
Defines functions printEffects calculateVIFModeB calculatef2 calculateSRMR calculateRMSTheta calculateRMSEA calculateNNFI calculateNFI calculateIFI calculateCN calculateGFI calculateCFI calculateChiSquareDf calculateChiSquare calculateDML calculateDL calculateDG calculateHTMT calculateHTMTcore calculateRhoT calculateRhoC calculateRelativeGoF calculateGoF calculateFLCriterion calculateDf calculateAVE calculateModelSelectionCriteria

Documented in calculateAVE calculateCFI calculateChiSquare calculateChiSquareDf calculateCN calculateDf calculateDG calculateDL calculateDML calculatef2 calculateFLCriterion calculateGFI calculateGoF calculateHTMT calculateIFI calculateModelSelectionCriteria calculateNFI calculateNNFI calculateRelativeGoF calculateRhoC calculateRhoT calculateRMSEA calculateRMSTheta calculateSRMR calculateVIFModeB

#' Model selection criteria
#' Calculate several information or model selection criteria (MSC) such as the
#' Akaike information criterion (AIC), the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) or
#' the Hannan-Quinn criterion (HQ).
#' By default, all criteria are calculated (`.ms_criterion == "all"`). To compute only
#' a subset of the criteria a vector of criteria may be given.
#' If `.by_equation == TRUE` (the default), the criteria are computed for each 
#' structural equation of the model separately, as suggested by 
#' \insertCite{Sharma2019;textual}{cSEM} in the context of PLS. The relevant formula can be found in
#'  Table B1 of the appendix of \insertCite{Sharma2019;textual}{cSEM}. 
#' If `.by_equation == FALSE` the AIC, the BIC and the HQ for whole model 
#' are calculated. All other criteria are currently ignored in this case! 
#' The relevant formula are (see, e.g., \insertCite{Akaike1974}{cSEM},
#' \insertCite{Schwarz1978;textual}{cSEM}, 
#' \insertCite{Hannan1979;textual}{cSEM}): 
#' \deqn{AIC = - 2*log(L) + 2*k}
#' \deqn{BIC = - 2*log(L) + k*ln(n)}
#' \deqn{HQ  = - 2*log(L) + 2*k*ln(ln(n))}
#' where log(L) is the log likelihood function of the multivariate normal
#' distribution of the observable variables, k the (total) number of estimated parameters,
#' and n the sample size.
#' If `.only_structural == TRUE`, log(L) is based on the structural model only.
#' The argument is ignored if `.by_equation == TRUE`.
#' @usage calculateModelSelectionCriteria(
#'   .object          = NULL,
#'   .ms_criterion    = c("all", "aic", "aicc", "aicu", "bic", "fpe", "gm", "hq",
#'                        "hqc", "mallows_cp"),
#'   .by_equation     = TRUE, 
#'   .only_structural = TRUE 
#'   )
#' @return If `.by_equation == TRUE` a named list of model selection criteria.
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @seealso [assess()], [cSEMResults]
#' @references 
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @export

calculateModelSelectionCriteria <- function(
  .object          = NULL, 
  .ms_criterion    = c("all", "aic", "aicc", "aicu", "bic", "fpe", "gm", "hq",
                       "hqc", "mallows_cp"),
  .by_equation     = TRUE,
  .only_structural = TRUE
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateModelSelectionCriteria,
                  .ms_criterion    = .ms_criterion,
                  .by_equation     = .by_equation,
                  .only_structural = .only_structural)
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    x1 <- .object$Estimates
    x2 <- .object$Information$Model
    S  <- x1$Indicator_VCV
    n <- nrow(.object$Information$Data)
    ## Mean square of the saturated model
    args <- .object$Information$Arguments
    args$.model$structural[lower.tri(args$.model$structural)] <- 1
    # set the .id argument to NULL; this is necessary as otherwise csem treats it as multigroup object,
    # which produces errors.  
    args$.id <- NULL
    out_saturated <- do.call(csem, args)
    MSE <- (1 - out_saturated$Estimates$R2)[names(x1$R2)]
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    x1 <- summarize(.object)$Second_stage$Estimates
    x2 <- summarize(.object)$Second_stage$Information$Model
    S  <- .object$First_stage$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
    # Sample size
    n <- nrow(.object$First_stage$Information$Data)
    ## Mean square of the saturated model
    args <- .object$Second_stage$Information$Arguments
    args$.model$structural[lower.tri(args$.model$structural)] <- 1
    out_saturated <- do.call(csem, args)
    MSE <- (1 - out_saturated$Estimates$R2)
    # remove _temp suffix in second stage
    names(MSE) <- gsub("_temp","", names(MSE))
    MSE <- MSE[names(x1$R2)]
  } else {
      "The following error occured in the calculateModelSelectionCriteria() function:\n",
      "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
  ## Model-implied indicator covariance matrix
  Sigma_hat <- fit(.object = .object, 
                   .saturated  = FALSE, 
                   .type_vcv = "indicator"
  ## Number of estimated parameters
  # Note: # estimated parameters = total number of elements of S - df
  k <- sum(lower.tri(S)) - calculateDf(.object)
  ## Number of indicators
  p <- nrow(S)
  ## Set up empty list
  out <- list()
  if(!.by_equation) {
    if(.only_structural) {
      # Reassign S, Sigma_hat, k and p. Now:
      # S         := construct correlation matrix
      # Sigma_hat := model-implied construct correlation matrix
      # k         := # of estimated parameters of the structural model (either 
      #              correlations or structural model parameters)
      # p         := # of constructs in the structural model
      S <- x1$Construct_VCV
      Sigma_hat <- fit(.object, 
                       .saturated = FALSE, 
                       .type_vcv = 'construct')
      # Count construct correlations and/or structural model parameters
        if(!all(x2$structural == 0)) {
          # Free correlations between exogenous constructs
          n_cor_exo <- length(x2$cons_exo) * (length(x2$cons_exo) - 1) / 2 
          # Number of structural parameters
          n_structural <- sum(x2$structural)
        } else {
          n_cor_exo    <- nrow(x2$structural) * (nrow(x2$structural) - 1) / 2
          n_structural <- 0
      k <- n_cor_exo + n_structural
      p <- nrow(S)

    ## Log Likelihood
    logL <- - n*p/2*log(2*pi) -n/2*sum(diag(S %*% solve(Sigma_hat))) - n/2*log(det(Sigma_hat))
    if(any(.ms_criterion %in% c("all", "aic"))) {
      ## Compute AIC
      out[["AIC"]] <- -2*logL + 2*k 
    if(any(.ms_criterion %in% c("all", "bic"))) {
      ## Compute BIC
      out[["BIC"]] <- -2*logL + k*log(n) 
    if(any(.ms_criterion %in% c("all", "hq"))) {
      ## Compute HQ
      out[["HQ"]] <- -2*logL + 2*k*log(log(n)) 
  } else {
    ### Implementation based on Sharma et al. (2019), p.391, Table B1
    SSE <- (1 - x1$R2)*(n - 1)
    ## Update k to contain the number of parameters for each equation instead of
    ## all model parameters.
    ## Note: in line with Sharma et. al (2019) the number of paramters per equation
    ##       is computed as number of regressors + 1 (for the constant).
    ##       Its unclear if the constant is really necessary since constructs are
    ##       standardized. Hence, the constant will always be zero.
    k <- rowSums(x2$structural)[names(x1$R2)] + 1
    if(any(.ms_criterion %in% c("all", "aic"))) {
      out[["AIC"]] <- n*(log(SSE / n) + 2*k/n)
    if(any(.ms_criterion %in% c("all", "aicc"))) {
      out[["AICc"]] <- n*(log(SSE / n) + (n + k)/(n - k -2))
    if(any(.ms_criterion %in% c("all", "aicu"))) {
      out[["AICu"]] <- n*(log(SSE / (n - k)) + 2*k/n)
    if(any(.ms_criterion %in% c("all", "bic"))) {
      out[["BIC"]] <- n*(log(SSE / n) + k*log(n)/n)
    if(any(.ms_criterion %in% c("all", "fpe"))) {
      out[["FPE"]] <- (SSE / (n-k)) * (1 + k/n)
    if(any(.ms_criterion %in% c("all", "gm"))) {
      out[["GM"]] <- (SSE / MSE) + k*log(n)
    if(any(.ms_criterion %in% c("all", "hq"))) {
      out[["HQ"]] <- n*(log(SSE / n) + (2*k*log(log(n)))/n)
    if(any(.ms_criterion %in% c("all", "hqc"))) {
      out[["HQc"]] <- n*(log(SSE / n) + (2*k*log(log(n)))/(n - k - 2))
    if(any(.ms_criterion %in% c("all", "mallows_cp"))) {
      out[["Mallows_Cp"]] <- (SSE / MSE) - (n - 2*k)

