
library(pash)  #remove when integrated with pash
library(roxygen2) #remove when integrated with pash

#' Calculate mid-classes of an age interval
#' @description 
#' Calculate mid-classes of an age interval. \cr\cr
#' \emph{\bold{Internal function}}
#' @param x Vector with beginning of age classes.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Maciej J. Danko <\email{danko@demogr.mpg.de}> <\email{maciej.danko@gmail.com}>
addHalfInterval<-function(x) x+c(diff(x),diff(x)[length(x)-1])/2

#' Converting dx to lx assuming that all events are exactly observed within an interval
#' @description 
#' Converting dx to lx assuming that all events are exactly observed within an interval. \cr\cr
#' \emph{\bold{Internal function}}
#' @param dx Vector with death counts
#' @return A vector with population size at the beginning of interval.
#' @details 
#' The presence or absence of open interval does not matter here.
#' @seealso \code{\link{lx2dx}}, \code{\link{dx2age}}, and \code{\link{age2dx}}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Maciej J. Danko <\email{danko@demogr.mpg.de}> <\email{maciej.danko@gmail.com}>
dx2lx<-function(dx) sum(dx)-c(0,cumsum(dx))[seq_along(dx)]

#' Converting lx to dx assuming that all events are exactly observed within an interval
#' @description Converting lx to dx assuming that all events are exactly observed within an interval. \cr\cr
#' \emph{\bold{Internal function}}
#' @param lx Population size at the beginning of the age interval.
#' @return A vector with death counts. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{dx2lx}}, \code{\link{dx2age}}, and \code{\link{age2dx}}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Maciej J. Danko <\email{danko@demogr.mpg.de}> <\email{maciej.danko@gmail.com}>
lx2dx<-function(lx) c(-diff(lx),lx[length(lx)])

#' Constructing vector of age at deaths assuming that each death occurs in the middle of an age interval
#' @description
#' The function converts counts in vector dx into into individual age/time at deaths.
#' Notice that dx does not contain information about right censoring so the resulting vector 
#' has only exactly observed events (deaths).\cr\cr
#' \emph{\bold{Internal function}}
#' @param dx Death counts vector.
#' @param x Beginning of the Age/time class. A vector of the same length as \code{ndx}.
#' @author Maciej J. Danko <\email{danko@demogr.mpg.de}> <\email{maciej.danko@gmail.com}>
#' @seealso \code{\link{lx2dx}}, \code{\link{dx2lx}}, and \code{\link{age2dx}}.
#' @examples
#' # ************************** REMOVE THIS ******************************
#' # Some functions will not work as they are not in the namespace
#' # Before integrating with pash please add "pash:::" in front of them. 
#' # To test them just run all functions in the bootpash.r 
#' # ***************************** END ***********************************
#' \dontrun{
#' # Data:
#' x=c(0,0.5,2,5,10,13,15)
#' dx=c(1,2,6,15,22,6,1)
#' # Should give the same vector as in dx.
#' age2dx(dx2age(dx,x),x)
#' }
#' @keywords internal
dx2age<-function(dx,x) unlist(lapply(seq_along(x),function (kk) rep(addHalfInterval(x)[kk],dx[kk])))

