#' @title Refitting spflow models
#' @description
#' (warning: experimental functionality) \cr
#' Use the statistics contained in an [spflow_model-class()] to efficiently
#' estimate new models.
#' @details
#' There are three possible ways to refit the model, which can be selected via
#' the `refit_type` argument.
#' - "ar_family" allows to estimate the 9 forms of autocorrelation version
#' detailed in the docs of [spflow_control()]
#' - "stepwise" implements a backward selection procedure for the explanatory
#' variables.
#' - "samples" allows to estimate the same model on different sub samples.
#' the interface to this functionality will probably change in
#' future versions.
#' @author Lukas Dargel
#' @param object a [spflow_model-class()]
#' @param refit_type A character
#' @param sample_weights A list of lists
#' @param protected_params A character
#' @param keep_data
#' A logical, if `TRUE`
#' the refitted model retains all data of the original
#' @return A list of models
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # fit the most exhaustive model (default)
#' res <- spflow(y9 ~ . + P_(DISTANCE), multi_net_usa_ge)
#' # refit the family of 9 models based on different autocorrelation structures
#' res9_ar <- spflow_refit(res)
#' compare_results(res9_ar)
#' # refit based on stepwise selection procedure
#' res_Xstep <- spflow_refit(res, refit_type = "stepwise")
#' compare_results(res_Xstep)
spflow_refit <- function(
refit_type = "ar_family",
sample_weights = NULL,
protected_params = "(Intercept)",
keep_data = FALSE) {
refit_options <- c("ar_family", "stepwise", "samples")
if (refit_type == "ar_family")
models <- spflow_refit_ar_family(object)
if (refit_type == "stepwise")
models <- spflow_refit_stepwise(object, protected_params)
if (refit_type == "samples") {
if (object@estimation_control[["estimation_method"]] == "s2sls")
object@spflow_matrices <- derive_spflow_matrices(
id_net_pair = id(object@spflow_networks)[["pairs"]],
spflow_networks = object@spflow_networks,
spflow_formula = object@spflow_formula,
spflow_control = object@estimation_control,
na_rm = object@estimation_control[["na_rm"]])
models <- spflow_refit_samples(object, sample_weights, keep_data)
#' @keywords internal
spflow_refit_ar_family <- function(object) {
{ # functions
get_obs_ylags <- function(mat_list) {
obs_Y <- Reduce("|",lapply(mat_list, is.na))
obs_Y <- !obs_Y[pair_index]
if (all(obs_Y))
obs_Y <- NULL
estimate_with_new_Y <- function(...) tryCatch(estimate_with_new_Y2(...), error = function(e) NULL)
estimate_with_new_Y2 <- function(Y_, new_control, new_mom, new_mom_emp) {
new_indic <- indic9
new_indic[["HAS_ZY"]] <- get_obs_ylags(Y_)
new_obs <- spflow_indicators2obs(new_indic)
stable_sample <- identical(sample9, get_sample(new_indic))
if (stable_sample) {
new_mod <- as.integer(substr(new_control[["model"]],7,7))
new_mom <- subset_m9_moments(new_mom, new_mod)
new_mom_emp <- subset_m9_moments(new_mom_emp, new_mod)
} else {
new_mat <- mat9
new_mat[["Y_"]] <- lapply(Y_, drop_na)
new_mom <- derive_spflow_moments(
spflow_matrices = new_mat,
n_o = new_obs[["N_orig"]],
n_d = new_obs[["N_dest"]],
N = new_obs[["N_sample"]],
wt = spflow_indicators2wtmat(new_indic),
na_rm = new_control[["na_rm"]])
new_mom_emp <- derive_empric_moments(
mat = new_mat,
dg = new_obs,
mom = new_mom,
indic = new_indic,
