
Defines functions stata_summary stata_regress stata_use stata_drop stata_clear stata_gen stata_tabulate stata_summarize stata_browse

Documented in stata_browse stata_clear stata_drop stata_gen stata_regress stata_summarize stata_summary stata_tabulate stata_use

#' Browse a Data Frame
#' For when you forget that you're workign in R and use a STATA command instead.
#' @param df a data frame
#' @export
stata_browse <- function(df) {

#' Summarize a Data Frame
#' For when you forget that you're workign in R and use a STATA command instead.
#' @param df a data frame
#' @export
stata_summarize <- function(df, ...) {
  psych::describe(df, ...)

#' Tabulate units by group.
#' For when you forget that you're workign in R and use a STATA command instead.
#' @param df a data frame
#' @export
stata_tabulate <- function(df, grp) {
  if (is.null(grp)) {
  } else {
    group <- enquo(grp)
    df %>%
      dplyr::group_by(!!group) %>%

#' Generate a new variable
#' For when you forget that you're workign in R and use a STATA command instead.
#' @param df a data frame
#' @export
stata_gen <- function(df, ...) {
  dplyr::mutate(df, ...)

#' Clear all memory
#' For when you forget that you're workign in R and use a STATA command instead.
#' @export
stata_clear <- function() {
  rm(list = ls())

#' Drop an object
#' For when you forget that you're workign in R and use a STATA command instead.
#' @param df a data frame (or any other object)
#' @export
stata_drop <- function(df) {

#' Import a data set
#' For when you forget that you're workign in R and use a STATA command instead.
#' @param name the file-name of the data you wish to import
#' @export
stata_use <- function(name) {
  csv <- ".csv"
  xlsx <- ".xlsx"
  dta <- ".dta"
  sav <- ".sav"
  if (grepl(csv, name)) {
  } else if (grepl(xlsx, name)) {
  } else if (grepl(dta, name)) {
  } else if (grepl(sav, name)) {
  } else {
    stop("unknown data type.")

#' Summarize a Regression
#' Reorders summarize(lm()) to allow it to be the last verb of a pipe and operate in one step.
#' @param df a data frame
#' @return A regression summary
#' @export
stata_regress <- function(df, ...) {
    lm(data = df, ...)

#' Output Regression Summary in Stata Format
#' twitter post deleted, author lost to history
#' @param x A regression Model
#' @export
stata_summary <-
  ) {
    # summarize
    mod <- x
    x <- summary(x)

    # find outcome variable
    outcome <- as.character(attr(terms(x), "variables")[[2L]])

    # summary statistics
    ## total sum of squares
    sst <- sum((mod[["model"]][[outcome]] - mean(mod[["model"]][[outcome]], na.rm = TRUE))^2)
    ## sum of squared residuals
    ssr <- sum(residuals(x)^2)
    ## model sum of squares
    ssm <- sst - ssr
    ## number of observations
    n_obs <- length(residuals(x))
    ## number of RHS variables
    n_var <- length(attr(terms(x), "term.labels"))
    ## f-statistic (f, df1, df2)
    fstat <- x$fstatistic
    ## f-statistic p-value
    fstat_p <- pf(x$fstatistic[1L], x$fstatistic[2L], x$fstatistic[3L], lower.tail = FALSE)
    ## r-squared
    rsq <- x$r.squared
    ## adjusted r-squared
    arsq <- x$adj.r.squared
    ## root mse
    sigma <- x$sigma

    # get coefficients
    coefficients <- coef(x)
    ## extract constant, reshape and rename
    const_row <- which(rownames(coefficients) == "(Intercept)")
    coefficients <- rbind(coefficients[-const_row,], "_cons" = coefficients[const_row,])
    ## get confidence intervals
    coefficients <- cbind(
      CI_lower = coefficients[,1L] - (qt(0.975, n_obs-n_var-1L) * coefficients[,2L]),
      CI_upper = coefficients[,1L] + (qt(0.975, n_obs-n_var-1L) * coefficients[,2L])
    ## colnames
    colnames(coefficients) <- c("Coef.", "Std. Err.", "t", "P>|t|", "", "[95% Conf. Interval]")