#' Constructing \code{dx} from individual ages/times at deaths
#' @description
#' The function converts ages/times at death into \code{dx}..
#' Notice that all ages at death are assumed to be exactly observed.\cr\cr
#' \emph{\bold{Internal function}}
#' @param times vector with age/times at deaths.
#' @param x Beginning of the Age/time class. The resulting vector of \code{dx} will have the same length.
#' @author Maciej J. Danko <\email{danko@demogr.mpg.de}> <\email{maciej.danko@gmail.com}>
#' @seealso \code{\link{lx2dx}}, \code{\link{dx2lx}}, and \code{\link{dx2age}}.
#' @examples
#' # ************************** REMOVE THIS ******************************
#' # Some functions will not work as they are not in the namespace
#' # Before integrating with pash please add "pash:::" in front of them. 
#' # To test them just run all functions in the bootpash.r 
#' # ***************************** END ***********************************
#' \dontrun{
#' # ************************************************************************
#' # Data:
#' x <- c(0,0.5,2,5,10,13,15)
#' dx <- c(1,2,6,15,22,6,1)
#' # Should give the same vector as in dx.
#' age2dx(dx2age(dx,x),x)
#' # ************************************************************************
#' # Benchmark test for different procedures
#' library(microbenchmark)
#' # A dataset
#' times <- sample(0:1000, size = 100000, replace = TRUE) + 0.5
#' x <- 0:1000
#' # Default age2dx method based on hist()
#' age2dx.hist <- function(times, x) hist(x = times, plot = FALSE, 
#'                right = FALSE, breaks = c(x, x[length(x)] * 2))$counts
#' # Method based on cut()
#' age2dx.cut <- function(times, x) table(cut(times, c(x, x[length(x)] * 2), right = FALSE))
#' # Method based on findInterval()
#' age2dx.fi <- function(times, x) table(findInterval(times, x))
#' A <- age2dx.hist(times, x)
#' B <- age2dx.cut(times, x)
#' C <- age2dx.fi(times, x)
#' sum(abs(A-B)) # must be zero
#' sum(abs(B-C)) # must be zero
#' # hist() based method wins
#' microbenchmark(age2dx.hist(times, x), age2dx.cut(times, x), age2dx.fi(times, x))
#' }
#' @keywords internal
age2dx <- function(times, x) (hist(x = times, plot = FALSE, right = FALSE, breaks = c(x, x[length(x)] * 2))$counts)

#' Calculating pace and shape measures as one vector for bootstrap computations
#' @description Calculating pace and shape measures as one vector for bootstrap computations. \cr\cr
#' \emph{\bold{Internal function}}
#' @param dx A vector with integer counts (deaths).
#' @param x Beginning of the Age/time classes. Vector with the same length as \code{dx}
#' @param pash.parent A parent pash object.
#' @param pace.type Which pace measure should be returned (default "all")?
#' Use "none" if you don't want to return any pace measure. See \code{\link{GetPace}} for details.
#' @param shape.type Which shape measure should be returned (default "all")?
#' Use "none" if you don't want to return any shape measure. See \code{\link{GetShape}} for details.
#' @param q GetPace parameter. Quantile specification for age where q percent of the life-table population is still alive (defaults to median).
#' See \code{\link{GetPace}} for details.
#' @param harmonized GetShape parameter. Should the harmonized version of the shape measures be returned (default \code{TRUE})?
#' See \code{\link{GetShape}} for details.
#' @keywords internal
getpash <- function(dx, x, pash.parent, pace.type = "all", shape.type = "all", q = 0.5, harmonized = TRUE){
  if (missing(x)) x <- pash.parent$lt$x
  nax <- pash.parent$lt$nax
  lx <- dx2lx(dx)
  obj <- Inputlx(x = x, lx = lx, last_open = attr(pash.parent,'last_open'), time_unit = attr(pash.parent,'time_unit'), messages = FALSE)
  if (pace.type == "none") p <- NULL else p <- GetPace(obj, q = q, type = pace.type)
  if (shape.type == 'none') s <- NULL else s <- GetShape(obj, harmonized = harmonized, type = shape.type)

#' Build column matrix even if x is a vector
#' @description 
#' Build column matrix even if \code{x} is a vector.
#' @keywords internal
as.row.matrix <- function(x) {
  # Using matrices is faster than using sapply for each row (i.e pash measure replicates) of the bootstrap/jackknife matrix.
  # However if only one measure is considered the dimensions of the 1xN matrix are reversed.
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  if (dim(x)[2] == 1) x <- t(x)

#' Fast JackKnife method performed on \code{dx}
#' @description Fast JackKnife method performed on \code{dx}.\cr\cr
#' \emph{\bold{Internal function}}
#' @param dx A vector with integer counts (deaths).
#' @param x Beginning of the Age/time classes. Vector with the same length as \code{dx}.
#' @param ... Other parameters passed to \code{\link{getpash}} function.
#' @author Maciej J. Danko <\email{danko@demogr.mpg.de}> <\email{maciej.danko@gmail.com}>
#' @references 
#' Efron, B., & Tibshirani, R. J. (1993). An introduction to the bootstrap. New York: Chapman & Hall.
#' @keywords internal
JackKnife_dx <- function(dx, x, ...) as.row.matrix(sapply(x[dx>0], function(kk) getpash(dx = dx - (x == kk), x = x, ...)))

