
Defines functions construct_model_points model_data

Documented in construct_model_points model_data

#' Get model data
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge('experimental')` `model_data()`
#' is used to get data from glm, and must be preceded by `update_glm()` or
#' `glm()`.
#' @param x Object of class refitsmooth, refitrestricted or glm
#' @author Martin Haringa
#' @import data.table
#' @return data.frame
#' @export
model_data <- function(x){

  if( !inherits(x, c("refitsmooth", "refitrestricted", "glm")) ) {
    stop("Input must be of class refitsmooth, glm or of class refitrestricted",
         call. = FALSE)

  if ( inherits(x, "glm") ){
    out <- x$data
    rf <- rating_factors1(x)
    rf2_nm <- unique(rf$risk_factor[rf$risk_factor != "(Intercept)"])

    lst_call <- as.list(x$call)
    offweights <- NULL

    if ( !is.null(lst_call$weights) ) {
      offweights <- append(offweights, as.character(lst_call$weights))

    if ( !is.null(lst_call$offset) ) {
      offweights <- append(offweights, as.character(lst_call$offset)[2])

    attr(out, "offweights") <- offweights
    attr(out, "rf") <- rf2_nm

  if( inherits(x, c("refitsmooth", "refitrestricted")) ) {

    xdf <- data.table::data.table(x$data)

    xdf_nm <- names(xdf)
    rem_nm <- c("breaks_min", "breaks_max", "start_oc",
                "end_oc", "start_", "end_", "avg_", "risk_factor")

    xrem <- xdf_nm[! xdf_nm %in% rem_nm]

    out <- xdf[, .SD, .SDcols = xrem]

    attr(out, "new_nm") <- attr(x, "new_col_nm")
    attr(out, "old_nm") <- attr(x, "old_col_nm")

    rf <- attr(x, "rf")
    mgd_smt <- attr(x, "mgd_smt")

    for ( i in seq_len(length(mgd_smt)) ){
      zsm <- gsub('_smooth$', '', mgd_smt[[i]][2])
      rf[rf == zsm] <- mgd_smt[[i]][1]

    attr(out, "rf") <- rf
    attr(out, "mgd_rst") <- attr(x, "mgd_rst")
    attr(out, "mgd_smt") <- mgd_smt
    attr(out, "offweights") <- attr(x, "offweights")

  attr(out, "class") <- append("model_data", class(out))

#' Construct model points from Generalized Linear Model
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge('experimental')` `construct_model_points()`
#' is used to construct model points from generalized linear models, and must
#' be preceded by `model_data()`. `construct_model_points()` can also be used
#' in combination with a data.frame.
#' @param x Object of class model_data or of class data.frame
#' @param exposure column with exposure
#' @param exposure_by split column exposure by (e.g. year)
#' @param agg_cols list of columns to aggregate (sum) by, e.g. number of claims
#' @param drop_na drop na values (default to FALSE)
#' @author Martin Haringa
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom stats as.formula
#' @import data.table
#' @return data.frame
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # With data.frame
#' library(dplyr)
#' mtcars %>%
#'  select(cyl, vs) %>%
#'  construct_model_points()
#' mtcars %>%
#'   select(cyl, vs, disp) %>%
#'   construct_model_points(exposure = disp)
#' mtcars %>%
#'  select(cyl, vs, disp, gear) %>%
#'  construct_model_points(exposure = disp, exposure_by = gear)
#' mtcars %>%
#'  select(cyl, vs, disp, gear, mpg) %>%
#'  construct_model_points(exposure = disp, exposure_by = gear,
#'    agg_cols = list(mpg))
#' # With glm
#' library(datasets)
#' data1 <- warpbreaks %>%
#'  mutate(jaar = c(rep(2000, 10), rep(2010, 44))) %>%
#'  mutate(exposure = 1) %>%
#'  mutate(nclaims = 2)
#' pmodel <- glm(breaks ~ wool + tension, data1, offset = log(exposure),
#'  family = poisson(link = "log"))
#' model_data(pmodel) %>%
#'  construct_model_points()
#' model_data(pmodel) %>%
#'  construct_model_points(agg_cols = list(nclaims))
#' model_data(pmodel) %>%
#'  construct_model_points(exposure = exposure, exposure_by = jaar) %>%
#'  add_prediction(., pmodel)
#'  }
#' @export
construct_model_points <- function(x, exposure = NULL, exposure_by = NULL,
                                   agg_cols = NULL, drop_na = FALSE){

  aggcols0 <- tryCatch(vapply(substitute(agg_cols)[-1], deparse,
                              FUN.VALUE = character(1)),
                       error = function(e){
         stop("agg_cols must be a list, use agg_cols = list(var1, var2, var3)",
                              call. = FALSE)

  exposure_nm <- deparse(substitute(exposure))
  exposure_by_nm <- deparse(substitute(exposure_by))

  xdf <- x

  if( !inherits(x, c("model_data")) ) {
    if( !inherits(x, "data.frame") ){
      stop("Input must be of class model_data, use model_data() to create data",
           call. = FALSE)
    offweights <- NULL
    xdf <- data.frame(xdf)
    premium_nm <- setdiff(names(xdf), c(aggcols0, exposure_nm, exposure_by_nm))
    premium_df <- xdf[, premium_nm, drop = FALSE]
    premium_df <- unique(premium_df)

  if( inherits(x, c("model_data")) ) {
    premium_nm <- attr(x, "rf")
    if ( isTRUE(exposure_nm %in% premium_nm )) {
      stop("Column exposure is already used as covariate in model.",
           call. = FALSE)