ctrl = new_control)
new_nb <- derive_spflow_nbfunctions(
OW = OW, DW = DW,
estimation_control = new_control,
spflow_indicators = new_indic)
new_res <- spflow_estimation(new_mom, new_nb, new_control)
new_dg <- new_obs
new_dg[["R2_corr"]] <- mom2Rcorr(new_mom_emp, coef(new_res))
new_res@estimation_diagnostics[names(new_dg)] <- new_dg
subset_m9_moments <- function(mom9, new_model) {
mom <- mom9
if (new_model %in% c(1:4,7)) {
sel <- list("1" = 1, "2" = c(1,2), "3" = c(1,3), "4" = c(1,4), "7" = c(1,2,3))
sel <- sel[[as.character(new_model)]]
mom[["TSS"]] <- mom[["TSS"]][sel,sel, drop = FALSE]
mom[["ZY"]] <- mom[["ZY"]][,sel, drop = FALSE]
mom[["UY"]] <- mom[["UY"]][,sel, drop = FALSE]
mom[["sumY"]] <- mom[["sumY"]][sel]
if (new_model %in% c(5,6)) {
cc <- list("5" = matrix(c(1,0,0,0,0,0,1/2,1/2),ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE),
"6" = matrix(c(1,0,0,0,0,1/3,1/3,1/3),ncol = 4, byrow = TRUE))
cc <- cc[[as.character(new_model)]]
mom[["TSS"]] <- cc %*% mom[["TSS"]] %*% t(cc)
mom[["ZY"]] <- mom[["ZY"]] %*% t(cc)
mom[["UY"]] <- mom[["UY"]] %*% t(cc)
mom[["sumY"]] <- mom[["sumY"]] %|!|% (cc %*% mom[["sumY"]])
# check which model is already given
model <- as.integer(substr(object@estimation_control[["model"]],7,7))
res <- vector("list",length = 9)
names(res) <- sprintf("Model (%s)", 1:9)
res[[model]] <- object
# start with model 9 that nests the whole family
control9 <- object@estimation_control
control9[["model"]] <- "model_9"
control9[["reduce_model_size"]] <- TRUE
control9[["fitted_value_method"]] <- "TS"
if (control9[["estimation_method"]] == "ols") {
control9[["estimation_method"]] <- "mle"
control9[["approx_expectation"]] <- TRUE
control9[["expectation_approx_order"]] <- 10
control9[["logdet_approx_order"]] <- 2
control9[["mle_optim_limit"]] <- 100
control9[["mle_hessian_method"]] <- "mixed"
control9 <- control9[names(control9)]
indic9 <- object@spflow_indicators
pair_index <- spflow_indicators2pairindex(indic9)
mom9 <- object@spflow_moments
mat9 <- object@spflow_matrices
obs9 <- object@estimation_diagnostics
Y9_ <- mat9[["Y_"]]
OW <- neighborhood(object, "OW")
DW <- neighborhood(object, "DW")
Y1 <- spflow_indicators2mat(indic9,do_values = "ACTUAL")
missing_flows <- any(is.na(Y1))
missing_lags <- model < 8
if (missing_flows | missing_lags) {
if (missing_flows)
Y9_[[1]] <- Y1
Y9_ <- lag_flow_matrix(
Y = Y1,
model = control9[["model"]],
OW = OW, DW = DW,
name = names(Y9_)[1],
M_indicator = spflow_indicators2mat(indic9))
indic9[["HAS_ZY"]] <- get_obs_ylags(Y9_)
mat9[["Y_"]] <- lapply(Y9_, drop_na)
obs9 <- spflow_indicators2obs(indic9)
mom9 <- derive_spflow_moments(
spflow_matrices = mat9,
n_o = obs9[["N_orig"]],
n_d = obs9[["N_dest"]],
N = obs9[["N_sample"]],
wt = spflow_indicators2wtmat(indic9),
na_rm = control9[["na_rm"]])
sample9 <- get_sample(indic9)
mom_emp9 <- derive_empric_moments(
mat = mat9,
dg = obs9,
mom = mom9,
indic = indic9,
ctrl = control9)
# estimate the 9 submodels
if (model != 9) {
res[[9]] <- estimate_with_new_Y(
Y_ = Y9_,
new_control = control9,
new_mom = mom9,
new_mom_emp = mom_emp9)
if (model != 8 & control9[["estimation_method"]] == "mle") {
control9[["model"]] <- "model_8"
res[[8]] <- estimate_with_new_Y(
Y_ = Y9_,
new_control = control9,
new_mom = mom9,
new_mom_emp = mom_emp9)
if (model != 7) {
control9[["model"]] <- "model_7"