#' Fast Bootstrap method performed on \code{dx}
#' @description Fast Bootstrap method performed on \code{dx}.\cr\cr
#' \emph{\bold{Internal function}}
#' @param x Beginning of the Age/time class.
#' @param dx A vector with integer counts (deaths).
#' @param pash.parent A parent \code{pash} object.
#' @param N Number of bootstrap replicates.
#' @param pace.type Which pace measure should be returned (default "all")?
#' Use "none" if you don't want to return any pace measure. See \code{\link{GetPace}} for details.
#' @param shape.type Which shape measure should be returned (default "all")?
#' Use "none" if you don't want to return any shape measure. See \code{\link{GetShape}} for details.
#' @param q GetPace parameter. Quantile specification for age where q percent of the life-table population is still alive (defaults to median).
#' See \code{\link{GetPace}} for details.
#' @param harmonized GetShape parameter. Should the harmonized version of the shape measures be returned (default \code{TRUE})?
#' See \code{\link{GetShape}} for details.
#' @author Maciej J. Danko <\email{danko@demogr.mpg.de}> <\email{maciej.danko@gmail.com}>
#' @references 
#' Efron, B., & Tibshirani, R. J. (1993). An introduction to the bootstrap. New York: Chapman & Hall.
#' @keywords internal
Bootstrap_dx <- function(dx, 
                         N = 1000, 
                         pace.type = "all", 
                         shape.type = "all", 
                         q = 0.5, 
                         harmonized = TRUE) 
    replicate(n = N, 
              expr = suppressWarnings(
                getpash(dx = age2dx(times = sample(x = addHalfInterval(x), 
                                                   size = sum(dx), 
                                                   replace = TRUE, 
                                                   prob = dx / sum(dx)), 
                                    x = x),
                        x = x,
                        pash.parent = pash.parent,
                        pace.type = pace.type,
                        shape.type = shape.type,
                        q = q,
                        harmonized = harmonized))))

#' Calculation of JeckKnife acceleration parameter for BCA method
#' @description Calculation of JeckKnife acceleration parameter for BCA method. \cr\cr
#' \emph{\bold{Internal function}}
#' @param JackKnifeMat JackKnife matrix with one row per each considered pash measure. See \code{\link{JackKnife_dx}}.
#' @param dx A vector with integer counts (deaths).
#' @author Maciej J. Danko <\email{danko@demogr.mpg.de}> <\email{maciej.danko@gmail.com}>
#' @references 
#' Efron, B., & Tibshirani, R. J. (1993). An introduction to the bootstrap. New York: Chapman & Hall. Page 186.
#' @examples
#' # ************************** REMOVE THIS ******************************
#' # Some functions will not work as they are not in the namespace
#' # Before integrating with pash please add "pash:::" in front of them. 
#' # To test them just run all functions in the bootpash.r 
#' # ***************************** END ***********************************
#' \dontrun{
#' #Get some data
#' population.size <- 10000
#' obj <- Inputlx(x = australia_10y$x, lx = australia_10y$lx,nax = australia_10y$nax, nx = australia_10y$nx, last_open = TRUE)
#' dx <- lx2dx(round(object$lt$lx*population.size))
#' x <- obj$lt$x
#' #Acceleration parameters calculated by slow method:
#' times <- dx2age(dx,x)
#' gp <- function(times, x, pash.parent) getpash(dx = age2dx(times = times, x=x), x=x, pash.parent = pash.parent)
#' J1 <- as.matrix(sapply(seq_along(times), function(k) gp(times = times[-k], x = x, pash.parent = obj)))
#' a.slow <- JackKnifeAcc(J1)
#' #Acceleration parameters calculated by fast method:
#' J2 <- JackKnife_dx(dx = org.dx, x = org.x, pash.parent = obj)
#' a.fast <- JackKnifeAcc(J2,dx)
#' #Compare results
#' cbind(a.slow = a.slow, a.fast = a.fast, diff = round(a.slow - a.fast, 12))
#' }
#' @keywords internal
JackKnifeAcc <- function(JackKnifeMat, dx){
  if (missing(dx)){ 
    # Classic approach
    # Jackknife constructed from times, very slow method for big populations
    L <- rowSums(JackKnifeMat, na.rm = TRUE) / dim(JackKnifeMat)[2] - JackKnifeMat
    a <- rowSums(L^3, na.rm = TRUE) / (6 * rowSums(L^2, na.rm = TRUE)^1.5)
  } else { 
    # Efficient method to calculate JackKnife a
    # jackknife constructed from dx 
    dx <- dx[dx > 0] #JackKniefe omitted this values during its construction
    DX <- t(matrix(dx, length(dx), dim(JackKnifeMat)[1]))
    L <- rowSums(DX * JackKnifeMat, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(dx) - JackKnifeMat
    Lsq <- DX*(L^2)
    Lcu <- DX*(L^3)
    a = rowSums(Lcu, na.rm = TRUE) / (6 * rowSums(Lsq, na.rm = TRUE)^1.5)
  a[!is.finite(a)] <- 0