#' Average variance extracted (AVE)
#' Calculate the average variance extracted (AVE) as proposed by 
#' \insertCite{Fornell1981;textual}{cSEM}. For details see the
#' \href{https://floschuberth.github.io/cSEM/articles/Using-assess.html#ave}{cSEM website} 
#' The AVE is inherently tied to the common factor model. It is therefore 
#' unclear how to meaningfully interpret the AVE in the context of a 
#' composite model. It is possible, however, to force computation of the AVE for constructs 
#' modeled as composites by setting `.only_common_factors = FALSE`.
#' @usage calculateAVE(
#'  .object              = NULL,
#'  .only_common_factors = TRUE
#' )
#' @return A named vector of numeric values (the AVEs). If `.object` is a list 
#'   of `cSEMResults` objects, a list of AVEs is returned.
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @seealso [assess()], [cSEMResults]
#' @references 
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @export

calculateAVE <- function(
  .object              = NULL,
  .only_common_factors = TRUE

  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateAVE, .only_common_factors = .only_common_factors)
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    ## Extract loadings
    Lambda   <- .object$Estimates$Loading_estimates
    c_names  <- rownames(Lambda)
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    # ## Extract construct type
    c_names2 <- .object$Second_stage$Information$Arguments_original$.model$vars_2nd
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateAVE, .only_common_factors = .only_common_factors)
    out$Second_stage <- out$Second_stage[c_names2]
    out <- if(is.na(out$Second_stage)) {
    } else {
      out <- c(out$First_stage, out$Second_stage)
  } else {
      "The following error occured in the calculateAVE() function:\n",
      "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
  ## Calculate AVE (extracted variance / total variance)
  # Note: Within the cSEM package indicators are always standardized (i.e, have
  #       a variance of 1). Therefore the term (sum(lambda^2) + sum(1 - lambda^2) is
  #       simply equal to the number of indicator attached to a construct j.
  #       Hence AVE is simply the average over all lambda^2_k of construct j.
  #       Since for x_k standardized --> lambda^2_k := (indicator) reliability
  #       the AVE in cSEM is simply the average indicator reliability
  AVEs <- sapply(c_names, function(x){
    lambda <- c(Lambda[x, Lambda[x,] != 0])
    ave    <- sum(lambda^2) / (sum(lambda^2) + sum(1 - lambda^2))
  names(AVEs) <- c_names
  # By default AVE's for composites are not returned
    ## Extract construct type
    con_types <-.object$Information$Model$construct_type
    names_cf  <- names(con_types[con_types == "Common factor"])
    AVEs      <- AVEs[names_cf]
  # Return vector of AVEs

#' Degrees of freedom
#' Calculate the degrees of freedom for a given model from a [cSEMResults] object.
#' Although, composite-based estimators always retrieve parameters of the 
#' postulated models via the estimation of a composite model,
#' the computation of the degrees of freedom depends on the postulated model.
#' See: \href{https://floschuberth.github.io/cSEM/articles/Using-assess.html}{cSEM website} 
#' for details on how the degrees of freedom are calculated.
#' To compute the degrees of freedom of the null model use `.null_model = TRUE`.
#' The degrees of freedom of the null model are identical to the number of
#' non-redundant off-diagonal elements of the empirical indicator correlation matrix.
#' This implicitly assumes a null model with model-implied indicator correlation
#' matrix equal to the identity matrix.
#' @usage calculateDf(
#'   .object     = NULL,
#'   .null_model = FALSE,
#'   ...
#'   )
#' @return A single numeric value.
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @seealso [assess()], [cSEMResults]
#' @export

calculateDf <- function(
  .object     = NULL, 
  .null_model = FALSE,
) {
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    df <- lapply(.object, calculateDf)
    ## Return
    names(df) <- names(.object)
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) { 
    x1 <- .object$Estimates
    x2 <- .object$Information$Model
    if(x2$model_type == "Nonlinear") {
      warning("Computation of the degrees of freedom for models containing nonlinear",
              " terms is experimental. Computation may not be correct.")
    # Number of non-redundant off-diagonal elements of the indicator covariance 
    # matrix (S)
    vS <- sum(lower.tri(x1$Indicator_VCV)) # same as dim_nS *(dim_nS - 1) / 2
    # Caculate the degrees of freedom of a null model (Sigma_hat = I)
    if(.null_model) {
      # The degrees of freedom of the null model are identical to 
      # the number of non-redundant elements of S (since there is nothing to
      # estimate. Everything, except for the main diagonal element, is set to 0 a 
      # priori).
    # Construct correlations and structural model parameters
    if(!all(x2$structural == 0)) {
      # Free correlations between exogenous constructs
      n_cor_exo <- length(x2$cons_exo) * (length(x2$cons_exo) - 1) / 2 
      # Correlations between endogenous constructs
      names_cor_endo <- intersect(x2$cons_endo, rownames(x2$cor_specified))
      if(length(names_cor_endo) != 0) {
        n_cor_endo <- sum(x2$cor_specified[names_cor_endo, names_cor_endo, drop = FALSE]
                          [lower.tri(x2$cor_specified[names_cor_endo, names_cor_endo, drop = FALSE])])
      } else {
        n_cor_endo <- 0
      # Number of structural parameters
      n_structural <- sum(x2$structural)
    } else {
      n_cor_exo    <- nrow(x2$structural) * (nrow(x2$structural) - 1) / 2
      n_cor_endo   <- 0
      n_structural <- 0
    ## Construct names
    names_constructs <- rownames(x2$structural)
    k <- c()
    for(j in names_constructs) {
      if(x2$construct_type[j] == "Composite") {
        ## Number of weights minus 1 (since weights are choosen s.t. Var(eta) = 1)
        n_weights <- sum(x2$measurement[j, ]) - 1 
        ## Number of free non-redundant off-diagonal element of each intra-block
        #+ covariance matrix
        temp    <- sum(x2$measurement[j, ] == 1)
        n_intra <- temp * (temp - 1) / 2
        ## Calculate dfs per construct
        k[j] <- n_weights + n_intra 
      } else {
        # Number of loadings (since either 1 loading is fixed or the variance 
        # of the construct is fixed)
        n_loadings <- sum(x2$measurement[j, ] == 1)
        # Number of measurement errors assumed to correlate
        j_names <- names(which(x2$measurement[j, ] == 1))
        n_error <- sum(x2$error_cor[j_names, j_names, drop = FALSE] == 1) / 2
        # Calculate dfs per construct
        k[j] <- n_loadings + n_error
    df_total <- vS - (n_cor_exo + n_cor_endo + n_structural) - sum(k)
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    x11 <- .object$First_stage$Estimates
    x12 <- .object$First_stage$Information$Model
    x21 <- .object$Second_stage$Estimates
    x22 <- .object$Second_stage$Information$Model
    if(x22$model_type == "Nonlinear") {
      warning("Computation of the degrees of freedom for models containing nonlinear",
              " terms is experimental. Computation may not be correct.")
    # Number of non-redundant off-diagonal elements of the indicator covariance 
    # matrix (S) of the first stage
    vS <- sum(lower.tri(x11$Indicator_VCV)) # same as dim_nS *(dim_nS - 1) / 2
    # Caculate the degrees of freedom of a null model (Sigma_hat = I)
    if(.null_model) {
      # The degrees of freedom of the null model are identical to 
      # the number of non-redundant elements of S (since there is nothing to
      # estimate. Everything is set to 0 a priori)
    # Construct correlations and structural model parameters
    if(!all(x22$structural == 0)) {
      # Free correlations between exogenous constructs
      n_cor_exo <- length(x22$cons_exo) * (length(x22$cons_exo) - 1) / 2 
      # Correlations between endogenous constructs
      names_cor_endo <- intersect(x22$cons_endo, rownames(x22$cor_specified))
      if(!is.null(names_cor_endo)) {
        n_cor_endo <- sum(x22$cor_specified[names_cor_endo, names_cor_endo, drop = FALSE]
                          [lower.tri(x22$cor_specified[names_cor_endo, names_cor_endo, drop = FALSE])])
      } else {
        n_cor_endo <- 0
      # Number of structural parameters
      n_structural <- sum(x22$structural)
    } else {
      n_cor_exo    <- nrow(x22$structural) * (nrow(x22$structural) - 1) / 2
      n_cor_endo   <- 0
      n_structural <- 0
    ## Construct names
    construct_order  <- .object$First_stage$Information$Model$construct_order 
    names_constructs <- names(construct_order)
    k <- c()
    for(j in names_constructs) {
      if(construct_order[j] == "Second order") {
        if(x22$construct_type[j] == "Composite") {
          ## Number of weights minus 1 (since weights are chosen s.t. Var(eta) = 1)
          n_weights <- sum(x22$measurement[j, ]) - 1 
          ## Number of free non-redundant off-diagonal element of each intra-block
          #+ covariance matrix
          temp    <- sum(x22$measurement[j, ] == 1)
          n_intra <- temp * (temp - 1) / 2
          ## Calculate dfs per construct
          k[j] <- n_weights + n_intra 
        } else {
          # Number of loadings -1 (since either 1 loading is fixed or the variance 
          # of the construct is fixed)
          n_loadings <- sum(x22$measurement[j, ] == 1)
          # Number of measurement errors assumed to correlate
          n_error <- sum(x22$error_cor == 1) / 2
          # Calculate dfs per construct
          k[j] <- n_loadings + n_error
      } else {
        if(x12$construct_type[j] == "Composite") {
          ## Number of weights minus 1 (since weights are choosen s.t. Var(eta) = 1)
          n_weights <- sum(x12$measurement[j, ]) - 1
          ## Number of free non-redundant off-diagonal element of each intra-block
          #+ covariance matrix
          temp    <- sum(x12$measurement[j, ] == 1)
          n_intra <- temp * (temp - 1) / 2
          ## Calculate dfs per construct
          k[j] <- n_weights + n_intra 
        } else {
          # Number of loadings -1 (since either 1 loading is fixed or the variance 
          # of the construct is fixed)
          n_loadings <- sum(x12$measurement[j, ] == 1)
          # Number of measurement errors assumed to correlate
          n_error <- sum(x12$error_cor == 1) / 2
          # Calculate dfs per construct
          k[j] <- n_loadings + n_error
  } else {
      "The following error occured in the calculateDL() function:\n",
      "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
  ## Compute degrees of freedom
  df_total <- vS - (n_cor_exo + n_cor_endo + n_structural) - sum(k)
  ## Return degrees of freedom