    offweights <- unique(attr(x, "offweights"))

    if ( isTRUE(exposure_nm %in% c(premium_nm, offweights )) &
         exposure_by_nm == "NULL") {
      warning("Column exposure is already used in model.",
           call. = FALSE)

    if ( isTRUE(any(aggcols0 %in% offweights ))) {
      stop("Column in list agg_cols is already used in model.",
              call. = FALSE)

    if ( isTRUE(exposure_by_nm %in% premium_nm )) {
      stop("Column exposure_by is already used as covariate in model.",
           call. = FALSE)

    if ( identical(offweights, exposure_nm) ) {
      offweights <- paste0(offweights, "_99")
      xdf[[offweights]] <- xdf[[exposure_nm]] }
    if ( isTRUE(offweights %in% aggcols0 )) { offweights <- NULL }
    aggcols0 <- append(aggcols0, offweights)
    premium_df <- xdf[, premium_nm, drop = FALSE]
    premium_df <- unique(premium_df)

  if ( exposure_nm == "NULL" ){

    xdf <- data.table::data.table(xdf)

    if ( exposure_by_nm == "NULL" ){

      if (length(aggcols0) == 0){
        xdt_agg <- xdf[, .(count = .N), by = premium_nm]

      if (length(aggcols0) > 0){
        xdt_agg <- xdf[, c(.N, lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm = TRUE)),
                       by = premium_nm, .SDcols = aggcols0]
        data.table::setnames(xdt_agg, old = "N", new = "count")

    if ( exposure_by_nm != "NULL" ){

      if (length(aggcols0) == 0){

        xdt_agg0 <- xdf[
          , .(count = .N), by = c(premium_nm, exposure_by_nm)][
            , (exposure_by_nm) := paste0("count_", get(exposure_by_nm))]

        f <- construct_fm(premium_nm, exposure_by_nm)
        xdt_agg <- data.table::dcast(xdt_agg0, f, value.var = "count")

      if (length(aggcols0) > 0){
        xdt_agg0 <- xdf[
          , c(.N, lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm = TRUE)), by =
            c(premium_nm, exposure_by_nm), .SDcols = aggcols0][
              , (exposure_by_nm) := paste0("count_", get(exposure_by_nm))]

        f <- construct_fm(c(premium_nm, aggcols0), exposure_by_nm)
        xdt_agg <- data.table::dcast(xdt_agg0, f, value.var = "N")

    xdt_agg <- data.frame(xdt_agg)

  if ( exposure_nm != "NULL" ){
    xdf <- data.table::data.table(xdf)

    if ( exposure_by_nm == "NULL" ){

      if (length(aggcols0) == 0){
        xdt_agg <- xdf[, lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm = TRUE), by = premium_nm,
                       .SDcols = exposure_nm]

      if ( length(aggcols0) > 0 ){
        xdt_agg <- xdf[, lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm = TRUE), by = premium_nm,
                       .SDcols = c(aggcols0, exposure_nm)]

    if ( exposure_by_nm != "NULL" ){

      if (length(aggcols0) == 0){

        xdt_agg0 <- xdf[
          , lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm = TRUE), by =
            c(premium_nm, exposure_by_nm), .SDcols = exposure_nm][
            , (exposure_by_nm) := paste0(exposure_nm, "_", get(exposure_by_nm))]

        f <- construct_fm(premium_nm, exposure_by_nm)
        xdt_agg <- data.table::dcast(xdt_agg0, f, value.var = exposure_nm)

      if (length(aggcols0) > 0){

        xdt_agg0 <- xdf[
          , lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm = TRUE), by = c(premium_nm, exposure_by_nm),
          .SDcols = c(aggcols0, exposure_nm)][
            , (exposure_by_nm) := paste0(exposure_nm, "_", get(exposure_by_nm))]

        f <- construct_fm(premium_nm, exposure_by_nm)
        xdt_agg <- data.table::dcast(xdt_agg0, f, value.var = exposure_nm)

        if ( isTRUE(offweights %in% aggcols0)) {
          xdt_ext <- xdt_agg0[, lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm = TRUE), by = premium_nm,
                              .SDcols = aggcols0]
          xdt_agg <- merge(xdt_agg, xdt_ext, all.x = TRUE)

    if( inherits(x, c("model_data")) ) {
      data.table::setnames(xdt_agg, old = offweights,
                         new = gsub('_99$', '', offweights))
    xdt_agg <- data.frame(xdt_agg)

  if ( isTRUE(drop_na) ){
    premium_vec <- sapply(premium_df, function(x) unique(na.omit(x)))

  if ( !isTRUE(drop_na) ){
    premium_vec <- sapply(premium_df, unique)

  premium_complete <- Reduce(function(...) merge(..., by = NULL), premium_vec)
  names(premium_complete) <- names(premium_df)

  refinement_df <- NULL
  if( inherits(x, c("model_data")) ) {
    mgd_rst <- attr(x, "mgd_rst")
    mgd_smt <- attr(x, "mgd_smt")
    refinement_nm <- append(mgd_rst, mgd_smt)
    refinement_df <- lapply(refinement_nm, function(y) x[, y, drop = FALSE])
    refinement_df <- lapply(refinement_df, unique)

  premium_refinement_lst <- c(list(premium_complete), refinement_df)
  premium_join <- Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all.x = TRUE),
  merge(premium_join, xdt_agg, all.x = TRUE)
MHaringa/actuarialpricing documentation built on Jan. 11, 2024, 1:13 a.m.