#' Checking if all elements in the vector are equal
#' @description Checking if all elements in the vector are equal. .\cr\cr
#' \emph{\bold{Internal function}}
#' @param x A vector to be analyzed.
#' @author Maciej J. Danko <\email{danko@demogr.mpg.de}> <\email{maciej.danko@gmail.com}>
#' @keywords internal
all.elements.equal <- function(x) round(sum(abs(diff(x))),floor(-log10(.Machine$double.eps^0.8))) == 0

#' Calculation of the BCA type of confidence intervals
#' @description Calculation of the BCA type of confidence intervals. \cr\cr
#' \emph{\bold{Internal function}}
#' @param OrgEst Output of \code{\link{getpash}} for original dataset.
#' @param BootEst Output of \code{\link{getpash}} for all bootstrap replicates.
#' @param JackKnifeMat Output of \code{\link{getpash}} for JackKnife samples. See \code{\link{JackKnife_dx}}.
#' @param Orgdx Vector with counts (deaths) for original dataset.
#' @param alpha Significance level.
#' @author Maciej J. Danko <\email{danko@demogr.mpg.de}> <\email{maciej.danko@gmail.com}>
#' @references 
#' Efron, B., & Tibshirani, R. J. (1993). An introduction to the bootstrap. New York: Chapman & Hall.
#' @keywords internal
BCA.CI <- function(OrgEst, BootEst, JackKnifeMat, Orgdx, alpha = 0.05) {
  av <- JackKnifeAcc(JackKnifeMat = JackKnifeMat, dx = Orgdx)
  rna <- rownames(BootEst)
  result <- matrix(NA, length(av), 2)
  for (j in seq_along(av)){
    a <- av[j]
    be <- BootEst[j,]
    be <- be[!is.na(be)]
    if (!all.elements.equal(be)) {
      oe <- OrgEst[j]
      B <- length(be)
      zalpha <- stats:::qnorm(alpha / 2)
      z0 <- stats:::qnorm(sum(be <= oe)/B)
      a1 <- stats:::pnorm(z0 + (z0 + zalpha) / (1 - a * (z0 + zalpha)))
      a2 <- stats:::pnorm(z0 + (z0 - zalpha) / (1 - a * (z0 - zalpha)))
      CI <- stats:::quantile(be, c(a1,a2), na.rm = T)
    } else CI <- c(NA, NA)
    result[j,] <- CI
  ind <- result[,1] > OrgEst
  ind[is.na(ind)] <- FALSE
  if (sum(ind) > 0) warning(paste('BCa confidence intervals do not cover original estimate in ', rna[ind], '. The lower bound was adjusted.\n',sep=''))
  result[ind,1] <- OrgEst[ind]
  ind <- result[,2]< OrgEst
  ind[is.na(ind)] <- FALSE
  if (sum(ind) > 0) warning(paste('BCa confidence intervals do not cover original estimate in ', rna[ind], '. The upper bound was adjusted.\n',sep=''))
  result[ind,2] <- OrgEst[ind]
  rownames(result) <- rna
  colnames(result) <- c('Lower bound','Upper bound')