#' Fornell-Larcker criterion
#' Computes the Fornell-Larcker matrix.
#' The Fornell-Larcker criterion (FL criterion) is a rule suggested by \insertCite{Fornell1981;textual}{cSEM}
#' to assess discriminant validity. The Fornell-Larcker
#' criterion is a decision rule based on a comparison between the squared
#' construct correlations and the average variance extracted (AVE).
#' The FL criterion is inherently tied to the common factor model. It is therefore 
#' unclear how to meaningfully interpret the FL criterion in the context of a 
#' model that contains constructs modeled as composites.
#' @usage calculateFLCriterion(
#'   .object              = NULL,
#'   .only_common_factors = TRUE,
#'   ...
#'   )
#' @return A matrix with the squared construct correlations on the off-diagonal and 
#' the AVE's on the main diagonal.
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @seealso [assess()], [cSEMResults]
#' @references 
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @export

calculateFLCriterion <- function(
  .object              = NULL,
  .only_common_factors = TRUE,
  ) {
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateFLCriterion,
                  .only_common_factors = .only_common_factors)
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    # Fornell-Larcker
    ## Get relevant objects
    con_types <-.object$Information$Model$construct_type
    names_cf  <- names(con_types[con_types == "Common factor"])
    P         <- .object$Estimates$Construct_VCV
    if(.only_common_factors) {
      P <- P[names_cf, names_cf]
    if(sum(dim(P)) > 0) {
      FL_matrix <- cov2cor(P)^2
      diag(FL_matrix) <- calculateAVE(.object, 
                                      .only_common_factors = .only_common_factors)
  } else { # 2nd order
      "Computation of the Fornell-Larcker criterion",
      " not supported for models containing second-order constructs:\n")

#' Goodness of Fit (GoF)
#' Calculate the Goodness of Fit (GoF) proposed by \insertCite{Tenenhaus2004;textual}{cSEM}. 
#' Note that, contrary to what the name suggests, the GoF is **not** a 
#' measure of model fit in the sense of SEM. See e.g. \insertCite{Henseler2012a;textual}{cSEM}
#' for a discussion.
#' The GoF is inherently tied to the common factor model. It is therefore 
#' unclear how to meaningfully interpret the GoF in the context of a 
#' model that contains constructs modeled as composites.
#' @usage calculateGoF(
#'  .object              = NULL
#' )
#' @return A single numeric value.
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @seealso [assess()], [cSEMResults]
#' @references 
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @export

calculateGoF <- function(
  .object              = NULL
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateGoF)
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    # Only select constructs with more than one indicator
    NoSingleConstruct <- rownames(.object$Information$Model$measurement)[rowSums(.object$Information$Model$measurement) != 1]
    ## Get relevant quantities
    Lambda    <- .object$Estimates$Loading_estimates[NoSingleConstruct,,drop=FALSE]
    R2        <- .object$Estimates$R2
    # Select only non-zero loadings
    L  <- Lambda[Lambda != 0]
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {

    ## Extract loadings for constructs with more than one indicator
    # First stage
    NoSingleConstruct <- rownames(.object$First_stage$Information$Model$measurement)[rowSums(.object$First_stage$Information$Model$measurement) != 1] 
    Lambda   <- .object$First_stage$Estimates$Loading_estimates[NoSingleConstruct,,drop=FALSE]
    NoSingleConstruct2 <- rownames(.object$Second_stage$Information$Model$measurement)[rowSums(.object$Second_stage$Information$Model$measurement) != 1]
    # In this way the single-indicator constructs from the first stage are also not considered in the second stage
    Lambda2  <- .object$Second_stage$Estimates$Loading_estimates[NoSingleConstruct2,,drop=FALSE] 
    R2       <- .object$Second_stage$Estimates$R2
    L  <- Lambda[Lambda != 0]
    L2 <- Lambda2[Lambda2 != 0]
    L <- c(L, L2)
  } else {
      "The following error occured in the calculateGoF() function:\n",
      "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
  # Warning in case of single-indicator constructs only.
    warning2("This warning occured in the `calculateGoF()` function.\n",
             "Model consists of single-indicator constructs only.\n")

  # The GoF is defined as the sqrt of the mean of the R^2s of the structural model 
  # times the variance in the indicators that is explained by the construct (lambda^2).
  gof <- sqrt(mean(L^2) * mean(R2))

#' Relative Goodness of Fit (relative GoF)
#' Calculate the Relative Goodness of Fit (GoF) proposed by \insertCite{Vinzi2010a;textual}{cSEM}. 
#' Note that, contrary to what the name suggests, the Relative GoF is **not** a 
#' measure of model fit in the sense of SEM. See e.g. \insertCite{Henseler2012a;textual}{cSEM}
#' for a discussion.
#' @usage calculateRelativeGoF(
#'  .object              = NULL
#' )
#' @return A single numeric value.
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @seealso [assess()], [cSEMResults]
#' @references 
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @export

calculateRelativeGoF <- function(
    .object              = NULL
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateGoF)
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    ## Get relevant quantities
    Lambda    <- .object$Estimates$Loading_estimates
    R2        <- .object$Estimates$R2
    S <- .object$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
    structural <- .object$Information$Model$structural
    measurement <- .object$Information$Model$measurement
    construct_names <- rownames(measurement)
    cons_endo <- .object$Information$Model$cons_endo
    constructs_with_more_than_one_indicator <- construct_names[rowSums(measurement)!=1]
    T1 <- sapply(constructs_with_more_than_one_indicator, function(x){
      indicator_names <- colnames(measurement[x,measurement[x,]!=0,drop=FALSE])
      numerator <- Lambda[x,Lambda[x,]!=0,drop=FALSE]^2
      # calculate the largest Eigenvalue
      denominator <- eigen(S[indicator_names,indicator_names])$values[1]
    T1 <- mean(unlist(T1))

    T2 <- sapply(cons_endo,function(x){
      indicators_dep <- colnames(measurement[x,measurement[x,]!=0,drop=FALSE])
      cons_indep <- colnames(structural[x,structural[x,]!=0,drop=FALSE])
      indicators_ind <-colnames(measurement[cons_indep,colSums(measurement[cons_indep,,drop=FALSE])!=0,drop=FALSE])
      S_depdep <- S[indicators_dep,indicators_dep,drop=FALSE]
      S_indind <- S[indicators_ind,indicators_ind,drop=FALSE]
      S_depind <- S[indicators_dep,indicators_ind,drop=FALSE]
      S_inddep <- t(S_depind)
      rho2 <- eigen(solve(S_depdep)%*%S_depind%*%solve(S_indind)%*%S_inddep)$values[1]
    T2 <- mean(T2)
    relGoF <- sqrt(T1*T2)
    } else {
      warning2("This warning occured in the `calculateRelativeGoF()` function.\n",
               "Model consists of single-indicator constructs only.\n")
      relGoF <- NA

  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
      "The following error occured in the calculateRelativeGoF() function:\n",
      "For models contianing second-order constructs, the relative GoF is not implemented."
  } else {
      "The following error occured in the calculateRelativeGoF() function:\n",
      "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."


