
#' Retrieve notebook by id and update solr
#' Thin wrapper around \code{update_solr}
#' @param id Character vector. The notebook id
#' @param detach Logical. Passed on to \code{update_solr}
#' @param ... Extra arguments passed on to \code{\link{.solr.post}}.
#' @export
update_solr_id <- function(id, detach = TRUE, ...) {
              detach = detach,

#' Update the index after a notebook change
#' @param notebook [notebook] The notebook object as stored by rcloud.support
#' @param starcount [numeric] notebook starcount
#' @param detach [logical] Should parallel process be detached? Use FALSE for testing or batch.
#' @param ... Extra arguments passed on to \code{\link{.solr.post}}.
#' @export
update_solr <- function(notebook, starcount, detach = TRUE, ...){
  #Update only notebooks which are visible
  if(!rcloud.support::rcloud.is.notebook.visible(notebook$content$id) ||

  metadata.list <- build_update_metadata(notebook, starcount)

  .solr.post(data=metadata.list, detach = detach, ...)


#' Update index for a batch of notebooks
#' @param batch A character vector of notebook IDs
#' @inheritParams update_solr
#' @return response from .solr.post
#' @export
update_batch <- function(batch, detach = FALSE, ...) {

  # Remove notebooks that should not be indexed
  visible <- vapply(batch, rcloud.support::rcloud.is.notebook.visible, logical(1))
  encrypted <- vapply(batch, rcloud.support:::is.notebook.encrypted, logical(1))
  batch <- batch[visible & !encrypted]

  if (length(batch) < 1) return(NULL)

  notebooks <- lapply(batch, rcloud.support::rcloud.get.notebook, raw = TRUE)
  starcounts <- lapply(batch, rcloud.support::rcloud.notebook.star.count)

  documents <- mapply(build_update_metadata,
                      notebook = notebooks,
                      starcount = starcounts,
                      SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  resp <- .solr.post(data=documents, detach = detach, isMulti = TRUE, ...)


#' Build the Metadata for a Notebook Update
#' @inheritParams update_solr
#' @return A list that conforms with the solr configuration
build_update_metadata <- function(notebook, starcount) {

  ## FIXME: gracefully handle unavailability
  content.files <- notebook$content$files

  # Remove default scratch.R but leave ones that changed
  default_scratch <- vapply(content.files, is_default_scratch, logical(1))

  ## Remove binary assets by removing elements with .b64 extention
  content_ext <- tools::file_ext(names(content.files)) # What's more reliable? Names or filename element?
  content.files <- content.files[content_ext != "b64" & !(default_scratch)]

  if (!length(content.files)) return(NULL)

  desc <- build_update_description(notebook$content$description)

  session.content <- notebook$content
  ## FIXME: followers is not in the notebook, set to 0 for now
  metadata.list <- list(
    "id"= session.content$id,
    "doc_type" = "notebook",
    "user"= session.content$user$login,
    "created_at"= session.content$created_at,
    "updated_at"= session.content$updated_at,
    "description"= desc,
    "user_url"= session.content$user$url,
    "avatar_url"= session.content$user$avatar_url,
    "commited_at"= session.content$updated_at,
    "followers"= "0",
    "public"= session.content$public,
    "starcount"= starcount

  # We add a lot of info about the notebook to each cell because
  # otherwise we'd need a second query after the grouping to reattach notebook
  # information.

  # Ideally I'd like to use block join queries but the problem
  # (in solr 5 at least) is that we can't get the right highlighting.
  # Explore this as future solr releases become available.

  notebook_info <- build_notebook_info(notebook, starcount = starcount)

  comments <- build_comments(notebook_info)

  files <- build_json_content_files(content.files, notebook_info)

  metadata.list$`_childDocuments_` <- c(files, comments)

  # This will handle named vectors and potentially NULL values
  metadata.list <- lapply(metadata.list, process_metadata_list)


# Refactored out. TODO - work out what this is doing
# I'm pretty sure it's to do with removing leading slashes
build_update_description <- function(desc) {

  desc  <- gsub("^\"*|\"*$", "", desc)                 # Remove quotes from start and end
  desc <- gsub("^\\\\*|\\\\*$", "", desc)              # Remove slashes from start and end
  if (length(grep("\"",desc) == 1)) {
    notebook.description <- strsplit(desc,'\"')
    desc <- paste(notebook.description[[1]],collapse="\\\"")
  } else if(length(grep("\\\\",desc) == 1)){
    notebook.description <- strsplit(desc,'\\\\')
    desc <- paste(notebook.description[[1]],collapse="\\\\")


build_notebook_info <- function(notebook, starcount = 0) {

  session.content <- notebook$content

  desc <- build_update_description(notebook$content$description)

  list(notebook_id = unname(session.content$id),
       starcount = starcount,
       description = desc,
       user = session.content$user$login,
       updated_at = session.content$updated_at)

# Process all of the cells
build_json_content_files <- function(content.files, notebook_info) {
  lapply(unname(content.files), build_one_content_file, notebook_info)

# Add a reference to parent document for grouping purposes
# Each cell goes in as a separate document so it must have all
# required fields.
build_one_content_file <- function(file, notebook_info) {

  c(list(id = paste0(notebook_info$notebook_id, file$filename)),
    doc_type = if(grepl("^part", file$filename)) "cell" else "asset",
    file[c("filename", "language", "raw_url", "size", "content")])


# Recursively replace NULL with "" and unname named vectors
process_metadata_list <- function(li) {
  if(is.list(li)) {
    lapply(li, process_metadata_list)
  } else {
    if(is.null(li)) "" else unname(li)

default_scratch_content <-
  "# keep snippets here while working with your notebook's cells"

is_default_scratch <- function(file) {
  file$filename == "scratch.R" &&
  file$content == default_scratch_content
MangoTheCat/rcloud.solr documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:25 p.m.