#' Calculation of the Percentile type of confidence intervals
#' @description Calculation of the Percentile type of confidence intervals. \cr\cr
#' \emph{\bold{Internal function}}
#' @param OrgEst Output of \code{\link{getpash}} for original dataset.
#' @param BootEst Output of \code{\link{getpash}} for all bootstrap replicates.
#' @param alpha Significance level.
#' @author Maciej J. Danko <\email{danko@demogr.mpg.de}> <\email{maciej.danko@gmail.com}>
#' @references 
#' Efron, B., & Tibshirani, R. J. (1993). An introduction to the bootstrap. New York: Chapman & Hall.
#' @keywords internal
PER.CI <- function(OrgEst, BootEst, alpha=0.05) {
  rna <- rownames(BootEst)
  result <- matrix(NA, dim(BootEst)[1], 2)
  for (j in seq_len(dim(BootEst)[1])){
    be <- BootEst[j,]
    be <- be[!is.na(be)]
    if (!all.elements.equal(be)) {
      conf <- 1-alpha
      zalpha <- (1 + c(-conf, conf))/2
      CI <- stats:::quantile(be, c(zalpha[1], zalpha[2]), na.rm = TRUE)
    } else CI <- c(NA, NA)
    result[j,1:2] <- CI
  ind <- result[,1]>OrgEst
  ind[is.na(ind)] <- FALSE
  if (sum(ind)>0) warning(paste('Percentile confidence intervals do not cover original estimate in ',rna[ind],'. The lower bound was adjusted.\n', sep=''))
  result[ind,1] <- OrgEst[ind]
  ind <- result[,2] < OrgEst
  ind[is.na(ind)] <- FALSE
  if (sum(ind)>0) warning(paste('Percentile confidence intervals do not cover original estimate in ',rna[ind],'. The upper bound was adjusted.\n', sep=''))
  result[ind,2] <- OrgEst[ind]
  rownames(result) <- rna
  colnames(result) <- c('Lower bound','Upper bound')