#' Reliability
#' Compute several reliability estimates. See the 
#' \href{https://floschuberth.github.io/cSEM/articles/Using-assess.html#reliability}{Reliability}
#' section of the \href{https://floschuberth.github.io/cSEM/index.html}{cSEM website}
#' for details.
#' Since reliability is defined with respect to a classical true score measurement
#' model only concepts modeled as common factors are considered by default.
#' For concepts modeled as composites reliability may be estimated by setting
#' `.only_common_factors = FALSE`, however, it is unclear how to
#' interpret reliability in this case.
#' Reliability is traditionally based on a test score (proxy) based on unit weights.
#' To compute congeneric and tau-equivalent reliability based on a score that 
#' uses the weights of the weight approach used to obtain `.object` use `.weighted = TRUE` 
#' instead.
#' For the tau-equivalent reliability ("`rho_T`" or "`cronbachs_alpha`") a closed-form 
#' confidence interval may be computed \insertCite{Trinchera2018}{cSEM} by setting
#' `.closed_form_ci = TRUE` (default is `FALSE`). If `.alpha` is a vector
#' several CI's are returned.
#' @return For `calculateRhoC()` and `calculateRhoT()` (if `.output_type = "vector"`) 
#'   a named numeric vector containing the reliability estimates.
#'   If `.output_type = "data.frame"` `calculateRhoT()` returns a `data.frame` with as many rows as there are
#'   constructs modeled as common factors in the model (unless 
#'   `.only_common_factors = FALSE` in which case the number of rows equals the
#'   total number of constructs in the model). The first column contains the name of the construct.
#'   The second column the reliability estimate.
#'   If `.closed_form_ci = TRUE` the remaining columns contain lower and upper bounds
#'   for the (1 - `.alpha`) confidence interval(s).
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @param .output_type Character string. The type of output. One of "vector" or
#'   "data.frame". Defaults to "vector".
#' @param .model_implied Logical. Should weights be scaled using the model-implied
#'   indicator correlation matrix? Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @seealso [assess()], [cSEMResults]
#' @references 
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @name reliability

#' @describeIn reliability Calculate the congeneric reliability
#' @export
calculateRhoC <- function(
  .object              = NULL,
  .model_implied       = TRUE,
  .only_common_factors = TRUE,
  .weighted            = FALSE
  ) {

  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateRhoC, 
                  .model_implied       = .model_implied,
                  .only_common_factors = .only_common_factors,
                  .weighted            = .weighted)
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    # continue
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    # ## Extract construct type
    c_names2 <- .object$Second_stage$Information$Arguments_original$.model$vars_2nd
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateRhoC, 
                  .model_implied       = .model_implied,
                  .only_common_factors = .only_common_factors,
                  .weighted            = .weighted)
    out$Second_stage <- out$Second_stage[c_names2]
    out <- if(is.na(out$Second_stage)) {
    } else {
      c(out$First_stage, out$Second_stage)
  } else {
      "The following error occured in the calculateRhoC() function:\n",
      "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."

  # Note (21.01.2020): The actual formula for congeneric reliability assuming
  #   1. constructs modeled as common factors
  #   2. scores build using unit weights
  #   is given by (notation from cSEM website):
  #      rhoC = Var(eta_bar)/ Var(eta_hat_k) = (sum lambda_k)^2 / (sum lambda_k)^2 + Var(epsilon_bar)
  # Reliability in general is given by
  #  rhoC = Var(eta_bar)/ Var(eta_hat_k) = (w'lambda)^2 / w'S w
  # We can write the formula es
  # In cSEM weights are chosen such that Var(eta_hat_k) is 1. We always use
  ## Get relevant objects
  if(.weighted) {
    W <- .object$Estimates$Weight_estimates
  } else {
    W <- .object$Information$Model$measurement
  if(.model_implied) {
    ## Redefine the construct types: all composites to common factor
    ## Reason: to compute Joereskogs rho we need the model-implied indicator
    ## correlation matrix as if the model was a common factor model.
    c_type_original <- .object$Information$Model$construct_type 
    c_type <- c_type_original
    c_type[c_type == "Composite"] <- "Common factor" 
    # Replace
    .object$Information$Model$construct_type <- c_type
    indicator_vcv <- fit(.object)

    # Reset
    .object$Information$Model$construct_type <- c_type_original
  } else {
    indicator_vcv <- .object$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
  W <- scaleWeights(indicator_vcv, W)
  rhoC <- rep(1, times = nrow(W))
  names(rhoC) <- rownames(W)
  # Get loadings
  Lambda  <- .object$Estimates$Loading_estimates
  # Compute the congeneric reliability by block 
  for(j in rownames(Lambda)) {
    rhoC[j]  <- c(W[j, ] %*% Lambda[j, ])^2 
  # By default only reliabilities for constructs model common factors are returned
    con_types <-.object$Information$Model$construct_type
    names_cf  <- names(con_types[con_types == "Common factor"])
    rhoC      <- rhoC[names_cf]

  # Return named vector of reliabilities

#' @describeIn reliability Calculate the tau-equivalent reliability
#' @export
calculateRhoT <- function(
  .object              = NULL,
  .alpha               = 0.05,
  .closed_form_ci      = FALSE,
  .only_common_factors = TRUE,
  .output_type         = c("vector", "data.frame"),
  .weighted            = FALSE,
  ) {

  # Match arguments
  .output_type <- match.arg(.output_type)
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateRhoT,
                  .alpha               = .alpha,
                  .closed_form_ci      = .closed_form_ci,
                  .only_common_factors = .only_common_factors,
                  .output_type         = .output_type,
                  .weighted            = .weighted
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    # continue
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    # ## Extract construct type
    c_names2 <- .object$Second_stage$Information$Arguments_original$.model$vars_2nd
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateRhoT,
                  .alpha               = .alpha,
                  .closed_form_ci      = .closed_form_ci,
                  .only_common_factors = .only_common_factors,
                  .output_type         = .output_type,
                  .weighted            = .weighted
    if(.output_type == "vector") {
      out$Second_stage <- out$Second_stage[c_names2]
      out <- if(is.na(out$Second_stage)) {
      } else {
        c(out$First_stage, out$Second_stage)
    } else {
      out$Second_stage <- out$Second_stage[out$Second_stage$Construct %in% c_names2, ]
      out <- if(nrow(out$Second_stage) == 0) {
      } else {
        rbind(out$First_stage, out$Second_stage)

  } else {
      "The following error occured in the calculateRhoT() function:\n",
      "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
  ## Get relevant objects
  S <- .object$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
  if(.weighted) {
    W <- .object$Estimates$Weight_estimates
  } else {
    W <- .object$Information$Model$measurement
    W <- scaleWeights(S, W)
  ## Calculate tau-equivalent reliability by block/construct
  out_df  <- data.frame()
  out_vec <- c()
  for(j in rownames(W)) {
    indicator_names <- colnames(W[j, W[j,] != 0, drop = FALSE])
    S_jj            <- S[indicator_names, indicator_names]
    rho_bar_j <- mean(S_jj[upper.tri(S_jj)])
    rhoT      <- rho_bar_j * sum(W[j, ])^2  
    # Add to vector 
    out_vec[j] <- rhoT
    ## Add to data.frame and remove rownames
    out_df[j, "Construct"] <- j
    out_df[j, "Estimate"]  <- rhoT
    ## Calculate confidence interval for rhoT
    if(.closed_form_ci) {
      # Calculation of the CIs are based on Trinchera et al. (2018).
      # The code for the calculation of the CIs is addpated from the paper.

      ## If CI's are computed:
      # Calculation of the CIs are based on Trinchera et al. (2018).
      # In the paper, the CI was proposed and studied using Monte Carlo simulation
      # assuming scores are build as sum scores. Therefore a warning is
      # given if a weighting scheme other than "unit" is used, since they have
      # not been formally studied yet.
      if(.object$Information$Arguments$.approach_weights != "unit" & .weighted) {
        warning2("Calculation of the confidence interval (CI) for rhoT (Cronbach alpha)",
                 " was proposed and studied assuming sum scores.\n",
                 "Statistical properties of the CI for rhoT based on a weighted composite",
                 " obtained using weight approach ",
                 paste0("`", .object$Information$Arguments$.approach_weights, "`"),
                 " have not been formally examined yet.")
      ## If .closed_form_ci == TRUE then .output_type must be "data.frame"
      if(.output_type != "data.frame") {
          "The following error occured in the `calculateRhoT()` function:\n",
          "Output type must be 'data.frame' if `.closed_form_ci = TRUE`"
      K <- length(indicator_names)
      X <- .object$Information$Data[, indicator_names, drop = FALSE]
      N <- nrow(X)
      H <- .object$Estimates$Construct_scores[, j]
      # In cSEM X and H (the scores) are always standardized. As a consequence, 
      # many of the quantities in Trichera et al. (2018)'s proposed 
      # formula for the standard error become zero or one and therefore drop.
      # Quantities that are zero (using their notation):
      # - bar(X)_p; bar(X)_q;  bar(S)_X
      # Quantities that are one:
      # - var(H) and var(X) and therefore sigma^2_Sx, sigma^4_Sx, sigma^6, 
      #   sigma^8 and sigma_Xp
      ## Standard error formula for cSEM (for original formula see the paper)
      #   theta_hat = (K / (K - 1))^2 * *(A + 2B + C)
      #   where 
      #   A := sum_k sum_l (-1 + 1/(N-1) sum_i (X^2_ik * X^2_il))
      #   B := K * sum_k (-1 + 1/(N-1) sum_i (H^2_i * X^2_ik))
      #   C := K^2 * (1 + 1/(N-1) sum_i H^4_i)
      # Note also: in the code provided in the paper N was used instead of N-1
      A <- sum(t(X^2) %*% X^2/(N-1) - 1)
      B <- K * sum(H^2 %*% X^2/(N-1) - 1)
      C <- K^2 * (1/(N-1)*sum(H^4) - 1)

