
Defines functions n_factors

Documented in n_factors

#' Find Optimal Factor Number.
#' Find optimal components number using maximum method aggreement.
#' @param df A dataframe or correlation matrix
#' @param rotate What rotation to use c('none', 'varimax', 'oblimin','promax')
#' @param fm Factoring method: 'pa' for Principal Axis Factor Analysis,
#' 'minres' (default) for minimum residual (OLS) factoring, 'mle' for
#' Maximum Likelihood FA and 'pc' for Principal Components
#' @param n If correlation matrix is passed, the sample size.
#' @return output
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' data(attitude)
#' df <- dplyr::select_if(attitude, is.numeric)
#' results <- psycho::n_factors(df)
#' summary(results)
#' plot(results)
#' # See details on methods
#' psycho::values(results)$methods
#' @author \href{https://dominiquemakowski.github.io/}{Dominique Makowski}
#' @importFrom qgraph cor_auto
#' @importFrom psych VSS
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
#' @importFrom MASS ginv
#' @importFrom nFactors moreStats
#' @importFrom nFactors nScree
#' @importFrom stats cov
#' @importFrom stats dnorm
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
n_factors <- function(df, rotate = "varimax", fm = "minres", n = NULL) {
    # Copy the parallel function from nFactors to correct the use of
    # mvrnorm
    parallel <- function(subject = 100, var = 10, rep = 100, cent = 0.05, 
        quantile = cent, model = "components", sd = diag(1, var), ...) {
        r <- subject
        c <- var
        y <- matrix(c(1:r * c), nrow = r, ncol = c)
        evpea <- NULL
        for (k in c(1:rep)) {
            y <- MASS::mvrnorm(n = r, mu = rep(0, var), Sigma = sd, empirical = FALSE)
            corY <- cov(y, ...)
            if (model == "components") {
                diag(corY) <- diag(sd)
            if (model == "factors") {
                corY <- corY - MASS::ginv(diag(diag(MASS::ginv(corY))))
            evpea <- rbind(evpea, eigen(corY)[[1]])
        SEcentile <- function(sd, n = 100, p = 0.95) {
            return(sd/sqrt(n) * sqrt(p * (1 - p))/dnorm(qnorm(p)))
        mevpea <- sapply(as.data.frame(evpea), mean)
        sevpea <- sapply(as.data.frame(evpea), sd)
        qevpea <- nFactors::moreStats(evpea, quantile = quantile)[3, ]
        sqevpea <- sevpea
        sqevpea <- sapply(as.data.frame(sqevpea), SEcentile, n = rep, p = cent)
        result <- list(eigen = data.frame(mevpea, sevpea, qevpea, sqevpea), 
            subject = r, variables = c, centile = cent)
        class(result) <- "parallel"
    # Detect if df us a correlation matrix
    if (length(setdiff(names(df), rownames(df))) != 0) {
        cor <- qgraph::cor_auto(df, forcePD = FALSE)
        n <- nrow(df)
    } else {
        if (is.null(n)) {
            stop("A correlation matrix was passed. You must provided the sample size (n).")
        cor <- df
    ap <- parallel(subject = n, var = ncol(cor))
    nS <- nFactors::nScree(x = eigen(cor)$values, aparallel = ap$eigen$qevpea)
    # Eigeinvalues data
    eigenvalues <- nS$Analysis %>% dplyr::select_("Eigenvalues", Exp.Variance = "Prop", 
        Cum.Variance = "Cumu") %>% mutate_(n.Factors = ~seq_len(nrow(nS$Analysis)))
    # Processing -------------------
    results <- data.frame(Method = c("Optimal Coordinates", "Acceleration Factor", 
        "Parallel Analysis", "Eigenvalues (Kaiser Criterion)"), n_optimal = as.numeric(nS$Components[1, 
    # EGA Method Doesn't really work for now :( ega <- EGA::EGA(cor,
    # plot.EGA = F, matrix=TRUE, n = n) ega <- EGA::bootEGA(df, n = 1000)
    # VSS
    vss <- psych::VSS(cor, n.obs = n, rotate = rotate, fm = fm, plot = F)  # fm can be 'pa', 'pc', 'minres', 'mle'
    stats <- vss$vss.stats
    stats$map <- vss$map
    stats$n_factors <- seq_len(nrow(stats))
    # map
    if (length(stats$map[!is.na(stats$map)]) > 0) {
        min <- min(stats$map[!is.na(stats$map)])
