#' Geographical representation of origin-destination flows
#' The graphic combines a graphical representation of origin-destination
#' flows with bar charts that represent the total inflow and outflow per site.
#' By default only the largest 25% of flows are shown.
#' @param y A numeric vector of flows
#' @param index_o
#' A factor/character vector of origin ids
#' (should be the same length as y)
#' @param index_d
#' A factor/character vector of destination ids
#' (should be the same length as y)
#' @param coords_s
#' A matrix or data.frame, containing coordinates for each (unique) origin and
#' destination in `index_o` and `index_d`.
#' The rownames musts be given and must correspond with the identifiers
#' of the origins and destinations.
#' @param color_palette
#' A character vector of colors. Should have the same length and ordering as
#' the coordinates in `coords_s`
#' @param add A logical, controlling whether a new graphic window may be opened
#' @param max_lwd
#' A numeric, indicating the value of the maximum width for the lines
#' connecting the origins with the destinations
#' @param filter_lowest
#' A numeric, that gives the value of the highest quantile to represent
#' (e.g.: if `filter_lowest = .75`, only the largest 25% of flows are shown)
#' @param max_bar
#' A numeric, indicating the height of the largest bar-chart shown
#' @param legend_position
#' A character, indicating the legend position. Should be one of
#' `c("none", "bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left",`
#' `"topleft", "top", "topright", "right", "center")`
#' @param decimal_points
#' A numeric, indicating the number of decimal points shown in in the legend
#' @param add_labels
#' A logical, controlling whether the site names should be printed
#' @param remove_intra
#' A logical that sets the intra flow to null values
#' @param cex
#' A numeric, controlling the font size of the legends
#' @inheritParams spflow_control
#' @return Creates a graphical representation of origin-destination flows
#' @export
#' @importFrom grDevices colors
#' @importFrom graphics arrows legend lines polygon text
#' @author Thibault Laurent
#' @examples
#' library(spflow)
#' library(sf)
#' data("paris10km_commuteflows")
#' data("paris10km_municipalities")
#' # use only the 20 central aggrandisements of Paris
#' two_letters <- function(x, var) substr(x[[var]], 1 , 2)
#' paris_arron_commuteflows <- paris10km_commuteflows[
#' two_letters(paris10km_commuteflows, "ID_DEST") == "75" &
#' two_letters(paris10km_commuteflows, "ID_ORIG") == "75",]
#' paris_aggrandisements <- paris10km_municipalities[
#' two_letters(paris10km_municipalities, "ID_MUN") == "75" ,]
#' # create the matrix with the coordinates
#' coords_xy <- st_coordinates(st_centroid(paris_aggrandisements))
#' rownames(coords_xy) <- paris_aggrandisements[["ID_MUN"]]
#' map_flows(paris_arron_commuteflows[, "COMMUTE_FLOW"],
#' paris_arron_commuteflows[, "ID_ORIG"],
#' paris_arron_commuteflows[, "ID_DEST"],
#' coords_s = coords_xy,
#' legend_position = "topright",
#' color_palette = colors(distinct = TRUE)[20:41],
#' add_labels = TRUE,
#' remove_intra = TRUE)
map_flows <- function(
color_palette = sample(colors(), size = nrow(coords_s), replace = nrow(coords_s) > length(colors())),
add = FALSE,
max_lwd = 1,
filter_lowest = 0.75,
max_bar = 1,
legend_position = "none",
decimal_points = 0,
add_labels = FALSE,
remove_intra = FALSE,
cex = .6,
na_rm = TRUE) {
# verification
# size of the vectors
stopifnot(length(y) == length(index_o),
length(index_o) == length(index_d))
valid_y <- is.finite(y)
if (!all(valid_y)) {
assert(na_rm, "NA/NaN/Inf in y!")
y <- y[valid_y]
index_o <- index_o[valid_y]
index_d <- index_d[valid_y]
stopifnot(legend_position %in% c("none", "bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft",
"left", "topleft", "top", "topright", "right", "center"))
############### Initialisation
# number of flows
N <- length(y)
# index of the origin
O <- unique(as.character(index_o))
n_o <- length(O)
D <- unique(as.character(index_d))
n_d <- length(D)
# number of unique site in S
S <- union(O, D)
n <- length(S)
