Man pages for LuyiTian/scPipe
Pipeline for single cell multi-omic data pre-processing

anno_importImport gene annotation
anno_to_safConvert annotation from GenomicRanges to Simple Annotation...
calculate_QC_metricsCalculate QC metrics from gene count matrix
cell_barcode_matchingcell barcode demultiplex statistics for a small sample...
check_barcode_start_positionCheck Valid Barcode Start Position
convert_geneidconvert the gene ids of a SingleCellExperiment object
create_sce_by_dircreate a SingleCellExperiment object from data folder...
detect_outlierDetect outliers based on QC metrics
dot-qq_outliers_robustDetect outliers based on robust linear regression of QQ plot
feature_infoGet or set 'feature_info' from a SingleCellExperiment object
feature_typeGet or set 'feature_type' from a SingleCellExperiment object
gene_id_typeGet or set 'gene_id_type' from a SingleCellExperiment object
get_chromosomesGet Chromosomes
get_ercc_annoGet ERCC annotation table
get_genes_by_GOGet genes related to certain GO terms from biomart database
get_read_strGet read structure for particular scRNA-seq protocol
organismGet or set 'organism' from a SingleCellExperiment object
plot_mappingPlot mapping statistics for 'SingleCellExperiment' object.
plot_QC_pairsPlot GGAlly pairs plot of QC statistics from...
plot_UMI_dupPlot UMI duplication frequency
QC_metricsGet or set quality control metrics in a SingleCellExperiment...
read_cellsRead Cell barcode file
remove_outliersRemove outliers in 'SingleCellExperiment'
sc_aligningaligning the demultiplexed FASTQ reads using the...
sc_atac_bam_taggingBAM tagging
sc_atac_cell_callingidentifying true vs empty cells
sc_atac_create_cell_qc_metricsgenerating a file useful for producing the qc plots
sc_atac_create_fragmentsGenerating the popular fragments for scATAC-Seq data
sc_atac_create_reportHTML report generation
sc_atac_emptydrops_cell_callingempty drops cell calling
sc_atac_feature_countinggenerating the feature by cell matrix
sc_atac_filter_cell_callingfilter cell calling
sc_atac_pipelineA convenient function for running the entire pipeline
sc_atac_pipeline_quick_testA function that tests the pipeline on a small test sample...
sc_atac_plot_cells_per_featureA histogram of the log-number of cells per feature
sc_atac_plot_features_per_cellA histogram of the log-number of features per cell
sc_atac_plot_features_per_cell_orderedPlot showing the number of features per cell in ascending...
sc_atac_plot_fragments_cells_per_featureA scatter plot of the log-number of fragments and log-number...
sc_atac_plot_fragments_features_per_cellA scatter plot of the log-number of fragments and log-number...
sc_atac_plot_fragments_per_cellA histogram of the log-number of fragments per cell
sc_atac_plot_fragments_per_featureA histogram of the log-number of fragments per feature
sc_atac_remove_duplicatesRemoving PCR duplicates using samtools
sc_atac_tfidfgenerating the UMAPs for sc-ATAC-Seq preprocessed data
sc_atac_trim_barcodedemultiplex raw single-cell ATAC-Seq fastq reads
sc_get_umap_dataGenerates UMAP data from sce object
sc_integrateIntegrate multi-omic scRNA-Seq and scATAC-Seq data into a...
sc_interactive_umap_plotProduces an interactive UMAP plot via Shiny
sc_mae_plot_umapGenerates UMAP of multiomic data
scPipescPipe - single cell RNA-seq pipeline
sc_sample_dataa small sample scRNA-seq counts dataset to demonstrate...
sc_sample_qcquality control information for a small sample scRNA-seq...
TF.IDF.customReturns the TF-IDF normalised version of a binary matrix
UMI_dup_infoGet or set UMI duplication results in a SingleCellExperiment...
UMI_duplicationUMI duplication statistics for a small sample scRNA-seq...
LuyiTian/scPipe documentation built on Dec. 11, 2023, 8:21 p.m.