Defines functions RunPRMD

Documented in RunPRMD

RunPRMD <-function(seed = 1234, patlist, patID_act = NULL,
                   cycle_act = NULL, dose_act = NULL, dlt_act= NULL,
                   doses = 1:6, cycles = 1:6,
                   tox.target = 0.28, p_tox1 = 0.2, p_tox2 = 0.2,
                   trialSize = 36, chSize = 3,
                   thrd1 = 0.28, thrd2 = 0.28, proxy.thrd = 0.1,
                   param.ctrl = list(),
                   n.iters = 10000, burn.in = 5000, thin = 2,
                   n.chains = 1, effcy.flag = T, ICD.flag = T,
                   DLT.drop.flag = T, testedD = T, IED.flag = T,
                   ICD_thrd = 0.3) {

  #' Implement a Multi-Stage Phase I Dose-Finding Design to recommend dosage
  #' selection based on the data collected in the available patient cohorts
  #' A function to implement a Multi-Stage Phase I Dose-Finding Design to
  #' recommend dosage selection based on the data collected in the available
  #' patient cohorts. The available models include 1-stage model with/without
  #' individualized dose modification, 3-stage model with/without individualized
  #' dose modification, 3-stage model with individualized dose modification on
  #' stage II and 3-stage model with individualized dose modification on stage I
  #' and dose modification on stage II.
  #' @param seed The seed of R's random number generator. Default is 1234
  #' @param patlist A list of the patient treatment records, which must contains
  #'   the following variables:
  #'   \describe{ \item{PatID}{denotes the patient ID where the elements are
  #'   specified by cohort and subject number. For example, "cohort2subject3"
  #'   denotes the third subject in the second cohort}
  #'   \item{dose}{records the dose level assigned for each patient through the
  #'   whole treatment}
  #'   \item{cycle}{shows the treatment cycle information of each record}
  #'   \item{nTTP}{records the corresponding nTTP score.}
  #'   \item{dlt}{indicates whether a DLT event is observed or not?}
  #'   \item{efficacy}{provides the continuous efficacy for each cycle. Required
  #'   when \code{effcy.flag == T}. The range of efficacy is (0, 1), use -1 for
  #'   missing efficacy response.} } See \code{\link{patlist_sim}} for an
  #'   example.
  #' @param patID_act A vector recording the patients' ID who need dose
  #'   recommendation for next cycle. Default is \code{NULL}
  #' @param cycle_act A vector recording the current cycle of patID_act. Default
  #'   is \code{NULL}
  #' @param dlt_act A vector indicating whether a dlt is observed in current
  #'   cycle for current patients. Default is \code{NULL}
  #' @param dose_act A vector recording the current dose level of patID_act.
  #'   Default is \code{NULL}
  #' @param doses A vector of doses that users are going to explore. Default is
  #'   1:6, where dose 1 through dose 6 are being tested.
  #' @param cycles A vector of cycles that the treatment plans to go through.
  #'   Default is 1:6, where patients will experience up to 6 cycles of the
  #'   treatment
  #' @param tox.target  The target toxicity of the treatment. Default is 0.28.
  #'   See details below.
  #' @param p_tox1  The probability cutoff for cycle 1 toxicity. Default is 0.2.
  #'   See details below.
  #' @param p_tox2  The probability cutoff for later cycles toxicity beyond
  #'   cycle 1. Default is 0.2. See Details below.
  #' @param trialSize The maximum sample size for trial simulation. Default is
  #'   36. Must be the multiple of cohort size (\code{chSize}).
  #' @param chSize    The cohort size of patients recruited. Default is 3.
  #' @param thrd1  An upper bound of toxicity for cycle 1 of the treatment.
  #'   Default is 0.28. See Details below.
  #' @param thrd2  An upper bound of toxicity for late cycles of the treatment,
  #'   beyond cycle 1. Default is 0.28. See Details below
  #' @param proxy.thrd A distance parameter to define efficacious doses. Any
  #'   dose whose predicted efficacy is within proxy.thrd away from the largest
  #'   one among the safe doses will be declared an efficacious dose.
  #' @param param.ctrl A list specifying the prior distribution for the
  #'   parameters. \describe{\item{p1_beta_intercept}{the prior mean of
  #'   intercept of toxicity model assuming a normal prior}
  #'   \item{p2_beta_intercept}{the precision (inverse of variance) of intercept
  #'   of toxicity model assuming a normal prior}
  #'   \item{p1_beta_cycle}{the prior mean of cycle effect of toxicity model
  #'   assuming a normal prior}
  #'   \item{p2_beta_cycle}{the precision (inverse of variance) of cycle effect