      ## Calculate the variance and the se
      var_rhoT <- (K^2/(K - 1)^2) * (A - 2*B + C)
      se_rhoT  <- sqrt(var_rhoT/N)
      ## Order the alphas provided, compute CI and add to data frame
      .alpha <- .alpha[order(.alpha)]
      for(i in .alpha) { 
        z_value <- qnorm((1 - i/2), mean = 0, sd = 1)
        up  <- rhoT + z_value * se_rhoT
        low <- rhoT - z_value * se_rhoT
        name_L <- sprintf("%.6g%%L", 100* (1 - i))
        name_U <- sprintf("%.6g%%U", 100* (1 - i))
        out_df[j, name_L] <- low
        out_df[j, name_U] <- up
  # By default only reliabilities for constructs modeled as common factors are returned
    con_types <- .object$Information$Model$construct_type
    names_cf  <- names(con_types[con_types == "Common factor"])
    out_vec   <- out_vec[names_cf]
    out_df    <- out_df[names_cf, ]
  # Return reliabilities
  if(.output_type == "vector") {
  } else {
    rownames(out_df) <- NULL

#' core function that calculates the HTMT
#' @noRd
calculateHTMTcore <- function(
  .object               = NULL,
  .type_htmt            = NULL,
  .absolute             = NULL,
  .only_common_factors  = NULL
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    ## Get relevant quantities
    m <- .object$Information$Model
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    ## Get relevant quantities
    m <- .object$Second_stage$Information$Arguments_original$.model
  } else {
      "The following error occured in the calculateHTMT() function:\n",
      "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
  if(.only_common_factors) {
    cf_names <- names(m$construct_type[m$construct_type == "Common factor"])
    ## Return NA if there are not at least 2 common factors
    if(length(cf_names) < 2) {
  } else {
    cf_names <- names(m$construct_type)
  cf_measurement <- m$measurement[cf_names, colSums(m$measurement[cf_names, ]) != 0, drop = FALSE]
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    i_names <- colnames(cf_measurement)
    S       <- .object$Estimates$Indicator_VCV[i_names, i_names]
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
      "The following error occured in the calculateHTMT() function:\n",
      "The HTMT is not (yet) implemented for models containing second-order constructs."
  ## Warning if S contains negative and positive correlations within a block
  S_signs    <- cf_measurement %*% (sign(S) - diag(nrow(S))) %*% t(cf_measurement)
  S_elements <- cf_measurement %*% (1 - diag(nrow(S))) %*% t(cf_measurement)
  if(any(abs(S_signs) != S_elements)) {
      "The following warning occured in the calculateHTMT() function:\n",
      "Intra-block and inter-block correlations between indicators", 
      " must be either all-positive or all-negative.", call. = FALSE)
  # Extract names of the indicators belnging to one block
  # Create pairs of indicator blocks 
  block_pairs <- utils::combn(ind_blocks, 2, simplify = FALSE)
  # extract monotrait and heterotrait correlations
  correlations <- lapply(block_pairs, function(x){
    # Set monotrait-heteromethod cor to one for single-indicator constructs 
    # Set monotrait-heteromethod cor to one for single-indicator constructs 

    # return correlations as list of vectors containing correlations

    # calculate geometric mean of the correlations
    avg_cor<-lapply(correlations, function(x){
      sign_identification =1
      # monotrait 1
      if(abs(sum(sign(x[[1]]))) != length(x[[1]])){
        warning2("The monotrait-heteromethod correlations show different signs.\n",
        "Hence the HTMT2 cannot be calculated.")
      temp1 <- exp(mean(log(x[[1]])))
      # monotrait 2
      if(abs(sum(sign(x[[2]]))) != length(x[[2]])){
        warning2("The monotrait-heteromethod correlations show different signs.\n",
        "Hence the HTMT2 cannot be calculated.")
      temp2 <- exp(mean(log(x[[2]])))
      # heterotrait
      # If all hetertrait correlations are negative take the absolute value
      # and return later the negative htmt value
        x[[3]] = abs(x[[3]])
        sign_identification = -1
      temp3 <- exp(mean(log(x[[3]])))
      # return the geometric means
    # calculate the arithmetic mean of the correlations
    avg_cor<-lapply(correlations, function(x){
      sign_identification =1
      # monotrait 1
      if(abs(sum(sign(x[[1]]))) != length(x[[1]])){
        warning2("The monotrait-heteromethod correlations show different signs.\n",
        "This may render the HTMT not trustworthy.")
      temp1 <- mean(x[[1]])
      # monotrait 2
      if(abs(sum(sign(x[[2]]))) != length(x[[2]])){
        warning2("The monotrait-heteromethod correlations show different signs.\n",
        "This may render the HTMT not trustworthy.")
      temp2 <- mean(x[[2]])
      # heterotrait
      # If all hetertrait correlations are negative take the absolute value
      # and return later the negative htmt value
        x[[3]] = abs(x[[3]])
        sign_identification = -1
      temp3 <- mean(x[[3]])
      # return the geometric means

  # Compute HTMT
  htmts <- sapply(avg_cor,function(x){
    x[3]/sqrt(x[1]*x[2]) * x[4]

  # Sort HTMT values in matrix

  if(.absolute) {
    out <- abs(out)
  diag(out) <- 1

#' Computes either the heterotrait-monotrait ratio of correlations (HTMT) based on 
#' \insertCite{Henseler2015;textual}{cSEM} or the HTMT2 proposed by \insertCite{Roemer2021;textual}{cSEM}.
#' While the HTMT is a consistent estimator for the construct correlation in 
#' case of tau-equivalent measurement models, the HTMT2 is a consistent estimator
#' for congeneric measurement models. In general, they are used to assess discriminant validity.
#' Computation of the HTMT/HTMT2 assumes that all intra-block and inter-block 
#' correlations between indicators are either all-positive or all-negative.
#' A warning is given if this is not the case.
#' To obtain bootstrap confidence intervals for the HTMT/HTMT2 values, set `.inference = TRUE`.
#' To choose the type of confidence interval, use `.ci`. To control the bootstrap process,
#' arguments `.R` and `.seed` are available. Note, that `.alpha` is multiplied by two
#' because typically researchers are interested in one-sided bootstrap confidence intervals
#' for the HTMT/HTMT2. 
#' Since the HTMT and the HTMT2 both assume a reflective measurement
#' model only concepts modeled as common factors are considered by default.
#' For concepts modeled as composites the HTMT may be computed by setting
#' `.only_common_factors = FALSE`, however, it is unclear how to
#' interpret values in this case.
#' @usage calculateHTMT(
#'  .object               = NULL,
#'  .type_htmt            = c('htmt','htmt2'),
#'  .absolute             = TRUE,
#'  .alpha                = 0.05,
#'  .ci                   = c("CI_percentile", "CI_standard_z", "CI_standard_t", 
#'                            "CI_basic", "CI_bc", "CI_bca", "CI_t_interval"),
#'  .inference            = FALSE,
#'  .only_common_factors  = TRUE,
#'  .R                    = 499,
#'  .seed                 = NULL,
#'  ...
#' )
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @param .alpha A numeric value giving the significance level. 
#'   Defaults to `0.05`.
#' @param .ci A character strings naming the type of confidence interval to use 
#'   to compute the 1-alpha% quantile of the bootstrap HTMT values. For possible 
#'   choices see [infer()]. Ignored
#'   if `.inference = FALSE`. Defaults to "*CI_percentile*".
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @return A named list containing: 
#' \itemize{
#' \item the values of the HTMT/HTMT2, i.e., a matrix with the HTMT/HTMT2 values 
#' at its lower triangular and if `.inference = TRUE` the upper triangular contains
#'  the upper limit of the 1-2*.alpha% bootstrap confidence interval if the HTMT/HTMT2 is positive and 
#'  the lower limit if the HTMT/HTMT2 is negative.
#'  \item the lower and upper limits of the 1-2*.alpha% bootstrap confidence interval if 
#'  `.inference = TRUE`; otherwise it is `NULL`.
#'  \item the number of admissible bootstrap runs, i.e., the number of HTMT/HTMT2 values
#'  calculated during bootstrap if `.inference = TRUE`; otherwise it is `NULL`.
#'  Note, the HTMT2 is based on the geometric and thus cannot always be calculated. 
#'  }
#' @seealso [assess()], [csem], [cSEMResults]
#' @references 
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @export

calculateHTMT <- function(
  .object               = NULL,
  .type_htmt            = c('htmt','htmt2'),
  .absolute             = TRUE,
  .alpha                = 0.05,
  .ci                   = c("CI_percentile", "CI_standard_z", "CI_standard_t", 
                            "CI_basic", "CI_bc", "CI_bca", "CI_t_interval"),
  .inference            = FALSE,
  .only_common_factors  = TRUE,
  .R                    = 499,
  .seed                 = NULL,
  .ci                   <- match.arg(.ci) # allow only one CI
  .type_htmt            <- match.arg(.type_htmt)