#' Default procedure to perform bootstrap and calculate confidence intervals of pash measures
#' @description Default procedure to perform bootstrap and calculate confidence intervals of pash measures. \cr\cr
#' \emph{\bold{Internal function}}
#' @param x Beginning of the Age/time class.
#' @param dx A vector with integer counts (deaths).
#' @param pash.parent A parent \code{pash} object.
#' @param N Number of bootstrap replicates.
#' @param js.er Maximal acceptable fraction of JackKnife errors.
#' @param bs.er Maximal acceptable fraction of Bootstrap errors.
#' @param pace.type Which pace measure should be returned (default "all")?
#' Use "none" if you don't wat to return any pace measure. See \code{\link{GetPace}} for details.
#' @param shape.type Which shape measure should be returned (default "all")?
#' Use "none" if you don't wat to return any shape measure. See \code{\link{GetShape}} for details.
#' @param q GetPace parameter. Quantile specification for age where q percent of the life-table population is still alive (defaults to median).
#' See \code{\link{GetPace}} for details.
#' @param harmonized GetShape parameter. Should the harmonized version of the shape measures be returned (default \code{TRUE})?
#' See \code{\link{GetShape}} for details.
#' @param trace Logical indicating if to show summary of performed bootstrap.
#' @param alpha Significance level.
#' @author Maciej J. Danko <\email{danko@demogr.mpg.de}> <\email{maciej.danko@gmail.com}>
#' @references 
#' Efron, B., & Tibshirani, R. J. (1993). An introduction to the bootstrap. New York: Chapman & Hall.
#' @examples 
#' # ************************** REMOVE THIS ******************************
#' # Some functions will not work as they are not in the namespace
#' # Before integrating with pash please add "pash:::" in front of them. 
#' # To test them just run all functions in the bootpash.r 
#' # ***************************** END ***********************************
#' \dontrun{
#' #Get some data
#' population.size=105
#' obj <- Inputlx(x = australia_10y$x, lx = australia_10y$lx,nax = australia_10y$nax, nx = australia_10y$nx, last_open = TRUE)
#' dx <- lx2dx(round(object$lt$lx*population.size))
#' x <- obj$lt$x
#' #Calcualte confidence intervals usung bootstrap
#' z <- boot.default(dx = dx, x = x, pash.parent = obj, trace = TRUE)
#' z
#' }
#' @keywords internal
boot.default <- function(dx, 
                         N = 1000, 
                         bs.er = 0.25, 
                         jk.er = 0.10, 
                         pace.type = "all", 
                         shape.type = "all", 
                         q = 0.5, 
                         harmonized = TRUE,
                         trace = TRUE,
                         alpha = 0.05){
  # Detect mistakes
  .AnalizeBoot <- function(jn, bt, trace, ind0){
    proc_fails_jn <- rowSums(is.na(jn)) / dim(jn)[2]
    proc_fails_bt <- rowSums(is.na(bt)) / dim(bt)[2]
    ind <- (proc_fails_jn >= jk.er) | (proc_fails_bt >= bs.er) | ind0
    ind2 <- (proc_fails_bt >= bs.er) | ind0
    vec <- seq_len(dim(bt)[1])
    if (trace) {
      printo <- round(100 * rbind(JackKnife = proc_fails_jn, Bootstrap = proc_fails_bt), 2)
      cat('\nBootstrap with', format(N, scientific = FALSE), 'replicates\n')
      cat('\nFraction [%] of cases where a particular measure could not be evaluated:\n')
      if (sum(ind) > 0) cat('\nMeasures for witch BCa CI will be not evaluated:',
                            paste(rownames(bt)[vec[ind]], sep = '', collpase = ','), '\n')
      if (sum(ind2) > 0) cat('Measures for witch percentile CI will be not evaluated:',
                             paste(rownames(bt)[vec[ind2]], sep = '', collpase = ','), '\n')
    ind <- vec[ind]
    ind2 <- vec[ind2]
    list(BCa = ind, P = ind2)
  OrgPash <- getpash(dx = dx, 
                     x = x,
                     pash.parent = pash.parent,
                     pace.type = pace.type,
                     shape.type = shape.type,
                     q = q,
                     harmonized = harmonized)
  ind0 <- is.na(OrgPash)
  if (N > 1){
    jn <- JackKnife_dx(dx = dx, 
                       x = x,
                       pash.parent = pash.parent,
                       pace.type = pace.type,
                       shape.type = shape.type,
                       q = q,
                       harmonized = harmonized)
    bt <- Bootstrap_dx(dx=dx, 
                       x = x,
                       pash.parent = pash.parent,
                       pace.type = pace.type,
                       shape.type = shape.type,
                       q = q,
                       harmonized = harmonized)
    z <- .AnalizeBoot(jn = jn, bt = bt, trace = trace, ind0 = ind0)
    CI.Percentile <- as.matrix(PER.CI(OrgEst = OrgPash, 
                                      BootEst = bt,
                                      alpha = alpha))
    CI.BCa <- as.matrix(BCA.CI(OrgEst = OrgPash, 
                               BootEst = bt, 
                               JackKnifeMat = jn, 
                               Orgdx = dx,
                               alpha = alpha))
    CI.BCa[z$BCa,] <- NA
    CI.Percentile[z$P,] <- NA
    CI.BCa <- as.data.frame(CI.BCa)
    CI.Percentile <- as.data.frame(CI.Percentile)
  } else {
    CI.BCa <- NULL
    CI.Percentile <- NULL
  return(list(Pash = OrgPash,
              CI.BCa = CI.BCa,
              CI.Percentile = CI.Percentile))

