
Defines functions getGranule

# Get MODIS Swath Granules
# @description 
# Get MODIS swath granules for a specific geographic area, time period and 
# (optionally) time of day.
# @param product,collection,begin,end,tileH,tileV,extent,... See [getHdf()].
# @param DayNightFlag A `character` vector of allowed day/night flags. This can
#   be an arbitrary combination of `"D"` (day), `"N"` (night), `"B"` (both), 
#   `"X"` (not designated). By default, all flags are accepted.
# @return 
# Identified granules as `character`.
# @author Florian Detsch
# @seealso [getHdf()], [getTile()].
# @examples 
# \dontrun{
# data(meuse)
# pts = sf::st_as_sf(meuse, coords = c("x", "y"), crs = 28992)
# begin <- '2017001'
# end   <- '2017010'
# grn = getGranule("MOD14", begin = begin, end = end
#                  , extent = pts, DayNightFlag = "D")
# }
# @export
getGranule = function(product, collection = NULL
                      , begin = NULL, end = NULL
                      , DayNightFlag = c("D", "N", "B", "X")
                      , tileH = NULL, tileV = NULL, extent = NULL, ...) {
  ### ENVIRONMENT ----
  ## set `stringsAsFactors = FALSE`
  saf = getOption("stringsAsFactors")
  options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  on.exit(options(stringsAsFactors = saf))
  ## suppress download.file() warnings
  w = getOption("warn")
  options(warn = -1)
  ## MODISoptions
  opts = combineOptions(...)
  sturheit = stubborn(level = opts$stubbornness)
  ## product info  
  prd = getProduct(product, quiet = TRUE)
  ## date range
  if (is.null(begin)) {
    begin = ifelse(prd@PLATFORM == "Terra", "2000055", "2002184")
  dts = transDate(begin, end)
  dts = seq(dts$begin, dts$end, "day")
  ## spatial extent
  if (inherits(extent, "Extent")) {
    extent = as(extent, "SpatialPolygons")
    sp::proj4string(extent) = "+init=epsg:4326"
  } else if (inherits(extent, "sf")) {
    extent = as(extent, "Spatial")
  if (!raster::compareCRS(extent, sp::CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))) {
    extent = sp::spTransform(extent, sp::CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))
  ### METADATA ----
  ## loop over years and find relevant .txt files
  idr = file.path("https://ladsweb.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/archive/geoMeta"
                  , as.integer(prd@CCC)
                  , toupper(prd@PLATFORM))
  yrs = unique(format(dts,'%Y'))
  mtd = do.call(c, lapply(yrs, function(yr) {
    ifl = file.path(idr, paste0(yr, ".csv"))
    ofl = tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
    success = try(log("a"), silent = TRUE); n = 1L
    while (inherits(success, "try-error") & n <= sturheit) {
      success = try(utils::download.file(ifl, ofl, quiet = opts$quiet
                                         , mode = "wb"), silent = TRUE)
      n = n + 1L; Sys.sleep(opts$wait)
    onl = utils::read.csv(ofl)
    xtr = extractDate(onl[, 1]
                      , pos1 = 7L, pos2 = 16L
                      , asDate = TRUE, format = "%Y-%m-%d")
    ids = xtr$inputLayerDates %in% dts
    file.path(gsub(".csv$", "", ifl), onl[ids, 1])
  out = vector("list", length(mtd))
  for (h in 1:length(mtd)) {
    ## download and import daily metadata
    ofl = tempfile(fileext = ".txt")
    success = try(log("a"), silent = TRUE); n = 1L
    while (inherits(success, "try-error") & n <= sturheit) {
      success = try(utils::download.file(mtd[h], ofl, quiet = opts$quiet
                                         , mode = "wb"), silent = TRUE)
      n = n + 1L; Sys.sleep(opts$wait)
    grn = utils::read.csv(ofl, skip = 1L, header = FALSE)
    ## set column names
    lns = readLines(ofl, n = 1L)
    lns = regmatches(lns, regexpr("GranuleID[[:print:]]+", lns))
    names(grn) = strsplit(lns, ",")[[1]]

    ## apply day/night flag
    grn = grn[grn$DayNightFlag %in% DayNightFlag, ]
    ## find and format g-ring coordinates
    crn = sapply(c("GRingLon", "GRingLat"), function(i) {
      grep(i, names(grn)) # [c(1:4, 1)]

    for (i in crn[, 1]) {
      ids = grn[, i] < 0
      grn[ids, i] = 360 + grn[ids, i]
    crn = rbind(crn, crn[1, ]) # to close polygon
    ## create polygons from bounding box
    pys = do.call(raster::bind, lapply(1:nrow(grn), function(i) {
      crd = t(sapply(1:nrow(crn), function(j) {
        as.numeric(unlist(grn[i, crn[j, ]]))
      })); # crd[order(crd[, 1]), ]

      if (max(crd[, 1]) - min(crd[, 1]) >= 180) {
        crd[crd[, 1] < 0, 1] = crd[crd[, 1] < 0, 1] + 360
        spy1 = sf::st_polygon(list(crd))
        spy1 = sf::st_sfc(spy1, crs = "+proj=longlat +lon_wrap=180")
        spy2 = sf::st_transform(spy1, crs = 4326)
        spy2 = sf::st_wrap_dateline(spy2)
      } else {
        spy1 = sf::st_polygon(list(crd))
        spy2 = sf::st_sfc(spy1, crs = 4326)

      return(as(spy2, "Spatial"))
    ## find intersecting granules
    ## TODO: rewrite to use `sf::st_intersects()` instead of {rgeos}
    sct = suppressWarnings(rgeos::gIntersects(extent, pys, byid = TRUE))
    out[[h]] = grn[apply(sct, 1, FUN = any), "GranuleID"]
  ## reset permanent warnings setting
  options(warn = w)
  names(out) = basename(mtd)
MatMatt/MODIS documentation built on Feb. 1, 2023, 12:39 a.m.