  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateHTMT,
                  .type_htmt     = .type_htmt,
                  .absolute = .absolute,
                  .alpha                = .alpha,
                  .inference            = .inference,
                  .only_common_factors  = .only_common_factors,
                  .R                    = .R,
                  .seed                 = .seed
  out <- calculateHTMTcore(.object = .object,
                           .type_htmt = .type_htmt,
                           .absolute =  .absolute,
                           .only_common_factors = .only_common_factors
# In case of inference

  if(.inference) {
    if(.absolute == TRUE){
      warning2("For resampling the HTMT/HTMT2, it is recommended to to set .absolute to FALSE.")

    # Bootstrap if necessary
    out_resample <- resamplecSEMResults(
      .user_funs = list("HTMT" = calculateHTMTcore), 
      .type_htmt = .type_htmt,
      .absolute = .absolute,
      # .handle_inadmissible is always set to "ignore", 
      # because in the resamplecSEMResults function inadmissibility is judged
      # based on the estimation status and not whether the HTMT could be calculated 
      .handle_inadmissibles = "ignore",
      .only_common_factors = .only_common_factors,
      .force = TRUE, # to force computation even if .object already contains resamples
      .R = .R,
      .seed = .seed
    # remove NaNs from out_resample manually; this removes also valid values if the row contains a NaN  
    out_resample$Estimates$Estimates_resample$Estimates1$HTMT$Resampled <- na.omit(out_resample$Estimates$Estimates_resample$Estimates1$HTMT$Resampled) 
    # number of admissible HTMT calculations, i.e., not NaNs
    nr_admissible <- dim(out_resample$Estimates$Estimates_resample$Estimates1$HTMT$Resampled)[1]

    # Compute quantile
    if(length(.alpha) == 1) {
      out_infer <- infer(out_resample, .alpha = .alpha*2, .quantity = .ci)
      quants <- out_infer$HTMT[[1]] 
    } else {
        "The following error occured in the calculateHTMT() function:\n",
        "Only a single numeric probability accepted. You provided:", paste(.alpha, sep = ", "))
    quants_for_print <- sapply(1:dim(quants)[2],function(x){
      # if HTMT(2) value is negative report the lower bound
      } else { #otherwise report the upper bound

    # Assemble output 
    temp_quantiles <- out
    temp_quantiles[] <- quants_for_print 
    out_for_print <- out + t(temp_quantiles)
    diag(out_for_print) <- 1

  }else{ #if inference == FALSE
    quants <- NULL
    nr_admissible = NULL
    out_for_print <- out
  # Return
  list("htmts" = out_for_print,
       "quantiles" = quants,
       "nr_admissibles" = nr_admissible)

#' Calculate difference between S and Sigma_hat
#' Calculate the difference between the empirical (S) 
#' and the model-implied indicator variance-covariance matrix (Sigma_hat)
#' using different distance measures.
#' The distances may also be computed for any two matrices A and B by supplying 
#' A and B directly via the `.matrix1` and `.matrix2` arguments. 
#' If A and B are supplied `.object` is ignored.
#' @return A single numeric value giving the distance between two matrices.
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @name distance_measures

#' @describeIn distance_measures The geodesic distance (dG).
#' @export

calculateDG <- function(
  .object    = NULL, 
  .matrix1   = NULL,
  .matrix2   = NULL,
  .saturated = FALSE,
  if(!is.null(.matrix1) & !is.null(.matrix2)) {
    S         <- .matrix1
    Sigma_hat <- .matrix2
  } else {
    if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
      out <- lapply(.object, calculateDG, .saturated = .saturated)
    if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
      S <- .object$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
    } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
      S <- .object$First_stage$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
    } else {
        "The following error occured in the calculateDG() function:\n",
        "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
    Sigma_hat <- fit(.object, .saturated = .saturated, .type_vcv = 'indicator')  
  # Not sure if logarithm naturalis is used or logarithm with base 10. 
  Eigen            <- eigen(solve(S) %*% Sigma_hat)
  logEigenvaluessq <- (log(Eigen$values, base = 10))^2   
  ## Calculate distance
  0.5 * sum(logEigenvaluessq)

#' @describeIn distance_measures The squared Euclidean distance
#' @export

calculateDL <- function(
  .object    = NULL, 
  .matrix1   = NULL,
  .matrix2   = NULL,
  .saturated = FALSE,
  if(!is.null(.matrix1) & !is.null(.matrix2)) {
    S         <- .matrix1
    Sigma_hat <- .matrix2
  } else {
    if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
      out <- lapply(.object, calculateDL, .saturated = .saturated)
    if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
      S <- .object$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
    } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
      S <- .object$First_stage$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
    } else {
        "The following error occured in the calculateDL() function:\n",
        "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
    Sigma_hat <- fit(.object, .saturated = .saturated, .type_vcv = 'indicator')
  ## Calculate distance
  0.5 * sum((S - Sigma_hat)^2)

#' @describeIn  distance_measures The distance measure (fit function) used by ML
#' @export

calculateDML <- function(
  .object    = NULL, 
  .matrix1   = NULL,
  .matrix2   = NULL,
  .saturated = FALSE,
  if(!is.null(.matrix1) & !is.null(.matrix2)) {
    S         <- .matrix1
    Sigma_hat <- .matrix2
  } else {
    if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
      out <- lapply(.object, calculateDML, .saturated = .saturated)
    if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
      S <- .object$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
    } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
      S <- .object$First_stage$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
    } else {
        "The following error occured in the calculateDML() function:\n",
        "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
    Sigma_hat <- fit(.object, .saturated = .saturated, .type_vcv = 'indicator')  
  p <- dim(S)[1]
  # This is the distance function. The test statistic is T_ML = (n-1) or n * DML! 
  sum(diag(S %*% solve(Sigma_hat))) - log(det(S%*%solve(Sigma_hat))) - p

#' Model fit measures
#' Calculate fit measures.
#' See the \href{https://floschuberth.github.io/cSEM/articles/Using-assess.html#fit_indices}{Fit indices}
#' section of the \href{https://floschuberth.github.io/cSEM/index.html}{cSEM website}
#' for details on the implementation.
#' @return A single numeric value.
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @param ... Ignored.
#' @name fit_measures 

#' @describeIn fit_measures The chi square statistic.
#' @export

calculateChiSquare <- function(.object,
                               .saturated = FALSE) {
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateChiSquare,
                  .saturated = .saturated)
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    n    <- nrow(.object$Information$Data)
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    n    <- nrow(.object$First_stage$Information$Data)
  } else {
      "The following error occured in the calculateChiSquare() function:\n",
      "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
  F0   <- calculateDML(.object,
  (n - 1) * F0

#' @describeIn fit_measures The Chi square statistic divided by its degrees of freedom.
#' @export

calculateChiSquareDf <- function(.object) {
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateChiSquareDf)
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    n    <- nrow(.object$Information$Data)
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    n    <- nrow(.object$First_stage$Information$Data)
  } else {
      "The following error occured in the calculateChiSquareDf() function:\n",
      "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
  F0   <- calculateDML(.object)
  ((n - 1) * F0) / calculateDf(.object)

#' @describeIn fit_measures The comparative fit index (CFI).
#' @export

calculateCFI <- function(.object) {
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateCFI)
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    n    <- nrow(.object$Information$Data)
    S    <- .object$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    n    <- nrow(.object$First_stage$Information$Data)
    S    <- .object$First_stage$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
  } else {
      "The following error occured in the calculateCFI() function:\n",
      "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
  p    <- dim(S)[1]
  df_T <- calculateDf(.object)
  df_0 <- calculateDf(.object, .null_model = TRUE)
  F0 <- log(det(diag(nrow(S)))) + 
    sum(diag(S %*% solve(diag(nrow(S))))) - log(det(S)) - p
  FT <- max((n-1)*calculateDML(.object) - calculateDf(.object), 0)
  F0 <- max((n-1)*F0 - df_0 , (n-1)*calculateDML(.object) - calculateDf(.object), 0)
  1 - FT/F0