  #'   of toxicity model assuming a normal prior}
  #'   \item{p1_beta_dose}{the prior minimum of dose effect of toxicity model
  #'   assuming a uniform prior}
  #'   \item{p2_beta_dose}{the prior maximum of dose effect of toxicity model
  #'   assuming a uniform prior}
  #'   \item{p1_alpha}{the prior mean vector of the parameters from efficacy
  #'   model assuming a multivariate normal prior}
  #'   \item{p2_alpha}{the prior precision matrix (inverse of covariance matrix)
  #'   of the parameters from efficacy model assuming a multivariate normal
  #'   prior}
  #'   \item{p1_gamma0}{the prior mean of association parameter \eqn{\gamma}
  #'   (See Du et al(2017)) of two submodels of the joint model assuming a
  #'   normal prior}
  #'   \item{p2_gamma0}{the prior precision (inverse of variance) of association
  #'   parameter \eqn{\gamma} of two submodels of the joint model assuming a
  #'   normal prior. } Default is non-informative priors. }
  #' @param n.iters Total number of MCMC simulations. Default is 10,000.
  #' @param burn.in Number of burn=ins in the MCMC simulation. Default is 5,000.
  #' @param thin Thinning parameter. Default is 2.
  #' @param n.chains  No. of MCMC chains in Bayesian model fitting. Default is
  #'   1. Will check the convergence of MCMC chains by the potential scale
  #'   reduction factor (PSRF) when \code{n.chains} > 1.
  #' @param effcy.flag Whether efficacy data is modeled in the model fitting or
  #'   not. Default is TRUE.
  #' @param DLT.drop.flag Whether the patients should suspend the treatment when
  #'   observing DLT. Default is TRUE.
  #' @param ICD.flag Whether we allow individualized dose modification in stage
  #'   1 model or not? Default is TRUE. See details below
  #' @param testedD Default is TRUE. Whether we only allow ICD or IED to be less
  #'   than or equal to the maximum dose tested in first cycle.
  #' @param IED.flag Default is TRUE. Whether we allow dose changing for cycle >
  #'   1 in stage 2 model or not?
  #' @param ICD_thrd The cut-off point of the posterior toxicity probability in
  #'   defining ICD. Default is 0.3. See details below.
  #' @return \item{patlist}{The input data \code{patlist}} \item{doseA}{The
  #'   recommended dose level for cycle 1 for new cohorts} \item{pat_rec}{The
  #'   recommended dose for current patients for next cycle}
  #'   \item{effcy.flag}{The input argument \code{effcy.flag}} \item{doses}{The
  #'   input argument \code{doses}} \item{cycles}{The input argument
  #'   \code{cycles}}
  #' @details The RunPRMD function implement a Multi-Stage Phase I Dose--Finding
  #'   Design to recommend dosage selection based on the data collected in the
  #'   available patient cohorts. The function will automatically identify the
  #'   model and the stage based on all flags and the records. For the details
  #'   of argument \code{tox.target}, \code{p_tox1}, \code{p_tox2}, \code{thrd1},
  #'   \code{thrd2} and \code{ICD_thrd}, please check the help document of
  #'   \code{\link{SimPRMD}}.
  #' @examples
  #' data("patlist_sim")
  #' # check the whole dataset by function patlist.display
  #' patlist.display(patlist_sim, n.dose = 6, n.cycle = 6)
  #' # When we pick the records before 6th cohort enrolled in the study
  #' L <- length(patlist_sim$PatID)
  #' patlist <- lapply(patlist_sim, function(a){a <- a[-(44:L)]})
  #' patlist.display(patlist, n.dose = 6, n.cycle = 6)
  #' #The table shows the current patient in the trial. Now record the active
  #' #patient ID and records as follows
  #' patID_act <- c("cohort1subject1", "cohort1subject2", "cohort1subject3",
  #'                "cohort2subject1", "cohort2subject2", "cohort2subject3",
  #'                "cohort3subject2", "cohort3subject3",
  #'                "cohort4subject1", "cohort4subject2", "cohort4subject3",
  #'                "cohort5subject1", "cohort5subject2", "cohort5subject3")
  #' cycle_act <- c(5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1 ,1)
  #' dose_act <- c(3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4)
  #' dlt_act <- c(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  #' test <- RunPRMD(patlist = patlist, patID_act = patID_act,
  #'                 cycle_act = cycle_act, dose_act = dose_act,
  #'                 dlt_act = dlt_act, trialSize = 36, chSize = 3,
  #'                 effcy.flag = TRUE, ICD.flag = TRUE, DLT.drop.flag = TRUE,
  #'                 IED.flag = TRUE, ICD_thrd = 0.3)
  #' summary(test)
  #' plot(test)
  #' plot(test, select_cycle = 1:2)
  #' @import coda
  #' @importFrom arrayhelpers vec2array
  #' @importFrom coda gelman.diag
  #' @export