# remove intra or not ?
if (remove_intra) {
y[index_o == index_d] <- 0
# Check on the spatial coordinates data
stopifnot(all(S %in% rownames(coords_s)))
coords_s <- coords_s[rownames(coords_s) %in% S, , drop = FALSE]
site_s <- rownames(coords_s)
# initialisation
rownames(coords_s) <- site_s
names(color_palette) <- site_s
# matricial form
outflows <- numeric(n)
names(outflows) <- site_s
inflows <- numeric(n)
names(inflows) <- site_s
# outflows / Inflows
for (k in 1:N) {
outflows[as.character(index_o)[k]] <- outflows[as.character(index_o)[k]] + y[k]
inflows[as.character(index_d)[k]] <- inflows[as.character(index_d)[k]] + y[k]
# fonction qui créé un arc entre deux points
my_arc <- function(xA, yA, xB, yB) {
xC <- (xA + xB)/2
yC <- (yA + yB)/2
R <- sqrt((yB - yA) ^ 2 + (xB - xA)^2)
slope <- (yB - yA)/(xB - xA)
s <- -1 / slope
k <- sqrt(3) / 2 * R
if (xB > xA) {
xO <- xC - sqrt(k^2 / (s^2 + 1))
yO <- yC - k * s / sqrt(s^2 + 1)
} else {
xO <- xC + sqrt(k^2 / (s^2 + 1))
yO <- yC + k * s / sqrt(s^2 + 1)
my_x <- seq(xA, xB, length.out = 100)
if (yO < min(yA,yB)) {
my_y <- yO + sqrt(R^2 - (my_x - xO)^2)
} else {
if (yO > max(yA, yB)) {
my_y <- yO - sqrt(R^2 - (my_x - xO)^2)
} else {
if(xA > xB) {
my_x_1 <- seq(xA, xO - R, length.out = 100)
my_x_2 <- seq(xO - R, xB, length.out = 100)
} else {
my_x_1 <- seq(xA, xO + R, length.out = 100)
my_x_2 <- seq(xO + R, xB, length.out = 100)
cond_positiv <- (R^2 - (my_x_1 - xO)^2 > 0) & (R^2 - (my_x_2 - xO)^2 > 0)
if(yA > yO) {
my_y_1 <- yO + sqrt(R^2 - (my_x_1[cond_positiv] - xO)^2)
my_y_2 <- yO - sqrt(R^2 - (my_x_2[cond_positiv] - xO)^2)
} else {
my_y_1 <- yO - sqrt(R^2 - (my_x_1[cond_positiv] - xO)^2)
my_y_2 <- yO + sqrt(R^2 - (my_x_2[cond_positiv] - xO)^2)
my_y<-c(my_y_1, my_y_2)
my_x<-c(my_x_1[cond_positiv], my_x_2[cond_positiv])
my_na <- is.na(my_y)
return(cbind(my_x[!my_na], my_y[!my_na]))
# initialisation
max_lwd <- max_lwd * 7
max_bar <- max_bar * 1.8
# width of the flows
max_lwd_flows <- max_lwd * y / max(y, na.rm = T)
# vector of colors for the flows
my_col_flow <- color_palette[as.numeric(factor(index_o, levels = site_s))]
my_col_bar <- color_palette[as.numeric(factor(O, levels = site_s))]
# parameter to shift the destination barplot
shift <- 1 / 50
# define the coordinates of origin site: it corresponds to the coordinates
# of s in S, slightly shifted
shift_coords_x <- diff(range(coords_s[, 1])) * shift / 2
shift_coords_y <- diff(range(coords_s[, 2])) * shift / 12
xy_origin <- coords_s[O, ]
xy_origin[, 1] <- xy_origin[, 1] - shift_coords_x
xy_origin[, 2] <- xy_origin[, 2] - shift_coords_y
xy_dest <- coords_s[D, ]
xy_dest[, 1] <- xy_dest[, 1] + shift_coords_x
xy_dest[, 2] <- xy_dest[, 2] + shift_coords_y
# shift of the two bar
shift_bar <- diff(range(xy_origin[, 1])) * shift / 3
# maximum height for the bars
max_bar <- shift_bar * 6 * max_bar
bar_out <- max_bar * outflows[O] / max(c(inflows, outflows), na.rm = T)
bar_in <- max_bar * inflows[D] / max(c(inflows, outflows), na.rm = T)
if (!add) {
plot(coords_s[, 1], coords_s[, 2], type = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
xlab = "", ylab = "", frame = F, asp = 1)
# plot the highest flows
ind_biggest <- which(y > quantile(y, filter_lowest, na.rm = TRUE))
for(i in ind_biggest) {
A <- xy_origin[as.character(index_o[i]), ]
B <- xy_dest[as.character(index_d[i]), ]
xA <- A[[1]]
yA <- A[[2]]
xB <- B[[1]]
yB <- B[[2]]
my_arc_don <- my_arc(xA, yA, xB, yB)
lines(my_arc_don[, 1], my_arc_don[, 2],
lwd = max_lwd_flows[i], col = my_col_flow[i])
bar_1x <- cbind(xy_origin[,1] - shift_bar, xy_origin[,1] + shift_bar,