#' @describeIn fit_measures The goodness of fit index (GFI).
#' @export

calculateGFI <- function(.object, .type_gfi = c("ML", "GLS", "ULS"), ...) {
  .type_gfi <- match.arg(.type_gfi)

  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateGFI, .type_gfi = .type_gfi)
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    S    <- .object$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    S    <- .object$First_stage$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
  } else {
      "The following error occured in the calculateGFI() function:\n",
      "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
  Sigma_hat <- fit(.object)
  if(.type_gfi == "ML") {
    # If ML; See Mulaik (1989, p. 345)
    1 - matrixcalc::matrix.trace(t(solve(Sigma_hat) %*% S - diag(nrow(S))) %*% 
                                   (solve(Sigma_hat) %*% S - diag(nrow(S)))) / 
      matrixcalc::matrix.trace(t(solve(Sigma_hat) %*% S) %*% (solve(Sigma_hat) %*% S))
  } else if(.type_gfi == "GLS") {
    # If GLS; See Tanaka & Huba (1985, p. 199; Eq. 16)
    1 - matrixcalc::matrix.trace(t(diag(nrow(S)) - Sigma_hat %*% solve(S)) %*% 
                                   (diag(nrow(S)) - Sigma_hat %*% solve(S))) / nrow(S)
  } else if(.type_gfi == "ULS") {
    # If ULS; See Mulaik (1989, p. 345)
    1 - matrixcalc::matrix.trace(t(S - Sigma_hat) %*% (S - Sigma_hat)) / 
      matrixcalc::matrix.trace(t(S) %*% S)

#' @describeIn fit_measures The Hoelter index alias Hoelter's (critical) N (CN).
#' @export

calculateCN <- function(.object, .alpha = 0.05, ...) {
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateCN)
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    N    <- nrow(.object$Information$Data)
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    N    <- nrow(.object$First_stage$Information$Data)
  } else {
      "The following error occured in the calculateHoeltersN() function:\n",
      "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
  chi_square      <- calculateChiSquare(.object)
  df              <- calculateDf(.object)
  chi_square_crit <- qchisq(1 - .alpha, df)
  # z <- qnorm(1 - .alpha/2ap)                              
  # (z + sqrt(2*df - 1))^2 / (2*chi_square/(N-1)) + 1 
  # Formula given in Hoelters (1983), p.331 and Hu & Bentler (1998), p.428; the
  # formula is less exact than the one below. See Bollen & Liang (1988) - Some properties
  # of Hoelter's CN; especially footnote 2

  chi_square_crit / (chi_square/(N-1)) + 1 # formula given on David Kennys website and Bollen & Liang (1988)
  # Motivation: chi_crit = (CN - 1)*F = (CN -1)*Chi_square/(N-1)

#' @describeIn fit_measures The incremental fit index (IFI).
#' @export

calculateIFI <- function(.object) {
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateIFI)
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    n    <- nrow(.object$Information$Data)
    S    <- .object$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    n    <- nrow(.object$First_stage$Information$Data)
    S    <- .object$First_stage$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
  } else {
      "The following error occured in the calculateIFI() function:\n",
      "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
  p  <- dim(S)[1]
  df <- calculateDf(.object)
  F0 <- log(det(diag(nrow(S)))) + 
    sum(diag(S %*% solve(diag(nrow(S))))) - log(det(S)) - p
  FT <- calculateDML(.object)
  ((n-1)*F0 - (n-1)*FT) / ((n-1)*F0 - df)

#' @describeIn fit_measures The normed fit index (NFI).
#' @export

calculateNFI <- function(.object) {
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateNFI)
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    S    <- .object$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    S    <- .object$First_stage$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
  } else {
      "The following error occured in the calculateNFI() function:\n",
      "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
  p <- dim(S)[1]
  F0 <- log(det(diag(nrow(S)))) + 
    sum(diag(S %*% solve(diag(nrow(S))))) - log(det(S)) - p
  FT <- calculateDML(.object)
  (F0 - FT) / F0

#' @describeIn fit_measures The non-normed fit index (NNFI). Also called the Tucker-Lewis index (TLI).
#' @export

calculateNNFI <- function(.object) {
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateNNFI)
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    n    <- nrow(.object$Information$Data)
    S    <- .object$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    n    <- nrow(.object$First_stage$Information$Data)
    S    <- .object$First_stage$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
  } else {
      "The following error occured in the calculateNNFI() function:\n",
      "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
  p    <- dim(S)[1]
  df_T <- calculateDf(.object)
  df_0 <- calculateDf(.object, .null_model = TRUE)
  F0 <- log(det(diag(nrow(S)))) + 
    sum(diag(S %*% solve(diag(nrow(S))))) - log(det(S)) - p
  FT <- calculateDML(.object)
  # Note: "If the index is greater than one, it is set at one" 
  # Source: http://www.davidakenny.net/cm/fit.htm
  min((F0/df_0 - FT/df_T) / (F0/df_0 - 1/(n-1)), 1)

#' @describeIn fit_measures The root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA).
#' @export

calculateRMSEA <- function(.object) {
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateRMSEA)
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    n    <- nrow(.object$Information$Data)
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    n    <- nrow(.object$First_stage$Information$Data)
  } else {
      "The following error occured in the calculateRMSEA() function:\n",
      "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
  df <- calculateDf(.object)
  F0 <- max(calculateDML(.object) - calculateDf(.object)/(n - 1), 0)
  sqrt(F0 / df) # RMSEA

#' @describeIn fit_measures The root mean squared residual covariance matrix of the outer model residuals (RMS theta).
#' @export

calculateRMSTheta <- function(
) {
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateRMSTheta)
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    S      <- .object$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
    W      <- .object$Estimates$Weight_estimates
    Lambda <- .object$Estimates$Loading_estimates
    P      <- .object$Estimates$Construct_VCV
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    stop2("Not yet implemented.")
  } else {
      "The following error occured in the calculateRMSTheta() function:\n",
      "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
  # This is the "non-model-implied" error correlation matrix 
  Theta <- S - S %*% t(W) %*% Lambda - t(S %*% t(W) %*% Lambda) + t(Lambda) %*% P %*% Lambda
  ## For compsites, within block indicator correlations should be excluded as 
  ## they are allowed to freely covary.
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    comp <- which(.object$Information$Model$construct_type == "Composite")
    for(i in comp) {
      indi <- which(.object$Information$Model$measurement[i, ] == 1)
      Theta[indi, indi] <- NA
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    stop2("Not yet implemented.")
  sqrt(mean(Theta[lower.tri(Theta)]^2, na.rm = TRUE))

#' @describeIn fit_measures The standardized root mean square residual (SRMR).
#' @export

calculateSRMR <- function(
  .object    = NULL, 
  .matrix1   = NULL,
  .matrix2   = NULL,
  .saturated = FALSE,
) {
  if(!is.null(.matrix1) & !is.null(.matrix2)) {
    S         <- .matrix1
    Sigma_hat <- .matrix2
  } else {
    if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
      out <- lapply(.object, calculateSRMR, .saturated = .saturated)
    if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
      S <- .object$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
    } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
      S <- .object$First_stage$Estimates$Indicator_VCV
    } else {
        "The following error occured in the calculateSRMR() function:\n",
        "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
    # The SRMR as calculated by us is always based on the the difference 
    # between correlation matrices.
    Sigma_hat <- fit(.object, .saturated = .saturated, .type_vcv = 'indicator') 
  # Perhaps in the future we allow to estimate unstandardized coefficients
  C_diff    <- cov2cor(S) -  cov2cor(Sigma_hat)
  sqrt(sum(C_diff[lower.tri(C_diff, diag = T)]^2) / sum(lower.tri(C_diff, diag = T)))

