#' @keywords internal
spflow_mle <- function(
estimation_control) {
model <- estimation_control[["model"]]
hessian_method <- estimation_control[["mle_hessian_method"]]
# compute the decomposed coefficients to obtain the decomposed RSS
delta_t <- qr.coef(qr(ZZ), ZY)
dd <- !is.na(delta_t[,1])
RSS <- TSS - crossprod(ZY[dd,,drop=FALSE],delta_t[dd,,drop=FALSE])
assert(all(dd) || estimation_control[["allow_singular"]],
"Encountered singular fit!")
# initialization for optimization
optim_count <- 1
optim_limit <- estimation_control[["mle_optim_limit"]]
nb_rho <- ncol(ZY) - 1
optim_part_LL <- function(rho) {
tau <- c(1, -rho)
rss_part <- N * log(tau %*% RSS %*% tau) / 2
return(rss_part - logdet_calculator(rho))
if (model == "model_8") {
nb_rho <- 2
rho_tmp <- draw_initial_guess(nb_rho)
optim_part_LL <- function(rho) {
rho <- c(rho, -prod(rho))
tau <- c(1, -rho)
rss_part <- N * log(tau %*% RSS %*% tau) / 2
return(rss_part - logdet_calculator(rho))
rho_tmp <- draw_initial_guess(nb_rho)
optim_results <- structure(rho_tmp,class = "try-error")
while (is(optim_results,"try-error") & (optim_count < optim_limit)) {
optim_results <- try(silent = TRUE, expr = {
optim(rho_tmp, optim_part_LL, gr = NULL, method = "L-BFGS-B",
lower = rep(-0.999, nb_rho), upper = rep(0.999, nb_rho),
hessian = TRUE)})
optim_count <- optim_count + 1
# new guess for next iteration
rho_tmp <- draw_initial_guess(nb_rho)
assert(optim_count < optim_limit,
"Optimization of the likelihood failed to converge within %s tries.",
# coeffcients
rho <- optim_results$par
if (model == "model_8") rho <- c(rho, -prod(rho))
rho <- lookup(rho, define_spatial_lag_params(model))
tau <- c(1, -rho)
delta <- (delta_t %*% tau)[,1]
mu <- c(rho, delta)
# inference
sigma2 <- as.numeric(1 / N * (tau %*% RSS %*% tau))
hessian_inputs <- list(
"ZZ" = ZZ[dd, dd, drop = FALSE],
"ZY" = ZY[dd, , drop = FALSE],
"TSS" = TSS, "N" = N,
"rho" = rho, "delta" = delta[dd], "sigma2" = sigma2)
if ( hessian_method == "mixed" ) {
mixed_specific <- list("numerical_hess" = -optim_results$hessian)
hessian_inputs <- c(hessian_inputs,mixed_specific)
if ( hessian_method == "f2" ) {
assert(model != "model_8", "F2 hessian approximation cannot be used for model_8!")
f2_specific <- list("delta_t" = delta_t, "calc_log_det" = logdet_calculator)
hessian_inputs <- c(hessian_inputs,f2_specific)
hessian <- spflow_hessian(hessian_method, hessian_inputs)
varcov <- chol2inv(chol(-hessian))
if (model == "model_8") { # derive Var(rho_w) with delta method
del <- rbind(diag(2),-rho[2:1])
del <- block_diag(del, diag(length(delta[dd]) + 1))
varcov <- del %*% varcov %*% t(del)
if (any(is.na(mu))){
vv <- length(rho) + length(delta) + length("sigma2")
vv <- matrix(nrow = vv, ncol = vv)
v_obs <- c(!is.na(mu), TRUE) # (sigma)
vv[v_obs, v_obs] <- varcov
varcov <- vv
dimnames(varcov) <- list(c(names(rho),names(delta),"sigma2"))[c(1,1)]
sd_mu <- mu
sd_mu[colnames(varcov)] <- sqrt(diag(varcov))
ll_const_part <- -(N/2)*log(2*pi) + (N/2)*log(N) - N/2
ll_partial <- -optim_results$value
ll <- ll_partial + ll_const_part
id_sigma <- length(sd_mu)
k <- ncol(varcov)
results_df <- create_results(est = mu, sd = sd_mu[-id_sigma], df = N - k)
estimation_diagnostics <- list(
"sd_error" = sqrt(sigma2),
"varcov" = varcov,
"ll" = ll,
"AIC" = -2 * ll + 2 * k,
"BIC" = -2 * ll + log(N) * k,
"model_coherence" = ifelse(pspace_validator(rho), "Validated", "Unknown"))
if (isTRUE(estimation_control[["track_condition_numbers"]]))
estimation_diagnostics <- c(estimation_diagnostics, "rcond" = rcond(ZZ))
estimation_results <- spflow_model(
estimation_results = results_df,
estimation_control = estimation_control,
estimation_diagnostics = estimation_diagnostics)
#' @keywords internal
draw_initial_guess <- function(n_param) {
init <- runif(n_param)
if (n_param > 1) {
norm <- (0.7 / 3) * n_param
init <- norm * init / sum(init)
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