res[[7]] <- estimate_with_new_Y(
Y_ = Y9_[1:3],
new_control = control9,
new_mom = mom9,
new_mom_emp = mom_emp9)
if (model != 6) {
control9[["model"]] <- "model_6"
Y_ <- c(Y9_[1], Reduce("+", Y9_[2:4])/3)
names(Y_) <- paste0(names(Y9_)[1],c("",".odw"))
res[[6]] <- estimate_with_new_Y(
Y_ = Y_,
new_control = control9,
new_mom = mom9,
new_mom_emp = mom_emp9)
if (model != 5) {
control9[["model"]] <- "model_5"
Y_ <- c(Y9_[1], Reduce("+", Y9_[2:3])/2)
names(Y_) <- paste0(names(Y9_)[1],c("",".od"))
res[[5]] <- estimate_with_new_Y(
Y_ = Y_,
new_control = control9,
new_mom = mom9,
new_mom_emp = mom_emp9)
if (model != 4) {
control9[["model"]] <- "model_4"
res[[4]] <- estimate_with_new_Y(
Y_ = Y9_[c(1,4)],
new_control = control9,
new_mom = mom9,
new_mom_emp = mom_emp9)
if (model != 3) {
control9[["model"]] <- "model_3"
res[[3]] <- estimate_with_new_Y(
Y_ = Y9_[c(1,3)],
new_control = control9,
new_mom = mom9,
new_mom_emp = mom_emp9)
if (model != 2) {
control9[["model"]] <- "model_2"
res[[2]] <- estimate_with_new_Y(
Y_ = Y9_[c(1,2)],
new_control = control9,
new_mom = mom9,
new_mom_emp = mom_emp9)
if (model != 1) {
control9[["model"]] <- "model_1"
control9[["estimation_method"]] <- "ols"
res[[1]] <- estimate_with_new_Y(
Y_ = Y9_[1],
new_control = control9,
new_mom = mom9,
new_mom_emp = mom_emp9)
#' @keywords internal
spflow_refit_samples <- function(
keep_data = FALSE) {
# solve naming
nwt <- names(new_weights)
names(new_weights) <- sprintf("Sample (%s)", seq(length(new_weights)))
if (!is.null(nwt))
names(new_weights)[nwt != ""] <- nwt[nwt != ""]
old_weights <- object@spflow_indicators[["WEIGHT"]]
new_weights <- lapply(
new_weights, "derive_spflow_weights",
spflow_data = pull_spflow_data(object@spflow_networks),
do_indexes = sapply(object@spflow_indicators, as.integer))
res <- vector("list", length = length(new_weights) + 1)
names(res) <- c("Original", names(new_weights))
res[["Original"]] <- object
estimate_with_new_weights <- function(...) tryCatch(estimate_with_new_weights2(...), error = function(e) NULL)
estimate_with_new_weights2 <- function(object, new_wt) {
object@spflow_indicators[["WEIGHT"]] <- new_wt
new_wt <- spflow_indicators2wtmat(object@spflow_indicators)
n_o <- nobs(object, "orig")
n_d <- nobs(object, "dest")
N <- if (is.null(new_wt)) n_o * n_d else nnzero(new_wt)
new_mom <- derive_spflow_moments(
spflow_matrices = object@spflow_matrices,
n_o = n_o, n_d = n_d, N = N,
wt = spflow_indicators2wtmat(object@spflow_indicators),
na_rm = object@estimation_control[["na_rm"]])
new_res <- spflow_estimation(new_mom,object@spflow_nbfunctions,object@estimation_control)
new_dg <- spflow_indicators2obs(object@spflow_indicators)
new_mom_emp <- derive_empric_moments(object, dg = new_dg, mom = new_mom)
new_dg[["R2_corr"]] <- mom2Rcorr(new_mom_emp, coef(new_res))
new_res@estimation_diagnostics[names(new_dg)] <- new_dg
new_res@spflow_formula <- res[["Original"]]@spflow_formula
new_res@spflow_indicators <- object@spflow_indicators %T% keep_data
new_res@spflow_networks <- res[["Original"]]@spflow_networks %T% keep_data
# go backwards to handle NULL cases on the fly
s <- length(new_weights)
p <- s + 1
for (i in seq_len(s)) {
res[[p - i + 1]] <- estimate_with_new_weights(object, new_weights[[p - i]])
#' @keywords internal
spflow_refit_stepwise <- function(object, protected_params = NULL) {