  # input argments checking (modified later)

  ## test whether trialSize/chSize is integer
  if(trialSize %% chSize != 0){
    stop("trialSize has to be a multiple of cohort size")

  if( !is.null(patID_act) ){
    if(length(cycle_act)!=length(patID_act) |
       length(dose_act)!=length(patID_act) |
    stop("cycle_act, dose_act and dlt_act should have the same length as patID_act")

  # Model fitting report

  n.pats <- length(unique(patlist$PatID))
  Max.cohort <- trialSize / chSize
  if(n.pats %% chSize != 0){
    stop("The number of the patients is not a multiple of the cohort size\n\n")
  } else{
    n.cohort <- n.pats / chSize

    act.index <- NULL
    if(DLT.drop.flag == T){
      act.index <- which((cycle_act + 1) <= max(cycles) & dlt_act == 0)
    } else {
      act.index <- which((cycle_act + 1) <= max(cycles))

  if(effcy.flag == F){
    if(ICD.flag == F){
      if(n.cohort == Max.cohort){
        if(length(act.index != 0)){
          cat("1-stage model (ICD off), no new cohort in Phase I. Recommend MTD")
          cat("1-stage model (ICD off), the trial is ending. \nRecommend MTD for phase II\n\n")
        cat("1-stage model (ICD off). Recommend MTD for new cohort\n\n")
      if(n.cohort == Max.cohort){
        if(length(act.index) != 0){
          cat("1-stage model with individualized dose modification for later cycle(ICD on)",
            "\nNo new cohort in Phase I, Recommend MTD")
          cat("1-stage model with individualized dose modification for later cycle(ICD on)",
              "\nThe trial is ending, recommend MTD for Phase II\n\n")
        cat("1-stage model with individualized dose modification for later cycle(ICD on)")
        cat("\nRecommend MTD for next cohort\n\n")
    if(IED.flag == T){
      if(n.cohort < Max.cohort / 2){
        if(ICD.flag == T){
          cat("Stage I with individualized dose modification for later cycle (ICD on)",
              "\nRecommend MTD for new cohort\n\n")
        } else {
          cat("Stage I (ICD off) \nRecommend MTD for new cohort\n\n")
      }else if(n.cohort < Max.cohort & n.cohort >= Max.cohort / 2){
        if(ICD.flag == T){
          cat("Stage II with individualized dose modification for later cycle (ICD on, IED on)")
          cat("\nRecommend MED for new cohort\n\n")
          cat("Stage II with individualized dose modification for later cycle (ICD off in Stage I, IED on)")
          cat("\nRecommend MED for new cohort\n\n")
      } else {
        if(length(act.index) != 0){
          if(ICD.flag == T){
            cat("Stage II with individualized dose modification for later cycle (ICD on, IED on)")
            cat("\nNo new cohort in Phase I, recommend MED\n\n")
