simulateModel: Get the target simulations in a MIDAS design-like or list...

Description Usage Arguments Value See Also


Get the target simulations in a MIDAS design-like or list format Simulate a model for a specified set of perturbation


simulateModel(model_description, targets = "all", readouts = "all",
  inhibition_effect = NA, with_offset = TRUE)



A MRAmodel object that describes the model to be fitted


A matrix of perturbations to simulate, as generated by getCombinationMatrix or "all" to reproduce the perturbations used to build the model A perturbation matrix is filled with 0 and 1, each row is a perturbation set and column names are used to determine the name of the perturbation.


List of nodes to simulate. If "all", all the nodes measured to fit the model will be used. Only nodes actually measured or inhibited for the model can be simulated.


A single value, a list of values or NA. Values in ]0, -inf] to use for the inhibition, representing the log2-fold change in activity of the node (alternatively, a value between 0 and 1 representing the fraction of activity remaining after inhibition compared to basal). If NA, the values fitted for the inhibition will be used, or -1 if an inhibition is requested for a node that was not inhibited in the experiment.


Whether the simulation should include the offset (fitted simulation) or not (real activity prediction)


A list that represents a MIDAS measure-like format with fields 'conditions' the matrix of perturbations provided as 'targets', 'bestfit' the simulation, and 'variants' a list of simulations for the alternative parameter sets from profile likelihood

See Also

Other simulation: getCombinationMatrix, plotSimulation

MathurinD/STASNet documentation built on May 28, 2019, 1:50 p.m.