# extract constant parts
ctrl <- object@estimation_control
ctrl[["reduce_model_size"]] <- TRUE
ctrl[["fitted_value_method"]] <- "TS"
dg <- object@estimation_diagnostics
mom <- object@spflow_moments
mom_emp <- derive_empric_moments(object)
nbfunctions <- object@spflow_nbfunctions
# pre assign result and fill the first
n_steps <- 1 - sum(names(coef(object, "delta")) %in% protected_params)
n_steps <- length(coef(object, "delta")) + min(0,n_steps)
res <- vector("list", n_steps)
names(res) <- sprintf("Drop (%s)", seq(0,n_steps-1))
res[[1]] <- object
if (object@estimation_control[["fitted_value_method"]] != "TS")
res[[1]]@estimation_diagnostics[["R2_corr"]] <- mom2Rcorr(mom_emp,coef(object))
for (i in seq_len(n_steps - 1)) {
res_delta <- results(res[[i]])[names(coef(res[[i]], "delta")),,drop = FALSE]
drop_delta <- rank(res_delta[["p.val"]])
drop_delta <- drop_delta * (!rownames(res_delta) %in% protected_params)
drop_delta <- which.max(drop_delta)
mom$ZZ <- mom$ZZ[-drop_delta,-drop_delta, drop = FALSE]
mom$UU <- mom$UU[-drop_delta,-drop_delta, drop = FALSE]
mom$ZY <- mom$ZY[-drop_delta,, drop = FALSE]
mom$UY <- mom$UY[-drop_delta,, drop = FALSE]
mom_emp$ZZ <- mom_emp$ZZ[-drop_delta,-drop_delta, drop = FALSE]
mom_emp$UU <- mom_emp$UU[-drop_delta,-drop_delta, drop = FALSE]
mom_emp$ZY <- mom_emp$ZY[-drop_delta,, drop = FALSE]
mom_emp$UY <- mom_emp$UY[-drop_delta,, drop = FALSE]
mom_emp$sumZ <- mom_emp$sumZ[-drop_delta]
new_res <- spflow_estimation(mom, nbfunctions, ctrl)
new_dg <- new_res@estimation_diagnostics
new_dg[["R2_corr"]] <- mom2Rcorr(mom_emp,coef(new_res))
dg[names(new_dg)] <- new_dg
new_res@estimation_diagnostics <- dg
res[[i + 1]] <- new_res
#' @keywords internal
derive_empric_moments <- function(
indic = object@spflow_indicators,
mat = object@spflow_matrices,
mom = object@spflow_moments,
dg = object@estimation_diagnostics,
ctrl = object@estimation_control) {
if (is.numeric(indic[["WEIGHT"]])) {
mom <- derive_spflow_moments(
spflow_matrices = mat,
n_o = dg[["N_orig"]],
n_d = dg[["N_dest"]],
N = dg[["N_sample"]],
wt = spflow_indicators2wtmat(indic, as_binary = TRUE))
mom_sums <- list("sumY" = mom[["ZY"]][1,], "sumZ" = mom[["ZZ"]][1,])
if (!"(Intercept)" %in% colnames(mom[["ZZ"]])) {
wt <- spflow_indicators2wtmat(indic, as_binary = TRUE)
cI <- (Diagonal(dg[["N_orig"]]) * wt) %T% ctrl[["use_intra"]]
mom_sums <- list(
"sumY" = sapply(mat[["Y_"]], function(x) sum(x * wt)),
"sumZ" = c(var_block_alpha(wt),
var_block_alpha_beta(mat[c("D_","O_","I_")], derive_weights_DOI(wt)),
var_block_alpha_gamma(lapply(mat[["P_"]], "*", wt))))
#' @keywords internal
mom2Rcorr <- function(mom, mu) {
ZZ <- mom[["ZZ"]]
ZY <- mom[["ZY"]][,1,drop=FALSE]
JJ <- mom[["TSS"]][-1,-1] %||% NULL
ZJ <- mom[["ZY"]][,-1,drop=FALSE] %||% NULL
t_ZJ <- ZJ %|!|% t
YJ <- mom[["TSS"]][-1,1,drop=FALSE] %||% NULL
N <- mom[["N"]]
sumY <- mom[["sumY"]]
sumZ <- mom[["sumZ"]]
m <- !is.na(mu)
mu <- mu[m]
sumYhat <- as.numeric(mu %*% c(sumY[-1] %||% NULL, sumZ)[m])
prodYYhat <- as.numeric(mu %*% rbind(YJ,ZY)[m,,drop = FALSE])
num <- N * prodYYhat - sumYhat * sumY[1]
sqsumY <- mom[["TSS"]][1,1]
sqsumYhat <- mu %*% rbind(cbind(JJ,t_ZJ),cbind(ZJ,ZZ))[m,m,drop = FALSE] %*% mu
denum <- sqrt(N * sqsumY - sumY[1]^2) * sqrt(N * sqsumYhat - sumYhat^2)
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