#' Calculate Cohens f^2
#' Calculate the effect size for regression analysis \insertCite{Cohen1992}{cSEM}
#' known as Cohen's f^2. 
#' @usage calculatef2(.object = NULL)
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @return A matrix with as many rows as there are structural equations. The 
#'   number of columns is equal to the total number of right-hand side variables
#'   of these equations.
#' @references 
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @seealso [assess()], [csem], [cSEMResults]
#' @export

calculatef2 <- function(.object = NULL) {
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculatef2)
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    info <- .object
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    info <-  .object$Second_stage
  } else {
      "The following error occured in the calculatef2() function:\n",
      "`.object` must be a `cSEMResults` object."
  ## Get relevant quantities
  approach_nl      <- info$Information$Arguments$.approach_nl
  approach_paths   <- info$Information$Arguments$.approach_paths
  approach_weights <- info$Information$Arguments$.approach_weights
  csem_model       <- info$Information$Model
  H         <- info$Estimates$Construct_scores
  normality <- info$Information$Arguments$.normality
  P         <- info$Estimates$Construct_VCV
  Q         <- sqrt(info$Estimates$Reliabilities)
  s <- csem_model$structural
  ## The R2 and the VIF for the 2SLS approach are not implemented yet, hence,
  ## the f2 statistic cannot be calculated 
  if(approach_paths != "OLS") {
      "The following error occured in the calculatef2() function:\n",
      "Calculation of the effect size (f2) only implemented for .approach_path = 'OLS'."
  vars_endo <- rownames(s)[rowSums(s) != 0]
  ## Loop over each structural equation
  outer_out <- lapply(vars_endo, function(x) {
    # Get names of the independent variables of equation x
    indep_vars <- colnames(s[x , s[x, ] != 0, drop = FALSE])
    # Compute R_excluded by regressing variable x on all other variables of
    # that equation except the independent variable i
    inner_out <- lapply(indep_vars, function(i) {
      # Update csem_model
      model_temp <- csem_model
      model_temp$structural[x, i] <- 0 
      # If there is only one independent variable the R^2_excluded is 0
      # since s_u_dach^2 = s_y^2
      if(sum(model_temp$structural[x, ]) > 0) { 
        out <- estimatePath(
          .approach_nl      = approach_nl,
          .approach_paths   = approach_paths,
          .csem_model       = model_temp,
          .H                = H,
          .normality        = normality,
          .P                = P,
          .Q                = Q
        ## Calculate effect size
        r2_excluded <- out$R2[x]
      } else {
        r2_excluded <- 0
      names(r2_excluded) <- x
      # Obtain the R^2 included
      r2_included <- info$Estimates$R2[x]
      effect_size <- unname((r2_included - r2_excluded)/(1 - r2_included))
    inner_out <- unlist(inner_out)
    names(inner_out) <- indep_vars
  names(outer_out) <- vars_endo
  ## Make output a matrix
  # Note: this is necessary for calculatef2() to work
  #       when supplied to the .user_funs argument. Currently, .user_funs functions 
  #       need to return a vector or a matrix. I may change that in the future.
  ss <- s[vars_endo, , drop = FALSE]
  tm <- t(ss)
  tm[which(tm == 1)] <- unlist(outer_out)
  # Remove "_temp" suffix if it appears
  rownames(tm) <- gsub("_temp", "", rownames(tm))
  colnames(tm) <- gsub("_temp", "", colnames(tm))
  # Return

#' Calculate variance inflation factors (VIF) for weights obtained by PLS Mode B
#' Calculate the variance inflation factor (VIF) for weights obtained by PLS-PM's Mode B.
#' Weight estimates obtained by Mode B can suffer from multicollinearity. VIF values
#' are commonly used to assess the severity of multicollinearity. 
#' The function is only applicable to objects of class `cSEMResults_default`.
#' For other object classes use [assess()].
#' @usage calculateVIFModeB(.object = NULL)
#' @return A named list of vectors containing the VIF values. Each list name
#'   is the name of a construct whose weights were obtained by Mode B. 
#'   The vectors contain the VIF values obtained from a regression of each 
#'   explanatory variable of a given construct on the remaining explanatory 
#'   variables of that construct.
#'   If the weighting approach is not `"PLS-PM"` or for none of the constructs Mode B is used,
#'   the function silently returns `NA`.
#' @inheritParams csem_arguments
#' @seealso [assess()], [cSEMResults]
#' @references 
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @export

calculateVIFModeB <- function(.object = NULL) {
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_multi")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateVIFModeB)
  if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_default")) {
    # continue
  } else if(inherits(.object, "cSEMResults_2ndorder")) {
    out <- lapply(.object, calculateVIFModeB)
    # Create a matrix as output
      # If both stages are NA --> return NA
      # If First_Stage is NA, and Second isnt --> return only Second_stage matrix
      # If only First_stage is not NA --> return only First_stage matrix
      # If both are not NA, combine and return combined matrix.
    VIF <- if(is.null(out$First_stage)) {
        if(is.null(out$Second_stage)) {
          # 1st is NULL and 2nd is NULL, i.e., ModeB was not applied in any of the two stages
        } else {
          # 1st is NULL and 2nd is not NULL
      } else {
        if(is.null(out$Second_stage)) {
          # 1st is not NULL and 2nd is NULL
        } else {
          # Non is NULL
          out_temp <- rbind(cbind(out$First_stage, matrix(0, nrow = nrow(out$First_stage), ncol = ncol(out$Second_stage))),
                            cbind(matrix(0, nrow = nrow(out$Second_stage), ncol = ncol(out$First_stage)), out$Second_stage))
          rownames(out_temp) <- c(paste0(rownames(out$First_stage),'_1stStage'), paste0(rownames(out$Second_stage),'_2ndStage'))
          colnames(out_temp) <- c(colnames(out$First_stage), colnames(out$Second_stage))
  } else {
      "The following error occured in the calculateVIFModeB() function:\n",
      "`.object` must be of class `cSEMResults`."
  ## Get the modes
  modes  <- .object$Information$Weight_info$Modes
  modesB <- modes[modes == "modeB"] 
  # Only compute if 1. PLS-PM is the weight approach, 2. at least
  # one construct has outer weighting scheme Mode B 
  if (.object$Information$Arguments$.approach_weights == "PLS-PM" &&
      length(modesB) > 0) {
    m <- .object$Information$Model$measurement
    X <- .object$Information$Data
    VIF <- lapply(names(modesB), function(j) {
      indicator_names <- colnames(m[j, m[j,] != 0, drop = FALSE])
      # If j is a single indicator construct set VIF values to NA otherwise
      # continue with the computation.
      if(length(indicator_names) > 1) {

        VIF_j <- c()
        for(k in indicator_names) {
          y  <- X[, k]
          Xk <- X[, setdiff(indicator_names, k)]
          beta <- solve(t(Xk) %*% Xk) %*% t(Xk) %*% y
          R2   <- cor(Xk %*% beta, y)^2
          VIF_j[k] <- 1 / (1 - R2) 
      } else {
        VIF_j <- NA
    names(VIF) <- names(modesB)
  } else {
     VIF <- NULL #Set to NULL and not NA because anyna checks the complete list which creates problems in the print function 
  ## Make output a matrix
  # Note: this is necessary for calculateVIFModeB() to work
  #       when supplied to the .user_funs argument of resamplecSEMResults(). 
  #       Currently, the .user_funs functions 
  #       need to return a vector or a matrix.
  if(!is.null(VIF)) {
    mm <- m[names(modesB), colSums(m[names(modesB), , drop = FALSE]) != 0 , drop = FALSE]
    tm <- t(mm)
    tm[which(tm == 1)] <- unlist(VIF)
    # Remove "_temp" suffix if it appears
    rownames(tm) <- gsub("_temp", "", rownames(tm))
    colnames(tm) <- gsub("_temp", "", colnames(tm))
    # Return
    VIF <- t(tm)

#' Helper for assess()
#' @noRd
printEffects <- function(.effect, .ci_colnames, .what = "Total effect") {
  l <- max(nchar(.effect[, "Name"]), nchar(.what))
  if(length(.ci_colnames) != 0) {
    xx <- regmatches(.ci_colnames, regexpr("\\.", .ci_colnames), invert = TRUE)
    interval_names    <- unique(sapply(xx, `[`, 1))
    sig_level_names   <- unique(gsub("[LU]", "", sapply(xx, `[`, 2)))
    cat2("\n  ",  col_align("", width = max(l, nchar(.what)) + 44))
    for(i in interval_names) {
      cat2(col_align(i, width = 20*length(sig_level_names), align = "center"))
    "\n  ", 
    col_align(.what, l + 2), 
    col_align("Estimate", 10, align = "right"), 
    col_align("Std. error", 12, align = "right"),
    col_align("t-stat.", 10, align = "right"), 
    col_align("p-value", 10, align = "right")
  if(length(.ci_colnames) != 0) {
    for(i in rep(sig_level_names, length(interval_names))) {
      cat2(col_align(i, 20, align = "center"))
  for(i in 1:nrow(.effect)) {
      "\n  ", 
      col_align(.effect[i, "Name"], l + 2), 
      col_align(sprintf("%.4f", .effect[i, "Estimate"]), 10, align = "right"),
      col_align(sprintf("%.4f", .effect[i, "Std_err"]), 12, align = "right"),
      col_align(sprintf("%.4f", .effect[i, "t_stat"]), 10, align = "right"),
      col_align(sprintf("%.4f", .effect[i, "p_value"]), 10, align = "right")
    if(length(.ci_colnames) != 0) {
      for(j in seq(1, length(.ci_colnames), by = 2) + 6) {
            paste0("[", sprintf("%7.4f", .effect[i, j]), ";", 
                   sprintf("%7.4f", .effect[i, j+1]), " ]"), 20, align = "center")
M-E-Steiner/cSEM documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 5 a.m.