            cat("Stage II(ICD off in Stage I, IED on), No new cohort in Phase I, recommend MED\n\n")
          cat("Stage III, the trial is ending. Recommend MED for Phase II\n\n")
      if(n.cohort < Max.cohort / 2){
        if(ICD.flag == T){
          cat("Stage I with individualized dose modification for later cycle (ICD on)",
              "\nRecommend MTD for new cohort\n\n")
        } else {
          cat("Stage I (ICD off). \nRecommend MTD for new cohort\n\n")
      }else if(n.cohort < Max.cohort & n.cohort >= Max.cohort / 2){
        if(ICD.flag == T){
          cat("Stage II with dose modification for later cycle (ICD on in stage 1, IED off)")
          cat("\nRecommend MED for new cohort\n\n")
          cat("Stage II (ICD off, IED off)")
          cat("\nRecommend MED for new cohort\n\n")
        if(ICD.flag == T){
          if(length(act.index) != 0){
            cat("Stage II with dose modification for later cycle (ICD on in stage 1, IED off)")
            cat("\nNo new cohort in phase I. Recommend MED\n\n")
            cat("Stage III, the trial is ending. Recommend MED for Phase II\n\n")
          if(length(act.index) != 0){
            cat("Stage II (ICD off, IED off), recommend MED\n\n")
            cat("Stage III, the trial is ending. Recommend MED for Phase II\n\n")

  # precalculate data
  MaxCycle <- length(cycles)
  Numdose <- length(doses)
  inits.list.set <- list()

  # default prior settings for all model fitting #
  ctrl_param <- list(p1_beta_intercept = 0, p1_beta_cycle = 0,
                     p2_beta_intercept = 0.001, p2_beta_cycle = 0.001,
                     p1_beta_dose = 0, p2_beta_dose = 1000,
                     p1_alpha = c(0, 0, 0, 0), p2_alpha = diag(rep(0.001, 4)),
                     p1_rho = 0, p2_rho = 0.001)

  ## modifty setting if specific setting is given
  ctrl_param <- modifyList(ctrl_param, param.ctrl)

  # model fitting & dose recommendation #
  doseA <- min(doses)                    # recommend dose for cycle1
  pat_rec <- list(patID = NULL, cycle = NULL, dose = NULL)
  dose_flag <- 0            # indicating whether there is one dose level or not

  if (n.cohort == 1) {
    ## the first cohort, use 3 + 3 design
    dlt <- patlist$dlt[which(patlist$cycle == 1)]
    if (sum(dlt) == 0) {
      doseA <- doseA + 1          ## no dlt observed, escalate dose to 2
    } else if (sum(dlt <= 2)){
      doseA <- doseA              ## observe 1 or 2 dlts, same dose for cohort 2
    } else{
      cat("early stop in the first cohort, 3 dlt observed\n\n")
      doseA <- NA
      res <- list(doseA = doseA, pat_rec = pat_rec)
      attr(res,'class') <- 'RunPRMD'

    pat_rec$patID <- patID_act[act.index]
    pat_rec$cycle <- cycle_act[act.index] + 1
    pat_rec$dose <- dose_act[act.index]