#' Calculating confidence intervals for pash measures
#' @description Calculating confidence intervals around pash measures for a given \code{pash} object. \cr\cr Generic function.
#' @param object \code{Pash} object.
#' @param population.size The size of population for the constructed \code{pash} object. If not given then it will be read from the \code{object}.
#' @param N Number of bootstrap replicates.
#' @param pace.type Which pace measure should be returned (default "all")?
#' Use "none" if you don't wat to return any pace measure. See \code{\link{GetPace}} for details.
#' @param shape.type Which shape measure should be returned (default "all")?
#' Use "none" if you don't wat to return any shape measure. See \code{\link{GetShape}} for details.
#' @param q GetPace parameter. Quantile specification for age where q percent of the life-table population is still alive (defaults to median).
#' See \code{\link{GetPace}} for details.
#' @param harmonized GetShape parameter. Should the harmonized version of the shape measures be returned (default \code{TRUE})?
#' See \code{\link{GetShape}} for details.
#' @param trace Logical indicating if to show summary of performed bootstrap.
#' @param alpha Significance level.
#' @param bs.er Maximal acceptable fraction of Bootstrap errors 
#' (error = a measure does not exists for a certain bootstrapped data).
#' @param js.er Maximal acceptable fraction of JackKnife errors 
#' (error = a measure does not exists for a certain JackKnife cases).
#' @references 
#' Efron, B., & Tibshirani, R. J. (1993). An introduction to the bootstrap. New York: Chapman & Hall.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' #Get a data
#' obj <- Inputlx(x = australia_10y$x, lx = australia_10y$lx,nax = australia_10y$nax, nx = australia_10y$nx, last_open = TRUE)
#' ci1 <- confint(object = obj, population.size = 1000, trace = TRUE)
#' print(ci1, CI.type = 'BCa')
#' print(ci1, CI.type = 'Percentile')
#' #Smaller population size, closed interval, only e0
#' obj <- Inputlx(x = australia_10y$x, lx = australia_10y$lx,nax = australia_10y$nax, last_open = FALSE) 
#' ci2 <- confint(object = obj, population.size = 300, shape.type = 'none', pace.type = 'e0', trace = TRUE)
#' ci2
#' # Very small population size  
#' # There is a mistake in pash package. The linear extrapolation doesn't work for some sets with open last intervals.
#' obj <- Inputlx(x = australia_10y$x, lx = australia_10y$lx,nax = australia_10y$nax, nx = australia_10y$nx, last_open = TRUE)
#' ci3 <- confint(object = obj, population.size = 10, shape.type = 'none', trace = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
                       N = 1000, 
                       pace.type = "all", 
                       shape.type = "all", 
                       q = 0.5, 
                       harmonized = TRUE,
                       trace = TRUE,
                       alpha = 0.05,
                       bs.er = 0.25, 
                       jk.er = 0.10){
  i.ndx <- attributes(object)$source$input$dx
  i.lx <- attributes(object)$source$input$lx
  i.x <- attributes(object)$source$input$x
  if ((length(i.ndx) == 0) && (length(i.lx) != 0)) i.ndx <- -diff(c(i.lx, 0))
  # If population size not given try to read from the pash attribute
  if (missing(population.size) && length(attr(object, 'population.size')>0)) population.size <- attr(object, 'population.size')
  # If population size is still unknown try to get it from source attribute
  if (missing(population.size)) {
    mps <- TRUE
    message('The parameter "population.size" was not given. It was retrieved from "source" attribute of pash object. Notice that it may not reflect truth (e.g. it could be equal to standardized population size). Population size is crucial for PCLM estimation.\n')
    if (length(i.ndx) == 0) stop('Population size cannot be retrieved from pash object.')
    population.size <- sum(i.ndx)
    if (population.size <= 1.01) stop('Population size cannot be retrieved from pash object.')
    message('Population size set to ', population.size, '\n')
  } else {
    mps <- FALSE
    if (!is.numeric(population.size)) stop('Please give a correct population size.')
  res<-boot.default(dx = lx2dx(round(object$lt$lx*population.size)), 
                    x = object$lt$x, 
                    N = N, 
                    bs.er = bs.er, 
                    jk.er = jk.er, 
                    pace.type = pace.type,
                    shape.type = shape.type,
                    q = q,
                    harmonized = harmonized,
                    trace = trace,
                    alpha = alpha)
  res$pash.parent <- object
  res$population.size <- population.size
  res$q <-q
  res$harmonized <- harmonized
  res$alpha <- alpha
  class(res) <- 'bootpash'

#' Printing the confidence intervals for pash object
#' @description  
#' Generic function to print the confidence intervals for \code{pash} object.
#' @param oject An \code{bootpash} object with fitted confidence interval for \code{pash} object. See \code{\link{confint.pash}}.
#' @param CI.type The type of the printed confidence intervals. One of "BCa" or "Percentile".
#' @export
print.bootpash <- function(object, CI.type = c('BCa', 'Percentile'), digits = 4){
  if (tolower(CI.type[1]) == 'bca') CI <- object$CI.BCa else if (tolower(CI.type[1]) == 'percentile') CI <- object$CI.Percentile else stop('Unknown CI type.')
  Mat <- cbind(lower = CI[,1], pash = object$Pash, upper = CI[,2])
  print(round(Mat, digits), quote = FALSE)
MaciejDanko/BootstrapLT documentation built on May 14, 2019, 2:40 p.m.