding)
if(length(private$extObjects) > 0) {
# Write any extension tables
extLocs <- sapply(X = private$extObjects, FUN = function(curOb, quote, sep, eol, na, dec, qmethod, fileEncoding, tempLoc) {
outLoc <- file.path(tempLoc, paste(curOb$getTableName(), "txt", sep = "."))
curOb$exportTable(outLoc, FALSE, quote, sep, eol, na, dec, qmethod, fileEncoding)
}, quote = quote, sep = sep, eol = eol, na = na, dec = dec, qmethod = qmethod, fileEncoding = fileEncoding, tempLoc = tempLoc)
# Produce the Darwin core meta file
outXML <- private$generateMetafileXML(sep, eol, na, fileEncoding, emlLocation)
inFileEncoding <- tryCatch(as.character(fileEncoding), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered whilst processing the file encoding parameter: ", err)
if(length(inFileEncoding) <= 0 || is.na(inFileEncoding) || inFileEncoding == "") {
# Use the default system file encoding if it is not set by the function
inFileEncoding <- localeToCharset(Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE"))
} else if(length(inFileEncoding) > 1) {
warning("file encoding parameter has length greater than one: only the first element will be used")
inFileEncoding <- inFileEncoding[1]
xml2::write_xml(outXML, metafileLoc, encoding = inFileEncoding)
# Produce the EML metadata file
inEMLLocation <- tryCatch(as.character(emlLocation), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered whilst processing the EML location parameter: ", err)
if(length(inEMLLocation) <= 0 || is.na(inEMLLocation) || inEMLLocation == "") {
# Use the default system file encoding if it is not set by the function
inEMLLocation <- "eml.xml"
} else if(length(inEMLLocation) > 1) {
warning("EML location parameter has length greater than one: only the first element will be used")
inEMLLocation <- inEMLLocation[1]
metadataLoc <- file.path(tempLoc, inEMLLocation)
private$metadata$exportToEML(fileLocation = metadataLoc, fileEncoding = inFileEncoding)
# Zip all the files together
zip::zip(fileName, c(coreLoc, extLocs, metafileLoc, metadataLoc), mode = "cherry-pick")
# Remove the temporary directory
unlink(tempLoc, recursive = TRUE)
# ====== 1.6. Function to print the object to the console ======
#' @description
#' Print the archive information
print = function() {
# Display the metadata summary
# Display a summary of the core table
cat("CORE TABLE\n\n")
if(length(private$extObjects) > 0) {
# Display a summary for any extension table
lapply(X = private$extObjects, FUN = function(curOb) {
# ====== 1.7. Retrieve the number of extensions used in the archive ======
#' @description
#' Retrieve the number of extensions used in the archive
#' @return An \code{integer} scalar containing the number of extensions used in the archive
getNumberExtensions = function() {
# ====== 1.8. Retrieve the core table ======
#' @description
#' Retrieve the core table in the archive
#' @return An object derived from \code{DwCGeneric} that contains the core table information
getCoreTable = function() {
# ====== 1.9. Retrieve an extension object ======
#' @description
#' Retrieve an extension table from the archive
#' @param extIndex Either an \code{integer} vector giving the indeces of the extension tables to
#' retrieve from the archive or a \code{character} vector giving the names of the tables to
#' retrieve from the archive. If this parameter is \code{NULL} then all extension tables are
#' retrieved
#' @return A \code{list} of objects derived from \code{DwCGeneric} that contains the extension table
#' information
getExtensionTables = function(extIndex = NULL) {
outIndeces <- extIndex
outVals <- list()
if(length(private$extObjects) > 0) {
if(is.null(outIndeces)) {
# If NULL is entered then just use indeces for every extension object
outIndeces <- 1:length(private$extObjects)
} else if(is.character(outIndeces) || is.factor(outIndeces)) {
# If a character vector is entered then lookup indeces from the table names
outIndeces <- sapply(X = as.character(outIndeces), FUN = function(curName, tableNames) {
outVal <- NA
if(!is.na(curName)) {
outVal <- which(curName == tableNames)
if(length(outVal) <= 0) {
outVal <- NA
outVal <- outVal[1]
}, tableNames = sapply(X = private$extObjects, FUN = function(curOb) { curOb$getTableName() }))
# Use the indeces to find the relevant extension objects
outVals <- tryCatch(lapply(X = as.integer(outIndeces), FUN = function(curInteger, extObjects) {
outOb <- NULL
if(is.na(curInteger) || curInteger <= 0 || curInteger > length(extObjects)) {
stop("invalid index value given")
} else {
outOb <- extObjects[[curInteger]]$clone()
}, extObjects = private$extObjects), error = function(err) {
stop("error encountered retrieving the extension tables: ", err)
# ====== 1.10. Retrieve the metadata for the archive ======
#' @description
#' Retrieve the metadata for the archive
#' @return A \code{DwCMetadata} object that contains the metadata of the archive
getMetadata = function() {
#' Create a new \code{DwCAchive} object
#' @param coreDwC Either a \code{DwCGeneric} (or derived class) object that represents the
#' table that corresponds to the 'core' table. Alternatively, this parameter can be
#' \code{character} scalar giving the location of the Darwin core archive file to
#' initialize the object from
#' @param extDwC A \code{list} of \code{DwCGeneric} (or derived class) objects that represent
#' the tables used as extension objects in the Darwin Core archive. If \code{coreDwC}
#' is a character scalar then \code{extDwC} can also be a character scalar that contains the
#' default file encodings for the files in the Darwin core archive
#' @param metadata A \code{DwCMetadata} object that contains the metadata for the archive
#' @return A new \code{DwCArchive} object
#' @seealso \code{\link[DwCGeneric]{DwCGeneric}} \code{\link[DwCMetadata]{DwCMetadata}}
#' @export
initializeDwCArchive <- function(coreDwC, extDwC = NULL, metadata = NULL) {
DwCArchive$new(coreDwC = coreDwC, extDwC = extDwC, metadata = metadata)
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