xy_origin[,1] + shift_bar, xy_origin[,1] - shift_bar,
xy_origin[,1] - shift_bar)
bar_2x <- cbind(xy_dest[,1] - shift_bar, xy_dest[,1] + shift_bar,
xy_dest[,1] + shift_bar, xy_dest[,1] - shift_bar,
xy_dest[,1] - shift_bar)
# outflows bar
for(k in 1:n_o) {
bar_1y <- cbind(xy_origin[k, 2], xy_origin[k, 2],
xy_origin[k, 2] + bar_out[k],
xy_origin[k, 2] + bar_out[k],
xy_origin[k, 2])
polygon(bar_1x[k, ], bar_1y, col = my_col_bar[k])
# redefine the y_coordinates of the barplot of the inflows origin = destination
xy_dest[, 2] <- xy_dest[, 2] - 2 * shift_coords_y
# inflows bar
for(k in 1:n_d) {
local_inflow <- numeric(n_o)
for (i in 1:n_o) {
does_ind_exist <- which(index_o == O[i] & index_d == D[k])
if (length(does_ind_exist) == 1)
local_inflow[i] <- y[does_ind_exist]
my_cum_sum <- xy_dest[k, 2] + c(0, bar_in[k] * cumsum(local_inflow) / sum(local_inflow))
for (j in 1:n_o) {
bar_2y <- cbind(my_cum_sum[j], my_cum_sum[j],
my_cum_sum[j+1], my_cum_sum[j+1],
polygon(bar_2x[k,], bar_2y, col = my_col_bar[j], border = my_col_bar[j])
polygon(bar_2x[k, ], cbind(my_cum_sum[1], my_cum_sum[1],
my_cum_sum[n_o + 1], my_cum_sum[n_o + 1],
# print labels
if (add_labels) {
bar_out_S <- max_bar * outflows / max(c(inflows, outflows), na.rm = T)
bar_in_S <- max_bar * inflows / max(c(inflows, outflows), na.rm = T)
text(coords_s[site_s, 1] ,
coords_s[site_s, 2] + apply(cbind(bar_out_S, bar_in_S), 1, max),
site_s, adj = c(0.5, 0.), cex = 0.6)
# plot the legend
if (legend_position != "none") {
# plot the legend of the flows
flows_legend <- round(quantile(
y, seq(filter_lowest, 1, length.out = 4) ^ c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)),
xy_leg <- legend(legend_position,
legend = flows_legend,
lty = 1,
lwd = max_lwd * flows_legend / max(y, na.rm = T),
cex = cex,
title = "Flow size",
box.lwd = 0)
x_left <- xy_leg$rect$left + xy_leg$rect$w / 4
if(legend_position %in% c("left", "topleft", "top",
"topright", "right", "center")) {
y_bottom <- xy_leg$rect$top - 2 * xy_leg$rect$h
} else {
y_bottom <- xy_leg$rect$top + xy_leg$rect$h / 4
# max of the outflows
polygon(cbind(x_left - shift_bar,
x_left + shift_bar,
x_left + shift_bar,
x_left - shift_bar,
x_left - shift_bar),
cbind(y_bottom, y_bottom,
y_bottom + max(bar_out, bar_in),
y_bottom + max(bar_out, bar_in),
# max of the inflows
polygon(cbind(x_left - shift_bar + diff(range(xy_origin[, 1])) * shift,
x_left + shift_bar + diff(range(xy_origin[, 1])) * shift,
x_left + shift_bar + diff(range(xy_origin[, 1])) * shift,
x_left - shift_bar + diff(range(xy_origin[, 1])) * shift,
x_left - shift_bar + diff(range(xy_origin[, 1])) * shift),
cbind(y_bottom, y_bottom,
y_bottom + max(bar_out, bar_in) / 2,
y_bottom + max(bar_out, bar_in) / 2,
# Print out and In
text(x_left, y_bottom + max(bar_out, bar_in), " Out / In", cex = cex - .1, pos = 3)
# text(x_left + diff(range(xy_origin[, 1])) * shift, y_bottom, "In", cex = 0.5, pos = 1)
# Print the arrows
arrows(x_left + 2 * diff(range(xy_origin[, 1])) * shift,
y_bottom, x_left + 2 * diff(range(xy_origin[, 1])) * shift,
y_bottom + max(bar_out, bar_in),
length = 0.1)
# Print the values
text(x_left + 2.1 * diff(range(xy_origin[, 1])) * shift,
y_bottom, "0", cex = cex - .1, pos = 4)
text(x_left + 2.1 * diff(range(xy_origin[, 1])) * shift,
y_bottom + max(bar_out, bar_in),
round(max(outflows, inflows), decimal_points),
cex = cex - .1, pos = 4)
text(x_left + 2.1 * diff(range(xy_origin[, 1])) * shift,
y_bottom + max(bar_out, bar_in) / 2,
round(max(outflows, inflows) / 2, decimal_points),
cex = cex - .1, pos = 4)
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