  } else if(n.cohort == 2 & all(patlist$dose[patlist$cycle == 1] == 1)) {
    ## the second cohort, use 3 + 3 design
    dlt <- patlist$dlt[which(patlist$cycle == 1)]
    ## 6 records of 2 cohort in the first cycle
    if (sum(dlt) == 1) {
      doseA <- doseA + 1          ## 1 dlt out of 6 records, escalate to dose 2
    } else if(sum(dlt) == 2){
      doseA <- doseA              ## 2 dlts out of 6 records, same dose
    } else {
      cat("more than two 2 dlts out of 6 records in the first 2 cohort, ")
      cat("\n stop the study\n\n")
      doseA <- NA
      res <- list(doseA = doseA, pat_rec = pat_rec)
      attr(res,'class') <- 'RunPRMD'

    pat_rec$patID <- patID_act[act.index]
    pat_rec$cycle <- cycle_act[act.index] + 1
    pat_rec$dose <- dose_act[act.index]

  } else if(ifelse(effcy.flag == T,         # If efficacy is true
                   n.cohort < (Max.cohort / 2),
                   n.cohort <= Max.cohort)){
    ### stage 1 model fitting###
    retrieve_param <- c("beta_dose", "beta_other", "gamma")
    dose_flag <- ifelse(length(unique(patlist$dose)) == 1, 1, 0) # dose_flag = 1 represents one dose level only
    post_samples <- phase1stage1(patlist = patlist,
                                 ctrl_param = ctrl_param,
                                 n.iters = n.iters - burn.in, burn.in = burn.in,
                                 retrieve_param = retrieve_param,
                                 dose_flag = dose_flag, n.chains = n.chains,
                                 inits.list.set = inits.list.set)
    if(n.chains > 1){
      ## use the 'potential scale reduction factor' to check convergence mixing, reference
      ## https://blog.stata.com/2016/05/26/gelman-rubin-convergence-diagnostic-using-multiple-chains/
      diag.converge <- c()
      for(k in 1:length(retrieve_param)){
        diag.converge <- c(diag.converge,
                                       autoburnin = F)$psrf[ , 1])
      if(any(diag.converge > 1.1)){cat(" MCMC fail to converge\n")}

    ## dose recommendation ##
    if(dose_flag == 1){
      ## if only one dose is assigned in the study
      sim.betas <- as.matrix(rbind(post_samples$beta_other[, , 1],
                                   post_samples$beta_dose[, , 1]))
      mnTTP.dose1 <-
        mean(apply(sim.betas, 2,
                   function(o) { as.numeric(o[1] + o[2] < thrd1)}))

      ## mnTTP.dose1: Pr[(dose = 1) + (cycle = 1) < 0.28]

      if(mnTTP.dose1 < p_tox1) {
        cat("early stop, no recommended dose \n\n") # need to be modified
        doseA <- NA
        res <- list(doseA = doseA, pat_rec = pat_rec)
        attr(res,'class') <- 'RunPRMD'
      } else {
        doseA <- doseA + 1    ## increase the dose for the next cohort
        pat_rec$patID <- patID_act[act.index]
        pat_rec$cycle <- cycle_act[act.index] + 1
        pat_rec$dose <- dose_act[act.index] ## keep the same dose
    } else {
      ## safe dose determination, for early termination##
      if(n.cohort > 2){
        # The termination only works for cohort >= 3 #
        allow.doses <- stg1.safe.dos(post_samples = post_samples,
                                     doses = doses, cycles = cycles,
                                     thrd1 = thrd1, thrd2 = thrd2,
                                     p_tox1 = p_tox1, p_tox2 = p_tox2,
                                     ICD.flag = ICD.flag)
        if (length(allow.doses) == 0) {
          cat("early stop, no allowable dose level \n\n\n")
          doseA <- NA
          res <- list(doseA = doseA, pat_rec = pat_rec)
          attr(res,'class') <- 'RunPRMD'
      Max_tested_doseA = max(patlist$dose[which(patlist$cycle == 1)]) ## calculate the maximum tested dose level for cycle1