        opt <- stats[stats$map == min, ]$n_factors[!is.na(stats[stats$map == 
            min, ]$n_factors)]
        results <- rbind(results, data.frame(Method = c("Velicer MAP"), 
            n_optimal = c(opt)))
    # bic
    if (length(stats$BIC[!is.na(stats$BIC)]) > 0) {
        min <- min(stats$BIC[!is.na(stats$BIC)])
        opt <- stats[stats$BIC == min, ]$n_factors[!is.na(stats[stats$BIC == 
            min, ]$n_factors)]
        results <- rbind(results, data.frame(Method = c("BIC"), n_optimal = c(opt)))
    # sabic
    if (length(stats$SABIC[!is.na(stats$SABIC)]) > 0) {
        min <- min(stats$SABIC[!is.na(stats$SABIC)])
        opt <- stats[stats$SABIC == min, ]$n_factors[!is.na(stats[stats$SABIC == 
            min, ]$n_factors)]
        results <- rbind(results, data.frame(Method = c("Sample Size Adjusted BIC"), 
            n_optimal = c(opt)))
    cfits <- vss[grep("cfit", names(vss))]
    for (name in names(cfits)) {
        cfit <- cfits[[name]]
        cfit <- data.frame(cfit = cfit, n_factors = seq_len(length(cfit)))
        result3 <- data.frame(Method = c(gsub("cfit.", "VSS Complexity ", 
            name)), n_optimal = c(na.omit(cfit[cfit$cfit == max(cfit$cfit, 
            na.rm = TRUE), ])$n_factors))
        results <- rbind(results, result3)
    eigenvalues <- results %>% group_by_("n_optimal") %>% summarise_(n_method = ~n()) %>% 
        mutate_(n_optimal = ~factor(n_optimal, levels = seq_len(nrow(eigenvalues)))) %>% 
        complete_("n_optimal", fill = list(n_method = 0)) %>% arrange_("n_optimal") %>% 
        rename_(n.Factors = "n_optimal", n.Methods = "n_method") %>% mutate_(n.Factors = ~as.integer(n.Factors)) %>% 
        left_join(eigenvalues, by = "n.Factors") %>% select_("-Exp.Variance")
    # Summary -------------
    summary <- eigenvalues
    # Values -------------
    best_n_df <- filter_(summary, "n.Methods == max(n.Methods)")
    best_n <- best_n_df$n.Factors
    best_n_methods <- list()
    for (i in as.list(best_n)) {
        methods_list <- results[results$n_optimal %in% as.list(i), ]
        methods_list <- as.character(methods_list$Method)
        best_n_methods[[paste0("n_", i)]] <- paste(methods_list, collapse = ", ")
    values <- list(summary = summary, methods = results, best_n_df = best_n)
    # Text ------------- Plural
    if (best_n == 1) {
        factor_text <- " factor "
    } else {
        factor_text <- " factors "
    text <- paste0("The choice of ", best_n, factor_text, "is supported by ", 
        best_n_df$n.Methods, " (out of ", round(nrow(results)), "; ", round(best_n_df$n.Methods/nrow(results) * 
            100, 2), "%) methods (", best_n_methods, ").")
    # Plot -------------
    plot_data <- summary
    plot_data$n.Methods.Ratio <- plot_data$n.Methods/sum(plot_data$n.Methods)
    plot_data$n.Methods.Ratio <- plot_data$n.Methods.Ratio * (1/max(plot_data$n.Methods.Ratio))
    plot_data$area <- plot_data$n.Methods.Ratio/(max(plot_data$n.Methods.Ratio)/max(plot_data$Eigenvalues))
    plot_data$var <- plot_data$Cum.Variance/(max(plot_data$Cum.Variance)/max(plot_data$Eigenvalues))
    plot <- plot_data %>% ggplot(aes_string(x = "n.Factors", y = "Eigenvalues")) + 
        geom_area(aes_string(y = "area"), fill = "#FFC107", alpha = 0.5) + 
        geom_line(colour = "#E91E63", size = 1) + geom_hline(yintercept = 1, 
        linetype = "dashed", colour = "#607D8B") + geom_line(aes_string(y = "var"), 
        colour = "#2196F3", size = 1) + scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(trans = ~. * 
        (max(plot_data$Cum.Variance)/max(plot_data$Eigenvalues)), name = "Cumulative Variance\n")) + 
        ylab("Eigenvalues\n") + xlab("\nNumber of Factors") + theme_minimal()
    # Output -------------
    output <- list(text = text, plot = plot, summary = summary, values = values)
    class(output) <- c("psychobject", "list")
MHS-R/mhs documentation built on May 25, 2019, 12:23 p.m.