    ## format columns
    coef_character <- coefficients
    storage.mode(coef_character) <- "character"
    print_width <- function(vec, digits = 7, drop_zero = FALSE) {
      max_digits <- max(nchar(as.character(round(vec, 0))), na.rm = TRUE)
      neg <- (vec < 0)
      lead_zero <- (abs(vec) < 1)
      if (isTRUE(drop_zero)) {
        vec <- sub("^0", "", ifelse(abs(vec) > 1,
                                    sprintf(paste0("%0.", max(c(2L, digits-max_digits)), "f"), abs(vec)),
                                    sprintf(paste0("%0.", digits, "f"), abs(vec))
        vec <- paste0(ifelse(neg, "-", " "), vec)
        #vec <- paste0(ifelse(lead_zero, " ", ""), vec)
      } else {
        vec <- ifelse(abs(vec) > 1,
                      sprintf(paste0("%0.", max(c(2L, digits-max_digits)), "f"), abs(vec)),
                      sprintf(paste0("%0.", digits, "f"), abs(vec))
        #vec <- formatC(abs(vec), digits = 7, width = 7)
        vec <- paste0(ifelse(neg, " -", "  "), vec)
    ### coefficients (7 digits)
    coef_character[,1L] <- print_width(coefficients[,1L], 7, drop_zero = TRUE)
    ### standard errors (7 digits)
    coef_character[,2L] <- print_width(coefficients[,2L], 7, drop_zero = TRUE)
    ### t-statistics (2 digits)
    coef_character[,3L] <- print_width(coefficients[,3L], 2)
    ### t-statistics (3 digits)
    coef_character[,4L] <- print_width(coefficients[,4L], 3)
    ### CI bounds (7 digits)
    coef_character[,5L] <- print_width(coefficients[,5L], 7, drop_zero = TRUE)
    coef_character[,6L] <- print_width(coefficients[,6L], 7, drop_zero = TRUE)
    rownames(coef_character) <- formatC(rownames(coef_character))

    # max variable name length
    max_nchar <- max(c(nchar(rownames(coefficients)), na.rm = TRUE), nchar("Residual"), na.rm = TRUE)

    # print
    nchar_n_obs <- max(c(nchar(as.character(n_obs)), 9L))
    ## summary tables
    fstat_padded <- formatC(paste0("F(", fstat[2L], ", ", fstat[3L], ")"), width = 15, flag = "-")
    ### ANOVA table
    out_mat1 <- matrix(NA_character_, nrow = 6, ncol = 5)
    out_mat1[1L,] <- c("      Source", " | ", "       SS", "          df", "       MS   ")
    out_mat1[2L,] <- c("------------", "-+-", "---------", "------------", "------------")
    out_mat1[5L,] <- c("------------", "-+-", "---------", "------------", "------------")
    out_mat1[c(3,4,6),1L] <- c("       Model", "    Residual", "       Total")
    out_mat1[c(3,4,6),2L] <- rep(" | ", 3)
    out_mat1[c(3,4,6),3L] <- formatC(c(sprintf("%0.5f", ssm), sprintf("%0.5f", ssr), sprintf("%0.5f", sst)), width = 12)
    out_mat1[c(3,4,6),4L] <- formatC(c(fstat[2L], fstat[3L], fstat[2L] + fstat[3L]), width = 9)
    out_mat1[c(3,4,6),5L] <- formatC(c(ssm/fstat[2L], ssr/fstat[3L], sst/(fstat[2L] + fstat[3L])), width = 12, digits = 9)
    ### Summary statistics
    out_mat2 <- matrix(NA_character_, nrow = 6, ncol = 3)
    out_mat2[,1L] <- c("Number of obs  ", fstat_padded, "Prob > F       ", "R-squared      ", "Adj R-squared  ", "Root MSE       ")
    out_mat2[,2L] <- rep(" = ", 6)
    out_mat2[,3L] <- formatC(c(n_obs, sprintf("%0.4f", c(fstat[1L], fstat_p, rsq, arsq, sigma))), width = nchar_n_obs)

    ## print
    out <- apply(cbind(out_mat1, rep("  ", 6), out_mat2), 1L, paste0, collapse = "")
    for(i in seq_along(out)) {
      cat(out[i], "\n")

    ## coefficient table
    cat(rep("-", (max_nchar + 69L)), "\n", sep = "")
    cat(paste0(formatC(outcome, width = max_nchar), " |      Coef.   Std. Err.        t     P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]"), "\n")
    cat(rep("-", (max_nchar + 69L)), "\n", sep = "")
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(coefficients))) {
      cat(paste0(rownames(coef_character)[i], " |  ",
                 coef_character[i,1L], "   ",
                 coef_character[i,2L], "   ",
                 coef_character[i,3L], "   ",
                 coef_character[i,4L], "   ",
                 coef_character[i,5L], "    ",
                 coef_character[i,6L], "   "),
    cat(rep("-", (max_nchar + 69L)), "\n", sep = "")
    # return invisibly
McCartneyAC/mccrr documentation built on March 24, 2024, 5:12 p.m.