      ## recommend dose for new cohort ##
      if(effcy.flag == F & n.cohort == Max.cohort & length(act.index)==0){
        doseA <- stg3.dos.rec(post_samples = post_samples, doses = doses,
                              tox.target = tox.target,
                              Max_tested_doseA = Max_tested_doseA)
        doseA <- stg1.dos.rec(post_samples = post_samples, doses = doses,
                              tox.target = tox.target,
                              Max_tested_doseA = Max_tested_doseA)

      # update the active patient for the next cycle #

      if(ICD.flag == T){
        ### allow dose modification ###
        ## if more than one dose is assigned in the study
        uniq_ID <- unique(patlist$PatID)

        ## safe dose for active patients for next cycle ##
        dos.rec.i.result <-
          stg1.dos.rec.i(post_samples = post_samples, uniq_ID = uniq_ID,
                         patID_act = patID_act, cycle_act = cycle_act,
                         rec_dose_act = dose_act,
                         Max_tested_doseA = Max_tested_doseA,
                         doses = doses, cycles = cycles, c1 = tox.target,
                         p1 = ICD_thrd, DLT.drop.flag = DLT.drop.flag,
                         y.dlt = dlt_act, testedD = testedD)

        pat_rec$patID <- dos.rec.i.result$patID_nxt
        pat_rec$cycle <- dos.rec.i.result$cycle_nxt
        pat_rec$dose <- dos.rec.i.result$rec_dose_nxt
      } else{
        ### no dose modification ###
        pat_rec$patID <- patID_act[act.index]
        pat_rec$cycle <- cycle_act[act.index] + 1
        pat_rec$dose  <- dose_act[act.index]
  }else if(n.cohort == Max.cohort & length(act.index) == 0 & effcy.flag == T){
    # model fitting for stage 3 #
    retrieve_param = c("beta_dose", "beta_other", "alpha", "gamma")
    post_samples <- phase1stage2(patlist = patlist,
                                 ctrl_param = ctrl_param,
                                 n.iters = n.iters - burn.in, burn.in = burn.in,
                                 retrieve_param = retrieve_param,
                                 n.chains = n.chains,
                                 # need at least two MCMC chains to check the convergence of MCMC chain
                                 dose_flag = dose_flag)

    ## Check MCMC convergency ##
    if(n.chains > 1){
      diag.converge <- c()
      for(k in 1:length(retrieve_param)){
        diag.converge <- c(diag.converge,
                                       autoburnin = F)$psrf[ , 1])
      if(any(diag.converge > 1.1)){cat("\n MCMC fail to converge")}

    ## safe dose determination
    allow.doses <- stg1.safe.dos(post_samples = post_samples,
                                 doses = doses, cycles = cycles,
                                 thrd1 = thrd1, thrd2 = thrd2,
                                 p_tox1 = p_tox1, p_tox2 = p_tox2,
                                 ICD.flag = ICD.flag)

    if (length(allow.doses) == 0) {
      cat("\n early stop, no allowable dose level")
      doseA <- NA
      res <- list(doseA = doseA, pat_rec = pat_rec)
      attr(res,'class') <- 'RunPRMD'
    } else {
      # dose recommend #
      Max_tested_doseA = max(patlist$dose[which(patlist$cycle == 1)]) ## calculate the maximum tested dose level for cycle1

      doseA <- stg3.eff.rec(post_samples = post_samples,
                            allow.doses = allow.doses,
                            Max_tested_doseA = Max_tested_doseA,
                            proxy.thrd = proxy.thrd)
  } else {
    ### stage 2 ###
    ## model fitting ##
    post_samples <- phase1stage2(patlist = patlist,
                                 ctrl_param = ctrl_param,
                                 n.iters = n.iters - burn.in, burn.in = burn.in,
                                 retrieve_param =
                                   c("beta_dose", "beta_other", "alpha", "gamma"),
                                 n.chains = n.chains,
                                 dose_flag = dose_flag)
    ## safe dose determination ##
    if(ICD.flag == T & IED.flag == F){
      # turn off the ICD.flag option in this scenario
      allow.doses <- stg1.safe.dos(post_samples = post_samples,
                                   doses = doses, cycles = cycles,
                                   thrd1 = thrd1, thrd2 = thrd2,
                                   p_tox1 = p_tox1, p_tox2 = p_tox2,
                                   ICD.flag = F)
      allow.doses <- stg1.safe.dos(post_samples = post_samples,
                                   doses = doses, cycles = cycles,
                                   thrd1 = thrd1, thrd2 = thrd2,
                                   p_tox1 = p_tox1, p_tox2 = p_tox2,
                                   ICD.flag = ICD.flag)

    if (length(allow.doses) == 0) {
      cat("early stop, no allowable dose level\n\n")
      doseA <- NA
      res <- list(doseA = doseA, pat_rec = pat_rec)
      attr(res,'class') <- 'RunPRMD'

    Max_tested_doseA = max(patlist$dose[which(patlist$cycle == 1)]) ## calculate the maximum tested dose level for cycle1

    ## dose recommendation for new cohort##
    doseA <- stg2.eff.rec(post_samples = post_samples,
                          allow.doses = allow.doses,
                          Max_tested_doseA = Max_tested_doseA,
                          proxy.thrd = proxy.thrd)

    # update the active patient for the next cycle #

    if(IED.flag == T){

      ### allow dose modification ###

      ## if more than one dose is assigned in the study
      uniq_ID <- unique(patlist$PatID)

      ## safe dose for active patients for next cycle ##
      dos.rec.i.result <-
        stg1.dos.rec.i(post_samples = post_samples, uniq_ID = uniq_ID,
                       patID_act = patID_act, cycle_act = cycle_act,
                       rec_dose_act = dose_act,
                       Max_tested_doseA = Max_tested_doseA,
                       doses = doses, cycles = cycles, c1 = tox.target,
                       p1 = ICD_thrd, DLT.drop.flag = DLT.drop.flag,
                       y.dlt = dlt_act, testedD = testedD)

      pat_rec$cycle <- dos.rec.i.result$cycle_nxt
      pat_rec$patID <- dos.rec.i.result$patID_nxt
      dos.rec.i.IED <- stg2.eff.rec.i(
        post_samples, cycle_nxt = dos.rec.i.result$cycle_nxt,
        rec_dose_nxt = dos.rec.i.result$rec_dose_nxt,
        proxy.thrd = proxy.thrd)
      pat_rec$dose <- dos.rec.i.IED$rec_dose_nxt
    } else {
      if(ICD.flag == T){
        recom.MED.cycle <- stg2.eff.rec.i.all.cycle(
          post_samples = post_samples, allow.doses = allow.doses,
          cycles = cycles, proxy.thrd = proxy.thrd)$recom.MED.cycle
        pat_rec$patID <- patID_act[act.index]
        pat_rec$cycle <- cycle_act[act.index] + 1
        pat_rec$dose <- recom.MED.cycle[pat_rec$cycle]
        ### no dose modification ###
        pat_rec$patID <- patID_act[act.index]
        pat_rec$cycle <- cycle_act[act.index] + 1
        pat_rec$dose <- dose_act[act.index]
  cat("Recommended dose: ", doseA, "\n")
  cat("\nFor patients: \n", pat_rec$patID, "\non cycle: \n", pat_rec$cycle,
      "\nWe suggest dose levels: \n", pat_rec$dose, "\n")
  res <- list(patlist = patlist, doseA = doseA, pat_rec = pat_rec,
              effcy.flag = effcy.flag, doses = doses,
              cycles = cycles)
  attr(res,'class') <- 'RunPRMD'
LuZhangstat/Phase1Mayo documentation built on March 16, 2020, 1:32 a.m.